What song are you currently listening to?

Kanye West - Stronger

Not a huge Kanye West fan. I don't have anything against him, just don't have much of an opinion on him. However, I do think this is an excellent song. The sampling of Daft Punk's Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger works perfectly as a backing track to Kanye's rapping and it plays almost seamlessly. I was thinking how well this would work for a return vignette for a wrestler after all when there are lyrics such as; 'That that don't kill me can only make me stronger'. The videos also interesting as it's really just a long homage to Akira.
It feels like it's been months since I've actually made a music post, and while I know it hasn't been that long it certainly feels like it. I don't know if I'd call it a music slump or what; but I awoke with the urge to post some new tunes and there's plenty of new tunes to be posted.

I'll get this sucker started off with yet another band from down under, I'll tell you what, I've found more enjoyable Aussie bands over the last year that I have any other type of music, it's like the fucking epicenter for delicious electro pop and I can't get enough.

Literally just about a month ago I was introduced to Bag Raiders, mix that in with Cut Copy and The Presets and we've already got an Electronic Aussie powerhouse combination, well toss in my most recent discovery and we might as well get a little music festival going.

This band goes by the name The Naked and The Famous and they rock my cock in an o so satisfying manner. With many great tracks spread through this CD like a fucking New York City cream cheese schmear I can't help but highly recommend this to everyone.

Here's my favorite track off there debut CD Passive Me, Aggressive You.


When it comes to 90's rap, you really cannot go wrong with a slice of Doggystyle-era Snoop.

Pure gangsta, awesome beat, catchy as fuck. I absolutely love cruising in my BMW with the windows down, shades on, pumping this out of the stereo. Probably my favourite Snoop Dogg track, and one of the greatest rap songs of them all.

Man Snoop used to produce amazing stuff back in the day, its a shame he has moved away from the gangsta stuff to more radio-friendly R'n'B

I've been listening to a lot of Arctic Monkeys earlier music latley, there first and second albums in particular. I hate their latest music, which is very dissapionting as after their first two albums, it looked as if they were going to become my new favourite band.
Señor Anderson;3019878 said:

I've been listening to a lot of Arctic Monkeys earlier music latley, there first and second albums in particular. I hate their latest music, which is very dissapionting as after their first two albums, it looked as if they were going to become my new favourite band.

Coincidentally, I'm listening to their new song they just released today. It's very Humbug-like, yet they moved away from that. They realized they were being a bit one-sided with their first albums, going by on Alex's lyrics and Helder's drumming. Now, on Humbug, they decided to sort of, rather than taking a step back or forward, just take a step to the side. By which, I mean just try to expand what they can be able to play, and the album basically showed the guys are very good and they can do their thing very well. This album is no different, especially in terms of Alex's lyrical work, since all he's doing is just leaving things to the imagination of the listener; instead of giving us a straightaway story (things that were evident in Whatever People Say I Am). It's a cool thing, since they proved they can go back to their basics, take the important stuff, and bring it to their new stuff. What comes from that: Suck It and See.
Coincidentally, I'm listening to their new song they just released today. It's very Humbug-like, yet they moved away from that. They realized they were being a bit one-sided with their first albums, going by on Alex's lyrics and Helder's drumming. Now, on Humbug, they decided to sort of, rather than taking a step back or forward, just take a step to the side. By which, I mean just try to expand what they can be able to play, and the album basically showed the guys are very good and they can do their thing very well. This album is no different, especially in terms of Alex's lyrical work, since all he's doing is just leaving things to the imagination of the listener; instead of giving us a straightaway story (things that were evident in Whatever People Say I Am). It's a cool thing, since they proved they can go back to their basics, take the important stuff, and bring it to their new stuff. What comes from that: Suck It and See.

Now that I look back hate was unfair to say, I just went on these forums after listening to "Brick by Brick" which I just don't like at all. But I quite like Humbug.

Now that the day has pushed on and I'm after my match, I'm looking to wind down and I decided to listen to another Arctic Monkeys song. But it's at a completley different pace. From their third album Humbug, it's Conerstone.

I have just picked up Ice Cube's greatest hits, and am uploading it onto my ipod as I type this. I am listening to the opening track "Pushin' Weight", and it is fucking brilliant.

I know quite a few of the tracks on this album already, but I am absolutely loving this tune. It is exactly the sort of gangsta rap I am into. I hope the rest of the album lives up to this opening track.


Cool video, and SICK beat
S...A...F...E...T...Y...safety dance!


A cheesy 80's song, but it is a classic. Plus, there is a midget in the video and who doesn't love midgets?

Cinderella Man - Eminem

Awesome song!

From Eminem's Recovery album.

Currently listening to it and it's totally reaching me.

He's one hell of a rapper (:
2 Pac's All Eyes on Me album is one of my all time favorites. Right now, this is my favorite track out of both cd's. Heaven Ain't Hard to Find.

