A few things that have been mentioned already, and a few that haven’t:
• too many ring dives - the law of diminishing returns. Dives can be cool - but it feels like EVERY match features one or more variation of a topé suicida or a plancha.
• false finishes in standard matches. No need. Also see multiple finisher kick-outs. I much prefer moves like the F5 and RKO which are (mostly) protected as very few people (basically Reigns and Rollins) kick out of ONE.
• the lost art of selling. Some wrestlers try their hardest - Johnny Gargano is an expert salesman, in my opinion; but too many are up far too quickly from certain moves. At Crown Jewel, the Fiend kicked out of a sledgehammer shot to the head. That’s ridiculous, I don’t care how much you are trying to build up a ‘supernatural’ character. I guess the idea behind that is that it will make it more special when he loses the belt, but in reality, it makes casual fans think the guy can’t be beaten, so why invest in any title feuds when he defends?
• I HATE the much-overused IWC term, “buried”; a wrestler getting on tv every week but losing is not a wrestler getting buried. True burial is not even getting tv time. Over the years, I’ve heard so many examples of people thinking certain wrestlers are ‘buried’ because they lost a match. Finn Balor was ‘buried’ by Kane but had just beaten AJ Styles, who himself was little over a month away from winning the WWE Championship! Hardly a burial
• that brings me to my next point: poor booking. I like AEW having a win-loss record on all their wrestlers’ intrographs, but it doesn’t actually mean anything yet. For all they keep saying “wins and losses matter”, they need to start proving it. Case in point, Darby Allin and Jimmy Havoc having a #1 contenders match a few weeks ago on Dynamite despite only winning 1 match each, yet PAC had (at the time) won 3 I believe, and hadn’t been afforded the same opportunity. Yes I know it is building a PAC storyline (at least I hope that’s the plan), but it doesn’t help their cause as they build their brand. Still not as bad as WWE though, who will just hotshot people to title matches for no apparent reason. I love the Fiend’s character but Hell in a Cell (and Crown Jewel) was way too soon for him to challenge for the Universal Championship. See also RoodeDolph with the tag belts, and many more examples. Build feuds and wrestlers logically, and don’t be afraid of a slow burn (some of the best storylines are slow burns)
• the backlash against fans “hijacking” shows. I don’t mind it, though I caveat this by saying to a certain extent. People throwing around beach balls is just plain disrespectful. But people choosing who they cheer and boo for in a given match is totally up to them. I actually wish companies would pay mor attention to this rather than choose title runs on their own whims, as if fans are clearly behind a given wrestler, MAYBE giving that wrestler a prominent run will bring in some money...
My main gripe with this one though is that it isn’t a new concept - I remember the nWo pandering to it in 1997/98, I think at San Francisco’s Cow Palace (May have been Superbrawl ‘98) when the crowd booed all the faces and cheered all the heels. Got reported in wrestling media as a really fun crowd as it was so different. Today they would be torn apart as “hijacking”. There’s a huge difference between going into business for yourselves (like at the show people always reference as the ‘start’ of the phenomenon, the Raw after ‘Mania 2013 in New Jersey) and showing your support to a particular wrestler (the Raw after ‘Mania 2013 in Miami, the ‘birth’ of the Yes movement) - I was at both shows, and the crowd in Miami was (IMO) a lot better, we weren’t chanting for Daniel Bryan to sh*t on the product but because he was felt to have been shafted at Wrestlemania the previous night; the crowd a year later in Jersey actively hammered the Randy Orton v Sheamus match, to the point where the Big Show, who months earlier had faced “please retire” chants, got chants this night of “thank you Big Show” because his interference ended the match!
• interference is another peeve of mine. Certain wrestlers / valets / managers are known to interfere. Why do referees never pre-empt this and bar that person from ringside BEFORE the match? Just a little logic tweet which doesn’t have to be introduced to every match, but every now and then would make a good plot line
• the dreaded roll up. Too many matches finish with this move, as it is deemed “protective”. For some reason, companies think wrestlers look worse losing to a finisher than to a roll up. That makes no sense, if anything it’s the other way round. WWE are the worst at this but all companies do it. I went to a Dragon Gate USA show in Phoenix once and almost every match finished with a roll up or ‘basic’ move, after a match of high spots and huge moves. Makes zero sense.
• faces having no friends or support when heels interfere / gang up on them. Again, makes no sense, as they never have a problem getting tag team partners etc. Again, doesn’t have to be used in every match, but a little more logic in your booking goes a long way
• a belief in everything Meltzer says. Especially pertinent this week, and more annoying when certain sites (*cough* WhatCulture *cough*) quote him like he is the Gospel, and never apologise for doing so even when HE HIMSELF apologised for a wrong story. Yes he has longevity and you can understand why he is respected, but he also gets a lot wrong because he speculates or reports from contaminated sources
That’s just a few, there’s more but I don’t want to take up much more space on this page (apologies for the essay!)