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What Made You Stop Watching TNA?


Getting Noticed By Management
I dont know if this has been done or if its in the right section, but what has made any of you guys stopped watching TNA? I see all the threads and comments about how no one watches TNA anymore....is the storyline, or character? For me personally, the Impact zone has turned me off, and the Orlando Jordan storyline last year turned me to where I havent watched TNA in a year...when was the moment you knew, damn I cant take this anymore? lol
I would say the clusterfuck of close up, shaky camera angles with promos that make no sense. Also, the clusterfuck of run ins, DQs, and brawls. ALSO, the fact that the young guys get no credit, and no recognition. ALSO (God dammit), the fact that their best matches aren't even taped for TV. ALSO (For FUCK'S SAKE!!!), the fact that they use idiotic gimmicks, cheap tactics for ratings (that's why to many, TNA is known as Tits n' Ass), and the fact that for the matter of talent, and the amount of time given, they use none of it usefully!!!!!
The real question is "what was there to keep me watching TNA?". I got into it very briefly when they brought in RVD. Impact was always a mess, but I actually liked what they were trying to do with ReAction, the style in which it was shot and produced and everything. Now that's gone too. There's nothing engaging going on. I'm glad Angle is back in the picture, but just to end up involved in a tasteless angle involving his ex and JJ. You turn on TNA and have no idea what's going on. WWE, you can stop watching for a few weeks and still catch up fairly quickly. Miss a few weeks of TNA, and they've rearranged feuds, made a bigger mess of things, hired and fired people, etc.
TNA is making me stop watching TNA. How? They start a story -line build it up to be exciting and then boom its a dull ending. I think 10-10-10 was a let down, fortune turning on immortal wasn't to shocking anyone with half of brain could see that ''they'' was either MEM or 4tune. Also this JJ and Karen family thing was stupid, how? They bashing kurt all night but kurt is dealing with "they" in the impact zone. And how did we get from the pope losing a coffin match to a monster and now wrestling another monster in Joe. I'm also tired of seeing the same clowns on tv in the front row of the impact zone. TNA needs to hire a real creative writing team, they have talent on the roster but the story-lines are sorry-lines.
The last show I watched was the one before Jeff Hardy turned heel. I was so far gone at that point, though, that I just didn't even care that he turned. Big deal. Who is Jeff Hardy without the WWE? No one. Just like every other WWE guy that has gone to TNA. It just makes you realize that the WWE, with all of its faults, is a marketing machine. I mean, they actually make me care about guys who couldn't draw a dime on their own, like the Hardy's. Two of my favorites at one time, but now I just don't even care that they're even on TV every week, because TNA has no idea how to market its stars.

I am totally on the bandwagon with the Cena haters, but I still get why WWE won't turn him heel. The dude makes a TON of money for them because the kids all dig him and get their parents to spend money on his merch. TNA would have turned him heel and back again six times by now and would have lost out on a ton of cash in the process.

I also loved Kurt Angle in the WWE. He was the guy I looked to when the show was bad to come out and turn things around. It's not like that in TNA. To me, the TNA version of Kurt Angle is a shadow of the guy that held the WWE together when The Rock and Stone Cold left. I don't blame it on Kurt, though. I blame it on TNA for not having one darn clue what to do with real talent or how to market anyone properly. Guys like Kurt Angle and Robert Roode would be selling out arenas and merch everywhere for the WWE, but instead are lucky that even one tenth of the wrestling audience even knows that these guys still wrestle.

The segments in are also way too short, someone turns heel or face every week, they try and "shock" you in every segment and eventually you just become numb to it. It reminds me too much of WCW in the final years when absolutely nothing worked.

When I was watching TNA regularly, I actually missed a week. When I came back two weeks later I didn't even know what the hell was going on anymore. Nothing ties together. Nothing makes sense from week to week, so why would I take any time to invest in any of the characters when they'll just be different next week than they were today?

