The Miz vs MR Anderson

Mr Kennedy vs The Miz

  • The Miz

  • Mr Anderson

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I've backed Miz for a few years. Even got myself printed ages ago saying if they got behind him he has that innate ability to get under your skin like Piper did in the 80s. As for Orton, don't see the big fuss with him, never have and never will.

Difference being, Piper was much more entertaining and capable of putting on five-star matches. The Miz? Not so much.

Anderson's entrance was just an update of the New Age Outlaws. Nothing in wrestling is original.

NAO never used a spotlight or had the mic drop in from the ceiling. If anything, his entrance comes from old school boxing events, not from the New Age Outlaws. The Miz is far from the first person to proclaim himself awesome, and even farther from the first guy to play a pest role. On the road of Originality, Anderson has covered a helluva lot more ground than Miz, IMO.

That's your point of view. I lean to the side that Anderson's whole "I'm an asshole" thing is stupid, but that's different opinions. If you were to just base them on when Anderson was in WWE, then I'd have to say Miz's promo work is better (even though Anderson had more adult stuff he could deal with)

I don't agree. I think Miz comes off as contrived and forced, just like who I presume his idol is in Dane Cook. Obnoxious for the sake of obnoxious, which to me comes off as annoying, not clever, original or least of all entertaining.

You could say the same about Anderson. He broke into WWE when, let's face it, there was hardly any interesting mid-card guys. The only two that really shone were him and MVP. And I'd say Miz's ability to wind people up is something that can't be taught, it's just his nature. Like Ricky Steamboat could never be a heel, the Miz is just someone that has to stay a bad guy, he'd die horribly as a face (same goes for Anderson, he's so much better suited to a heel role.)

And MVP still shadowed him. MVP has that thing that 98% of the mid-card roster in the WWE didn't have – personality. Even if Anderson didn't have much competition, he had some – the Miz has none. John Morrison is an Abercrombie & Fitch model who can wrestle well – he has the personality of a dial-tone.

Can you really see people walking around with T-Shirts saying "I'm an asshole"? It's just questionable marketing, better then Suicide, but still stupid. That'd be like Wolfe calling his fans Wolfe's wankers, they'd never market that (although it is funny to hear American kids shouting wanker while not knowing what it means)

Yes, I can. Could you really see people walking around with T-shirts saying "Austin 3:16"? In a country that's 90% Christian, I'd say that's pretty fucking blasphemous, and much more controversial than "asshole".

I think Anderson has charisma and the basics down (in that he can have a good match with the right opponent) but, to me, nothing's really changed since he first arrived in WWE. Neither is a great wrestler but at least The Miz is making clear effort to improve and, from what he started as, he deffo deserves to be where he's at. There are some good promo's from Anderson, no doubt, but, I'm firmly in the "Awesome" not "Asshole" camp.

Anderson has had a number of memorable main-event matches – the Miz has not. That reason alone is proof enough that Anderson > Miz.
Love all the "and it's not even close" nonsense coming from WWE marks with an axe to grind – e.g. have little actual support for Miz, but a truckload of hate for Anderson because their boy doesn't like him (Orton). :rolleyes:

Yeah, you're a hypocrite or blind. Some of the TNA fans said "it's not even close" so shut up. Three of your TNA buds have said either "not even close" or "by a mile", and they chose Anderson. Two people that chose Miz have said "not even close" or "by a mile". I don't count hatehabs because he couldn't resist mocking you. Your anti-WWE is annoying and also a knock off. Should we call you "not as good as the original"?

Who is the better wrestler? To me, it's the Miz. Anderson/Kennedy never really entertained me that much. He was always getting injured. How can I commit to someone who was getting ready for major pushes (ie winning Money in the Bank) and gets injured having to relinquish it? Good wrestlers can wrestle through smaller stuff, and generally know how to keep from the bigger stuff. Maybe Anderson's injuries were freak accidents, but regardless, he couldn't stay healthy whereas the Miz has. Miz's ring work has steadily improved over the past 3 years. In 2007 he was awful, and now he can put on some very good matches. Maybe not 4 or 5 star quality that some people want, but entertaining matches that get people interested.

