Welcome GXE Holy Hidden Dragon

And further fucking more, when the fuck did I say the only reason that guy was a fucking teacher was to rape fucking kids? I didnt fucking say that at fucking all. Now you are fucking lying. I hope that makes you feel like you are fucking proving a point.

I said some fucking liar isn't teaching, but touching kids. First fuckingly, that could mean a lot of things, let alone touching the fucking fuckers in a fucking sexualy fuckingway. Second of all, Didn't he admit to it? That makes me a great fucking judge of fucking character. Third, he was some fucking liar anyways who wasnt actually a teacher. fourth, other people said a lot worse of shit afterwards. Fifth, it had nothing to do with him being new, tons of fucking people are accepterd. Next fucking bitch who ways anything liek that will get 40 days of fucking red rep.

Oh Fucking Yeah.....;)
Infaction. Flaming. Banned for a week.
Ok, you just implied he was a paedophile. You and I both know that is what you implied, and you did nothing in your conversation to him to suggest otherwise. In my initial arguments, I didn't mention your name at all, because I knew that others had said things, other people brought your name up, not me.

I'm not saying you should be punished retrospectively, this started as me taking a specific and arguing a general - that the site is cliquey - which nobody has spoken about, because it's true.

You felt that you were able to argue your point, and you were right to. If I'm honest though, it should have probably been grounds for their infraction being reinstated and not yours being rescinded. Again, I'm only assuming that I know the instance you are talking about. However, if it had been him saying that you touch kids, do you honestly believe it would have been dealt with in the same way? I don't think I do.

More importantly, I don't think he would have felt that he could have argued about his infraction without thinking "I might get banned".

I'm not saying you picked on someone new, I'm saying that because you picked on someone new you got let off more lightly.

If he had called me a child molestor, I would have pushed for it. I have pushed for an infraction for flaming before. It did not happen. So saying that is false.

The fact that he is new really didn't have anything to do with it either. The fact that he himself was a flamer had a lot more to do with it. He was the guy remember that wanted to fight NorCal...

The forums aren't cliquee, the closest thing that is equal to it being cliquee is the fact there are friends. But of course there are. If you pick on my friend, I will pick back on you.

If it is so cliquee, why do we have a tonof new posters on the site that never get into any shit? Because they are good posters.
If it is so cliquee, why do we have a tonof new posters on the site that never get into any shit? Because they are good posters.
I would just like to say...for the record...that I don't belong to any cliq. However, if people continue to insist that I am, then I'll be more than happy to prove them right.

If people want to accuse me of playing favorites, and going against those I don't like, I would hate to make liars out of them...
and to be honest, this little piddly shit has nothing on the fighting that goes on in the board room.

KB and Sly quite literally argued for 6 hours straight one time.

I'm sure we topped 6 hours that one night. :p Maybe, I'm not really sure. I went to get food, then came back to bitch some more. It still counts if we take breaks, right?

That doesn't make much sense. Shouldn't everyone be treated the same, or at least fairly?

Flames Out

You'd like to think so, and yeah, it really should happen.. but life isn't always fair. And neither are internet wrestling forums. :p

for goodness sake.

would you all like me to go ban TM?? right now?? would that fucking make everyone feel better???

:lmao: No, but the vain that's about to pop in your forehead is really gonna look fucked up in the next batch of NorCal flex pics.

they are treated fairly

We do? Well, okay.. if you say so..

So lets get real here.

both Brian and Tm's offenses were 'borderline'.

Yeah, well I can see how that's fair.

Difference being, Brian is a twat, and contributes little to the forum besides being a twat. TM, inversely, is not a twat. So when I asked everyone if they had an objection to Becker being banned, there was the sound of crickets chirping. When it came up time for TM, there was discussion.

Both were borderline. Both had decisions made on them.

Wait, what? What happened to being treated fairly and equally? :lmao:
Pandanwh was a flamer, and didn't do himself any favours, but there are plenty of regulars who are also flamers. I'm not saying you went after him because he's new (I actually think you are probably the most welcoming regular poster), I'm saying you were given less of a hard time because he was new and you weren't. If it had been two new posters, your infraction would stand.

