What is the big problem with the Nasty Boys???

Mighty NorCal

Sid, ill be looking for you in this one....

Honestly though, you have some people on this site becoming fucking LIVID when the Nasty Boys DARE to show up on screen.....Um, just why exactly? They are over, experienced, entertaining, and a credible, actual, tag team. The combination of things I have just named dont just fall out of fucking trees these days.

People have the fucking ignorance to sit there and say "ZOMG THEY IS SO OUT OF SHAPES"....Have you ever fucking SEEN a Nasty Boys match? They look damn near the exact same as they did 15 years ago!!! :lmao: What the FUCK are you talking about? Do they get blown up during the match? Shit yea, they do, thats sorta part of the point of the characters.

They are fat, nasty, ignorant slobs. Damn entertaining ones, too. The only way people could get so passionately negative about them being on TV has to be some manner of pre conceived anger toward them, TNA, and Hulkster. Those people make themselves look extrenely stupid, and petty.
A combination of being too old and having a poor rep outside the ring, is probably the main arguments. I don't personally disagree with them in TNA. I think at this stage an onslaught of familiar faces is necessary.
I just plain don't find them entertaining. I'm not going to take anything away from the guys because they've had a long and fairly decent career, I just don't find them to be a good fit in the current TNA product.

Maybe I'd feel differently if they were there for the same reason it seems most of the other established names are there for... putting over some of the younger guys and elevating new stars. I don't see that happening here though if they're going to be doing a program with Team 3D. 3D is as over as they're going to get. Neither the Nastys nor 3D gain anything from this feud... and honestly, the only thing I can see saving this is a flaming table at Against All Odds. If they deliver that, I'll be the first to come back here and say I was wrong. Otherwise... meh.

Again, nothing against them directly, it just feels like the low point of the show every time I see them.
I have zero problem with the Nasty Boys. I am a fan of nostalgia and I, for one, am happy to see them on Impact.

Sags was fins last night, but Knobbs has to clearly work on his conditioning, because he got a little blown up.

But Internet Smarks are trained in their mind to think "Oh, I see everyone else complaining that the Nasty Boys can't work and are Hogan's buddies ... so I have to go along with what everyone else says to be "cool" !"

That is exactly what the "problem" is.

The Nasty Boys have always been two great characters in the history of Tag Team Wrestling. And isn't it great to see a traditional Tag Team in wrestling again? Not one that is slapped together with two random guys? That is honestly what I miss from wrestling. Fans of Tag Team wrestling should be embracing this move to see the Nasty Boys back. They are two excellent "punk" characters and are a traditional wrestling Tag Team.

The ones who have the problem are the ROH bots. Because they have no appreciation for character, unless you can put on 4 star matches. And they wonder why wrestling fans sit in audiences like a bunch of mimes nowadays.

Characters are welcomed any day in my book, and the Nasty Boys have plenty of it.
I just plain don't find them entertaining.

Fair enough, I dont see how though. They are fucking hilarious. Although you arent one of the pitchfork burning townsfolk I see, when it comes to this subject, so you arent really the object of my anger. I <3 me some Dexter.

Maybe I'd feel differently if they were there for the same reason it seems most of the other established names are there for... putting over some of the younger guys and elevating new stars. I don't see that happening here though if they're going to be doing a program with Team 3D.

They can do more than one program though, y'know. Like, after this, I mean. That, and not EVERY program involving estavlished guys HAS to be for elevating young guys. Sometimes, it can just be for entertainment, and crazy matches. 3D Vs The Nasties will damn sure provide that.

Neither the Nastys nor 3D gain anything from this feud...

besides broken bones, and huge pops from the crowd

Again, nothing against them directly, it just feels like the low point of the show every time I see them.

its becuase we are making a stop in pitty city, baby
I dont have a personal problem with the Nasty Boys either. They do thier jobs. But I think there is a reason they havent been on TV in 15 years. Niether of them were EVER actually IN SHAPE before, so I dont expect them to be, now either. They actually didnt look anywhere close to as bad as I thought they would in the ring lastnight either...so bravoe to them!

What is my big problem with The Nasty Boys?

