What is the big problem with the Nasty Boys???

The nasty boys are a great example of what the tag teams were and how they should be. Tag teams need a decent gimmick whatever it maybe, the nasty boys are perfect at their gimmick... Do I want a group called the nasty boys to look like the model and wrestle like hardy's... No! Bring them into TNA as a proven tag team (not their ability in the ring, but how they entertain). Not only give the young guys who are dynamite at wrestling and tag team spots but shitty at portraying a character something to study. Its also something WWE their competition doesn't have at the moment, a quality tag team division. Yes they are slowly working on that with developing the hart dynasty and using DX. But tag team back in the 80's and 90's set a tall bar for tag teams to not only wrestle but be a truly unique gimmick, that stood out from the rest of the show.

TNA has a ton of wrestling talent, now they have all these quality proven character to teach the young guys that you need to tell a story outside the ring as well.
The simple fact that the Nasty Boys are generating this type of hype is why they where brought in. The Nasty Boys are an old school team that nobody has seen in 15 years. Whether you like them or not, the fact is...they create buzz and people will talk about them and tune in (even out of curiousity) to see them. They are one of the original "true" Tag Teams from the 80's/90's.

Bottom line, they were brought in to help generate the mainstream "buzz" that TNA is trying to get. And its apparently working.

I disagree. To be honest I watch Impact on Tivo cause I'm usually sleeping ( i start work at 1am) when I saw the Nasty Boyz I was ready to fast forward. I didnt because I wanted to give em a shot but ehhh.
The problem I have with the Nasty Boys is that they were not that good or over when they were with WWE. Yes, they won the belts, but they didn't put on a good match. I respect Knobbs for his wrestling mind, but in the ring he isn't so good.

The other problem I have with them is that they are only there because they are Hogan's friends. It's not like TNA or WWE were knocking on there door before. It's because Hogan wants them there. That's the problem I have with them.

The simple fact that the Nasty Boys are generating this type of hype is why they where brought in. The Nasty Boys are an old school team that nobody has seen in 15 years. Whether you like them or not, the fact is...they create buzz and people will talk about them and tune in (even out of curiousity) to see them. They are one of the original "true" Tag Teams from the 80's/90's.

Bottom line, they were brought in to help generate the mainstream "buzz" that TNA is trying to get. And its apparently working.

Not for me. I refuse to watch TNA because it's a bunch of old recycled WWE employees. I wish TNA would use who THEY hired, not who WWE fired or didn't re-sign. I started to get into TNA to see A.J. and Hernandez. I want to see them create their own rivalries and memorable matches. I don't want to see them job to Foley or get put over by him either. For me, that doesn't elevate them, it just says that one of the old timers jobbed to them.
thinking about it, who would hogan have been able to talk into coming in that can help put over the tag division? i can see why he did; he needed someone close who he could trust to help out with that particular division. why not bring in a good friend (knobbs)? i'm sure if it was a different tag team from back then who were still in good shape, maybe we wouldn't be ripping them as much.

if the nasties don't last in the ring, having them behind the scenes to teach the other tag teams is immense.

Wait, iMPACT! was still in Florida last night, right? I don't think we can really use them as a measure of how over The Nasty Boys - or anyone, for that matter - are. They pop big for anything. I could go out there and take a shit and they'd pop for it, the sick fucks. They even pop for Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett.

unless something big happens, IMPACT! will always be in florida. and i agree, the fans there, not all, but some have no clue what they are watching.
My problem with the nasties is that they arent that great in the ring. I think theyre funny as hell, but there match with big kev and ey was pretty boring to me, especially because nash was "knocked out cold" by one puch on the out side.

my problem with the feud is that there are 2 teams that cant wrestle good. also starting this feud completly stopped another one. i loved the team of rhyno, 3d, and neal. and now out of no where rhyno and neal are gone 3d is face again and the whole feud died.

im a big fan of the nasties characters but they should be limited in the ring, and when they are shown it should be gimmeck matches.

i understand why people completly hate them cuz there hogans buddies, but theyre gonna take out the dudleys..who cares. morley and oj are taking out daniels and pope, thats my big problem

OT: all this new talent, where the hell are jeff and shannon.
I can say, in my own opinion, I was hesitant to accept the Nasty Boys. I dislike their characters, but that's the point. I was hesitant, not because of that, but because of how terrible they looked in that first attack on the Dudleys. Watching them swing lunch trays like Lacey Von Erich swings that Ugly Stick made me cringe.

However, I gave them a fair shake last night. And while i hate seeing them win (since they're heels and i'm not supposed to like them) i was impressed with their ability to keep up. Thus, i revoke my reservations, and vote yes on Nasties.

