Firstly, about the brain being stuffed by chairshots to the head. If that's what caused it, then why hasn't someone like Mick Foley also slaughtered his family, as he got eleven brutal chair shots to the head by the Rock at RR 1999? He has also fallen off a HIAC a few times, and had other things that would have given him brain damage, but you don't see Mrs Foley's baby boy hacking up Dewey, do you?
Secondly, for five years, everyone has played judge, jury and executioner on Chris Benoit. You better hope that the police followed EVERY trail, left no stone unturned, answered every question, and considered all possibilities. Because if they haven't, if there is even a .000000001% chance that Chris Benoit didn't do it, then you will all end up with egg on your collective faces. There are cases where the decision is overturned many years later, because of new evidence.
I can tell you one path the police didn't follow. They never interviewed Kevin Sullivan, the man who has more motive than just about anybody. What greater revenge on the man who stole your wife, than to kill him, your traitorous ex-wife, and their child, and then set things up so that your enemy gets blamed? The police did not even consider Kevin Sullivan, because they think it must be a family or friend most of the time. He probably didn't do it, but why not check his alibi at least, to remove all doubt?
There are other unanswered questions (such as the guy who added a death date to Nancy Benoit's wikipedia page on the day she died, hours before the news was released to the public). Also, hear the case put by Johnny Angel, a former wrestler who is now a cult buster, who asks questions about the police investigation etc, on Youtube.Read up on the different evidence, and keep an open mind. You may still think the same way, but at least you have considered all the facts (the same thing a jury would have to do before convicting someone).
If the police got it right 100% of the time, then there would be no need for courts. Just because Benoit is dead, and can't face court, shouldn't mean that he is guilty until proven innocent.
Look, Benoit most likely did do it. But the almost glee that some people have here, that now they have an excuse to wash their hands of him. I feel that Benoit was never highly rated by the IWC anyway, as he didn't have mike skills (the one thing that makes you a superstar in the eyes of the IWC, not something like, say, wrestling ability). So, because he didn't talk, he must have sucked, and he must have killed his family, too. Because the police said so.
Also, you criticise Benoit for this, and yet still all love "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, even though he has beaten up two women, including his wife, Debra. But, oh, that's different, he didn't kill them, or is it because he was cool and could cut a promo?