They were on TV, in a match lastnight...meanwhile great young tag-teams like Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns & Lethal/Creed were nowhere to be seen!

Probably because TNA used to have a great tag team division and now the ones that are left have to take a back seat to "The Nasty Boyz." That, and in an episode of "Hogan Knows Best" i saw Brian Knobbs walk around with a cane. Also, he could barely walk down the ramp on Impact, so that takes me out of their match, and out of TNA all together. I could just imagine what Eric Young was thinking. "I have to take a back seat to these old guys? They couldn't last in a match with Team Canada."
What is my big problem with The Nasty Boys?

They were on TV, in a match lastnight...meanwhile great young tag-teams like Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns & Lethal/Creed were nowhere to be seen!


Well, a lot of people werent on the show last night. They only hav two hours, y'know. The Nasties just re debuted, they need TV time to ensure they are established, and moving in a direction. If you notice, the match furthered TWO storylines, the one with Nash and the little guy, and Nasties Vs 3D. A fine use of tv time, IMO. Yea, we would love to get the whole roster on TV, but they only have 2 hours.
Probably because TNA used to have a great tag team division and now the ones that are left have to take a back seat to "The Nasty Boyz." That, and in an episode of "Hogan Knows Best" i saw Brian Knobbs walk around with a cane. Also, he could barely walk down the ramp on Impact, so that takes me out of their match, and out of TNA all together. I could just imagine what Eric Young was thinking. "I have to take a back seat to these old guys? They couldn't last in a match with Team Canada."

The whole division is taking a back seat to them now?? :lmao: When did they become tag champs?

Also, the division couldnt have been THAT awesome, im pretty sure the current tag champs are two singles wrestlers who were just thrown together. The fuck difference does it make if he was walking with a cane, they put on a perfectly serviceable match last night.

See, this is the shit im talking about. Goooooodness forbid they get one fucking segment on one show, now the sky is falling, and everyone is taking a back seat, FOREVER. Some of you guys seriously remind me of the birds from finding Nemo.
I dont have a personal problem with the Nasty Boys either. They do thier jobs. But I think there is a reason they havent been on TV in 15 years. Niether of them were EVER actually IN SHAPE before, so I dont expect them to be, now either. They actually didnt look anywhere close to as bad as I thought they would in the ring lastnight either...so bravoe to them!

What is my big problem with The Nasty Boys?

They were on TV, in a match lastnight...meanwhile great young tag-teams like Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns & Lethal/Creed were nowhere to be seen!


But that is a good thing, in the long run. Why? Because it provides variety. If you keep seeing the MCMG, Lethal/Creed each and every week, my opinion is that it gets stale. That was one of the things I liked about the old WWF Superstars and Wrestling Challenge in that you always got to see a variety of guys and not just the same ones each and every week.

That way, it keeps the entire show looking fresh.

Maybe next week they can feature the MCMG and Lethal/Creed in matches and give the Nasty Boys either the night off or just feature them in a backstage segment like they have been.

However, the Nasty Boys provide an alternative from seeing the same types of Tag Teams in TNA all the time, each and every week.

Like I said, I have never been one to scrutinize ring work to the degree that today's smarks do. I guess that isn't how people like myself and Norcal were brought up. We were brought up on storylines and characters and having the big PPV's with the Big Matches as the event to get excited about when it came around.

The Nasty Boys are players in so far as bringing actual "characters" back to wrestling again, hence why I am glad to see them. And I think they are clearly being used to attract older fans of wrestling to their product as well.
The whole division is taking a back seat to them now?? :lmao: When did they become tag champs?

Also, the division couldnt have been THAT awesome, im pretty sure the current tag champs are two singles wrestlers who were just thrown together. The fuck difference does it make if he was walking with a cane, they put on a perfectly serviceable match last night.

See, this is the shit im talking about. Goooooodness forbid they get one fucking segment on one show, now the sky is falling, and everyone is taking a back seat, FOREVER. Some of you guys seriously remind me of the birds from finding Nemo.

I could go on and on naming great tag teams that could out due The Nasty Douches any day. But i can see you're on a band wagon roll, so nevermind :)

Matt Morgan and Hernandez are just one exception to a weary tag team. Still, i'd choose them over The Nasty Boyz any day
I hear ya Norcal! I understand there isnt enuff time for everyone.

