What is the big problem with the Nasty Boys???

Look at this way of all the tag teams in TNA how many have held the wwe tag belts, besides team 3d? Now TNA can say that they have more former wwe champions. This in turn gives them more credibility when facing off against wwe. To be honest before they went head to head a few mondays ago I had only watched TNA maybe twice but since then Im a fan. I want TNA to become huge so us, the fans, can have monday night wars part 2. and i hope the nasty boys win the tag belts.
At first I was disappointed (not surprised, given they are Hogan's buddies) when they showed up on Impact. But, then they were thrown into a feud with Team 3D. Sure, it may benefit neither team, as both 3D and the Nastys are some of the most recognizable teams ever. But, then again, the rivalry is holding none of the young guns in the tag team division back at all.

You have two future main-eventers, Morgan and Hernandez, as the champs. Beer Money is still around, and they won their match against the Band at Genesis. You have the Motor City Machineguns, who are still way over despite being fucked around with a lot. And, lest we not forget Generation Me, who won their debut match against the Guns...one week removed from Hogan's "arrival" in the company.

I'm like Sid, I'm all for nostalgia. The Nasty Boys were one of my favorite tag teams growing up, and their gimmick remains timeless. Just be thankful they weren't thrown into a series of matches with, say, the Guns or Morgan and Hernandez. A feud with some of the young guys would do nothing but expose their weaknesses and limitations in the ring, and give their detractors more ammunition for threads like this.

At least a 3D / Nastys rivalry will provide some fun brawls. They won't be pretty, but they'll be fun to watch I think. And what's wrong with that?
Sid, ill be looking for you in this one....

Honestly though, you have some people on this site becoming fucking LIVID when the Nasty Boys DARE to show up on screen.....Um, just why exactly? They are over, experienced, entertaining, and a credible, actual, tag team. The combination of things I have just named dont just fall out of fucking trees these days.

People have the fucking ignorance to sit there and say "ZOMG THEY IS SO OUT OF SHAPES"....Have you ever fucking SEEN a Nasty Boys match? They look damn near the exact same as they did 15 years ago!!! :lmao: What the FUCK are you talking about? Do they get blown up during the match? Shit yea, they do, thats sorta part of the point of the characters.

They are fat, nasty, ignorant slobs. Damn entertaining ones, too. The only way people could get so passionately negative about them being on TV has to be some manner of pre conceived anger toward them, TNA, and Hulkster. Those people make themselves look extrenely stupid, and petty.

I seen and heard all of these people complaining about the Nasty Boys coming back and I was one of those in the closet saying Hell Yeah!!! :lmao:

I've always been a fan of them since the 90s and seeing them start a feud off with the Dudleys is just gold to me. The first thing that popped in my head were those old WCW Nasty Boys tornado tag falls count anywhere matches destroying and concession stands and such. That's what I wanna see out of these two teams!!!!

Even though Knobbs looks like complete shit physically, in the ring I was shocked on how well he could still move. Sags really hasn't changed at all since the 90s. Plus their match against Nash and EY was entertaining and it was great seeing the pitstop and those body splashes in the corner again! I was marking out hard for them. I'm all for the return of the Nastys and it'll be interesting to see if they're just in for this one feud or if they're going to be around to get over some of the younger teams as well. Looks like TNA made a stop in Nastyville, USA!!!!
I have been saying it all along. A wrestling company always does better with Entertainers than great in ring wrestlers. NWO was filled with Hogan,Nash and Hall all good entertainers but average at best in the ring. The biggest drawing star of WWE history Stone Cold Steve Austin filled up the ring with punch and kicks rather than wrestling moves. Even ECW had Credible,Dreamer,Raven and Sandman main eventing and winning more titles than RVD or Jerry Lynn.

I would rather see the Nasty Boys entertaining me than Eric Young jumping around the ring like everyone else in TNA can do. Eric isnt entertaining on the mic. He isnt over. AJ styles will never be over on a national level which is why they put him with Flair. Aj cannot entertain but can move about in the ring. If you think back in recent history only a few guys can entertain and wrestle HBK,Undertaker,The Rock those are a select few who come to mind.