I want TNA to succeed, but they are so poorly run that I just don't ever see it happening. Yeah, they had a record rating this week. Break that record every week for 26 weeks in a row and then I might start watching again. Maybe.
I was a HUGE TNA fan from its very beginning. They could do very little wrong in my eyes...then 10/10/10 happened. As I watched Jeff Jarrett, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Abyss, and Jeff Hardy in the middle of the ring that night I knew that if I continued watching, I would have to put up with having those guys shoved down my throat every week and in every main storyline for a long time. I was not putting up with that as every single one of those guys are completely worthless. So I gave up. I've tried watching every so often, but every time it was like watching a car wreck. No thank you.
Honestly, I only stopped watching because Thursday Night Football started. I'd still read the results on the web, but I quickly became uninterested with it. After TNF ended, I found that WGN had reruns of How I Met Your Mother at 8 & 8:30, then I'd watch whatever was on Comedy Central (usually reruns of South Park, Tosh.0, or Futurama) and frankly, I found them all more amusing. I tried to watch it again to see how they were going to follow through on this 475th "They" angle this time. Needless to say, it's back to How I Met Your Mother and Comedy Central reruns.
I was watched every single episode of TNA up until Abyss got a hold of Hulk Hogan's HOF ring and began developing superpowers. That's when I knew that the entire January 4th debut of Hogan, Bischoff, and everyone else who debuted that night, was going to be horrible for the company.

TNA changed from having no names do a lot for the company to having big names do nothing for the business.

I couldn't have said it any better than this guy.
What made me stop watching TNA is when i heard that Hogan was going to TNA. at first i thought he was going to do one tv apperence then be behind the sences person. i should have known better. another reason was that there is no more wrestling matches anymore. i remeber the last time i did watch an iMPACT! was not to long ago and i could not stand it it was 1 hour into the show and they didnt have one match. at that ponit i said to myself that im done with TNA for good or until HOGAN and Easy E get off TV.
When WCW invaded WWE, Vince made it so that WCW guys looked weak until they put in their time in WWE. I lost interest when TNA did the ass backwards version of that. If you look around at the biggest guys in TNA this past year, it was Angle, RVD, Hardy, Hogan, Flair, Bischoff and Kennedy. All WWE castoffs. TNA should have made AJ look invincible by having him beat all of them and have a very long run with the belt.

There were 2 moments that turned me from a weekly viewer to a once every couple months viewer.

1. When Jeff Hardy first arrived. He was at the hight of his popularity in the wrestling world. He sung along with his entrance music and nobody in the impact zone reacted. It was then, I realized, more than ever, that TNA needed to take there show on the road. They still haven't.

2. It was said, but the Hogan HOF ring to Abyss. How the hell can you glorify another wrestling company by showing off their HOF ring, and then put it on a terrible wrestler like Abyss, and make him the focal point of the worse storyline I've ever seen.

At that point TNA became unwatchable.
When WCW invaded WWE, Vince made it so that WCW guys looked weak until they put in their time in WWE. I lost interest when TNA did the ass backwards version of that. If you look around at the biggest guys in TNA this past year, it was Angle, RVD, Hardy, Hogan, Flair, Bischoff and Kennedy. All WWE castoffs. TNA should have made AJ look invincible by having him beat all of them and have a very long run with the belt.

There were 2 moments that turned me from a weekly viewer to a once every couple months viewer.

1. When Jeff Hardy first arrived. He was at the hight of his popularity in the wrestling world. He sung along with his entrance music and nobody in the impact zone reacted. It was then, I realized, more than ever, that TNA needed to take there show on the road. They still haven't.

2. It was said, but the Hogan HOF ring to Abyss. How the hell can you glorify another wrestling company by showing off their HOF ring, and then put it on a terrible wrestler like Abyss, and make him the focal point of the worse storyline I've ever seen.

