What do you really think about The Miz?

Is the Miz good enough to Main Event?

  • Definitely

  • Not yet, but in due time

  • Maybe in a mid-card Matt Hardy kind of way

  • Never

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just wanna add how much i usually see all the love for miz which i agree with i think hes pretty damn good and thats cuz of my opinion not the IWC, but i also see equally as much hate particularly on this thread. obviously its a good thread with all the back and fourth. it creates good convo, but whats up with everyone raggin on someone elses opinion if you think someones opinion is so bad and ******ed than yours prolly is also. miz def deserves where hes at.
He doesn't deserve where he is at...
because there are more people who deserve that spot who have been there longer and who don't need to improve more.
People that get the short end of the stick...
there's people who have been there for years who are freaking great and don't get as much attention...
ONCE AGAIN where is all the push for Matt Hardy who has been there...forever and is a great worker and good in ring...He's adapted over the years to be more then just a high risk taker like how they were when they came in...he can actually wrestle on the mat unlike his pathetic brother...oh yeah Jeff got a championship, lol that's cause it's wwe and they never push the right people

Miz is just Mizerably overrated, he belongs in a tag division where at least if he has a good partner more people could at least stand him and maybe he wouldn't talk so much cause that is all he does....talk talk talk open his mouth wide and bug his eyes out and talk some more...rant and rant about how great he is when he hasn't ever accomplished anything...
His run with morrison was only entertaining because of morrison...
and accomplishing winning a U.S belt that he never defends isn't much of an accomplishment either and them just giving him money in the bank was just disgusting
I am DEFINITELY missing why everyone is getting so giddy about Miz. He's great on the mic, sure. However he is completely average/mediocre in the ring and on top of that he does NOT look like someone in the main events. Cena, HHH, Sheamus, Orton, etc. Those are main-eventers. Now we add this guy (http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/847/mizjan255ko7.jpg) to that list? LOL?

I hope he gets Matt Hardy'd but it's not going to happen because for whatever reason Vince is in love with the guy. He's funny to listen to but it ends there. When he's in the ring I am BORED.

**And edit***

Someone I saw up there said Miz/Cena could be the best feud since Rock/Austin. I REALLY REALLY hope that was a joke.
He Could Be A Good Main Eventer To Me. When He First Came To WWE I Hated Him Then He Had That Hoo Raa JUST WTF. But When He Got Drafted To Raw He Started To Grow On Me. He Improved In THe Ring And Better Mic Skill.So I Like Miz Now Hes A Good Heel NO PROMBLEM Getting People To Hate Him So Yeah I Think Miz Is Good Enough To Main Event.
I'm biased, because I watch the Real World and the RW/RR Challenges more loyally than I do wrestling. There are only a few guys that I "pop" for in WWE, and one of them is the Miz. He has "it", which is more important than anything. There's a difference between being a main eventer/WHC and being the face of the company. Cena and HHH fit in the latter. The Miz definitely fits in the former.
Oh yeah and Christian,
Here's another great guy who doesn't get crap...
While actual Crap/Miz gets a huge push

People like Hardy and Christian just get lost in the mix

It just sickens me who Vince wants to push...has he lost it completely?
He's just like all my fav bands....aging and loosing it

I love KISS but they haven't had a good idea in years, well Vince isn't too far behind.
I will say this on the subject on a Cena/Miz feud. I think the only way for me to really like The Miz is to see him win against Cena in an I-Quit match. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Cena has never lost an I-Quit match b/c his "Superman" gimmick, which I don't like Cena either so the gimmick makes me a lil upet if you couldn't tell by my username and what not. So, if Miz could over come the odds make Cena say "I quit" then I will think he's more than credible to be in the main event, but I don't think he'd ever be booked to win a match like that.
Now I hate Cena but I can't imagine someone like the Miz making him say I quit
which isn't saying much cause I have no respect for Cena...
I can't believe Cena has never lost an I quit match before, I think he should have lost them all
I am DEFINITELY missing why everyone is getting so giddy about Miz. He's great on the mic, sure. However he is completely average/mediocre in the ring and on top of that he does NOT look like someone in the main events. Cena, HHH, Sheamus, Orton, etc. Those are main-eventers. Now we add this guy (http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/847/mizjan255ko7.jpg) to that list? LOL?

I hope he gets Matt Hardy'd but it's not going to happen because for whatever reason Vince is in love with the guy. He's funny to listen to but it ends there. When he's in the ring I am BORED.