TNA needs entertainers and no matter if you agree or disagree the ratings are up people. Hogan and Bishoff Hall Waltman Nash Nasty Boys they are all entertainers and now TNA has a show flooded with these guys and the ratings are as high as they have ever been. WRESTLING IS 75% ENTERTAINMENT AND 25% WRESTLING TALENT. Steve Austin could wrestle in WCW he was never really over past a mid card level. He dropped the wrestling and picked up a mic in WWE and is one of the biggest stars of all time.

I dont know why people complain about there old TNA days. TNA ratings are up by going against what the complainers want so the ones who bitch clearly do not know what they are talking. Hogan and Bishoff have taken this company futher than it has gotten in the years it has been on spike in just a couple of weeks!!
SO far im seeing the following

Hogans buddies



Doesnt appeal to the demographic

Well, alright, lets go ahead and break these down.

Hogan's buddies - So wait, could anyone explain to me why this is even remotely relevant? They are over, entertaining, and a true tag team, with characters, who have had a very successfull carreer....the fuck difference does it make that they are Hulks friends?

Old - Er, so what, so are plenty of others. You guys are acting like the whole two fucking hour show was about The Nasty Boys. As much as I would love that, alas, it is not the case. They were in one fucking segment. Get your panties out of a bunch. They arent taking up so much of this ALL important time you all seem to think. They do however, provide vareity, characters, and spoils for younger teams

Fat - Well no shit. Refer to my first post, and stop acting like an idiot.

Doesnt appeal to demographic - the fuck they dont. I happen to be in that demographic, as are most of the people who have supported them in this thread. I suppose the ENTIRE demographic just out and out doesnt enjoy characters, and real tag teams? Wrong. Just pretentious smarky pricks. Which is NOT what TNA wants to cater too, since they want to make money. Hello.
I think this poster made some pretty good points NorCal.

Wait, iMPACT! was still in Florida last night, right? I don't think we can really use them as a measure of how over The Nasty Boys - or anyone, for that matter - are. They pop big for anything. I could go out there and take a shit and they'd pop for it, the sick fucks. They even pop for Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett.

I haven't been watching wrestling for twenty years and I didn't watch WCW, so my knowledge of The Nasty Boys is limited. I just sat there blankly when they turned up. It's not like I expected better of TNA.

Anyway, if their point is to be overweight, look like shit and fail to entertain me then I've gotta say it's just gone way over my head. Their promos have been appalling so far. This shit might have used to fly back in the 90's but my God, they are such bad actors - it's like they're not even sure what they're meant to do and they have to be driven round by whoever else is in the scene with them. When they were just by themselves in 3D's locker room, the scene went like this:

"[Indecipherable, possibly cultish yelling]"
"[Indecipherable, possibly cultish yelling?]"
"[Indecipherable, possibly cultish yelling!]"

I haven't watched iMPACT! yet but I'm sure their match was suitably terrible.

I just skimmed it for "old", "fat", "Hogan's buddies" and "demographic" and couldn't find anything. I did find "overweight" though - a synonym for fat! The dastardly bastard must have been trying to cover it up.

But anyway, I just got through with watching the highlights of their match on YouTube and it wasn't terrible. That's not to say I enjoyed it, but really, what do I enjoy? Furthermore, it's not to say I want to see more of The Nasty Boys in TNA. Fuck it, I can always just change the channel.
I gotta admit, as a Fan of Nastyville, i thoght that match against Nash & Young was terrible. Since we already know that the Nasty's & the Dudley's are gonna be brawling, they should've been put in the ring already. And since both teams aint the most technically sound duo, :lmao:, bring out the tables and chairs. As an old-school wrestling fan, i'm glad both teams are still trying to put on a show in TNA. isn't what this is all about ?
TNA have built in Hogan, the nasties, etc now. They brought in Raven,Douglas etc a few months ago. Totally Nostalgic Action!!

and tell me, exactly what is wrong with that? The Nasties, Hulk Hogan, and Raven have had more success, and made more money than the entire original TNA roster combined, and then doubled. You smarks need to stop being so delusional, stop kidding yourselves, seriously.
I think this poster made some pretty good points NorCal.

I just skimmed it for "old", "fat", "Hogan's buddies" and "demographic" and couldn't find anything. I did find "overweight" though - a synonym for fat! The dastardly bastard must have been trying to cover it up.

