WCWF Results

Grade the World Championship Wrestling Federation

  • A - Awesome!!!

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • B - Pretty Good actually

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • C - Average

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D - Your trying but could be better

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • F - Terrible worse than WWE

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • - I was just coming to post a jackass vote

    Votes: 4 26.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .









WCWF Friday Night WAR! RESULTS (1/13/17)( Lesnar returns,Balor defends IC Title in Ladder Match,Rock addresses Sting,Miz & Truth returns, Charlotte vs Sasha for Women's Championship in Falls Count Anywhere,AJ snaps!)



(Video package of Survivor Series Main Event and TLC WHC Match)

Kevin Steen music hits and the champ and Paul Heyman makes their entrance to kick off the show to a huge pop despite being a heel. Kevin says "Yeah cheer me now cry later because what I do to Brock Lesnar won't be funny. And if you think Brock Lesnar was upset about me stealing his title at Survivor Series then just wait and see his reaction when I conquer and slay his ass at the Royal Rumble as the fans boo. Heyman tells the fans they are being rude and they're starting to piss his client off. He says for a long time Brock Lesnar was the baddest man on the planet...Until he saw the real Brock Lesnar. He says "Brock Lesnar is not a badass, he's a guy playing a character. (Fans boo) don't boo me or my client. He says that if Brock Lesnar was such a badass then why did he have to go to WCWF.com to announce his rematch when his suspension was up at TLC. Kevin says that it was because Brock Lesnar is afraid. He says at the Royal Rumble he's gonna the slay The Beast and end this myth known as Brock Lesnar. Lesnar's music hits..And HE'S BACKKKK!!!! THE FANS HAVE COME UNGLUED!!! BROCK MAKES A B-LINE FOR THE RING AND STEEN MEETS HIM HALFWAY AND WE HAVE A BRAWL ON WAR!!! THE TWO TRADE PUNCHES AND LESNAR KNEES STEEN IN THE RIBS AND SLAMS STEEN INTO THE RINGPOST!! LESNAR THROWS STEEN IN THE RING AND STEEN ROLLS OUT AND HOPS THE BARRICADE AND STANDS BEHIND IT!!! Heyman tries to leave but Lesnar grabs him by the ponytail as the fans chant "F5!" and "Suplex City" as Heyman begs him not to hit him. Brock snatches him up on his shoulders as the fans pop and hits Heyman with an F5 as Steen watches and talks stuff from the crowd. Lesnar's music hits and he does the title taunt and yells then Steen's ass was his. AJ Styles music cuts off Brock Lesnar's and he makes his way out to the ramp and says that he doesn't care who wins at Royal Rumble. He says if Lesnar is angry now then he should watch what he does to him at Rock Bottom if he wins the title. He says because he's officially announcing his entry into the 2017 Royal Rumble Match. He says that he was going to win and finally becoming the WCWF Heavyweight Champion of the World. AJ's music hits as the Lesnar stares him down and is saying stuff we can't hear...STEEN WITH A POP UP POWERBOMB TO LESNAR OUTTA NOWHERE!!!!! Steen stares Styles down and says that it's him he would be facing.

What a blockbuster announcement from "The Phenomenonal" AJ Styles. Speaking of which let's take you back to an announcement made last month.

(Video package of Sting announcing his Royal Rumble entry promo)

Well later tonight ladies and gentlemen, The Rock responds to Sting once again costing him the World Heavyweight Championship and Royal Rumble announcement...LIVE TONIGHT!!! Jeff Hardy's music hits and we have ourselves an Intercontinental Championship rematch!!!! It's Hardy/Bálor in a Ladder Match

(Ladder Match for the WCWF Intercontinental Championship) Finn Bálor vs. Jeff Hardy- Excellent story told in this 17 minute clash. The finish saw Bálor out Hardy away clean with a Death Scythe (Coupe De Grace to back of skull) from top of the ladder through a wedged ladder. Afterwards Bálor climbed the top of the ladder to retrieve the title. BJ Whitmer cuts a promo on Jeff and tells him to give it up and just join them. He said it worked for his brother,it worked for Finn,it'll work for Adam Cole and that it could work for Jeff Hardy. He tells Hardy to embrace the darkness. Whitmer puts Bálor on a leash as he has his IC Title in his mouth and puts his demon in the cage as Vampiro and Prince Adam carries him out.

Backstage Segment
: Shane McMahon approaches Braun Strowman and says "wassup big guy?" Strowman tells Shane if he touched him again he would break him in half. Shane says that he was "Team Braun" and Braun should be "Team Shane." Braun says that the only team he was on was "Team Everyone Falls." Shane says that he wants Strowman to be a big name on WAR! and that he saw potential in him. He says that's why not only is he entering him in the Royal Rumble but next week, Strowman would main event against AJ Styles WAR! He says that if AJ lost he would be out of the Rumble. Braun says that was something he could get behind.

Paige vs. Becky Lynch-
This one turned into an all-out brawl and went to a no contest. Paige stood tall after dropping Becky on the concrete exposed floor with Ram-Paige

(Samoa Joe is coming promo)

(#1 Contenders Elimination Match For WAR! Tag Titles) The Young Bucks /w/ Bullet Club vs. Sami Zayn,Christian Cage vs. Vampiro/Broken Matt-
Pretty damn good match here. Gallows and Anderson did commentary and James Storm stood at ringside. The first elimination didn't come until 13:25 in and saw Sami Zayn put Nick Jackson away with Blue Thunderbomb for 3 and The Young Bucks have been eliminated as Storm looks pissed. Gallows and Anderson are tempt to leave commentary to get involved and Storm tells them to hold off. The match went on for an additional 6 minutes as The Darkness dominates. Matt Hardy- hits a Broken Twist of Fate and goes for the cover on Sami but gets distracted seeing Miz and Truth beating the hell out of Gallows and Anderson!!! THE CONSPIRACY THEORY IS BACK!!! The two starts jumping James Storm and the distraction cost The Darkness as Sami rolls up Vampiro for the win. Post match- Matt hits a Broken Twist Of Fate on Vampiro and leaves. Sami Zayn and Christian gets face to face with Miz and Truth before both teams get jumped by the Bullet Club. Bullet Club leaves them lying and poses over their bodies with the World Tag Team Championships
Up next: The Rock addresses Sting LIVE! Will Sting show up?!? We'll find out LIVE next!!!

(Your Hero,My Hero,Our Hero, Wrestling's Hero...Soon vignette)

"If YA Sme-ell..." The Rock's music hits and he makes his entrance to a mixed reaction from the crowd. "FINALLY... The Rock has come back to San Diego you see last time The Rock was in this ring he got screwed out of the World Heavyweight Championship by a certain "icon" again for the second straight PPV. The first time, Sting cost me the World Heavyweight Championship when I was just this close to put a Brock Lesnar weigh and Kevin Steen capitalized and cashes in the second time Sting cost The Rock a Tables Ladders,& Chairs match for the World Heavyweight Championship against Kevin Steen you know what I think I think Sting's afraid oh yeah. Sting is afraid because he knows when The Rock sees his candy ass he's going to whoop his candy ass. He says since he can't get Sting to show up, he'll show up somewhere that he knows Sting is gonna be..And that's the 2017 Royal Rumble Match. "And at Royal Rumble,Sting will find out that I'm the jabroni,pie eating, trailblazing, eyebrow raising,The Rock has set records,10 time world champ,in with the elite class,It's no longer about the title. It's about The Rock kicking Sting's ass...IF YA SME-ELLLLL-LALALA-LA-LELLLL...WHAT THE ROCK IS..."(STING CROW) fans go crazy with Sting chants. However, only a video message on the tron reads "see ya at the Rumble...The War Starts Now!" (Sting Crow) Screen shows The Rock sweating in the ring looking somewhat nervous

(Video package for Charlotte/Sasha)

(Falls Count Anywhere Match For The Women's Championship) Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks- TORE THE FUCKING HOUSE DOWN!!! GREAT MATCHES ALL AROUND BUT THIS WOMENS DIVISION MATCH WAS DEFINITELY MATCH OF THE NIGHT!! 20 minutes to shine taking the show into overtime. These two took the fight through the crowd at one point and Charlotte did a Moonsault from the top of a LED TV on the wall to Sasha Banks. The finish saw Charlotte make Sasha tap with a Figure 8 over the barricade. Immediately after a fan in a hoodie starts attacking Charlotte and removes the hood and it's AJ. AJ throws Charlotte over the barricade back to ringside and throws her at the barricade. AJ starts punching on Charlotte until refs pull her off and AJ runs back at her and starts attacking again and the refs pull her off but AJ still has Charlotte's hair. They pry her off and AJ has some of Charlotte's hair in her hand. AJ smirks as one ref calls her crazy and AJ elbows the ref and starts attacking all and starts beating up Charlotte again!!! Shane McMahons music hits and he makes his way out and slams AJ off of Charlotte and said it was enough. Shane yells at her before AJ double kicks him in the balls and goes back after Charlotte. AJ hits Charlotte with a barricade GTS and stands tall with the Women's Championship to end the show.






(World Heavyweight Championship) Kevin Owens (c) vs. Brock Lesnar

(WCWF Women's Championship) Charlotte Flair vs. AJ Brooks

30 Man Over The Top Rope Royal Rumble Match
AJ Styles
Braun Strowman
Finn Bálor
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Big Cass
Curt Hawkings

WCWF MONDAY NIGHT RAMPAGE RESULTS (1/16/17)(Austin vs Wyatt vs Reigns vs Triple H vs HBK,Jason Jordan shines, Ambrose vs Orton for the United States Championship)



(Video Package of The E.N.D. destroying TLC, Schottienstein Center and WCWF Headquarters)

The E.N.D. are on the roof of the building promises to destroy the show and everybody they saw starting with the cameraman in front of them and attacks him and throws him off the roof of the building.

(Rampage Intro Video and Theme;Pyro
Kurt Angle's music hits and Angle and Jason Jordan makes their way to the ring. Angle says that he is proud of Jason Jordan as if he was his own son. He says that he is retired now and that he wants Jordan to continue his legacy. He says right now he's passing the torch and gives Jordan his medals. He says that the medals symbolized greatness and says he expects great things from Jason Jordan. Jordan says he wouldn't let Angle down and says he's gonna be great and that his path to greatness would start in the Royal Rumble Match when he eliminates 29 other guys to win the Royal Rumble. He says that he would then go on to Main Event Rock Bottom win the WCWF and establish his legacy as "The American Wolfe." He says and as for last week he didn't lose. He says that Chad Gable lost,he says so he did what any sane man would do and that's take him out. He says whether Kurt Angle told him to or not that eventually he would have gotten tired of carrying Chad Gable. He tells the fans in attendance to shut up booing him or he would make them tap like he did Chad Gable. He says he is tired of them and that he was tired of them keep saying he lost to The Hart Dynasty. Angle tells him to do something about it so Jordan says he's calling out any member of the overrated Hart Family to come to the ring and face him. OWEN HART'S MUSIC HITS AND HE'S BACK!!! Owen tells says that if he wants a Hart he's got one and slaps Jordan,who slides out of the ring angry screaming he was gonna kick his ass as we cut to commercial break.

Jason Jordan vs. Owen Hart
- When we come back Jordan is in control with Hart in a headlock and backs him against the ropes. Owens pushes him toward the other ropes and Jordan hits a shoulder block and jumps over Hart and gets a Overhead Belly to Belly. (Lights Out) Robotic female voice says "It is the end of the world as you know it" (lights on) (Lights on) Kurt Angle is gone and The E.N.D. ARE JUMPING JORDAN AND HART!!! 5000 says that they had heart for trying to fight unlike Angle. He says that heart got them (bleep)ed up. He says that he respects that heart though and tells them to get their asses up because Tygo and Corbin was giving them a title shot.