As far as the better entertainer, well I'm going with the Miz again. I said above that Anderson never really entertained me much and I always thought he was overrated. Miz has always entertained me, even through his green days. His work on the mic is great, and he knows how to push the crowd's buttons. Most people thought he was dead after he broke up with Morrison and brought to Raw. They thought he was screwed after he lost to Cena. He came back, and has been steadily pushed through to the present. This build has been one of the best in recent memory. He has proven quite a few people on this board wrong and has taken the ball and ran with it. Not to mention that he had to earn the respect of everyone and prove how bad he wanted it since he came from The Real World.
Yeah, you're a hypocrite or blind. Some of the TNA fans said "it's not even close" so shut up. Three of your TNA buds have said either "not even close" or "by a mile", and they chose Anderson. Two people that chose Miz have said "not even close" or "by a mile". I don't count hatehabs because he couldn't resist mocking you. Your anti-WWE is annoying and also a knock off. Should we call you "not as good as the original"?

That's exactly what you should call me if that's what you feel – just note that I don't pretend to be original. I'm not the first person to hate the WWE, and I won't be the last – never claimed to be, either. Nice try.

Then again, the future will determine who the biggest WWE hater in the history if this forum will have been, so I've still got plenty of promise in my future!


But if I have to be a hypocrite or blind, I'll be a blind. At least there's still some self-respect left in not having sight.

Who is the better wrestler? To me, it's the Miz. Anderson/Kennedy never really entertained me that much. He was always getting injured. How can I commit to someone who was getting ready for major pushes (ie winning Money in the Bank) and gets injured having to relinquish it? Good wrestlers can wrestle through smaller stuff, and generally know how to keep from the bigger stuff. Maybe Anderson's injuries were freak accidents, but regardless, he couldn't stay healthy whereas the Miz has. Miz's ring work has steadily improved over the past 3 years. In 2007 he was awful, and now he can put on some very good matches. Maybe not 4 or 5 star quality that some people want, but entertaining matches that get people interested.

So a guy who's incapable of having 4 or 5-star quality matches is better than a guy who is capable of having them? Yeah, that makes about as much sense as a shit-flavored lollipop.

Again, what does a guy being injured have anything to do with he being more or less talented than the competition? We're talking about raw talent, not how it was applied.

As far as the better entertainer, well I'm going with the Miz again. I said above that Anderson never really entertained me much and I always thought he was overrated. Miz has always entertained me, even through his green days. His work on the mic is great, and he knows how to push the crowd's buttons. Most people thought he was dead after he broke up with Morrison and brought to Raw. They thought he was screwed after he lost to Cena. He came back, and has been steadily pushed through to the present. This build has been one of the best in recent memory. He has proven quite a few people on this board wrong and has taken the ball and ran with it. Not to mention that he had to earn the respect of everyone and prove how bad he wanted it since he came from The Real World.

None of which has any bearing on his talent. You can take a cardboard cut out and put them over Cena and it'll make them a star, but it won't make them talented. At the end of the day, they're still a cardboard cut-out, just like the Miz is (of Dane Cook).
Difference being, Piper was much more entertaining and capable of putting on five-star matches. The Miz? Not so much.

Piper was entertaining, but five star matches. Never! Had some good ones, but never great.

NAO never used a spotlight or had the mic drop in from the ceiling. If anything, his entrance comes from old school boxing events, not from the New Age Outlaws. The Miz is far from the first person to proclaim himself awesome, and even farther from the first guy to play a pest role. On the road of Originality, Anderson has covered a helluva lot more ground than Miz, IMO./QUOTE]

Again I don't see anything particularly original about either of them. I'd concede the boxing link is more accurate then what I wrote though

I don't agree. I think Miz comes off as contrived and forced, just like who I presume his idol is in Dane Cook. Obnoxious for the sake of obnoxious, which to me comes off as annoying, not clever, original or least of all entertaining.

See I think that's more of his real personality. Like Batista when he became a heel last year, it's just in some peoples nature to be self-serving and...a twat. Miz is one of those guys to me. I think it's just him being himself to the limit of what PG will allow him. You shove Miz in the pre-PG era and I think he'd be able to do something well. And Dane Cook, he's no-one's idol. I bet even Dane Cook wants to punch Dane Cook in his smug, twat face.

And MVP still shadowed him. MVP has that thing that 98% of the mid-card roster in the WWE didn't have – personality. Even if Anderson didn't have much competition, he had some – the Miz has none. John Morrison is an Abercrombie & Fitch model who can wrestle well – he has the personality of a dial-tone.

I agree with Morrison but, there are some mid-carders that're showing personality. There's Zack Ryder, Christian and one or two others. I'll agree the mid-card isn't what it should be, but that's more management then the Miz's fault. I honestly think if Miz had been around at the time Anderson came then he'd still be where he is.

Yes, I can. Could you really see people walking around with T-shirts saying "Austin 3:16"? In a country that's 90% Christian, I'd say that's pretty fucking blasphemous, and much more controversial than "asshole".