But anyway, I just got through with watching the highlights of their match on YouTube and it wasn't terrible. That's not to say I enjoyed it, but really, what do I enjoy? Furthermore, it's not to say I want to see more of The Nasty Boys in TNA. Fuck it, I can always just change the channel.

I looked away from it, becuase of my love for you. Well, now you have personally called me out, and forced my hand.

So im going to have to say.....uh, im not really getting what you want out of me here....so YOU dont like the Nasty Boys...well, the company catered to YOU back before they were anything to be taken seriously, so, uh, yea. Also, ive taken quite a bit of note, that you dont really like much of anything out the era the Nasties come from, so. Yea. Sorry they dont do flippies, which is something I have noticed you enjoy a lot of as well.

Well, unfotunately, TNA doesnt need to cater to a audience of one, esepcially one as creepy as yourself. Also, its rather unfortunate for your argument that The Nasties have more success and legitimacy than all the tag teams in TNA combined.

You never really gave much of a tangible reason WHY you didnt like them, you just said "I dont like them, they are shit" or something to that effect. Well, I DO like them, and im bigger than you, so, at the very least, we have evened each other out.

You might switch the channel, but I dont. and im a new veiwer. One who will pay to watch the PPVs. Whom do you think TNA should try harder to please?
So long as the Nasties do not outstay their welcome, do their and put over the younger better talent, then I don't have a problem. They should serve their purpose perfectly adequately as a kind of jobber to the stars. They are not good enough now to deserve any more than that, IMO.
So im going to have to say.....uh, im not really getting what you want out of me here....so YOU dont like the Nasty Boys...well, the company catered to YOU back before they were anything to be taken seriously, so, uh, yea.

Well, I'm sure the company may have catered for my general demographic before the pre-Hogan era. However, let me assure you - I certainly didn't feel catered towards. I maintain that TNA was underwhelming before The Nasty Boys, is underwhelming with The Nasty Boys and will be underwhelming after The Nasty Boys.

Also, ive taken quite a bit of note, that you dont really like much of anything out the era the Nasties come from, so. Yea. Sorry they dont do flippies, which is something I have noticed you enjoy a lot of as well.

I'm afraid you've been misinformed. The only two cruiserweights I enjoy at the moment are Alex Shelley and AJ Styles. The former is a wrestler heavily influenced by the likes of Dean Malenko and does no flips and the latter is the best high flyer in wrestling today bar none. AJ Styles' spots and bumps fit perfectly within the match and have a rhyme and reason to them all.

Surely you'll remember my scathing review of the Steel Asylum match a couple of weeks ago? The match included eight X Division stars and you couldn't move for acrobatics. Needless to say, I thought it was awful. I think all those sort of matches are awful. I certainly thought it was much worse than what I saw from The Nasty Boys against Kevin Nash and Eric Young.

I enjoy the work of John Cena, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker and Edge - men who very rarely do moves of the flipped variety.

Not to mention that I don't even see the problem with liking flippies. They're big exciting spots that one should look forward to. Spots and bumps are there to be looked forward to, surely. A wrestler that displays an incredible amount of athleticism shouldn't be criticised for it. They should only be criticised for it if they're a one trick pony that can do nothing but flips. I'm looking at you, Amazing Red.

Well, unfotunately, TNA doesnt need to cater to a audience of one, esepcially one as creepy as yourself. Also, its rather unfortunate for your argument that The Nasties have more success and legitimacy than all the tag teams in TNA combined.

Without a Wikipedia entry at hand, I'm afraid I'm completely unaware of The Nasty Boys' success. I think many TNA fans may feel the same. I mean, we had The Steiner Brothers a few years back and I actually knew who they were. Shit, Team 3D are feuding with The Nasty Boys and they're generally recognised as the best tag team of all-time, or the most prestigious or whatever.

The only time I've seen The Nasty Boys out in front of a live TNA audience, they've got a fairly decent reaction. Compare this to, say, The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me last week. OK, yeah - flippies, but that's not the point. The point is that the crowd was fucking hot for that; much hotter than they were for TNB (I need an acronym!) match.

That's not say that I accept the iMPACT! crowd as a measure of popularity, nor accept your assertion that The Nasty Boys are over.

You never really gave much of a tangible reason WHY you didnt like them, you just said "I dont like them, they are shit" or something to that effect. Well, I DO like them, and im bigger than you, so, at the very least, we have evened each other out.