(WCWF Tag Title Match) James Tygo,Baron Corbin vs. Jason Jordan,Owen Hart
-Owen was in the end match as Tygo and Corbin switched out punishing him. After 12 minutes Owen went for a hot tag but Jason Jordan jumped down and walked out. Afterwards, The E.N.D. jumps Owen Hart and hit their finishes on him and 5000 says this doesn't stop and that at Royal Rumble him and Briq Romine was entering the Royal Rumble and that it wouldn't stop then or now. John Cena says that it's time to handle business and the fans continue to boo. 5000 tells "boo" to quit being rude and to let the legend talk. The fans boo louder and 5000 says that he was getting real sick of that "boo bitch." Cena yells at the fans.."ENOUGH! I YOUR 16X HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION AND I AM THE GREATEST OF ALL-TIME AND YOU'RE GONNA SHOW ME SOME DAMN RESPECT!!!" Cena says that he would be champion forever and there wasn't a single person alive who could stop him. Cena is cut off by the music of Roman Reigns,who gets a huge pop. Roman considers getting in the ring with all 6 members of The E.N.D. but just stands there as his music stop and fans chant his name. Roman looks at the fans and steps up and gets in the ring and gets right in Cena's face. He says "I can stop you and I will stop you. You stole what was mine and I want it back or all hells gonna break lose." Fans chant for Roman and is cut off by Shawn Michaels music. Shawn says "with all due respect Roman,had these 6 goons not did what they did at The E.N.D. (gets in Roman's face) I would be the champ right now. Roman tells Shawn to fallback or get knocked out. Triple H interrupts and says had it not being for Shawn sticking his nose in his business he wouldn't even have got the far. He says it was a war between him and Reigns at Survivor Series before Shawn's ego cost him the title. He says that it should've been Reigns vs. Triple H II at TLC with him walking in champ and out champ. He says without the HBK distraction he would be the champ. Roman tells Triple H that they still had unfinished business and that the result would've been the same as Survivor Series and that's Roman Reigns making Triple H his bitch! Stone Cold interrupts and he ask the fans if they wanna see Stone Cold get one last title reign to give him a hell yeah. The fans scream hell yeah. Austin says last week him and Cena was supposed to have the biggest TV match of all time for that (WCWF Championship.) He says Cena bitched out and had his boys jump him. He says hes already whipped both Triple H and Shawn Michaels ass before. He says he hasn't had the chance to whoop Roman's yet but that time would come. 5000 ask them if they was done. Cena says that he would fight any of them...(Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt is in the ring and is in Cena's face. William Regal interrupts almost immediately and says it's not going down like that and before anymore Superstars interrupts he's making a Fatal 5 Way Main Event right now of Wyatt vs. Austin vs. HHH vs. Reigns vs. HBK and that the winner would face Cena for the WCWF Championship at the Royal Rumble Pay Per View and that the other 5 men could earn a title match because he was putting them in the Royal Runble Match. Regals music hits as everybody in the ring talks shit. 5000 swings on Triple H and all hell breaks loose. Reigns and Cena,Orton and Wyatt,Austin and Corbin and Tygo,HBK and Briq,5000 and Triple H. Orton pokes Wyatt in the eye and RKO's Austin. Tygo and Corbin helps Cena with Reigns. HBK Superkick attempt to Briq makes him kick Reigns by accident and Cena AA's Reigns,Briq hits the BRIQ Wall on HBK, Everybody jumps HHH and Wyatt. Randy with the RKO to Bray,5000 Superkicks Triple H (rebounds from ropes) and finishers it with the Cutter (Scullcracker.) The E.N.D. stands tall and 5000 says let this be a message that they wasn't to be played with. 5000 says the worst is yet to come as we cut to commercial

Backstage: Big E is begging William Regal for one last match against Silas Young. Regal books the match and tells E it was his last opportunity

Big E vs. Silas Young
- Big E wins by disqualification when he's attacked by Bully Ray. Bully and Silas jumps him and Silas assists Bully for a 3D. Afterwards Bully clotheslines Silas and hits a Bubba Cutta cuts a promo on Big E. "You wanna know my problem with you E? It isn't because you're black that's disgusting. Deep down that isn't why Silas doesn't like you. My problem with you is watching you steal my good friend Michael Bennett's wife and the sextape you purposely leaked on the internet. Oh did this just get a little to edgy for kids. Well too bad this is Professional Wrestling not Disney Channel. I'm gonna not only eliminate Big E from the Rumble,but I'm gonna hurt him the way he did my friend Michael Bennett." He drops the mic as his music plays. Big Cass music hits and he makes his way down and walks past him on the ramp. Big Cass is in action next.

Big Cass vs. Darren Young
- Big Cass defeats Darren Young in a one sided match in dominate fashion with a Big Boot. After the match, Curt Hawkings attacks Cass from behind and throws him over the top rope,Silas Young from behind with Misery. Big E with Big Ending. Big E walks to the back looking pissed and is cut off immediately by Renee Young. "E what's running through your mind right n.." Bo Dallas cuts them off "E..E. wait..It's OK..Silas doesn't have to like black people...But I do...I like black people so much..." Bo pours a can of black paint on his self and Big E clocks him. Big E. beats Bo up and throws him at the wall. E snatches the mic from Renee and says his next move is getting his hands on a certain "Bully." Sasha Banks music hits to a pop and she's in action..NEXT!

Sasha Banks vs. Rayonna Armstrong
(Local Competitior) - Sasha made quick work of her in a one sided dominant performance and made her tap with Bank Statement. Sasha then gets on the mic and says she felt like she let all the fans in the Federation down she says that the boss would reclaim her throne and that she was begging for one last opportunity at the World Championship Wrestling Federation Women's Championship. She just needs one last shot she's begging Stephanie McMahon for one last opportunity. AJ Brooks attack her from behind. AJ hits her with a GTS and said that was the end of the Sasha Banks chapter. She said she her "boss" wasn't handing her nothing else. Stephanie McMahon make music hits and she makes her way out she tells AJ that her boss was giving her an opportunity since AJ wants to run her mouth she says at Royal Rumble it's now going to be a Triple Threat Match for the WCWF Women's Champion. Stephanie says and that if that bitch ever put her hands on her brother again she wouldn't have to worry about Charlotte or Sasha because she would beat her ass personally.

(#1 Contenders) Michael Elgin/Rhyno vs. The Hart Dynasty- This was a pretty good one that saw The Hart Dynasty win following a Hart Attack to Elgin. Immediately after the lights went out and the robotic female voice says "It is the end of the world as you know it" (lights on) The E.N.D. (except Cena) attacks everyone in the ring. Baron Corbin says that at Royal Rumble that it would be the end of The Hart Dynasty. 5000 grabs the mic and calls out GM William Regal. Regal makes his way out and 5000 tells Regal that he has no control over The E.N.D. and as a matter of fact he didn't have any control over run Rampage either as a matter of fact you don't run shit and... JOHN CENA WITH AN FU OUT OF NOWHERE TO WILLIAM REGAL FROM BEHIND!!! 5000 says now that is taking care of the floor was Randy's. Randy Orton tell the fans to show him some damn respect and calls his self a legend he says he's been hearing the rumblings all over the internet about how he wouldn't have won the United States Television Championship had it not been for The E.N.D. he says he's going to show them different he said tonight he's going to prove not only did still has it but then he was going to end somebody's career he said bring that unlucky son-of-a-bitch out there right now. (Wyatt Scare) Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt makes their way out. Wyatt and Orton are face to face as the fans goes nuts and begins duel of "Let's Go Wyatt/RKO!" The rest of The E.N.D. clears the ring as the two are face to face. Wyatt leaves the ring and tell Ambrose this was his moment. Ambrose vs. Orton for the United States Title...NEXT!

(WCWF United States Championship) Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose
- Was a pretty good well paced match. At the end, there was an argument between 5000 and Wyatt that lead to Cena decking Wyatt off guard and the two brawling and The E.N.D. jumping him. That distraction cost Ambrose the match with an RKO and 1-2-3!!! After the match, The E.N.D. jumped Ambrose and Orton backed up and set up for the Punt but (Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt is back up and is in Randy's face. Randy tells the rest of the crew to back down and they do. Randy just jumps down and walks away his self. Wyatt's music hits as he checks on Ambrose and The E.N.D. backs down the ramp talking stuff to end the segment.

Backstage Segment
: Owen Hart is still pissed about what happened earlier in the night. He says that this thing with Jason Jordan wasn't over and that it was far from over. JORDAN AMBUSHES HART! "It isn't over ya damn right! It's only getting started." Jordan spits on Owen and walks over him as the announcers put it over as pure disrespect. Triple H's music hits and it's main event time as we take our final commercial break.

(Fatal 5 Way to crown #1 Contender for WCWF Title at Royal Rumble) Stone Cold vs. Roman Reigns vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H vs. Bray Wyatt
- Excellent contest between these 5 marquee stars. Roman Reigns and Michaels spent their focus on Triple H before switching to each other,Austin and Wyatt. Eventually Reigns and Wyatt clear house before being face to face and battling it out. Skip to the end Reigns Spears Triple H,Wyatt Sister Abragail Reigns,HBK Superkicks Wyatt,Austin Stuns HBK and 1-2-3!!!! YAY!!!! AUSTIN IS GOING TO THE ROYAL RUMBLE!!! ITS NOW OFFICIAL JOHN CENA VERSUS STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN FOR THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPIONSHIP AT ROCK BOTTOM III!!! THANKS FOR JOINING US AND... the lights goes out and the robotic female voice says "It is the end of the world as you know it" (lights on) THE END JUMPS STONE COLD AROUND RINGSIDE!!! CENA WITH AN FU THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE TO AUSTIN!!! REIGNS FLIES OVER THE TOP ON CENA AND STARTS ATTACKING AND THE END JUMPS HIM TOO!!! 5000 SPEARS REIGNS THROUGH THE BARRICADE!!! THE END ATTACKS EVERYONE IN THE RING TO END THE SHOW!!!






(WCWF Championship) John Cena vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

(World Heavyweight Championship) Kevin Owens (c) vs. Brock Lesnar

(WCWF Women's Championship) Charlotte Flair vs. AJ Brooks vs. Sasha Banks

30 Men Over The Top Rope Royal Rumble Match
AJ Styles
Braun Strowman
Finn Bálor
The Rock

Big Cass
Curt Hawkings
Jason Jordan
"The One" 5000
Briq Romine
Bully Ray
Big E. Langston
Roman Reigns
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Bray Wyatt

WCWF Friday Night WAR! RESULTS (1/20/17)(Bullet Club Defends Against Zayn and Christian,AJ Brooks vs. Sasha Banks,Styles vs. Strowman In A Last Man Standing Match,Did AJ and AJ Retain Their Rumble Spots?)


(WCWF ID/Pre-Recorded Package Shane announces Styles vs. Strowman would now be Last Man Standing;Package of last week's #1 Contender Tag Match,Sasha Banks/AJ/Charlotte situation)

Backstage Segment: Sasha and AJ are brawling backstage and security breaks it up. Stephanie says "Alright if you two wanna fight you can fight... TONIGHT!! And whoever loses IS OUT of the Triple Threat at Royal Rumble!!"

(WAR Intro Video)

"Bu-Bu-Bullet Club for life!!.." Bullet Club's music hits and James Storm leads Bullet Club to the ring. Storm says that for months the WCWF has disrespected them and it's about time they snap. He says The Young Bucks went from Tag Team Champs to not even being seen on TV,Gallows and Anderson hasn't been given a meaningful storyline since winning those Tag Titles,he says that he hasn't been nothing more than the guy to elevate a guy who can't even get on TV his self since being traded. He says it's time Bullet Club makes a statement. He says he's announcing his self as an entrant in into the 2017 Royal Rumble Match and there wasn't a damn thing anybody could do about it before flipping the mic and leaving the ring with Young Bucks. Anderson with a mic in hand says it's time to make a statement and that once they beat their filler opponents they wanted real opponents. Gallows and Anderson music hits as we cut to commercial. Tag Team Title action is live next!