But surely you'd feel more of a twat walking around in a t-shirt that said "I'm an asshole" then "Austin 3:16". I know over here in England you'd get some serious abuse for the first. But, saying that, if the choice was between an "asshole" or suicide t-shirt, I know what one I'd pick!

Anderson has had a number of memorable main-event matches – the Miz has not. That reason alone is proof enough that Anderson > Miz.

The only memorable main event match Anderson had, in my opinion, was against Angle in the cage. Apart from that his main event matches have been a let down. You put The Miz in there with Angle and he'd have a great main event match as well. To me their both about the same level of ability in the ring but, as I said, I think the Miz is making more effort to improve all around then Anderson is.

Also, I judge it by the fact my bird see's Miz and he gets up her nose as, in her words, "there's just something about him I'd love to punch. Smug git" where as when she's seen Anderson she said "does he do anything apart from say his name and call himself an asshole?" which, if a casual fan can get the desired impression from Miz and just think "merrrr" about Anderson, that'd say who's better at their job to me.
To me its closer than people are saying but to me its also about personal preference. To me the Mic work is pretty close but I just find Anderson more entertaining then the Miz but its close. To me what separates the two of them is the ring work although Miz has improved in the ring I think that Anderson has had much better matches then the Miz.
That's exactly what you should call me if that's what you feel – just note that I don't pretend to be original. I'm not the first person to hate the WWE, and I won't be the last – never claimed to be, either. Nice try.

Then again, the future will determine who the biggest WWE hater in the history if this forum will have been, so I've still got plenty of promise in my future!


But if I have to be a hypocrite or blind, I'll be a blind. At least there's still some self-respect left in not having sight.

Sidious knockoff, only more annoying.

So a guy who's incapable of having 4 or 5-star quality matches is better than a guy who is capable of having them? Yeah, that makes about as much sense as a shit-flavored lollipop.

Again, what does a guy being injured have anything to do with he being more or less talented than the competition? We're talking about raw talent, not how it was applied.

Well, when Anderson was in the ring, and not clutching something in agony, he had decent-good matches. I've never thought any of his matches were great. He was always overrated in my opinion, everyone splooging over him only to be cut off by injuries. A wrestler's job is to perform and keep each other healthy. Also, you are talking about raw talent, not me. If we based anything on raw talent, Shelton Benjamin would be the greatest ever. Thankfully we don't. I'll take someone who puts on a compelling 3 star match that makes me care about the outcome, rather than a 4 or 5 star match that I couldn't give two shits about. It appears that Miz does that and Anderson doesn't for me. Oh well.

None of which has any bearing on his talent. You can take a cardboard cut out and put them over Cena and it'll make them a star, but it won't make them talented. At the end of the day, they're still a cardboard cut-out, just like the Miz is (of Dane Cook).

I like how you say putting them over Cena makes them a star. Funny because Miz never went over Cena. You're anti-WWE stance really does make you look like a moron, I hope you know that. He started in the shitheap, doing the Diva Search of all things, was moved to ECW then went on to carry the mic skills when tagging with Morrison, and has held his own on Raw when people thought he would be lost in the shuffle. His stock has risen the past year, no matter how much you want to poorly attempt to downgrade it.
Piper was entertaining, but five star matches. Never! Had some good ones, but never great.

I can name you dozens of infamous Piper matches. No way in hell you can name me one Miz one.

Again I don't see anything particularly original about either of them. I'd concede the boxing link is more accurate then what I wrote though

Granted, because most things in pro-wrestling (especially these days) aren't truly original, but I'd consider what Anderson is bringing (what character before him used a mic dropped from the ceiling, or introduced himself the way he did?) is more original than Miz calling himself awesome. A ton of guys called themselves awesome before him. He might be the first guy with a faux hawk to get over, though – I'll give him that.

See I think that's more of his real personality. Like Batista when he became a heel last year, it's just in some peoples nature to be self-serving and...a twat. Miz is one of those guys to me. I think it's just him being himself to the limit of what PG will allow him. You shove Miz in the pre-PG era and I think he'd be able to do something well. And Dane Cook, he's no-one's idol. I bet even Dane Cook wants to punch Dane Cook in his smug, twat face.

Perhaps, but the same way I see Dane Cook is the same way I see Miz, which is exactly why I can't get behind him. His wrestling doesn't make up for the fact that he comes off as an over-the-top arrogant jerk, which may or may not be the point, but it prevents me from actually supporting him heavily, especially when he can't wrestle particularly well on top of it. No sale there, for me. That's like trying to sell a car enthusiast an '89 Bronco with 100,000+ miles on it because it has new rims and a system in it. It's still an '89 Bronco with 100,000+ miles on it.

