Because I am The Miz! And I'm Awesome!

So far Miz seems to me too hard to be trying to get over. He just seems like a plain jane. Hasn't done anything overly impressive on the mic or in the ring to get the push he's been getting in my opinion. Have to see where they go with him.
Ohhhh, that's a rookie move, and you HATE to see that, especially from a poster with Jake's considerable reputation.

You've got a point, or you would have if you hadn't found a post from over a year ago.

Although I will concede that The Miz has improved leaps and bounds over the past year. I'll still stand by what I said last year.

Mic time on a pre recorded internet show will give you confidence to improve in front of a live audience. As will being led to believe you'll be feuding with the biggest face in the company.

Wrestling in tag matches will help you learn and it'll hide how awful you are. How many good singles matches have we really seen of The Miz? More than Morrison, less than The Great Khali.
Lol. IC's post was awesome. To be honest, when they split, I didn't think we'd see him much anymore. maybe a squash match herd and there. I have been converted. He is The Miz, and he is AWESOME! On a side note, to KB, Cena's album was quite successful. I believe it went double platinum.
Lol. IC's post was awesome. To be honest, when they split, I didn't think we'd see him much anymore. maybe a squash match herd and there. I have been converted. He is The Miz, and he is AWESOME! On a side note, to KB, Cena's album was quite successful. I believe it went double platinum.

Are you sure about Cena's album? I find that hard to believe. Top artists are having trouble going platinum so I can't imagine John Cena hitting that level, let alone double.

Now on to the Miz. Another thread where I have to state that I hate the miz and find him totally boring. I just don't get what people see in this guy. He gets "change the channel heat" from me. I bet if he didn't have a reality show background he wouldn't even be in WWE.

He doesn't do anything that really excites me. He's adequate on the mic and adequate in the ring...nothing special to me. When he speaks I see that maybe he could do something but I don't feel he delivers now, in fact I find him outright boring. His wrestling is okay and I don't think it will ever be at a top level. I cannot even believe that he could possibly be in a program with Cena and was in a RAW main event.

Good for him being successful and taking advantage of opportunities, I am simply not interested.
Dare I say (and where is NorCal to back me up on this), Miz is progressing FAR ahead of Morrison...

Now we should go back to MY quote, were I said at LAST years draft that Miz should be drafted to RAW, and Morrison to SD. That post would also show that I said, and have BEEN saying, The Miz is vastly superior to Morrison in just about every way. He may not to flippys, but he gets heat, works a good, phsologically sound match, and rarely botches. Looks liek the WWE did me one better, and have just went ahead and shot him straight up to the top of the card.

Damn IC, its fun being right, isnt it?
I'm not sure about double, but it was at least platinum. It also charted pretty well. You gotta remember, it was like 4-5 years ago. If the Miz has "change the channel heat" for you, what reason do you watch Raw? To me he is the only bright spot in the B show. His promos are better than anyone elses on the show. There really isn't really any other guys who are superb ring technicians, so his lack of in skills shouldn't hurt him.
With Kennedy leaving, this may have been a blessing in disguise for Miz. He may have gotten squashed by Cena, though I doubt it, but now that another upper mid card main eventer is gone, maybe he gets that spot. The only person that can stop Miz now, is....Miz.
With Kennedy leaving, this may have been a blessing in disguise for Miz. He may have gotten squashed by Cena, though I doubt it, but now that another upper mid card main eventer is gone, maybe he gets that spot. The only person that can stop Miz now, is....Miz.

kenedy=face push
miz= heel push
Unlikely miz will get the push as the next challanger to Orton I think that it will now be dare I say it HHH for the millionth time or posibly HBK. MVP is bussy keeping the mid card afloat and Miz is looking to be the next heel in the wwe to make it to the main event sceen. WWE was testing a Miz and Cena fued for a while so Kenedy has nothing to do with the Miz. Now I'm hopping that WWE realeases Big Show due to eating one two many hot dogs.
It may have been a blessing in disguise for Miz. If he gets to main event status on RAW, then good for him. But, is it really a good thing for the WWE and RAW to have The Miz as one of your main eventers? lol

He gets great heat and all, but I never in a million years saw him as being main event worthy since he's been with the company.
Where the hell did this guy come from??? Oh, that's right... MTV's the Real World!!?!? If reality TV produces stars of this caliber, I guess we'd better keep a close eye on Jenna Moresca, right? Ok... I won't go THAT far.