(World Tag Team Championship) Bullet Club (Gallows & Anderson) vs. Sami Zayn & Christian Cage- This was another damn good match from the Friday Night WAR! Tag Team Division!!! Christian and Anderson take each other out Gallows and Zayn are the two left standing and are the legal men. Zayn starts to come back and hits an Helluva Kick to a near fall. Sami goes for another but Gallows catches him in Powerbomb position and goes for a Jacknife but Sami jumps down and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb and 1-2-Bullet Club begins jumping the two as the fans boo and chant for AJ Styles. AJ Styles music hits and he makes his way out with a baseball bat and Bullet Club retreats before Styles hits a Styles Clash on Sami and throws him out of the ring and a Pele Kick on Christian and throws him out of the ring. AJ Styles said to let that be a lesson that nobody's safe on the Royal Rumble Match. He says tonight he's gonna out Braun Strowman on his big ass and then Royal Rumble Match he eliminates 29 other guys before beating whoever is the World Heavyweight Champion is at Rock Bottom,on the grandest stage to start The Phenomenal Era. AJ Styles music hits as we cut backstage.

Backstage Segment: Shane McMahon is watching on a monitor with Braun Strowman and tells Strowman he wants him to finish him tonight. Sasha Banks music hits and she makes her entrance and she's in action next!

(If AJ wins; Sasha is out of the Rumble Match) Sasha Banks vs. AJ Brooks- This was a bout that could main event any PPV no doubt and it showed why as these two put on an incredible performance to try to put each other away and earn a match with Charlotte Flair. The end of the match, Sasha had AJ in the Bank Statement before the lights went out. When they came back on Sasha was unconscious and AJ capitalized with a GTS to win and retain her spot as #1 Contender. After the match, AJ kicked Sasha out of her ring literally and said to get that trash out of her ring and calls Charlotte out. Charlotte makes her way on the ramp with the title smirking. AJ tells her to wipe that smirk off her face because at Royal Rumble it's about to get real and she was about to look dumb. She says Charlotte is in the business for her dead brother. AJ says that after Royal Rumble she would make Charlotte wish she was in his shoes and drops the mic as Charlotte runs to the ring and goes right after AJ,who gets out of the ring and retreats through the crowd as we cut to commercial.

Backstage Segment: Paige says that she is tired of this "little feud" with Becky Lynch. She said she should've attacked Sasha instead because at least she would've got a real storyline. She says that Becky is as boring as watching paint dry. She says that at Royal Rumble she deads all of this and makes her next goal be the WCWF Women's Championship. She says she hasn't held gold since 2014 and that she was starving for... Becky Lynch attacks her out of nowhere and beats the hell out of her as refs pull her off. Becky says at Royal Rumble,she finishes the job.

(Winners Enters Rumble) Bobby Roode,Jay Briscoe vs. War Machine
- War Machine are already in the ring and Bobby Roode's music hits to a huge pop. Roode's is back from an ankle injury. "And his tag team partner.." Jay Briscoe's music hits and he's FINALLY back from suspension. Roode and Briscoe won this one after Roode tagged his self in after Briscoe refusing to tag him multiple times. Roode puts Hansen away with Roode Bomb. After the match, Briscoe attacked Roode from behind and hit him with the Jay-Driller and throws him over the top rope.

Backstage Segment:Miz and Truth are talking about how they're back and how Finn Bálor and his goons tried to take them out but they're back and still breathing. They challenge any two members of The Conspiracy Theory to next week's In Your House televised special.

Well ladies and gentlemen, we're getting word that as just alluded to next week it's gonna be a Rampage/WAR! Supershow known as WCWF comes In Your House..Ready To Rumble!!, and we can now confirm next week it is being heavily rumored that we will finally see the return of "The Icon" Sting. What will "The Icon" have to say LIVE!?,and that's not all Brock Lesnar returns and will call out Kevin Steen,and so much more. But coming up next it's our Main Event and it is Last Man Standing!!! AJ Styles Royal Rumble fate will be determined as he faces the 400 pound unstoppable monster in Braun Sttowman!!! "BRAUNNNNNNNN!!!" Strowman's music hits and it's next!!!

(Last Man Standing) AJ Styles vs. Braun Strowman- This was a pretty good match that saw Strowman really dominate and AJ playing the underdog he keeps coming back. This was 20 minute PPV length. The end of the match saw Strowman go for a Reverse Chokeslam and AJ flip jumps behind him and Dropkick him off stage causing Strowman to stumble to some stables in front of him off the stage. AJ followed it up with a Moonsault Scorpion Death Drop off the stage to Strowman THROUGH THE TABLE!!! AJ follows it up with a 450 Splash with a steel chair. The ref begins the count and 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9.."Hold up hold up.." Shane appears on the titantron. "Restart the count dammit!!!" The count is restarted and 1..2..3..Strowman is getting back up to his feet and AJ Styles flies off the top for a Phenomenal Forearm and SHANE MCMAHON WITH A CHAIR TO THE BACK OF A MID-AIR AJ OUT OF NOWHERE!!!! STROWMAN WITH THE REVERSE CHOKESLAM TO AJ STYLES!!! Shane says "Hold up hold up,I'm not feeling Last Man Standing..This match is now a Falls Count Anywhere Match!" Strowman pins AJ for only 2 as the fans go wild and continue to wheel AJ on. Strowman puts AJ in a Sleeper Hold and AJ is trying to fight out of it but Shane kicks him low and Strowman chokes AJ out completely to win the match...And AJ STYLES IS OUT OF THE ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH!!!! Fans are booing like hell to end the show!






(WCWF Championship) John Cena vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

(World Heavyweight Championship) Kevin Owens (c) vs. Brock Lesnar

(WCWF Women's Championship) Charlotte Flair vs. AJ Brooks vs. Sasha Banks

(WCWF Tag Team Championships) The E.N.D. (James Tygo,Baron Corbin) vs. B.A.D.A.S.S. (Christopher Daniels,Wade Barrett) vs. The Hart Dynasty (David Hart-Smith,Tyson Kidd)

30 Men Over The Top Rope Royal Rumble Match
Braun Strowman
Finn Bálor
The Rock
James Storm
Jay Briscoe
Bobby Roode

Big Cass
Curt Hawkings
Jason Jordan
"The One" 5000
Briq Romine
Bully Ray
Big E. Langston
Roman Reigns
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Bray Wyatt







(WCWF Championship) John Cena vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

(World Heavyweight Championship) Kevin Owens (c) vs. Brock Lesnar

(WCWF Women's Championship) Charlotte Flair vs. AJ Brooks

(WCWF Tag Team Championships) The E.N.D. (James Tygo,Baron Corbin) vs. B.A.D.A.S.S. (Christopher Daniels,Wade Barrett) vs. The Hart Dynasty (David Hart-Smith,Tyson Kidd)

(World Tag Team Championships) Bullet Club (Gallows and Anderson) vs. Sami Zayn & Christian Cage

30 Men Over The Top Rope Royal Rumble Match
Shane McMahon
Braun Strowman
Finn Bálor
The Rock
James Storm
Jay Briscoe
Bobby Roode

Big Cass
Curt Hawkings
Jason Jordan
"The One" 5000
Briq Romine
Bully Ray
Big E. Langston
Roman Reigns
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Bray Wyatt

In Your House: Final Rumble Before The Rumble (1/23/16)(Cena/Austin Contract Signing,Sting and The Rock finally face to face)


(Video Package of AJ Styles being screwed out the Rumble)

Backstage Segment:Vince McMahon is on crutches in a full body cast talking with Shane and William. He says that William Regal would be running the show as Shane has put his self in the role of a competitor. He dismisses Regal and ask Shane if he realized what he's done. Shane says that since he announced that he is "replacing" AJ,that he would have to replace him in the spot he had AJ in. He says what that meant was Shane McMahon would be the #1 entrant in the Royal Rumble Match!! He tells Shane to get out of his sight.

Brock Lesnar's music hits and he makes his way out to a huge pop. Brock says that "I'm not one for talking so Kevin Steen get your ass out here!" (Drops Mic) We wait moments for Steen before his music finally hits but Paul Heyman comes to the stage to boos. Paul ask them if they we're expecting Kevin Steen. Paul says that Steen wasn't here tonight because Steen is taking a well deserved night off to train for his match at Royal Rumble. He says Lesnar doesn't get that he did what he did because it was a business move. Brock says for Paul to shut up and that he wants Kevin Steen and he knows he's here. Paul says he wasn't and Steen's music hits and he rushes the stage "Brock you want me? You got me! Let's go!" Steen runs down the ramp and Lesnar meets him halfway and Lesnar double legs Steen and starts punching him. Steen flips Brock and starts punching him and Brock throws him off of him and Steen runs at him and gets an F5 from Brock on the ramp. Lesnar throws him in the ring and hits hits a second F5...(Lights Out) "It is the end of the world as you know it" The E.N.D. is here and Brock and Briq are face,-to-face and the two start brawling and The E.N.D. destroys Lesnar and Briq Romine drops Lesnar with a Briq Wall. Steen gets up and Briq drops him with one as well. They head to the stage and Heyman tries to run but Corbin tackles him from behind and bashes his skull into the minitron until Heyman as busted open unconscious.

(Steen/Lesnar Video Package)

Jason Jordan,Paige /w/ Kurt Angle vs. Owen Hart,Becky Lynch
- When we come back we have mixed tag team action. This was about 10 minutes and saw Owen Hart and Becky Lynch pick up the win after Owen pinned Jordan. Following the match, Jordan was pissed off and blamed Paige and yelled at her. Paige screamed back at him and Jordan backhanded her. Angle rushed in and threw Jordan to the ground and asked him what the hell was wrong with her and that was a female. Jordan tells Angle that she was the one he was talking about and motions down the ramp and Sasha Banks music hits and SASHA RUNS TO THE RING AND STARTS ATTACKING PAIGE!!! SASHA IS LIVID!!! After, Sasha makes out with Jason Jordan and leaves with him and Angle as everyone is confused.

Backstage Segment
: Renee Young ask Sasha about what just happened. Sasha says that Paige is the one who attacked her and cost her a shot at the Women's Championship and she knows it as a fact. Paige approaches holding her head and says that she swears she didn't do it. Jordan calls her pathetic and tells her to take her ass on. Renee ask Sasha what's the relationship between her and Jordan. Sasha responds, "That's daddy." And the two start making out again to end the segment.

An acoustic version of Randy Orton's theme song plays and he makes his entrance in slow motion with The E.N.D. standing behind him. "The following contest is a RKOpen Challenge scheduled for one fall and it is for the World Championship Wrestling Federation United States Television Championship!!!...." Randy says that last week he proved the world wrong. He says but yet again they blame The E.N.D. and they make excuses. He says this week he's going to do this all on his own. He challenged anybody in the back to face him for that title and Daniel Bryan's music hits and HE'S BACKKKKK!!!! For the first time since The Bash in August!!! Daniel Bryan's accepts and a classic rivalry is renewed.

(WCWF United States Television Championship RKOpen Challenge) Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan
- This was a MOTY candidate for sure. Randy dropped down the the canvas to set up for an RKO and starts pounding the ground and Randy gets up and sets up for it and Daniel pushes him off and RUNNING KNEE!!! RUNNING KNEE FROM DANIEL BRYAN!!!! 1-2-THR..(LIGHTS OUT) (LIGHTS ON) BRIQ ROMINE WITH A HEADBREAKER TO DANIEL BRYAN!!! (Lights out/on) Randy Orton puts Bryan away.

Rooftop Segment: The E.N.D. is turning up on the roof with a tied up William Regal,who has tape on his mouth. Randy Orton bust the door down and confronts Briq mad as hell "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!! I HAD BRYAN BEAT!!" Briq says that he couldn't let that bitch become champion and that he had Randy's number. Randy tells 5000 to do something about his boy. 5000 responds "Who the hell you raising up on? Ya little bastard. I BROUGHT YOU BACK I'LL TAKE YOU OUT IF YOU EVER TALK TO ME CRAZY AGAIN!!! Randy tries to walk away and said he didn't need this and 5000 snatches his arm and Corbin and Tygo guards the door. 5000 says their was only one way off that roof and that was off it and in a body bag. He told Orton to get his shit together. He tells Cena to get ready for his contract signing and sends Corbin,Briq and Tygo to make sure nothing funny happened. He tells Orton to chill and ask him if he wants a beer to end the segment.