...Also, i hope Dudleys/Nasties gets real violent real fast. I don't care if no one 'gains' anything. Its good TV.
Copmpletely agree. While watching Impact last night, I thought to myself that they actually weren't that bag. They were actually able to wrestle and do so reasonably well, which is something Mr. Hall can't say. It's because everyone expect the Nasty's to be so bad that they are getting shit on.

I don't think they should be champs or anything, but surely they're just as good as if not better than Team 3D. They are a solid enough addition to the company and give us something different.
I don't really have that a problem with The Nasty Boys personally. My beef with them is that they are taking away a valuable spot another team could be using in TNA's much praised tag team division. Many others could be using their spot to get the push or add some new life into the tag team divison. The Nasties show up out of no where, and are put into a feud with Team 3D? It doesn't make sense to me.

Although I will say, there's a part of me that is actually looking forward to seeing these two teams go at it. They will surely put on some brutal brawl style matches.
I honestly have to say that Saggs shocked the shit out of me, he actually looked better than he did ten years ago... knobs looked like crap, his face was so red, I thought he has gona have a heart attack in the ring... nash was smart in staying outside the ring and letting young do the job, im surprised Nash didn't complain to Hogan about doing the job clean...

I did enjoy the nastys mic work tho, old school shit... Especially the spray paint...

All I want to see is an old fashion nastyville street fight... take it to the bathroom, give Bubba a swirly, bust some shit up like the old school public enemy and nasty boy matches... Other than that, there is not much use for them...

All in all, my only problem with them is... They are there, so Im sure will be seeing brother bruti, the zodiak man, the barber, the diciple, the booty man or hell maybe hogan will make a whole new terrible gimmick for that waste of ring space...

And we can all await the debut of Dustin Diamond.... who might shockingly be a good manager type character...
They're a good team to have in your ranks. They are always a believable threat to the tag team champions, and if you need an established team to job to a young up and coming team you can use them. Casual fans are going to watch them lose to a new team that you need to establish and think "damn I remember when these guys were tag champs"

I'm not saying push them to the ceiling, but they are a decent team to have around when used in moderation.

I actually have been wanting to see a Dudleys Nasty Boys feud for quite some time. I just wish it couldve happened 10 years ago. The Nasty Boys had some pretty good feuds back in the WWF and I really enjoyed their feud with Harlem Heat back in 1995.

I am kinda pissed that they got into TNA just because they were buds with Hogan though. It looks as though the Bound For Glory card will be a carbon copy of the Hogan Australlian tour and thats sad.
Well I guess this will make me a smark, since the definition today seems to be 'anyone who doesn't absolutely love everything TNA is doing now and spend their time on the internet telling everyone else how much they suck for not 'getting it''.

I've never liked the Nasty's. Not in WWE, not in WCW, and not in TNA. I don't find them to be entertaining, I don't think that they are or ever were over, and I don't like their work in the ring. And for all the comparisons to 3D that people make, I think that 3D are head and shoulders above the Nasty's. 3D are some of the best I have ever heard on the mic, and they can usually manage to pull off an entertaining match. There's a reason why they've held as many titles as they have. The only fair comparison is that both teams are stiff and have something of a bad reputation.

But the main problem, as I see it, is that the Nasty'z are a part of an influx of 'talent' and changes to the company that, to a lowly smark like myself, appear to be more directed towards giving work to Hogan's friends than to putting over TNA. And so, the negativity directed towards them is far greater than it would have been if they had showed up without Hall and Waltman, or Bubba the Love Sponge. So I'm going to go 'off-topic' here and address that, as it is relevant to the question being asked....

I'm not going to argue the point that Hogan has been using TNA to put over his family and friends, because if you don't see it already you're blind. Just look at all the nice free plugs Bubba's radio show got last night on Impact, for example (I assume as a reward for encouraging Kong to resign?). Or how many times we've seen Brooke in the audience (maybe she can replace Kong?). I'm not even going to argue that I wouldn't do the same thing myself, as I've personally tried to get jobs for my friends at some of the places I've worked. What I genuinely believe is that Hogan and co actually believe that the two interests can coincide; in that he can put over his friends and loyalists AND put TNA on the map at the same time. The problem with that theory is that it assumes Hogan's allies both have drawing power and can be positive additions to the company. I disagree with that theory. As I said, I don't believe that the Nasty'z would necessarily draw more viewers in a given time slot than a team like Beer Money could (in addition, Beer Money probably wouldn't beat up their opponents in the ring and cause fights and arguments backstage). I don't believe that Bubba is a good backstage man, and I feel that his controversial nature will do the company more harm than good (it already has). I don't believe that Hall and Waltman can be relied on, because they've proven in the past that they can't. I understand what Hogan is doing, but as a fan I don't have to like it. Because, to reiterate, none of the above names entertain me and I don't believe that they will help the company. And while you'll likely argue (and I'll agree) that these names will only be in the company on a temporary basis, that isn't really relevant because the overall attitude being conveyed by the CURRENT product (the one which Hogan tried so vehemently to deny in his first promo in TNA), is that Hogan is only interested in putting over himself and his loyalists.

