WCWF Results

Grade the World Championship Wrestling Federation

  • A - Awesome!!!

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • B - Pretty Good actually

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • C - Average

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D - Your trying but could be better

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • F - Terrible worse than WWE

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • - I was just coming to post a jackass vote

    Votes: 4 26.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


"..No Chance..." Mr.McMahon's music hits and he gets a mega pop and he says that now due to Triple H being relieved of his duties that he is the full fledged CEO of the WCWF. He says that however he is now officially retiring the Mr.McMahon on screen character. He says that after Rock Bottom III he would be retiring from the Wrestling industry all together. He says he's out here to announce who is the New General Manager for Monday Night Rampage. He says that this General Manager would officially take over tomorrow night. "And that man is...WILLIAM REGAL!!!!!" William Regal sitting at commentary looks confused and gets in the ring and thanks Mr.McMahon for the opportunity and Vince says "Not so fast Regal!! The days of the evil authority figure are gone,the authority hogging TV time are gone,and the days of babyface General Managers booking themselves in title matches are in the main event of Pay Per Views are gone. You're hereby done as an competitor." Mr.McMahon makes him sign a contract agreeing to remain professional and that if he breaks any of the GM Code Of Conduct Rules he would face federal prison time. He wishes Regal luck and says he trust him with his company and not to "F" it up. Jay Briscoe makes his entrance and stares them both down and it's time for our first contest. Jerry Lawler is out next to a mega pop from the fans.

Jay Briscoe vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler- Lawler starts throwing punches immediately and hits the ropes and Briscoe hits him him with a Bicycle Kick and starts beating the crap out of him. Briscoe throws Jerry Lawler over the top rope and says "I told you not to (sound mutes) with Me." Briscoe throws Lawler into the Steel Stairs and into the barricade. Briscoe exposes the ground and hits him with an Inverted Piledriver I'm the exposed arena floor. Briscoe throws Lawler back in the ring and hits a second one for 3.

[Winner:Jay Briscoe]

Briscoe gets on the Mic and says that's this was a waste of his time and says he wants to fight a legend that can actually still fight. "Wellllll...Its The Big Show!!!" The Big Show makes his way to the ring and Briscoe leaves as Show's music restarts and Show stares him down. We are informed that Big Show has officially signed with the WCWF on the WAR! Brand this morning.

White America (Silas Young,Rhino, Michael Elgin) vs. Black Lives Matter (Big E. Langston,Jay Lethal,Kenny King)

Order of elimination-
RHINO eliminates Kenny King with Gore.
Lethal eliminates Rhino with a Lethal Injection.
Michael Elgin eliminates Lethal with the Unbreakable PowerBomb.
Big E eliminates Elgin with the Big Ending.
Silas Young eliminates Big E with the White Out.

[Soul Survivor:Silas Young ]

After the match,Silas Young cuts a promo saying that they need to realize the only thing a black man is good for is picking cotton. Maria Kanellis gets in the ring to help her boyfriend up and Silas snatches her shoulder and says that she's part of the problem. He calls her a trashy skank [censor], who's only good for taking big black [censor]. She slaps Silas Young in the face and he back hands her and ask her who the [censor] do she think she is. He spits on her and calls her a trashy [censor].


(Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt's music hits and he makes his entrance. Dean Ambrose is out next and it's time for our opening bout.

Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt-Ambrose goes right after Bray with punches. Bray starts to fire back with some of his own and whips Dean into the ropes. Dean catapults off the ropes and take Bray down with his lunatic punches. Dean picks Bray up and goes for Dirty Deeds Version 1,but Bray pushes him off and hits a Crossbody on Ambose and hits the ropes and hits a Running Senton on Ambrose for 2. Bray picks him up and throws him at the ropes and runs at him but Ambrose ducks under and hits the other ropes and gets a Urnage from Bray Wyatt for 2. Bray yells "ENOUGH PLAYING WITH YOU DEAN!!!" Bray starts stomping away at Ambrose. Bray picks Dean up and starts European Uppercutting Dean and gets him in the and hard Irish Whips him to the other. Bray runs and Clotheslines him in the corner. Dean comes out stumbling and Sister Abragail from Bray Wyatt and 1-2-3!!!!
[Winner:Bray Wyatt]

Bray tells Dean he can just end this all right now and join him and his family. Wyatt puts a mic next to Ambrose mouth and Ambrose says that he couldnt and wouldn't. Bray said that was the biggest mistake of Ambrose career. (Wyatt Scare) lights out (Wyatt Scare) Bray's gone as Dean is laid out trying to catch his breath. Joey Styles says that things just want from bad to worse for Dean because that idiot don't know when to stay down. Mauro Ranallo: "Last Month at No Mercy, we saw the return of two legends..."

(Footage of the return of Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero at the No Mercy Pay Per View)

"Viva La Raza" "Booyaka Booyaka" "WHOS THAT JUMPING OUT THE SKY!!..." Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero jumps out with the pyro together as Mysterio's old theme plays.

(World Tag Team Championships) Bullet Club (Luke Gallows,Karl Anderson) vs. Latino Heat (Rey Mysterio,Eddie Guerrero)- Rey Mysterio starts off with Luke Gallows. Gallows continuously tries to swing at Mysterio,who blocks every attempt with kicks to the back of the legs. Gallows gets irritated and finally snatches Mysterio up and in PowerBomb position and gets a Hurricarana. Mysterio goes for the 619 and Gallows catches his legs pushes him out of the ring. Anderson gets out of the ring and stars attacking him. Gallows gets out of the ring and he throws him over the announce table. Eddie Guerrero runs over and ducks Big Boot from Luke Gallows and a Clothesline from Karl Anderson and hits Dropkicks him behind and hits Gallows with a Flying Head Scissors. He helps Mysterio back in the ring and throws Luke Gallows back in. Karl Anderson from behind throws Eddie into the barricade. Gallows knees Mysterio in the gut and throws him in the corner and tags in Karl Anderson. And the two stop Rey in the corner and Gallows whips Anderson to the corner and Anderson runs and kicks Mysterio in the head for 2. Anderson picks him up for Stun Gun and 1-2-EDDIE GUERRERO BREAKS IT UP!! Gallows comes after him but gets a Enzuguri to the head. Anderson goes after Eddie and Mysterio kicks him and hits the 619 and both man are down and HOT TAG! EG makes his comes back and goes for the Frog Splash but gets pushed down by Karl Anderson. Rey Mysterio runs over and Dropkicks him and hits the ropes and flies out with a Corkscrew Plancha onto Anderson. Luke Gallows goes for the Chokeslam on Eddie Guerrero but Eddie counters with a DDT. Eddie hits a Frankensteiner for 2. Eddie kicks Gallows into 619 position and Eddie tags in Rey and Rey hits the 619 and tags Eddie Guerrero and FROG SPLASH FROM EDDIE!! Eddie for the cover and 1-2-JAMES STORM DRAGS THE REF OUT AND DECKS HIM Mysterio flies out on to Storm and gets planted with a Side Slam. Eddie Guerrero sees what's going on and is about to turn around to hit the ropes and fly..but turns around to DOUBLE SUPERKICKS!! SUPERKICKS FROM THE YOUNG BUCKS!!! MAGIC KILLER FROM GALLOWS AND ANDERSON!!! STORM THROWS THE REF IN AND 1-2-3 GALLOWS AND ANDERSON RETAINS!!! BULLET CLUB'S MUSIC HITS AND THE BUCKS AND OMEGA GETS IN THE RKBG TO CELEBRATE WITH THE CHAMPS!! THE TWO SWEET AND THE BAND IS BACK TOGETHER AGAIN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT!!
[Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson]

Backstage Segment: Renee Young ask Big E. what does Silas mean when he says that Big E. started this way. E says he has no clue and RHINO GORES BIG E! Renee ask Silas for a word and what does he mean. Silas says that he wasn't always a racist. In fact, he used to love black people. He says that guys like Big E,Kenny King,and their friend Austin change that. He says that his problem was never largely with Lethal. He says he used to consider Lethal a friend. He says his problem with him is only race. He says that he's sick of these young black kids like Big E.Kenny King,Austin Creed going around with their pants sanging,gang banging, destroying the community. He says he's also sick of [censor] who's thinks it's cute to get [censor] by a bunch of black guys. He says that it was time to get the [censor] out and Make America White Again.

Adrian Neville's music hits and entrance begins and it's time for our US Title Match. Jericho's out next and Howard Finkel does the introductions.

(WCWF United States Television Championship) Chris Jericho vs. Adrian Neville-(Ding Ding Ding) Jericho goes right after Neville with fast punches and starts fast chopping him and whips him and Neville counters and whips Jericho and a Hurricarana from Neville. Neville with a Dropkick and another Dropkick, Neville hits a Monkey Flip and hits a Springboard Moonsault for 2. Neville gets Jericho up and Jericho grabs his head and knees him in it and hits an Enziguri and throws Neville in the corner. Jericho runs over and jumps to the top and starts punching Neville 9x before Neville counters with a Buckle Bomb to the other corner and a Facebuster. Neville goes outside of the ropes and jumps off the ropes hits a Corkscrew 450 to Jericho and picks Jericho up by the arm and runs up on the corner of the ring and ropes and hits him with a Tornado DDT,that only gets two. Neville grabs Jericho's legs but Jericho kicks him off and goes for a Codebreaker,but Neville counters that with a Belly To Belly Suplex. Neville heads up top and hits a Missle Dropkick on Jericho and goes back to the top rope with his back facing Jericho and hits a Standing Moonsault on Jericho. Neville for the cover and yet another near fall. Neville heads up top and SHOOTING STAR PRESS COUNTERED INTO THE CODEBREAKER (FANS CHANT "HOLY SHIT!") AND 1-2- Ref notices Neville's leg is under the rope. Jericho argues with the ref and drags Neville over and goes for the cover and NEVILLE KICKS OUT AT 2 1/2!!! NEVILLE IS STILL IN THIS!!! Jericho starts punching Neville and with the Walls of Jericho and NEVILLE TAPS!!! JERICHO RETAINS!!!
[Winner and STILL WCWF United States Television Champion: Chris Jericho]

Team Becky is out first to Becky Lynch's music and it's time for our Women's Survivor Series Match. After, Team Paige is out next to Paige's music. Paige says it's time for them to introduce their partner. She says her opponent is somebody that they probably thought they never would see again. She says especially not Lita. She says the final member of her team is none other than...AJ LEE!!!! (Light it up..) ANNOUNCERS AND FANS GOES NUTS!!! The "Holy Shit" Chants begins as AJ gets one of the biggest pop of the night for her return.

Team Paige (Paige,Beth,Natalya,AJ Lee) vs. Team Becky (Becky Lynch,Kharma,Mickie James,Lita)- This was an epic match! I didn't do full results because I'm in a bit of a rush to get caught up and this is one of the last match I did results for. But here's the order of elimination.
Becky eliminates Natalya
Kharma eliminates Beth Phoenix
AJ Lee eliminates Mickie James
Kharma turns on Becky and leaves for get herself counted out.
Lita eliminates Victoria
Lita eliminates AJ Lee
[Soul Survivors: Becky Lynch and Lita]

(Rampage Tag Titles) American Alpha vs. The New Age Outlaws-American Alpha retain with their tag finish in 17 minutes. I didn't do full results because I'm in a bit of a rush to get caught up and this is the last match I did results for.

(WCWF IC Title) Edge vs. Jeff Hardy- Jeff Hardy extends his hand for a lockup but Edge kicks him in the ribs and puts drops him with a side headlock. Edge let's him go and starts holding his back. The ref ask is the match needed to be stopped. Hardy looks over concerned and Edge runs over and starts stomping away at the face of Hardy and starts punching him and kicks him out of the ring and smirks. Edge gets out of the ring and bangs Hardy's head on the side of the ring and throws him in the ring and Hardy with a quick Twist Of Fate and Swampton Bomb and 1-2-3!!! NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION!!! JEFF HARDY IS COMING TO FRIDAY NIGHTS!!
[Winner and NEW IC Champ: Jeff Hardy]
Hardy celebrates as Edge is being helped to the back. Hardy stops celebrating and ask the ref if Edge is alright (which we can't hear.)

Backstage Segment: Roman Reigns is in his lock room, fans cheer. Shawn Michaels walks up and says "Wassup boss." Reigns says "Wassup Shawnathan." Shawn says that as Reigns knows by now he's no longer the General Manager. He says but tonight he's still going to call the match down the middle. Roman says "I know because if you don't...Imma beat ya ass (says it like Felicia from Friday.)" Both of em laugh and Reigns says "No, Shawn I'm serious if you don't..I'm beating your ass" and walks away.

Backstage Segment: Austin ask his team are they ready and Undertaker says let's go kick some ass. Camera cuts to Team WAR!'s Locker Room and they are arguing and Vince comes and the room and reminds them that it's all their careers take tonight and gets in Shane's face and tells him even his and wishes them luck. Rampage out first, followed by Team WAR!

(Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match) Team Rampage (The Undertaker,Stone Cold,Shawn Michaels,Christopher Daniels,Wade Barrett) vs. Team War (AJ Styles,Seth Rollins,Finn Balor,Kevin Steen,Shane McMahon)- Styles and Austin starts this one out as the respective team captain's. AJ throw a punch but Austin blocks it and starts punching AJ and gets him in the corner and stomps a mudhole. Austin picks him up,flips him off and goes for a Stunner,but AJ pushes him off and hits him with a Dropkick. AJ tags in Shane,who looks like he doesn't want to be there. Shane starts the Shane 'O Mac shuffle and hits the ropes and Austin hits the Lou Thesz Press. Austin drops Shane McMahon with a Stone Cold Stunner and goes for the cover but AJ Styles breaks it up with a Throwback and Styles Clash and Undertaker drops AJ with a Chokeslam and AJ rolls out of the ring and Taker goes back to his corner. Hottag to Rollins and Daniels. The two have a faceoff before Daniels slugging it out. Rollins starts chopping Daniels into the ropes and goes for an Irish Whip, that Daniels reverses into one of his owns and hits a Flying Head Scissors on Seth Rollins that makes Rollins back bounce off the ropes and he bounces back with an Flying Back Elbow to the skull of Daniels. Rollins with the Curb Stomp and Christopher Daniels is eliminated. Rollins tags in Kevin Steen and in comes Wade Barrett. Steen and Barrett starts trading punches. Steen knees Barrett in the gut and throws him in the corner. Steen hits a Cannonball and throws Barrett out of the ring and puts him through the Spanish Announce Table with a Package Piledriver and slides back in the ring and Barrett has been eliminated by
Countout. Steen tags AJ back in and in comes Shawn Michaels and the two have a staredown as the fans chant "This Is Awesome!" AJ and Shawn starts trading chops and AJ with the Pele Kick sends HBK into the ropes. Shawn bounces off and ducks AJ and goes for Sweet Chin Music but AJ ducks it making Shawn get caught in the ropes. Shawn skins the chicken and gets dropped with a Styles Clash. AJ for the cover and 1-2-SHANE MCMAHON BREAKS IT UP WITH A RING BELL TO THE SKULL OF AJ STYLES!!! By disqualification, Shane McMahon has been eliminated. Shane rolls over Shawn onto AJ and Seth goes to confront Shane as the ref drops the 3 on the mat and AJ Styles has been eliminated. Finn Bálor is now in the ring with Shawn Michaels. Finn starts punching on a grounded HBK in the head but starts to get a headache and tags out to Seth Rollins. Seth ask him what is he doing. Seth picks up HBK and starts punching him in the face but keeps noticing Finn getting a headache and the arena start a earthquaking. Seth knows what's next and goes to try and talk Finn down. Heartbeat sounds starts and the arena goes pitch black. Balor's music hits and the arena goes crimson red and Bálor is in Demon King attire and starts beating the crap out of Seth Rollins as Team WAR! just watches. Finn throws him out of the ring and bangs his head on the Steel Ring Post at least 20x until Seth passed out and was covered in blood. Finn throws him in the ring and Austin picks Seth up by his head and drops him with a Stone Cold Stunner for the elimination. Medics had to help Seth out of the ring. Austin ask Bálor if he wants a beer and Bálor starts destroying Austin and puts him away following a Coup De Grace to the back of the skull of Austin for 3. Bálor snatches Shawn Michaels in and Dropkicks him and then Dropkicks him in the corner and starts destroying him and in the process, Kevin Steen tags his self in and said it was his turn and plants Shawn with a Pop Up Powerbomb for 3 for the elimination and yells in Balor's face. Bálor tags his self in and beats the crap out of Kevin Steen and Undertaker Chokeslams Steen. Taker and Bálor are face to face. Undertaker starts throwing punches at Bálor and hits him with a Big Boot that doesn't phase Bálor who gets up spider crawling and laughing,which creeps Undertaker out. Undertaker tries to Chokeslam. Bálor,who bites his arm and starts beating them crap out of him. Bálor hits a Corner Enzuguri to Taker and heads up top with a Coup De Grace to the back of the skull of The Deadman and 1-2-3!! Finn Bálor and Kevin Steen are the soul survivors. Steen notices Bálor staring him down and runs to the back. As he's running he bumps into BJ Whitmer and gets freaked out and runs to the back. BJ Whitmer claps on stage with Vampiro and Prince Adam. BJ gets in the ring with a Mic and says "You gotta to love it when it plan comes together. This next part pains Me because of all the respect I have for The Deadman. But it has to be done...(Drops Mic) Finn,you know what to do." BJ hands Finn a Sledgehammer and FINN TAKES THE SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE SKULL OF THE UNDERTAKER!!! UNDERTAKER'S SKULL IS BUSTED OPEN!! BÁLOR DRAGS TAKER OUT OF THE RING AND THROWS HIM HEADFIRST INTO THE STEEL RINGPOST!! Bálor throws Taker in the ring and grabs his head and drags it to where it's drapping over the apron. BJ tells Vampiro and Prince Adam to hold Taker's arms. BJ puts a chair on the ground under where Taker's head is. Vampiro and Prince Adam holds the his arms. BJ puts a chair over Taker's head. Bálor heads to the top rope and COUP DE GRACE TO THE BACK OF THE SKULL OF THE UNDERTAKER!!! SENDING TAKER HEADFIRST ON THE CHAIR OUTSIDE OF THE RING!! TAKER'S SKULL AND FACE IS BUSTED OPEN!!! JIM: "THATS ENOUGH!!! BY GAWD THATS E(Sound Mutes)ING NOUGH!!! BJ lights lighter fluid on Taker's skull and Finn sets his head on fire. A team of security and refs run down and BJ tells them leave before he unleashes his demon on them. They leave and in the ring, Adam and Vampiro sets up a noose. Bálor puts Undertaker's head in the noose and tightens it and it start a rising and UNDERTAKER IS HANGING!!! Balor's music hits and The Darkness stands surrounding the body of The Undertaker in crimson red lighting to end this. The announcers talk about how disturbing that was to watch. They tell us that they need to figure out what's going on here and cuts to the WCWF TLC PPV Promo

Sasha Banks music hits and it's time for our Women's Championship Match. Charlotte makes her way out and Howard Finkel does the introductions.

(WCWF Unisputed Women's Championship) Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair- Sasha and Charlotte lock up and Charlotte hard wrenches the arm of Sasha getting her to the ground. Sasha kips up and gives Charlotte a Japanese Arm Drag and a second one. Sasha with the Dropkick to Charlotte. Sasha grabs her arms and jumps and drops her knee on it. Sasha hits the ropes and baseball slide Dropkicksa a laid out Charlotte out of the ring. Sasha flies with a Suicide Dive on Charlotte. Sasha gets back on the apron and attempts a Flying Back Elbow,but Charlotte grabs her and plants her with a Spinout Powerbomb. Charlotte throws Sasha Banks over the barricade and starts punching her up the stairs up the crowd. She throws Sasha back forward the barricade and attempts a barricade Spear,but Sasha gets out of the way and tosses Charlotte over the barricade. Sasha gets on top of the barricade and attempts a Hurricarana on Charlotte,who counters with a Powerbomb,BOUNCING SASHA'S HEAD OFF THE BARRICADE!!! The announcers talk about how nasty that was. The ref runs over to check on Sasha,who appears to be fine. Charlotte picks her up and throws her into the ring. Charlotte grabs a Steel Chair and a Kendo Stick from under the ring and throws the Chair in the ring. She twirls the Kendo Stick and gets in the ring and start a beating Sasha with the Kendo Stick. Charlotte puts Sasha in the Tree Of Woe and places the chair in front of her face and runs and KICKS THE CHAIR INTO THE SKULL OF SASHA!!! Charlotte for the cover 1-2-Charlotte stops herself and says that she wasn't finished yet. Charlotte throws Sasha out of the ring,grabs the chair and heads to the top rope and waits for her to get up. As soon as Sasha gets up. Charlotte holds on to the chair and MOONSULT WITH THE STEEL CHAIR TO SASHA BANKS!!! Charlotte throws Sasha back in the ring for the cover 1-2-NOOOO!!! SASHA KICKS OUT AT TWO!! Fans chant "This Is Awesome!" Charlotte starts stomping Sasha and Sasha grabs her leg and puts her in a Boston Crab. Charlotte flips her and reverses with a Sharpshooter. Sasha reaches the ropes. Charlotte takes the Chair and starts beating Sasha's legs with it and starts to set up for the Figure 8,but Sasha kicks her away and Sasha with a quick rollup attempt and double rollup. The referee declares a double pin. General Manager William Regal makes his way out and says that things wouldn't end that way and demands this match continue. Charlotte ambushes Sasha and pushes her against the ropes and hits her with Natural Selection and pins her and 1-2-3!!!!! CHARLOTTE RETAINS!!!

[Winner and STILL WCWF Undisputed Women's Division World Champion:Charlotte Flair]
That's what Women's Wrestling is all about. Coming up next is our Monday Night Rampage Main Event. Lets show you how this all got started...

(Triple H vs. Roman Reigns Promo)

Backstage Segment: Rene Young introduces her guest WCWF Champion Roman Reigns. She ask Roman what's his mindset heading into this bout. Reigns says that he's seen some crazy shit tonight. He says that it's about to get even crazier when he goes out there and beats the living hell out of Triple H. He says that if Shawn Michaels in any way shape or form gets in his way or try to help Triple H that he would beat his ass too.

Shawn Michaels music hits and he makes his way out in a referee shirt sorta winded selling the match from earlier. "(Guitar Stings) It's Time To Play The Game..." Triple H is out first to an arena full of boos. Followed by Roman Reigns,who gets the second biggest pop of the night. Howard Finkel does the introductions as Roman refuses to hand his title to HBK and hands it to. Chimel following the introductions.

(WCWF Heavyweight Championship) (No Holds Barred)(Referee Shawn Michaels) Roman Reigns vs. Triple H- Off rip Roman Reigns and Triple H starts trading punches and Reigns gets the upperhand with am uppercut to the throat of Triple H. Reigns Dropkicks Triple H over the top ropes and hits the ropes and fly over the top rope onto The Game,taking out the camera man as well. Reigns throws Triple H over the announce table and goes over it and starts beating the hell out of Triple H and puts him on the announce table beating the hell out of him. Triple H rakes the eyes of Reigns and elbows him in the back of the head and throws him at the Steel Ringpost. Triple H looks under the ring for a weapon and grabs the sledgehammer and swings it at the head of a grounded Roman Reigns. Reigns grabs the sledgehammer and flips it,flipping Triple in the process. Reigns gets up and throws Triple H back in the ring and gets back in the ring to a Spinebuster. Triple H tells Shawn to "Suck It" with the crotch chop. Triple H sets up for the Pedigree, but Reigns Back Body Drops him,Triple H counters with a Rollup and Reigns gets out of that and Dropkicks a grounded Triple H in the face and grabs him by the legs for a One-Armed Powerbomb for 2. Roman picks backs up and sets up for a Spear as the fans chant "SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR! " "OOOOOHHHWAHHHHHH" Roman goes for the Spear but gets a Running Knee Lift to the face from Triple H for two. Triple H throws Reigns out of the ring and jumps off the Top Rope and Reigns jumps off he side off the apron and catches him mid-air with a SUPERMAN PUNCH!!! Triple H falls onto the announce table and Roman Reigns runs around the ring and hits a DRIVE-BY on the table Triple H. Reigns removes everything from off the announce table,puts Triple H on it and starts punching him and goes to the top rope. Reigns jumps off and 450 SPLASH THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE FROM ROMAN REIGNS!!!! The fans chant "Holy Shit" and "This Is Awesome!" Both man are down. Roman and Triple H slowly gets up and starts trading "Boo/Yay!" punches. Triple H gets the better with the Spinebuster to Reigns on the Spanish Announce Table. Triple H with a PEDIGREE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE TO ROMAN REIGNS!!! Triple H grabs a Steel Chair and starts beating Roman Reigns with it in the back. Triple H picks Reigns up and throws him in the ring. Triple H gets in Shawn Michaels face and starts talking shit and throws a punch and Shawn blocks it and punches Triple H. Shawn goes for Sweet Chin Music on Triple H,who gets out the way and Shawn with an accidental SWEET CHIN MUSIC TO ROMAN REIGNS!!! Triple H goes to cover Reigns and Shawn reluctantly starts the count and REIGNS KICKS OUT AT TWO! ROMAN'S STILL IN IT!!!! Triple H picks Reigns up for the Pedigree but Reigns breaks the grip and throws Triple H out of the ring and gets in HBK's face and says "What did I say? What did I tell your ass?" Shawn tries to explain it was an accident but REIGNS STARTS BEATING THE CRAP OUT OF SHAWN MICHAELS!! TRIPLE H RUNS IN AND TRIES TO CAPATALIZE AND SPEAARRR TO TRIPLE H!!! REIGNS THROWS SHAWN OUT OF THE RING AND RUNNING 360 SPEAR THROUGH THE BARRICADE!!! Reigns picks him up and RUNNING 360 SPEAR TO THE TIMEKEEPERS AREAS BARRICADE!! Roman drags Triple H out of the ring and starts throwing him into the barricades!! ROMAN SNATCHES TRIPLE H UP AND 360 SPEAR THROUGH THE THIRD BARRICADE!! AND ONE THROUGH THE FOURTH ONE!! ROMAN TAKES THE STEEL STEPS AND THROWS THEM AT SHAWN MICHAELS HEAD!! REIGNS TAKES A STEEL CHAIR AND BEATS THE CRAP OUT OF TRIPLE H WITH IT!!! Security runs out and grabs Reigns and tells him he's had enough. Reigns notices Shawn being helped up and RUNS OVER AND SPEARS SHAWN OVER THE BARRICADE INTO THE CROWD and starts beating his ass ands security pulls him off and he looks over and sees Triple H being helped on the other side of the arena and SPEARS HIM OVER THE BARRICADE INTO THE CROWD AS WELL!! Roman grabs his belt and leaves with the security.

(Replay of what just happened as commentators are talking about how Roman just snapped)

Back ringside: Triple H and Shawn Michaels are being stretchered out of the a remain neck braces. We have to switch gears because coming up next...ITS OUR MAIN EVENT!!!

(Rock/Brock Promo)
Backstage Segment: Paul Heyman knocking on Brock Lesnar's door and ask if he's ready. And it's time for our Main Event.

Backstage: The Rock is at the entrance curtain and Renee Young ask if he's ready and Rock says that he's never been more ready in his life. The Rock's music hits and he goes through the curtain. Brock's out next with Heyman.

(WCWF World Championship) (No Holds Barred) Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock- Brock and Rock starts off trading rights and Brock snatches Rock up for a quick F5 for 2 and a half. Brock picks Rock up and slams him into the corner and starts ramming his shoulders into the midsection of Rock. Brock Irish Whips him to the other corner and Clotheslines the shit out of Rock in the corner. Rock comes out of the corner looking dazed and falls to the ground. Brock snatches Rock up from behind and hits a German #1. Brock picks him up and hits German Suplex #2. Brock with 2 more and kicks Rock out of the ring. Brock picks Rock up slams him back first into the steel ring post and hits another German. Brock grabs a steel chair from under the ring and drops it and picks Rock up and ROCK WITH THE ROCK BOTTOM ON THE STEEL CHAIR!! Rock takes the Steel Chair to the back of Brock Lesnar and keeps beating him with it. Rock throws Brock in the ring and covers him for 2. Rock picks Brock up and starts punching him in with rights. And Brock catches him with an Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex and hits another F5 for 2 and a half. Brock gets pissed off and pulls his gloves down is starts the TKO Boxing Down Punches Combination and Rock ducks one and slides under Brock's legs. Rock hits a Rock Bottom for only 2. Rock attempts a Peoples Elbow and Brock counters with an F5 attempt but Rock jumps down and hits a Rock Bottom. Rock follows it up with a Peoples Elbow and another Rock Bottom and goes for the cover and 1-2-(CROW SCARE) Lights out! (CROW SCARE) Cole: "WAIT A MINUTE STING!!!!! STING!! STINGER IS THE MAN AND HES CAME AROUND!! AND STING JUST DROPPED ROCK WITH THE SCORPION DEATH DROP!!! STING DROPS THE ROCK!!" (CROW SCARE) Announcers are trying to figure out why that happened. Both Rock and Brock are down...(KEVIN STEEN'S MUSIC HITS) THE CROWD EXPLODES!!! STEEN RUNS TO THE RING WITH HIS BRIEFCASE AND THROWS ROCK INTO THE ROPES AND HITS A POP UP POWERBOMB ON THE ROCK!! STEEN GOES AFTER LESNAR AND HEYMAN PICKS UP A STEEL CHAIR AND PLEADS WITH STEEN NOT TO DO THIS!! LESNAR GETS UP AND HEYMAN TURNS AND HITS LESNAR WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!! STEEN THROWS LESNAR INTO THE ROPES AND POP UP POWERBOMB TO LESNAR!! HEYMAN SMIRKS AND CASHES IN THE BRIEFCASE FOR KEVIN STEEN!! Chimel: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, KEVIN STEEN IS CASHING IN THE WAR GAMES BRIEFCASE FOR THE WCWF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!!..MEANING THIS IS NOW A TRIPLEEEE THREATTT MATTCCHHH!!!!" STEEN HITS LESNAR WITH A PACKAGED PILEDRIVER AND ONE TO ROCK AS WELL!! STEEN PINS ROCK AND 1-2-3!!! KEVIN STEEN IS YOUR NEWWWW WCWF WORLD CHAMPION!!!!! Kevin Steen celebrates with pyro and confetti with Paul Heyman to end the show!!

WCWF Monday Night Rampage (11/21/16)(Reigns Explains;Defends WCWF Title in a Slobberknocker,New Age Outlaws Bids Farewell,Enzo Amore returns,Adrian Neville vs. Chris Jericho in a Ladder Match for the WCWF United States Championship)


Roman Reigns music hits and he makes his way out to "Thank You Roman!" Chants. Roman says "Last night I beat Triple H and Shawn Michaels ass. I warn them both that if they tried to screw over The Big Dog it was gonna be hell to pay. Shawn Michaels is trynna play the whole "it was an accident" angle. But I ain't buying it and I'm not going for none of that. I been watching DX play this little game for a long time and I'm not about to be the victim of a Shawn Michaels/Triple H Screwjob. If it was an accident,then why in the hell did Shawn try and count Me out after he kicked my head off a swivel?" He says that this was their plan all along and that it was a set up and he seen it coming from a mile. He says it's just like Ambrose said..this company is hellbent on putting the strap on Triple H. He says that he wouldn't lay down for anybody. He said he busted his ass to get here and that he would be damn if he let it all go. He says the moment the people pulling the strings realized he wasn't going they made Triple H's bestfriend the ref to make sure that they're little plan went through. He says that this wasn't 1997 and he isn't Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Regal's music interrupts and he says that his days as an competitor we're over. He says he's here to make sure this place is ran the right way. He says that despite the fact that he agrees with Reigns to an extent. He says that tonight Roman Reigns had to be punished. The fans boo and he says that he knows it's not a popular choice but it had to be done. He says that the main event of TLC is no longer secure because Roman would defend in a 3 Men Slobberknocker and the winner gets to pick their opponent for TLC and that would starts right now. Regal says that his first opponent is former WCWF United States Champion...RAVEN!! Ravens music hits and he's out first. Its all or nothing for Raven in this bout.