(Cena/Austin Video Package)

Stone Cold/John Cena Contract Signing-
Vince McMahon's music hits and it's time for our contract signing. Vince calls this the biggest Royal Rumble Pay Per View in history and says that the card had Main Events on the entire card. He says and one of the Main Events happens to be the biggest of all time and that's Austin vs. Cena for the first time ever and introduces first Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin's music hits and he makes his entrance to a huge pop. Austin said he still hates his guts to laughter from the fans. Austin says that he's just kidding because Vince earned his respect. He says he used to have respect for John Cena believe it or not. He says that changed when Cena took the easy way out, The Hogan way out and he has no respect for that he says that at Royal Rumble...(Cena's music hits and he interrupts.) Cena says he was going to let Austin continue running his damn mouth but he wanted to hear what also had to say about him to his face like a man. He says that it was funny that Austin say took the easy way out when Austin did the same thing some 15 years ago to The Rock. He said the difference is Austin always got the respect he "deserved" whether it was from the crowd or people backstage he says Austin got more respect than he deserved. He said he could tell Stone Cold Steve Austin what's going to happen at Royal Rumble he said he didn't need The E.N.D, he didn't need Vince McMahon and a steel chair, and that he didn't need an nWo. He says that at Royal Rumble John Cena proves why he is the greatest and signs the contract. Also says well you can prove that you're the greatest at the Royal Rumble (signs on the dotted line) he says "better yet to quote The Rock you can prove it right now." Austin drops the mic and flips the table out the way and Austin and Cena are face to face. Cena simply walks away and poses on the ramp with his title and says that it was on his terms. Austin's music plays as the two talk stuff to each other back and forth as Austin continues to dare Cena to fight him to end the segment.

The Conspiracy Theory vs. The Darkness
- The Conspiracy Theory gets the DQ win after Finn Bálor starts attacking Truth and Miz. The rest of the group jumps in and Jeff Hardy's music hits to make the save and Hardy flees them off only for him to turn around drop Truth with a Twist of Fate. Hardy throws Miz over the top rope as well. Hardy grabs a mic and tells BJ Whitmer he was all his before leaving with them.

(AJ/Charlotte Video Package)

Backstage Segment: Cena takes Regal for a joy ride in The E.N.D. truck as the rest said they had business to handle.

Bobby Roode,Big E,Samoa Joe vs. Jay Briscoe,Silas Young,Bubba Ray Dudley
- Bubba turned on his own team and walked out after having beef with Silas. Heels win with Misery to Big E.

(Royal Rumble Stats Video

RKOpen Challenge announced for Sunday..."But coming up next it's the return of "The Icon" Stin..."

"If YA Sme-ell...What The Rock.. Is Cooking.." The Rock's music hits and he's next!!! "WAIT A MINUTE! HUH? ROCK IS HERE AND I GUESS HE'S NEXT!!!"

When we come back, The Rock is in the ring and says the time for games is over. He says he wanted Stings ass in that ring right now. He says he knows he's here and he's been looking for his ass all night. He says that he wasn't leaving this arena until Sting shows up. (Crow Scare) Sting's music hits and STINGER IS HERE!!!! Sting and The Rock are face-to-face for "This Is Awesome!" chants. After moments of silent staring,Rock says "I just wanna know why? Why? We never had the chance to face off,we never had the chance to wrestle,we never had beef and yet you turn up at Survivor Series and TLC and screw The Rock out of the World Heavyweight Championship and redemption against Brock Lesnar. Why Sting? Sting turns to walk away and Rock snatches his shoulder "Don't you dare walk away from Me Sting!! Answer my question! (Crow Scare) Sting is gone and Rock is looking pissed off and confused in the ring. (Lights out) "It is the end of the world as you know it" (Lights on) The E.N.D. is surrounding The Rock. Roman Reigns music hits,followed by Triple H,Shawn Michaels,Bray Wyatt's,Dean Ambrose,Shane McMahon,Finn Bálor,Braun Strowman,Curt Hawkings,Big Cass,Jason Jordan,Jay Briscoes,Owen Hart,Bobby Roode,Samoa Joe and the ring is full of superstars and all hell breaks loose!!!! Titantron shows Austin beating the hell out of Cena in the parking lot. Meanwhile back in the ring, The final man standing is Finn Bálor..And SETH ROLLINS MUSIC HITS AND HE'S BACK!!!!! SETH AND FINN GOES TO WAR!!! SETH WITH A PEDIGREE TO FINN BÁLOR AND THROWS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE!!! SETH ROLLINS IS BACKKKK!!! THANK YOU LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE'LL SEE YOU THIS SUNDAY ON PAY PER VIEW!!!!
In Your House: Final Rumble Before The Rumble (1/23/16)(Cena/Austin Contract Signing,Sting and The Rock finally face to face)


(Video Package of AJ Styles being screwed out the Rumble)

Backstage Segment:Vince McMahon is on crutches in a full body cast talking with Shane and William. He says that William Regal would be running the show as Shane has put his self in the role of a competitor. He dismisses Regal and ask Shane if he realized what he's done. Shane says that since he announced that he is "replacing" AJ,that he would have to replace him in the spot he had AJ in. He says what that meant was Shane McMahon would be the #1 entrant in the Royal Rumble Match!! He tells Shane to get out of his sight.

Brock Lesnar's music hits and he makes his way out to a huge pop. Brock says that "I'm not one for talking so Kevin Steen get your ass out here!" (Drops Mic) We wait moments for Steen before his music finally hits but Paul Heyman comes to the stage to boos. Paul ask them if they we're expecting Kevin Steen. Paul says that Steen wasn't here tonight because Steen is taking a well deserved night off to train for his match at Royal Rumble. He says Lesnar doesn't get that he did what he did because it was a business move. Brock says for Paul to shut up and that he wants Kevin Steen and he knows he's here. Paul says he wasn't and Steen's music hits and he rushes the stage "Brock you want me? You got me! Let's go!" Steen runs down the ramp and Lesnar meets him halfway and Lesnar double legs Steen and starts punching him. Steen flips Brock and starts punching him and Brock throws him off of him and Steen runs at him and gets an F5 from Brock on the ramp. Lesnar throws him in the ring and hits hits a second F5...(Lights Out) "It is the end of the world as you know it" The E.N.D. is here and Brock and Briq are face,-to-face and the two start brawling and The E.N.D. destroys Lesnar and Briq Romine drops Lesnar with a Briq Wall. Steen gets up and Briq drops him with one as well. They head to the stage and Heyman tries to run but Corbin tackles him from behind and bashes his skull into the minitron until Heyman as busted open unconscious.

(Steen/Lesnar Video Package)

Jason Jordan,Paige /w/ Kurt Angle vs. Owen Hart,Becky Lynch
- When we come back we have mixed tag team action. This was about 10 minutes and saw Owen Hart and Becky Lynch pick up the win after Owen pinned Jordan. Following the match, Jordan was pissed off and blamed Paige and yelled at her. Paige screamed back at him and Jordan backhanded her. Angle rushed in and threw Jordan to the ground and asked him what the hell was wrong with her and that was a female. Jordan tells Angle that she was the one he was talking about and motions down the ramp and Sasha Banks music hits and SASHA RUNS TO THE RING AND STARTS ATTACKING PAIGE!!! SASHA IS LIVID!!! After, Sasha makes out with Jason Jordan and leaves with him and Angle as everyone is confused.

Backstage Segment
: Renee Young ask Sasha about what just happened. Sasha says that Paige is the one who attacked her and cost her a shot at the Women's Championship and she knows it as a fact. Paige approaches holding her head and says that she swears she didn't do it. Jordan calls her pathetic and tells her to take her ass on. Renee ask Sasha what's the relationship between her and Jordan. Sasha responds, "That's daddy." And the two start making out again to end the segment.

An acoustic version of Randy Orton's theme song plays and he makes his entrance in slow motion with The E.N.D. standing behind him. "The following contest is a RKOpen Challenge scheduled for one fall and it is for the World Championship Wrestling Federation United States Television Championship!!!...." Randy says that last week he proved the world wrong. He says but yet again they blame The E.N.D. and they make excuses. He says this week he's going to do this all on his own. He challenged anybody in the back to face him for that title and Daniel Bryan's music hits and HE'S BACKKKKK!!!! For the first time since The Bash in August!!! Daniel Bryan's accepts and a classic rivalry is renewed.

(WCWF United States Television Championship RKOpen Challenge) Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan
- This was a MOTY candidate for sure. Randy dropped down the the canvas to set up for an RKO and starts pounding the ground and Randy gets up and sets up for it and Daniel pushes him off and RUNNING KNEE!!! RUNNING KNEE FROM DANIEL BRYAN!!!! 1-2-THR..(LIGHTS OUT) (LIGHTS ON) BRIQ ROMINE WITH A HEADBREAKER TO DANIEL BRYAN!!! (Lights out/on) Randy Orton puts Bryan away.

Rooftop Segment: The E.N.D. is turning up on the roof with a tied up William Regal,who has tape on his mouth. Randy Orton bust the door down and confronts Briq mad as hell "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!! I HAD BRYAN BEAT!!" Briq says that he couldn't let that bitch become champion and that he had Randy's number. Randy tells 5000 to do something about his boy. 5000 responds "Who the hell you raising up on? Ya little bastard. I BROUGHT YOU BACK I'LL TAKE YOU OUT IF YOU EVER TALK TO ME CRAZY AGAIN!!! Randy tries to walk away and said he didn't need this and 5000 snatches his arm and Corbin and Tygo guards the door. 5000 says their was only one way off that roof and that was off it and in a body bag. He told Orton to get his shit together. He tells Cena to get ready for his contract signing and sends Corbin,Briq and Tygo to make sure nothing funny happened. He tells Orton to chill and ask him if he wants a beer to end the segment.

(Cena/Austin Video Package)

Stone Cold/John Cena Contract Signing-
Vince McMahon's music hits and it's time for our contract signing. Vince calls this the biggest Royal Rumble Pay Per View in history and says that the card had Main Events on the entire card. He says and one of the Main Events happens to be the biggest of all time and that's Austin vs. Cena for the first time ever and introduces first Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin's music hits and he makes his entrance to a huge pop. Austin said he still hates his guts to laughter from the fans. Austin says that he's just kidding because Vince earned his respect. He says he used to have respect for John Cena believe it or not. He says that changed when Cena took the easy way out, The Hogan way out and he has no respect for that he says that at Royal Rumble...(Cena's music hits and he interrupts.) Cena says he was going to let Austin continue running his damn mouth but he wanted to hear what also had to say about him to his face like a man. He says that it was funny that Austin say took the easy way out when Austin did the same thing some 15 years ago to The Rock. He said the difference is Austin always got the respect he "deserved" whether it was from the crowd or people backstage he says Austin got more respect than he deserved. He said he could tell Stone Cold Steve Austin what's going to happen at Royal Rumble he said he didn't need The E.N.D, he didn't need Vince McMahon and a steel chair, and that he didn't need an nWo. He says that at Royal Rumble John Cena proves why he is the greatest and signs the contract. Austin says well you can prove that you're the greatest at the Royal Rumble (signs on the dotted line) he says "better yet to quote The Rock you can prove it right now." Austin drops the mic and flips the table out the way and Austin and Cena are face to face. Cena simply walks away and poses on the ramp with his title and says that it was on his terms. Austin's music plays as the two talk stuff to each other back and forth as Austin continues to dare Cena to fight him to end the segment.

The Conspiracy Theory vs. The Darkness (Broken Matt,Vampiro) /w/ BJ Whitmer and The Demon King
- The Conspiracy Theory gets the DQ win after Finn Bálor starts attacking Truth and Miz. The rest of the group jumps in and Jeff Hardy's music hits to make the save and Hardy flees them off only for him to turn around drop Truth with a Twist of Fate. Hardy throws Miz over the top rope as well. Hardy grabs a mic and tells BJ Whitmer he was all his before leaving with them.

(AJ/Charlotte Video Package)

Backstage Segment: Cena takes Regal for a joy ride in The E.N.D. truck as the rest said they had business to handle.

Bobby Roode,Big E,Samoa Joe vs. Jay Briscoe,Silas Young,Bubba Ray Dudley
- Bubba turned on his own team and walked out after having beef with Silas. Heels win with Misery to Big E.