But, the Miz is slowly becoming a ticket-seller. When he first arrived in the WWE on Tough Enough, he just looked like any other loser. He didn't win but he still landed a WWE contract a few months later. After training at OVW, the powers-that-be decided to throw him on-screen to host the Diva Search and he botched more live promos than Mike Adamle. I was convinced that he wasn't cut out for the WWE and would be handed his walking papers soon enough.

Then, they threw a hat and a funky set of pants on him and let him work some televised matches. He jobbed to the best of his ability and started to make a few guys look good. And then a miracle happened... he was paired with John Morrison... and away we went. The WWE gave him a microphone again, but this time they struck GOLD.

I used to pee myself when I watched episodes of the dirt sheet. And he was even better on the microphone in front of a live audience. Some guys are given a small ball to run with and they drop it halfway down the field. The Miz took the ball, shined it up, tucked it, buried his shoulder, and ran it for a touchdown.

I've always said that in the business of pro wrestling, if you can cut promos, nothing else really matters. The guy is becoming a total package and I turn on Raw every Monday just to hear him shit-talk for 10 minutes. He's even coined some catch phrases that the people are catching onto...

"Because I am the Miz... and I am AWESOME!!"

There are guys in the business with endless in-ring talent that are held back because they can't cut promos or build their characters (i.e. Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas). The Miz is shooting right past them. I'd keep an eye on him.

Any thought?
I think he is great on the times. Last night he was hilarious. At the last PPV...not so much. He seems to be rather hit and miss and he needs to develop more consistency. Although I loved his comment about Cena being in the same group as Hannah Monatana. It doesn't get any truer then that.

I would also like to seem him develop some in ring offense. I mean, punch, kick, jumping clothesline in the corner, Reality Check...what other moves does he do? Oh, right. Chinlocks. Lots of chinlocks. He does more restholds then Randy Orton. I even think that Cena does a move or two more then him, but I could be wrong.

But I do agree, there is a big upside to the Miz. It is no secret that he LOVES wrestling and being a WWE superstar and loving what you do goes a long way.
I may be going a little far with this one, but I'm gonna say it anyway.


Miz has the mic skills to get him going, and a little bit of fine tuning in the ring, he'll be ready for the main event. But he isn't yet, so maybe a US Title run or two, then he'll be ready.
The Miz has finally grown on me....i hated him when he was with Morrison...dont get me wrong they were good together but when the eventual split came abouts and Miz came to Raw instead of Morrison i thought man this guys done...and i was SO WRONG....the Miz is the next big thing...give him time to develop and dont just throw him into the main event scene just yet....with that in mind i hated the way he was booked last nights bc Cena pretty much squashed him and then Chavo pinned him....WWE should have allowed Miz and Cena to mix it up and really put Miz to the test...they blew it there but i still think he is gonna move up the ranks...maybe go after Kofi's US title and have a good long run with that...a little ahead of myself but maybe next years MITB winner? Gives him about a year to build up himself into something....WWE dont drop the ball here....

Because i love The Miz and i think he is awesome!
with that in mind i hated the way he was booked last nights bc Cena pretty much squashed him and then Chavo pinned him....WWE should have allowed Miz and Cena to mix it up and really put Miz to the test...they blew it there but i still think he is gonna move up the ranks...

