Chris Benoit- What to do about Mr.Benoit!!!

Should WWE mention certain things about Benoit

  • Yes, at least mention him in certain things that he did.

  • No, he doesn't deserve even that

  • Split decision

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Killing is killing... Murder (if it was) is Murder... whoever is the victim...

This is your perception. Most of the rest of the world disagrees with you. Most of the rest of the world understands the implications of WWE treating Benoit differently in 2015 than you do.

I'm not gonna say "Benoit goes to hell cos he killed a kid but Snuka won't cos he only killed a woman..." that's as stupid as anything I've suggested.

I've read a lot of your posts and you've said plenty of things that are far more stupid. At least you condemning certain individuals to hell based on certain criteria shows some semblance of thought and judgment.

If killing disqualifies you, then Gagne, Snuka and Hall must be omitted in the same way...

Who said killing disqualifies you? Most people just feel that what Benoit did in his situation disqualifies him.

that a child died is immaterial.

Are you just trying to get out of jury duty?
Benoit was once my favourite wrestler, I sincerely hope the WWE keeps up with its policy regarding him. A murderer deserves no recognition.
This is your perception. Most of the rest of the world disagrees with you. Most of the rest of the world understands the implications of WWE treating Benoit differently in 2015 than you do.

I've read a lot of your posts and you've said plenty of things that are far more stupid. At least you condemning certain individuals to hell based on certain criteria shows some semblance of thought and judgment.

Who said killing disqualifies you? Most people just feel that what Benoit did in his situation disqualifies him.

Are you just trying to get out of jury duty?

Most of the rest of the world disagrees with you says the guy whose gone and polled the rest of the world on what they believed happened to Chris Benoit's family. Don't go speaking on behalf of the the 'rest of the world' unless you actually know what most of the rest of the world believes. And just because you believe that what you believe is what most of the rest of the world believes doesn't make it true. That's simply only what you and other narrow minded people believe.

As for this topic in general, I think the OP has done a fantastic job presenting an argument that a lot of us have apparently no interest in taking seriously. I laugh at just how naive the typical wrestling fan is when it comes to the world around them. They don't realize that anybody or anyone inside or outside the law is capable of conspiring against people they hate. I would love if the OP cited his sources (i have seen a few over the years myself) but there is definitely more than I originally thought there was to look into. One thing I've learned in my lifetime is that our justice system and police are full of shit. When I was younger I myself had myself been conspired against by an escort who I thought was my girlfriend...She tried to take me for some money I had fallen into..And when i uncovered that part of the scam, I dumped her and she had a bunch of her escorts and pimps beat the shit out of me outside a bar..and I didn't realize that's who they were till a friend found an article about them being busted in some escort false pretense scam a year later. When I went to the cops to identify the people who beat the shit out of me it turned out some of the fucking cops were part of this drug/escort ring! I was told by these shithead cops to back off and leave it alone..and on my own investigated and found out cops connected to these girls..and at 23 it blew my mind I couldn't even fathom any of it! I'm 11 years older now and I have a history degree. I know better. Just because 'cops' or any authority figure has the final word doesn't mean what they say should be taken blindly as gospel or absolute truth. So year if Sullivan belongs to some strange cult it's not impossible to believe that someone within it could also by day hold a position of authority. I know that seems far fetched but stranger things have happened and to myself.
Mike Tyson served 6 years for Rape, arguably an equally heinous crime...

Rape is a horrible thing granted... but I wouldn't put it on the same pedestal as murder. Nothing is worse than murder.

You've thrown a comparison with Verne Gagne.... though Gagnes case was more a manslaughter case..... an assault that the old guy ended up dieing from....and however badly damaged Benoits brain was... he did it with intent to kill.

Verne was in the developed stages of Alhzeimers. If Benoits lack of faculties were as developed as Vernes, Benoit wouldn't know what day of the week it was, let alone be able to cut promos, visit his doctor and wrestle on WWE shows.
There are plenty of people, myself included, who still wish people would stop treating Tyson as if he were some poor victim of circumstance as well. I fully agree that once you've done your time you should be allowed move on with your life though and so Tyson has done his time. It's his lack of repentance that bothers me right now rather than what he did.