(Royal Rumble Stats Video

RKOpen Challenge announced for Sunday..."But coming up next it's the return of "The Icon" Stin..."

"If YA Sme-ell...What The Rock.. Is Cooking.." The Rock's music hits and he's next!!! "WAIT A MINUTE! HUH? ROCK IS HERE AND I GUESS HE'S NEXT!!!"

When we come back, The Rock is in the ring and says the time for games is over. He says he wanted Stings ass in that ring right now. He says he knows he's here and he's been looking for his ass all night. He says that he wasn't leaving this arena until Sting shows up. (Crow Scare) Sting's music hits and STINGER IS HERE!!!! Sting and The Rock are face-to-face for "This Is Awesome!" chants. After moments of silent staring,Rock says "I just wanna know why? Why? We never had the chance to face off,we never had the chance to wrestle,we never had beef and yet you turn up at Survivor Series and TLC and screw The Rock out of the World Heavyweight Championship and redemption against Brock Lesnar. Why Sting? Sting turns to walk away and Rock snatches his shoulder "Don't you dare walk away from Me Sting!! Answer my question! (Crow Scare) Sting is gone and Rock is looking pissed off and confused in the ring. (Lights out) "It is the end of the world as you know it" (Lights on) The E.N.D. is surrounding The Rock. Roman Reigns music hits,followed by Triple H,Shawn Michaels,Bray Wyatt's,Dean Ambrose,Shane McMahon,Finn Bálor,Braun Strowman,Curt Hawkings,Big Cass,Jason Jordan,Jay Briscoes,Owen Hart,Bobby Roode,Samoa Joe and the ring is full of superstars and all hell breaks loose!!!! Titantron shows Austin beating the hell out of Cena in the parking lot. Meanwhile back in the ring, The final man standing is Finn Bálor..And SETH ROLLINS MUSIC HITS AND HE'S BACK!!!!! SETH AND FINN GOES TO WAR!!! SETH WITH A PEDIGREE TO FINN BÁLOR AND THROWS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE!!! SETH ROLLINS IS BACKKKK!!! THANK YOU LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE'LL SEE YOU THIS SUNDAY ON PAY PER VIEW!!!!







(WCWF Championship) John Cena vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

(World Heavyweight Championship) Kevin Owens (c) vs. Brock Lesnar

(WCWF Women's Championship) Charlotte Flair vs. AJ Brooks

(WCWF Tag Team Championships) The E.N.D. (James Tygo,Baron Corbin) vs. B.A.D.A.S.S. (Christopher Daniels,Wade Barrett) vs. The Hart Dynasty (David Hart-Smith,Tyson Kidd)

(World Tag Team Championships) Bullet Club (Gallows and Anderson) vs. Sami Zayn & Christian Cage

(WCWF RKOpen Challenge for the United States Television Championship) Randy Orton vs. ???

Paige vs. Becky Lynch

30 Men Over The Top Rope Royal Rumble Match
Shane McMahon
Braun Strowman
Finn Bálor
The Rock
James Storm
Jay Briscoe
Bobby Roode
Samoa Joe
Jeff Hardy
Big Cass
Curt Hawkings
Jason Jordan
"The One" 5000
Briq Romine
Bully Ray
Big E. Langston
Roman Reigns
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Bray Wyatt
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose

WCWF Royal Rumble 2017 Results-(Cena/Austin, GOLDBERG Returns,Major Indy name debuts, Bálor/Rollins,Steen/Lesnar are FAR from finished,Sting challenges The Rock,The E.N.D. makes a statement,Records broke)


(Video Package of AJ Styles being screwed out the Rumble)

(Kickoff Show)
(WCWF Tag Team Championships) The E.N.D. (James Tygo, Baron Corbin) def. B.A.D.A.S.S.
(Christopher Daniels,Wade Barrett) and The Hart Dynasty to retain- This was a pretty good match.

Afterwards, Bullet Club members Gallows and Anderson makes their way to the ring and says they didn't have a problem with Tygo and Corbin. Karl say that they are the longest reigning tag team champions in the short history of the WCWF and that includes the WCWF Tag Team Championships. He says that there wasn't a single team alive that could beat them and ask for Gallows to "Too Sweet" him. They call out any tag team in that locker room who thought otherwise. "The Truth Shall Set You Free!!" Truth and Miz accept the challenge and...

(World Tag Team Championships)
The Miz and R-Truth def. Bullet Club
to become NEWWW Champions after a pretty good lengthy tag team match.

(Main Show)

)WCWF ID/Royal Rumble Video Package...The Countdown to Rock Bottom...Starts NOW!!!
The E.N.D. is on the roof of the arena and 5000 tells them that tonight was all about strategy. He says their mission starts tonight.

(World Heavyweight Championship) Kevin Steen vs Brock Lesnar- Was in an intense brawl that went on for about 10 minutes before the fight went outside and the two fought to a countout and kept going until Brock put Steen through the announce table with an F5.

Backstage Segment: Shane watching on a monitor with Vince. Vince said it must be a winner and ask Shane what he was going to do about it. Shane said he was restarting the match. Vince yelled at him and said that wasn't happening tonight and calls him an idiot and says there's too much going on and the show didn't revolve around them. He says Friday Night on WAR! He would just have to pay Brock extra because that match was happening Friday Night in a No DQ Match.

(Women's Championship) Charlotte vs. AJ Brooks
- Great match,Great chemistry. Bad finish,but it's explained. Charlotte won after Figure 8,the ref called for the bell. Everyone in the arena is confused and the announcers put over that was not supposed to happen and their mics get cut off. Charlotte is confused too. AJ flips out and heads backstage.

(WCWF United States Television Championship RKOpen Challenge)-
Challenge was accepted by as returning Chris Jericho. Randy Orton def. Chris Jericho. This was a pretty good one that saw Orton counter a Lionsault with an RKO for the win.

Backstage Segment: AJ Brooks confronts Shane McMahon and ask him what the hell was that and he says he had nothing to do with it before AJ slaps him. STEPHANIE MCMAHON FROM BEHIND ATTACKS AJ!!! "I told you not to hit my brother again you little bitch!! I screwed you over! Not Charlotte, Not Shane. To teach you a lesson. You "Brooks" aren't wanted around here.

(Intercontinental Championship) Finn Bálor vs. Seth Rollins-Bálor retains with Coup De Grace to the back of the skull of Rollins. This was a classic match and the show stealer after 18 minutes.

(WCWF Championship) John Cena vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin- This was epic! Austin even got chants of "You Still Got It!" The most memorable spot was Austin countering a Top Rope FU into a Stunner. That spot knocked the ref down and Austin got up to 6 on that count. Goldberg's music hits AND GOLDBERG IS BACKKK!!!! FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 2015!!!! Goldberg is in a ref shirt and starts the count and 1-2-Goldberg flips Austin off...AND SPEEEAAARRR TO STONE COLD!!!! Goldberg wakes up the actual ref and Cena covers Austin and 1-2-3!!! Cena retains!!

Lilian Garcia: "Ladies and Gentlemen,it's time for the 2017 Over The Top Rope Royal Rumble Match!!!! Two men will start and every 60 seconds another entrant will enter, eliminations will be scored by throwing your opponents over the top rope and both feet touchinh the ground. This will continue..until one man is left standing and will be declared the winner of the Royyalllll Rummbbblle Matttchhh The winner of this match will go on to get a shot at either the WCWF Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship! Now it's time to find out the entrant that drew #1!!!!" Fans starts booing awaiting for Shane. "Here comes the money,Here comes the money!!!!" Fans booo like crazy as Shane's music continues to play but no Shane. We see on the Tron, that backstage Vince is with in injured Shane on the ground holding his stomach. AJ Styles walks up to a mega pop and says "Damn,Shane are you OK? Vince I guess you need a new #1 entrant?" Mr.McMahon says "FINE!, YOU'RE IN DAMMIT!!! NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SITE!!!" AJ Styles music hits to the biggest pop of the night as fans sing his theme song "They don't want none,they don't want none" with the music. After moments of "AJ Styles" chants. "Now there entrant that drew #2!" Sami Zayn's music hits and he makes his way out to a huge pop. The fans don't know whether to chant "AJ Styles" or "Ole Ole Ole."

