What is the big problem with the Nasty Boys???

My issue is not with Saggs, as he is in decent shape, considering his age. My issue is with Knobb's. I like his personality and he seems like a likable guy, but for Hogan to get him a job and to come in so out of shape is embarrassing.
I don't see what the problem really is man. Why the fuck shouldn't the Nasty Boys be on TV? They are fun to watch. Their gimmick is two fat Nasty mother fuckers, and they play it too PERFECTION.

Who should be feuding with Team 3D? Motor City? No, I'd prefer them with Generation Me. Cons. Creed? Release them they are shit. Beer Money? I'd prefer them to fight the British Invasion or Hall/Nash like they are doing. Hernandez/Morgan? They just feuded with them.

Now they get to work with Veterans, and get to show the young guys how to fucking WORK A FEUD and draw heat and pops from the crowd. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you not like to watch wrestling? Do you not like people who are OVER? Do you not like storytelling, and do you not like old school style promos?

I'm hearing that they are taking face time from TNA Originals. Fuck that, I don't give a shit about that. Eric Young can't cut a fucking promo and get me excited like the one Knobbs cut on Team 3D this Thursday, nor can any of the other "originals". Now they have more vets than just Team 3D and Angle, and can see how its done.

You all need to realize that the Nasties are there to ultimately show guys how its done. They are LEGENDS. I like them, and I'm glad they are in TNA.
Well everyone is watching so they're doing the job they were brought in to do very well. I enjoy watching them even though I love when Bubba puts em down hard, its hiliarous because it is true.

Everyone who complains about TNA wants it to be the way it was, yet they werent there watching it in droves and giving it 3.0 ratings or more.
The problem with the Nasty Boys is that they're fat, old, suck on the mic and are worse in the ring. Worst of all, they're Hogan's boys.
I love me some Nasty Boys. They crack me up like no other. Yeah they aren't spectacular in the ring, but they are decent on the stick and can draw some serious heat. I don't see them staying in TNA very long. Maybe one program or two after they are finished up with Team 3D. Hell they might be done after Team 3D. But the Nastys are a great team and are solid tag team specialists. So I have no problem whatsoever with them being in TNA.
I don't like them at all, for two reasons. One is that I have had my fill of them from their time in the 90s. I'm sure they'll have a brutal match with the Dudleys but I don't really see where it will go from there. The TNA tag division is built with wrestlers who won't really click with the Nastys, not in my estimation anyway. I don't like them in TNA, but I didn't like them 15 years ago, I think their promos are cumbersome and I just don't think there's anything remotely watchable about them.

The fact that they haven't been on television since 1997, and one of them retired that year would tell me that they aren't really in the public conscience, and I wouldn't really describe the reaction to them as being rapturous. They are abrasive personalities, and they have a lot of backstage issues with a lot of people, and I think they will ultimately be more trouble than they are worth.
As stated above, The Nasty Boys haven't been on TV in over 10 years. There is a reason for this, people are not interested in them any more. They can't draw and the only reason they are in TNA is because they are Hogan's buddies.

They belong on a nostalgia wresting card, not on prime time TV every week. Nobody is going to be turning to TNA or buying PPvs because of them. They are in a program with Team 3D, fine, it's never been done before to my knowledge because the Nastys haven't been relevant in over 10 years. However, I'm hoping it doesn't last past the next PPV because there is no way that TNA is going to be take seriously on Mondays against RAW with The Nasty Boys on the show.
When the Nasty Boys showed up 1/4 i thought o yay another worthless sign up, but fueding with Team 3D might not be too bad considering both teams have been doing the same thing for the past 14 years or more. Straight up brawling, it wont get ratings but it will be better than watching the guns job:banghead:

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