For Benoit there will never be any time served or any repentence. Murder/suicide cases are even more heinous than murder cases because the killer was so cowardly that they decided to take people down with them. As for whoever said murder is murder and child murder is no worse, give me a break. What would you consider worse? If I stabbed a forty year old man to death or if I stabbed a baby in a cot to death? A child cannot put up any defence against an adult attacking them, that's why it is infinitely worse.
There is nothing at this time that you can do with him. Granted, WWE has mentioned Benoit in passing when a major angle was involved, or when he won the belt. Problem is that he killed his family while being employed by WWE. Remember, VKM values FAMILY above all else. Benoit MURDERED his family. What made matters worse on the business end is that Benoit no-showed an event at the time he murdered his family. The tribute that WWE gave Benoit, and then having to pull it back, made the Company look stupid. Now, let us say WWE decides enough time has passed, and Benoit should be placed in the HOF. Can you say massive backlash? The press would have a field day. What is worse, is that VKM's Grandchildren will hear it from their peers, who will then cry to Trips and Steph "Mommy! Daddy! The kids at school are saying that Pop is giving a gift to a man who kills kids! Is this true?!?" You know what will happen next? Trips makes a phone call: "Pop, it's Paul. Um, look, about honoring Benoit..."

What Benoit is getting now is a gift in and of itself. No need to give Phil Mushnick, ESPN, and schoolkids ammunition.
I've been adamant over the last eight years that Benoit didn't kill himself or his family. Three investigation seemed sketchy at best, and there were no witnesses to the crime itself. And I know I could be wrong, but what little evidence was presented the judgment seemed rushed. But if I'm WWE, until Chris Benoit is actually proven innocent after all these years, I'd play it says and not mention him. They just had a media shitstorm after the whole Michelle Beadle-Triple H/Mayweather deal. This would give off a negative vibe. Despite his accolades, and he had a lot, is put the company first before the memory of one man.
Here is an example of what I meant. Chris Benoit was in MITB before. Why not put him in there are just make the article about people who have won the match. Also what the Royal Rumble winner one. Why even make these articles on your site. It seems as they due it on purpose to draw attention to their selves. It is not going to kill their company as many suggested to acknowledge him in that aspect at least.

It is drawing attention to yourselves to say that they are not erasing him and he can be mentioned in a historic way only and not a praise type of way, and then when it's a picture article like that they skip past him.
I think a few people in this thread need to remove their tinfoil hats. So much conspiracy...

Anyway, someone else put it much better earlier on by saying Benoit's legacy isn't even that important. He won a Rumble, he won the title at Mania and had some very good matches but that is about it. I could name 50 wrestlers who had better and more memorable careers than Chris Benoit. The truth is he was superb in the ring, well respected, and loved by the marks but he had the charisma of wet bunting and I doubt he ever drew a dime. Folk didn't go to events or buy PPV's for Chris Benoit.

I don't care if WWE never mentions him again.
Having his photo in a few articles won't hurt anyone. Having footage edited perfectly such as Orton winning the belt is just a little silly. Indeed, ignoring him often brings up the subject of Benoit. If you say EVERY MITB COMPETITOR EVER and Benoit isn't there then people will comment on his absence. If one photo of him is there then I doubt anyone notices.

No Hall of Fame. No direct reference on a DVD or on the Network; however, include matches he was in (mainly multi-man matches.) The less said the better but I think they can still have his photo here and there without it being a big issue.
No way will WWE highlight anything good about Chris Benoit. No way should WWE highlight anything good about Chris Benoit. I fully believe he had lost his mind the day he killed Nancy and their child and probably wouldn't have been convicted of murder. But he still killed them.

Do you want JBL to have to sitdown and explain why Vince thinks that maybe Benoit had simply just lost it and killed his family after they air a 5 minute highlight package? Because that's what they'd have to do to even try and head off the shitstorm that would come their way for airing that package. That wouldn't even stop it.

Look I liked Benoit as a wrestler but at the end of the day he was mostly just a high midcard guy. If it had been Hulk Hogan who had done what Benoit did than there wouldn't be any way around WWF sometimes referencing him and showing him in highlights. But Benoit's only massive highlight is the Wrestlemania XX moment and, good as it was, the WWE can live without it.