The worst thing about all of this is that the overall negative perception of the Hogan/Bischoff regime because of (everything I mentioned in the above paragraph) is also being applied to guys like Anderson and Jordan, who actually have the potential to contribute something to the company. The good is being overshadowed by the bad, and the Nastyz (because of their known loyalties to Hogan) are a major part of that problem. You may not agree, and you're entitled to your opinion, but that's how I feel.
I wouldn't mind the Nasty Boyz to come in once, but to be in the show week after week to set up a feud between team 3D makes no sense. Destroying the locker room Monday should of been enough, and they should of fought at Genesis and be gone with.

WWE brought in Ricky the Dragon Steamboat, and he had a series of matches against Jericho. Which went over, because Ricky could still maneuver and was against Jericho who can make anyone look good.

TNA decides who better to put them up against, then Kevin Nash who can't walk and Eric Young who I can't figure out why TNA has such a big crush on. They usually use Eric to wrestle people who can't wrestle, like when they brought in Danny Bonadouche and they had one of the worst matches ever. They should fire him for real.

Nasty Boyz vs Team 3D has potential, but I could live without it.

My biggest problem with TNA right now is that they waste time building up something, and never follow through with it. The Tomko AJ feud went on for 2 months it seems with him wearing a mask, stupid idea to begin with, and just for one impact main event. The Nasty Boyz will be on TV for months to set up one match with team 3D and afterward absolutely nothing. No progression just distraction.
Plain and simple, The Nasty Boyz are fun. Sometimes you need comedy in wrestling to energize the crowd. Wrestling is entertainment too. They have always been brawlers, they don't need to keep up when they hit you with a chair. They look better than they did 15 years ago. Plus some of us old guys enjoy seeing Nostalgia, and guess we have wallets, and in the end wrestling is a Business. It's just like someone saying Led Zeppelin is old, but who cares, you can still appreciate it. Wrestling has to have something for everybody to make money, ie the Main Stream.
I think the problem people have with them is that they are past their prime and they were brought in TNA because they are buds with Hogan.

I honestly have no problem with them being in TNA as long as they aren’t taking away air-time from some of my favorites like AJ Styles.

I saw them in a match for the first time ever last night and I didn’t think they were too bad. They certainly aren’t as good as the MCMG’s but then again, not many are. Anyways, I thought they were decent and they were pretty funny. Who knows? They might still be able to still bring something to the table and contribute something.

I am by no means a fan of them and that’s probably because I haven’t seen a lot of their work, but I think people freaking out over them in TNA is unnecessary. It’s not like they are even going to be TNA for years and years to come. They are decent now and they can provide some entertainment, nothing wrong with that in my book.

The only time I’ll have a problem with them is if they are taking up a lot of air time and some wrestlers like MCMG and Daniels could have appeared on the show if they weren’t given a lot of air time. Until that’s the case, I don’t mind them being in TNA for a short while.
Someone answer me this: Why is it on 'Hogan Knows Best', Knobbs is seen with a cane everywhere he goes. Yet, he is able to get around the squared circle with ease. Was there a surgery involved somewhere that I missed?
I agree. They're not to my personal tastes but I'm not up in arms at their signing because surely the Nasty Boys vs Team 3D is one of the last dream tag team matches left? Sure it won't be amazing, but it's a what-if?

Saggs isn't actually that bad, just Knobbs is ridiculously out of shape... but as you said he always was. I don't think they'll stay beyond the match with 3D unless we get a return match with weapons.
I don't have a problem with the nasty boys being on Impact, but to me they just don't fit into the TNA Mold.

I'll be honest, I have never had a very high opinion of the Nasty Boys as I have never seen them as a great tag team. In all honesty its probably just me as its hard to really pinpoint why I am not a fan of them (they have a good character, they have charisma, never though much of their mic skills and in ring work though) but sometimes there are good wrestlers you just don't like, for me the nasty boys are one of them .