I agree with Morrison but, there are some mid-carders that're showing personality. There's Zack Ryder, Christian and one or two others. I'll agree the mid-card isn't what it should be, but that's more management then the Miz's fault. I honestly think if Miz had been around at the time Anderson came then he'd still be where he is.

I see nothing in Zack Ryder, either. Another fantastically boring ring worker with no personality masked by overt obnoxiousness that some folks perceive as personality. I don't buy it. It's hard enough to buy him with that ridiculous outfit he wears.

Christian is the only really viable mid-carder IMO, and he and Miz aren't even on the same show, so he's a moot point as well.

But surely you'd feel more of a twat walking around in a t-shirt that said "I'm an asshole" then "Austin 3:16". I know over here in England you'd get some serious abuse for the first. But, saying that, if the choice was between an "asshole" or suicide t-shirt, I know what one I'd pick!

Let's not get it twisted, man – I hated Suicide. Let me emphasize that. I hated Suicide. I thought it was one of the most irresponsible and dumbfounding failures in wrestling history – let alone in TNA's history, so let's not use him here anymore – I'm not even going to try defending that garbage.

As for the "asshole" thing, again, just like Austin before him, it's a gimmick designed to elicit that exact reaction you give it – "Wow! I can't believe someone is wearing that...". It's shock value. I'm not too keen on the asshole gimmick, though I have laughed a few times during it's incarnation, but I do understand why they're doing it. It draws heavily on the same path Austin used (or was used).

The WWE also started this "asshole" thing back in the early 2000's with him when they ran him with the "Nice Guys Finish LAST" gimmick. TNA just came full circle with it and let him go over-the-top by calling himself an asshole outright. It's the same thing – a semantic argument, really.

The only memorable main event match Anderson had, in my opinion, was against Angle in the cage. Apart from that his main event matches have been a let down. You put The Miz in there with Angle and he'd have a great main event match as well. To me their both about the same level of ability in the ring but, as I said, I think the Miz is making more effort to improve all around then Anderson is.

Anderson v. Undertaker, Anderson v. Benoit, Anderson v. [Matt] Hardy, Money in the Bank at WrestleMania XXIV. Then factor in Anderson v. Angle and you've got all you need to prove his track record is more illustrious than the Miz'.

Effort to improve doesn't equate talent – it equates an acknowledgement you aren't as good as you're made out to be.

Also, I judge it by the fact my bird see's Miz and he gets up her nose as, in her words, "there's just something about him I'd love to punch. Smug git" where as when she's seen Anderson she said "does he do anything apart from say his name and call himself an asshole?" which, if a casual fan can get the desired impression from Miz and just think "merrrr" about Anderson, that'd say who's better at their job to me.

You're only factoring in Anderson in TNA from the end of his Angle feud and on, which isn't enough – you have to take into account Mr. Kennedy as well – this thread isn't about Miz v. Mr. Anderson, it's about Miz v. Mr. Kennedy/Mr. Anderson.
Sidious knockoff, only more annoying.
They're nothing alike. Unless your opinion is that everyone who dislikes the WWE and enjoys TNA is a Sidious clone, in which case I'm a Sidious clone and was one before IDR.

Well, when Anderson was in the ring, and not clutching something in agony, he had decent-good matches.
3 injuries. 3.

I've never thought any of his matches were great. He was always overrated in my opinion, everyone splooging over him only to be cut off by injuries. A wrestler's job is to perform and keep each other healthy.
Yet I doubt you'd criticise The Undertaker, HHH, Batista, Orton or Cena for being injury prone, despite each one having had more injuries during their careers than Anderson has.

Also, you are talking about raw talent, not me. If we based anything on raw talent, Shelton Benjamin would be the greatest ever. Thankfully we don't. I'll take someone who puts on a compelling 3 star match that makes me care about the outcome, rather than a 4 or 5 star match that I couldn't give two shits about. It appears that Miz does that and Anderson doesn't for me. Oh well.
So the Miz puts on compelling matches? What were they? When were they?

I like how you say putting them over Cena makes them a star. Funny because Miz never went over Cena. You're anti-WWE stance really does make you look like a moron, I hope you know that. He started in the shitheap, doing the Diva Search of all things, was moved to ECW then went on to carry the mic skills when tagging with Morrison, and has held his own on Raw when people thought he would be lost in the shuffle. His stock has risen the past year, no matter how much you want to poorly attempt to downgrade it.