Ironically enough they somehow made not mentioning Hogan even work lol.
Unless law enforcement receives legitimate new evidence on the case it stands as Benoit murdering two people and then committing suicide. Vince is not going to allow Benoit to be mentioned on his family oriented programming and I'm sure many of their sponsors feel the same way.
Let's be honest, unless new evidence comes to light and Benoit is cleared of the deaths of Nancy and Daniel (and I'm pretty sure he won't), then WWE aren't going to talk about his successes and achievements on air, and he sure as hell ain't going into the HOF. There's no way they are going to acknowledge that one of their top stars turned out to be a murderer.

They show his matches on the WWE Network, which still surprises me but that's all we'll be getting about Mr Benoit.
So you honestly think that WWE should start acknowledging a child killer on TV?

There's absolutely no chance of that ever occurring, and not should it. They show his matches and interviews on the Network, and that's all he deserves. I'm surprised they even do that to be honest. He's a hall of fame level talent no question, but killing your wife and child makes all his in-ring success irrelevant. He'll never be referred to on WWE programming by name again.

This statement and thread are a lot more interesting now... WWE HAS promoted Snuka for years, he killed his partner, and he's very likely to be convicted. As I said at the time - who is killed is immaterial. Bear in mind the "truth" in Snuka's case was there when he lost the civil judgement, but it's taken 30 years for it to finally be looked at properly from a criminal standpoint... It's entirely possible that Benoit's case could be reopened at some point and the inconsistancies or actual medical evidence be taken into account.

Reality is, Snuka was a coked up but sane man who is alleged to have killed a woman in an argument, Benoit was a mentally incapable person, his brain results showed that.... the more heinous potential criminal has been in the HOF and part of WWE for years... but people use this blanket "cos a kid was involved it's worse..." It really is immaterial.
This statement and thread are a lot more interesting now... WWE HAS promoted Snuka for years, he killed his partner, and he's very likely to be convicted. As I said at the time - who is killed is immaterial.

Is anybody saying Snuka should be mentioned on TV? Cus yeah, he's a piece of shit too by the way. Also, all this stuff with Snuka just recently came to light so unless your implying Vince knew about it (which I wouldn't be surprised if you were) what could WWE have done 5 years ago? The case was always open but Snuka was never charged, so let's not act like WWE KNEW Snuka did what he did. Now that everybody knows what a crazy fuck that guy is, you think WWE will ever promote him again?

Just think of what happened over the course of those three days. Think about what happened in that house. According to police reports, Benoit bound his wife's limbs up, wrapped her in a towel so she couldn't move, put his knee on her back, and strangled the life out of her. He didn't sedate her like he did his son. Why not? He wanted to scare her and punish her. He then took the time to call some friends, specifically Chavo to tell him, "I love you". Would an 85 year old Alzheimer's patient have the wherewithal to do that? Than he moved on to his drugged, 7 year old son. Think he looked at him before he suffocated him?

This isn't pretty to hear but people like you want to look at this so clinically it's almost sickening. The guy lost his fucking mind yeah, but he was obviously violent and in control enough to plan the murders of his family. Fuck Benoit. I couldn't give less of a shit about his wrestling career. The guy commited the worst crime I could imagine. You need to take a look in the mirror man, really.
This statement and thread are a lot more interesting now... WWE HAS promoted Snuka for years, he killed his partner, and he's very likely to be convicted. As I said at the time - who is killed is immaterial. Bear in mind the "truth" in Snuka's case was there when he lost the civil judgement, but it's taken 30 years for it to finally be looked at properly from a criminal standpoint... It's entirely possible that Benoit's case could be reopened at some point and the inconsistancies or actual medical evidence be taken into account.

Reality is, Snuka was a coked up but sane man who is alleged to have killed a woman in an argument, Benoit was a mentally incapable person, his brain results showed that.... the more heinous potential criminal has been in the HOF and part of WWE for years... but people use this blanket "cos a kid was involved it's worse..." It really is immaterial.

A civil judgement is not the same as a criminal judgement. The burden of proof is very different. In the criminal case it will have to be proved that he overwhelmingly caused the death of the woman.

Like I said before on the Snuka thread, that will be hard to do 30 years later. People die, memories aren't what they once were and any evidence that was taken at the time will either have been destroyed, or most likely be unable to be used. So all they really have are the police reports of what happened at the time, and if they were certain back then he did it, the question will be raised why didn't you prosecute it then. The body will be gone as well.

