Chris Benoit Being Held Back?

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Yea but Joet His gimmick covers for it and it has done for the past 15+ years.
But like i said i would rather watch a Chris benoit promo than a John Cena one any day,
IMO Chris Benoit promos would be good, because they would be different and intense.
Benoit is definitely being held back, but I think it does not bother him at all. He is one of the guys that tries to help the younger superstars(Ex:MVP) hone their skills in the ring and he takes pride in doing so. I would love to see Benoit get back in the World/WWE title picture even if he does not win it because we will get to see a great match nonetheless.
I understand that Taker's gimmick calls for his lack of mic duties...but doesn't Benoits as well? Benoit has always been the guy who goes down to the ring whoops ass and leaves. I just feel that him having no mic skills is a stupid reason to having him be pushed back, when Taker proves that you don't need to be on the mic all the time to be a main eventer.
Yea but the problem is Chris benoit is still human, and needs to talk, but what i don't understand is; why the WWE think he has bad mic skills when he doesn't and can cut a better promo than

John Cena


Bobby Lasly

"The top 3"
With Shawn michaels and Triple H injured, Chris Beniot is the best Wrestler in the WWE. To see him not at the main event status is Insane. When he fought John Cena 2 weeks before wrestlemania, he was the whole damn show. The only offence move John Cena had was STFU. Chris Beniot was robbed and with alot of Past Champions injured( Undertaker, Booker T, Eddie Gurreuo, Rey Mysterio, HHH, HBK, and Kurt Angle in TNA), Chris Beniot should with a doubt, be a main event superstar on the smackdown roster and in the WWE.
i dont no y the wwe thinks he cnt cut promos. does anyone remember wen he had tht feud with orlando jordan and beat him in 25 seconds and strted seeing wht he could do in 25 seconds.that was hillarious.
I remember
That maded OJ look so bad compared to Chris Benoit. At that point it almost seemed like Benoit was being made to look good (main event good) again to get in the World title picture. But I was wrong.

THe wolverine will now and forever be a midcarder
THe wolverine will now and forever be a midcarder
And, at this point in his life, there's nothing wrong with that. He's putting on good matches, putting younger guys over, helping the new talent improve, bringing prestige to the midcard title, and getting paid very handsomely for it.

Nothing wrong at all with that.
I just have one question about this. If Chris Benoit is being pushed to main event status because of his mic skills, then why in the hell Batista and Bobby Lashley at the top of their brands because neither one of them can cut a promo to save their lives.
why not give him somebody who can talk for him and let him fn wrestle. Plain in simple Vince. Batista sucks on the mic, he puts me to sleep everytime he open his mouth hell his matches does too
I think Batista was pushed for the WWE to save face after their botched Randy Orton experiment. Bobby Lashley has great potential to put on good matches and to make a lot of money.
I would love for Benoit to become Wolrd Champ...he deserves it more than Lashley or Cena
In my opinion they shuld just make him a heel like he was in '02 and have im win the title. that wuld b per-per-perfect
In my opinion they shuld just make him a heel like he was in '02 and have im win the title. that wuld b per-per-perfect

first leardn to type, "wuld", and "shuld" are not a words and neither is "b", if these are simple type-os then just ignore that last bit, second why should Benoit be turned heel, then be given the title, explain your opinions more, I'm not trying to be a dick or anything just trying to give you a few tips to avoided bannishment, personnally I don't think that Benoit should be turned heel, they have enough good heels on SD! as it is, and if they feel it neccesary to turn someone heel then they should turn Kane heel, or wait till Taker comes back and turn him Heel, that would be refreshing because Taker has been face forever
And, at this point in his life, there's nothing wrong with that. He's putting on good matches, putting younger guys over, helping the new talent improve, bringing prestige to the midcard title, and getting paid very handsomely for it.

Nothing wrong at all with that.
This is where (yet again...surprised?) I have to disagree, man. I don't mind Benoit having to lay down for someone. However, why relegate him to a midcarder when he still has solid years left that he could help the main event with? It's like putting your M-16 behind you so that you can instead shoot with a .22. Personally, my favorite WM match in the last five years has to be the main event from WM20. It's one of the only five star matches they've had. And although I think Benoit's matches with MVP are solid (and have progressed fairly well each time out), there are gaping holes in the Smackdown main event scene that Benoit could fill at a moment's notice. One of the best options they have for a main eventer on that show is Mark Henry? Somebody seriously thinks he's the man? He's as bad in that position as JBL was. Hell, even if you have to work at turning Benoit heel, at least he'd make a worthy in-ring competitor against some of the other top guys. Besides, sending Benoit to Raw to job was one of the most idiotic and inconsistent booking maneuvers in recent memory. Let's take a former WHC who won it at the 20th anniversary of the biggest show...kick him down the ladder...and then finally send him to another show to be dogmeat?
To be honest what needs to happen is MVP needs to beat Benoit for the U.S title and Benoit needs to pushed into main event level feuds where he belongs. At the moment the only main event level stars on SD are Edge, Kennedy and (apparently) batista. How can someone like Benoit be left out with such limited choices. Its nothing short of rediculous tbh particularly when Benoit is much better than Kennedy and Batista.

I like the way you put the apparently batista line hahahahaha
Benoit is one of the most talented wrestlers but his promo and charisma skills need a bit of work
That's the only reason he is being held back on Smackdown! The head writer of smackdown apperantly feels that you need to beable to cut great ring promos to be a main eventer...hence the reason he accomplished more on Raw...Chris Benoit is my favorite wrestler and with the draft coming up...I can't wait till he hits raw again!!!
That's the only reason he is being held back on Smackdown! The head writer of smackdown apperantly feels that you need to beable to cut great ring promos to be a main eventer...hence the reason he accomplished more on Raw...Chris Benoit is my favorite wrestler and with the draft coming up...I can't wait till he hits raw again!!!
I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but it's not going to be any better for him on Raw. In fact, after the first couple of months, it is probably going to be worse. At least on Smackdown he was put in meaningful feuds that helped advance a title and other wrestlers. On Raw, he's going to be completely directionless.

And, if Michael Hayes thinks that Benoit is not a main-eventer, than that is good enough for me.
You know I think him and Owen were and are the most underused talent ever to step into the WWE.Benoit deserves it.He doesn't need any work on his mic skills because he is rarely on the mic and he isn't that bad.Sure his charisma is a littler bland but he makes up for it will skill.
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