This still doesn't really explain how Miz is any good, he went from being nothing to an upper-midcarder. So what? Anderson's a main eventer, even in the WWE he was borderline main event. The Miz, not so much.
Sidious knockoff, only more annoying.

Cool. Want a cookie?

Well, when Anderson was in the ring, and not clutching something in agony, he had decent-good matches. I've never thought any of his matches were great. He was always overrated in my opinion, everyone splooging over him only to be cut off by injuries. A wrestler's job is to perform and keep each other healthy. Also, you are talking about raw talent, not me. If we based anything on raw talent, Shelton Benjamin would be the greatest ever. Thankfully we don't. I'll take someone who puts on a compelling 3 star match that makes me care about the outcome, rather than a 4 or 5 star match that I couldn't give two shits about. It appears that Miz does that and Anderson doesn't for me. Oh well.

He may very well be overrated, but that doesn't make him less talented. You still fail to understand the difference between talent and who you happen to like more. Anderson may not have been able to make you care, but it doesn't make him less talented (in the overall sense), which is what this thread is about.

I like how you say putting them over Cena makes them a star. Funny because Miz never went over Cena. You're anti-WWE stance really does make you look like a moron, I hope you know that. He started in the shitheap, doing the Diva Search of all things, was moved to ECW then went on to carry the mic skills when tagging with Morrison, and has held his own on Raw when people thought he would be lost in the shuffle. His stock has risen the past year, no matter how much you want to poorly attempt to downgrade it.

No more than your poor attempts to discredit me because of it makes you look like an irrelevant jackass, but that's neither here nor there.

I don't need a history lesson, son – I've been watching since I was 6 years old. I know where the Miz came from, and I don't care – he's being pushed by management, likely by default (what alternative do they have?) – that's not the same as why Austin became Austin, the Rock the Rock, etc. –*not even close. Or should I keep with the general sentiments of this thread and say instead "not by a mile"?

Oh, and had you actually read my post, you'd realize I never insinuated Miz went over Cena, I used Cena as an arbitrary point that anyone can go over bigger stars in the company and be a star for it – it doesn't make them talented. The Miz can beat whoever is WWE Champion between now and whenever he does, and it will make him a champion, but it won't make him talented (to me).
Sidious knockoff, only more annoying.
They're nothing alike. Unless your opinion is that everyone who dislikes the WWE and enjoys TNA is a Sidious clone, in which case I'm a Sidious clone and was one before IDR.

Well, when Anderson was in the ring, and not clutching something in agony, he had decent-good matches.
3 injuries. 3.

I've never thought any of his matches were great. He was always overrated in my opinion, everyone splooging over him only to be cut off by injuries. A wrestler's job is to perform and keep each other healthy.
Yet I doubt you'd criticise The Undertaker, HHH, Batista, Orton or Cena for being injury prone, despite each one having had more injuries during their careers than Anderson has.

Also, you are talking about raw talent, not me. If we based anything on raw talent, Shelton Benjamin would be the greatest ever. Thankfully we don't. I'll take someone who puts on a compelling 3 star match that makes me care about the outcome, rather than a 4 or 5 star match that I couldn't give two shits about. It appears that Miz does that and Anderson doesn't for me. Oh well.
So the Miz puts on compelling matches? What were they? When were they?

I like how you say putting them over Cena makes them a star. Funny because Miz never went over Cena. You're anti-WWE stance really does make you look like a moron, I hope you know that. He started in the shitheap, doing the Diva Search of all things, was moved to ECW then went on to carry the mic skills when tagging with Morrison, and has held his own on Raw when people thought he would be lost in the shuffle. His stock has risen the past year, no matter how much you want to poorly attempt to downgrade it.

This still doesn't really explain how Miz is any good, he went from being nothing to an upper-midcarder. So what? Anderson's a main eventer, even in the WWE he was borderline main event. The Miz, not so much.
They're nothing alike. Unless your opinion is that everyone who dislikes the WWE and enjoys TNA is a Sidious clone, in which case I'm a Sidious clone and was one before IDR.

He's the most vocal, just like Sidious. Everything is anti-WWE, he can't even praise them for the good that they have done.

3 injuries. 3.

Oh holy shit, excuse me. 3 injuries that kept him out of action during important times in his career, and also getting suspended and giving us that God awful Hornswaggle is Vince's son story. We can all thank Kennedy for that fucking drivel.

Yet I doubt you'd criticise The Undertaker, HHH, Batista, Orton or Cena for being injury prone, despite each one having had more injuries during their careers than Anderson has.