I just think time should be spent on guys TNA fan know & not on old fat guys, that only the fans over 30 know who the hell they are. Everyone under 30 reactions are probly: "Who the fuck are these fat fucks?" & I dont blame them!

I understand what your sayin bro- I really do. But you asked the question- So I gave you my opinion on the matter.
I hear ya Norcal! I understand there isnt enuff time for everyone.

I just think time should be spent on guys TNA fan know & not on old fat guys, that only the fans over 30 know who the hell they are. Everyone under 30 reactions are probly: "Who the fuck are these fat fucks?" & I dont blame them!

I understand what your sayin bro- I really do. But you asked the question- So I gave you my opinion on the matter.

Its cool, and im not trying to be an ass, im merely discussing the matter.

Now, the hwole point to bringing in Hogan and Co. was to attract new fans, yea? So then why would they give more time to guys that TNA fans already know?

When the fans say "who the fuck are these fat fucks" that is exactly what they are SUPPOSED to say. That sentance basically sums up their entire gimmick :lmao: Much like Sid said, it provides vareity. I know you love your TNA home grown teams, but its ok to switch it up every now and again, and not have the same guys doing the same things EVERY single week.
ill make this short and sweet..there are two reasons why nobody likes them...half dont know them and dont care the other half dont care and wish they didnt know them.
they were ok back in the day, but i think their schtick has become too stale for them to be taken seriously. i know that hall still uses the same "hey yo" bad guy routine, but there is something about the nasty boys that makes me view them as nothing but outdated.

i'm not into the "fat" thing either. there have been fatter guys who have had just as much success, if not more, than the nasties. but the one thing that irks me is if you know you are going to be back in wrestling again as much as they are right now, i would at least do some sort of training beforehand so i could keep up.

i still can't believe sags is listed as weighing more than knobbs. knobbs is huge.
Wait, iMPACT! was still in Florida last night, right? I don't think we can really use them as a measure of how over The Nasty Boys - or anyone, for that matter - are. They pop big for anything. I could go out there and take a shit and they'd pop for it, the sick fucks. They even pop for Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett.

I haven't been watching wrestling for twenty years and I didn't watch WCW, so my knowledge of The Nasty Boys is limited. I just sat there blankly when they turned up. It's not like I expected better of TNA.

Anyway, if their point is to be overweight, look like shit and fail to entertain me then I've gotta say it's just gone way over my head. Their promos have been appalling so far. This shit might have used to fly back in the 90's but my God, they are such bad actors - it's like they're not even sure what they're meant to do and they have to be driven round by whoever else is in the scene with them. When they were just by themselves in 3D's locker room, the scene when like this:

"[Indecipherable, possibly cultish yelling]"
"[Indecipherable, possibly cultish yelling?]"
"[Indecipherable, possibly cultish yelling!]"