(Slobberknocker for the WCWF CHAMPIONSHIP)
- Roman Reigns starts beating the hell out of Raven immediately and dumps him over the top rope. Reigns bangs his head on the announce table 10x before hitting The Empire Strikes Back (Razors Edge) on the side of the ring. Roman throws him in the ring and sets up and SPEAARRR TO RAVEN AND 1-2-3!!! Roman retains. Roman grabs a Mic and said that felt pretty damn good and tells Regal to send the next unlucky son of a bitch out there. Dean Ambrose music hits and Reigns whole face changes. Reigns says he loves Ambrose like a brother which is why he's asking him to walk away. Dean slaps the shit out of Reigns and Roman starts beating the hell out him as the bell starts as we head to break.
When we come back, Roman Hard Irish Whips Ambrose from one side of the ring to the other,causing Ambrose to go over the top rope. Roman hits the ropes and flies out onto Ambrose. Reigns bangs Ambrose head on the stairs and throws him back in the ring. (Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt gets in the ring and hits Ambrose with Sister Abragail and SPEEARR to Bray Wyatt. Footage shows Shawn Michaels entering the arena. Ambrose gets to his feet and SPEEARR...1-2-3!!! "(Guitar Strings) It's Time to Play The Game.." TRIPLE H RUNS TO THE RING AND REIGNS MEETS HIM HALFWAY AND THE BRAWL IS ON!!! (Shawn Michaels music hits and he comes from side of the entrance and goes after Reigns and the two try to double team Reigns but Reigns is fighting both. Roman throws Shawn out of the way and brawls with Triple H. Triple H gets Reigns in Pedigree position and Shawn goes after Triple H. And all 3 are bawling. Security spills out to split it up as Roman promises to (sound mutes) both up and is trying to get them to let him go as he's pulling blood from his mouth. Triple H is screaming how does that blood taste. REIGNS BREAKS THROUGH SECURITY AND TAKES DOWN TRIPLE H!! SHAWN BREAKS THROUGH AND IS ON REIGNS!! SECURITY GETS THEM APART. Security gets them out of there. Cut to the ring and Wyatt is watching laughing and Ambrose plants Wyatt with Dirty Deeds Version

Backstage Segment: Renee Young introduces her guest...Sasha Banks. She says that Sasha came close to regaining the Women's Championship last night but came up short. She ask her what was next for Sasha Banks. Sasha says that as Renee said she came close but she failed. She says that she can beat Charlotte and she feels she deserves another shot and says that Stephanie McMahon has granted her the right to face the winner of Friday's Match between Lita and Becky in the main event of Rampage next week. She says that the winner of that match would face Charlotte at TLC for the Women's Division World Championship in the first ever Women's Tables Ladders and Chaira Match.

(Final Match Of The New Age Outlaws) American Alpha vs. The New Age Outlaws- American Alpha goes over in 12 minutes with their tag finisher and now sets their sites towards Enzo & Cass at TLC. Speaking of which coming up next Its hrs return of Enzo Amore

(Footage of Enzo Amore's injury)

When we come back Enzo & Cass music hits and Big Cass makes his way out. Cass says that sometimes in this business accidents happen and some can be career ending. He says but that's not the case here. So LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLEASE WELCOME BACK....ENZZOO AMMMORREE!!! Enzo & Cass music hits and Enzo Amore is back!!! Enzo says it was good to see all of them. He says his neck if fine and his head is fine. He says that if it wasn't he couldn't do this and starts doing that head twitch and backwards run routine and BIG CASS KICKS ENZO IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD!!! Big Cass grabs Enzo by the neck and yells that he cost him everything by being weak and pathetic. He yells that he was stuck directionless for a month because of him. Cass says that Enzo should've died because he's gonna continue to choke him until he is lifeless and breathless. Referees runs out to get him off and he yells at them that he wasn't finished until that crackhead was dead and starts choking him again. Enzo fades and security escorts Cass out. Big Cass is still trying to spit at him.

Silas Young vs. Kenny King- Kenny King beats the hell out of Silas but falls to the White Out. Big E runs down immediately afterwards and starts beating the crap out of Silas Young. Silas escapes the ring and RHINO GORES BIG E!! Lethal from behind starts attacking Silas and ELGIN CLOTHESLINES THE HELL OUT OF LETHAL!!! Rhino joins them in the crowd and leaves with Elgin and Young through the crowd.

Backstage Segment: Roman Reigns makes his way back into the arena and is looking for Shawn Michaels and Triple H to continue the fight. William Regal approaches him and tells him he needs to leave and that he would have plenty of time to fight them at WCWF TLC in a Tables Ladders and Chairs Match for the WCWF. He says he just needs him to please leave. Roman says out of respect for Regal he would leave,but this wasn't over..not by a long shot.

We are being informed, due to what happened earlier between Enzo and Cass that next week we would determine new #1 Contenders for the Tag Titles at TLC and it would be in determined in a bout between the winner of these next Tag Team Matches.

Wade Barrett and Christopher Daniels vs. Rhino/ Elgin- Barrett and Daniels play the face, favorites in this one. The duo wins after 13 minutes with the Bullhammer from Wade Barrett. Barrett's "Bad News" Themes Song plays and the two celebrates and coming up next Its out next qualifying match and it features the return of The Worlds Greatest Tag Team. The two take on the underutilized and underrated tag team of The Hart Dynasty and that's next.

The Hart Dynasty vs. The Worlds Greatest Tag Team- The Hart Dynasty wins in a upset after 12 minutes.

Backstage Segment
: Chris Jericho is walking around backstage pissed off about losing the US Title at Survivor Series. Michael Cole approaches Jericho for an interview and gets a Codebreaker and says "Do I look like im in a mood for an INTERVIEW YOU STUPID IDIOT?!!!" Jericho keeps on walking and bumps into William Regal. Jericho says that is the person he was looking for. He says that he wants his rematch tonight. Regal says that's perfect because Adrian Neville just asked for a Ladder Match tonight. Regal says putting two and two together he came up with the idea. Tonight in our Main Event for the United States Championship...Adrian Neville defends against Chris Jericho...in a LADDER MATCH!!! Jericho calls him a Stupid Idiot..a brilliant Stupid Idiot and makes a devious face. And ends it with a "Thanks Reg!"

BRAUNNN def. My Name Is Bob in 1 minute

Backstage Segment
: Curt Hawkings destroys Darren Young and says they could blame the WCWF for teaming him up with a a talentless waste of roster space. Its the end of the year and everyone just seems fed up. Coming up next is our United States Television Championship Main Event.

(Ladder Match for the WCWF United States Championship) Adrian Neville (c) vs. Chris Jericho-Jericho retains after climbing the Ladder in one of the best matches of the year after retrieving the title. Jericho stands tall as his music plays. The lights starts glitching and a video interrupts Jericho on the tron.

(Video reads in a black background and red letters "The End Is Near." The audio says "Its the end of the world as you know it.." The show ends immediately afterwards.

WCWF Friday Night WAR! (11/25/16) (Kevin Steen Celebration,Brock Lesnar Raises HellJeff Hardy vs. Finn Bálor for the IC Title,The Rock Calls Out Sting,The Rock vs. AJ Styles in a #1 Contenders Match,Kharma Gets Pinned)

Paul Heyman is standing is the ring when the show starts as the fans chant for "STEEN! STEEN! STEEN!" Heyman: "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome...my new client..the...YOUR WCWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!...KEVIN STEENNN!!!!" Kevin Steen's music hits and he makes his entrance. The fans chant "You Deserve It!" He says "Yes Yes, I know I know I deserve it. I really don't need any of you people to tell me that. (Fans boo) Now that's...that's much better. You people we're booing Me before,continue doing that because nobody likes a bandwaggon. You see last night I had the best night of my career. Last night, not only was I the sole survivor of Team WAR! but last night I (...what else did I do Paul-(sarcastically whispers to Paul Heyman) All yeah...I BEAT THE ROCK AND BROCK LESNAR IN THE SAME NIGHT IN THE SAME MATCH TO WIN MY FIRST WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!!" (Fans boo and chant "We Want Brock!") He says that Brock isn't here and that if he was he would just beat him again. Brock Lesnar's music hits and the fans explode and Steen looks like he just shat his self. Lesnar comes to the stage and starts jumping around as Steen motions for him to come down there. Lesnar runs to the ring and the fans come unglued. As soon as Lesnar slides under the ropes Kevin Steen slides out of the ring and jumps over the barricade as the fans boo and runs up the stairs in the crowd. Heyman tries to tum but Lesnar snatches him by his ponytail and drops him with an F5! Lesnar goes to the announce table and snatches Corey Graves over the table and drops him with an F5 as well. Lesnar picks Mauro up by his neck with both hands over and throws him at the stairs. Kevin Kelley tries to run but gets an F5 as well. Lesnar starts brutally beating the announce table and Shane McMahon interrupts and says that's enough. He says that he was gonna give Brock his rematch tonight. He says that Brock blew it now and for him to get the hell out of his arena now and that he was suspended indefinitely! Brock drops Shane with an F5 to end the segment as we head to break.

When we come back Jeff Hardy's music hits and he makes his entrance for his WAR! debut match "The following contest is set for one fall introducing first from Charlotte,North Carolina...Making his Friday Night WAR! in-ring debut...He is your World Championship Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion..."The Charasmatic Enigma"..JEFF HARDYY!!!! The announcers hype how Hardy was supposed to be on this brand to begin with and how he was one half of the original World Tag Team Champions in the WCWF.

Jeff Hardy vs. Vampiro- Hardy goes over after 13 minutes. Immediately after the match, Jeff Hardy says that he feels damn good and that he was gonna defend his IC Title right now. Finn Balor's music hits and The Darkness makes their way out. BJ Whitmer says that Hardy looks like he just seen a ghost. He ask Jeff why does he try and to be a hero to this people. He said these same people haven't gave a damn about Jeff Hardy for the past 6 months. He says and they won't give a damn about him just because he'sa champion on paper. He says that if Jeff Hardy is any type of champion for him to put the title on the line..right now..against his Demon King. Jeff Hardy says that he never backs down from a fight and that he accepts.

(WCWF Intercontinental Championship) Jeff Hardy vs. Finn Bálor
- The Demon King beats the hell out of Jeff Hardy off rip and throws him out of the ring and bashes Hardy's head on the Steel Ring post over 15x and the ref stops the match and declares it a no contest and rings the bell for more help but Bálor starts beating his ass. Bálor grabs his red,white and black Sledgehammer and points it at the head of Jeff and pulls back ready to swing but is interrupted by the music of "OBSOLETE!!.." Matt Hardy walks to the ring with a purpose and snatches the Sledgehammer from Bálor and HITS JEFF HARDY WITH IT!!! drops it and leaves as the "OBSOLETE!!" music begins again.

Backstage Segment: Mean Gene introduces his guest former Women's World Champion AJ Lee. AJ says that her name is AJ Brooks. Mean Gene says "Well OK,Mrs.Brooks why are you back?" She says that she had unfinished business to take care of and walks away.

"Bu-Bu-Bullet Club 4 Life..!!" Gallows,Anderson,and New Club Leader James Storm makes their way out to watch the #1 Contenders Match as we cut to commercial.

(#1 Contenders Match) Sami Zayn,Christian Cage vs. Eddie Guerrero,Rey Mysterio- Sami and Christian wins after James Storm getting on the apron to distract Eddie Guerrero and Sami Zayn rolls up EG for the win. Bullet Club attacks all four of them and lays them out as we take another break.

"If YA Sme-Ell.." When we come back The Rock makes his way out and the fans chant "We Want Sting!" Rock says "Finally The Rock has come back to...Columbus, GEORGIA!!" The fans chant "Rocky!" He says that the people wasn't chanting Rocky earlier they were chanting...(Fans chant: "We Want Sting!") Rock says "That's exactly what and who The Rock wants. 'The Icon' Sting. Last night,I was one hand slap away from being the New WCWF World Championship and I was cost the match by a guy I idolized and that's Sting. The Rock wants to know why? Why The Rock?" The Rock paces around the ring waiting for Sting as the fans chant "We Want Sting!" (Crow Scare) Stings music hits and then stops (Crow Scare) Titantron reads "Not on your time,but mine's." The Rock's stands there wondering what the hell that's supposed to mean as we cut to our backstage segment.

Backstage: AJ Styles and gets out of his car asking "Where's Shane?" A group of security stops AJ and Shane McMahon apologizes to AJ for attacking him and that he just lost his cool. He says he does like AJ. And that as an executive he's calling off AJ match at TLC because his father told him to and will give him the opportunity to earn the right to face Kevin Steen at TLC for the title and announces Rock vs. Styles,No Disqualifications for tonight. AJ says that he would let it go this time,but if Shane ever put his hands on him again that they we're gonna work.

Becky Lynch vs. Kharma
- Kharma came out first. Becky interrupted her entrance and starts attacking Kharma and this was just a brawl. Refs split it up and Kharma yells that she just messed up giving her wide killer eyes. We head to break

When we come back the ref gets some order and Becky is still fired out and drops Kharma with the Irish Lasskick (Super Kick) and 1-2-3!!!! BECKY HAS PINNED KHARMA!! AFTER 2 YEAES KHARMA HAS FINALLY BEEN PINNED!!!!

(#1 Contender for the WCWF World Championship at TLC) (No DQ) The Rock vs. AJ Styles- Pay Per View worthy match in a great match. The Rock's best match since being back. In the end, AJ hits The Rock with Styles Clash. "Bu-Bu-Bullet Club 4 Life.." Shane McMahon sends Bullet Club down to the ring to attack AJ Styles. Last Call Superkick lays him out and Shane starts attacking AJ and puts him in the corner and puts a chair in front of AJ's face and hits the COAST TO COAST!!! Shane and Bullet Club leaves down the ramp as both Rock and AJ are down as the fans boo and chants "AJ STYLES!" Rock slowly gets up as the fans boo and hits The Peoples Elbow on AJ Styles and follows it up with a Rock Bottom and 1-2-3!!! Rock wins and fans boo The Rock. STEEN FROM BEHIND THROWS ROCK INTO THE ROPES AND POP UP POWEBOMB TO THE PEOPLES CHAMP!!! Steen poses with his title to end the show.
WCWF Monday Night Rampage (11/28/16)(Contract Signing for TLC Main Event,Dream Match to determine Lita's TLC Opponent,#1 Contenders Match for Tag Titles)


Backstage Interview: Renee Young ask Charlotte Flair about the Lita and Sasha Main Event kicking us off and ask her who would she rather face. Charlotte says that they wasn't friends and for her not to ask her questions. She says she was going to do commentary and for her to get out of her way and pushes her to the ground "MOVVEE!!!" and head through the curtain as her music plays...Charlotte heads to commentary. Lita's music hits and she's out first,followed by Sasha Banks

(Winner Faces Charlotte At TLC) Lita vs. Sasha Banks- This match goes 25 minutes in a Show-Stealer/Instant Classic. At the end, AJ's music hits and she makes her way out with a Mic and cuts a Pipebomb on Lita and that distraction cost Lita,who gets rolled up by Sasha Banks. Lita gets pissed and gets out of the ring and chases AJ backstage and Charlotte hits Natural Selection on Sasha Banks and stands tall with her title over her to end the segment.