Was never big on Batista. Always laughed when he got injured. Undertaker, sure, but his career has also been longer, and he is now more broken down. Orton, was kept on screen during some of the injuries. Cena, can you name me more than his torn pec and his herniated disc in his neck? I can't seem to find them. :shrug:

This still doesn't really explain how Miz is any good, he went from being nothing to an upper-midcarder. So what? Anderson's a main eventer, even in the WWE he was borderline main event. The Miz, not so much.

How doesn't it explain anything? He went from nothing to upper-midcard, to currently the cusp of the Main Event. He gained the heat when he was with Morrison, he got great heat during his imitation of Cena. When he got squashed on PPV by Cena last year, everyone thought he was done. He came back, and he took his opportunity. This push is only given to him through his hard work and his abilities. Improving is the key, which he has done a shitload of during his 3 years in the WWE.

Why the fuck is this even a debate? Nothing you or IDR is going to say is going to change my mind that I think the Miz is more entertaining. If people want to say that he is by a mile, go after them. I'm saying my personal preference.
He's the most vocal, just like Sidious. Everything is anti-WWE, he can't even praise them for the good that they have done.

Need a Kleenex, man?

Name me something good, and I'll praise it.

Oh holy shit, excuse me. 3 injuries that kept him out of action during important times in his career, and also getting suspended and giving us that God awful Hornswaggle is Vince's son story. We can all thank Kennedy for that fucking drivel.

LMAO. So Kennedy brought about Hornswaggle, huh? That surely wasn't the WWE creative, or anything like that, right? McMahon, I'm sure, had nothing to do with that? What a fabulous cop out.

Was never big on Batista. Always laughed when he got injured. Undertaker, sure, but his career has also been longer, and he is now more broken down. Orton, was kept on screen during some of the injuries. Cena, can you name me more than his torn pec and his herniated disc in his neck? I can't seem to find them. :shrug:

All more injury-prone then Anderson, regardless. Yet Anderson gets the shit sheet for it – wonder why?

How doesn't it explain anything? He went from nothing to upper-midcard, to currently the cusp of the Main Event. He gained the heat when he was with Morrison, he got great heat during his imitation of Cena. When he got squashed on PPV by Cena last year, everyone thought he was done. He came back, and he took his opportunity. This push is only given to him through his hard work and his abilities. Improving is the key, which he has done a shitload of during his 3 years in the WWE.

Good for him – doesn't say a thing about his actual talent. His talent lies in his ability to hold and spout off into a microphone – little else.

Why the fuck is this even a debate? Nothing you or IDR is going to say is going to change my mind that I think the Miz is more entertaining. If people want to say that he is by a mile, go after them. I'm saying my personal preference.

Well at least you finally admit you're basing this on who you like more personally, and not on who the better talent actually is. :)

The Miz makes me want to switch channels, I find him to be just another annoying obnoxious punk, like a brother you want to smack in the face.

Anderson on the other hand is freaking hysterical and makes me rewind my dvr and watch again
Cool. Want a cookie?

COOKIE!!!!! I love cookies so if you are sharing then by all means.

Thanks to the forums screwing up, there really is no point to continuing with this post. Just wanted to post about the cookie.

Need a Kleenex, man?

Name me something good, and I'll praise it.

Now that you mention it, I have been sneezing. I'll take a kleenex.

As far as something good, Nexus, general Punk, Cena is no longer in the title picture, for at least a month if not longer.

LMAO. So Kennedy brought about Hornswaggle, huh? That surely wasn't the WWE creative, or anything like that, right? McMahon, I'm sure, had nothing to do with that? What a fabulous cop out.

In a way, yes. Kennedy was in line for that angle, and nobody else would fit. Would've been better to get rid of the angle all together. Doesn't excuse the shit quality of it, but still.

All more injury-prone then Anderson, regardless. Yet Anderson gets the shit sheet for it – wonder why?

For the Undertaker most of it is recent. He is getting older and more fragile. I give him a year or two more at most. Batista, well yeah. Orton, I suppose I can agree. Cena however I will not. For 8 years he has stayed relatively healthy, except for a botch by a one Mr. Kennedy (hmm...better wrestler?) and Batista.

The difference, is he kept getting injured when they were trying to push him. Taker, Batista, Orton, and Cena have all been Main Event main stays. Anderson was not. Opportunity after opportunity squandered, plus that suspension in an inopportune time as well.

Good for him – doesn't say a thing about his actual talent. His talent lies in his ability to hold and spout off into a microphone – little else.