I gave two very good reasons for not liking them, so if I may refer back:

1) They're not over, the iMPACT! crowd just gives that illusion.

Me said:
Wait, iMPACT! was still in Florida last night, right? I don't think we can really use them as a measure of how over The Nasty Boys - or anyone, for that matter - are. They pop big for anything.

2) They're bad actors and thus produce bad promos and segments.

Me again said:
This shit might have used to fly back in the 90's but my God, they are such bad actors - it's like they're not even sure what they're meant to do and they have to be driven round by whoever else is in the scene with them. When they were just by themselves in 3D's locker room, the scene went like this:

"[Indecipherable, possibly cultish yelling]"
"[Indecipherable, possibly cultish yelling?]"
"[Indecipherable, possibly cultish yelling!]"

Put them after a Scott Steiner segment and that'd be fine, but they're on the same show as the likes of Kurt Angle, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Ric Flair, AJ Styles (yes, AJ Styles) - some of the best promo cutters in the business. Even Team 3D cut competent promos. Well, Brother Ray cuts competent promos and allows Devon to yell at the end.

Furthermore, I enjoy a brawl as much as the next man. Steve Austin, The Rock and Mick Foley are some of my all-time favourite wrestlers and the basis of their arsenal was oh-so-definitely brawling.

I'd also question the "prestige" that The Nasty Boys carry with them. I personally think that tag teams have next to no name value - unless, of course, they're made up of wrestlers that were big names in their own right. No tag team ever main evented WrestleMania. Well, actually... but Mr. T didn't come along with Hulk Hogan, did he? I've seen no evidence that TNB are more over than the likes of the Machine Guns, Beer Money, Matt Morgan and Hernandez or even Generation Me.

You again said:
You might switch the channel, but I dont. and im a new veiwer. One who will pay to watch the PPVs. Whom do you think TNA should try harder to please?

Considering they expect me to wait ten hours and pay extra money for their pay-per-views, I think me. Not to mention they also want me to switch TV providers. They're gonna have to put in a lot of effort.

On a more serious note, I don't see this new approach as being any more successful than the old approach. There was a brief and none-too-huge spike in the ratings but they've since returned to normality.

Whatever TNA do, they're stuck with the TNA effect, which I've described several times. For you, I'll repeat it.

The basic principles of the TNA effect:
  • Ratings will increase at a gradual, steady and regular rate no matter what the TNA product actually contains.
the big problem is theyre fat and useless. nobody wants to see these guys and it does nothing for tna. if a team like MCMG beats the nasty boys, does it really help their career...not really. if MCMG beat rhino and jesse neal it would mean more. ok mayboe not really but u get my point. ive read alot that everybody helps their friend yada yada yada. u and ur friends dont run a tv show that has to draw a crowd(not live cuz its free, i mean ratings), and after the nasty boys gets nasty and shits themselves in the ring, nobody is care about either of em.
without reading any posts here my only problem with them is mainly KNobbs. The last time I saw him he was hobbling around on a cane on Hogan knows best and now I am expected to believe he can perform in the ring. I havent heard anything recent on Saggs other than he has taken care of himself pretty good. BUt as far as Knobbs he must be taking pretty good drugs for the pain cause now I am supposed to believe he is going to be performing in matches against the likes of 3D and other young talent than can work circles around these 2(at least Knobbs). I loves the Nastys of old but not now. Just another 2 wrestlers that should retire and be off camera that is on the TNA roster.
Two problems for me.

Number one, the Nastys aren't any good. They never have been and they never are going to be. Show me one good Nasty Boys match that wasn't a street fight. The guys simply don't put on good wrestling matches. They didn't back in the day and they don't now.

Number two, they're taking up TV time from guys that should have it. Are you telling me that these two are more valuable than Nash or Young who is supposed to be a champion? That doesn't work for me in the slightest. According to X they were a joke on the smarks. Good for them. They're still taking up TV time against Team 3D. How does this help anyone at all? 3D are there to put over young teams, not feud with other old ones that can't work a good match anymore either.

