Does TNA Need To Be "Nasty" Towards WWE?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
During the original Monday night wars, WCW and WWF engaged in some pretty hostile sots towards each other. The bulk of the nastyniest came from WCW:

-Rick Rude criticized WWF for the Montreal Screwjob when he showed up on Nitro.

-Then there was something WCW did, which I thought was in very poor taste, and that was mocking Jim Ross. They had Ed Ferrara dress up like Ross, and mock his Bell's Palsy. I thought this was very uncalled for, and absolutely disgusting.

-Who could forget Bischoff giving away the results of Raw during Nitro, before the show even aired. It was a very sneaky and devious move.

-Another shocking moment was when Alundra Blayze threw her WWF women's title in the garbage once she was on WCW TV.

-Eric Bischoff challenged Vince McMahon to a fight.

Now of course WWF had Gillberg, and they took other pop shots at WCW, but nothing really major.Of course WWE did air vignettes making fun of Savage,Hogan,Turner, and Gene Okerlund, but still, they didn't get as nasty as WCW.

TNA has taken pop shots at WWE every now and then, but nothing really major has been said about WWE on their part. What I'm wondering is, does TNA need to be nasty towards WWE? Do they need to get down and dirty, and take shots at WWE? Or should their overall product be enough to make a statement?

I believe TNA will get "nasty" at some point in all of this, but for how long will they do this? TNA has taken small jabs at WWE every now and then, but I think there will come a time where they will take that one shot at WWE that will get people talking and turn heads. TNA might take more than one real shot at WWE, but I don't think they should do it on a consistent basis. TNA should keep the mud-slinging to a minimum because they need to show that they have the better product than WWE, and that their overall product is enough to edge out WWE. They can't focus all of their energy on bashing WWE because it could make them look petty and childish.

What are your thoughts?
Well I like the idea of TNA poking fun at them in a small way e.g. Eric Bischoff saying they weren't going to use celebrity guest host because it was a terrible idea, this made me chuckle, it wasn't a major attack on WWE but it was enough in my opinion. If they do these sorts of shots occasionally it will be good.
When Bischoff took his shots at the WWF during the Monday Night Wars, WCW was in a much stronger position and it was a much stronger company than TNA currently is. Bischoff saying and doing the things he did during the mid to late 90s had more of a punch behind them because WCW was in a realisitc position to take the fight to the WWF and win, which they did for quite a while.

Bischoff was extremely confident as WCW had managed to lure away some of the biggest and most recognizable names in pro wrestling. Guys like Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, and Bret Hart were guys that became mega stars in the WWF. Luger was pretty established in WCW before going to the WWF in the early 90s, but his stock most definitely rose during his time working for Vince. He also had near limitless financial resources to back him up. Another thing that helped Nitro out was that it was live every week and that really made Bischoff giving away WWF match results on Raw a big deal.

However, TNA is now WCW and TNA doesn't have most of the things going for it like WCW did. TNA has been attracting a lot of big names over the past several years and many of those names have been associated with WCW during the Monday Night Wars. The problem is that these big names are much older, they can't work matches nearly as well as they once could and it shows. Another problem that TNA has in this sense is that, unlike WCW, TNA isn't luring big names away from the WWE. I don't like to use terms like WWE Rejects or left overs but, looking at things just on the surface, that's exactly how it looks. In most cases, not all but in the vast majority, TNA's big names are wrestlers that the WWE has fired or has no interest in signing to its roster.

TNA taking shots at the WWE certainly won't hurt TNA any so they might as well give it a shot. Just don't expect TNA to have much of an effect because it just isn't nearly as strong as WCW was. It'd be like Arena Football taking shots at the NFL. If the WWE were to start taking shots at TNA, that is if they ever openly acknowledge the existence of TNA on one of their tv programs, I think those shots could be more effective.
Well i think TNA needs to stop focusing SO MUCH on competing with WWE. Im fine with the small cheap shots like what Bischoff did on "guest hosts", but i just hope beating WWE is their main focus. I think forming their own Identity is the most important...which they use to have their own identity....but instead of saying 'HAY WWE, WE WANNA FIGHT", they should be saying "HAY WRESTLING FANS, ARE YOU SICK OF SEEING JOHN CENA, TRIPLE H, & RANDY ORTON IN DAMN NEAR EVERY MAIN EVENT FOR THE LAST 5 YRS, THEN COME OVER HERE & CHECK US OUT, WE'RE THE TRUE ALTERNATIVE TO WWE"
It makes TNA look unprofessional when that is done. Like when Rhino took his old ECW title belt and told WWE to stop living in the past then he burned the title. How hypicritical was that? And when Rhino cut his promo the week after he turned on Jesse Neal he cut a promo and somehow it sounded like a reference towards Christian and WWE. Then there was the bit where Lauren Mayhew(I think she was the interviewer who left recently) ran into a guy dressed as Vince saying "Your fired" to her repeatedly. Then there was the James Gang with their impression of DX and the time they used Sweet Chin Music and the pedigree to win a match. Even during the wars with WCW the WWE didn't say a word about WCW because that was a way of giving them publicity and the same thing goes for TNA.
I apoligize if what i say or write below offends anyone other than ilivewrestling;1854766.

