Because I am The Miz! And I'm Awesome!

Hands down, the Miz is the best thing on Raw at the moment for me. His promos have been fantastic lately and, most importantly, ENTERTAINING. Its something fresh, its helping to give him some credibility and a boost, and its fun. I would love to see Cena/Miz as an actual program for a few ppvs, without Miz just being destroyed left and right.

And I agree with KB - their first match, Miz should win with a roll-up or something clean and quick. He gets the best of Cena but doesn't look like an indestructible monster. He just looks like that arrogant S.O.B. that got lucky real quick. By doing so, he gives himself that much more fuel to come out and tell everyone "I told you so", because he's still right. Cena can win the next two, but as long as Miz gets that first win and isn't destroyed in those next 2 matches, he comes out of it looking like a much brighter star.

I wouldn't mind seeing Miz/Kennedy in the future either, depending on what happens with Kennedy when he returns. Those two could have a great feud even just on the mic. Miz is one of those guys that I'm confident could be a main event star in the company's future. He may never reach the level of The Rock or Hogan, but he's certainly got the talent to go far.
Well as far as the Miz goes he's a million times more entertaining now then he was in his HOO-RAH days (even typing that annoys the shit out of me) anyway i think it's sad that most people are watching Raw because of Miz and his trash talking of Cena or Santino and his comedy act....I'm guilty of it too but it's not our fault, it's the show that stale and lacking. Like the old saying goes though you can't turn shit into diamonds....even with Flair.
If the WWE is smart, The Miz will come out and interfere in the Show/Cena match, and cost Cena the match. Then, the next night on Raw, Miz should go over Cena, clean.

I think that the Miz is in the top five for mic skills in the WWE. He is very entertaining, and he is light years ahead of where he was when he started in the ring.

The Miz is what the WWE needs. He is a life long fan who fell ass backwards into a job and he does something to improve himself every week. I think he is the most improved wrestler in the last 18 months.

Don't fuck this up WWE, push the Miz. I think they should push Morrison on SD! too. And then, you end the brandsplit by having these two main event Survivor Series and unifying the titles.

No joke. These guys are the future of the company.
I sort of agree. I'm not nearly as high on the Miz as you are but I absolutely want to see his succeed. I'll gladly eat crow if one day Miz is main eventing as a believable World/WWE Championship threat. He's very unique and far more entertaining now that he was when JBL would absolutely destroy him on commentary week in and week out on SD!. The time he spent by Morrison's side forced Miz to step it up. I hope that knowing people consider him to be the Jannetty to Morrison's HBK while they're on dueling shows will continue to light a fire under Miz.

Anytime the WWE has a fairly interesting and fairly talented wrestler that they're starting to push I absolutely want to see them do well. You can almost never go wrong with fresh blood.
Okay, I cannot believe i am ging to speak in favor of the Miz, but I am.
This is a guy I have hated ever since the moment i first saw him while being foced to watch the putrid spectacle that is the real world by my girlfriend at the time. I thought he was pathetic then and my opinion has taken a very very long time to change, but it has.
I thought he was a total douche bag and when the WWE signed him, I knew it was for very dubvious reasoning.

However, as the years have worn on, The Miz has grown, i would say thanks largely to being paired with john Morrison, into a very promising heel.
His ringwork is nowhere near Morrison's caliber of course, but his mic work (which is what REALLY makes or breaks a heel) is better than any other young talent they have floating about these days.
His promos are creative and amusing, and they are garnering immense amounts of heat, whether the naysayers want to acknowledge it or not.

His impending feud with the king (hopefully only one match of that crap) will indeed help him. When they want to get a mid card heel over, they have him attack Lawler, when they want to get a main event heel over, only attacking JR will do. This will help him wade through the Cena/Show crapfest so he can pick back up on Cena later. While still flapping his gums about him all along the way. The fact that he is calling himself 5-0 against cena isn't ridiculous btw, it's classic heel tactic that never fails to get a reaction.

I think his ring work will never be great, but it has much improved and we could be seeing a lot more of this guy in the future.
As for thoughts on the Miz/Cena feud, I say have Cena ignore him, only more actively as the weeks progress. Have the Miz keep bugging him, only to have Cena brush him aside because he has "bigger matters to tend to", I.E. the WWE title. This could build and build for awhile, until they finally have the Miz cost Cena the belt. Effectively setting cena's sights on the Miz, I agree with the posts that say cena could withstand a loss to the Miz just fine, but it would have to be a dirty win, as that is the Miz's way.