My thing with the Nastys being in TNA is how much time they are taking from teams that should be built. For example, when you bring in a team past their prime like the nasty boys, they should be used to help establish younger teams to keep the division going, but instead the Nasty's are in a program with Team 3D, a team that is already over, and from watching impact it seems like this feud is the biggest thing going in the tag division, so you have 2 teams that have been around seemingly forever fighting it out when teams like Beer Money are sitting on the sidelines even though they are a much better team than Team 3D or the Nasty's. So instead of getting Beer Money vs. the Nasty Boys (which could help establish Beer Money more) we get Team 3D vs. the Nasty Boys (which will do nothing for nobody).

Its not the nasty's, its how they are being used.
It's not really that I have a problem with the Nasty Boys, I just don't find them entertaining. I've never found the Nasty Boys entertaining at any point in their career and just feel that they've always been extremely overrated.

When it comes to their promos, they tend to have all been the same. They scream into the mic about how nasty they are or how nasty they're going to get and all this and that or they'll do their little thing about trashing someone's locker room.

In the ring, the Nasty Boys are extremely average at best. I can't recall a match featuring the Nasty Boys that was ever particularly memorable. I dunno, I've just always found them as loud, obnoxious, overweight guys with mohawks. Even back when I was 10, I didn't find them fun or entertaining. And, they're still doing the exact same thing they've always done, so they're still the same dull, one dimensional overrated team that they've always been in my view.
My main problem with the Nastys is a couple.

1)They don't help TNA. They won't bring in new viewers, they won't keep any viewers TNA already has, and as of now they aren't putting over any talent. Even if they did, they haven't been over in about 10 years.

And here's the big one. Hogan was brought in to help TNA. He was brought in to guide them, along with Bischoff, to a more respectful level. Get out of the arena, start taping live, better angles, ect...Hogan promised change. Notice how everyone promises change but in reality it's quite the same? Anyways, he promised change. All the young guys in the back that has heard the horror stories of Hogan burying people looked at him like yeah right. But quite a few, Joe for instance, was willing to give him a fair shake.

So Hogan comes in and he changes the ring without telling the talent. Ok, maybe that's just Hogan and Bischoff trying to have the "anything can happen" mentality. Fine. Bubba comes in. No reason Bubba should be bumping JB out of the show. No reason Bubba should be anywhere NEAR wrestling

First off, Bubba is a piece of crap. 2nd, he is successful on radio. NOT Television. So bringing him in was just a Hogan favor, nothing more. Not to mention his first night there he gets into some shit, runs his mouth on FB or twitter and apologizes later. Then comes the Fuck Haiti shit and yeah whatever.

Back to Nasty boys. They are feuding with 3D. Two teams that should be should be fired. Consequences Creed, how do they feel? They get hardly no air time, so Nastys and 3D can have their feud. What about MCMG, they are over, but it seems like all they do is lose.

Point is, TNA is supposed to be about change, something different than WWE. So show us. We want a tag division, we want a knockouts division, we want an X division. 3 things that HAS suffered since Hogan signed with TNA.

And I think more than anything, it's the double standard most people have. I don't like WWE right now, but some do. And when they speak their mind they are labeled as Shareholders. Yet TNA fans, so quick to judge WWE fans, forget they do the same shit.

Remember when I said Hogan would bring in his friends cause that what Hogan does? I was called an idiot. Then Nastys showed up. "It's only a 5 second scene, calm down they aren't wrestling", that turned into "It's only one segment backstage, calm down", that snowballed into "It's only one fight? Jeez has some faith", which is now "It's only one match, god give Hogan time". See? Same shit. Making excuses.

Fact of the matter is, Hogan needs to win over that locker room, they need to see his vision. It's hard to follow Hogan if he brings in members of his close knit "family" and putting them on the air over deserving TNA employee's.

"Plus some of us old guys enjoy seeing Nostalgia, and guess we have wallets, and in the end wrestling is a Business"

Well not to be rude, but when are you "old" guys going to start actually helping TNA? I mean they can't fill 2,000 seat areans for PPVs outside the Zone, their merchandise is always discounted, TNA REFUSES to release buyrates, so when are your "wallets" going to start opening up.