First off, thank you for agreeing with me. But think about what I just quoted from your last post... Cena is feuding with the Big Show right now. They have a match set up at the next PPV. Why risk the buyrates going down by devaluing (what WWE views as) one of the top matches on the card? The Miz's time will come and he needs to keep doing what he's doing, but taking focus off a PPV match 6 days prior to it happening is just bad business.
Where the hell did this guy come from??? Oh, that's right... MTV's the Real World!!?!? If reality TV produces stars of this caliber, I guess we'd better keep a close eye on Jenna Moresca, right? Ok... I won't go THAT far.

I'll keep my eyes on Jenna Moresca if you know what I mean.

Anyways I think what they are doing with The Miz is going well as he is a breath of fresh air on a very stale RAW, he can cut gream promos, he just oozes charisma & whenever he competes, he always is solid in the ring.

the Miz is the next big thing...give him time to develop and dont just throw him into the main event scene just yet....with that in mind i hated the way he was booked last nights bc Cena pretty much squashed him and then Chavo pinned him....WWE should have allowed Miz and Cena to mix it up and really put Miz to the test...they blew it there but i still think he is gonna move up the ranks...maybe go after Kofi's US title and have a good long run with that...a little ahead of myself but maybe next years MITB winner? Gives him about a year to build up himself into something....WWE dont drop the ball here....

Because i love The Miz and i think he is awesome!

I do think that The Miz will be big, but I don't think that he will be the next big thing out of his team with Morrison. I think that they are gonna let Miz & Cena eventually mix it up & hopefully they don't let Miz look like a bitch against Cena when they eventually do that. I will also say that Miz needs about a year & maybe a few months with some US Title reigns during that time & then he will maybe become a star.
wow....finally someone saying something with some truth!

I have been saying this since he came to RAW by himself...
sometimes the in-ring work is only so much, the mic skills can send you into superstardom....

I think his career from here out is going to mimmick someone big....dare I say it...THE ROCK....
people will hate him for a while....then like him because he is funny...then turn face....BOOM title-time
I think his career from here out is going to mimmick someone big....dare I say it...THE ROCK....
people will hate him for a while....then like him because he is funny...then turn face....BOOM title-time

Wow... that's a BOLD statement. I don't think there will ever be anyone quite like the Rock. I can't put them on the same field. The Miz will be someone of substance in the future, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
The Miz actually made a terrible Raw worth watching last night. I was a little disappointed he didn't get the win over Cena after Show landed a big punch, but oh well.

The guy really is progressing, but the writing has quite a bit to do with it. Any number of guys could deliver his lines with the same reception... Santino, Morrison, Punk, etc...

The Miz is growing on all of us because he's ripping on Cena and using true statements to do it - his movies suck... he looks like a moron in his wrestling attire... he and Hannah Montana have similar fan bases... yadi, yadi, yada.

The reason the Miz has grown on me is because he's pretty damn good in the ring. A few months back he had a great match with Mysterio on Raw (and I hate Mysterio with a passion) and he had the best match I've seen all year on ECW when he teamed with Morrison in a triple threat tag match (can't remember the other teams, sorry :() His promo work is only furthering the feelings I've had for several months - damn, I got a wrestling man crush on the Miz - scary !!

