Welcome GXE Holy Hidden Dragon

so wait, the rules are only aimed towards certain individuals? Then why have the rules at all? Apparently a certain mod felt the need for an infraction, but lemme guess, that was revoked too?

I'll comment on this.

Since Jake and Jonny's days, the regular, contributing posters have ALWAYS been given a little - I repeat - A LITTLE more leeway than others. You are as regular as it gets, Brian, but even you have to admit that HHD was given some leeway by Shocky because of how much he does in the wrestling sections.

You're lucky you weren't banned by Jonny way back when. People thought you should have been, but instead, he rep repped you into oblivion and what not. I didn't care then, I don't care now.

I like you Brian, seriously, but how much more leeway did you ever expect to get from a moderator?
I remember that though, Jake made a thread and said flaming is allowed. Which is what we all did. So, I fail to see your point.

I've read worse things on this forum and stuff didn't "happen". I guess you have to be part of the kiss my ass club to get some leeway.

I've been a member of this forum for almost two years, I like to think I contribute to it as well. I tried starting threads to get a section going again. It failed, like I thought it would, but I have participated in almost everything that has been going on since I became a member in July of 2007.
Horseshit, Brian! And spare me the asskissing club bullshit that you and Justin concocted to make excuses for your own interpretations of everything. I disagree with Sly on half the things we discuss, and what did I do? Promoted him twice.

And there are loads more people I haven't gotten on with, but I never had it out for them. Neither does NorCal, neither does Shocky.

Having said that, the moderators fight with each other ten times more than we do with you all. In fact, we fight the most over the interpretations of the rules. We want to get them organized and make them clearer as well.

So if you think ass kissing has a damn thing to do with how rules are enforced around here, get a clue. In fact, I'll even help some of you out. Pay attention.

When you get into the real world and work full time jobs and buy homes and stuff, you will find that things are not always fair. Some of you may get more chances, more leeway at your jobs. Maybe because you boss likes you more, or maybe because someone else works harder or better. And you know what? You'll deal with it, dammit. Or maybe you'll be the hard worker, the "go-to guy," and get the leeway. If so, Godspeed.

There ya go. Life lesson on the Wrestling Boards. In the prison, no less.
Horseshit, Brian! And spare me the asskissing club bullshit that you and Justin concocted to make excuses for your own interpretations of everything. I disagree with Sly on half the things we discuss, and what did I do? Promoted him twice.

And there are loads more people I haven't gotten on with, but I never had it out for them. Neither does NorCal, neither does Shocky.

Having said that, the moderators fight with each other ten times more than we do with you all. In fact, we fight the most over the interpretations of the rules. We want to get them organized and make them clearer as well.

So if you think ass kissing has a damn thing to do with how rules are enforced around here, get a clue. In fact, I'll even help some of you out. Pay attention.

When you get into the real world and work full time jobs and buy homes and stuff, you will find that things are not always fair. Some of you may get more chances, more leeway at your jobs. Maybe because you boss likes you more, or maybe because someone else works harder or better. And you know what? You'll deal with it, dammit. Or maybe you'll be the hard worker, the "go-to guy," and get the leeway. If so, Godspeed.

There ya go. Life lesson on the Wrestling Boards. In the prison, no less.
I think I just fell in love. IC just bitched someone out.

this is STILL going???

Whats even better, is that brian still hasnt proclaimed what he is trying to accomplish here, of what he hopes to get done through it.

Thats my favorite thing to ask people when they start flipping out over nothing.

"Ok so what do you want me to do?? what do you want to get done here??"

and just like Brian, they continue to have no answer to it
I just would like to know one thing: what would be the harm in having more concrete rules? Why doesn't staff just get together and decide what's taboo here and what's not? Something along the lines of this would suffice: Flame to your heart's content in The Bar Room, save for making racist and sexist comments and off-color remarks that make reference to the family members of posters. If you make either a sexist comment or an off-color remark that makes reference to one or more of the family members of a poster, you will receive an infraction the first time, a one week ban the second time, and a permanent ban the third time. If you make a racist comment, you will be permanently banned with no exceptions.
This is not explicit in the rules. I could piece together different portions of the rules and I could come up with something similar in meaning, but that's about it. But, I'm going to stop criticizing here. And, please, Norcal, don't say that this is confounding. I respect the fact that you, as a moderator, are a lot more familiar with how the rules are put into use than regular posters such as myself. Thus, I respect the fact that you may be a little annoyed at having to clarify and explain things to us. However, as anyone can see, our criticism of the vagueness of WZ's rules is valid, and thus should be addressed with respect.
then why did I receive a banned? What he just said is "First timers should receive an infraction."
I just would like to know one thing: what would be the harm in having more concrete rules? Why doesn't staff just get together and decide what's taboo here and what's not? Something along the lines of this would suffice: Flame to your heart's content in The Bar Room, save for making racist and sexist comments and off-color remarks that make reference to the family members of posters. If you make either a sexist comment or an off-color remark that makes reference to one or more of the family members of a poster, you will receive an infraction the first time, a one week ban the second time, and a permanent ban the third time. If you make a racist comment, you will be permanently banned with no exceptions.