At that point TNA became unwatchable.
Hogan/Bischoff. They completely ruined the reason why I was watching. After the MEM finally ended they were doing the correct thing, pushing people in the impact zone wanted too see. AJ/Daniels/Joe were the ME. Angle vs Wolf, BMI/MCMG/British Invasion, World Elite vs Foley, The knockout division was actually good for once. Hell I enjoyed everything they were doing as it was focusing on the young guys going out there and putting on good matches each week. (Though that Morgan/Hernandez/Pope/Suicide vs 3D/Rhyno/Jesse Neal or who ever it was sucked as it was mostly just giving the faces something to do).

Then Hogan/Bischoff came in, pushing all that aside in favour of the Nasty Boys and Bubba the love and 5 minutes of wrestling each week and an hour of Hogan appearing in every segment. Most of the reasons why i was watching were pushed to the side in favour of all these new "draws".
When WCW invaded WWE, Vince made it so that WCW guys looked weak until they put in their time in WWE. I lost interest when TNA did the ass backwards version of that. If you look around at the biggest guys in TNA this past year, it was Angle, RVD, Hardy, Hogan, Flair, Bischoff and Kennedy. All WWE castoffs. TNA should have made AJ look invincible by having him beat all of them and have a very long run with the belt.

Wait... are you seriously using an example of WWE's most failed angle in the history of the company as to what TNA should have done? TNA cannot afford to bury the competitors stars like WWE did to WCW's guys in 2001. They are not the #1 wrestling company in the world. WWE wasn't only #1, they were the only place a wrestler could make money in 2001.

Vince McMahon built the WWF in the 1980's using wrestlers that he bought from AWA and the various NWA territories. Hogan (AWA), Piper (Mid-Atlantic), Big John Studd (NWA), Ricky Steamboat (NWA), Terry Funk (NWA) and several other "cast-offs" from other companies filled the WWE's roster during the glory days of WrestleMania. Nobody was complaining that Andre The Giant was being buried or not headlining every WrestleMania.

I am seriously sick of people saying AJ Styles is underutilized. He was the world champion from September 2009 till April 2010, longest reign in TNA history. Matt Morgan, Jay Lethal, Abyss, Hernandez, Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, Generation Me, Ink Inc, Kazarian, Samoa Joe and The Pope have all gotten a tremendous amount of TV time and character development over the past 12 months. All these guys are original TNA characters.

Could these guys be pushed more? Absolutely but considering AJ Styles closed last week's program with a hot promo that had people talking all week and was made to look like a star (putting Jeff Hardy in the styles clash), Abyss was pushed for a better part of 2010, Motor City Machine Guns almost had the longest tag team title reign in the history of the company (by 2 days to AJ Styles/Tomko, who's reign wasn't nearly as eventful) and Beer Money is once again at the top of the tag team title scene, I just don't see much more TNA can do right now for the "home-grown talent" (whatever that means).
to be honest the point for me was when the show pretty much became about immortal and fortune, with what a few people who were not involved in them i did not watch for a while and once in a while i catch a glimpse of the show and the last one i caught was when the stuff started with angle, his ex, and jeff that is just the most obvious and odd story line for a WRESTLING show its not a daytime soap opera ya know! i know wrestling is a improve or scripted show but a love/hate triangle was just a little too odd..... anyone agree?
It's so goddamnn frustrating! They build up Lethal to have him job to Robbie E, the put all their time into Immortal only to make them look piss weak and break them up, don't even get me started on Pope's horrible heel turn, what in the fuck are the doing with Gen ME and Ink Inc., they built Morgan up to take the belt from Hardy only to have his moment stolen by Mr. Anderson, I can't even list any more. Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S Sorry about the rant
I never stopped watching TNA & never will as long as it exists. It isn't always great I admit but it can't get better unless we support it & let it grow. It's not without it's good points after all.
Stopped after Genesis 2006 when Angle beat Joe to end his winning streak. That shit pissed me off to no end.

Started again in May 2009 and quit when Angle won the world title at Slammiversary that year because that also pissed me off.

