What song are you currently listening to?

Modest Mouse, "The World at Large.

I've been listening to this band a lot lately and would enjoy some new stuff by them. Anyway, it is a lovely day in southesat Michigan, so i took a drive on my lunch hour, rolled down the windowns and listened to Modest Mouse.
I had picked up this CD by Pnuma Trio a little more than a year ago, and it probably spent a good month in the CD player before moving onto something else. So while browsing threw my music this morning I came across this album and decided to give it ago, as it had been a while, and it was just as good as ever.

Pnuma Trio - More Samples - Character

I would consider this an average song on the album, not one of my favorites, but still a good track that I enjoy. The album is filled with quality beats throughout, and if you like this track you should go check out some of their other work, pretty good stuff.
It's been awhile since I last posted in this thread. I've missed it but I've gained a lot of songs to post in it. To start off,

Keane - A Bad Dream


During a marathon watching of Scrubs, this song came on in one of the most emotional scenes of the show (Carla finally talks to Laverne on her deathbed for those who watch it). I immediately fell in love with the song and it has quickly rose up to the top of the Most Played list on my iPod. It's a song that I've come to listen to while driving back home from a long day of work.

I am not shy about my sheer love for this band, so it should not be a surprise that when they make a new song, I am all over it. It's just amazing that they can produce such amazing music even after losing a member. All of their work from here on out will be dedicated to Jimmy, and this is a fantastic start. I'm addicted to this song. I feel that it is the perfect song to fit a new zombie map. I am such a huge COD hater but if I wasn't, i'd buy this map pack just for this song alone.
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Gold Lions

I've had this song stuck in my head for about a week now. The lead singer, Karen O, just has one of those unique and amazing voices. After work I will be downloading a bunch of their stuff.
I was listening to a good chunk of music that I had picked up around December 09, that would be about when I shifted into fifth gear and really started enjoying music on a whole different level.

I came across this CD when I was looking for similar artists to an early favorite of my, bluetech, and little did I know at the time but Bluetech, and the artist of the song I'm about to post Killowatts have actually recently collaborated on a full length CD, so I guess I was looking in the right direction.

Killowatts - Hang Gliding - Ground State​

Overall this is probably my favorite solo KilloWatts project, great sounds, great progression, and great production make this one of those CD's that will help pass the time in any kind of situation. His beats are more on the minimalist side of things, but the songs are ever changing and your never stuck listening to the same loop of music over and over again.
I posted this one earlier today in Doc's thread, but this track cannot be contained to just one thread, it's simply simply too awesome and too free to be confined to one single thread for the rest of it's existence. That is why I bring it here, to one of the most popular music threads in the history of WZ, all thanks to you, the people, who bravely venture from the comforts of the sites namesake and spam sections to make intelligent, thoughtful posts about the sounds we hear on a daily basis. So give yourselves a round of applause and snag a free download from The Polish Ambassador to celebrate the occasion.

Ready for the World - Oh Sheila (The Polish Ambassador Remix)

Pure 80's bliss, synth love, and everything glorious about early Polish Ambassador beats. Best free remix you'll get your hands on this year, unless TPA happens to release something better, which is always a possibility.
well im listenin to Put Your Hands Up For Detroit - Fedde Le Grande
because it has a big deep heavy bassline that makes me want to dance like a twat......

I recently took a load of my old CD's to a record store and traded them in for store credit. Using some of that I picked up the Seether- Disclaimer II album, and this is the opening track off it.

Absolutely awesome, I love this kind of massive guitar riff, and the song immediately blew me away, becoming my favourite song of the moment
Our Lady Peace, Stealing Babies.

This is the song that really got me in to Our Lady Peace. I love how they use the same intro riff that Collective used on "The World I Know," just more gritty sounding.

I Fucking love Our Lady Peace and want to see them live again.
KiloWatts - Dub Serious - Ground State

I've really been hitting this KiloWatts CD hard over the last couple of days, and seemingly every track that went unnoticed before has come front and center, the sign of a truly great CD. It's like these beats have been marginating in my brain for over a year and have now reached the maximum capacity for flavor.

This track, Dub Serious, has a funky industrial sound going on; and an obvious dub inspired beat. Not the kind of dub you'd think of either, it's not the Jamaican style dub you'd most likely expect, not is it the current dub you'd hear in the dubstep scene, it's more just the general "rule of dub" mixed with sounds that you would never associate with dub or dubstep. Good stuff, and well worth the listen.
Blondie - Rip Her To Shreds


I've started listening to a lot of Blondie recently. I'm not sure why. I think I just happened to listen to one song and it went on from there. They're a great band. Just damn catchy hooks and a sound which you don't hear often. It's got shades of punk, T-Rex-esque glam rock and and a bit of alternative rock. Really cool.

This is a live version of Rip Her To Shreds as I couldn't find the original recording on YouTube. As is often the case with live music which you're not seeing live, it's not quite as good. But it's passable. It's got a good chorus and Debbie Harry's vocals are just awesome. It's like sometimes she isn't singing, just talking to a tune and over-pronouncing words. It sounds great.

I love this song. The way the singers starts the song sounds like an Alice In Chains song. I recently borrowed the second Puddle Of Mudd album off a friend, and this is probably my favourite track of it, but overall the album wasn't that great.

