What are some signs that a girl likes you?

man fuck that, he shouldve said that shit. anything else wouldve encouraged the thinking that becuase she was good looking, she got to have privledges others arent afforded.

thats a very bad theory to encourage.

So now you're going to give ugly girls the privilege of NorCal dick based on their SAT scores?
man fuck that, he shouldve said that shit. anything else wouldve encouraged the thinking that becuase she was good looking, she got to have privledges others arent afforded.

thats a very bad theory to encourage.

I didn't condone giving out free stuff, but there's a way to deal with those situations. He lacks tact and timing.
Yeah, I agree. I've grown up quite a bit since I got a real job and had a real girlfriend and experienced real heartache. I just can't stop asking myself why a certain girl doesn't have a boyfriend. Then I spend too much time looking for fault instead of enjoying the moment. I am a complex creature and sometimes my imagination gets the better of me.

there are prolly others than you who think the same way. everyone is complex in their own odd ways, well, most folks.

Ive just always subscribed to the belief of "fuck what OTHERS do, that doesnt change the man that I am."

just becuase people do YOU wrong, dont let it change who you are as a man. Dont fly with the birds. let them do what they do, you do, what YOU do.
I don't disagree, but I do feel that what others do to me makes me the man I am. I learn lessons from those experiences, and sometimes, I get a little more jaded. And sometimes, I get even. Depends on my mood.
You still haven't answered. If girls shouldn't get benefits for being pretty then.....

no. those dont matter either. their access to NorCal meat is based upon their fun factor in hanging with them, intelligence, kindness, a whole host of matters. Along with being attractive enough to allow the physiological necessities of the situation to be completed.
ok being a girl...i can tell you the low down...

1. we like to be firty..but play hard to get
2. we'll stare at you and giggle maybe whisper to a friend..dont worry..she's not making fun of you..
3. make it a point to be everywhere you are
4. sorry..we're wierd like that..so we wont up and tell you we like you...we're waiting for you to make the first move...i dont know why..

for me..all those examples are null and void..if i like guy..i'll straight up tell his ass, f the playing around. it's a waste of time

Pics plz.
That's what I thought you'd say because it's, you know, logical.

I tend to sit back and let someone come to me. They think it's because I'm showing no interest, but usually, it's because I'm not interested. But, if some lady wants to strike up a conversation, I'll talk. If she intrigues me, then I make THE move.
I dunno. I just gotta like her. she just has to be attractive enough in my eyes to get me hard, but the rest is personality based. truly.
Sounds like work to me.


Next time just try the face. In response most females tend to jump my bones.
I dunno. I just gotta like her. she just has to be attractive enough in my eyes to get me hard, but the rest is personality based. truly.

I'm the same way. I'm not in it for beauty queens. I use looks a tie breaker. If I can't decide between two girls, I go with the hotter one.

Now, if a beauty queen happens to share my interests and makes a good meatloaf, I am head over heels.
I'm the same way. I'm not in it for beauty queens. I use looks a tie breaker. If I can't decide between two girls, I go with the hotter one.

Now, if a beauty queen happens to share my interests and makes a good meatloaf, I am head over heels.

tis part of growing up, my good man. The girl im kinda sort seeing now isnt as smoking as some of the other chicks ive messed with. But she is an awesome person. Which makes her extremely hot to me.

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