I'm sorry, but it is cliquey. How many of the new posters go straight into the barroom? How many of the new posters who do go in there get fucking slated by all?

That is emphatically true. I remember when I first came here, and everyone was posrting lists of facts about themselves. JPfizzle was trying to get people to do one, so I did, thinking it might introduce me to people. What actually happened is some people responded positively, and others said "only regulars can do this". So apparently, only regulars can make threads in the bar room. I have a thick skin, and I just ignored it, but it doesn't make people welcome.

You cannot honestly say to me that you have never seen a regular respond with "who are you?" or something of that nature to try and discredit someone who argues against them. That is emphatically cliquey.

For the record, I do wish to point out that you are not guilty of this yourself, and I reiterate that you are one of the most welcoming here, but you have benefited from these circumastances in this instance.

EDIT - Want to see cliquey? Look what people say in this thread.


2ND EDIT - Slyfox you have been called "the epitome of fairness", and your post in the thread I've posted emphasises this, but surely you accept that it is cliquey here?
It was fair, at the outset, both were given the same chance on the chopping block. Then Brian's twat level swayed the objectivity.

Will, do you not remeber who the first individual was who responded "if he is talking badly about someones child, then yes, he should be banned" ??? when I brought it up??
It was fair, at the outset, both were given the same chance on the chopping block. Then Brian's twat level swayed the objectivity.

Will, do you not remeber who the first individual was who responded "if he is talking badly about someones child, then yes, he should be banned" ??? when I brought it up??


notice the 2 "?", means he really MEANS buisness;)
so, you just admitted you were playing favoritism but saying I persuaded you into banning me?

Favoritism, I'm glad we got that out of the way.
It was fair, at the outset, both were given the same chance on the chopping block. Then Brian's twat level swayed the objectivity.

Will, do you not remeber who the first individual was who responded "if he is talking badly about someones child, then yes, he should be banned" ??? when I brought it up??

Just for purpose sake, I think Brian understands and knows that "I" even said he deserved being banned for what he said, because he shouldn't have said it.

But because you openly said you had been looking for excuses to ban him, I just don't think it should've come from you. That's all. And I didn't know about TM, or what he said. Apparently something on the same level.

My big question is.. why are we discussing something that took place a week+ before the Superbowl happened, and it's going on almost 2 months later.
As for the issue of cliqueeness... fuck, today is make up new word day for me I guess. I don't feel there are cliques really. I feel there are some douche bags, and that is who you may have ran into. The only time I feel that someone gets the ol' "Who are you" is if they come in and try to change something they haven't been apart of. NightShiftLoser pretty much started in the bar room. And he did alright. Many others started the same way. When I first started, I really started in the SFAC, and I was able to win an election after being relatively new. And the SFAC was a long standing part of the forum, and I broke in.

There are people on here who will fight for their spot. But as for actual groups, then I don't believe there are any cliques. There are groups of friends, and that is fine, I have a whoe Family on here. Are we a clique?
Just for purpose sake, I think Brian understands and knows that "I" even said he deserved being banned for what he said, because he shouldn't have said it.

But because you openly said you had been looking for excuses to ban him, I just don't think it should've come from you. That's all. And I didn't know about TM, or what he said. Apparently something on the same level.

My big question is.. why are we discussing something that took place a week+ before the Superbowl happened, and it's going on almost 2 months later.

this man is a scholar ladies and gents
EDIT - Want to see cliquey? Look what people say in this thread.


2ND EDIT - Slyfox you have been called "the epitome of fairness", and your post in the thread I've posted emphasises this, but surely you accept that it is cliquey here?
I wouldn't call it "cliquey". I'd say that, just like an any aspect of life, you are going to have people who like some more than others. You will have people who don't get along and can't stand each other. WZ forums is no different from the very basic society. I wouldn't call it cliquey, I'd call it normal.

As far as infractions and warnings go, I've had concerns before about favoritism toward certain posters, but at the end of the day, I'm quite confident that ZERO of the mods here INTEND to play favorites. And when it comes down to things like personal opinion and discretion, all you can ask is that people do their best to show fairness.