Backstage Interview: Silas Young says this Sunday at WCWF TLC that Big E. was gonna get beaten and broken. He says that anything goes in their match and that he was going to give him the beaten that he should be getting daily. He says that after he was finished he would drag him out of the arena,put him in his trunk and bury him in his backyard. He says his boys was going to beat Charlie Haas and his pet monkey. He says he's gonna sit on commentary.

RHINO and Elgin vs The WGTT
- Rhino starts things off with Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin controls the early going before Rhino takes control and dominate. Rhino and Elgin didn't lat Hass in the match at all. White America over with the GORE!! Young sat on commentary and said racist stuff the entire match. And compared The WGTT to "Martin Loser King" and his "idiotic White friend." After the match,they beat up Charlie Haas for being a stupid white boy working with the wrong team. Jay Lethal and Kenny King makes the save and Big E. drags Silas over the barricade and starts beating the hell out of him and Powerbombs over the barricade through the table.

Dean Ambrose vs. Curt Hawkings- In the end ,Ambrose had Hawkings set up for Dirty Deeds Version 1 (Wyatt Scare) Bray hits Sister Abragail on Ambrose. (Wyatt Scare) Hawkings pins him 1-2-3!!! (Wyatt Scare) Wyatt: "Dean you just don't get it do you. You can't win in every situation. Not as a good guy. Because good guys never win Dean and neither will you. At Tables Ladders and Chairs...I will make a man out of you Dean..if it is the last thing that I do.." (Wyatt Scare)

Backstage Interview: Big Cass is done being overlooked because of bring stuck in a tag team with a fragile crackhead

(#1 Contenders Match) Wade Barrett,Christopher Daniels vs. The Hart Dynasty
-Barrett and Daniels over with Fallen Angel in 14:10.

(Graphic Shows Triple H,Shawn Michaels,and Roman Reigns on Spilt Screen heading towards ringside)

William Regals music hits and has out for our Contract Signing as we head to commercial.

Contract Signing For Reigns/ HHH/HBK-When we come back,Regal is standing in the ring as his music starts to stop and says that this issue between Triple H and Roman Reigns goes deep back to 2014. He says and Shawn Michaels was involved by association. He says that at TLC,that it would all come to a head. He introduces first "The Game" Triple H. Triple H's music hits and he makes his way out and signs the contact. Triple H says when he heard that Regal would be the GM that he couldn't have been more happy. He says that was until he became all Team Reigns. William says he's Team right,not Team Triple H,not Team Shawn Michaels,and not Team Roman Reigns. He says and he said his opinion he says that he watched Triple H and Shawn Michaels con people to set them up and drop them. He says it's seems a little suspicious that around the time Triple H start chasing the championship that the two would start "hating" each other all of a sudden. He says that's mainly considering that they were just fighting side by side months prior. Shawn Michaels music hits and he cuts him off..."Hold up,hold up Regal." Shawn says "I never turned on Triple H. Well yeah,I mean I did kick his teeth down his throat (Triple H comes forward him and Shawn jokingly acts scared) Hold up big guy. I did that for a reason to remind you of the real Paul Levesque. Not heel Triple H. But the real Paul Levesque, the guy that came back to give these fans what they want. The guy that wanted to see guys like The Shield,Bray Wyatt,Seth Rollins,Finn Bálor and other get opportunity." He ask him what happened to that and Triple H simply replies "...Shawn..I lied." Shawn says that Triple H is his best friend (Triple H says was.) Shawn says "was,is whatever...and I can tell when you're lying and you're not. He says that he wasn't. Roman Reigns music hits and Reigns says "I really just don't give a damn what the hell he or you came back for. Y'all came after my title and that's where we have a problem. So I can tell you what's gonna happen. This Sunday, if you thought the asswhooping I gave y'all at Survivor Series was bad. Shawn signs the contact in a furious manner. Nice matching bandages by the way. Just wait and see what I do Sunday. Tables, Ladders,Chairs!!! He gets in the ring and signs the contact and throws it in Triple H's face. William you might wanna leave because it's about to get real ugly boss. William tells Reigns that they wasn't doing that. Reigns says "Well ok out of respect,I'll leave...But I'll see you Sunday!!!" Reigns acts like he's about to leave before...SPEAARRR TO TRIPLE H!!!!! Roman gets in Shawn's face and ask him if he wants to fight. Shawn just looks at Reigns before walking away as Reigns music plays and he poses with the title to end the show!!!! We'll see you Sunday at Tables,Ladders,and Chairs!!!

WCWF Friday Night WAR! (12/02/16) (Kevin Steen defends against The Rock ahead of TLC,AJ Styles attacks Shane,Kharma vs. Mickie James,Shane makes announcement,Bullet Club in action, The Darkness takes out Seth Rollins)

Backstage: Shane McMahon is watching with a group of security with him is watching last week back and Vince McMahon walks up and says that before he gets to anything else he needs to know who he's sending to Rampage,now that WAR! has Jeff Hardy. He says that WAR! would send Rampage someone who's been a huge disappointment since being the #1 Draft Pick and that's Seth Rollins. Shane says as far as his 3 draft picks. He says that he would have to pick a Legend an Investment and an underutilized vet. He says that his 3 picks are simple. He says that his first pick is the man that Finn Bálor took out at Survivor Series and that's the Vengeful Deadman his self...THE UNDERTAKER!!!!! He says the that his next pick is a man that his next draft pick is a man who should've been champion in the WCWF by now but has never been given the chance he deserves and that's...SAMOA JOE!!! He says his final pick was an Investment with an eye toward the future and that was...BRAUUUNNNNN!!!!! He says that's his picks. He says that now he has an announcemen.. AJ Styles ambushes Shane McMahon and starts beating the hell out of him and Shane's security team escorts AJ out by the demand of Shane. AJ is screaming he would see him Sunday. Vince says he almost forgot to inform him..the match between Him and AJ Styles is on and that it would be an Extreme Rules Match. Shane gets mad and has his security help him up and he leaves.

(WAR! Intro Video and Theme Song)

Kevin Steen kicks off the show bloating about beating, The Rock and Brock Lesnar in the same match to win his first World Championship in a major promotion. Rock interrupts says that he is proud of him because he watched him and knew he would be star one day and pulls out a Garfield DVD he calls him Canadian Garfield and says that he was very disappointed but at the way he handled his business until he remembered he was a pussy. Rock says that after the way Steen screwed him out of the championship last Sunday and attacked him after his match with "The Phenomenonal" AJ Styles last week he'd sure like to beat a pussy up. Heyman says The Rock thinks he's real clever with his little play on words. He says that everything is a joke to The Rock. He says it's just like Rock took his former client Brock Lesnar as a joke and it came back to bite him in the ass. He says that his client Kevin Steen beat him and Brock once. He says once Brock comes back he'll beat him again. He says and Sunday at TLC,Kevin would beat The Rock again!!! Shane McMahon music hits and he interrupts on the stage and says that their match at TLC would happen regardless he says but a title match tonight wouldn't hurt. He makes a championship match for right now AND AJ STYLES ATTACKS SHANE MCMAHON AGAIN!!!! SECURITYIS TRYING TO PULL HIM OFF BUT AJ IS TAKING SHANE WITH HIM!!! Security finally gets AJ off of Shane and takes him backstage. AND STEEN AMBUSHES THE ROCK AS WE HEAD TO COMMERCIAL BREAK!!!

(WCWF World Championship) Kevin Steen /w/ Paul Heyman vs. The Rock- The fans was more Pro-Steen in this contest. Heyman sat on commentary and hyped Steen up as the hyped wrestler and an opportunistic prize fighter. And says that he his client outsmarted both Rock and Lesnar with the element of surprise once. He says and as far as The Rock goes he'll it again Sunday at TLC and he'll do it again tonight. He tells them to watch what he does next. Steen rolls up The Rock and he ref with a fast 3 count. Steen gets out of there with Heyman as Rock tries to figure out what just happened. The ref tells Rock he was paid to do it and The Rock says that's fine then and the ref goes to walk away and...The Rock grabs his shoulder and the ref looks scared and tries to run but Rock never lets go of his grip and The Rock snatches him up for the Rock Bottom and The Peoples Elbow. Rock's music plays as he heads backstage.


Kharma vs. Mickie James-Kharma beats the shit out of Mickie until she started getting distracted looking around to make sure Becky wasn't around and Mickie catches her off guard with a the HCDDT and a second one and 1-2-3!!!!! KHARMA HAS BEEN PINNED AGAIN!!!! Victoria ambushes Mickie during her celebration and throws her out of the ring and into the steel step. Becky Lynch's music hits and Victoria gets out of there and Becky goes straight after a recording Kharma and starts beating the hell out of her,Kharma takes Becky down and starts punching her and snatches her up for a Kong Bomb!! Kharma's music hits and she stands tall as we head to break

Bullet Club (Gallows,Anderson,Young Bucks) vs. Sami Zayn,Christian,Eddie Guerrero,Rey Mysterio-The babyfaces wins with a Blue Thunder Bomb to Luke Gallows. Post Match, Bullet Club (including James Storm) starts attacking them. AJ Styles makes the save and with a Phenomenonal Forearm to James Storm and ducks Gallows and Anderson,and ducks Superkicks from The Young Bucks making them Superkick Gallows and Anderson and Double Dropkicks them. Styles snatches Matt Jackson under the ring ropes out of the ring and throws him over the announce table. Nick Jackson runs at AJ and ducks and hits him with a Pele Kick and hits Matt with the Styles Clash. Gallows,Anderson,and Storm gets up as AJ gets away through the crowd. Gotta wonder what was on Bullet Club's mind because this sure wasn't their best night.

Jeff Hardy's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. (Btw he's using his 2008/9 WWE theme song.) Hardy says that last week he was made a target. by The Darkness. He says not only was it BJ Whitmer,Finn Bálor,and Vamprio. But it was his own flesh and blood Matt Hardy,"Oh I'm sorry Broken Matt." He says that he doesn't get jt. He says their whole career Matt has turned hos back on him and he wants to know why. "OBSOLETE" The Darkness minus Finn makes their way out and Matt says "Jeffrey you did this to Me,this business did this to Me,this company did this to Me. I'm tired of being overlooked for baby brother. While you're winning championships I'm stuck losing and losing and losing and wondering why WHY THERE'S NO LOVE FOR MATT FRIGGIN HARDY!!! ITS BECAUSE OF YOU!!! ONLY TIME I GET AN OPPORTUNITY IS TEAMING WITH YOU AND IM TIRED OF IT DAMMIT!!! WE WE'RE ON TOP OF THE WORLD AND YOU LEFT ME HIGH AND DRY FOR A CRUISERWEIGHT DIVISION YOU DIDNT EVEN COMPETE IT!!! THEN I GET FIRED AND YOU STAY HERE..YOU SELFISH SON OF A BITCH! AND NOW and now Jeffrey I've lost it all and it's all YOUR fault... and when a man has lost it all,there's nothing left to lose. He says now look at you. They gave you a title. But for how long Jeffrey..until Edge comes back. This company doesn't like us Hardy's and these creatures doesn't care. They didn't GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU 3 MONTHS AGO AND THEY DONT NOW! You're just like Roman Reigns,Dean Ambrose,Daniel Bryan,and AJ Styles. You're the hot flavor of the month and they'll just throw you away when they get bored with you and find something better. You would be better off just saying screw them and joining us. Jeff says he would never do that and for him to stop talking because they had a scheduled match for right now. Matt says that Jeff still doesn't get it. He says this is life or death for "Jeff Hardy." Matt says for him to Embrace The Darkness or Embrace "Deletion." Jeff just sits silent and BJ says that they got their answer and says that it was time to unleash The Demon. Finn Balor's music hits, the arena goes crimson red and a cage lowers and Finn Bálor is inside of it and Whitmer pushes a button and the cage opens before Finn gets out of it...SETH ROLLINS MUSIC HITS AND HE MAKES HIS WAY OUT!!! SETH GOES AFTER FINN AND JEFF HARDY SNATCHES HIS SHOULDER AND DROPS HIM WITH A TWIST OF FATE!! Hardy goes to get his title from the timekeepers area as The Darkness heads to the ring and BJ tells then they know the drill. Matt and Vampiro holds Seth up and BJ puts a chair under Seth and Bálor's heads to the Top Rope and COUP DE GRACE TO THE BACK OF THE SKULL OF SETH ROLLINS!!!! as Hardy walks right past it and the announcers are yelling for Jeff to go help him. Jeff Hardy walks down the ramp with his title and walks right and looks back at The Darkness standing over Seth as the show ends.
Tribute To The Troops

Stone Cold "Santa" and Saint Mick argue about who's going to be Santa this year. Big Cass interrupts and talks stuff leading to...

Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Big Cass

Mickie James def. Victoria

Sasha Banks,Lita def. Charlotte,AJ Lee

American Alpha def. Wade Barrett,Christopher Daniels

Celebrities saying Happy Holidays to the Troops

Ryback wins a 10 Man Battle Royal to earn a WCWF Contract

Becky Lynch def. Kharma

Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa performs "When I see you again"

Roman Reigns,The Rock, Shawn Michaels def. Kevin Steen,Triple H,Batista



(USA Network Kickoff Show)
(Steel Chairs Match) Enzo Amore vs. Collin Cassidy

Jay Briscoe vs. The Big Show

Jay Lethal,Kenny King vs. Michael Elgin,Rhino

(Main Card)
(TLC Match for the WCWF World Championship) Kevin Steen vs. The Rock

(Tables Match) Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose

AJ Brooks vs. Lita II

(Steel Chair Match) (Teams Banned From Ringside)
Silas Young vs. Big E. Langston /w/ Maria Kanellis

(Ladder Match for the WCWF Tag Titles) American Alpha vs. Daniels/Barrett

(TLC Match for the World Tag Team Championships) Gallows & Anderson vs. Sami Zayn & Christian vs. The Young Bucks vs. Mysterio/Guerrero

(Ladder Match) Finn Bálor vs. Seth Rollins

(Extreme Rules Match) AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon

(TLC Match for the Women's Championship) Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair

(TLC Match for the WCWF Championship) Roman Reigns vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

(WCWF TLC USA Network Kickoff Show)

(Steel Chairs Match) Big Cass Collin Cassidy vs. Enzo Amore- Big Cass grabs Enzo up by his neck and slams him in the corner and throws a punch and Enzo gets out of the way and starts chopping and kicks Cass in the corner. Cass grabs him with both hands and throws him over the top rope. Big Cass gets out of the ring and kicks Enzo in the head and throws him head first into the barricade. Cass grabs a steel chair and starts beating Enzo's head in with it. Cass throws the chair down and picks Enzo up and DDT's him on the chair. Cass puts his face on the chair and jumps high in the air and DOUBLE FOOTSTOMPS ENZO'S HEAD IN AND THIS MATCH HAS BEEN STOPPED!!!

[Winner By Stoppage: Colin Cassidy]

(Steel Chair Match) Jay Briscoe def. The Big Show in 13 minutes with an Inverted Piledriver on a Steel Chair and pins him for 3.