Now I'm not old, but I've seen a lot of wrestling. And in the last 3-4 years I've ordered more TNA PPVs then WWE, and I spent more on TNA Merchandise at their PPV that came here, Victory Road, than Wrestlemania 25. TNA couldn't fill Reliant Arena, when Vince put over 70,000 in Reliant Stadium. Obviously something is wrong there. And decisions like Nasty Boys and Bubba aren't going to put asses in seats
i personaly like the nasty boys they are still entertaining and look at it this way if u will waste time with a piece of crap tag team like fat bubba and fat devon team 3d then u will waste time on anything team 3d thinks they are the best tag team in history but in reality they are closer to the worse the only reason they have been together so long and have 20-something tag team tiltles is because they suck they were never good enough to make it own there own like brett did with the hart foundation and shawn did with the rockers like davey boy did with the bull dogs,edge and christian the hardy boys and so own wwe tried spilting them up befor and they so bad they put them back together they sucked worse apart then they did together and thats bad the only thing good that come from that was batista or deacon batista at that time but i dont even know if you can call them 20 plus time champs because you cant really count the titles they won in that ecw extremaly crappy wrestling so i think nobody can talk about the nastys who are better than 3d to me until you do something with them 2 fat pieces of crap that are the dudleys not to mention that crapy gimmick they got about being brothers when devon couldnt be any blacker and bubba couldnt be any whiter yea the people really buy that
I've never liked these 2 fat fucking idiots to be honest. Right now I hate them because they have nothing left (not that they had anything to start with) and they're taking TV time away from actual talent which is frankly fucking disgraceful. They'd be laughed at in my local Town Hall, never mind an apparently serious company.

The story I heard about Hall, Nash and the Nasty Boys goes as follows. They were wrestling each other in some kind of hardcore match. Nasty Boys get the chairs out, so Hall thinks it's fair game. Hall goes to chuck a chair into one of their faces (you know like an unfolded chair thrown flat) and whichever Nasty was on the receiving end didn't block it properly. Next thing, Hall is supposed to be getting beat down by both of them, and they're chucking live rounds at him. Full on smacking him in the face. Halls tooth went through the side of his mouth and what with bacteria etc, his face swelled up a treat. Nash found out what exactly had happened and went after the 2 fat idiots with a bat, screaming he was going to kill them etc. That's what I heard from Hall himself quite recently as it goes. Back end of last year.
The Nasty Boys are WAY past their prime and come to think of it, I'm not sure they ever had a prime!!
TNA don't need them to create buzz, damn it, they have Hogan, Bischoff, Mr "Kennedy" and, not forgetting, Jeff Hardy to create that. Who are The Nasty's compared to them??
I was watching wrestling back in the 90's, when they were in WCW and WWF, but they sure as hell aren't making me watch TNA!!

I find it so hilarious, that Hogan repeated again and again on Jan 4th, that it was time for the old guard to step back and let the new boys shine, yet Nasty Boys are all over TNA tv, not for their talent OR name value, but because of Hogan and I that is just terrible for TNA and the fans!!
OH MAH GAWD THEY'RE OLD. Are you serious? Daniels is 37, and is one of the most over wrestlers in TNA, AND is still considered young talent. So that excuse is out the window.

Oh no, they're fat! Because of that, Rikishi sucks too! Q.Q

Seriously, stop repeating what everyone's saying. Sure they're Hogan's pals, but maybe they're working a very low salary and will only be around for a month. Cope. Shut up. They're pretty damn interesting, and even if they're not, your complaining is just giving TNA more publicity. Bischoff is fucking brilliant.
Hogan claims that he wants to beat Vince.

The demographic hogans wants is 18 - 25 and the Younger Tweens.

This demographic is extremely competitive and very valuable. In short, The Nasty Boys are not relavant to that demographic at all. No one from these groups care about them or even heard of them. They can't put over talent to a group that doesn't recognize them as a legitimate tag team.

So the choice isn't the best. Hogan could have taken Kennedy and Jordan to fued with the division and it would be a better fit since most fans know kennedy and remotely are familiar with OJ.
Hogan claims that he wants to beat Vince.

The demographic hogans wants is 18 - 25 and the Younger Tweens.

This demographic is extremely competitive and very valuable. In short, The Nasty Boys are not relavant to that demographic at all. No one from these groups care about them or even heard of them. They can't put over talent to a group that doesn't recognize them as a legitimate tag team.

So the choice isn't the best. Hogan could have taken Kennedy and Jordan to fued with the division and it would be a better fit since most fans know kennedy and remotely are familiar with OJ.

Yeah you are right, the Nasty Boys dont appeal to most males between the ages of 12 - 25. Males between those ages only think with their head... and I am not talking about the head on their shoulders either. What they respond to is what we used to call T. N' A. ... Yeah, the Nasty's have man tits and plumber cracks, but not T. N' A. However the Nasty's do have a roll, and that should be nostalgia and putting over younger tag teams and talent. Eric Young should have never been beaten by the Nastys too.

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