What are some signs that a girl likes you?

Yeah, I have no problem with Monte Ellis after he decided to stick around, but he couldn't pick up what was being laid down.

Made it all the more enjoyable though.

Thirding the motion.
The only thing you can do fella is talk to the girl look for the signs does she deliberatly laugh with you does she wanna do everything with you, go places with you etc
this thread has 22 pages... SHETTTT!

I'm breaking my hiatus whilst in the US to say...

MTFU dude. you guys work together yes? arrange a little activity outside of work for the whole group, act a bit more alpha, you know more like the guy a girl would wanna jump rather than a guy who moans about this on an internet forum...

make them ALL laugh, get them ALL interested, then pay slightly less attention to the one you want, this will drive her wild. Jealousy is a very powerful emotion in women. She'll show more interest. Then... get her number, don't txt her for 2/3 days, chat 2her at work, then invite her somewhere interesting with your mates spontaneously. Walk her home, tell her it was fun, ring her the next day and tell her you feel like going hat shopping and want a girls opinion. From there take her on a real date, but make sure you visit 2/3 locations in the date, a concert or gig is a good one because you'll have to stay close/hold hands etc...

it's a marathon not a sprint, now go... :suckit:
this thread has 22 pages... SHETTTT!

I'm breaking my hiatus whilst in the US to say...

MTFU dude. you guys work together yes? arrange a little activity outside of work for the whole group, act a bit more alpha, you know more like the guy a girl would wanna jump rather than a guy who moans about this on an internet forum...

make them ALL laugh, get them ALL interested, then pay slightly less attention to the one you want, this will drive her wild. Jealousy is a very powerful emotion in women. She'll show more interest. Then... get her number, don't txt her for 2/3 days, chat 2her at work, then invite her somewhere interesting with your mates spontaneously. Walk her home, tell her it was fun, ring her the next day and tell her you feel like going hat shopping and want a girls opinion. From there take her on a real date, but make sure you visit 2/3 locations in the date, a concert or gig is a good one because you'll have to stay close/hold hands etc...

it's a marathon not a sprint, now go... :suckit:

The girl i really want only works weekends, is in high school still, and i only see her once a week since i only work Saturdays(in terms of weekend work).

but i won't see her for at least two weeks now since im off the next two saturdays, so we'll see how that works out.

Good advice BTW, thanks :)

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