What do you really think about The Miz?

Is the Miz good enough to Main Event?

  • Definitely

  • Not yet, but in due time

  • Maybe in a mid-card Matt Hardy kind of way

  • Never

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I am curious as to how people really feel about The Miz. I am on the fence myself because when I look at The Miz, I see an intercontinental champion from back in the day where he can be in good storylines but not Main Event. I know some of the greats have been and even started with the IC title but I am talking the guys like Mr. Perfect and Rick Rude, guys that never really main evented, despite their mic skills and/or ring skills. I am 27 years old so I may be biased and maybe today, the kids like him as a heel and a character, I personally don't really know but am leaning towards hoping he doesn't main event.

So what are your thoughts?

*** Sorry, I skipped right over the other Miz topic about main event now or later, but in my topic, I am talking overall, how do you feel about him so I think it is still a worthy topic lol
I like The Miz a lot and hope that he does become a main event presence. The Miz has worked extremely hard to prove himself. The stories of how he was basically shunned by virtually the entire WWE locker room are well known and, overall, I think The Miz's treatment was good for him. He learned to have respect and to respect wrestling by finding out that it wasn't going to be the easy ride that he may have thought it was.

Inside the ring, The Miz is fun to watch. His matches are often of good quality. I'm not saying that he's the best in the ring, but he puts on entertaining matches more often than not. He shines on the mic, I don't think anyone can deny with a straight face that he can cut a damn good promo. The Miz's character as a young and arrogant heel comes across well because he's very comfortable in the role.
I think the Miz is definitely good enough to main event. Right now. I don't mean "in due time," I mean this Sunday at Summerslam.

Sure his in-ring skills are only slightly above average, but in-ring skills are a very small portion of the total picture in prefessional wrestling. And his in-ring skills have improved dramatically since he came to RAW. His mic skills are excellent and that's crucial to holding major gold. He draws excellent heel heat, his look has improved, and he has persevered to overcome the stigma of being a reality TV guy who doesn't belong there, and has asserted himself to prove he does belong there.

I hope Sheamus wins by cheating on Sunday, and Orton gets pissed off afterwards and beats the bejesus out of him, with RKO, punt to the head, etc., The Miz comes out to pick up the pieces, take the belt off of Sheamus (who moves on to feud with a returning HHH), and immediately cuts a promo to challenge Orton at the next PPV.

Should it be a long reign. Not sure yet, has to develop, but I think he has at least earned the shot to prove himself. Again. He certainly deserves it as much as Swagger, or Mysterio, or even Kane. If he cannot pull it off, take the belt from him and make him work his way up again, no harm done. If he can pull it off, we may have just found our newest diamond in the rough.
I don't see the Miz as a main event guy I see him as a tag team champion or at the highest a really good Intercontinental champion but I just don't see him as a heavy weight champion.
I just don't see that larger then life kinda guy in him.
I never see him achieving a following like Stone Cold, or Undertaker, HBK, Lesner, anybody really that big.

I don't think that should be taken offensively because not everyone is a heavy weight champ, not everyone is a tag team champ either...
It's no disrespect to be a mid carder, we need them as much as we need jobbers and heavy weights. I personally just don't like him as a main event guy that's all
I think the Miz is great and has the potential to be a world champion. But I think he should of stayed in U.S title contention because as a main event guy other guys will always have to carry him through matches.

He just needs time to work on his in ring ability he spends to much time walking around and taunting throughout matches.
In my opinion he is a main event guy already. Now granted he isn't Kurt Angle or Shawn Michaels in the ring, but then again who is? He can put on a decent match, and is continuing to improve his in-ring game, and he is among the best in the company on the stick.

Now just because he is in the main event doesn't mean he's gonna be a 10 time world champion, he really doesn't even need to be a 4 time champion, just having him in the title picture would make things so much more interesting.
I hate the miz, in every way, his matches are slow and boring, i cant stand his promos, his catch phrase sucks, nothing appealling about him to me, ive been watching wrestling for 15 years straight, ive maybe missed 10 raws since september 1995, so ive seen my share of wrestling, im already just about done with wwe, i still watch raw because ive done it for so long. But i have to turn it or mute it when the miz is on, if he becomes a world champ, i just maybe done for good. It would be a disgrace.
From reading everyones post it really is a shame what the WWE has come to. Sorry and I have said this many times miz beating HBK, HHH, Taker, Angle etc... is something that is not believable, However for the meager place WWE is in right now i can see how the Miz can get away with a Main event scene because who else will and thats not me being a hater its stating the truth, currently on the active wrestling roster their is Cena, Orton, & CM Punk who can main event well with sheamus doing an ok job himself
I think it's just a bad time right now for both companies
TNA can't get a good thing going with booking and WWE has a lot of people but no one who's ready now...
There both flaud right now, I'm not being a TNA hater cause I'm saying they both are in a struggling position right now.
TNA's booking don't make any sense and as for WWE I have to struggle just to keep attention cause there's just not enough fast passed action in the ring.