Well i think TNA needs to stop focusing SO MUCH on competing with WWE. Im fine with the small cheap shots like what Bischoff did on "guest hosts", but i just hope beating WWE is their main focus. I think forming their own Identity is the most important...which they use to have their own identity....but instead of saying 'HAY WWE, WE WANNA FIGHT", they should be saying "HAY WRESTLING FANS, ARE YOU SICK OF SEEING JOHN CENA, TRIPLE H, & RANDY ORTON IN DAMN NEAR EVERY MAIN EVENT FOR THE LAST 5 YRS, THEN COME OVER HERE & CHECK US OUT, WE'RE THE TRUE ALTERNATIVE TO WWE"

No. When WWF made the Billionaire Ted's Wrasslin War Room segments, it came back to haunt them because WCW poached all of the young guys. When WCW gave away the Raw results, people watched Raw to see them pan out. Most of these things look completely childish, but more often than not, they end up coming back and biting people on the arse. It's petulant, and it would just make TNA look like they are trying to be WWE. By focussing on their own product they will acheive a lot more, and that is precisely what they should be doing rather than shitty stunts that look small fry.
these tactics are the same stuff that Bischoff used back in WcW, it just shows that Eric is pathetic, that he can't hang with Vince.

The fact that Vince did create the XFL says something, yes it failed, but at least he tried, what has Eric ever created? WcW? and we all see how that worked out against the WWE
Before TNA can get "nasty", they need to get themselves into the same league as WWE. In my opinion, that means larger venues, or anything besides the Impact zone. As much as I think they've improved, anything directly nasty they do at this point just appears to be second-rate.

Hopefully TNA can put itself in position over the next few months to move out of the Impact Zone and tape shows in larger venues. That's going to require a financial leap of faith, but I think that's the only way they can compete and effectively get "nasty".
TNA vs WWE I think it will be good IF Eric comes up with new ideas and also does focus on the X Division. Correct me if I am wrong but it was the X Division that them noticed. Not all these Main Events and Main Event players. Now they are taking the best of the X Division and putting them in the Main Event some can sell but not most. They got talent on the roster so use it and stop player the power trip with the "founder".
I would prefer if TNA just worried about themselves until they get grounded on Monday nights before acting like 12 year olds. There really isn't a need for resorting to getting "nasty" WWE right now, the fans that don't like it, know why they don't. Sure, you MAY get a few WWE fans that say "Oh hey, thats true" and switch over to TNA, but that won't help significantly so there really is no point.

Although I don't think a few little quips here and there will hurt any so as long as they keep it light and avoid giving away Raw results XD
This would be a bad idea, Bischoff making fun of Mick Foley caused millions of people to tune into RAW. Bischoff challenging Vince to fight just made people tune in to see if McMahon would accept the challenge.

This is why Vince wins, he doesn't mention the competition for angles. He just does his own thing.
TNA doesn't need to be nasty it needs to be EXTREME. How did WWE beat WCW by going into the "attitude" era. Now with WWE going PG to get Linda elected. TNA has to go towards that attitude side. It doesn't need to become ECW but going to more adult story lines and extreme matches with more high flying manuvers would spread the word to check it out. People want to see the old WWE or ECW not this new WWE PG or TNA Hogan/Flair/Hall/Nash wrestling. It's all BORING!
omg i totally get what you are trying to say HHHKING13. yes TNA does have to be more nasty towards wwe. TNA has to do stuff like having former WWE stars who are now in TNA cut promos on how vince mcmahon is an a-hole and tell why they moved to TNA. pretty much like what VKM did in 2006 with the million-dollar challenge. bischoff should come up with some of the old tricks he used in WCW. he should do something like give the RAW results again or just shoot on vince every night. and they have the formula to do it too. i mean just look at all these people TNA has from wwe...