30 Men Over The Top Rope Royal Rumble Match-The two start with the "Code of Honor" used in ROH. As both stars are Ring of Honor Legends! The two lock up and AJ throws Sami with a Japanese Arm Drag and that puts a look of shock on Sami's face. The two lock up again and this time Sami switches and goes behind with a German Suplex attenpt and AJ flips over him and Sami hits a Flying Scissors Takeover off of that. Sami now. Sami charges at AJ,and AJ jumps over and hits a Pele Kick as the countdown begins. Sami bounces into the ropes and hits a Clothesline on AJ. 5-4-3-2-1! (Buzzer) (Wyatt Scare) The #3 entrant is Bray Wyatt!! Wyatt goes right after Sami and the two are in a bit of a slugfest and Wyatt drops Sami with a Sister Abragail. Wyatt turns his sights to AJ Styles. Bray and AJ are face to face as the fans chant "Let's Go Wyatt;AJ STYLES!" Wyatt and AJ starts trading blows and Wyatt gets the better of the exchange and whips AJ into the ropes and AJ leapfrogs over Wyatt's head and catapults off the ropes and Moonsaults onto a standing Wyatt. The countdown begins again as AJ runs over a Dropkicks Sami in the corner. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) Curt Hawkings is the #4 entrant and as soon as he gets in the ring,he demands AJ eliminate his self. AJ slaps Hawkings and starts kicking him before dropkicking him out of the ring and Hawkings is the first eliminated Superstar. Sami Zayn tries to eliminate AJ but AJ fights him off. Sami knees AJ in the gut and whips him on the corner and goes for a Helluva Kick but Styles gets out of the way and AJ Styles with a Styles Clash to Sami,Wyatt with Sister Abragail to Sami Zayn. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) JAKE "THE SNAKE" ROBERTS music hits and he's the #5 entrant and him and Bray have a staredown before trading rights. Bray hits the ropes and gets a DDT. Roberts hits Sami with one as well. He lifts AJ up and goes for one on him as well but AJ switches behind and puts him in a Sleeper,before pushing him out his way and Dropkicking him. The countdown begins again and 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) Roman Reigns music hits and he's the #6 entrant and Roman goes straight after AJ with a Superman Punch and connects with one to Jake Roberts as well before tossing him out. Reigns picks up Sami Zayn and attempts to throws him over the ropes. He thinks he does but Sami slides back in and then slides under the bottom rope. Wyatt and Reigns face off before Reigns decks Wyatt in the chin and Wyatt hits a Crossbody on Roman Reigns. Bray tries to toss Reigns over the top rope but Reigns counters and eliminates Bray. Now it's just AJ and Reigns in the ring they get face to face and Reigns tries to go for a Samoan Drop but AJ fights out of it and hits a German Suplex on Reigns and follows it up with a Phenomenal Forearm attempt countered into a SPEEARRRR!! 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) "It's time to play The Game..." Triple H is the #7 entrant. Triple H and Reigns talks shit to each other in each other's face and Reigns headbutts Triple H into the ropes and tries to whip him but Triple H reverses and whips him into the ropes and plants him with a Spinebuster. Triple H kicks Reigns in the gut and sets up for a Pedigree and AJ runs and hits a Neckbreaker on "The Game" causing it the Pedigree on Reigns to also land and take out both men. Time for our next entrant in 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) "Bad boys what's you wanna do.." "5000 from The E.N.D. is the #8 entrant and he immediately ducks a punch from AJ and hits 5K-German (5 Rolling German Suplexes.) He turns his attention to Triple H and starts beating the hell out of him. 5000 throws Triple H out the Rumble before eliminating his self and throwing Triple H into the barricade and another one and snatching him up and Spearing him through the announce table!! 5000 takes a Steel Chair and beats Triple H with it before getting in the ring and beating everyone in the ring with the chair. Time for the next entrant 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) "Bad boys what you gonna do?" Briq Romine is the #9 entrant and starts stomping Roman Reigns before switching his attention to AJ Styles and Hard Irish Whips him into the corner and runs at him and AJ gets out of the way and Pele Kicks him. AJ goes for a Hurricarana out the corner to Briq, and Roman with a German to AJ Styles makes AJ nail the Hurricaranna and take both men down. Roman sets up for a Spear on Briq Romine and hits it. He sets up for one on AJ Styles and AJ reverses with a Sunset Flip. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) "Sorry about your damn like(Bullet Club theme plays from there)" James Storm is the #10 entrant and Storm goes gets in the ring and tries to form an alliance with AJ to eliminate Reigns. Soon as AJ turns his back, Storm attempts to throw him out and AJ counters and tries to throw him out Storm back elbows him in the head. Storm is now beating Styles down and throws him in the corner and throws Briq Romine at him as a Cannonball. Storm lends his hand to Briq and helps him up and the two aligns and hits one on Reigns,before Briq comes out of the corner with a BRUTAL CLOTHESLINE TO JAMES STORM!!! 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer)(Firecrackers) Bubba Ray Dudley is the #11 entrant. Bubba and Briq have a face off before AJ and Roman attacks both from behind and Storm helps AJ with Bubba and Sami runs in to help with Briq. They Irish Whips them into each other making them clash heads and Storm hits a Last Call on Bubba and misses on Briq and gets hits with the Briq Wall. Everyone in the ring jumps Briq and they throw him out. Now Sami,AJ,Roman,Bubba,James Storm face off and they all jump Bubba and throws him out Roman and Sami,AJ and Storm. AJ gets the better of Storm and throws him out and then there we're 3. Sami and AJ teams up on Roman,as we await the next entrant. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) "If Ya Sme-Ell" THE ROCK IS THE #12 entrant and he comes running and punches Sami and starts laying the SmackDown on AJ and goes for The People's Elbow but Reigns blasts him with a Spear. AJ tries to throw Rock over and Reigns picks him up in puts him in Electric Chair position and gets a Frankenstein for his troubles. AJ goes to pick Rock up again and gets a Rock Bottom. Rock hits one on Sami as well and we await the next entrant. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) (Crow Scare) THE FANS GO WILD AS WE AWAIT "THE ICON" STING!!! Stings music hits and Rock's attention is immediately on the Tron distracted as he awaits "The Icon." Sting doesn't show instead a message on the Tron shows while his music play. Sting in a distorted voice says "Rock, years ago you said you wanted to face me. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. You want Sting? You got The Man Called Sting...At Rock Bottom III in Columbus, Ohio!" After words on the tron says "Challenge Issued!" Rock turns around to a SPEAR from Roman Reigns and Roman tosses him out and mean stares Rock. Sami tries to toss out Roman and gets him to the other side of the apron but Reigns punches him and gets back in Spears Sami too. Now we wait for #14! 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) "BRAUNNNNN!!!" Braun Strowman is the #14 entrant and Braun immediately pushes Roman to the ground and Roman gets up punching but Strowman knees him in the gut and chops him in the back. Braun picks up AJ Styles and tries to toss him out and AJ jumps behind him and starts kicking him in the back. Braun goes after AJ and Sami Dropkicks him from behind. Braun goes after Sami and AJ does the same and Reigns blast out of the corner and SPEARS Strowman and throws him out. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) Shawn Michaels music hits and HBK is #15! Shawn gets in the ring and hits a Sweet Chin Music on Sami Zayn. Roman goes right after HBK. And Roman hits Reign goes for The Empire Strikes Back (Razors Edge) and Shawn jumps down and hits a Sweet Chin Music on Roman. AJ and HBK gets face to face as the fans chant "Yes!" The countdown begins again and 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) Seth Rollins is #16 as the fans explode. Seth, AJ,HBK are all three face to face for a "This Is Awesome!" Chant. The three begin trading chops and AJ hits Seth with a forearm and tries to whip him into the corner but Seth counters and Whips AJ and Seth whips HBK at AJ,who Monkey Flips Styles to a Pedigree from Seth Rollins. Seth Curbs Stomps Roman Reigns,who is getting up. Rollins and HBK exchange blows and HBK starts chopping Seth toward the ropes and runs toward him and Seth throws him over. Shawn tries to skin the chicken and BRIQ ROMINE OUT OF NOWHERE SNATCHES SHAWN LEGS DOWN FROM THE OUTSIDE MAKING HIM HIT HIS HEAD ON THE SIDE OF THE RING!!! BRIQ WITH A BRIQ WALL AND HBK HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!! Sami Zayn sneaks up and eliminates Seth to shock from the crowd,5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) Silas Young is out next. Silas is #17. Silas goes to the announcer booth and said he wasn't getting in until he had a Black opponent. Reigns slides under the ropes and starts attacking Silas. AJ and Sami slides under the bottom ropes and Double Moonsaults both and throws them back in the ring. Roman Reigns snatches AJ and Running 360 Spears him through the barricade. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) #18 is Big E. Langston. E goes right after Silas and goes for Big Ending but Silas jumps down and eliminates E. Silas then hits Misery on Sami Zayn. Roman goes for a Spear and gets Misery too. As Silas waits for #19. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) "CAN YOU DIG IT SUCKA!!" BOOKER T IS HERE!! BOOKER T!! Booker goes right after Silas Young and starts beating the crap out of him. Booker throws Silas out and his Scissor Kicks on Reigns and Zayn. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer)Finn Bálor's music hits and he's #20 Finn starts beating the piss out of Booker and throws him out and starts beating everybody up. AJ Styles returns to the ring and goes after Finn and gets dropped with a Atomic Drop and Bulldog. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) (GONG) (GONG) THE UNDERTAKER IS BACK!!! TAKER AND BÁLOR ARE FACE TO FACE AND TAKER STARTS BEATING THE HELL OUT OF FINN AND GOES FOR A CHOKESLAM BUT FINN WITH A DDT! Finn up top with a Coup De Grace to the back of the skull and throws "The Deadman" down. Bálor stares Taker down and the facial expressions said it all this wasn't over. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) Jay Briscoes music hits and he's #22. Reigns Spears him off rip and now Roman and Finn starts going at it. Finn starts beating up Roman and AJ goes after Bálor and gets dropped too. Bálor Dropkicks Briscoe before clotheslining him over the top rope. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) Bobby Roode's music and he's #23 As he makes his way down the ramp,Jay Briscoe attacks him from behind and throws him into the steel steps and throws him in the ring and Sami Zayn hits an Enziguri on Bobby Roode causing an elimination. Afterwards, Bálor gets jumped by all 3 men in the ring and he starts going crazy and beating up all 3. He's about to eliminate Roman Reigns and AJ tries to eliminate both but only 1 of Roman's feet touch the ground. Meanwhile, Bálor is eliminates. Reigns drag AJ over the top rope and the two starts trading blows until Roman clotheslines AJ back in as the countdown begins again. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) Jeff Hardy's "Another Me" theme plays and he's the #24 entrant and he goes straight after Roman Reigns and AJ joins in and we now have a Triple Threat brawl and Hardy and AJ gang up on Reigns and starts trying to get him out but struggles.
5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer)Jason Jordan's music hits and he comes in at #25 Suplexing everybody. Jordan hits Styles with an Angle Slam causing him to slide under the bottom rope out of the ring. Jordan hits one on Sami and one on Reigns. Jordan hits one on Hardy as the countdown clock begins and Jordan waits and 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) Owen Hart is #26 and Hart starts brawling with Jordan and the two are struggling to eliminate each other and Reigns eliminate both. Reigns Spears Jeff Hardy and throws him out too. Reigns and Sami Zayn starts going at it and Reigns tries to eliminate Sami,but Sami fights out of elimination and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) Big Cass is the #27 entrant. Cass comes in headbutting Sami Zayn,Cass then Body Slams Roman Reigns,Cass hits a Big Boot on Sami Zayn. AJ from the apron hits a Phenomenal Forearm on Big Cass and throws him out. AJ then hits a KENTA/Bryan style Running Knee on Sami and a Styles Clash on Roman Reigns. 5-4-3-2-1(Buzzer) "HERO! HERO! HERO!...CHRIS IS AWESOME!!..."(Chris Hero's theme plays) AND CHRIS HERO IS HERE!!? CHRIS HERO IS THE WCWF AND THE FANS ARE GOING WILD AS AJ STYLES IS CONFUSED IN THE RING!!! AJ Styles and Chris Hero are talking in the ring before backing up and pacing around each other before locking up. HERO gets the better and hard Irish Whips AJ in the corner and AJ does an HBK like sell and Hero hits a Hero's Welcome on AJ Styles. Hero then hits a Backroll Twisting Senton on Roman Reigns. Hero then picks up Sami Zayn and throws him out and 5-4-3-2-1! "I hear voices in my head" (Aucostic version of Randy's theme plays) and Randy is #29. Randy and Hero goes to battle and Hero sets up for Hero's Welcome and Orton counters with an RKO. (Wyatt Scare) (Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt is in the ring and Wyatt and Orton are face-to-face as the fans chant "This is Awesome!" Randy takes a swing and (Wyatt Scare) Wyatt is gone and Hero eliminates Orton. 5-4-3-2-1 "You think you know Me..." EDGE IS BACK!!!! Edge and Chris Hero goes at it and Hero hits Edge with a Ripcord and throws him out. Roman Reigns with a Spear on Chris Hero and a Spear on AJ Styles...(Power Fuse) "It is The E.N.D. of the world as you know it" When the lights come back on,JOHN CENA IS IN THE RING WITH A STEEL CHAIR TO THE FACE OF REIGNS!!! JOHN CENA WITH AN FU TO ROMAN REIGNS OVER THE TOP ROPE!!! ROMAN REIGNS HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!? "It is The E.N.D. of the world as you know it" (power fuse) (fuse back on) It's down to Chris Hero and AJ Styles and both men are down. The fans chant "Let's Go Hero! AJ Styles!" The two go to battle and Hero has AJ up top for a Hero's Welcome but AJ gets down and eliminates Chris Hero and AJ STYLES HAS WON THE RUMBLE!!! AJ STYLES IS GOING TO ROCK BOTTOM III!!! THE FANS GO CRAZY AS AJ CELEBRATES WITH PYRO EXPLODING!! AJ Styles celebrates to end the show!




Rampage- WCWF War Games

WCWF MONDAY NIGHT RAMPAGE RESULTS (1/30/17)(Roman Reigns challenges John Cena,War Games and Rock Bottom Main Events made official, Charlotte vs. Becky for Women's Title,The E.N.D. owns the show, Goldberg returns and challenges Austin))

Pre-Recorded Video Package Intro


Vince McMahon is narrating: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Since December a little faction known as The E.N.D. has been terrorizing and destroying the WCWF. Last night at the Royal Rumble, The E.N.D. once again took over a PPV costing Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Roman Reigns the Royal Rumble match. The same faction also attacked Dean Ambrose in the parking lot to prevent his entry in the match. With that being said at the War Games PPV this all comes to an end. He says The E.N.D. will face Triple H, Roman Reigns,Dean Ambrose,Bray Wyatt[/I],Shawn Michaels,and a sixth man in a War Games Match.