[Winner: Jay Briscoe]

Jay Lethal,Kenny King vs. Michael Elgin,Rhino- Elgin and Rhino wins with a Gore to and an Unbreakable Powerbomb to Kenny King

[Winners: White America]


(TLC Match for the World Heavyweight Championship)
"If YA Sme-Ell..." The Rock's music hit and he makes his entrance to reigning boos to kick off the Pay Per View (Ding Ding Ding) "The following is a Tables,Ladders,and Chairs Match and it is for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!...(cont'd) and it's time for our opening Main Event bout. Kevin Steen's music hit and he makes his way out with Heyman sporting a "Kill Steen Kill" shirt that reads on the back "Die Rocky Die"

(TLC Match for the WCWF World Championship) Kevin Steen vs. The Rock- The Rock starts laying the SmackDown on Steen and gets him to the rope and throws his hand back and Steen starts kneeing Rock in the gut and Irish Whips him,Rock counters with a Snap DDT. The Rock goes for The Peoples Elbow but Steen counters with a Nasty Superkick and goes outside to get a Ladder and throws it in the ring and starts setting it up. Steen starts climbing as the fans start cheering and Rock gets back up and grabs one the Steel Chairs from the corner to boos and starts hitting Steen in the back with it to even more boos and Steen jumps down and Rock attempts a Rock Bottom but Steen starts elbowing Rock in the side of the head and starts headbutting him. Rock bounces against the ropes and Steen attempts a Superkick but Rock starts Laying The SmackDown again as the fans boo. Rock Clotheslines Steen and his self over the top rope. Rock picks Steen up throw him into the ringpost but Steen is still standing and Rock runs up at Steen and Steen catches him on Powebomb position and quickly turns and puts Rock through the Spanish Announce Table with a POWERBOMB!! Steen Double Stack two tables and sets up another one on a different side of the ring and gets in the ring and begins climbing the ladder and starts climbing the ladder. Steen getsqq to the top and Rock gets back up and slides in the ring and speeds up to the top and Steen jumps down and pushes the ladder and THE ROCK IS SENF CRASHING THROUGH THE TABLE!!! The fans chant "Holy Shit!" Steen starts climbing the ladder again but gets down and said he was having too much fun. Steen grabs a chair and goes outside of the ring and starts beating The Rock with it and throws him back in the ring. Kevin sets him up for a Packaged Piledriver but Rock flips him with a Back Body Drop. Rock picks Steen up and starts punching him but Steen starts to Hulk Up and no sells it. Rock goes for a fourth punch and Steen blocks it and punches Rock 3x,Irish Whips him,hits him with a Big Boot and a Leg Drop as the commentators hype him mocking one of the biggest legends in the history of the industry. Rock kips up and Steen throws a punch at him but Rock ducks it and hits the ropes and Shoulder Block,Shoulder Block,Side Slam,Rock puts his hand up and does the "U Can't See Me" to Steen hits the ropes and struts before hitting a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Rock hits an Attitude Adjustment. And yells to a fan chanting "Cena!" that now he sees why he stayed doing this. And calls it fun. Rock takes off his elbow pad and goes for The Peoples Elbow but Steen counters it with a POP UP POWERBOMB THROUGH THE STACKED TABLES OUTSIDE OF THE RING!!! Fans chant "Holy Shit!" Steen is waiting for Rock to get up and Steen hits the ropes and flies out of the ring for Sommersualt Plancha and Rock hits him in the head with a Chair. Rock hits a Rock Bottom and gets in the ring and starts climbing the ladder and fans start booing The Rock again. (Crow Scare) Sting appears in across the ladder from The Rock and Rock falls back (Crow Scare) Sting is standing over Rock and Rock gets up. (Crow Scare) Sting is in Rock's face (Crow Scare) Sting drops Rock with a Scorpion Death Drop, (Crow Scare) Sting is gone and Kevin Steen is at the top of the ladder and retrieves the title as the fans goes wild as his music plays. Steen gets out of there with Heyman.
[Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Kevin Steen]

The announcers shows us a replay of what just happened and tells us that Seth Rollins would not be able to compete tonight due to a concussion he suffered at the hands of Finn Bálor. We are told that now it would be Jeff Hardy defending the Intercontinental Championship against Finn Bálor in a Ladder Match. Let's show you what all been going down with this whole situation.

Finn Balor's music hits and "The Demon King" makes hos entrance first with "666" tattooed on his forehead as Chimel does the introductions, The champ Hardy is out next and Chimel does the introductions for him as well.

(Ladder Match for the WCWF Intercontinental Championship) Finn Bálor vs. Jeff Hardy-
Bálor goes right after Hardy punching him several times in the head until Hardy falls. Hardy gets up and Bálor Dropkicks him over the Top Rope and he hits the ropes again and flies out with a Leg Split Sommersault Plancha to Hardy over the Top Rope!! Bálor picks Hardy up and throws him over the English Announcer Table at the announcers. Finn grabs a Ladder and throws it at Hardy. Finn goes over and grabs Hardy up by the arm and Whips him into the Ringpost. Bálor takes a ladder and starts beating Jeff Hardy's head in with it!! Bálor leans the ladder on the barricade and sets Hardy up on it and heads up top and COUP DE GRACE TO THE BACK OF THE SKULL OF HARDY!!! THE LADDER BREAKS AND HARDY IS UNCONSCIOUS!!! BÁLOR GRABS A LADDER AND THROWS IT IN THE RING AND SETS IT UP! BÁLOR CLIMBS THE LADDER AND RETRIEVES THE TITLE AS HARDY LAYS THERE KNOCKED OUT!!! BÁLOR WINS BÁLOR IS THE CHAMPION!!
[Winner and NEW WCWF Intercontinental Champion: Finn Bálor]

(Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt makes his entrance and Bray and Finn stare each other down for a bit before BJ Whitmer takes his Demon away. Its time for our next contest. Dean Ambrose music hits and he makes his way out to a big pop and is not gonna wait and runs to the ring and starts going right after Bray as his the bell rings and this ones under way.

(Tables Match) Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose-
Ambrose goes right after Bray with punches and Irish Whips him and gets a Crossbody from Bray. Bray gets on top of him and starts punching him and screams "I TOLD YOU NOT TO (SOUND MUTES) WITH ME DEAN!!" Bray hard whips him out of the ring and takes a Steel Chair and beats him with it while talking about how he made Dean a nice ass offer and he wanted to turn it down. Bray picks Dean up who starts chopping and punching back. Dean tries to bangs Wyatt's head into the Steel Turnpost,but Wyatt elbows him in the stomach and bangs his Ambrose head hard as hell on the ring post. Wyatt picks Dean up and throws him at the Ringpost and goes for Sister Abragail but Dean pushes him away and gets in the ring. Dean turns to hit the ropes and when he does Bray double axe clothesline (y'all know what I'm talking about if you watch a Bray match) him. Bray picks Dean up and throws him in the corner and runs and squashes him in corner and Dean falls forward. Bray tells Braun to set him up a table and Braun does and Wyatt goes to pick up Dean who starts punching Wyatt. Wyatt knees him in the gut and holds his head as Ambrose swings and ask if that was all he had. Bray punches Dean to the ground and tells him to face it he's not the same Dean Ambrose and that Hell In A Cell ruined him forever. Ambrose low blows Wyatt and throws him over the top rope. Dean hits the ropes and goes for a Suicide Dive but BRAY GETS OUT OF THE WAY AND DEAN HEAD SLAMS DOWN HARD INTO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! Wyatt WITH SISTER ABRAGAIL TO AMBROSE ONTO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!! Bray starts beating Ambrose down some more and WYATT WITH URNAGE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE TO DEAN AMBROSE!!! WYATT WINS!! in a very quick match. Bray gets on the Mic and says that Dean just doesn't get it he's fighting a fight he just can't win and throws the Mic down by Ambrose and walks down the ramp as his music plays and his music is cut off by Ambrose trying to catch is breath on,the ground and says.."Wait Bray...you're right!..if you can't beat em join em...and now it's time that Dean Ambrose joins The Wyatt Family!" A fan yells "Nooooooooo!" Bray sends Braun Strowman to go help Dean up ans Braun helps Dean up the ramp to a booing crowd as The Wyatts music plays again. Dean looks back at the fans chanting "AMBR-ROSEE!" and turns around and leaves with The Wyatts. (Wyatt Scare Out)
[Winner: Bray Wyatt]

(TLC Match for the World Tag Team Championships) Gallows & Anderson vs. Sami Zayn & Christian vs. The Young Bucks vs. Mysterio/Guerrero-
BEST TAG TEAM MATCH OF THE YEAR!! Only match that comes close is The Hardys vs. The Young Bucks at TLC,and Gallows and Anderson vs. The Bucks at No Mercy. And that's saying something with the tag matches we have seen this year. Sami Zayn was WAY over with the fans. Deservingly so with the strong performance he put on. The Young Bucks was pretty much trying to help Gallows and Anderson retain. Anyways let's skip to the end only two man are left up are Sami Zayn and Luke Gallows on top of the ladder. Zayn and Anderson trade punches from the top. Sami knocks Anderson off the ladder and the fans goes wild and Sami starts to retrieve the title but LUKE GALLOWS JACKNIFE POWERBOMB OFF THE LADDER THROUGH A TABLE!!! GALLOWS CLIMBS THE LADDER AND GRABS THE TITLES AND GALLOWS RETAIN!!!
[Winners and STILL Champs: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson]

Lita's music hits and it's time for the Rock Bottom rematch. AJ's music hits and she's our next...

AJ Lee vs. Lita-
AJ jumps on Lita and bangs her head into the mat and starts swinging wildly at her until the ref pulls her off. Lita sees blood on her lip and runs at AJ and tackles her and starts beating her down until the ref pulls her off. Both women runs at each other in full slugfest mode. Lita gets the better with a Russian Leg Sweep. Lita goes for the coverl for 2. Lita picks her up and goes for a Twist of Fate but AJ pushes her off and ducks under and hits a Spinning Heel Kick. AJ hits the ropes and slide dropkicks a laid out Lita out of the ring and goes up top. AJ with a MISSLE DROPKICK TO LITA OUTSIDE OF THE RING!! AJ picks her up and screams "you tried to end Me,now I'm gonna end you." AJ throws Lita at the Steel Ring Post and back in the ring. AJ takes a Steel Chair gets in the ring and swings it at Lita,who kicks her legs making her fall and drop the chair. Lita with a Lita DDT for 2. Lita goes for a Moonsault but AJ rolls out of the way and Lita falls face and chest first on the canvas. AJ hits Lita with a Shining Wizard and Lita kicks out at two. AJ gets mad and picks Lita up and puts her in the abdominal stretch. Lita counters with a Hiptoss and another. Lita with a Flying Head Scissors (otherwise known as Head Scissors Takedown) to AJ and Dropkicks her over the top rope and hits the ropes and Lita DIVES OVER AND ONTO AJ EITH A FLYING CROSSBODY !! Lita gets on the apron and a MOONSAULT TO A GROUNDED AJ OUTSIDE OF THE RING!!! Lita picks AJ up and attempts to throw her into the Steel Stairs but AJ counters and throws Lita into the Steel Stairs!! AJ starts banging Lita's head on the stairs and bangs her head on the ring post and throws her in the ring. AJ kicks Lita in the back in the head and puts her on her shoulders and GTS FROM AJ LEE AND 1-2-3!!! AJ WINS!!! AJ LEE HAS DEFEATED LITA!!
[Winner: AJ Lee]

After the match,AJ continued attacking Lita. She calls her a weak and pathetic bitch and spits on her and stops as the ref pulls her off and told her to quit being "crazy." AJ looks at him and starts beating the hell out of him and goes right back after Lita and continues beating the hell out of her until GM Shane McMahon runs out and grabs her and tells her to calm down. AJ slaps fire out of Shane,smirks and leaves.

(Steel Chair Match) (Teams Banned From Ringside)
Silas Young vs. Big E Langston /w/ Maria Kanellis-
Big E. starts off very dominant going straight after Silas when the bell rings with punches and hits a Belly to Back slam and continues punching him as the ref pulls him off and says he's mad at the douchebag too but to watch it so he doesn't get DQ'ed. Big E says forget that and goes right back after Silas. Silas rolls out of the ring and E slides out of the other side of the ring and runs and gets hit in the head with a Steel Chair. Silas starts hitting Big E. with the chair yelling "TAKE THAT BLACKY!!" Young throws the chair and goes under the ring and grabs a whip and starts beating Big E with it. A black man jumps the barricade and goes after Silas and security stops him and escorts him out as Silas goes after him talking shit and being racist. Silas turns around and BIG E CLOTHESLINES THE HOLY HELL OUT OF SILAS AND SILAS YOUNG IS FLIPPED INSIDE OUT!! E throws Silas back in the ring and grabs the chair and gets in the ring and start a beating Silas with the chair and sets the chair in the corner. Big E. throws Silas torward the chair who counters and throws Big E headfirst into the chair in the corner and rolls him up and 1-2-3!!! SILAS WINS and gets the hell out of there as his music plays. Big E. slowly gets up fuming and pacing.
[Winner:Silas Young]

Post match:
Renee Young ask Big E. how is feeling about the lost knowing what was on the line. E said that he failed in his mission because of one mistake. He says but this isn't over..its far from over. Renee ask Big E. what is it that he did that Silas keep referring to that made him hate Black People. E says that he doesn't know and he doesn't care. He says that Silas is far out of line and that every chance he got he would beat his ass. (Drops Mic) Big E. walks down the ramp as his music plays. Sound statement from Big E. But you know who else is looking to make a statement? "Bad News" Wade Barrett and "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. Rampage's own Renee Young stands by with the new duo.

Backstage Segment:
Barrett and Daniels are hyped up ready to fight, Renee says that they was turnt up. Daniels says "Ya damn right Renee..because tonight is the night Bad Angels risk the gold. Tonight is the night,we steal the show,tonight is the night we let em know..." "Bad Angels are here. We taking titles knocking Alphas out blue...If you're think you're gonna beat Bad Angels then..." - Barrett. Both say "I'm afraid I've got some bad news." Both man walk away hyping each other up as their music plays.

(Ladder Match for the WCWF Tag Titles) American Alpha vs. B.A.D. ANGELS-
Thought it would be best and fair to not do full results for either Tag Title Match. Anyways this was a pretty good matchup. The match went on for 14 minutes with some amazing spots and the finish saw Barrett and Jordan trading punches at the top of the ladder. Barrett with BULLHAMER AND WASTELAND FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER!! Barrett retrieves the titles and we have NEW CHAMPIONS!!! YOUR WINNERS AND NEW WCWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS...B.A.D. ANGELS!!! The two celebrates with the championships as the fans cheer. American Alpha gets up and walks up to the new champs before extending their hands in a sign of respect and raises their hands up and says they want their rematch and leaves and gives them to ring. So Daniels and Barrett are officially babyfaces now? Guess we'll have to wait and see

Backstage Segment:
Big E is beating the crap out of Silas Young and security split it up as E screams that this wasn't over. Coming up next AJ vs. Shane

(Shane/AJ Video Package)

"Here comes the money!!!..." Shane McMahon is out first to a huge boos as the fans chant for "AJ Styles!" AJ's music hits to the biggest pop of the night and it's time for EXTREME RULES Match!