I would love to hear that promo the next night on RAW, when the Miz celebrates his victory over super Cena. Maybe make it complete with ballons and confetti falling from the sky. We'd never hear the end and this would of course lead to Cena bouncing back and demolishing the Miz in a return match, of course. But i think this would very well be a great program to both A) get a much needed fresh heel established in the Raw world and B) Provide some much needed refreshment for cena's ever so stale act.

RAw badly needas fresh villains that actually have a damned personality, so here's to hoping that the Miz, Douche Bag Extraordinaire, gets his chance to flourish.
I've thought the Miz had great potential since his tag team with John Morrison and the success they had on all three brands. I think Mike Mizanin will be a great midcard addition to the Raw roster for years to come. I don't see him being future endeavored but I don't see him being a major main event player either. He doesn't have that main event feel that a John Cena or a Triple H have. I think a few Intercontinental title reigns and maybe an ECW title reign if he chooses to go back to the C brand will be all we will see from the Miz in his future career as a WWE superstar. I don't expect a victory over John Cena to come out of this feud. This will be like when Jericho claimed he was 2-0 against Bill Goldberg in WCW only to be squashed when they finally encountered. Don't expect Miz to be as big as Jericho.
Dont really know why i like miz but i do. He is a character and he has more flair on the mic than morrison does. But... Morrison outshines him in the ring and he is also more flashy with the duds he wears! Morrison will go further though.
I have to fully agree, The Miz has stepped his game up since being drafted. You can see it in his eyes and feel it when he cuts promos, you can feel the hunger. The guy wants his shot and is showing the drive and passion that was lacking from Carlito and Shelton Benjamin for example. Santino used to be a joy to watch on RAW and I would look forward to his comedy promos, but now I would have to give mad props to Miz because he has hung in their and showed people, myself included, that he is more than just an MTV ex reality star, he can hang with the big boys.
He's off to a great start and it would be good to see him get a win over Cena. I'd really like to see him interfere in Big Show/Cena match at Extreme Rules. That would cause some more heat and would finally tip Cena over the edge to go at Miz. So far it seems as if Cena doesn't consider Miz a threat. If Miz were to fuck Cena over the back of Big Show then Cena would most definatley have a reason to take Miz out. Could be a really good feud if WWE don't drop the ball.
Can you imagine the promos between Cena and the Miz. Miz is perfectly capable of dueling on the mic with Cena.

His rap Monday was funny as hell. Cena could rap back. Cena's thugonomics gimmick may have gotten old, but this Hogan 2.0 good boy act is getting old. I would love to see him go back, even for a bit with Miz. They are both funny, think quickly on their feet. I am sure they could write their own feud with minimal supervision. They make Cena out be clean cut now, but I remember his having just as filthy of a mouth as Miz.

I think I am getting excited for this feud.
i think miz should be in a feud with mvp for a while both those to are great on the mic

so mabey two to three pay per views against eachother the miz wins us title
the way i see it is that i think the miz and creative read all the cena hate on the internet and decided to turn that into a storyline(thethings the miz said about cena being allhype for the wwe kids and that his movies suck killed me)...when cena will be done with big show, i definately want to see cena v miz...miz's line "i'll take care of cena...after he's done beating you" to the big show was my highlightof rawthis week
The Miz's gimmick is to be a douchebag, and even if he's good at his gimmick, I hate douchebags. I think the Cena Miz feud will be alright. Lowering Cena down the card is exactly what needs to happen. Because he's a soldier and he respects all of his opponents. *salute* Face it people, this angle will die quickly. Christian used to rag on Cena, then they killed it when they realized it was hurting Cena. They won't hurt their "golden goose" John Cena.
This is the problem with the WWE for years now. For those who have been paying attention the last month or so Raw is a shell of itself. You have a young talent like the Miz who has been cutting great promos and probably should be pushed but then Vince and all the writers go back to the same old crap. We all know how this is going to end John Cena will come out to one of Miz's challenges and beat him in less than 5 mins. Like John Cena would be hurt if he lost a clean match to the Miz. Or even better Triple H will come back and make a joke of him just so he can prove he is the alpha male on raw.