(Rampage Intro Video)

Roman Reigns music hits to kick off the show to a huge pop and he makes his way down to the ring as the fans chant "Roman Reigns." Roman stands in the ring and soaks it all up for a few minutes. Roman says he feels the electricity here in Miami tonight. He says he has an idea they already know he's out here. He says before he continue any further..."John Cena get your ass out here. No E.N.D, just Roman Reigns/John Cena face to face." Eiminem "Lose Yourself" plays and Cena in a black hoodie with a "The E.N.D." shirt makes hi way out. Roman says "Look at ya John. What happened to you? You were once a guy that I looked up to. You were once a guy that made me get in this business and you were once a guy that I respected. Believe me it's taking every fiber in my beam right now to keep me from dropping you right now for EVERYTHING you have put me through over the last two months. (Cena looks away) Look at me when I'm talking to you boy. I've said it before,I'll say it again you get in my way it would be repercussions. And I don't give a damn who it is. You've gotten in my way twice John. You have single handedly took it all from me John and now I have nothing else to lose. Cena goes to leave and Roman snatches him up and says he wants an explanation and he wants it NOW! Cena says "YOU!!! YOU WANNA KNOW MY (silence) PROBLEM IS?!?! YOU ARE MY PROBLEM!! THE FUTURE GOTTA GO THROUGH ME AND SO THE HELL DO YOU!!! You wanna talk to me about what you lost? I'VE LOST IT ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" Roman: "Yeah blame your failures on Me,John" John: "MY FAILURES? YOU SON OF A BITCH!! MY FAILURES! YOU'RE BEING HANDED EVERYTHING ON A SILVER PLATTER BECAUSE I LET YOU EXIST THIS LONG...And now that changes." Cena and Roman both look at the Rock Bottom III logo hanging and then back at each other and gets face to face. They look back at the sign and point at it. Cena says "I've been in this position before..And I can see where this is going...The goosebumps,the electricity. You think you're tough? You think you're badass?..Then prove it! At Rock Bottom III in Columbus,Ohio!!! John Cena versus Roman Reigns...FOR THE WCWF CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!! Fans goes nuts and starts changing "YES! YES! YES! YES!" Roman says "You took the word right out of my mouth...I accept!!" Cena puts his hand out and Roman snatches him in his face for an intense stare down. Cena's music plays as the two talk shit to each other. Reigns acts as if he's bout to leave before SPEARING the hell out of Cena. Roman Reigns music plays and he leaves down the ramp looking back pointing at the Rock Bottom sign to end the show.

Cena made the challenge,Roman accepted. The main event of Rock Bottom III is set...16x Champion John Cena defends against Roman Reigns in 6 weeks time in Columbus,Ohio at Rock Bottom III. Well speaking of breaking news, Goldberg is back and last night he cost Stone Cold Steve Austin the WCWF Championship. Later tonight we're gonna find out why as the Former WCW Champion returns to Rampage to explain why later tonight!!!

"Break the walls down..Break down the walls" Chris Jericho's music hits and he makes his entrance. Y2J is in action LIVE next!!

Chris Jericho vs. Big Cass
- Jericho over with the Codebreaker; Post Match-Cass beats the hell out of Jericho and Chokeslams him through the announce table. Cass says for that to be a lesson that nobody was gonna stand in his way.

Backstage Interview: Renee Young ask Triple H how he's feeling physically and what's his mental state following what happened at Royal Rumble. He said he's a little beat up but he's fine and that he doesn't know what the issue with 5000 or The E.N.D. is with him. He says 5000 should have killed him because now he's gonna kill 5000. 5000 from behind with a CROWBAR to the head of Triple H. 5000 beats him with it and ask Renee if she wanted some she runs. 5000 starts beating a Triple H up and he's pouring blood. 5000 drags Triple H to the parking lot and throws him over a railing and bashes his skull into the car and continues to bash his skull into the car window and BREAKS IT WITH TRIPLE H'S FACE!!! 5000 opens the trunk and THROWS TRIPLE H IN THE TRUNK AND DRIVES OUT OF THE ARENA SPEEDING BACKWARDS AND DRIVES IT INTO A BUILDING!! 5000 lights a match and some guys on the street runs up and stops him and he punches them both down and slams one man through the car windshield and Chokeslams the other off a bridge. 5000 is seeing red. 5000 walks away lighting up a cigarette and to end the segment.

Shawn Michaels vs. Jason Jordan /W/ Kurt Angle
- The first ever HBK vs. Jason Jordan match was pretty good. This saw HBK win with a Sweet Chin Music to Jordan. HBK starts celebration immediately and Briq Romine attacks HBK and throws him out of the ring and into the turnpost. He yells for Shawn to get his ass up and hits him with Code-Briq (Cyclone DDT)(name changed again) into the Steel Post. And a second one on the steel steps. Briq then snatches HBK up and drags him up the ramp by his hair and POWERBOMBS HIM OFF THE STAGE!!! Briq Romine stands tall to booing fans and screams for them to shut the fuck up.

(Still to come Goldberg)

Backstage Segment
: Bubba is walking backstage looking for Big E to apologize for getting in his business. He hears loud screaming from a female all the way from the other side of the arena. Bubba thinking she's in trouble sprints. He kicks the door down and Kenny King and Xavier Woods are walking around a room naked (everything is censored of course) as Big E is getting it with Maria. Bubba tells them they we're disgusting. Xavier runs his mouth "Don't think you can bully us around because your bigger than us (before looking down) then again you're really not nobody in this locker room is. Silas Young, Michael Elgin,and Rhyno jumps the in the locker room out of nowhere. Bubba snatches Maria by her hair and demands to her that she needs to come with him. Meanwhile the beat down continues and Silas grabs a knife and kicks the cameraman out and we hear a loud screaming. As the camera is on the door. Michael Bennett runs out of the room looking crazy with blood all over his hands and a "male organ" in hand acting getty screaming "Maria I got it do you want me now?!?!"

Randy Orton's music hits and he makes his way out and says that he is bout damn tired of people saying he can't win without help. He says even after defeating the great Chris Jericho last night he was still hearing it. He says so looks like he gotta resort to being the legend killer once more and challenges any legend in the back to come to the ring and face him right now. Jake "The Snakes" Roberts music hits and the fans come unglued.

(WCWF United States TV Title RKOpen Challenge) Randy Orton vs. Jake "The Snake Roberts"-
The E.N.D. attacks Roberts on the ramp as soon as he makes his way out and drags him backstage. Orton says that's what he thought and goes to leave the ring. (Wyatt Scare) when the lights come back on Bray Wyatt is in the ring. Randy turns around slowly and the two gets face to face. (Lights goes out again and comes back on) 5000 WITH A CROWBAR TO THE BACK OF THE SKULL OF BRAY WYATT!!! THE E.N.D. IS JUMPING BRAY!!! Ambrose runs to ringside to make the save but he gets jumped too. Roman Reigns runs out and gets destroyed as well. They put Reigns through the announce table. Before going back to Bray and beating the holy hell out of him. Randy finishes it with an RKO. The E.N.D. leaves bodies in their wake.

Christopher Daniels, Wade Barrett vs. The Hart Dynasty
- The Hart Dynasty gets the upset following a argument from Barrett and Daniels that lead to Barrett laying out his partner with a Bullhammer Elbow and leaving. Afterwards, DREW MCINTYRE IS BEATING THE HELL OUT OF DANIELS AND IS SETTING UP FOR A FUTURE SHOCK DDT!! Barrett runs in and saves his "partner" before turning and dropping him with a Wasteland.

Charlotte's music hits and she proclaims herself as the greatest wrestler of all-time and says that she had AJ beat and that she didn't need Stephanie to get in her business but she would deal with her later. She says but as for right now. If there's any women's wrestler who thinks they can beat her to bring their ass out there. Becky Lynch's music hits and she says "I don't think I know!!!" Charlotte says that Becky wasn't on her level. Becky says if Charlotte was so sure for her to put the title on the line right now. Charlotte tries to back out but Becky calls her a pussy and Charlotte accepts.

(WCWF Women's Championship) Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch
- Great 18 match Main Event match here. The original finish saw Becky pin Charlotte to win the title but the ref realized her foot was under the ropes and restarted the match. The second finish saw,Becky dropkick Charlotte out the ring. Charlotte put knucks on and when Becky went for a Suicide Dive she flew into a nasty shot with the knucks. The ref didn't notice the knucks. Charlotte got her back in the ring and faked a knee injury to remove the knucks and slid them under the ring. Charlotte gets in the ring and puts Becky away with Natural Selection for the pin and win using the ropes for leverage.

Goldberg's music hits and he's makes his way out. Goldberg says he's just gonna get to the chase. He says he attacked Steve Austin because he had unfinished business with him. He says before last night that the last time the two was in a ring together Austin dropped him with a Stone Cold Stunner. He says he wasn't getting any younger and that he wanted one last match. He says and to cut to the chase and not be long winded. He says he wants that last match to be (points to Rock Bottom III logo) at Rock Bottom III in Columbus,OH... against "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. He says a match, 20 years in the making. Goldberg drops the mic and his music plays and it's cut off by "Bad Boys what ya gonna do.." The E.N.D. makes their way back out and surrounds Goldberg. The E.N.D. jumps Goldberg and leaves him lying to end the show!











WCWF Friday Night WAR! RESULTS (2/4/17)(Chris Hero Debuts,Undertaker Returns, AJ Styles vs. Finn Bálor,New Champion Crowned,Lesnar vs. Steen for the World Heavyweight Championship, Cesaro Returns)


(WCWF ID/Video Package of AJ Styles winning The Royal Rumble from the #1 Spot)

AJ Styles music hits to a huge pop and he makes his way out. The fans chant for AJ and he says he can't believe he's saying this but.."Thank you! Thank each and every one of you that's been supporting AJ Styles since last April." He says that since Rock Bottom III,he hasn't been getting the respect he deserves and the recognition he deserves as the true best in the world. He says that the truth is the WCWF doesn't want AJ Styles to succeed because I remind them of the other AJ's husband. He says the fact if he is 10 times better than him. He says he's 10 times the wrestler he is. He says that and unlike him he would never walk out on the business he loves and the people who's supported him most. He says that he's next move is his best move and he'll say the same thing he said before Royal Rumble. He didn't care whether it was Brock Lesnar or whether it was Kevin Steen. He says at Rock Bottom,AJ Styles would leave the World Heavyweight Champion. "Here comes the money,here we go." Shane McMahon makes his way to the stage and congratulated AJ. He says AJ outsmarted him and snuck into the Royal Rumble Match. AJ says he didn't sneak into anything. He says he beat Shane's ass and his idiotic father put him back in the Rumble and from #1 in a record setting 67 minutes he won the entire thing. Shane says well he's glad he's happy. Shane says that at Royal Rumble he assaulted an official when he attacked him. He says and also he never officially put him in the match,he says he's father was acting out of panic. He says that while AJ will always be the 2017 Royal Rumble Match winner because that result could never be changed. He says that AJ Styles could be the first Royal Rumble Winner in history to not make it to Rock Bottom. He says because AJ Styles is gonna have a little detour.. Actually a pretty huge detour. He says that AJ Styles would have to defend his Royal Rumble spot inside the Elimination Chamber in just two weeks. He says as for tonight and right now..AJ Styles has a match winner Intercontinental Champion Finn Bálor. Finn Bálor's music hits and BJ Whitmer and makes his way out as The Broken Hardy's brings the cage out and sits it down and unleashes The Demon King. Finn crawls to the ring and the rest of The Darkness leaves.

AJ Styles vs. Finn Bálor
- Finn and AJ are face to face to reignite this now classic WCWF rivalry. Finn just stands there waiting motioning for AJ to hit him. AJ slaps him and Finn ask for him to hit him again and AJ does and Finn takes off and knees him in the gut and back kicks AJ (almost like an uppercut with his foot) backwards. Finn snatches AJ up and throws him in the corner and runs at him and Dropkicks him and does it again. Finn lifts AJ up by his neck and Choke Tosses him over the Top Rope. Finn hits the ropes and flies out with a Split Leg Somersault Plancha. Finn then throws AJ into the Steel Steps and then into the barricade. Finn starts beating the hell out of AJ on the outside and throws him out over the announce table as the heartbeat sounds starts and the lights starts flickering red and pitch black and "FINN IS NOW IN FULL DEMON MODE!!!" "LETS GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!" Finn continues beating up AJ as fans chant for "Undertaker." Finn gets even madder at the fans chants and takes his Demon Bat and starts beating AJ Styles with it. (GONG) (He Rises Video Package) (GONG) Finn is looking at the Tron and gets even more pissed and ties a rope around the neck of AJ. "DEMON KING CALM DOWN!!! STOP!!!" BJ Whitmer makes his way out and tells him to calm down. Finn in a demonic voice says "Not until I get another match!!!"

"Here comes the money.." Shane says "You want another match. That's fine..But it's gonna be for the Intercontinental Championship. Your opponent...WAR!'s newest signee... CHRIS HERO!!! The fans goes nuts and sings "Hey we need a hero!..Hey we need a hero" as Chris Hero's music hits.