(Extreme Rules Falls Count Anywhere Match) AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon- Styles goes right after Shane punching him and Shane slides out of the ring and AJ flies out onto him with a Phenomenal Forearm. AJ picks Shane up and throws him over the barricade and jumps over it as well and starts punching him up the crowd as Shane attempts to run. AJ runs and clotheslines him from behind and gets on top of him and starts punching him. AJ gets off of him and backs up before going right back after him and Shane with a Low Blow to AJ. Shane takes a Police Stick from arena security and starts beating AJ with it, who screams in pain. Shane picks AJ up and throws him back over the barricade. Shane grabs a Kendo Stick and starts laying into AJ with it. Shane breaks the Kendo Stick over the back of AJ as he welps up. Shane is looking for something under the ring and grabs a Steel Chain and AJ gets back up and dodges a blow with the chair and hits him with a Pele Kick and starts to set up for a Styles Clash but Shane McMahon counters with a Back Body Drop. Shane goes to pick AJ up and gets a KIP UP FRANKENSTEINER FROM AJ!! AJ picks Shane up and punches him torward the announce table and A STARMAKER THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!! As the fans chant "Holy Shit!" AJ gets on top of the barricade and 450 SPLASH TO SHANE O MAC!!! AJ throws Shane in the ring and goes for the cover for a extremely close near fall. AJ picks him up an hits him with a Pumphandle Gutbuster and whips him torward the ropes and hits a Superman Punch like Jumping Forearm knocking Shane out of the ring. AJ goes outside the ropes and lifts Shane on the apron and APRON BRAINBUSTER FROM AJ STYLES!!! The fans in the arena chant "This Is Awesome!" AJ Styles with a Springboard Moonsault from the APRON when Shane gets up. AJ drags Shane up the ramp and attempts to bang Shane's head on the Minitron but Shane counters and bangs his head on it and starts the Shane O Mac Shuffle. Shane knocks him down and notices the Steel Giant Ladder. That's part of the entrance set attached to the wall and starts climbing it. Shane starts climbing it as the fans goes berserk. AJ gets up and climbs the other one and the two fight on top of the Titantron and AJ STYLES WITH A STYLES CLASH FROM THE TITANTRON TO TWO STABLES ON THE SIDE OF THE STAGE!!! The announcers and fans go insane!!! "HOLY SHIT!" Chants begin again and AJ rolls over on Shane and 1-2-3!!!! AJ WINS AS THE FANS GO INSANE!!!
[Winner:AJ Styles]

Backstage Interview:
Renee Young ask William Regal about what he has planned for Rampage tomorrow night. Regal says that he has two big things planned. He says the winner of tonight's WCWF Championship Main Event would be able to pick their opponent for the Royal Rumble Pay Per View. He says that also he feels bad that Jericho and Neville aren't on the card because after that epic Ladder Match they had two weeks ago that they deserved to be. He says that he was office making one last match between Jericho and Neville for tomorrow's show

(Charlotte vs. Sasha Video Package)

(TLC Match for the Women's Championship) Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair
Charlotte Pimp Slaps Sasha and starts smashing her Forearm into the side of her head and Irish Whips her. Sasha bounces off with a Lou Thesz Press and Charlotte rolls out of the ring and Sasha with a Suicide Dive to Charlotte. Sasha Banks gets up and throws two Ladders in the ring and starts sliding a table in there but Charlotte connects with Natural Selection to the skull of Sasha and throws her in the ring. Charlotte gets in the ring and sets up a table in a corner and Charlotte goes over to grab Sasha and Irish Whips her Sasha counters making Charlotte go outside the apron and Charlotte Shoulder Blocks her and Headbutts her. Charlotte gets back in the ropes and hits her with the Kitchen Sink and a Monkey Flip and Sasha is upside down against that table and Charlotte backs up to the corner and CHARLOTTE PUTS SASHA THROUGH THAT TABLE WITH A CANNONBALL IN THE CORNER!! Charlotte starts setting up the Ladder and Sasha is out cold! Charlotte begins to climb it but Sasha miraculously gets up and Powerbombs Charlotte out of the ring over the Top Rope THROUGH A TABLE!! Sasha sets up a Ladder but notices Charlottes still moving and places a Ladder in the corner in between the ropes and notices Charlotte getting up and hits the ropes and flies out and goes for another Suicide Dive but CHARLOTTE WITH A STEEL CHAIR TO THE SKULL OF SASHA! BANKS IN MID AIR!! SASHA IS HURT BAD!! Charlotte Flapjack to Sasha ON THE STEEL CHAIR!!! Charlotte takes the Steel Chair and goes to the Top Rope and Charlotte waits for Sasha to get up and CHARLOTTE WITH A MOONSAULT WITH THE STEEL CHAIR TO SASHA BANKS!!! Charlotte picks Sasha up and sets het up and lifts her. Charlotte runs and LAST RIDE TO SASHA BANKS THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Charlotte notices Sasha being being unconscious and gets in the ring and sets up a Ladder and begins to climb it. Charlotte is at the top and SASHA BANKS PUSHES THE LADDER OVER!!! Sasha throws Charlotte into the Ladder wedged in the corner ans puts her on it and goes up Top and KNEE DROP TO CHARLOTTE FLAIR THROUGH THE LADDER!! The fans again chant the overused "HOLY SHIT!" chant and "This Is Awesome!" Sasha begins climbing the Ladder and when she gets to the top, Charlotte runs up the Ladder and the two begin trading blows and CHARLOTTE WITH A SWINGING NECKBREAKER FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER!! Both Women are down and get up again and runes right back up at the same time and Charlotte gets the Upperhand and bangs Sasha's head on the Ladder and retrieves the title to retain! Charlotte's music hits and celebrates!!
[Winner and STILL Women's Champion: Charlotte Flair]
Well Ladies and Gentlemen,are you ready for this...because coming up next it's our Main Event and it is for the WCWF Championship. Lets take you back to how this all got started.

(HBK/HHH/Reigns Video Package)

"(Guitar Strings)...It's Time To Play The Game!!" Triple H is out first as Howard Finkel begin introductions for our Tables,Ladders,and Chairs Main Event. HBK is out next,followed by Reigns.

(TLC Match for the WCWF Championship) Roman Reigns vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels-
The three start off pacing around each other and Roman and Shawn goes right after Triple H and jumps him and throws him out of the ring. Reigns and Shawn stare each other down and starts talking shit to each other "Lets Go Roman! HBK!" Roman and Shawn starts trading (Rights,Chop,Rights,Chop,Uppercut) Shawn falls into the ropes and Reigns with a (inside slam down leg move here.) Roman with a Vertical Suplex to Shawn Michaels and turns around to TRIPLE H HITS ROMAN REIGND IN THE HEAD WITH THE STEEL CHAIR OUTTA NOWHERE!!! Triple H starts beating Roman and Shawn with the chair and starts setting up tables outside of the ring and throws 2 ladders in the ring and takes his chair in there with him. Triple H starts beating down with the chair again as the scream in pain and BREAKS IT OVER THE BACK OF REIGNS! As Reigns rolls out of the ring. Triple H sets up Ladders in the corner and Vertical Suplex's Shawn Michaels THROUGH THE LADDER. Triple H starts to drag him over again and puts him through the other one in the corner. Triple H throws Reigns back in the ring and takes apart the announce table and puts Shawn on it and picks him up on it and starts punching him and sets up for a Pedigree but ROMAN REIGNS JUMPS OVER THE TOP AND PUTS THEM BOTH THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! THAT DISTANCE WAS INSANE!!! All 3 men are down as the fans chant "Holy Shit!" Roman slowly gets up and throws a Ladder in the ring and sets it up and starts climbing it but Shawn Michaels runs in the ring on the same side of the Ladder Reigns is on and starts punching him as Triple H is setting up a Table outside of the ring. Triple H runs in and grabs Shawn off the Ladder in Powerbomb position and (who is holding Reigns in German position) and TRIPLE H POWERBOMBS SHAWN THROUGH THE TABLE,AS SHAWN GERMAN SUPLEX'S ROMAN!!! ROMAN LANDS BADLY AS THE FANS CHANT "HOLY SHIT!" and "THIS IS AWESOME!" Triple H takes the Ladder and throws it out of the ring at both. Triple H gets out of the ring and PEDIGREE TO SHAWN MICHAELS ON THAT LADDER!!! He picks up Reigns and throws him at the barricade Triple H runs at Reigns and SPEARRR!!! FLIPS TRIPLE H INSIDE OUT!!! Shawn Michaels with a SHOOTING STAR PRESS ATTEMPT but Reigns sees him coming and slides gets on the apron and SPEARRRRRRRSSS THE HELL OUT OF SHAWN MICHAELS!!! "Holy (censor) (censor) I think he's dead!!" "HOLY SHIT!!!" Chants starts up again followed by "Roman Makes It Reign" Chants. Reigns grabs a Chair and tells Triple H "Its my turn bitch!" Roman starts beating the hell out of Triple H with that chair and sets up two tables side by side and beats him with the chair some more and stacks two tables on top of them and sets up two infront of them and stacks two more on top of them and picks Triple H up and Triple H starts banging his head into the apron and throws him in the ring as Shawn Michaels is slowly recovering on the outside. Triple H Whips Reigns into the ropes and REIGNS COUNTER SPEARRRING TRIPLE H THROUGH THE ROPES THROUGH ALL 4 OF THOSE TABLES!!! SHAWN MICHAELS SLIDES IN THE RING LIKE A THEIF OF THE NIGHT AND STARTS CLIMBING THE LADDER!!! (Switching to Full Commentary Mode) JR: "SHAWN MICHAELS IS CLIMBING THE LADDER, A MAN THAT WAS TOLD HE WAS DONE IN 2010,MAY REACH THE PINNACLE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING AGAIN!!" Mauro: "What's going on with the lights. This has been happening all night. They really need to have that fixed." JR: "WAIT JUST A MINUTE WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE LIGHTS THEY JUST WENT COMPLETELY OUT!!! A voice plays over the loud speaker saying "It is the end of the world as you know it!... The end starts now..." (S.W.A.T.) like truck with blinking red lights on them starts pulling into the entrance way as Inner Circle "Bad Boys" plays. JR: "SOMEBODY WANNA EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!" "WAIT JUST A..HOLD UP...6 MEN JUST RAN IN THAT RING! THERE'S 6 GUYS IN THE RING BEATING THE HELL OUT OF SHAWN MICHAELS!!" The lights turns back on and it's 6 masked men in black leather jackets and black jean pants attacking Shawn Michaels. TRIPLE H GETS IN THE RING FIGHTING AND THEY JUMP HIM AND ONE OF EM SLAMS HIM AND STARTS BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM AND SIGNALS FOR THEM TO GET ROMAN!! TWO GOES AFTER ROMAN,ROMAN TRIES TO FIGHT BACK BUT GETS DROPPED!!! ANOTHER DUDE SIGNALS FOR THEM TO HOLD SHAWN UP AND WHEN THEY DO HE DROPS HIM WITH A CUTTER AND TAKES THE MASK OFF AND WAIT A MINUTE...THATS..THAT'S WWE LEGEND AND FORMER WCWF SUPERSTAR RANDY ORTON!!! TRIPLE H IS STUNNED!!! TRIPLE H GOES AFTER RANDY BUT GETS AMBUSHED FROM BEHIND AND GETS HIT WITH THE END OF DAYS,FOLLOWED BY ARM A TWO HANDED CHOKEBOMB!! THE TWO REMOVES THEIR MASK AND ITS FINAL CZW CHAMPION JAMES "TYGO" AND FORMER WWE DEVELOPMENTAL STAR BARON CORBIN!!!! ROMAN GETS IN THE RING AND SWINGING AT THE TWO AND GETS SNATCHED UP FROM BEHIND AND A CYCLONE DDT!!! THE MAN TAKES HIS MASK OFF AND ITS FORMER FOW US CHAMPION BRIQ ROMINE!!! THE LEAD GUY MOTIONS FOR THEM TO PICK TRIPLE H UP AND THEY DO AND HE HITS HIM WITH A JUMPING CUTTER TO THE KNEE!! SHAWN GETS BACK UP AND GETS A SUPERKICK MAKING HIM BOUNCE AGAINST THE ROPES AND FINISHES IT WITH THE JUMPING CUTTER TO THE KNEE!! Mauro: "WAIT JUST A SECOND I KNOW WHO THAT IS THAT'S..THAT'S.." THE MAN REMOVES HIS MASK AND THATS FORMER NXT WRESTLER AND WCWF CHAIRMAN 5000!!!!! Roman Reigns is slowly getting up and the final masked man is standing behind him waiting and puts him on his shoulders and drops him with a FIREMANS CARRY TAKEOVER!!! JR:"HOLD THE HELL UP!! TELL ME THAT'S NOT!!!.." The man removes the mask and it's... JR: " AND IT IS!!!..JOHN CENA!!! BYGAWWWDDDDD WHATTT INNN THHHEE HEELLL DIDD WE JUST WITNESSS!!!" the fans goes nuts look stunned and then chant "What The Fuck?!" and "Holy Shit?!" Cena searches under the ring and pulls out the briefcase he stole from Wade Barrett..
JR: "WAIT JUST A SECOND THAT WAS A DAMN SET UP!!! THIS WAS ALL PLANNED!!! BUT WHY JOHN? NOT LIKE THIS DAMMIT!" Cena hands the timeskeeper the briefcase and 5000 tells him to "Ring the bell now." He hesitates and 5000 punches him. RANDY RKO'S THE REF!!! Typo and Corbin forcefully the shirt off of the ref and tosses it to 5000 who puts it on! 5000 rings the bell and Cena climbs the ladder and retrieves the title and 5000 calls for the bell and (Ding Ding Ding) JOHN CENA IS A 16X WORLD CHAMPION!!!!

[Winner and NEW WCWF Champion: JOHN CENA]












Nick Paglino October 20th,2016


Throughout tonight's TLC PPV, there was problems with the lights. During the evening's Main Event , 6 men in black mask pulled up in a black S.W.A.T like truck pulled up while those lights were out through the entrance way. The 6 men would get in the ring and jump Shawn Michaels,Roman Reigns,and Triple H. The faction then begin hitting their finishers and unmasking one by one. The stable was revealed to be Former WCWF Chairman and WWE NXT Wrestler "The One" 5000,Former WCWF Superstars and WWE Legends John Cena and Randy Orton,Former WCWF and WWE NXT Superstar and FOW US Champion Briq Romine,Former NXT Signee Baron Corbin,and Former CZW Champion James "Tygo."

John Cena would pull out the briefcase and cash it in mid-match to win his 16th World Championship in the heel turn heard around the world. As previously reported Cena is expected to face Roman Reigns at Rock Bottom III in Columbus. It is now being reported that 5000 is expected to face "The Game" Triple H,who he has a long documented behind the scenes history with dating back to his NXT days in 2013. "The Asskicker" Briq Romine is expected to face "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, who he has a behind the scenes history with as well. Randy Orton is expected to face Bray Wyatt at Rock Bottom, and Tygo and Corbin or expected to face against either Barrett/Daniels,American Alpha, or Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose in a Shield Reunion. The latter may be unlikely as Ambrose just joined The Wyatt Family.

During the opening contest of TLC, Kevin Steen was defending the World Heavyweight Championship against The Rock. Sting appeared in the match playing mind games and ultimately screwing Rock out of the title again. Top WCWF Officials are telling us that The Rock vs. Sting in a "Battle Of Icons" is INDEED in the plans for Rock Bottom III in Columbus,OH. The match is said to be a lock and will not be changing.
WCWF RAMPAGE RESULTS (12/5/16)(The E.N.D. Destroys Columbus)



The show starts with a video package of the carnage left last night with Michael Cole narrating: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, from WCWF Headquarters for my own safety I'm Michael Cole. Last night the WCWF was invaded by a faction known as The E.N.D. As a result majority of the WCWF roster have walked out and Roman Reigns,Triple H,Shawn Michaels,Jim Ross,Mauro Ranallo,Earl Hebner,and several unnamed Cameraman and fans are recovering from the vicious actions that took place last night in the hospital. We here at the World Championship Wrestling Federation would like to offer our sincerest apologies, we we're unaware of the situation that took place. What happened last might was night apart of the script. Right now we would like to take you back to the match that caused controversy and left damaged in wake."