He can put on good matches in the ring. He isn't great in the ring, but continued improvement is what you look for. He just entertains me more.

Well at least you finally admit you're basing this on who you like more personally, and not on who the better talent actually is. :)

Well, more talent does help with who I have a personal preference. Miz does a good job at showcasing his. Anderson not so much. :p
As far as something good, Nexus, general Punk, Cena is no longer in the title picture, for at least a month if not longer.

Cena just competed for the WWE Championship at the last PPV – I'd hardly consider that being "no longer in the title picture", Punk has regressed tremendously since his World Heavyweight Championship days and the Nexus bores the shit out of me – it's Wade Barrett and a slew of nobodies who jump people week-after-week.

In a way, yes. Kennedy was in line for that angle, and nobody else would fit. Would've been better to get rid of the angle all together. Doesn't excuse the shit quality of it, but still.

Doesn't make it Kennedy's fault, man – that's an incredible cop out to insinuate such a thing. He may have been injured in light of that angle, which obviously prevented him being revealed as McMahons son, but that's not to say the angle couldn't have simply been dropped.

For the Undertaker most of it is recent. He is getting older and more fragile. I give him a year or two more at most. Batista, well yeah. Orton, I suppose I can agree. Cena however I will not. For 8 years he has stayed relatively healthy, except for a botch by a one Mr. Kennedy (hmm...better wrestler?) and Batista.

The difference, is he kept getting injured when they were trying to push him. Taker, Batista, Orton, and Cena have all been Main Event main stays. Anderson was not. Opportunity after opportunity squandered, plus that suspension in an inopportune time as well.

You say that all as if any of these men intend to injure themselves, as if they're self-sabotaging for the sake of self-sabotaging – it makes no sense, man. It also makes very little sense to use it as a slight against him seeing as every time he came back he was pushed to the moon. He had won the MITB before being injured, which would have obviously seen him become champion in time, and was pushed in a feud with Orton the moment he came back again, again centered around the championship. What does that say for your argument that he's not as good as he's made out to be? Obviously WWE creative, the very same you praise, thought differently.

He can put on good matches in the ring. He isn't great in the ring, but continued improvement is what you look for. He just entertains me more.

And that's fine, but in this case it's a battle over personal taste. Miz does nothing for me, personally. I thought the highlight of his career in the WWE thus far was coming back as the masked character after being fired. Aside from that all I hear every week is "Really, Really?" and "I'm the MIZ, and I'm AWESOME!"

Well, more talent does help with who I have a personal preference. Miz does a good job at showcasing his. Anderson not so much. :p

How is that the case if you've yet to name me a single match in which the Miz showcased his talent, yet I've given you a number in which Anderson has showcased his?
Cena just competed for the WWE Championship at the last PPV – I'd hardly consider that being "no longer in the title picture", Punk has regressed tremendously since his World Heavyweight Championship days and the Nexus bores the shit out of me – it's Wade Barrett and a slew of nobodies who jump people week-after-week.

Keeping with current times, Cena isn't in the title picture. He had his chance on Sunday, and didn't win. Now he is feuding with Nexus. Out of title picture.

Nexus bores you? I figured you would love all of the Cena, Morrison, Edge, Jericho beat downs. But to each their own I suppose.

Punk still generates the best heat on Friday nights, I doubt that is a regression. He just doesn't have the title around his waste, which for the most part makes sense in the time of now since he is injured.

Doesn't make it Kennedy's fault, man – that's an incredible cop out to insinuate such a thing. He may have been injured in light of that angle, which obviously prevented him being revealed as McMahons son, but that's not to say the angle couldn't have simply been dropped.

Not injured, suspended due to steroids. I'd say that he was at fault for that. I also said it probably should've been scrapped.

And that's fine, but in this case it's a battle over personal taste. Miz does nothing for me, personally. I thought the highlight of his career in the WWE thus far was coming back as the masked character after being fired. Aside from that all I hear every week is "Really, Really?" and "I'm the MIZ, and I'm AWESOME!"

Exactly, all I hear from Anderson is "I'm an Asshole". Personal tastes. :shrug:

How is that the case if you've yet to name me a single match in which the Miz showcased his talent, yet I've given you a number in which Anderson has showcased his?

You have not given me anything in regards to him showcasing his talent. However, I'll cite his Rumble match against MVP as a good one.
Keeping with current times, Cena isn't in the title picture. He had his chance on Sunday, and didn't win. Now he is feuding with Nexus. Out of title picture.

Eh, I don't buy that – he's still quite relevant with regard to the WWE Championship. He may have lost, but I don't count him out (for long).