I think the entire roster will help put the Miz "over" if creative allows them to. The current storyline depicts everyone hating him, and I think it's going to turn into a Miz against the world storyline where he may become a fan favorite. He already has my vote.
I could not believe my eyes when i read this "i officially love the miz" forum I thought for sure it was a joke like "i officially love it if the miz was gone forever".
You people are unbelieveable i can not believe your saying all of these good things about the miz.
He is probably the worste guy on the wwe roster today. Don't believe me? Here are my reasons...
First of all he is awful on the mic waht does he say "IM AWESOME!" WHAT? any 5th grader can come up wiht that one LOL. Or heres another good one "I am THE MIZ!" It just kills me everytime he says that its probably the most annoying line in the history of tv or in life. Like wow your gonna say your name to whoever your talking to ... yeahh..... that will surely sell tickets. What else a chick magnet? Um ya..... If i do recall The rock was a chick magnet and every girl wanted him did that mean he had to come out every week and tell us that HEY CHICKS LOVE ME HEY EVERYONE CHICKS DIG ME HEY PEOPLE CHICKS WANT ME HEY GUESS WHAT CHICKS LIKE ME its like WTF DUDE get off of raw hes so fucking annoying.
His matches are a complete bore as well. Hes just like a regular dude whos only in the WWE to be on tv, get paid and get laid thats it!
He has no passion, no drive, no charisma, no athletic ability nothing absolutely nothinggggg. Hornswoggle vs. a broom would be more entertaining than watching the miz and thats me being nice to him.
No i am not jealous in the least bit of him I think Orton is awesome (does orton remind us every week hes awesome.. no people just know it). There are many others that are good too like Triple H, Ric Flair, Santino, Edge, Jericho, few more.
And you know the miz isnt a superstar or celebrity at all because on his myspace page i checked it out it has pics of him like with celebrities and him saying in the caption "Me with ozzy osburne .. jealous?" or things like that its like hes in awe of celebrities because he is not one. Anyone could be the miz anyone the janitor at your local high school could be the miz. The miz is a talentless annoying peice of garbage that has stained the wwe forever!
PLEASe FIRE THE MIZ I think after you people read this you may agree with me? Or if you disagree let me know? :banghead:
i didn't like The Miz when he first showed up and i still don't.. i hated it when he would say "hoorah," luckily he doesn't say it anymore.. he might pull some funny stuff out in his promos but that's it, i don't even like his wrestling ability, i don't see anything good in him
Wow, i completely disagree with everything you have said. Can't really grasp your utter disdain for the miz.

First of all he is awful on the mic waht does he say "IM AWESOME!" WHAT? any 5th grader can come up wiht that one LOL. Or heres another good one "I am THE MIZ!" It just kills me everytime he says that its probably the most annoying line in the history of tv or in life. Like wow your gonna say your name to whoever your talking to ... yeahh..... that will surely sell tickets.

The Miz is hardly awful on the mic.. The sad part is he's one of the best. He is no Jericho, but he is 100X better than both Hardy's, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston....The character was created to generate heat and his little " I am awesome" rant makes me laugh every single time...

What else a chick magnet? Um ya..... If i do recall The rock was a chick magnet and every girl wanted him did that mean he had to come out every week and tell us that HEY CHICKS LOVE ME HEY EVERYONE CHICKS DIG ME HEY PEOPLE CHICKS WANT ME HEY GUESS WHAT CHICKS LIKE ME its like WTF DUDE get off of raw hes so fucking annoying.

Im sorry but your sounding a little immature on this one..Its called a gimmick. He hasn't even said this line in a few months. He just wears the shirt...and obviously if he annoys you, then hes doing his job

His matches are a complete bore as well. Hes just like a regular dude whos only in the WWE to be on tv, get paid and get laid thats it!
He has no passion, no drive, no charisma, no athletic ability nothing absolutely nothinggggg. Hornswoggle vs. a broom would be more entertaining than watching the miz and thats me being nice to him.

This is the one that bothers me the most. You obviously have an agenda against the guy if you can't find anything redeeming about him. His matches are very entertaing. No charisma??? This guy oozes charisma...No athletic ability? Disagree again...The guy can move in the ring w/ the best of them. His matches have been above average at best, and it will only get better...The no passion and drive, i may have agreed w/ you in the beginning..A guy coming off MTV , you figure he just wants to stay in the spotlight, but he has stepped up his game since their giving him some air time, and he looks like a guy that wants to strive to be in the upper echelon of the wwe

No i am not jealous in the least bit of him I think Orton is awesome (does orton remind us every week hes awesome.. no people just know it). There are many others that are good too like Triple H, Ric Flair, Santino, Edge, Jericho, few more.