I fail to see the point here.
considering i feel TNA has a decently strong tag team division i understand people not wanting them around, especially since they werent ever really anything to begin with...i hate seeing the armpit move thats just demeaning to me haha...i just dont want to see these guys win titles there..i can take them putting over new talent and resurrecting 3D's fanbase in ways...and just adding to the mystique with hogan there but i dont want to see these guys have any type of actual reign, i feel its way beyond a nasty boy decade.
Sid, ill be looking for you in this one....

Honestly though, you have some people on this site becoming fucking LIVID when the Nasty Boys DARE to show up on screen.....Um, just why exactly? They are over, experienced, entertaining, and a credible, actual, tag team. The combination of things I have just named dont just fall out of fucking trees these days.

People have the fucking ignorance to sit there and say "ZOMG THEY IS SO OUT OF SHAPES"....Have you ever fucking SEEN a Nasty Boys match? They look damn near the exact same as they did 15 years ago!!! :lmao: What the FUCK are you talking about? Do they get blown up during the match? Shit yea, they do, thats sorta part of the point of the characters.

They are fat, nasty, ignorant slobs. Damn entertaining ones, too. The only way people could get so passionately negative about them being on TV has to be some manner of pre conceived anger toward them, TNA, and Hulkster. Those people make themselves look extrenely stupid, and petty.

Well back in the day, The Nasty Boys honestly grossed me out. Their demeanor outside of the ring, the whole pity city thing honestly made me sick. They were Nasty. Given this only proves (at least with me as an example) that their gimmick worked very well, but I mean it got to the point where I would close my eyes if someone was on their way to Pity City, I would literally close my eyes because just imaging being whoever that was getting their face in a sweaty over weight guys grossed me out. Thats why I don't like seeing them on screen.
So yeah to see them back in TNA, well they still gross me out. (However I was surprised by their match this past Thursday on Impact. Ill admit I was one of the guys who said, oh these mother fuckers are gonna BLOW, but damn, I was definatly proven wrong.)
Number two, they're taking up TV time from guys that should have it. Are you telling me that these two are more valuable than Nash or Young who is supposed to be a champion? That doesn't work for me in the slightest. According to X they were a joke on the smarks. Good for them. They're still taking up TV time against Team 3D. How does this help anyone at all? 3D are there to put over young teams, not feud with other old ones that can't work a good match anymore either.

I fail to see the point here.

This is EXACTLY the problem that I have with the Nasty Boys. I don't have much of an issue with their in-ring ability or whether they are over anymore or not. TNA could be giving more time to younger talent who needs it in order to get over. I would much rather see a younger team feud with the Nasty Boys instead of Team 3D because the young guys need to be put over whereas Team 3D doesn't need to be put over, they are already over enough that they always will be no matter what they do.
I don't see how the Nasties CAN put anyone over in 2010. A win over two old fat guys, one of which can hardly walk, doesn't really mean anything.
I don't have a problem with them, but I don't want them to get a lot of air time. I hope they get a match with Team 3D and we see some massive wreckage. I'm talking a powerbomb through a burning table wrapped in barbed wire! :)

No but really, I hope for their match with the Dudleys they go back to hardcore mayhem for one night and then be done with Saggs and Knobbs.
Like many of you, I don't really see the big deal with The Nasty Boys being in TNA.

I actually think they'll do the company some good, to be quite honest. Nostalgia sells, bottom line. Not to mention Team 3D haven't been doing much in recent weeks, so this type of "dream" match-up (OK, I know that's going a little far) between two of the most popular tag-teams in history actually has some merit, IMO. The Nastys are also old-school guys, so beyond just the nostalgia, they're actual artists. They know how to tell a story, especially on a mic. Their gimmick is well thought-out, and they're two of the most famous "punk" characters in wrestling history.

All in all, you'd have to be blind not to see the expiration date on the time the Nasty Boys will spend in TNA, so what's the big deal? Let me guess... more "WWE rejects", right? :rolleyes:
SO far im seeing the following

Hogans buddies



Doesnt appeal to the demographic

Well, alright, lets go ahead and break these down.

Hogan's buddies - So wait, could anyone explain to me why this is even remotely relevant? They are over, entertaining, and a true tag team, with characters, who have had a very successfull carreer....the fuck difference does it make that they are Hulks friends?