Dark days as far as I'm concerned
seeing as I quit watching wwe for the most part, take it for what it's worth, before I quit I saw the miz, and f'n hated him, but he def had something even then that drew people in so I put him with matt hardy, seen him a few times lately but I still get the feeling I used to so... no I can't see him main event... but couldn't se cena main event either and regardless of whether I think he should, he is
I know I'm in the minority when I say that The Miz isn't main event quality. I'm not entertained in the least with his mat or mic skills. You either have it or you don't and I don't think he has it. I think his push is from a personal level, either with Vince or maybe someone like Pat Patterson....ya know?
I think Miz is just the IWC's flavor of the week and not deserving of most of the praise he gets, not one promo nor match by him has ever stood out to me

Maybe he will get better in the future but for now, he's just so overhyped IMO. I really don't care about him that much. The only reaction I usually get when his music hits is that I roll my eyes because I know I have to sit through Cole creaming his pants over him (which is why I now watch only with the mute button within reach)
Boy, their seems to be a lot of threads on the Miz as of late. Its a given, he's the future of the WWE...."and the torch is passed down once more"

Now on to the thread. I for one LOVE the Miz. He's been one of my favorite ever since his TOUGH ENOUGH days, even when he was fueding with Cena (allegadely) back in June 2009, I still liked what he did, especially when he came out with the gangster get-up and with John Cena's old theme.

But as much as I like this dude, I don't think he's quite ready to be in a main event yet, at least, not to the point where he is main eventing with the likes of John Cena or Triple H, or the Undertaker, or Orton (even though i feel a fued between the two coming soon). Sure, don't get me wrong, he's been sky-rocketing to the top "and then keeps on heading up", but he needs a tincie-weansie little bit more. If the Miz is really going to be the future of this business, I think his push to the main event level (again, with the likes of Cena/HHH/Undertaker/Orton) should be dead on AWESOME! (pun somewhat intended). It should not be botched like Sheamus's or dumb like Swagger's. No. This build, I feel needs to be dead on perfect.

So therefore, i voted "Not yet, but in due time". He's almost there just a "bit" further
From reading everyones post it really is a shame what the WWE has come to. Sorry and I have said this many times miz beating HBK, HHH, Taker, Angle etc... is something that is not believable, However for the meager place WWE is in right now i can see how the Miz can get away with a Main event scene because who else will and thats not me being a hater its stating the truth, currently on the active wrestling roster their is Cena, Orton, & CM Punk who can main event well with sheamus doing an ok job himself

The mere fact that you failed to mention Jericho and Edge makes your entire argument null and void. What exactly does having it be believable that he can beat wrestling greats have to do with main eventing right now? Cena is being booked as the immortal who can not lose cleanly yet even he lost to HHH the last time they went one-on-one. Undertaker is a legend who is unstoppable at WrestleMania yet he lost cleanly to Kozlov. Your logic is flawed. Miz is ready to main event and has already been included in the couple past main event matches. It's only a matter of time now imo.
I've been pretty up-front about my opinion of the Miz-I can't stand him. I don't get why so many in the IWC like him. He's good on the mic, although his catch phrase is getting really old. But, I don't think he's very good in the ring. And I'm not asking him to be HBK or Kurt Angle. I'm just asking for improvement, & I haven't seen it from him. Sheamus has improved tremendously since he first came to RAW, to the point where I once hated him, but now he's not so bad. I'm not a fan, but I think he has a place in the main event. I can't say the same for the Miz. He should be a mid card guy, a guy who fights for the IC/US title or tag titles, & maybe gets a WWE title shot once or twice. But I don't think he should be WWE or World champion, although I understand that he will soon be there.
Hate the Miz. His catch phrase is terrible, his wrestling is sub par and while he is decent on the mic, I just don't find him very entertaining in the ring. He puts me to sleep. I understand that he is a tireless worker like Cena and does a lot to help the company, but if that's the main reason why he is at the top now I think that's asinine. I don't know if that's the main reason but personally I think that's why I think he is.
I noticed the same thing about Sheamus.
I couldn't stand him, I hated him. I didn't know why he was there.
Now I don't think he should be the champ yet...maybe a smaller belt...

but I found over the past months that I haven't been booing when he comes out and I do respect him a lot more in a title picture then I would someone like Miz....

I don't like him at all...Maybe with another year or so of being a mid carder with a lesser belt maybe but as of right now he doesn't belong there.