On topic regarding Benoit. His crime was worse. He killed two people over the course of two days. And they can tell that because of the decomposition of the bodies. The wife's body was in a far more decomposed state than the son. And like the coward he was, he killed himself afterward.

No murder should go unpunished, but I think that Jimy Snuka may have killed the woman, but didn't intend too. If he did he should be put in prison. Chris Benoit on the other hand killed one person and then another to keep it quiet. His crime was in the son's case premeditated. That's what makes it so vile.
Since none of us where there 8 years ago when the murders and suicide happened, I'll go with the official police findings. They are that the killed his wife on Saturday and his son the next day, before hanging himself in his weight room.

So with regards to Chris Benoit, he's a scum-bag, point blank. Whether this was caused in part due to steroid abuse, as some have said, it still happened. And I just can't believe that he would allow someone like Kevin Sullivan, who was a whole state or two away, to kill the two people closest too him.

And you spent a year investigating this. What is there to investigate?

Since no-one was there, and no eyewitnesses have come forward, then how does anyone KNOW for sure who killed them?

Maybe the police are wrong.

Anyway, why ignore his achievements? He wasn't a murderer when he wrestled, so any match you watch over his career, you are not watching a murderer.

If a Hollywood actor was accused of killing people, would they be erased from the movies they have appeared in. If O.J. had be found guilty, does that mean the next time I watch "Naked Gun" it has Leslie Nielsen talking to no-one in some scenes? No, so neither should a moral judgment be made on a guy who has not been found guilty in a court of law (Benoit was never PROVEN guilty).

The fact that cops didn't interview obvious suspect Kevin Sullivan, nor did they further investigate the kid who added Nancy's death date to her Wiki page, hours before the news was released publicly, speaks to me as the cops not bending over backwards to solve the case. They probably concluded it was Benoit, and then it allowed them time to go get some donuts.

They also failed to find Benoit's diary until three days afterwards, in the bin, despite the fact they walked past it numerous times the day they investigated the crime scene. They concluded that Benoit must have done it, because his fingerprints were all over HIS OWN house. I bet my fingerprints are all over my house too, as I don't wear gloves at home.

I am happy that Benoit's matches are on the Network, so that I can watch them, while others can use the parental control. Everyone wins.

As for sponsors, sponsors come and sponsors go. I don't think WWE are struggling to find companies who want to sponsor it. If a sponsor pulls out, maybe their main competitor may be interested in sponsoring instead. I think sponsors overrate their own importance in the greater scheme of things. Besides, sponsors' feelings didn't bother Vince during the "Attitude Era", and look how profitable that was.
Since no-one was there, and no eyewitnesses have come forward, then how does anyone KNOW for sure who killed them?

Maybe the police are wrong.

If eyewitnesses had come forward then we wouldn't be having this discussion would we, because we would know for sure.

Have you even bothered to read the evidence that the police went with in the case. The police had an issue even getting into the house because of the guard dogs that were there. Are you saying that a total stranger entered the house, killed the wife, waited around a day killed the son, and then hung Benoit in his weight room, and then got past the dogs unharmed and got away clean?

The medical examiner determined that the wife died first, then the child and then Benoit. They could tell because of the levels of decomposition of the bodies. Besides you do really think a wrestler like Benoit would stand around for two days and watch him family get murdered like that and not try to do anything? Add into that the fact that he was speaking to people over the weekend and lying through his teeth. He said something about his wife being sick, when she was already dead. Now if a stranger had been in the house, would he have been allowed to use the phone where he could have summoned help.

At no time over the course of the weekend when he was talking to anyone on the phone did he mention he or his family was in trouble and needed help. it was only when they couldn't get a hold of him the WWE called the police and the bodies were found. It sounds to me like the police didn't make any mistakes and Benoit was the killer.
These facts

1) Chavo Guerrero – a close friend of Benoit- told WWE magazine that he talked to Chris for while on Friday night on his house phone. About 45 minutes into the conversation, Chris told him that there was somebody knocking at his door and he was going to see who it was. Shortly after Chris answered the door, there was a “scuffle” and then his house phone line went dead. Chris could only be reached on his cell phone about 3 hours later. This is very significant. This explains why there was no forced entry. Chris let the killer or killers in.

2) After Chavo reached Chis on his cell phone, he said that Chris sounded very odd, groggy and tired. He also said that Chris told him “I Love You Chavo” which sounded forced. The WWE also said that when Chris called in and told them that Nancy and Daniel were sick he did not sound like himself. He sounded groggy. Chris then said “I Love You” which they say was out of context because he usually didn’t say this.