Old - Er, so what, so are plenty of others. You guys are acting like the whole two fucking hour show was about The Nasty Boys. As much as I would love that, alas, it is not the case. They were in one fucking segment. Get your panties out of a bunch. They arent taking up so much of this ALL important time you all seem to think. They do however, provide vareity, characters, and spoils for younger teams

Fat - Well no shit. Refer to my first post, and stop acting like an idiot.

Doesnt appeal to demographic - the fuck they dont. I happen to be in that demographic, as are most of the people who have supported them in this thread. I suppose the ENTIRE demographic just out and out doesnt enjoy characters, and real tag teams? Wrong. Just pretentious smarky pricks. Which is NOT what TNA wants to cater too, since they want to make money. Hello.

They wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have the word CHANGE shoved down our throats for the whole two hours on Jan 4th. So what exactly about the Nasty Boys screams change? Yeah I thought so.

As far as the Hogan friends thing once again change and yet Hogan does the exact same things he did in WCW. Once again what exactly about the Nasty Boys screams change?

Old and fat, blah don't care because I TIVO over them anyway.

As far as appealing to the demographic, congrats. You and the five people in the thread who like them can enjoy them while the millions can change the channel or TIVO right over them.

Enough with the words smark or smarky. It's just a cheap cop out thing to say when you know you can't back your words up.

I love old school wrestling but they are shit and wouldn't be wrestling if it wasn't for the Moron.

BTW Great post klunderbunker
My only issue with the Nasty Boyz is their reputation for being stiff and brawling backstage with wrestlers in real fights. If this is true, I most certainly hope that their stiffness causes no injuries to any wrestlers throughout their time in TNA. I have no issue with them being in the ring, so long as they are safe. The only problem I have with how they were brought in is that they are feuding with the Dudleys. I thought Hogan said in an interview the older guys were coming in to give the rub. If there's anyone that could use the rub, it's guy like Lethal and Creed or Sabin and Shelley, not Team 3D.
Honestly if the Nasty Boys aren't hooligans or boozers backstage, I don't see a huge problem. They take up like maybe 2 or 3 minutes of air time a week. Just because they won a match, doesn't mean they are going to be on Impact every week or wrestle every week. I don't think we will see much of them after the PPV. Call me crazy, but I don't mind a Nasty Team 3D feud. Team 3D has pretty much beaten every team in TNA, including the Steiners.

I would rather see The Nastys over Cody Deaner or Team Pacman any day. Not to mention that god awful Rock N Rave Infection team with Christy Hemme. For those new fans, Rock N Rave Infection consisted of Jimmy Rave and Lance "Vance Archer" Hoyt. They came out to the ring dressed like rock stars playing plastic guitar hero guitars. Wow .... are The Nasty Boys really that bad?
At this point, I have to say that I'm not thrilled with the Nasty Boys in TNA.

Let me start by saying that The Nasty Boys were one of my favorite teams when I was a kid. In fact, I remember going to a show with one of my friends and we dressed up like the Nasty Boys. That was probably 20 years ago. They have been out of the spotlight for more years that I can count, so I'm not sure how much relevance they have in the year 2010.

I guess I just don't see the point of TNA giving precious air time these guys. Are they in TNA to help put guys over? I suppose that's possible, however, it appears that they're entering a program with Team 3D and I don't think anyone needs to put them over. If the Nasty Boys were there to put people over, TNA would have them working with guys like MCMG or the Young Bucks.

Since bringing Hogan and Bischoff in, their whole gimmick is about change. They want to focus on the young guys and the talent that TNA has already established. I know it's only been a few weeks, but the only change I have seen is the majority of air time being given to the stars of yesteryear like the Nasty Boys. I think that's what it comes down to for me, there's just not enough TNA air time for guys like the Nasty Boys. If TNA had more than 1 program, then there's more space to bring in older guys to help put over the new talent. Last week the Nasty Boys has a match yet Beer Money, MCMG and the Young Bucks didn't. Personally I would've love to see any of these teams wrestle over the Nasty Boys.
Surprise, surprise...I'm with RVDGurl here. Why do the Nastys deserve any air time?

They're not entertaining, and they don't serve any purpose. They're not putting anyone over, they're not giving a huge boost to the ratings, and they certainly don't fit the mold of "great talkers" that Hogan is looking for.

Why not give some time to the TNA Originals? Where the hell has Samoa Joe been? What about Eric Young, Suicide, Beer Money Inc.?

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