Because I am The Miz! And I'm Awesome!

Miz is funnny and entertaining. But he needs to clean up is ring skills. Seriously Miz can be funny maybe cuz he use to be a Tv Host! Lol... but seriously setup the Cena match and get it over with,, I say Miz is alright.
Miz is funnny and entertaining. But he needs to clean up is ring skills. Seriously Miz can be funny maybe cuz he use to be a Tv Host! Lol... but seriously setup the Cena match and get it over with,, I say Miz is alright.

Miz's in ring skills are fine. But heres my real question for you? Why get it over with??? Thats the problem w/ the WWE today, they rush almost every thing.. Whats wrong with a little build up? I actually kind of enjoy an angle that gets played out for a while. Thats the problem with wrestling today. Especially when your giving a guy a shot at being just more then a mid carder, giving him some mic time and calling out the WWE's poster child is fun in itself//// I just hope that when the match actually does happen, the Miz gets more offense then Cody Rhodes did against Batista on Raw hHAHAHA...Im just saying
Whoa whoa whoa... not to drift off subject, but you don't see Jericho, HBK, HHH, or Edge having mic skills? Listen, I think the Miz has a gift for the gab. I won't deny that... as a matter of fact, I think I've already praised it. But we can't be so bold as to say that he's the best talker in the WWE right now... that couldn't be a more incorrect statement.

I didn't say he was the best, I said he is arguably the most entertaining right now. As it stands right now on the mic alone I am more entertained by him each week than I am with any other wrestler in the company. Probably more so because it is refreshing and something that I haven't heard in quite a while. Of course Edge, Jericho, etc. are "better" on the mic, but we all know that. Miz entertains me more than them right now (emphasis on "entertains me more than them right now")
Lol why most would disagree with this, The Miz has been reminding me somewhat of The Rock with the promos he cuts. I've got to admit i use to hate The MIz and i thought when he was drafted to RAW that he would job a few months then by the end of the year be "future endevoured". But no he's impressed me so far and cut some damn good promos on Cena and he's one of the few reasons i watch RAW. And no one thought Rock would be shit but he when he started cutting those promos and using those catchphrases he became larger then life. I seriously think "I am The Miz,and I am AWESOME!" could be this generations "If you smell what The Rock is cooking"

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