(Previously Recorded Match) (TLC Match for the WCWF Championship) Roman Reigns vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels-The three start off pacing around each other and Roman and Shawn goes right after Triple H and jumps him and throws him out of the ring. Reigns and Shawn stare each other down and starts talking shit to each other "Lets Go Roman! HBK!" Roman and Shawn starts trading (Rights,Chop,Rights,Chop,Uppercut) Shawn falls into the ropes and Reigns with a (inside slam down leg move here.) Roman with a Vertical Suplex to Shawn Michaels and turns around to TRIPLE H HITS ROMAN REIGNS IN THE HEAD WITH THE STEEL CHAIR OUTTA NOWHERE!!! Triple H starts beating Roman and Shawn with the chair and starts setting up tables outside of the ring and throws 2 ladders in the ring and takes his chair in there with him. Triple H starts beating down with the chair again as the scream in pain and BREAKS IT OVER THE BACK OF REIGNS! As Reigns rolls out of the ring. Triple H sets up Ladders in the corner and Vertical Suplex's Shawn Michaels THROUGH THE LADDER. Triple H starts to drag him over again and puts him through the other one in the corner. Triple H throws Reigns back in the ring and takes apart the announce table and puts Shawn on it and picks him up on it and starts punching him and sets up for a Pedigree but ROMAN REIGNS JUMPS OVER THE TOP AND PUTS THEM BOTH THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! THAT DISTANCE WAS INSANE!!! All 3 men are down as the fans chant "Holy Shit!" Roman slowly gets up and throws a Ladder in the ring and sets it up and starts climbing it but Shawn Michaels runs in the ring on the same side of the Ladder Reigns is on and starts punching him as Triple H is setting up a Table outside of the ring. Triple H runs in and grabs Shawn off the Ladder in Powerbomb position and (who is holding Reigns in German position) and TRIPLE H POWERBOMBS SHAWN THROUGH THE TABLE,AS SHAWN GERMAN SUPLEX'S ROMAN!!! ROMAN LANDS BADLY AS THE FANS CHANT "HOLY SHIT!" and "THIS IS AWESOME!" Triple H takes the Ladder and throws it out of the ring at both. Triple H gets out of the ring and PEDIGREE TO SHAWN MICHAELS ON THAT LADDER!!! He picks up Reigns and throws him at the barricade Triple H runs at Reigns and SPEARRR!!! FLIPS TRIPLE H INSIDE OUT!!! Shawn Michaels with a SHOOTING STAR PRESS ATTEMPT but Reigns sees him coming and slides gets on the apron and SPEARRRRRRRSSS THE HELL OUT OF SHAWN MICHAELS!!! "Holy (censor) (censor) I think he's dead!!" "HOLY SHIT!!!" Chants starts up again followed by "Roman Makes It Reign" Chants. Reigns grabs a Chair and tells Triple H "Its my turn bitch!" Roman starts beating the hell out of Triple H with that chair and sets up two tables side by side and beats him with the chair some more and stacks two tables on top of them and sets up two infront of them and stacks two more on top of them and picks Triple H up and Triple H starts banging his head into the apron and throws him in the ring as Shawn Michaels is slowly recovering on the outside. Triple H Whips Reigns into the ropes and REIGNS COUNTER SPEARRRING TRIPLE H THROUGH THE ROPES THROUGH ALL 4 OF THOSE TABLES!!! SHAWN MICHAELS SLIDES IN THE RING LIKE A THEIF OF THE NIGHT AND STARTS CLIMBING THE LADDER!!! (Switching to Full Commentary Mode) JR: "SHAWN MICHAELS IS CLIMBING THE LADDER, A MAN THAT WAS TOLD HE WAS DONE IN 2010,MAY REACH THE PINNACLE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING AGAIN!!" Mauro: "What's going on with the lights. This has been happening all night. They really need to have that fixed." JR: "WAIT JUST A MINUTE WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE LIGHTS THEY JUST WENT COMPLETELY OUT!!! A voice plays over the loud speaker saying "It is the end of the world as you know it!... The end starts now..." (S.W.A.T.) like truck with blinking red lights on them starts pulling into the entrance way as Inner Circle "Bad Boys" plays. JR: "SOMEBODY WANNA EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!" "WAIT JUST A..HOLD UP...6 MEN JUST RAN IN THAT RING! THERE'S 6 GUYS IN THE RING BEATING THE HELL OUT OF SHAWN MICHAELS!!" The lights turns back on and it's 6 masked men in black leather jackets and black jean pants attacking Shawn Michaels. TRIPLE H GETS IN THE RING FIGHTING AND THEY JUMP HIM AND ONE OF EM SLAMS HIM AND STARTS BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM AND SIGNALS FOR THEM TO GET ROMAN!! TWO GOES AFTER ROMAN,ROMAN TRIES TO FIGHT BACK BUT GETS DROPPED!!! ANOTHER DUDE SIGNALS FOR THEM TO HOLD SHAWN UP AND WHEN THEY DO HE DROPS HIM WITH A CUTTER AND TAKES THE MASK OFF AND WAIT A MINUTE...THATS..THAT'S WWE LEGEND AND FORMER WCWF SUPERSTAR RANDY ORTON!!! TRIPLE H IS STUNNED!!! TRIPLE H GOES AFTER RANDY BUT GETS AMBUSHED FROM BEHIND AND GETS HIT WITH THE END OF DAYS,FOLLOWED BY ARM A TWO HANDED CHOKEBOMB!! THE TWO REMOVES THEIR MASK AND ITS FINAL CZW CHAMPION JAMES "TYGO" AND FORMER WWE DEVELOPMENTAL STAR BARON CORBIN!!!! ROMAN GETS IN THE RING AND SWINGING AT THE TWO AND GETS SNATCHED UP FROM BEHIND AND A CYCLONE DDT!!! THE MAN TAKES HIS MASK OFF AND ITS FORMER FOW US CHAMPION BRIQ ROMINE!!! THE LEAD GUY MOTIONS FOR THEM TO PICK TRIPLE H UP AND THEY DO AND HE HITS HIM WITH A JUMPING CUTTER TO THE KNEE!! SHAWN GETS BACK UP AND GETS A SUPERKICK MAKING HIM BOUNCE AGAINST THE ROPES AND FINISHES IT WITH THE JUMPING CUTTER TO THE KNEE!! Mauro: "WAIT JUST A SECOND I KNOW WHO THAT IS THAT'S..THAT'S.." THE MAN REMOVES HIS MASK AND THATS FORMER NXT WRESTLER AND WCWF CHAIRMAN 5000!!!!! Roman Reigns is slowly getting up and the final masked man is standing behind him waiting and puts him on his shoulders and drops him with a FIREMANS CARRY TAKEOVER!!! JR:"HOLD THE HELL UP!! TELL ME THAT'S NOT!!!.." The man removes the mask and it's... JR: " AND IT IS!!!..JOHN CENA!!! BYGAWWWDDDDD WHATTT INNN THHHEE HEELLL DIDD WE JUST WITNESSS!!!" the fans goes nuts look stunned and then chant "What The Fuck?!" and "Holy Shit?!" Cena searches under the ring and pulls out the briefcase he stole from Wade Barrett..
JR: "WAIT JUST A SECOND THAT WAS A DAMN SET UP!!! THIS WAS ALL PLANNED!!! BUT WHY JOHN? NOT LIKE THIS DAMMIT!" Cena hands the timeskeeper the briefcase and 5000 tells him to "Ring the bell now." He hesitates and 5000 punches him. RANDY RKO'S THE REF!!! Typo and Corbin forcefully the shirt off of the ref and tosses it to 5000 who puts it on! 5000 rings the bell and Cena climbs the ladder and retrieves the title and 5000 calls for the bell and (Ding Ding Ding) JOHN CENA IS A 16X WORLD CHAMPION!!!!

[Winner and NEW WCWF Champion: JOHN CENA]


The E.N.D. Rooftop Promo; Cena's headed to the ring to explain his self.

Eiminem "Lose Yourself" plays as the lights in the arena fades out and when the song really kicks in John Cena is standing on the ramp in a black shirt that reads in red letters "The E.N.D." and a grey hoodie as the fans go insane with a pop that quickly turns to boos as we cut to break.

When we come back, Cena is standing in the ring with a straight aggressive face as the fans chant "You Sold Out" and "Why John Why?" Cena smirks and says that they have to be the stupidest people on the planet. "After everything you people have put me through for the past 2 decades of my life,from every chant of "Cena Sucks", from every boo,from being told I couldn't wrestle,to "Please Retire", to now "Why John Why?" and "You Sold Out." You people are ridiculous. I'm tired of coming of preaching Hustle,Loyalty and Respect when IT GOT ME NOWHERE BUT UNEMPLOYED!, I WAS FORCED TO RETIRE AT 39 YEARS OLD BECAUSE OF YOU PEOPLE...FUCK Y'ALL! EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FROM THE GROWN MEN ALL THE WAY TO THE BABIES CAN KISS MY ASS!! And you're right I sold out...I sold out this arena and I'll sell out many more because you all pay to see ME!! With that being said there's one person John Cena has got to see. There's one more person John Cena will see and that's..Roman Reigns. You think you're the future and the man round here. Well that future DAMN SURE BETTER GO THROUGH ME AND TO BE THE MAN YOU GOTTA BE THE MAN AND FOR THE 16TH TIME I AM THE MAN!!! YOU WANT SOME...COME GET SOME...AND IF YOU'RE BAD ENOUGH TAKE SOME!!! I'M THE 16X CHAMP AND I AM THE GREATESSSTTTTT!!!!...and its about damn time I get the respect I deserve. (Drops Mic) Cena is about to leave but gets cut off by the music of GM William Regal. Regal says"Who is this? What happened to you? This this is not John Cena. I've known you for 18 years and this is not you John. Just come to the back get your wristbands your T-Shirts and come sign a contract. You can even keep the title." "You heard what I had to say and you had what the end already explained. And quite frankly, "The Greatest" is tired of explaining his self. "Bad boys what ya gonna do..." The E.N.D.'s music hits and they interrupt and surrounds Regal as we head to commercial

When we come back, Regal is standing like he wants to fight and 5000 says "Will,William,Lil Will we don't want to make The E.N.D. nervouse no do we?" Regal steps back and falls into Cena who throws him. 5000 tell Cena to wait because he wasn't gonna take out "Lil Will" yet. He says all "Lil Will" wants is answers and says he appeared to be death and says "so let's give him answers." 5000 says "Why did John Cena do what he did?, Why did The E.N.D. do what we did? That answer is simple...Triple H. The guy that screwed every single last one of us out of our contracts. But it isn't just Triple H. We have a problem with Shawn Michaels too. Shawn knew the entire time what Triple H was planning to do and did nothing to stop it. Then you got Roman Reigns. The guy who not only is trying to be John Cena. But the guy who also ran his mouth about John Cena and threatened to beat his ass. I'm getting real sick of this boo bitch (in response to the booing crowd.) Now back to you Regal, our problem isn't with you. In fact you're the only person not on our list. (5000 helps him up.) Without William Regal there is no 5000,there is no Briq Romine and there is no Baron Corbin. You discovered us and gave us an opportunity which is why we're giving you an opportunity right now. Not only to save yourself but to save this business. Tonight you give Randy Orton a match for the US TV Title,the one title that's alluded Orton. Tonight you give Tygo and Corbin a match for the WCWF Tag Team Championships. Its gonna happen regardless but you can make this much easier by accepting or you can make this all baddddd!!!" Regal says that he would not put his Champions in harmsway for a couple of thugs. 5000 says hard way it was and Cena swings on Regal and they begin to jump him before Daniels and Barrett interrupts on stage. Barrett: "Get the hell off of William Regal! If its a title match you want. Its a title match you'll get I ain't scared of (bleep.)" The champs gets in the ring and gets jumped. Regal crawls to the back coughing up blood, but Randy Orton drops him with an RKO. Randy get in the ring and Tygo Bomb to Daniels,End Of Days to Barrett. Randy Orton then punts both Wade Barrett and Christopher Daniels. 5000 puts on a ref shirt and tells Briq to do timeskeeping. While Cena and Orton guards the ring. 5000 calls for bell and Briq rings it.

(WCWF Tag Team Championships) Christopher Daniels and Wade Barrett vs. The E.N.D. (James Tygo,Baron Corbin)- Corbin picks up the concussed Barrett and hits another End Of Days and 1-2-3!!!! NEW CHAMPS AND WADE BARRETT HAS BEEN PINNED!!! As The E.N.D. is celebrating we hear Scott Steiner's theme song and Police Officers comes to the ring and says the party was over as we cut to commercial break.

When we come back an officer is in mid sentence saying that they we're told to arrest these gentlemen for invading the show and stealing material that didn't belong to them because they weren't on the roster. The officer tells them to make it easy in their selves because they don't want to do this but they have a job to. 5000 says "I ain't doing shit and neither are the rest of my crew. So bring the hard way." The officers reaches for their cuffs and The E.N.D. destroys them and handcuffs them with their own handcuffs. 5000 takes one of the officers guns and puts it to the back of his head. 5000 sings "Oh Mister Regal.." 5000 says "Come on Lil Will we know you don't want to see me blow this poor mans head off. Why don't ya babyface up and save this mans life by giving Randy what he wants and thats that United States Championship. Regal gives in and says "Fine you songs a of a bitch." 5000 calls him a typical babyface and says that nobody was safe from their wraft.

Static cuts them off mid promo
We're back at WCWF HQ and Michael Cole say's that it's been chaos over at the Schottenstein Center and he is honestly scared for his life and say's he just can't do this and that he was leaving and going home and throws his notes. And WCWF Producer Daniel Bryan walks over to talk Cole from leaving as we cut to commercial.

When we come back, The E.N.D. are standing with a frightened Michael Cole at Headquarters and Daniel Bryan is laid out and The E.N.D. ask Michael Cole why he was being rude to his guest and ask him where he thought he was going. Michael ask can he leave and Briq Romines slaps the shit out of him and say's "Did we say you can speak bitch?" and Briq beating his ass and throws him through the screen he's been showing videos through. Briq tells them to "pick that bitch up" referring to Daniel Bryan and Tygo and Corbin do and Briq puts him on his shoulders for a Briq Wall (Cyclone DDT.) Briq say's he never liked that bitch and goes over and continues to beat up Daniel Bryan and Powerbombs him out the window. The E.N.D. say's this is their yard.

(Static cuts them off)

(Previously Recorded Match)(TLC Match for the WCWF World Championship) Kevin Steen vs. The Rock- The Rock starts laying the SmackDown on Steen and gets him to the rope and throws his hand back and Steen starts kneeing Rock in the gut and Irish Whips him,Rock counters with a Snap DDT. The Rock goes for The Peoples Elbow but Steen counters with a Nasty Superkick and goes outside to get a Ladder and throws it in the ring and starts setting it up. Steen starts climbing as the fans start cheering and Rock gets back up and grabs one the Steel Chairs from the corner to boos and starts hitting Steen in the back with it to even more boos and Steen jumps down and Rock attempts a Rock Bottom but Steen starts elbowing Rock in the side of the head and starts headbutting him. Rock bounces against the ropes and Steen attempts a Superkick but Rock starts Laying The SmackDown again as the fans boo. Rock Clotheslines Steen and his self over the top rope. Rock picks Steen up throw him into the ringpost but Steen is still standing and Rock runs up at Steen and Steen catches him on Powebomb position and quickly turns and puts Rock through the Spanish Announce Table with a POWERBOMB!! Steen Double Stack two tables and sets up another one on a different side of the ring and gets in the ring and begins climbing the ladder and starts climbing the ladder. Steen getsqq to the top and Rock gets back up and slides in the ring and speeds up to the top and Steen jumps down and pushes the ladder and THE ROCK IS SENF CRASHING THROUGH THE TABLE!!! The fans chant "Holy Shit!" Steen starts climbing the ladder again but gets down and said he was having too much fun. Steen grabs a chair and goes outside of the ring and starts beating The Rock with it and throws him back in the ring. Kevin sets him up for a Packaged Piledriver but Rock flips him with a Back Body Drop. Rock picks Steen up and starts punching him but Steen starts to Hulk Up and no sells it. Rock goes for a fourth punch and Steen blocks it and punches Rock 3x,Irish Whips him,hits him with a Big Boot and a Leg Drop as the commentators hype him mocking one of the biggest legends in the history of the industry. Rock kips up and Steen throws a punch at him but Rock ducks it and hits the ropes and Shoulder Block,Shoulder Block,Side Slam,Rock puts his hand up and does the "U Can't See Me" to Steen hits the ropes and struts before hitting a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Rock hits an Attitude Adjustment. And yells to a fan chanting "Cena!" that now he sees why he stayed doing this. And calls it fun. Rock takes off his elbow pad and goes for The Peoples Elbow but Steen counters it with a POP UP POWERBOMB THROUGH THE STACKED TABLES OUTSIDE OF THE RING!!! Fans chant "Holy Shit!" Steen is waiting for Rock to get up and Steen hits the ropes and flies out of the ring for Sommersualt Plancha and Rock hits him in the head with a Chair. Rock hits a Rock Bottom and gets in the ring and starts climbing the ladder and fans start booing The Rock again. (Crow Scare) Sting appears in across the ladder from The Rock and Rock falls back (Crow Scare) Sting is standing over Rock and Rock gets up. (Crow Scare) Sting is in Rock's face (Crow Scare) Sting drops Rock with a Scorpion Death Drop, (Crow Scare) Sting is gone and Kevin Steen is at the top of the ladder and retrieves the title as the fans goes wild as his music plays. Steen gets out of there with Heyman.
[Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Kevin Steen]

(Crow Scare)

Sting is on the screen in a dark room with black and white video effects in a distorted voice. He say's "Phase 1 is complete. Now onto Phase 2. The Royal Rumble."