**And edit***

Someone I saw up there said Miz/Cena could be the best feud since Rock/Austin. I REALLY REALLY hope that was a joke.

See this is basically why I brought this up in the first place. I too don't think he has the look. You can just see these larger than life guys who have it. The Miz will always be a mid card guy for me because his gimmick is just not strong enough. I amnot saying a guy has to be "huge" to be a main eventer, but there is a look, and those that have watched long enough understand what that means.

It's just funny because the poll makes it seem like I am in a small group but this discussion has confirmed a lot more that not everyone loves the Miz. I was wondering if I was one of the few.

I agree about Sheamus, he has it now. I actually can enjoy him on the mic and in the ring. He could be placed in some great storylines that could really elevate him even more than now.

I am glad that I chose Matt Hardy in the poll because it truly shows that it is not about working hard. Christian must have been having money troubles to come back to the WWE because at least he was somebody in TNA. Now he is just a guy laying down to put people over when he never really got over himself! He was always in Edge's shadow and in the tag team class and he worked really hard! Christian could be pushed to main event way before the Miz IMO.

Good stuff guys, im off to bed.
I think it's fascinating...look through a lot of the threads and it's amazing how many of them are about the miz, or even if they are about something else, talk about the miz at some point. it's hard to keep track of them all. And not only that, but it's been like a recent miz explosion. This whole thing makes me feel like it's similar to a city whose sports team sucks and only a few die hards continue to pay attention and support the team. However, when that special season comes along and that team starts to do much better than expected, suddenly everyone is whooping and hollering, loving and supporting the team and not only jumping on the bandwagon but acting like they have been die hard fanatics all along.

I will admit I am a big fan of miz on the mic, but I think he still has a lot to prove in the ring. He's definitely come a long way but similar to others who posted before me, he just isn't credible as the heavyweight champion. Perhaps someday but not now. Then again, it's not like the WWE doesn't rush folks and push way too early, and sometimes it pays off.

I also think though that Cole's huge mancrush on the miz has actually hurt him. It's one thing for him to be biased during matches, that's nothing new. But cole has taken this way to far and it's almost creepy how much he seems to be in love with him. It almost makes one want to not be a Miz fan because you don't want to be lumped in with him.
I think it's fascinating...look through a lot of the threads and it's amazing how many of them are about the miz, or talk about the miz at some point. And not only that, but it's been like a miz explosion almost. I feel like it's people who live in a city whose sports team sucks and only a few die hards continue to pay attention and support the team. However, when that season comes along and that team starts to do much better than expected, suddenly everyone is not only jumping on the bandwagon but acting like they have been die hard fanatics all along.

Yup this is what happens with every bandwagon on this site. People only cheer for the guys who WWE are pushing. The most recent example was probably Ted DiBiase JR. WWE gave him a major push with Legacy and everybody said "he's the future" and now they are all hating on him. And before that the same thing happened with THE Brain Kendrick. When he first turned heel the bandwagon for him was insane. He probably had just as much attention as Miz is getting now. And before that was the MVP bandwagon and before that was the Kennedy bandwagon and before that was the Carlito bandwagon....

So 99% of the people who say "I was ALWAYS a fan!!! Go Miz!" are liars. Wait until after Miz makes it big, then everybody will turn on him. And if he fails then these people will say "he always sucked!" like they do now with Kendrick/Dibiase/etc

But the amount of threads about him isn't really amazing. He's getting a major push so everybody is going to pretend they are his biggest fan just like they did with all the other bandwagons.

I also think though that Cole's huge mancrush on the miz has actually hurt him. It's one thing for him to be biased during matches, that's nothing new. But cole has taken this way to far and it's almost creepy how much he seems to be in love with him. It almost makes one want to not be a Miz fan because you don't want to be lumped in with him.

That's really interesting and I didn't think of that. He does overdo it. I don't like Miz but Cole's pathetic worship of him is what makes me sick. Heel commentators supporting the heel wrestlers has never bothered me before, I mean when JBL did it I thought it was funny, same thing with heel Don West.

But Cole makes me debate turning off the television. IMO Cole is better at getting Miz heat than Miz is at getting himself heat
He DOES deserve the main event... He IS entertaining. he is much more entertaining than morrison. also, do you think during the Hogan/Warrior era that people actually thought Bret and Shawn "looked" like main event material??? hell no. just because Miz isn't a super-jacked ripped up freak does not mean he shouldn't main event. Bret and Shawn looked like mere mortals compared to Hogan, but they played the main event card pretty damn well after he jumped ship. I get tired of people saying Miz doesn't have "the look." he is good on the mic and in the ring and the crowd loves him. Regardless of this forum, he WILL main event and none of us can really stop it from happening.
I feel the Miz is ready to main event now. They guy is gold on the mic and great in the ring. He gets better and better each week in my opinion. He has worked his ass off to get to where he is and to prove to his peers he belongs there.