Instead of pushing someone new and giving him a chance to be a star they rely on old farts like Ric Flair and give us the same old crap from John Cena, Batista and Triple H. There is a reason why the ratings have sucked all around the WWE lately. How many times can get give us Edge vs. Jeff Hardy or Triple H/Batista vs Randy Orton or John Cena vs. Big Show. Maybe instead of having the quick fix with bringing Ric Flair back they should except the ratings will suck for a few months and push new stars like Miz and Morrison.
omg, i can't think of a single awesome thing about the Miz! he reminds of me of the dumbass boys in school who thought they were cool and would repeatedly hit on the popular girl, not realizing she though he was a loser! kind of like Stiffler's brother in American pie. I know my opinion has nothing to do with his wrestling ability, but i am yet to actually see the boy wrestle on Raw!
yay!!! this guy is great and is one of two reasons i've been exciting for monday night.....the other mvp......he is fresh he's funny and albeit he's not john morrison of wrestling he's ok.....i mean we put up wit cena's four moves of doom so why not miz?......miz brings something new and funny every week....can u say that bout cena, hhh, batista, or big show.....i mean heres cena "every may not like me but i will prove i can win im the underdog and the champ will be here!" hhh "i am that damn good and i am the game" Batista/Big Show "ARG I DONT LIKE U I BEAT U UP ARG" and the good thing bout miz is he's telling the yes he will be good and suceed i say yah cause he's different
Miz has the mic skills that the guys in the Attitude Era had. We haven't seen a guy like that in a while. He also seems to have some freedom in what he says. Kind of like the guys from the Attitude Era. Nowadays you got all of this scripted lame, barney-esque, fan asskissing crap from guys like Cena. You had to mark for Miz's "Give it up for Marty Jannetty" line at Judgement Day. But of course Cena will come out and squash Miz, then Miz will be relegated to beating jobbers on Superstars, then jobbing himself on Raw.
The Miz has really improved as a wrestler and his mic skills are actually very good. I think the WWE sees this and is giving him more of a chance to showcase that.
I consider The Miz the most improved superstar of 2008, by far. He's really come into his own both on the mic and in the ring. He exudes confidence, but he's not larger than life or overly gimmicked up. He seems like an average guy, which makes him that much easier to hate. Sometimes his lines are a little corny, but that's a good thing. If he was incredibly articulate and clever at all times, then he'd be too impressive. The fact that he says certain things that are kind of lame, makes it easier for the crowd to have the response, "Ugh, this guy is such a loser!" It's better to be a loser than an @$$hole, because then the crowd just feels like you don't even deserve to be in the ring...if that makes sense. It does in my brain.
I must agree with this thread.... THE MIZ IS AWESUM. i thought the miz was gonna fail when he and morrison split. but after seeing is solo promos against Cena, theyre just gold, the miz has super skills on the mic. to me they are the most entertaining part of raw atm. the problem is that i cant see the miz gettin win over cena, clean or even dirty. The miz's last few promos on raw have kinda maybe me a slight fan of his, but i still havent really found that entertaining in any of his solo matches, but i think he can woah me. what i wouldnt mind seeing is a morrison and miz feud i reckon they could have a decent match.
I like what they are doing with The Miz, but he needs to be in the ring. His mic skills were already well known due to The Dirt Sheet on .com, but most people didn't get a chance to see him in the ring on ECW or even SmackDown. They either need to let him into the ring against Cena, or figure out a new angle for him to actually get in the ring. He has improved greatly in that area since he debuted, and they need to let him show off these skills.
Let me just be the only one able to say this...


Seriously, I called this LONG before any of you, you, you frontrunners! Need proof?

Check that thread out. I'll even give you some tidbits.

For all of you "Miz" haters out there, I'm here to show you the err of your ways. I not only feel that Mike Mizanin deserves the benefit of your doubts, but that he is also a top young start in ECW / SD and has a future with a lot of gold in it.

1. Mike Mizanin has a good look. He's 6'1 and 220 lbs. So he isn't huge, but he's got an athletic look to him. Chris Jericho is 6'0 and 231. Jeff Hardy is 6'1 and 225. Mike doesn't have a ton of weight on him to wear down his bones or ligaments, he's not much of an injury risk, and he certainly not a steroid risk from a PR standpoint.

2. Mike Mizanin is strong on the mic. While he's yet to cut that "landmark promo" he has been strong in some spots. Still work to be done, but let's face it - he's no stranger to using his mouth to start crap. He did it on Real World vs Road Rules Challenge, often cutting Rock-style promos before big challenges. Once in the right feud he'll be able to take the mic and make it happen.

3. Mike Mizanin is over with the fans. He was voted over John Morrison and Big Daddy V at Cyber Sunday to face CM Punk for the ECW Title. Morrison was a former champ and had heat with Punk. Big Daddy V was working a program with Punk at that time. But Morrison was chosen because fans wanted some fresh meat in there, and that's what they got.

4. Mike Mizanin has performed in big spots. I again reference Cyber Sunday. He rose to the occassion in his ECW Title match against Punk and worked a strong match. He sold well and hit his spots, especially being a rookie in a spot of uncertainty (not knowing IF he'd even wrestle that night) which is something I was shocked WWE would do at a live PPV.

