Welcome GXE Holy Hidden Dragon

that works Sly. Im down. since y'know, we are discussing two bannings, one of which has been gone for about a month now, and one that wouldve been over by now as well :rolleyes:
No, you shouldn't ban TM now. Maybe at the time, but doing it now would acheive nothing.

I get that it is mods discretion, and so it should be - if it was based on the person being offended, then some people would be aking for bans all of the time and others would put up with racist and sexist shit. The punishment for what the mods deem unfair should at least be consistent.

NorCal, I said that you did the rigth thing for banning Brian, because it could have gotten out of hand. TM's earlier post made it seem like he lost his infraction by politicking. THAT is what is unfair.
for goodness sake.

would you all like me to go ban TM?? right now?? would that fucking make everyone feel better???

I would be upset to say the least.

But for fuck sakes already. I am fucking tired of all this fucking shit involving fucking me. No one except the rfucking mods knows the full story. I did get punished, but becfuckingcause I am smart enough to fucking know how to fucking act, I was able to use reasoning while talking to several G-Mods, and Administrators about the fucking ruling.

You know what, maybe Brian whouldnt fucking have fucking got fucking banned. That issue should fucking be dead, nothing can fucking be done about that fucking issues. But my fucking case doesn't have any fucking thing to do with this fucknig case. my fucking case reverts back to the fucking time there was a comment fucking made about someone I fucking care a lot about, and something was done, then reverted. I used that fucking example to get my fucking infraction (I did get an infraction by the way) to get it reveresed. Now since only I and mods actually know everything that was said about it, then lets fucking drop fucking it.

Thank fucking you.

T Fucking M.
No, you shouldn't ban TM now. Maybe at the time, but doing it now would acheive nothing.

I get that it is mods discretion, and so it should be - if it was based on the person being offended, then some people would be aking for bans all of the time and others would put up with racist and sexist shit. The punishment for what the mods deem unfair should at least be consistent.

NorCal, I said that you did the rigth thing for banning Brian, because it could have gotten out of hand. TM's earlier post made it seem like he lost his infraction by politicking. THAT is what is unfair.

Politicking? How about defending my fucking self. I guess every court case in the fucking world is a fucking case of politicking...
No, you shouldn't ban TM now. Maybe at the time, but doing it now would acheive nothing.

I get that it is mods discretion, and so it should be - if it was based on the person being offended, then some people would be aking for bans all of the time and others would put up with racist and sexist shit. The punishment for what the mods deem unfair should at least be consistent.

NorCal, I said that you did the rigth thing for banning Brian, because it could have gotten out of hand. TM's earlier post made it seem like he lost his infraction by politicking. THAT is what is unfair.

I was most certainley taking the piss.

and no it doesnt need to be consistent. thus, were the whole mods discretion thing comes in.

HEY here is a fucking novel idea. if your all so concerned about getting yourselves in trouble for saying dumb shit in the bar room, GO POST WRESTLING.

Also, all being said, TM was reffering to what were likely children who dont exist, to a person who likely isnt a teacher. if all of you really bought that whole thing, then im actually not shocked that We cant get this whole mods discretion buisness cleared up. :rolleyes:
they are treated fairly

I'm not saying they aren't. Just that, the way some people describe modding in the Bar Room, it makes it very confusing for someone who might be new to figure out what they can say and what they can't.

But, eh, whatever, I'm sure you guys know what you're doing and won't go banning this and that for no reason. =]

Flames Out
Holy shit every one is going nuts. Who fucking cares who says what just elt the mods do what they are doing. They are doing a good job now so just fucking leave them alone everyone.
Holy shit every one is going nuts. Who fucking cares who says what just elt the mods do what they are doing. They are doing a good job now so just fucking leave them alone everyone.

TBH I think its good that if people don't think we're doing a good job they tell us so. I tend to think of us being a "board of directors" and the posters being shareholders. We're here to make the forums better for you so you should be giving us feedback.
and to be honest, this little piddly shit has nothing on the fighting that goes on in the board room. you all dont EVEN know how hard we try to make things good, and fair around here.

KB and Sly quite literally argued for 6 hours straight one time.
TBH I think its good that if people don't think we're doing a good job they tell us so. I tend to think of us being a "board of directors" and the posters being shareholders. We're here to make the forums better for you so you should be giving us feedback.

That has to be the first mod like thing I've ever heard you say.
I understand that the mods have their own ethics, and I'm not saying they shouldn't, but these situations were very similar. Calling someone's child an accident is out of order. Saying that someone is only a first grade teacher to be a paedophile is also out of order, and I don't really see how you could accept one and not the other.
someone gets it... HIP HIP Hooray... HIP HIP HOORAY.
To me the difference is this, Brian flamed a well-known and well respected poster, and Pandanwh was a poor posterwho was new to the site. The whole thing makes it look incredibly cliquey here. There are several posts from new people who lambast the mods for attacking the newbies, and this isn't a positive image at all. I understand that the mods probably don't do this, but it isn't a very positive image for the forums.

I like when I tried to get to the admin, he completely ignored the PM.... I'm gonna call him Mr. Bush for now on.
Sounded like a campaign speech didn't it?