3) Chris Benoit’s cell phone is missing. The police cannot find his cell phone or the needles they say Chris used to inject himself with steroids shortly before he died. The police have turned his cell phone off.
4) Chris was not hanging from the weight machine, he was laying on the floor underneath the machine. Another officer said that Benoit was “slumped” against the weight machine.

5) There was a white cloth wrapped around Chris’ neck. If he was so suicidal why would he care if his neck was bruised?

6) The medical examiner says that Chris Benoit died on Saturday. The text messages were sent on Sunday. Chris was already dead so who sent the text messages? It is noted that nobody talked to Chris on Sunday.

7) The steroids found in Chris’ house were not in his body.

8) If Chris’ had murdered his family then why did he need to text people? Think about it. Everybody was dead. Nobody would hear him talking so why text? Calling would have been easier. (I believe the killer text Benoit’s address to get somebody to come to the house to find the bodies)

9) Chris sent Chavo a text message telling him his address. Why would he do this? Chavo already knew were Chris lived. He spent the previous weekend with him.

10) Chris’ body was badly de- composed, about the same as Nancy’s. This shows he died sooner than Sunday.

11) Why would he tie up Nancy to kill her? He was a big guy. He could have just hit her one good time and she would have been out.

12) Ray also told me that the world press is reporting the manner of the deaths wrong. He says that Daniel was shot in his head and Nancy was shot in her chest.

13) Chavo said that the Chris Benoit seemed “worried” about something but he could not get Chris to open up and tell him why he was worried.

14) There was no Bible besides Chris’ body. Why would he place a bible beside Nancy and Daniel and not place one beside his own if he knew he was about to take his own life?

15) There were 10 empty beer cans and an empty body of wine besides Chris’ body. He tested negative for alcohol.

16) The toxicology confirmed that Chris had Hydrocodone (pain killer) Xanex (anti-anxiety drug). I have used both of these. These 2 drugs combined will sedate Chris and make him very sleepy. So he could not fight back.

17) The police originally said that Daniel died on Friday because his body was badly de-composing. This supports my belief that all 3 died on Friday night. The police changed the manner of Daniel’s death 3 times. 1st he died from a garbage bag, 2nd he died from a choke hold, 3rd he was smothered by a pillow. Why would they keep changing?

18) The police kept changing the location of where Nancy’s body was found. 1st she was found in the downstairs family room. 2nd she was found in the upstairs bedroom. 3rd she was found in the house office.

19) Chris’ father said that Chris called him on father’s day and told him that he wished he could spend more time with his family but he had to work. One of Nancy’s friend says that Nancy Loved Chris and she had no plans to leave him.

20) Retired Wrestler Bam Bam Bigalow died 1-19-07. Sherry Martel died 6-15-07. The Benoit family died 6-22-07. Since this family died, 2 other wrestlers have died. (Brian Adams and Johnny Crush in July and August 07) Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Brian Pillman all died the night before they were set to win title belts. Sherry Martel’s death is even more suspicious to me. Sherry Martel had ties to Nancy Benoit’s ex-husband Kevin Sullivan. The circumstances surrounding her death have not been released.

21) Kevin Sullivan told Chris Benoit that he would kill him. Kevin is currently a high ranking member of a satanic cult. Kevin is also on the WWE Board of Directors. Kevin Sullivan also had motive to kill Daniel Benoit because he was Chris and Nancy’s offspring. Retired wrestler Dusty Roads said that “he danced with the devil” when working with Kevin Sullivan who is known as being Cold-hearted and conniving. The Benoit family was murdered on the 10-year anniversary of Nancy’s divorce from Kevin Sullivan.

22) Nancy Benoit’s death was posted on the internet, 14 hours before her body was found.

23) Weeks before he died, Chris Benoit’s colleagues said that Chris began taking alternate routes to and from work and back to his house. Chris and Nancy believed that somebody was following them. Chris’ friends dismissed his worries as paranoia.

24) The Benoit family was murdered the same week that the WWE had a story line of “Who killed Vince McMahon.”

25) The Wikipedia story that came out a day before the bodies were discovered were traced back to WWE Headquarters.

I'll add, if Benoit hung himself from a weights machine, then why were the beers on the floor?

