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Hey, I'm Chris Xtreme, the champion of my own backyard fed called Xtreme Wrestling Association. I am a huge fan of WWE (old days and now from 1990 to now), TNA, old and new ECW, and of course interested in UFC and MMA. I am almost 21 this october and I wanna just say what's up and all u know?

I plan to be in a band again and start it off a better way. I also wanna wrestle again, and maybe even go to training school one day. My archrival is Lil' Red who is currently in prison (he gets out in December) and he and I have been at it for the XWA Championship for years man. I started this about 12 years ago and we created it based on cool ring, entrance stage, crazy storylines (but it's real storylines - meaning we can do whatever the fuck we want sometimes and we don't tell others what to do in a match...), great wrestlers (me, bros, cuzes and friends and our girlfriends, etc.) and we had a good run. Now it's time to resurrect the XWA right here in Texas. Where and when I do not know yet, but if you are interested let me know by email: [email protected] or just post here.

I am a 14 time XWA Champ, 5 time King Of The Backyard Tournanment Champ, 2 time Tag Champ, 5 time Hardcore Champ, 3 time Xtreme Rumble winner, etc. etc. we had title changes (mostly designs and stuff) over the years so I have won a lot of championships. And our biggest event of our XWA Season schedule is Backyard Revolution. (Kinda like WrestleMania) and I'm a 12 time Backyard Revolution winning streak wrestler. No one can end that streak... Damn I'm like the Undertaker.

I hope to make good friends here cuz i need to restart XWA again and decide where to put it at and see if anyone would like to join. I will provide info soon.

Thanks for reading. See you soon.

I've been watching wrestling since the early 80's. I enjoyed NWA/WCW more than WWF during the 80's, NWA guys like Ric Flair and The Four Horsemen, Sting, Terry Funk, The Road Warriors, The Fabulous Freebirds ECT were just better than who WWF had. I thought both companies took a nose dive in the early 90's until the NWO was formed in WCW in 96. I thought WCW was better than WWF during most of the time the NWO was around, mainly from 96-early 98, but then WCW creative started bringing in celebrities, started putting lower level wrestlers into the NWO, then made 2 separate factions of the NWO, and I just lost interest, and at the same time over in WWF The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin were rising stars, feuds between them and feuds with them vs Mick Foley and Triple H were just great, and so I thought WWF was better from early 98 all the way to when WCW ended with McMahon buying it. But ever since The Rock, Austin, and Foley retired (well when Foley said he retired after his feud with Triple H) the WWE has taken another nose dive. Right now in late 2009 I enjoy TNA more than WWE and have been for a while.
The original ECW was great while it lasted and I think TNA should go in that direction bigtime because WWE is going towards a PG rating direction (remember all that PG rating stuff WWE had in the late 80's and early 90's (BARF/DULL/BORING).
I hope another "attitude era" comes along and someone (hopefully TNA) to compete with WWE because wrestling overall right now is dull compared to certain times in the past.
WWE gets a lot of credit for launching the "attitude era" but if you think about it the NWO in WCW actually started the "attitude era", its just that the WWE machine "turned the volume up louder" and got credit for the "attitude era".

Anyways that's my brief take on wrestling as I've watched it.
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hi..ive used this site a lot to get my information on the WWE.. I figured what the hell just sign up and get in on the fun.. yes i am a cena fan(i will get plenty of deaths stares for that):lol:
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hey im mat um was born into a wwf and ecw and wcw loving family um im gonna be around these forums 4 a long time
and u can count on it
just wanted to say hi to everyone i'm andrew, 25 from England and have been a wrestling fan since i was about two years old. My dad and I use to watch everyone when i was younger but he's grown out of it and i fall more in love with it every week.
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Welcome To All and Happy posting!
For the most part no. The main site and the forums are independent of one another other than in name. Here you'll find all kinds of varying topics and if a story on the main page is a big deal then there will likely be a thread on it, but a lot of them aren't made into threads, no.
I'm Brian.
I've been a wrestling fan since the early 1990's. I'm a huge fan of technical wrestling that involves groundwork, submissions and a good suplex. Some of my personal favorite wrestlers would be, Bret'The Hitman' Hart, Mr. Perfect, Chris Jericho, Dean Milenko,and Eddie Guerrero. Just to name a few.
But I'm here to gain more insight and share and hear others opinions on this great sport of Wrestling.
-signed The Big Cheez-it-
Hello. I am ANGLE. My goal here is to make a big impact in the forums, with my wrestling insights, and soon to be entertaining posts'. If you can not tell from the name, sig, and avatar, I am pretty much the biggest Kurt Angle mark around. Huge fan of his style too. Favorite all time wrestlers include Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko. Love ground work, submission wrestlers, and strong strikers.

Hope that I am welcome to give my insights on all things wrestling here, and I hope I don't find myself ever coming off as well, a dick or a dickish person.


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