5. Mike Mizanin is starting out like all of the greats. I've said it before - tag team gold is the proving ground for future stars. Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Sting, Edge, Batista- all were tag champs before making it as huge singles stars. Even John Morrison was a multi-time tag champ with Joey Mercury before breaking out and winning Intercontinental Gold and eventually the ECW Title.

Face it, wrestling fans. You're looking at a part of the future.

NOW, let's see how people reacted to my opus:

And Il show you the other side, he is Crap. There is no other way to put it. His heat isn't of his causing. People don't like him. He will get x-pac heat for his entire career.

Wow, bummer. So much for that. Back of the line, sir.

yeah right the miz will always be a lowcarder and just because he has tag tem gold dose not mean that he's the future. What about hhh he did not have tag team gold. what about the rock (the great one) he did not have tag team gold untill the end. and yeah he looks nothing like a wrestler he's nothing more that a jobber so buddy keep dreaming about the miz. Or maybe u want the girls he hangs out with. and one more thing JOHN MORRISON is not a great superstar

Ah, thanks for playing. I'd wait for this poster to reply, but no shock here judging by the grammar and sentence structure - banned a long time ago.

The Miz sucks by the way. He's terrible. He hasn't made any improvement in the past few years. Sure he has charisma. But it's that annoying charisma. He also isn't composed when he talks on the mic. He's likley to slip up at any second. The Miz on the mic is like Khali in the ring. You can see them both thinking ''What do I say/do next?''

Ohhhh, that's a rookie move, and you HATE to see that, especially from a poster with Jake's considerable reputation.

Folks, Miz is a student of the business. He's come into his own because he's been given time, never over-pushed. The best characters are the ones who take little peices of themselves and work to magnify them times 10. Austin drinks beer and is a tough guy, so he magnified it and became a star. Cena is a strong man and a patriot, so he magnified it times ten and became a star. Keep watching Miz as he slaps crowds in the face, working against the Cena's of the world. He'll get his hands on a mid-card title and we'll be on to the next chapter in a damn impressive book. Plus, with JBL gone and HHH getting older, who will be left to hold him back?

Dare I say (and where is NorCal to back me up on this), Miz is progressing FAR ahead of Morrison...
miz is the best thing ive seen on the mic since rock, hes no where close but recently the mic work in wwe has been shit with upcomming wrestlers since the mid 90's. Miz has something special, his mic skills are indicitive of his long promos since wwe knows that hes taleted. Lets all look back- the iwc community hated the rock before he hit big, now hes concidered a ledgend by them. The iwc hated scsa thinking that he will never make it. The IWC lovd guys like psyco sid, british bulldog, and dean malkeo all guys who are conveniently gone from the wwe record books. So really no one knows how miz willl turn out, sure some people hate him but how does the casual fan react. The crowds are mostly made up of casual fans and he seems realy over with them. The IWC is too biased and educated to see wrestlers in the eyes of 75 to 85 percent of wwe's viewers who happen to not be as educated when it comes to wrestling, just thought I should point that. God I love the Miz, loved him since real world.
Damn it, the Miz IS awesome!!! It really has been fun watching his journey. Anyone remember him on the Real World? Ok, I didn't watch it, either- but I do know that his whole story was that he wanted to become a professional wrestler. And he has became a pretty damn good wrestler. He has been the highlight of RAW since he got drafted. His promos have been on point. His delivery has been flawless. You want to hate him or you love him. Either way, he evokes emotion. Afterall, isn't that the point of a promo? Miz has grown leaps and bounds in the ring. He proved that during the main event on RAW just last night. Yes, the Miz in a main event on RAW- who would have thought! He got some spots in and was able to hold his own the the "big guns". I, for one, look forward to see what he will do next week.
That guy is a piece of crap! All he has is a clothesline in the corner. Call me old school, but I watch wrestling to see action. I don't want to see some fake ass reality loser wasting time saying nothing. As much as I hate Cena, I hope he destroys that plug. Morrison is 1000x the wrestler as The Miss, they just need to eliminate his wackass Doors gimmick.

i agree, Miz can be funny at times, and he has been more recently, but overally he's not that special, and you're right Morrison is leaps ahead of him with his ability, Miz just has a somewhat already established name and every year that goes by he cant brag about being on real world or whatever he might have done before..i mean i really cant explain why he's getting a push right now if you want to even call it that, he's cool for a quick joke but if thats the case he should be like a special commentator or just a dude backstage during promos and being in random bunk stables

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