Think about this. Either Benoit was drunk, or he wasn't. If he was drunk, how would he fashion an exercise machine ropes to act as a pulley to drop the weights, elevate him off the ground and break his neck, like reported by the police. That takes a lot of thinking. This isn't a noose and chair we are talking. It was an elaborate way to commit suicide. If he wasn't drunk, then who drank the beers?

Also, there is a theory that Benoit blackmailed Vince about exposing the Wellness Policy fails to the media, as he was angry what the steroids that the WWE encouraged him to take was doing to him.
Not acknowledging WMXXX main event punishes Shawn Michaels as well, since he now doesn't get to be Mr Wrestlemania for the night.

Mind you, Triple H probably doesn't mind any evidence that he tapped out to the Crossface is now erased.

(That makes me think- Triple H had motive).
I wonder if one day, the case will be reopened. It has happened before that the wrong person gets accused. There are people on Death Row who are innocent.

Be careful being too judgmental, since you may have to eat your words if it happens that the police bungled the investigation.

Wonder how Vince, the media, and wrestling fans will feel if that scenario ever happened?

I bet if "Stone Cold" Steve Austin had killed Debra when he hit her, there would be many defenders of him even now, and WWE wouldn't erase his achievements. One rule for one.....
Is anybody saying Snuka should be mentioned on TV? Cus yeah, he's a piece of shit too by the way. Also, all this stuff with Snuka just recently came to light so unless your implying Vince knew about it (which I wouldn't be surprised if you were) what could WWE have done 5 years ago? The case was always open but Snuka was never charged, so let's not act like WWE KNEW Snuka did what he did. Now that everybody knows what a crazy fuck that guy is, you think WWE will ever promote him again?

Just think of what happened over the course of those three days. Think about what happened in that house. According to police reports, Benoit bound his wife's limbs up, wrapped her in a towel so she couldn't move, put his knee on her back, and strangled the life out of her. He didn't sedate her like he did his son. Why not? He wanted to scare her and punish her. He then took the time to call some friends, specifically Chavo to tell him, "I love you". Would an 85 year old Alzheimer's patient have the wherewithal to do that? Than he moved on to his drugged, 7 year old son. Think he looked at him before he suffocated him?

This isn't pretty to hear but people like you want to look at this so clinically it's almost sickening. The guy lost his fucking mind yeah, but he was obviously violent and in control enough to plan the murders of his family. Fuck Benoit. I couldn't give less of a shit about his wrestling career. The guy commited the worst crime I could imagine. You need to take a look in the mirror man, really.

Well if you want to believe the rumors that have been floating around the past 30 years... McMahon's not only always known about Snuka, but he might be the main reason he was never charged back when it all happened.

I can't remember exactly how the story goes, and don't really feel like looking it up right now, but when they brought Snuka down to the police station, McMahon was already there. He kayfabed the police and convinced them that Snuka was the same wild savage character he played on TV and couldn't answer any of their questions. McMahon then was able to convince the police that Snuka was innocent, and that was that.

Who knows how much of that is Internet bullshit, and how much of it is true. Odds are, probably some of it is, some of it's exaggerated, , and some of it's complete fiction. If I have to guess though? McMahon knew exactly what Snuka did. When it all happened, Snuka was McMahon's biggest star. Half a year later, he'd brought in Hogan and strapped a rocket to his back. Less than 2 years later... and Snuka was replaced with a look alike and trying to scrape together indy bookings. In hindsight, it looks like McMahon immediately began working on distancing himself from Snuka. At least until the heat died down. Unfortunately for Jimmy I guess... because by the time the heat died down, he was washed up.

As far as Benoit goes... you're bang on. Yes it was determined that Benoit's brain was severely damaged. But the way everything happened? He was fully aware of what he was doing. This was nothing like an Alzheimer's tragedy like Verne Gagne's. This was a guy who snapped, but was in complete control of what he was doing. Gagne thought he was a young man wrestling again, and muscle memory took control. Did Benoit have an Alzheimer's flashback to a time when he was a psycho killer?

Unless I guess, you want to go with the theory that Kevin Sullivan is the secret killer... but if anyone wants to subscribe to that one? They probably need to finally move their asses out of their moms basement.
Anyway, why ignore his achievements? He wasn't a murderer when he wrestled, so any match you watch over his career, you are not watching a murderer.