Started again on Jan 4 and Angle hasn't won the title yet so I haven't stopped.
I haven't stopped watching TNA. Infact, the only reason I haven't watched in recent weeks has been the fact Impact lost its spot on a UK network after the channel was cancelled. It only returned this week, and I have recorded the show to watch later.

I have always enjoyed TNA, no matter the year. I sometimes get irritated by the inane storylines and never-ending run-ins/Jarrett guitar shots, but I usually really enjoy most of the in-ring action, and most of my favourite wrestlers have appeared in TNA over the years.

Kurt Angle
AJ Styles
Christopher Daniels
Rob Van Dam
Ken Shamrock
Jerry Lynn

The list goes on. I usually prefer the TNA style of wrestling compared to the more "punch and kick" based offense shown in WWE currently. Even from the early days of the company, I watched the programming. From the days at the Asylum, to the rise and subsequent fall of the X-Division, to the current crop of veterans dominating the programming I have followed the development of TNA. I have always liked the opportunity to see different wrestlers than the WWE roster, including stars who I have always enjoyed and who are longer with the 'E.

Yes, I admit that the amount of time old has-beens take up on TNA's recent programming has turned me off a little, and the shows have been better in the past, but I am extremely interested in Jeff Hardy's recent Raven-esque character development and his promotion to the main guy in the company, and I always look forward to any Kurt Angle or AJ Styles match- they always deliver. The rise of Mr Anderson and the new face Fortune are more reasons why I will continue to tune in to TNA as well as WWE.

In fact, the only time I was considering stopping watching was during Jeff Jarrett's never ending title run, where EVERY match was ended with a ref bump/guitar shot/run in, that was beginning to bore me. However, the fact that Raven was on his quest for the TNA was just enough to encourage me to watch, and it was a great moment to see him finally achieve it in 2005 at Slammiversary.

TNA is not perfect, it is not even close to being perfect but I am able (unlike some) to try and ignore some of the awful product the company puts out in order to enjoy the bits I do like, of which there are many. Same with WWE, some of their programming is just terrible, with some really poor wrestlers, but I still enjoy large portions of their show and am a fan of some of their wrestlers, which is why I continue to watch both brands.

TNA offers some things WWE cannot, and vice versa. I would class myself as a fan of both shows definitely.
Where's the bash WWE threads? Where's the uproar that Booker T got thrown out in 2 Mins by Nexus, then Cena comes out and destroys them by himself? Where is the uproar that Hornswoggle ran ramshot on wrestlers for 15 mins? Or how bout Santino almost winning the rumble? Or how bout Super-Cena making Nexus ( who looked strong until then ) look like a joke at Summerslam? Or how bout that ridiculously embarrassing Bret/Vince match? Or how the ex-main eventer Sheamus is being booked WEAKLY building up toward a return feud with HHH? Or how about Jerry Lawler being number one contender?

The majority of people that go onto these wrestling sites support WWE through its ups and downs? But they make it as if TNA cant have a down and it has to run flawlessly. Get the fuck outta here lol.

Take that same love and support that you give to WWE and give it to WRESTLING as a whole if youre a WRESTLING fan. If I was just a WWE fan like most of yall. I would just stick to WWE dedicated sites. But alas im a wrestling fan and I support all wrestling through its ups and downs ( including indies ) for the BETTERMENT of the PRODUCT.

You can watch the product on TV and hate it. But you can let your voices be heard and still support it. I imagine that most of yall are true sports fans right? Lets say your team has a 3-13, 19-63, or a 57-105 losing season. Does that mean youre gonna give up all hope on them? If youre true to your team and sport you wouldnt. So why not give wrestling that kinda support? If you did, wrestling might get back to the thriving entertainment it once was.

Cause for the american wrestling fan its boring having one company having a monopoly or almost having a monopoly for 10 years. From the 70's to 2001 it was the best time to be a WRESTLING fan cause you had more than one company to watch ( sometimes 3 or 4 ). Lets get back to that, the more wrasslin the merrier :).
When TNA was a weekly PPV, I didn't miss a single episode. I followed the show as best I could once they came to cable. After Hogan/Bischoff, I stopped watching for a while, but recently I've read some spoilers and checked out the show a few times. With that being said, I'll now give a reason why TNA COULD become very watchable from this point.