Tdigle, that is the rules. You people confound me sometimes

This is not explicit in the rules. I could piece together different portions of the rules and I could come up with something similar in meaning, but that's about it. But, I'm going to stop criticizing here. And, please, Norcal, don't say that this is confounding. I respect the fact that you, as a moderator, are a lot more familiar with how the rules are put into use than regular posters such as myself. Thus, I respect the fact that you may be a little annoyed at having to clarify and explain things to us. However, as anyone can see, our criticism of the vagueness of WZ's rules is valid, and thus should be addressed with respect.

You don't have to talk as if you did anything wrong in asking. Asking for a more clearification of the rules is perfectly fine, and honestly wanted. It means you actually care enough to want to make sure you aren't breaking the rules.

We, as Staff, shouldn't get upset at anyone wanting to know the rules. Or wanting more of an understanding on them. It's suppose to be our job to help you better learn how to be a good poster, and stay within the rules.
I just dont know how many times we can repeat "at the moderators discretion" is why I get frustrated. Like I am seriously pondering if some of you dont understand the meaning of those words, oooorrr if your just ignoring all four (?) of us who have repeated this already??? I mean, what is it??

Different people have different judgement. The bar room is modded by the discretion of the moderators. So if you think you might offend someone, then maybe you should keep your comments to yourself.

I dont even know why im typing this, yet again. Far more skilled individuals have already broke this down just like I did. Ill just explain it, and then you will all be asking

"but !! but!!! its not the same !!! its like different people do different things or something!!!"
I say this with absolute respect for the moderators and I am in no way trying to create arguments for no reason, so please don't lambast me for it.

First and foremost, I think Brian did deserve to be reprimanded, not so much for what he said, but for the fact that the person he said it to quite clearly asked him to stop and didn't. A banning may have been harsh, but it cerainly nipped what could have been a very much worse situation in the bud. The person being flamed was close to flaming back, of this I am sure.

That being said, I really can't see the difference between the remarks he made, and the ones being made to pandanwh. Both people who were being insulted made it erfectly clear that the remarks had crossed the line, but they didn't stop.

I understand that the mods have their own ethics, and I'm not saying they shouldn't, but these situations were very similar. Calling someone's child an accident is out of order. Saying that someone is only a first grade teacher to be a paedophile is also out of order, and I don't really see how you could accept one and not the other.

To me the difference is this, Brian flamed a well-known and well respected poster, and Pandanwh was a poor posterwho was new to the site. The whole thing makes it look incredibly cliquey here. There are several posts from new people who lambast the mods for attacking the newbies, and this isn't a positive image at all. I understand that the mods probably don't do this, but it isn't a very positive image for the forums.

I found the site cliquey when I first joined, and it was a point that several other people made when the Cigar Lounge was renamed. I don't know what could be done about this, but having the same rules for everyone would certainly help.

IC said that regulars are given a little leeway, and this is a good reward, but that reward shouldn't come at the cost of driving people away from the site. Pandanwh may have ended up being a good poster, it seems to me that many people are self confessed bad posters come good, so why couldn't he? Instead, he was baited until he got banned.

I think the mods do a fine job, but these inconsistencies can make for a lack of new posters. It is perhaps no surprise that people call for the bar room to be closed. People like CCS were hated at first and now have all of their rep bars. However, there will be plenty of people given the shit that he was who just leave before getting the chance o come good. I'm guilty of this myself, I suppose, because I'm harsh on deadman, but I wasn't until I realised he was here for the long haul.

I'm sorry if this goes down the wrong way, I really don't mean to cause offence, but things like this do make the forums seem like an in-crowd.
I just dont know how many times we can repeat "at the moderators discretion" is why I get frustrated. Like I am seriously pondering if some of you dont understand the meaning of those words, oooorrr if your just ignoring all four (?) of us who have repeated this already??? I mean, what is it??

Different people have different judgement. The bar room is modded by the discretion of the moderators. So if you think you might offend someone, then maybe you should keep your comments to yourself.

I dont even know why im typing this, yet again. Far more skilled individuals have already broke this down just like I did. Ill just explain it, and then you will all be asking

"but !! but!!! its not the same !!! its like different people do different things or something!!!"

That doesn't make much sense. Shouldn't everyone be treated the same, or at least fairly?

Flames Out

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