If a Hollywood actor was accused of killing people, would they be erased from the movies they have appeared in. If O.J. had be found guilty, does that mean the next time I watch "Naked Gun" it has Leslie Nielsen talking to no-one in some scenes? No, so neither should a moral judgment be made on a guy who has not been found guilty in a court of law (Benoit was never PROVEN guilty).

It's completely different. WWE owns all rights and privileges to every piece of footage they've ever produced. They CAN erase him from their history because they are a television show that airs every week, not a movie that's released one time and never thought of again. Movies are more comparable to wrestling DVDs. Do you think WWE was able to magically erase Benoit from all the wrestling DVDs bought before the incident? Obviously not. It's just common sense not to mention a murderer in a publicly traded industry...

Also, he was never found guilty in a court of law because;

1. He was dead.
2. There was no reasonable doubt in who did it. Benoit's the only one who it could have been.

The fact that cops didn't interview obvious suspect Kevin Sullivan, nor did they further investigate the kid who added Nancy's death date to her Wiki page, hours before the news was released publicly, speaks to me as the cops not bending over backwards to solve the case. They probably concluded it was Benoit, and then it allowed them time to go get some donuts.

Do you even know where all this conspiracy crap on Kevin Sullivan came from? From a man named Johnny Lee Carey, a former wrestler and KKK leader who was "saved" by God. But he's a reliable source right? He's the one who said Nancy died, "exactly 10 years after her divorce from Sullivan", but the guy shows absolutely no proof of that. Also, are you telling me Kevin Sullivan waited 10 years to hatch his devilish scheme? Why wouldn't he have done this back in 97 or 98? Why in the fuck would he have chosen a point in time when Chris and Nancy's marriage was basically over? This Carey guy was the first one to accuse Sullivan of being a Satanist, also the only guy to accuse him of this. Neither Sullivan, Nancy, Chris Benoit, nor any of their families have ever even alluded to this. Sullivan himself calls the claims total bullshit. Even if he were, if anybody had ever done some research on Satanism, they would know it has nothing to do with worshiping the devil or killing people. It's a form of atheism that strongly believes against the murder of children. As for the other theories such as Sullivan telling Benoit he'd kill him, who did they come from? This same fucking guy who admittedly never even met Kevin, Nancy, or Benoit. Nobody else has ever heard Sullivan threaten Benoit's life other than in storyline. He also goes on to say that Sullivan, is a "calculating, cold-hearted individual" yet he never met him. If you go watch Kevin Sullivan interviews or podcasts, you'll see how stupid this claim sounds. The guy is borderline cuddly. Basically what I'm getting at, is that thousands of people around the world believe all this shit and have no idea where it came from. One raving lunatic made all these claims against Sullivan with absolutely NO FACTS to back his claims up. As I mentioned, a former KKK member and somebody who's never interacted with Kevin Sullivan in life, and you idiots eat it up. No eye-witness, no forensics, no circumstantial evidence to even consider Sullivan as a suspect. But he still did it right?

As for the second point, they did follow through with the Wikipedia post. It came from a 19 year old kid living inside his mother's basement. He said it was a complete coincidence as he was reading up on Benoit's title match with Punk and heard multiple rumors that Chris was dealing with personal matter. A few rumors came across that his wife had died, and the kid just posted it because it seemed like a logical answer at the time. Unless you think this 19 year old somehow killed the Benoit family from his computer in Stamford...

They also failed to find Benoit's diary until three days afterwards, in the bin, despite the fact they walked past it numerous times the day they investigated the crime scene. They concluded that Benoit must have done it, because his fingerprints were all over HIS OWN house. I bet my fingerprints are all over my house too, as I don't wear gloves at home.

No, they concluded he did it for multiple reasons, which have already been stated. No force of entry, no sign of a struggle, strange behavior, his were the ONLY prints in the house, and he was the last one alive based off his calls and texts. Let's put this conspiracy shit to rest man. At least there's some sort of basis behind the 9/11 theories, this is all just crap.

And while I'm at it, I saw somebody mention the Chavo thing previously. That's false as well. No article exists that states Chavo ever said he heard a scuffle when talking to Benoit. Chavo has never brought this up either. This is how mass ignorance gets started. People read something over the internet, have no clue what the source is, and take it as fact. Educate your damn self.

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