Again Miz reminds us of this week after week to generate heat for his new character. Its all scripted..I agree on Orton being awesome but even his delivery in his promos kind of sound robotic like..Im waiting for Johnny 5 from Short Circuit to appear w/ him in the ring...

And you know the miz isnt a superstar or celebrity at all because on his myspace page i checked it out it has pics of him like with celebrities and him saying in the caption "Me with ozzy osburne .. jealous?" or things like that its like hes in awe of celebrities because he is not one.


Sorry if i disagree with you, but thats my opinion and it looks like a few others agree w/ me...But thats what forums are for...Im just saying

My thoughts on The Miz...

I didn't like him when he first came in. I knew he was a big wrestling fan from his time on Real World and Tough Enough, but I thought he would be a flash-in-the-pan guy (Johnny Fairplay, anyone?) But, he hung around. He actually tried to learn and be a part of the roster instead of just a pop culture face. Teaming him with Morrison helped him to build his character - the arrogant young jerk that many of you posters have said you hate. That means his character must be working to some degree. His in-ring skills? He's no expert, mind you, but he's learning. He can take decent bumps and he sells pretty well.

After they went as far as they could with the Miz/Morrison team, breaking them up was the best thing to do. I thought Morrison would come to Raw because he was the better talent and character, but bringing Miz instead turned out to be gold. Morrison can thrive on Smackdown and become a top face or at least high mid-card, but Raw needed some good mic workers. Orton and Legacy are horrible. Batista sucks. Cena can work a mic, but needs to take a back seat for a while. They just lost one of the best mic workers they had in Mr. Kennedy, but they gained three others via the draft - MVP, Triple H (who has regressed, IMO, but is still good) and Miz. Bringing him in and putting him as the pesky heel continuously calling out Cena while Cena feuds with Big Show is great. Not only is it funny, but it helps get a foot in the door to work in some main events.

All in all, I kinda like Miz. I think he plays his character to a T - a brash, young, arrogant frat-boy type heel. Give him time to build his ring skills and he can be a definite high mid-card talent. A main eventer? I personally don't think so, unless a main event heel goes on the shelf for a while with an injury and Vince has no choice but to push him up there.
The Miz will be the last wrestler to actually keep their name that they started with in the wrestling business. If Miz debuted this year, his name wouldn't be Miz. It would be something like Mike Marrion. The WWE is going for all generic characters now with regular names like UFC. No more Rocks, Undertakers, Kane's, CM Punks, Big Shows, HHH's, X-Pac's...Now we have Gavin Spears, Braden Walker, Marcus Cor Von. In 2002, if Monty Brown debuted with the WWE, they would no doubt call him Monty Brown just for the sheer buzz.

What I'm getting at is The Miz is honestly going to be one of the last wrestlers to be basically playing his own character that he created. The character that he came into the business with. That's why he's gonna be succesful, because he is the Miz, and he is awesome.
Let me just be the only one able to say this...


Good call here, because in January of 2008, I didn't see any glimpses of stardom from The Miz. I saw low midcarder at best for this guy. I didn't know his live mic skills were were as good as they are.

Each week I am more and more entertained by this guy. Although his promos aren't great (yet), they are arguably the most entertaining in the WWE right now (which doesn't say a lot about the mic skills of the rest of the roster).

The Miz is showing us that we can have "Attitude" in a PG just need charisma and creativity.

I feel like a goddam child, this is the first time I've really been genuinely happy about wrestling in years. He's charismatic, confident, and they aren't pushing him like shit through a greased asshole......too fast.
Each week I am more and more entertained by this guy. Although his promos aren't great (yet), they are arguably the most entertaining in the WWE right now (which doesn't say a lot about the mic skills of the rest of the roster).

Whoa whoa whoa... not to drift off subject, but you don't see Jericho, HBK, HHH, or Edge having mic skills? Listen, I think the Miz has a gift for the gab. I won't deny that... as a matter of fact, I think I've already praised it. But we can't be so bold as to say that he's the best talker in the WWE right now... that couldn't be a more incorrect statement.

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