Did you see the promo AJ cut after hitting a flawless Styles Clash on Jeff Hardy last week? That was one of the best segments on TNA wrestling since I've started watching again. Flair wasn't doing the talking and it didn't matter. Fourtune still felt legitimate. If Immortal wasn't such a lame, throw together faction, the upcoming feud with Fourtune could be fantastic. Good things will come of it regardless. AJ will have phenominal matches with Jeff. At least there's that.

I've never been a TNA diehard, but I've been a wrasslin fan for over 20 years. I've seen lengthy periods of good, bad and horrible, but I'm still a fan of pro wrestling. TNA isn't nearly as cool as the NWA, AWA, WCW or WWF of old, but they're the first "competition" WWE has had for a long time. If more fans would stop making it about "WWE vs TNA" and begin making it "Hey, there's another wrestling show to watch" things would be better.

Sorry for ranting, but I figured I'd discuss my feelings about TNA in general instead of specifying the moment that I stopped watching.
A lack of interest in the story, combined with the rise of The Hulk + Eric Show. Never liked HH and EB; for me, they have been drawing XPac heat since almost 1990. So naturally, when you bring them in and make them the focal point of the show, I'm going to be a lot less interested. I stopped watching TNA because they stopped giving me a reason why I should watch.

I'll get to the specific moment I stopped watching TNA in a moment; but first, ask yourself a question that was asked by Mr_Ratings; why does TNA catch crap for their lousy writing, while the WWE gets a pass?

The answer is in what the story is about. A good story- any story, from "War and Peace" to "Curious George Cooks Some Meth", speaks to our morals, and professional wrestling is no difference. In its most basic form, professional wrestling is a morality play with fake accolades to fight over. The WWE is offering a fairly bland script right now, but they're sticking to basics. A cocky, arrogant heel eventually gets shut up by the strong, smooth-talking guy with good manners. Human traits that are undesirable are mocked and defeated; desirable traits are exalted and glorified. There's a reason Steph's hired a room full of 20-year olds for creative; they work cheaper and this stuff really isn't that hard.

In those veins, what does TNA offer? How does Fortune turning on Immortal affect my own personal moral compass? (If it's good writing, it should, but it doesn't. All good writing has an emotional impact; I'm not prepared to argue that statement, because third-grade teachers should have already made that point for me.) TNA's writing exists in a zone of moral ambiguity; instead of the heels existing to give contrast to the traits of the face, the face exists to give the heels someone to beat. There is no personal investment into the product; just looking at these boards alone, some of their biggest boosters aren't fans because of the excellent storycrafting, but because they want to watch wrestling and really don't like the WWE.

As for the moment I stopped watching? October 14th, 2010. The "THEY" storyline ended exactly as most people thought, with Hulk + Eric going "it was me, Austin, it was me all along." But they did throw one surprise in there- Jeff Hardy's heel turn. And as disappointed as I was in the "They" reveal, I thought I'd turn on Impact to see how TNA was building on it. Would a heel Jeff Hardy become the focal point of the product? That was a development I could have gotten into! But instead, the show started with Hulk + Eric talking for 25 minutes about how great they are. (If I thought either man had a shred of humility in him to begin with, I could have read that as a plot point, but they don't.) Jeff Hardy comes out 25 minutes into the product. Here it is, I thought- the big "it's my time" moment from Jeff Hardy where he gives us the "why I did what I did" speech.

Instead, he stammers for 45 seconds and then passes the mic back to Bischoff.