There is no such thing as "black and white". Situations are different all the time, and for Becker to try and make a black/white example of things is silly. For example, there were many people who were offended by Becker's comments, and when NorCal asked if anyone objected to his punishment, ZERO Staff members objected. Then we have the incident about "touching children"...and we find out the poster did indeed touch children and had already been fired before for doing it. So, in that case, even if it was unknown at the time the comment was made, it doesn't change the fact that the comment was, in fact, true.

If it hadn't been true, would things be different? I can't say. But what I can say is that NOTHING will ever be able to be cut and dry, and that the members of the board can at least take assurance that the mods here do their very best to moderate the board fairly.

Also, members here can take heart to the fact that EVERYONE here has, at one point or another, more than likely gotten away with something they shouldn't have.
which showed you were playing favorite.. oops, I am saddened I am not a favorite of one certain individual...:rolleyes:
Obviously, your not just one persons favorite, since when I asked if anyone objected to me banning that little pathetic twat Becker, no one came to your defense, and the admin didnt even answer your piddly little PM.

What goes around comes around.
Pandanwh was a flamer, and didn't do himself any favours, but there are plenty of regulars who are also flamers. I'm not saying you went after him because he's new (I actually think you are probably the most welcoming regular poster), I'm saying you were given less of a hard time because he was new and you weren't. If it had been two new posters, your infraction would stand.

I'm sorry, but it is cliquey. How many of the new posters go straight into the barroom? How many of the new posters who do go in there get fucking slated by all?

That is emphatically true. I remember when I first came here, and everyone was posrting lists of facts about themselves. JPfizzle was trying to get people to do one, so I did, thinking it might introduce me to people. What actually happened is some people responded positively, and others said "only regulars can do this". So apparently, only regulars can make threads in the bar room. I have a thick skin, and I just ignored it, but it doesn't make people welcome.

You cannot honestly say to me that you have never seen a regular respond with "who are you?" or something of that nature to try and discredit someone who argues against them. That is emphatically cliquey.

For the record, I do wish to point out that you are not guilty of this yourself, and I reiterate that you are one of the most welcoming here, but you have benefited from these circumastances in this instance.

EDIT - Want to see cliquey? Look what people say in this thread.


2ND EDIT - Slyfox you have been called "the epitome of fairness", and your post in the thread I've posted emphasises this, but surely you accept that it is cliquey here?

They were trying to get rid of me.
As for the issue of cliqueeness... fuck, today is make up new word day for me I guess. I don't feel there are cliques really. I feel there are some douche bags, and that is who you may have ran into. The only time I feel that someone gets the ol' "Who are you" is if they come in and try to change something they haven't been apart of. NightShiftLoser pretty much started in the bar room. And he did alright. Many others started the same way. When I first started, I really started in the SFAC, and I was able to win an election after being relatively new. And the SFAC was a long standing part of the forum, and I broke in.

There are people on here who will fight for their spot. But as for actual groups, then I don't believe there are any cliques. There are groups of friends, and that is fine, I have a whoe Family on here. Are we a clique?

Look, I think maybe because you've been here for a while and there was less of an establishment when you joined that maybe you don't see it. I don't have a problem with people being friends, and I don't really understand the stables and groups people make, but I'm not really talking about that nor am I offended by it.

I'm just saying, that it is unpleasant to be told "who are you?" when all they've done is voiced an opinion. You're example is probably fine, but I'm talking about legitimate opinions being rejected because someone has only got one rep bar and 4 posts.

It is not on that people say thingls like "Yeah, we should have somewhere where only people I like can go". That is defying the point of a forum. One of the criteria suggested was "we should vote for the cool people". If you were new here and read that, you'd think it was cliquey wouldn't you?

Cliquey is a god awful word, sorry for making it the word of the evening. And I am deeply sorry for venting this at you, who is probably the opposite of what I have described.
which showed you were playing favorite.. oops, I am saddened I am not a favorite of one certain individual...:rolleyes:
You roll your eyes, and yet it's quite clear that you truly are upset about it. Why else would you continue to bitch about it?

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