Honestly though I see everyone on the forum as being equal, mods and admins are just there to do technical shit like delete posts and ban people. Although my view is completely different to anyone else's on the forum no doubt. I wish people weren't so scared to tell the mods how they're doing, if you think we're unfair say so, it's the only way we'll change and get better. The majority of mods can handle criticism, no one's going to ban you for it.
likely becuase anyone has fuck all sympathy for you Brian.

You know what, its fine, I can level with you all. Im Norcal, I frolic with the common folk all the time.

So lets get real here.

both Brian and Tm's offenses were 'borderline'. Difference being, Brian is a twat, and contributes little to the forum besides being a twat. TM, inversely, is not a twat. So when I asked everyone if they had an objection to Becker being banned, there was the sound of crickets chirping. When it came up time for TM, there was discussion.

Like I said. you reap what you sow, so when you put yourself onto the chopping block with something that could be interpreted as a bannable offense, your twat factor will invariabley be a part of the decision. its impossible for it not to be.

Both were borderline. Both had decisions made on them.
I was most certainley taking the piss.

I know you were. I have just read my last few posts, and it probably looks like I'm up in arms over this, I'm not. I coldn't give a fuk about the precise situation, but the point is, is that to me, an outsider, it makes the forums look cliquey, and when increasing traffic is the aim of the game, that isn't a positive thing

and no it doesnt need to be consistent. thus, were the whole mods discretion thing comes in.

No it doesn't need to be consistent, but if it isn't then people get pissed off, as this 14 page thread would suggest.

HEY here is a fucking novel idea. if your all so concerned about getting yourselves in trouble for saying dumb shit in the bar room, GO POST WRESTLING.

In the time I've been back on these forums, I've posted wrestling 4-5 times a day and I've never once said anything flamey to anyone in the bar room. I am not worried that the mods will pick on me, because I keep my head down and post well enough so that people don't dislike me.

Also, all being said, TM was reffering to what were likely children who dont exist, to a person who likely isnt a teacher.

That guy had awful spelling and grammar, and he might not have been a teacher. I would suggest that the way he reacted (or overreacted) would imply that he was very offended by it.

if all of you really bought that whole thing, then im actually not shocked that We cant get this whole mods discretion buisness cleared up. :rolleyes:

I'm not an idiot, and I understand mods discretion, my comments about cliqueyness are more general than that. Mods discretion is a good thing, I have said that three times, but surely you understand where people are coming from?

I did get an infraction for flaming.

But I had it overturned, by using diplomatic reasoning.

That sounded to me like you were pulling strings, but now I think I know what you said, and if I am right, it was an argument along the same lines as is being played out here. You said that somebody else had an infraction revoked and you should too. I think I know the exact situation, but I'm not going to guess.

I apologize for using "politicking" it was the wrong word.

You were able to argue your case, and were probably right to. Alls I'm saying is some poeple wouldn't feel like they could do that in your situation, because they don't consider the mods to be very approachable as the place is cliquey, and having different rules and punishments for essentially the same thing is what creates this atmosphere.
Sounded like a campaign speech didn't it?

Honestly though I see everyone on the forum as being equal, mods and admins are just there to do technical shit like delete posts and ban people. Although my view is completely different to anyone else's on the forum no doubt. I wish people weren't so scared to tell the mods how they're doing, if you think we're unfair say so, it's the only way we'll change and get better. The majority of mods can handle criticism, no one's going to ban you for it.

Luther your scaring me. I'm not seeing the words "Discuss" or "Luther 4 Admin" coming from you. Your sounding too mod like. No.. Your sounding too admin like!

Luther 4 admin?
And further fucking more, when the fuck did I say the only reason that guy was a fucking teacher was to rape fucking kids? I didnt fucking say that at fucking all. Now you are fucking lying. I hope that makes you feel like you are fucking proving a point.

I said some fucking liar isn't teaching, but touching kids. First fuckingly, that could mean a lot of things, let alone touching the fucking fuckers in a fucking sexualy fuckingway. Second of all, Didn't he admit to it? That makes me a great fucking judge of fucking character. Third, he was some fucking liar anyways who wasnt actually a teacher. fourth, other people said a lot worse of shit afterwards. Fifth, it had nothing to do with him being new, tons of fucking people are accepterd. Next fucking bitch who ways anything liek that will get 40 days of fucking red rep.

Oh Fucking Yeah.....;)
And ...seventhly... the only reason shit happened was because he blew up about it. He knew if he raised hell, hell would bestow its presence.
Ok, you just implied he was a paedophile. You and I both know that is what you implied, and you did nothing in your conversation to him to suggest otherwise. In my initial arguments, I didn't mention your name at all, because I knew that others had said things, other people brought your name up, not me.

I'm not saying you should be punished retrospectively, this started as me taking a specific and arguing a general - that the site is cliquey - which nobody has spoken about, because it's true.

You felt that you were able to argue your point, and you were right to. If I'm honest though, it should have probably been grounds for their infraction being reinstated and not yours being rescinded. Again, I'm only assuming that I know the instance you are talking about. However, if it had been him saying that you touch kids, do you honestly believe it would have been dealt with in the same way? I don't think I do.

More importantly, I don't think he would have felt that he could have argued about his infraction without thinking "I might get banned".

I'm not saying you picked on someone new, I'm saying that because you picked on someone new you got let off more lightly.

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