Considering I never thought I'd be in favor of Sheamus....that took a lot to say
I even cheer for Drew more then Miz...almost anyone more then Miz, he's just a lot less then what people make him out to be
i think he's more like Mizter overrated
Wow...it seems like everyone in here hates the Miz, which is weird, because usually these forums are full of Miz-lovers. Personally, the Miz is my favorite part of Raw. I feel like he represents the regular guy, not some jacked up steriod freak or anything like that. That is why I always root for him, even though he is a heel. He is always the underdog, and don't we all love that?? I think he is ready for the main event NOW, I don't see much of a need for improvement. He is getting good crowd reactions (similar to orton about half a year ago when he was a tweener) and I'm pretty sure he could carry the title just as well, if not better, than Sheamus (who i also love but seem to be in the minority for that as well haha, that's a whole different topic). So in short, Yes, Miz is ready and I would be stoked to tune into Raw this Monday and see him with the WWE and US title. That'd be....AWESOME! (c'mon, I couldn't pass that up) :)
Just his catch phrase alone is just annoying it makes me want to throw a remote at the tv....
If your calling your self awesome then odds are your the furthest thing from it...

Now Anderson calling him self an asshole, now that's a catch phrase that's really awesome...
I agree with Mr. Awesome in that I'm not so concerned with whether he should be in the main event or not, since it is obvious he is being groomed for it. I'm more worried that the WWE is going to push them and give him the traditional weak first reign that new champions always seem to get. CM Punk's first WWE titles reign made him look as if he were just barely surviving. Sheamus was made to look as if he got the belt on a technicality with Cena falling through a table and not being put through one. Sheamus still suffers in the fact that his PPV wins are are never clean wins. I hope for this to change on Sunday. Swagger also had a weak first reign.

I think if the WWE is committed to pushing someone to the main event, regardless of whether it is the Miz or anyone else, they need to make this person look as if they belong. Getting cold feet and bailing on a new champion does no one any favors and only hurts the previous few months work in building up that champion. Now, granted, a weak first reign can be overcome, since I now buy Punk as a world champion and have even come to view Sheamus as a main eventer despite his weak first run. However, Swagger is still recovering from that, I think, and the worst part is that if the WWE had tried, they could have made him out to be a legitimate champion.

I would like for the Miz to be a world champion and replace the current WWE title with a new standard belt, but moreover, I would like to see a newcomer who is made to look legitimate in his first run, not someone who is lucky or barely hanging on.
miz has worked hard to be where hes at and as far as im concerned is at main event level. i do believe he needs a couple really hard fought matches and a couple big feuds to win everyone else over who are in between. there is never any winning over the people who have their minds set in stone that they hate him. i dont think hes gonna cash in just yet, im actually hopin for him to take a diff route and actually announce hes gonna do it instead of taking advantage of a situation. either some high profile feuds or wininnig the gold the old fashioned way will imo without a doubt solidify him as main event.
im going to say the miz is almost like chris jericho, i think can play the face real well also along with he can play heel really well. you said you hope the miz dont make it to the main events? in my opinon hes 1 ppv away from being solid in that category. not that he doesnt have it already. hes going to have some massive fueds with the top guys. like i said i think cena turns at summerslam and miz turns as well and waits to cash in. a fued right now between cena and miz? could be the best thing weve seen since austin and rock, rock and hhh, hhh and austin, and finally kane and undertaker in the attitude era. the miz will be main eventing by years end if not earlier. night of champions? ;) and thats when the fued hits a bang.
So just cause you work your ass off you deserve to be in the main event?
If you don't have it, you don't have it regardless of your work ethic.
He's not exciting, he's not captivating, he's just a twerp that runs around saying he's awesome.
He is not the most talented out of the mid carders and theres a lot more people in the locker room who deserve a bigger push...

Yeah matt hardy is a hard and LOYAL employee and has been for years and look at the crap he gets stuck with...
while jeff the freaking loser has had a real title....what's the highest hardy had? The Stupid U.S belt? Or the ECW belt? Two belts no one cares about while people like the Freaking Miz are getting a hard push...

What does loyalty get you in the wwe? UMMm for most people there, nothing
First Post, get stoked!

I've read a lot of threads on this site, or whatever, and finally decided to sign up and start by giving my two cents on The Miz. I can't stand The Miz. I really wanna like him, though, I really do. I've been watching wrestling for 10 years and I know I might have to go 10 more watching the Miz take over my screen. IMO, though, he's not main event material. He's good on the mic, but his matches are so boring to me. A lot of people complain about Cena having 5 moves and it seems Miz has even less. Besides a couple of simple holds and counters all I see him do is the Skull Crushing Finale and that clossline on the turnbuckle thingy. A lot of people say John Morrison and Miz are both charismatic and the difference between them is one's better in the ring, the other, on the mic.

I would much rather see, and pay, to see John Morrison main event a ppv one day. I really can't say the same for The Miz.

Sorry for the Miz-Morrison comparison, btw, miight be a little off topic. Just using it to enforce my opinion.
I think the Miz is in the works of becoming a main eventer. I don't see him there yet since he's hasn't beat anyone in the main event scene outside of the Raw MITB. He's getting some rub, but he needs to get some wins so his cash-in will look more legit. Him trying to cash in every week is making him look weak and squashing Evan Bourne ain't much. Have him win some matches and have him cash in at TLC after the raw main event which will probably be either a Ladder or TLC match and have him on the road to Wm as the champion.

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