I didn't think much of him as a wrestler when he first was signed, but he has totally sold me over the last few years. If anyone saw him back in the day on the Real World crap. There is no doubt his goal was always to be a wrestler it's all he talked about on the show even calling himself the Miz.
What do I think about The Miz? I think I never want to hear about the fucking kid again for the rest of my life. Not because he isn't a great talent, but because he's the single most over-talked and over-hyped about wrestler in the entire business today. Is he good? Hell yes. He's better than good in fact, he's great, one of the best heels in the business today, but holy fuck stop making threads about him every 20 minutes and stop metaphorically sucking the guy's cock like he's the second coming of The Rock.

The Miz is great, really is. Very good on the stick, amazing at getting heat and working a crowd in his matches, and he's solid as a worker as well. But god damnit, shut the fuck up about him. We know he's good. We know he's a future world champion. Will you please just shut the fuck up and let his natural progression to the main event take place people? I never thought so much hype about a wrestler I actually liked would make me begin to dislike him.
the miz is awesome ( pun intended) he has worked extremely hard to get where he is, he pretty much came from nowhere.. the way he is on the mic.. everything, u can just see the effort he gives, he truly is awesome, hes someone you laugh hysterically at cuz they ahve the potential to be so awesome.. hes gunna be awesome for years to come, that will always be his catchphrase and soon hes going to be doing it like the rock when he turns face... his head to the sky.. mic in his hand and hes going to say Im the Mizz!!!! and the crowd will say AWESOME and he will as well. hes gunna be awesome
He DOES deserve the main event... He IS entertaining. he is much more entertaining than morrison. also, do you think during the Hogan/Warrior era that people actually thought Bret and Shawn "looked" like main event material??? hell no. just because Miz isn't a super-jacked ripped up freak does not mean he shouldn't main event. Bret and Shawn looked like mere mortals compared to Hogan, but they played the main event card pretty damn well after he jumped ship. I get tired of people saying Miz doesn't have "the look." he is good on the mic and in the ring and the crowd loves him. Regardless of this forum, he WILL main event and none of us can really stop it from happening.

Now why isn't Morrison better on the mic?
he's more entertaining.
He has a way with words that no one els has....

The miz is just cocky and he talks about him self a lot, Morrison delights us with the enjoyable nick names he comes up for people and just makes you laugh....:lmao:
I didn't like Morrison at first but you know what made me change my mind?
I watched the money in the bank match for wrestlemania 24 and I saw Morrison doing one hell of a job and I was just like I can't hate this guy anymore
i have just finished watching The Miz doing jump around on Lopez Tonight on wwe.com and it got me thinking is there no end to this man talents he good in the ring and will get better amazing on the mic at promo probably the funniest in the wwe right now and he as proven when he made fun of R-Truth he can rap love him or hate him and btw right now I love him he good and gets the crowd going
Maybe its just me but there something about the miz that really pisses me off so i guess that means he"s good at being a heel. As a heel i think he can main event but never as a face
All the threads about the Miz lately just make me laugh. The IWC is always praising him. Don't get me wrong, I think the Miz has above average mic skills. However, he still needs to improve in the ring to shoot into the main event picture. Just because he has the MITB case does not mean he will be a world champion. In fact, I believe he will be the first briefcase winner to not actually grab the title.

Overall, I think the Miz could possibly have main event potential in the future. He needs to polish and improve his overall skills. He should look for another catchphrase that really pulls in the audience. At that point, I see The Miz hitting main event status.
First of all, I love your Maryse pics Hatehabsforever!

About the Miz, I'm still asking myself if I could really see him in the main event. You know, I really try to imagine him with Triple H and Undertaker, but I cannot really see it.
Now, I can definitely see him hanging with Randy Orton, John Cena, and Sheamus, but it would feel weird him being World champion. I see him as a US and IC champion as of right now. Maybe in the next few years he can rise up. In fact, let him have a few fueds with main eventers like Orton and Cena, but don't let him win the world title yet.

Yeah so that is my take i guess. They have built him up so well that it would be a shame to not let him main event sometimes, but let him win the World title later.

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