Definitely worth a listen to this track though.
Lotus - Scrapple - Oil on Glass / Feather on Wood

This right here is some of the most premium instrumental electronic rock that you can get your hands on. Listen to this track and try and tell me you didn't enjoy it, and don't let the word "electronic" throw you off, you wouldn't know if I didn't tell you.

Lotus is either a four or five man group, I don't remember off the top of my head, they basically started off as a jamband with electronic influences, and they still are at hear, just with more experience and better production. Some really good music that's accessible to fans of all music genres, so don't be a bitch and give it a listen.
Immortal Technique - Dance With The Devil


This is seriously awesome. I've only known of Immortal Technique for a few days and he's already becoming one of my favourite hip hop artists. His style and delivery is impeccable and his sound is great, really stripped back. It's the sound I like when it comes to hip hop. I hate stuff which is over-produced.

I'm led to believe that this is one of his most well-known songs. It's a great sample to start with. It works within the song. The lyrics are great. I love songs which are basically stories set to music and this is one of them. The tale is very dark and depressing but it doesn't bother me. The lyrics are still brilliantly crafted.
Green Goblin
By Jae Millz feat. Chris Brown

Young Money Inc.. Fucking gross right? Actually, this song here isn't that bad. In fact, its pretty damn decent. Jae Millz, if I understand correctly, hasn't released an album yet and he's been in the business for ten years. Well, I believe his next album (I don't know the name and don't care enough to look up) could do very well if it features this phenomenal song.

In Green Goblin, he hooks up with Chris Brown. Sounds cool right? But get this, Chris isn't there to give the song a relaxing feel or whatever his singing voice usually accompanies a song with, instead he raps. Yes, Chris Brown spits a very well laid out, very lyrical verse in the middle of the song. And that alone is worth a download. As far a Jae Millz, well, he sounds too good for Young Money and he shouldn't associate himself with Lil Wayne and his Young Money bitches, he's far better than that from what I can tell.

He is someone I would definitely keep my eye on, no matter the record label he's signed to.

I would say Ride The Lightning is my second favourite Metallica album after The Black Album, and this song is an example of why. Pure thrash metal quality, there isnt really much you can say about this.
By Pill

Never heard of this Pill guy until I heard this song on MTV Jams. Its a recession, ghetto blues type song which is very entertaining to listen to. The beat is formed from the noise of glass shattering which gives the song its title. Burying the chorus under a mess of urban noise – from sirens to barking dogs to a respirator – adds to the sense of rap vérité and even if such a characterization sounds corny, nothing in this song does, which is very impressive. He combines his natural techniques with great editing devises heard throughout the song. I may have to look this Pill guy up and get some more songs from him.

I'm fucking hooked on this song. I am always a sucker for speedy rap and this song features some of my favorite fast rappers including Tech which is my absolute favorite. It also has Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes, and some other more unknown dudes I don't know all too well. It has a couple verses from some dudes in other languages, thus the title Worldwide Choppers. It's a follow up to Tech's Midwest Choppers series which I also love immensely.

Instant classic in my opinion.

Eminem & Royce Da 5'9'' - Fast Lane

I'm an absolute, die-hard Eminem fan so therefore I'm gonna love this regardless. But WOW this is absolutely awesome! Eminem's first verse is incredible and the consistant pace he spits the lyrics is insane. Royce Da 5'9" is new to me, personally, and my first impressions are very high. He's an impressive rapper and him and Eminem have produced a song that I haven't stopped listening too for about a week now. The chorus is brilliant, and something I can see being played in clubs everywhere. Excellent song.
Been getting into Mudhoney recently

Mudhoney-Touch Me I'm Sick


They were one of the few Seattle bands that didn't become instantly well known, however they were very influencial (heck they influenced Kurt Cobain no end) and I've been seeing what they could do and they are really great.

From the sole album from the best grunge supergroup. Chris Cornell's voice is fantastic on this slow, moving tune. As a fan of both Pearl Jam and Soundgarden I decided to pick up this album a while back and I am SO glad I did. An absolutely brilliant piece of music, with both heavy and slower songs on it. This is one of the best.

"When you high, 7-Eleven got the best food in the country."

This is my shit. I love these old school feeling tracks with the smooth ass bass lines. Tech still spits like a motherfucker but the beat seems to slow it down a bit and the vocals and the beat just vibe off of one another perfectly. Just an awesome track here and it always goes on my old school rap compilations.
I've got one more KiloWatts track that I wanted to post off the Ground state album, and definitely the favorite of the three that I've posted in the last week.

This tracks grabs your attention from the very beginning, with a very simple dub sounding beat, and steadily builds from there adding layers upon layers of new sounds, never looping never repeating and always evolving. It's a track that gets better with each listen, because there's just too much going on to be able to take it all in on one go.

KiloWatts - Two Parts - Ground State

Hit 'Em High (The Monstars' Anthem)
By B-Real, Busta Rhymes, Coolio, LL Cool J, and Method Man

This shit goes hard no doubt. With huge rap artists like Busta Rhymes, Method Man, Coolio, LL Cool J and B-Real (aka, the lead singer from Cypress Hill). The song hit hard in the '90s. As a young kid, I didn't know a lot about rap. I just kinda listened to whatever I could get my hands on, and the soundtrack from Space Jam, was my main source of music. Every night I would pop the cassette tape in and listen to this song. Hit 'Em High definitely takes me back and reminds me of a simpler time. Now, I listen to the song and realize how big it truly was. When huge rappers like the 5 on this track colloberate, sparks fly. An all around awesome song.

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