This song always puts me in a great mood.
Fizzy Bangers Short Attention Span


I came on here looking for some good songs to put on the iPod, as I used to find great music to listen to on this forum. I still find good songs now and then, but what gets me riled up is the one sentence post. I know sometimes there is not a lot you can say about a song. Try telling us why you like it and how it makes you feel. Maybe you can talk about the first time you heard the song, or a memory it sparks when you hear it.

Another thing that I see and it bothers me is when people just post any ole song the hear. I listen to music every single day, but I don't make a post about the song or songs that I have playing, or the song that was just on in the background of some sitcom. I like when people introduce me to new bands and new styles of music. I never heard of a few of the song found about this forum, but now they can be found on my iPod.

Anyway The song I posted is on the CD Short Music For Short People
I think it is a pretty good CD. It has one hundred and one songs by one hundred and one different bands. All the songs are about thirty seconds long, and some are better than the others as to be expected, but it is a CD I can put on and listen to all the way threw without skipping tracks.

Fucking AWESOME song. I had never really heard much by Screaming Trees, but had loads to spend off an Amazon gift card and saw one of their albums for £2.99 in my "Recommended" section of the site, so I got it

I found out I already had heard this song by them, which I think is one of their most famous? All in all, a great grunge album and this song is absolutely brilliant
50 Cent ft. Nate Dogg - 21 Questions.

I'm proud to say i was a Nate Dogg fan before his death. I never really got into his solo songs but he hands down did the best hooks in hiphop/rap/gfunk.

I was on an awesome site called DatPiff.com which offers free mixtapes to download. They are usually independent DJ's remixes and shit, but then you have some official ones or just compilations. I downloaded "Street Kings Vol 6 (R.I.P. Nate Dogg Edition)" and was baffled by the perfect selection on offer. Not a bad apple in the bunch.

I think the music is the best part of this. Although 50 raps well, I think I could happily listen to an instrumental with the hook. Despite the somewhat sappy lyrics, this song makes me feel happy :)

This song seems appropriate since I will be in the air very shortly.

Not sure who is sing it, or what is going on w/the video, but it is a nice spin on a John Denver classic.
Alter Bridge- Isolation

I've been hearing this song on the radio a lot lately, and I kind of like it. Pretty standard rock song, nothing special. But I enjoy listening to it for some reason. That dude(who bares a similar appearance to Kevin Bacon in my opinion) has a pretty sweet voice and the dudes from Creed have always been pretty decent musicians.
Weezer's, The Odd Couple, from the album Death to False Metal.

This album is a must listen for a Weezer fan.

I love this song b/c quite honestly, my wife and I are opposites. We had no business ever getting together by logic...no common interests at all. But maybe that is what makes us so compatable. Our differences have brought us closer together and helped us grow as people. She has helped me to make positive changes in my life and opened my eyes to a world I would have never seen.

Howlin for you-The Black Keys

I kept hearing this song on the radio and I thought it was neat and different when I first hear it and I enjoyed it. Then I kept on hearing it and liked it even more then more I heard it and eventually I gave in and had to download it. I think its a fun song that's rather an enjoyable song. I don't know anything about the band but I sure as hell love this song.
Blues Traveler "The Hook"

Something about this song always gets to me. Maybe it is John Popper's sweet voice or awesome sideburns...maybe it is just the harmonica....needless to say I'm singing along right now.
Bolt Thrower- Mercenary

About two weeks ago I was at the local tat shop with my friend getting his tats touched up. The artist is a huge metal head and I didn't know that about him at first. It turns out we like alot of the same bands, but he told me to look up this band. I've been looking through their albums for about the last two days. This song so far is one of the best I've gotten. Good shit for a Death metal fan.


I was helping my Dad clear out the garage at my parents house and I found a box of old CDs that I had given Dad to give to charity ages ago and he never got around to doing it. Then I realised I didnt have this on my Ipod, so I saved the single and loaded it on this afternoon.

So crap, but so legendary. I remember LOVING this when it came out.


Weight of the Sun
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

I hadn't even heard of these guys until a couple months ago, but I'm already really starting to like them. This is from Tao of the Dead, their most recent album. I love the dynamic shift in tone between the verse and chorus. My only complaint is that's it's only about two minutes long. Either way, check it out.

I am currently loading the Kid Rock "The History Of Rock" album on to my itunes. I accidentally deleted a few tracks off it, so I need to put them back on.

I first heard this song (or a live version of it) on the American Bad Ass single, it was one of the B-Sides and I liked it then, but I much prefer the album version. Kid Rock sounds so young on this, and its a far cry from the country music he makes now.
I have no idea why this thread has been ignored for a few days, so I will repost and bring it back to life!


In celebration of just buying tickets to see Slash at the Manchester Apollo in July, I am playing a few tracks from his "Snakepit" days. I would LOVE to see this get played live, as I think Myles Kennedy could duplicate the vocals pretty well, albeit in his own style. It will not get played, but I would MTFO if it was!

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