Ric Flair
Kennedy (Mr. Anderson)

and now since RAW and iMPACT! are live on mondays at the same time iMPACT could interrupt a RAW broadcast and then everyone would be in shock.
TNA is just making themselves look like idiots making fun of WWE. Plain and simple. I mean, they havn't even dented WWE. TNA also chose a bad time to move to monday night (on the road to wrestlemania). BUt they can talk trash about WWE all they want, but they havn't made even more then a 1.0 since thier move to monday nights.
I'm not all about the ratings, but I mean thats what makes the business successful.
TNA is just making themselves look like idiots making fun of WWE. Plain and simple. I mean, they havn't even dented WWE. TNA also chose a bad time to move to monday night (on the road to wrestlemania). BUt they can talk trash about WWE all they want, but they havn't made even more then a 1.0 since thier move to monday nights.
I'm not all about the ratings, but I mean thats what makes the business successful.
yea but ratings certainly wouldn't hurt TNA. if they do the old bischoff tactics then they could probably reach 2.0 ratings.
omg i totally get what you are trying to say HHHKING13. yes TNA does have to be more nasty towards wwe. TNA has to do stuff like having former WWE stars who are now in TNA cut promos on how vince mcmahon is an a-hole and tell why they moved to TNA. pretty much like what VKM did in 2006 with the million-dollar challenge. bischoff should come up with some of the old tricks he used in WCW. he should do something like give the RAW results again or just shoot on vince every night. and they have the formula to do it too. i mean just look at all these people TNA has from wwe...

Ric Flair
Kennedy (Mr. Anderson)

and now since RAW and iMPACT! are live on mondays at the same time iMPACT could interrupt a RAW broadcast and then everyone would be in shock.

I appreciate your vote of confidence, but what you're trying to say, isn't what I was getting at it in my OP. I believe TNA needs to keep the mud-slinging towards WWE to a minimum. If they focus to much of their time taking big shots at WWE, than it won't go well for them. At the moment, WWE is crushing TNA in the ratings, so it's not like to many people would take notice if TNA decided to get down and dirty with insults towards WWE.

If TNA is able to close the very large gap in the ratings, then maybe they should start to get "nasty" as far as insults go because it would make things a lot more interesting.
The Number 1 Reason WCW failed

Too busy trying to humiliate and beat "Raw" insted of maintaining stability and credibility in the company, biggest wrestling match in hogan v goldberg was on a monday night, would of cost them a lot of $$$$ in PPV buys if they just held on for a few more weeks.
I dont mind small cutesy digs like when Taz makes fun of Michael Cole.

Large scale stunts and parodies should only be done if TNA is the better in vitually every way and more coherent product. Which currently it is not, their energies should strictly be focused on their own product.
I'll make this short and simple. TNA doesn't need to worry about taking "shots" at WWE right now. What they need to worry about is surviving on Monday nights. When TNA gets a bigger fanbase and more viewers then they can start taking "shots" at WWE.
The Number 1 Reason WCW failed

Too busy trying to humiliate and beat "Raw" insted of maintaining stability and credibility in the company, biggest wrestling match in hogan v goldberg was on a monday night, would of cost them a lot of $$$$ in PPV buys if they just held on for a few more weeks.

Very true. Those attempts to humiliate Raw ended up costing them in the long run. You could practically hear fans changing over to Raw the night that Schivone decided to make fun of Mick Foley and his winning the world title on Raw (which was taped the week earlier). Fans started flipping over to Raw and ended up staying there.

TNA needs to keep working on building a solid product since they're still bleeding cash. What would help them most is building an identify of their own instead of trying to be a copy of an imitation. Nostalga fades and a lot of the talent that was named earlier in this thread are starting to reach the age where they can get their wrestler AARP cards.
Well since they are losing pretty badly in the war they should just poke fun at WWE even though they are losing to them. And I think WWE should make fun of them saying that you guys really tried to go up against the top company in the business. And Fail :banghead:
TNA being "nasty" towards the WWE isn't really going to help them out. If TNA were to have former wrestlers shoot on the WWE or Vince, it's not like it's going to mean anything. Eric Bischoff has been taking shots at the WWE since he arrived in TNA and it hasn't made a damn bit of difference.

Overall, in my opinion, the TNA product is lousy right now and TNA should devote its energies into fixing the problems that it has. Wasting time taking shots and making juvenile comments about the WWE isn't going to make TNA anymore watchable than it is right now. TNA iMPACT! has lost roughly one third of its viewers and lame shoots on the WWE isn't going to change that.
As many people here are pointing out, TNA needs to get themselves to a point where more than 1 million fans even give a damn about their product, before they go throwing down gauntlets & potshots at WWE. Some TNA fans like to think it's a worthwhile thing for TNA, but TNA has no capital to throw potshots at anyone. They're not WCW. WCW, even at their smallest & least relevant in the early 90's, was twice as popular as TNA is currently. And once WCW finally was in position to challenge the WWF, they had a fanbase at least comparable in size to the WWF's before they went throwing potshots.

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