(Crow Scare)

Camera man walks into Vince McMahon's is in his office talking with WCWF Producer Bret "The Hitman" Hart about the mess going on and yells at the camera man asking what the hell was he doing in here. He say's he was just forced in there. 5000 in a Santa hat kicks the door down and yells "Ho Ho Ho, Motherfuckaaaa!!!" and The E.N.D. barges in and jumps Bret Hart and McMahon tries to run but John Cena FU's him through his desk. 5000 say's "DON'T EVER CUT The E.N.D OFF!" The E.N.D. beats the crap out of him and destroys the office. A security officer walks in and ask what was going on and notices McMahon and Hart unconscious ans say's that he would just leave and pretend he didn't see anything but 5000 say's he's afraid he can't let him leave because he saw too much. The guy tries to run but gets an RKO. The E.N.D. begins to leave the room and Briq Romine notices a janitor in the hallway and throws him through the office door and tells him to clean that shit up. The E.N.D. is leaving the building as the camera pans to the arena and Sasha Banks music hits and she makes her entrance as we cut to commercial break.

(WCWF Womens Championship) Charlotte Flair(c) vs. Sasha Banks- When we come back, Sasha Banks is waiting in the ring as her music continues. Charlotte's music hits and stops. It plays again and we cut to backstage and THE E.N.D. IS BEATING THE CR-RAP OUT OF CHARLOTTE FLAIR!!!! Sasha starts to act as if she's going backstage to help but Randy Orton with an RKO to Sasha Banks OUTTA NOWHERE!!! John Cena is on the mic saying that the time for talk is over. He say's that this US Title Match is happening and it's happening right now!! Baron Corbin and James Tygo drags an unconscious Chris Jericho to the ring from the entrance ramp as we cut to our final commercial break.

(WCWF United States Television Championship)Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton (c)- The E.N.D. beats the hell out of Jericho as 5000 puts his ref shirt on and Randy tells them to back off and RKO's Jericho. 5000 rings the bell and Randy Punts Jericho in the skull and 5000 calls for the bell and your winner and NEW WCWF United States Television Champion....RANDY ORTOONNN!!!!!! Post-Match, The E.N.D. continues to destroy Jericho as the fans chant for Roman Reigns and boos. Briq Romine with a Headbreaker to the concussed head on the mat. Corbin with End Of Days,John Cena FU's Jericho through the announce table. The E.N.D. celebrates with the US Title to end the show.






(World Heavyweight Championship) Kevin Owens (c) vs. Brock Lesnar

30 Man Over The Top Rope Royal Rumble Match
WCWF RAMPAGE RETURNS RESULTS (1/9/17)(The E.N.D. attacks Stone Cold,Bray Wyatt,Dean Ambrose and others;Reigns,HHH,HBK returns,5000 vs. Adrian Neville, Charlotte confronts Sasha,Major Heel Turn,2 Out of 3 Falls Match,Legends return )



(Video Package of The E.N.D. destroying TLC, Schottienstein Center and WCWF Headquarters)

The show starts with The E.N.D. on the roof of a building and John Cena saying "for 18 years,I eat,breathe,and sleep this business to become the greatest. I won the United States Championship 4 times proving that..I am The Greatest,I won two Royal Rumbles to show I am The Greatest,I've beaten every name there is to beat from Hogan to Rock to Hart to Triple H to Shawn Michaels to AJ Styles because I am The Greatest. And now for the sixteenth time I say...THE CHAMP IS HERE!!!! Because I AM THE GREATESSSSTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! And tonight The Greatest will defend the World Championship Wrestling Federation Title against..One of the only men I haven't faced in my illustrious career and tonight I can add that name to my resume of my greatness.

(WCWF Rampage Intro Video)

(Glass shatters) Stone Cold Steve Austin's music hits and Austin makes his way to the ring. Austin says "If you're ready for Royal Rumble give me a hell yeah!" The fans reply with a chant of "hell yeah!" Austin does it again and says that he hasn't been around since he got his ass handed to him by Finn Balor back at Survivor Series. He says that 2016 may not have been a the year of the Texas Real, but 2017 is about to get a helluva lot better and that starts at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view because I am officially announcing my entry into the 2017 Royal Rumble match. He says that he would be the only man in history to say he won 4 Royal Rumble matches and that what happens next was that he didn't give a damn whether it was John Cena,Roman Reigns,Triple H,Shawn Michaels,Wade Barrett,Ric Flair,or Seth Rollins. He says he would open a big fat can of whoop ass on whoever is the WCWF Champion at Rock Bottom and once again claim history and that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so. The E.N.D.'s music hits and they make the video screen shows them entering the arena from the roof of the building. They enter through the crowd and surround,who gets ready for a fight. Cena tells him to calm it because their not out there to attack Austin. He says that he has done it all and beat them all except Austin. He gets in the ring and in his face as the fans pop and says they've never had the opportunity to face off until now and he challenges Austin to "the biggest television main event in the history of professional wrestling." The fans start chanting "Yes!" Austin says in that case,screw the rumble. He says that he can just take the title and open up a big fat can of whoop ass right there. Austin hits Cena with the mic and drops him with a Stunner and slides out of the ring as the rest of The E.N.D. goes after him as music plays and he heads up the ramp as we go to commercial.

When we come back 5000 is still in the ring and says that Austin was a coward for and he attacked Cena off guard. He says he's gonna show Austin how a man fights and calls an open challenge to anybody who got a problem with him or The E.N.D. and that he would be doing this one on one. Adrian Neville's music hits and he accepts and it's time for our opening contest

"The One" 5000 vs. Adrian Neville- Off rip 5000 takes Neville down with punches and the ref pulls him back and he tells the ref that if he put his hands on him again he would (sound mutes) him up. 5000 turns around to a Dropkick from Neville. 5000 gets up and Neville runs at him again but 5000 catches him and Overbelly to belly suplex him over the Top Rope. 5000 hits the ropes and hits a Somersault Plancha on Neville. 5000 irish whips Neville to the barricade and runs at him but Neville ducks out of the way and hits him with an Enziguri. Neville jumps off the barricade for a 450 Splash and 5000 rolls out of the way and GERMAN SUPLEX's Neville through the barricade. The referee finally starts the count. 5000 starts punching Neville in the head as he begins bleeding 5000 starts stomping him in the head and then gets on top of him punching him some more and Neville is unconscious. The ref throws the match out as a Double Countout. 5000 drags Neville through the crowd by his hair and picks him up and throws him at members of the crowd. He picks Neville up and Spears him through a door and it leads to the backstage area. Neville is trying to crawl away in the hallway but somebody steps on his hand. The camera pans up and it's Randy Orton. 5000 snatched Neville up in German position and Randy Orton drops Neville with a RKO. 5000 says now let's go find Austin. American Alpha's music hits as we cut to commercial.

American Alpha vs. The Hart Dynasty-
The Hart Dynasty pulls off the upset following a Code Blue from Kidd to Gable after DHS held Jordans foot to stop him from breaking it up. Post match, Kurt Angle made his return to talk to Jordan. He tells him to help his brother up and Jordan does. Angle says "now drop him" and Jordan looks confused. Angle says he could be a legend or a statistic. He says they all gotta make uncomfortable decisions to which great heights. He says Jordan is the future and Jordan thinks about it before simply laying Gable down and saying he couldn't do it and he leaves the ring. Angle says he disappointed in him and that he would just do it his self. Angle hits Gable with an Angle Slam and puts him in the Angle lock. Jordan rushes in to make the save only to start punching Gable. Jordan hits him with an Angle Slam and leaves with Kurt Angle as we head to commercial

Curt Hawkings vs. Darren Young
- Curt Hawkings beats the crap out of Darren and bloodies his face up before the match. The ref finally gets some control and Hawkings runs back at Young and clotheslines him in the corner and hits him with a Spinebuster to put him away in a rather quick one. Hawkings continues beating him up and says that would be the fate of the other 29 names in the Royal Rumble.

Backstage Segment
: The E.N.D. is looking for Austin and enters a pitch black room and bumps into Bray Wyatt. Wyatt laughs and The E.N.D. starts jumping him. Ambrose tries to help but gets beat up too. Tygo and Corbin jumps Ambrose. Briq,5000,and Orton jumps Wyatt. Cena says back the mission and that he wanted Austin's head.

(2 out of 3 Falls Match) Silas Young vs. Big E. Langston
- Excellent contest that went on for 21 minutes uninterrupted. E got the first fall with Big Ending. Silas got the second fall with Misery. Immediately after that Silas lifts him up for a second one but E jumps down with a Belly to Back slam. E hits a Big Splash before Rhyno's music hits. Rhyno and Elgin distracts E on the ramp and Silas Young pants E and kicks him low from behind and hits a Pee Wee Wanga Plunge for the win. Silas and company gets up. Immediately after Bully Ray outta nowhere with a Bubba Cutter to Big E!!! BULLY RAY IS BACK!!!!

Backstage Segment
: The E.N.D. are looking for Austin still. They notice a truck with a skull on it and go up to it and snatches a bald guy out the truck and jumps him but they notice it isn't Austin after Cena says "Wait that ain't Austin. It's Gillberg." The camera pans to show us a beat up Gillberg unconscious.

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Rhyno, Michael Elgin-
The one starts off with a brawl and the refs get things under control as we head to break. When we come back the heels are in control. Rhyno and Shelton Benjamin are the legal man and Rhyno has him in a chokehold and says he was going to choke the black out of him. Benjamin eventually kips up and reverses the chokehold with a Single Arm DDT and follows it up with a Gutbuster for 2. Shelton lifts Rhyno and throws him in the corner and hits a corner clothesline and lifts him up and AVALANCHE FRANKENSTEINER!!! Shelton for the cover and 1-2-Nooooo!!! Shelton goes for a Moonsault but Rhyno gets his knees up. Rhyno goes for a Gore but Benjamin jumps over him and Roundhouse Kicks him and hits a Bringing German and 1-2-Elgin breaks it up. Charlie Haas flies from the top rope and gets caught with a Unbreakable Powerbomb. Shelton hits an explosive German Suplex on Elgin, Rhyno with a GOORRREEE and 1-2-3!!! Post-Match, Silas Young congratulates his boys and says that there was only one thing that bothered him. He says that was the two black guy staring them down in the crowd,referring to Cryme Tyme. He ask if they wanted beef. He says if they think their tough to jump the barricade. They do and Silas spits in Shad's face. Shad goes to attack Silas but gets a Gore. The three then jumps JTG and calls them some "weak typical monkeys."

Backstage Segment:
Curt Hawkings bumps into Darren Young and talks about how he beat his ass earlier and says that Young is nothing more than a fairy ****** and says for him to leave his arena. Young begins to leave as Hawkings talk stuff before putting his bags and gets in Hawkings face and gets attacked from behind by Big Cass. Hawkings starts jumping in and Big Cass attacks him too and says he didn't need nobody's help or nobody's handouts. He says that at the Royal Rumble he would make the biggest the statement of all when he enters and wins the 2017 Royal Rumble Match.

Charlotte Flair's music hits and she makes her entrance as we cut to commercial.

When we come back, Charlotte is in the ring to boos. She tells the fans to shut up and that she would deal with them later. She says before she says anything else she needs that little slimy skimming bitch Sasha Banks to come to this ring so she can say what she has to say to her face. Sasha Banks music hits and Charlotte says that Sasha set her up to get jumped by The E.N.D. because she was afraid. She says "that's right,Sasha was so afraid of The Queen that she set her up to be jumped by 6 men." Sasha interrupts and says "Wow...That's low even for the daughter of Ric Flair." (Fans: Ohhhh!!) Charlotte said if Sasha mentioned her father again she would she her just how low that she would get. She tells Sasha to just admit it. Sasha says "Charlotte I got attacked too ya dumb broad. They beat the hell out of me which is why I'm standing in this ring in a neck brace." She starts to question, whether Charlotte set it all up. Charlotte slaps her to the ground by her neck. She says "you right I did it you stupid bitch and you know what else.. Stephanie McMahon booked your rematch for Friday Night WAR! and Friday Night The Queen will do what she does best and that's make Sasha Banks her little bitch." AJ Brook's music hits and she interrupts and says that her and Charlotte has never been properly introduced. She says she doesn't care whether it's Sasha or Charlotte,she wants the winner for the title at Royal Rumble. Charlotte make a height joke and AJ drops her with a GTS. AJ's in action next.

AJ Brooks vs. Becky Lynch
- This went on for 12 minutes before Paige distracts Becky in the ramp and AJ capitalizes with a GTS for the 1-2-3!!!! After the match, Charlotte attacks AJ and puts her in the Figure Eight until refs break it up. The announcers talk about the madness going down in the Women's Division and starts going off about something happening in the backstage area. Cameras cut to the back and The E.N.D. IS BEATING THE HELL OUT OF STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!!!! Randy screams to get his ass up and Corbin and Tygo picks him up and RKO TO STONE COLD!!!! The E.N.D. drags Austin up the ramp as we cut to commercial.

When we come back,The E.N.D. is still beating the crap out of Austin before Roman Reigns music hits and the fans come unglued!!!! Roman runs down to fight and goes right after Cena but the numbers are too much. Shawn Michaels music hits and he runs to make the save but the numbers are too much as the fans chant for Triple H. (Guitar Strings) "It's time to play the game..." Triple H's music hits and the fans start going insane!! Triple H runs down to the ring and slides in and 5000 immediately takes him down and Triple H flips him and The E.N.D. starts jumping him. (Wyatt Scare) (Wyatt Scare) IN AN INTERESTING TURN OF EVENTS BRAY WYATT AND DEAN AMBROSE STARTS FIGHTING THE E.N.D. AT THE AID OF THE GAME,REIGNS, AUSTIN,AND MICHAELS!!!! The numbers catches up and Austin Stuns Tygo and Corbin out of nowhere, Michaels with a Superkick to Briq, Ambrose with Dirty Deeds into Sister Abragail on Orton,Triple H with a Pedigree to 5000,Reigns with a Superman Punch to Cena. Austin,Reigns,Triple H,Wyatt,Ambrose,and HBK stands side by side to end the show!!!






(World Heavyweight Championship) Kevin Owens (c) vs. Brock Lesnar

30 Man Over The Top Rope Royal Rumble Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Big Cass
Curt Hawkings


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