It was then that I realized that nothing had changed, and that nothing would change so long as Hulk + Eric are affiliated with TNA. Considering that the only place I'd like to watch Hulk + Eric on television would be as the protagonist in a real-life rendition of "The Running Man", and that TNA would continue to center around them, I came to the conclusion that TNA had offered me nothing, and did not appear as if they would offer me anything to be interested in in the near future.
Good reply Rayne.... But to me its still about supporting wrestling as a whole. If everybody just quit watching TNA cause of this or that, then all we would have is WWE on TV. And I'm a wrestling traditionalist, so only having one company who has just as many flaws as TNA outside of money and fanbase, is boring to me.

I said this plenty of times in other posts. TNA is only in its 9th year. In WWE's 9th year they were still owned by NWA and getting owned by other NWA territories. Wrestling companies are fickle and they need to withstand the test of time to develop a substantial fanbase.
All this talk about TNA not sticking to the script has got me thinking.... Last year Edge returned to the Royal Rumble as a face. Then 3 months later hes a heel for ONE feud. Then Nexus comes along and he's a tweener. Then he gets sent to Smackdown to become a face.

In 1 1/2 years time he went from heel, to face, to heel again, to tweener, to face again. WTF! lol
The majority of people that go onto these wrestling sites support WWE through its ups and downs? But they make it as if TNA cant have a down and it has to run flawlessly. Get the fuck outta here lol.

I just needed to say before I got the actual question, this is absolutely true. People refuse to realize that even though TNA has been around eight going on nine years, it's still in comparison to the WWE and infant. They're a company that is still trying to break out into the spotlight of sorts, something that it took the WWE years to do, and that was back when wrestling was much more popular than it is today.

Anyways, onto the question. I have yet to give up watching TNA completely, and I doubt I ever will no matter what they do. The only time I came close to just giving up completely was when they were having Christopher Daniels job out to everyone and everything towards the end of his run with the company. But even things like that couldn't get me to just quit watching. Why? Simple, it's because I'm a wrestling fan and at the end of the day no matter how much I may disagree with some of the decisions made in TNA it's wrestling, it does have storylines that do have the ability to draw my interest, and it has wrestlers who I like to watch. The day those three things stop, is the only time I will stop watching TNA.
I dont know if this has been done or if its in the right section, but what has made any of you guys stopped watching TNA? I see all the threads and comments about how no one watches TNA anymore....is the storyline, or character? For me personally, the Impact zone has turned me off, and the Orlando Jordan storyline last year turned me to where I havent watched TNA in a year...when was the moment you knew, damn I cant take this anymore? lol

Sorry but you guys amaze me at times, are you serious?
"no on watches tna anymore" its just had its second highest ever rating in history and you class that as "no one watching it"? Its real easy to make a thread getting everyone to bash tna in fact i bet theres loads. Tna makes mistakes so what. If you look wwe have stupid story lines and charicters aswell. Hornswoggle trying to hit one of them mexican sweet things 10 feet in the air why dont you bash that? Santino what a about him and the cobra? are you freakng kidding me. The wwe tag championships look like ass. What about wwe dropping the womens belt and keeping the divas belt eh? what bout that stupid nexus story line where cena was fired yet he was running round backstage no one stoppin him with his ring gear and kneepads still on. What about swagger and his stupid mascot every week or the spirt squad a couple years ago. Snitskty, mike knox, mark henry all the same carbon copy heel charicters of each other that all failed as heels(i know henrys face now).What about vince destorying wrestling by buyin out ecw and wcw for his own greed. The ratingings used to get 8 now they barly get a 4. And this stage, the stage that tna has made is the recovery stage imo where tna is slowly but surely gettn to that 2.0 mark. I can go on and on and still be writing about wwes mistakes this time next week but i would be pretty pointless.Thing is tna makes mistakes and every1 rips them "im never watching this again blah blah blah" but wwe makes the same mistakes and nothings said about it. All of them reasons where enough to make people including me stop watching wrestling. But guess what i love wrestling so i take the good with the bad...you guys should to. :blush: You guys should be licking jarrett and dixies boots for giving us another company that isnt vinces crap but instead its bash bash bash all the time. And you call yourself fans...

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