Nexus bores you? I figured you would love all of the Cena, Morrison, Edge, Jericho beat downs. But to each their own I suppose.

Yup. Impressive off the bat, but failed to culminate into something with as much meaning as it could have had, IMO. Factor into the equation the utter lack of personality in 90% of the renegade group, and they become boring over time, especially when none do a thing since that first beat-down to prove to the fans otherwise, like you know, wrestling a match?

Punk still generates the best heat on Friday nights, I doubt that is a regression. He just doesn't have the title around his waste, which for the most part makes sense in the time of now since he is injured.

Sure, which says he's still relevant, but not as relevant as he should be, if you ask me. Injury aside, he never should have slipped this far from the title picture, IMO, to begin with.

Not injured, suspended due to steroids. I'd say that he was at fault for that. I also said it probably should've been scrapped.

But not at fault for the angle, which is what you were insinuating. You blamed him, vicariously through being suspended, for the Hornswaggle push. That's a cop out.

Exactly, all I hear from Anderson is "I'm an Asshole". Personal tastes. :shrug:

You're not listening, then, man – he's done much more than that, especially over the last two months. He's got a whole thing going with this "trust" factor with Hard, Pope and RVD among others where they're not sure where his loyalties really lie. Aside from competing for the TNA WHC at Victory Road, I do think he's taken a step back since Angle, but Angle tends to have that effect on his opponents, because the focus is almost solely on him, and not them. They look weaker as a result, unless they actually beat him, which never happens (in terms of full-term story line, not single match, though he rarely loses those either).

You have not given me anything in regards to him showcasing his talent. However, I'll cite his Rumble match against MVP as a good one.

Sure have. Anderson/Undertaker, Anderson/Hardy (Matt), Anderson/Angle, etc.
Well I don't want to get entangled in this argument, but I'll make my pick. Mr. Anderson. I'm picking him, not because he's in TNA or because The Miz was a reality star. They are very at par right now as far the card is concerned. They are both primed to breakout and become the leading men of their respective company. However, Mr. Anderson has the edge here. He is much more experienced as he's been wrestling since 2002, he has much more big match experience than Miz, feuding with The Undertaker, Batista, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle and a few more. He's had a solid character for 5 years now. His character has had that "natural flow" that makes them believable and standouts amongst the crowds for a long time now and he has a more solid fan base.

Not taking anything away from The Miz, who has been trying his hardest to rid himself of the "reality guy" label he brought in when he started. But the man is still missing a few tools that Anderson already has. The Miz has never had a true stand out performance as of yet. He's had a few good showings with The Colons and that one match he had with CM Punk at Cyber Sunday. But Mr. Anderson has had a major feud with The Undertaker, he headlined the 2007 Royal Rumble, big matches with Batista and Shawn Michaels. Meanwhile Miz's only taste of a big match was his squashing with John Cena at The Bash.

In the end, the only reason The Miz is at the same level as Mr. Anderson is due to Anderson's health issues over the last few years. He seems to be finding his groove now and not get injured. Meanwhile The Miz has cemented a character and garnered favoritism backstage in 2 years. That's great. But Mr. Anderson was ready to breakthrough a long time ago. It's just that he couldn't stay healthy.
For the time being i will say The Miz and here is why. Since leaving and going to to TNA Mr. Anderson has done very little to brag about where as Miz has been on the uprise. He is now a 2 time US champ and has the MITB title shot at his disposal where as Anderson has to an extent slided down a bit. Thats just how i see it, i am sure others dont agree but that is also why i said for the time being i believe Miz is above Anderson.
I believe that if Anderson wasn't injured in the WWE, that we would see him as WWE champion now instead of Sheamus or even maybe MITB winner instead of the Miz. I do agree that the Miz has improved leaps and bounds compared to years ago, but I can't recall one match of his that set the world on fire. I believe is popular in WWE because he is allowed to say more and have more charisma then most of the young WWE superstars. He does come off a little too robotic for me like Jericho does now.

I really enjoy Anderson but I do agree that the whole asshole shtick gets pretty repetitive and annoying at times. I feel that on a drop of a dime Anderson can go out there and cut either a heel or a face promo and get the audience to eat out of his hand. Also, he has proved a lot of doubters wrong in my book after having good matches with Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy. Everyone loved Anderson when he was in WWE until he was fired. Then every Anderson fan called him "injury prone".

He has been in TNA through most of the year, and hasn't injured anyone or himself. I got nothing bad to say about the Miz since he has charisma, but if Anderson was still employed by WWE I seriously doubt that the Miz would be anywhere near the main event.

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