I haven't watched iMPACT! yet but I'm sure their match was suitably terrible.
NorCal..you may have me somewhat convinced.
When I first saw them show up on the Jan. 4 Impact, I groaned. Then I read spoilers of them going over Nash & Young (without Crosby & Stills), and I groaned some more.
My problem has been that they are Hogan's buddies and that they work stiff and have a not-so-sparkly reputation among their peers. For instance, I can recall reading about guys like Public Enemy and Max Payne complaining about working with them. In Sting's TNA DVD, he tells a story about Kevin Nash denting one of Sting's baseball bats after getting upset with the Nastys.
But anyway, I can't deny they are entertaining. They are a real tag team and have proven themselves in the industry. Here a few weeks later, I have rewatched their segments and matches online and don't have as much to gripe about, considering that they are charismatic unlike much of the younger talent who can never get over. They carry a certain attitude and flair that reminds me of the wrestling back in the day -- a trait that's desperately needed now.
While I don't necessarily want to see them become tag team champions, I feel they can have a good feud with Team 3D and put on some entertaining promos and skits.
I will admit they looked better than they did in the summer when I saw them, especially Naggs. However after Team 3D who are they gonna work with? Not to mention after the match MCMG and Generation ME had last week I think they kind of killed thier rush. Nastys can't work with either of them or Beer Money. Now if TNA would consider a Hardcore Division sure I would welcome them on TV. We'll see how this develops in the future but to me I don't see the Nastys having an impact, positive or negative.
My problem with the Nasty Boys is the only reason they are in TNA is cause they are Hogan's friends. They were of TV for almos 15 years. They are old, fat and the most annoying pair of wrestlers ever. I found them annoying in WCW and I still do to this day. Oh yeah and THEY ARE TAKING TV TIME AWAY from guys who have been in TNA for years now.
The Nasty Boys are 45 yrs old each. That's the same age basically as Taker and Michaels and b/c of their gimmick as being obnoxious, fat arrogant slobs who like to brawl ... they work. Ppl that don't like them know that they're friends with Hogan and thought if they were any good they would have been on tv the past 10 yrs or whatever it has been. Also, TNA fans like the ones at the IZ zone have no appreciation for old school wrestling/brawling. They like acrobats who run around like mexican jumping beans and pull off spot after spot (the problem w/ spot fests is exactly this, any other sort of wrestling seem boring or lazy) but the only reason these guys can pull of those spots in the first place is b/c they are usually 5 foot 9 and below 200 pounds.

But anyway, I enjoyed the nasty boys last nite in the ring. I think the match worked pretty well and I think their promos have been good too.
If your someone who has an appreciation for traditional wrestling you gotta like the Nastys, they got a gimmick that works and they know how to brawl.

Ken Shamrock once had an issue w/ Brian Knobbs and he went too the Nasty's hotel room to confront Knobbs and Knobbs was passed out drunk, so Shamrock started pounding on him ... and Jerry Saggs put "the world's most dangerous man" in the hospital!
Now that's Nasty!
they were ok back in the day, but i think their schtick has become too stale for them to be taken seriously. i know that hall still uses the same "hey yo" bad guy routine, but there is something about the nasty boys that makes me view them as nothing but outdated.

i think i can help you out there because i thought the same thing about them. if you check out face & heel turns, everyone sorta changes their style a little, whether look or attitude. the Nasty Boys have been the same Nasty Boys since their original WWF run to their WCW run.

also, some people may view the "nasty bad guy" gimmick they had as stale because that was the worst back then, now we got worse "nasty bad guy" gimmicks because of the likes of the Attitude Era. that era brought in guys who did worse stuff than the Nasty Boys. i think that would be the main problem with the Nastys, their antics and gimmick haven't evolved in any way since their creation. the Dudleyz, Hogan, Bischoff, etc. etc. (all the old faces) have changed their look and their attitude at one point, the Nastys just haven't.
The simple fact that the Nasty Boys are generating this type of hype is why they where brought in. The Nasty Boys are an old school team that nobody has seen in 15 years. Whether you like them or not, the fact is...they create buzz and people will talk about them and tune in (even out of curiousity) to see them. They are one of the original "true" Tag Teams from the 80's/90's.

Bottom line, they were brought in to help generate the mainstream "buzz" that TNA is trying to get. And its apparently working.
Oh, someone reminded me of something.
I think the Nasty's were fired or whatever from WCW because Scott Hall was working stiff with them and the Nasty's got into a fight with the outsiders and Kevin Nash said "we'll see whose got stroke in this company" and probably went too Eric Bischoff and got the two fired.
The simple fact that the Nasty Boys are generating this type of hype is why they where brought in. The Nasty Boys are an old school team that nobody has seen in 15 years. Whether you like them or not, the fact is...they create buzz and people will talk about them and tune in (even out of curiousity) to see them. They are one of the original "true" Tag Teams from the 80's/90's.

Bottom line, they were brought in to help generate the mainstream "buzz" that TNA is trying to get. And its apparently working.

Why were they not creating any Buzz while they were unemployed? 15 years we had not heard from these slubbs and now they are hype machines. Get outta here.

Can you please stop saying they are brought in cause of the hype they are getting. What hype are they getting, the only reason they are being mentioned is cause they are on TV stinking up TNA and people hate to see what is going on. CMON MAn! Stop kidding yourself

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