I need some serious advice.

OK, here is a story from experience. In early 2008, I met this girl at a storage place, she worked at. She had a 2 year old son, but on top of that, she was 7 months pregnant. I decided that I would give it a shot, even though I had never dated anyone with kids. To make a long story short, we've been married for a year and a half, and have since had a daughter of our own. And her two boys are basically mine. I love them and treat them as my own. The son she was pregnant with is epileptic, and I have willingly spent weeks with him in the hospital, so I could be there for him.

My advice is to go with your gut, trust me when I say that kids are a full time job, and if you dont want that, then you're not doing her son any favors if you're not 100% in it.
So a girl has a kid. I don't see the big deal. If the situation was reversed, wouldn't you want to be happy? It honestly shouldn't matter what other people think. Are they the ones in the relationship with you and this girl? No...its you and her, that's why its a couple. If your family and friends really care, then they'll realize you care about this person and let you experience this relationship. Some people work with kids, some don't. But the point is, you can grow if it doesn't work out, and if so, then hopefully your family and friends will be there for you and still be just as supportive.
Settling down?? I'm someone who didn't get married until I was 27. So there's nothing wrong with waiting a while...believe me, I sometimes wished I'd have waited longer, I think I still have more wild oats to sow sometimes...right Rox you know what I'm talking about those many inside jokes we share? LOL
Settling down?? I'm someone who didn't get married until I was 27. So there's nothing wrong with waiting a while...believe me, I sometimes wished I'd have waited longer, I think I still have more wild oats to sow sometimes...right Rox you know what I'm talking about those many inside jokes we share? LOL

LOL you never know. Tht one Smackdown live event could have changed your life completely :lmao:
There'd only be an issue for me if she wanted me to dispose of the kid.

It's not one of those threads, is it?
LOL you never know. Tht one Smackdown live event could have changed your life completely :lmao:

LitasRevenge is going to have my e-babies, not yours, Dr. Rockso The Rock and Roll Clown. And, I forgot the girl in my sig's name; it's Francesca Fiorinni or some shit like that. To be honest, I just typed in hot eurotrash and I saw her pic on like the third or fourth google image page.
LitasRevenge is going to have my e-babies, not yours, Dr. Rockso The Rock and Roll Clown. And, I forgot the girl in my sig's name; it's Francesca Fiorinni or some shit like that. To be honest, I just typed in hot eurotrash and I saw her pic on like the third or fourth google image page.

I never go past page one on ANY google search...too dangerous.
I know it would seem strange but im telling my folks that im dating this girl im having my female best friend beside me for support, so i don't freak out if i were to tell my folks on my own.
I know it would seem strange but im telling my folks that im dating this girl im having my female best friend beside me for support, so i don't freak out if i were to tell my folks on my own.

Why don't you just skip the single mom and get your best friend pregnant? I think that would be the best thing to do...if you get attached to the kid in this instance, you'll actually have a right to see it later.
Now i really want serious points of views from you guys on this matter.


Well here's the situation, i met a girl whose 22 and she has a 5 month old son, from the get go we've been pretty damn honest with one another, i told 3 of my best friends who are female and 2 of them said its wrong. Mind you im 20 and like most people my age still live at home, im also in the process of thinking to do a course at college and finding a new job even if its casual or part time.

(A.) You need better friends. The 2 who indicated it being wrong, likely said so because it was a "ready made Family". That's not wrong; it's just more complicated and not for everyone.

(B.) Unless your Parent's are suddenly going to be okay for a possible new fling, and her baby, to be sleeping over randomly.. it's going to be even more complicated until you find yourself a different place to live. (Unless, they're okay with it. Some are.)

(C.) There are a TON of Parents, (single and couples) in this world who never complete school due to children. Don't foolishly become one of those statistics.

If College is a huge goal to you; make it first. Children are a huge responsibility and come with much greater time restrains than books & television make them out to be.

And in the midst of these things in my life is this girl with a kid, and i just wanna know if any of you WZ regulars are or have been in a situation like this and how did/have you handled it.

I've been in 3 different situations like this. None of them will ever relate to being like the one you're in, because everything goes through different paths.

I've been apart of 2 different ready-made Family' relationships, and created a Family of my own in the end.

The closest of anything I've had that formats what you're going through didn't work out in ANY manner in the end. It revolved around me believing I could fit "the girl of my dreams" along side the "career of my dreams".

Long story short; like you I once had huge goals and dreams of being in the Professional Wrestling world. Not Pro's, just the Iowa Indy scene. I found a place in Northern Iowa.. ended up talking with a girl I fell in love with; who had a baby girl. I figured it was perfect, because she was involved heavily with the promotion - and I wanted both; to be with her, and in the promotion. In the end.. things with badly with the girl, and it also ended my desire of wanting to work with the promotion.

As for your situation: You want to juggle multiple tasks that are huge time filling priorities and there simply is not enough time in one's life to do so.

You can't go to College full time, train to become a Wrestler, and become a Family man. You can try, but if you push yourself too hard, and spread yourself too thin - you could risk losing everything. Fail College, get hurt training and/or lose the girl you like because you can't devote more time to her and her Son.

On a side note: Because also as most of you also know is that im training to be a pro wrestler, and i also want to be able to wrestle and be in a relationship of this kind. But i also feel that i can fit wrestling around a job and a relationship, because its not like im in WWE and on the road nearly everyday of the year, and she has a good job as manager.

Have you ever heard the phrase "You can't always have your cake, and eat it, too."

Well; this is a situation of you wanting a whole damn bakery. Whether it's INDY wrestling, or Professional (televised, on the road 300+ days of the year) wrestling. The bottom line is it takes up a portion of your life. Read this, if you haven't..


I honestly recommend you sit back, think long and hard, and come to the factor of what you want most. Set priorities for yourself. Make a list, and find out where everything stacks up.

(?.) Family
(?.) Education
(?.) Hobby turned possible Career

Good luck. I've been in similar shoes, and don't envy you one bit.
Thanks Will i im gonna take what you said into consideration, but i honestly believe i can fit wrestling, a job and this relationship around one another. And im not moving in with her or her sleeping over mine as of yet and with wrestling i'd train 3 days a week and do shows 2 times a month, so wrestling would fit fine into all this.

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