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Who am I?
City hunter is my nickname, fightin' crime's the game.
I'm dmariano123 or just Daniel. Been reading around here for a while. Looks like a great forum and I hope to stick around for a long time!
Hey everyone. I'm Matt. I'm from Northeast Ohio and I am 25 years old. I'm what I like to call a "smart mark" because I generally know what is going to happen long before it does, but still get stoked when it happens. I watch both main companies, but strongly prefer WWE to TNA. Glad there are 2 fish in the pond now though for sure.
Hey guys...I have been coming to wrestlezone for years to get the scoop on what's going down in the business..So i finally decided to be a part of things and join the forums. Well i am Cody and I am 20 years old. I have been watching wrestling since I was pretty much a toddler. That's pretty much the big story and thanks for letting me be a part of this.

Long time wrestling fan from the UK - I've been lurking for a while and have enjoyed reading the forum.

My two favourite wrestlers of all time are Hulk Hogan and Sting.
well now i know what i have to do to start a post. But all is well, my name is Alonzo, i live in Virginia, and yes, i am a wrestling mark. I gotta admit, i have been coming on the site since i was in middle school, and it is the only site i go to for the scoop. And for the most part, the info turns out to be truthful or close to it, so i cant complain. I'm tryna get on everyone else's level so help me out!!! WZ4eva!
Hi all!!

I was reading this forum for a while and decided about a month ago to join, so I did. Then had a lot of trouble with signing in straight after (think I might have typed my password wrong when I signed up??). So anyway, after a few weeks of trying to reset my password and failing to recieve the message with the new password, then contacting Wrestlezone and hearing nothing (does anybody read those messages?) I finally decided to give it one more shot at resetting, and it worked! Strangely, it was really quick, whereas before I had to wait ages for the message. So anyway, here I am, and I look forward to chatting to you all.
I'm currently sitting at my laptop trying to watch SmackDown at the same time. :)

Been coming to this site for over ten years, always enjoyed reading the threads posted next to the news section. I finally decided to join in I'm from Newark, N.J. and a lifelong wrestling fan. looking forward to putting in my two cents.
Hi everyone, my name's Rose.

I joined this forum because I'm just getting into wrestling, both TNA and WWE since living with my fiance, who is also a member on here (Richard).

My favourites include: Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Santino, The Miz, Angelina Love and Maria.
Hi Wrestlezone My name is Eddie. I have read news on here and now wanna be on the forums. I watch WWE and TNA but I am trying to get into some indys like ROH, and PWG. My fave on Raw is HBK , on SD is Taker, and Impact is Jeff Jarrett.
He is, he was huge back in the day in the UK, really paved ways in the industry. Respect this man.
Hi everyone,

I have watched wrestling on and off for most of my life, but really got into it in the past couple years. I really liked the idea of having a place to discuss it so...here I am. :)

My favorites are: John Morrison, Edge, Christian, Gail Kim, Batista, and Yoshi Tatsu
What it do everyone,

Im a huge fan of WWE, FCW and TNA. I'm pretty excited about WWE NXT.

Favorite wrestlers: MVP, John Morrison, Evan Bourne

Favorite NXT Rookies: Byran Danielson, David Otunga, Wade Barret, Justin Gabriel
I am a major in the US Army. I went to the Ford Center this morning with 3 other military personnel to get tickets. We showed up at 1039 and were told no tickets were in existence-it was sold out and no military tickets were given out and the promoter was not available but maybe later. We fed the parking meter for 3 and a half hours to no avail. During this time I called WWE Stamford as over 150 military came in and were turned away. The girl on the fan line said maybe it was too early. I called Jr's BBQ in Norman where I live and asked to speak to Jim who was there as I was sure he would know what was up. His manager of the restaurant said oh gosh this has nothing to do with us-I asked if I could talk to Jim and was told no. We and hundreds never got tickets-and as far as I and the friends it is a sham. I am wondering how many other military this has happened to I would love to see this as news or a thread--and I can verify everything I said.

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