(Intercontinental Championship) Finn Bálor (c) vs. Chris Hero
- Hero tries to lock up but Finn kicks him in the gut and the lights and heartbeat begins going off again and Finn completely demons up and starts beating the holy crap out of Hero. Finn is up top and (GONG) (lights goes out) (GONG) (lights on) THE UNDERTAKER IS HERE AND HE KNOCKS FINN OFF THE TOP ROPE! UNDERTAKER THROWS FINN AT THE BARRICADE AND CHOKESLAMS HIM THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! TAKER TOMBSTONES HIM THROUGH THE OTHER!!! TAKER THROWS HIM BACK IN THE RING AND TOMBSTONES HIM AGAIN!!! (GONG) (GONG) lights come back on and Taker is gone and Chris Hero for the cover and 1-2-3!!! CHRIS HERO IS YOUR NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION!!!! After the match, Hero goes to celebrate and gets attacked by Finn. AJ Styles makes the save using Finn's demon bat. Styles beats the hell out of Bálor with it and Finn retreats backstage looking pissed.

Backstage Segment
: Finn is pissed off looking for Undertaker. He tells Shane he wants Undertaker and he wants him at Rock Bottom. Shane says it wasn't how that worked and he needed to change his temper talking to him. Finn starts attacking Shane and throws him through a door and goes to continue but BJ grabs him and asks him if he's crazy that's the General Manager. Finn says he didn't care and he didn't need BJ's help because it wasn't getting him nowhere. Finn says he's on his own and walks away. "BRAUNNNN!!!" Braun Strowman's music hits and he makes his way out because he's in action next.

Sami Zayn's music hits and it's time for our next contest

Braun Strowman vs. Sami Zayn- Sami goes right after Braun,but Braun eats all of his moves and tosses him around the ring like a ragdog. Braun puts Sami away with with a Reverse Chokeslam for the win. Braun grabs a mic and says "SHANE!!! ELIMINATION CHAMBER...I WANT IN!!!"

Backstage Segment: Renee ask Miz and Truth about their World Tag Team Championship win an before they can talk Bullet Club jumps them. Anderson says that Elimination Chamber they wanted their rematch.

Paige vs. Mickie James- Paige and Mickie put on a helluva contest. This was an 18 minute Match that saw Paige win by with RamPAIGE after the match she's attacked by a mystery woman and is left lying.

Samoa Joe vs. Jim Barbados (Local Competitor) in a squash match with Rear Naked Choke.

Jay Briscoe vs. Bobby Roode
-Bobby Roode's music hits and he gets attacked from behind by Jay Briscoe on stage. Briscoe hits him with a Jay Driller and says he didn't care about a Bobby Roode. He says he wants a shot at the Intercontinental Title.

Jay Briscoe makes a statement and speaking of statements. Sting made it clear at Royal Rumble he wants The Rock at Rock Bottom III. Well next week "The Great One" will be here live to respond to "The Icon," but coming up next. It's our main event and it is for the World Heavyweight Championship in a rematch from Sunday's Royal Rumble pay-per-view it's Kevin Steen it's Brock Lesnar and it's next!

Brock Lesnar's music hits to a huge pop as he makes his way down the ramp and it's time for our Main Event!!! Brock vs. Steen for the World Heavyweight Championship and it's next!!

Kevin Steen's music hits and he's out with Heyman. Lesnar immediately get out of the ring and Steen goes charging and the two brawl outside before the match even starts. Lesnar starts getting the better before tossing Steen in the ring. Lesnar gets back in the ring to officially start this one.

(World Heavyweight Championship) (No Disqualification Match) Brock Lesnar vs. Kevin Steen /w/ Paul Heyman- Steen chargers Lesnar in the corner for some Shoulder Blocks, seating Lesnar in the corner and hitting a Cannonball. Steen clotheslines Lesnar over the top rope and goes for a Suicide Dive but Lesnar side steps and Steen lands face first on the ground and Steen is out. Lesnar snatches him up off the ground for 3 Rolling Germans. Lesnar picks him up and rambs him into the Steel Ring Post. Lesnar then goes after Heyman,Heyman runs away backstage. Lesnar turns around to a Somersault Plancha from Kevin Steen. Steen throws Lesnar back in the ring and throws him into the ropes for a Pop Up but Lesnar jumps over him and goes for an F5,Steen jumps down and hits a German on Brock. He throws Lesnar in the corner and goes for another Cannonball and Brock counters and drops him with an F5 and go for the cover for only a nearfall. Lesnar picks Steen up and sets him up for a second one and Heyman comes on stage with a distraction...AND SOMEBODY FRKM BEHIND WITH A LOW BLOW TO LESNAR!!! "WHO THE?!?! WAIT A MINUTE THAT'S CESARO!!! HES BACK!!!" CESARO STARTS BEATING BROCK WITH A STEEL CHAIR BEFORE HITTING HIM WITH A NEUTRALIZER AND A SECOND ONE!!! Cesaro leaves down the ramp to a mixed reaction of boos,cheers,and holy shit chants. Steen picks Lesnar up and throws him into the ropes for Pop Up Powerbomb and hits 2 Packaged Piledrivers!!!! and 1-2-3!!!! KEVIN STEEN RETAINS!!! KEVIN STEEN IS GOING TO ROCK BOTTOM!!!!!











We can now confirm that at Rock Bottom III,8 men will compete for the infamous Money In The Bank briefcase in a ladder match at Rock Bottom III. Money In The Bank originated back in 2005 from the mind of WCWF Superstar Chris Jericho. WCWF has done two variation of the match including the WAR GAMES Briefcase Ladder Match and the Hells Gate Briefcase Ladder Match. The briefcase holder will have up to a year to cash in or the contract will be in void.
WCWF MONDAY NIGHT RAMPAGE RESULTS (2/07/17)(The Shield vs. The E.N.D., The E.N.D. runs rumpshot and destroys Vince,Police standoff leads to show being cut off))

(Pre-recorded video package intro of Goldberg challenging Austin to Rock Bottom,Reigns and Cena making it official,and The E.N.D. taking out HHH, HBK, Bray Wyatt,and Goldberg)

(Rampage Intro Video)

"Bad boys what ys gonna do..." The E.N.D. makes their way out first and talks about taking out Bray Wyatt,Triple H,Shawn Michaels,William Regal and Bill Goldberg last week on Rampage and that if somehow,someway,by some miracle makes it to War Games that they would finish the job. 5000 adds that WCWF Champion John Cena was taking a well deserved night off,but the rest of them we're looking for trouble and that they wanted a fight. He adds that if nobody showed up in under a minute that The E.N.D. was going to go into business for their selves and destroy the show. He tells somebody in production to put a one minute time limit on the from. After nobody shows up, The E.N.D. sprints backstage as we cut to commercial break.

When we come back, Jason Jordan's music hits and he's in action. Jordan and Angle are out first but its cut off with footage of The E.N.D. sprinting backstage, kicking a locker room door down and jumping The Hart Dynasty. Briq throws Tyson into the shelves and picks him up for Randy to hit an RKO. Meanwhile, Corbin and Tygo holds David as 5000 hits him with a Crowbar in the stomach and continue to beat him up with it as Jason Jordan watched from the ring. 5000 then beats Tyson Kidd's skull with in with the crowbar and he's pouring blood too.

"Break The Walls Down..." Chris Jericho is making his entrance and gets attacked on stage by The E.N.D. The six men then walks down to the ring and surrounds Jason Jordan and Kurt Angle before jumping them. The two try to fight but gets destroyed. Corbin Chokeslams Angle THROUGH THE RING!!!! The rest of The E.N.D. continued to destroy the two leaving the match a no-contest. They head backstage again and steps over a laid out Big Cass in the curtain way. Renee Young approaches them asking what are they doing and Briq snatches her by the jaw and says "Mind your business bitch." Randy says, "Wait Briq,she's kinda hot. Don't hurt her pretty little face" and runs his hands through her hair as she snatches away in fear. Randy says, "Don't snatch away from me bitch," and drops her with an RKO. Randy tells Corbin and Tygo to, "Grab her. We can't let this opportunity go by." Tygo and Corbin each grab a leg and drag Renee as The E.N.D. continues walking backstage. "What's the metronome I hear. Perhaps the end is drawing near.." Drew McIntyre's​ music hits and he makes his Rampage in ring debut next.

When we come back,Christopher Daniels music hits and he's next.

Drew McIntyre vs. Christopher Daniels
- Daniels starts attacking McIntyre off rip,fighting with a purpose. McIntyre starts to come back and this ones an all out brawl. Daniels comes back and dropkicks McIntyre out of the ring and flies over the ropes with a Tornado DDT on the outside to McIntyre. Daniels gets him over to the barricade and starts banging his head on it and McIntyre elbows him in the gut and throws him back in the ring. When Daniels gets back in McIntyre hits a Future Shock DDT for the win. After the match, McIntyre continues to stomp him before Wade Barrett runs down and makes the save. Barrett gets on the mic and says last week he was frustrated and that he owes it to his partner to kick some ass. Barrett helps Daniels up and then DROPS HIM WITH A WASTELAND!!! My partner is Drew McIntyre!! And at War Games, you find a partner and we'll kick both of your asses. McIntyre laughs on stage...THE E.N.D. AMBUSHES DREW MCINTYRE FROM BEHIND ON STAGE AND JUMPS HIM!!! BARRETT GOES FOR THE SAVE AND GETS KNOCKED OUT BY BRIQ ROMINE! 5000 THROWS MCINTYRE OFF STAGE!! Randy slides in the ring and PUNTS CHRISTOPHER DANIELS IN THE SKULL!!!


When we come back,the brawl is still going on but throughout the ringside area. Vince McMahon's music hits and he orders them all to stop and makes a six-man tag for right now. The Shield vs. The E.N.D. (Briq,5000,Orton..) IN A FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE ELIMINATION MATCH!!!

(Falls Count Anywhere Tornado Elimination Match) The Shield vs. The E.N.D. (Randy Orton,5000,Briq Romine)
- This match went on for 20 minutes and went all around the arena. Ambrose and 5000 fought up the stairs and in the streets,Briq and Rollins fought backstage to the parking lot. Orton and Reigns really stayed around ringside generally. But at one point fought backstage and back in the arena,into the crowd and then back to ringside by the end of the match. 5000 bashes Ambrose head into somebody's car window. The man get out of the car looking for trouble from 5000 and GETS THROWN IN FRONT OF A SPEEDING CAR. Ambrose capitalizes with glass in his face and all and jumps off the car onto 5000 with a Diving Elbow. Ambrose puts 5000 on top of the car and goes for Dirty Deeds on top of the car and gets dropped with a SkullCracker (Cutter) on top of the car and 1-2-3!!! Ambrose is eliminated. Meanwhile ringside, Orton and Reigns takes the right backstage and Briq is dominating Rollins, repeatedly kneeing him in the gut. Briq puts Rollins on his shoulder and Rollins jumps down and 5000 IN A CAR TRIES TO RUN SETH ROLLINS OVER!!! Rollins gets out the way and goes after Rollins and gets jumped by 5000 and Briq. Briq with a Code-Briq (Cyclone-DDT) on the concrete floor bust Rollins wide open and Briq pins him for the win and Rollins is eliminated. Meanwhile, Roman Reigns is setting up Randy Orton for a Spear. 5000 and Briq Romine begins making their way down out breathe the ramp to distract Reigns,who is ready for them and anticipating...and WAIT A MINUTE!!! CENA'S HERE!! CENA SLIDES IN THE RING BEHIND REIGNS AND ROMAN DOESN'T NOTICE!! REIGN TURNS AROUND JOHN CENA WITH AN FU TO ROMAN REIGNS!!!!! RANDY ORTON IS HEARING VOICES AND DROPS REIGNS WITH AN RKO AND 1-2-3!!!! ROMAN REIGNS HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!! THE E.N.D. WINS!!! 5000 out of breathe grabs a mic and says.. ."We warned you Vince... Now your ass is next!!!"

Vince McMahons music hits and says that if The E.N.D. wanted him that they had him. The E.N.D. STARTS JUMPING VINCE AND 5000 BEATS HIM IN THE HEAD WITH A CROWBAR!! 5000 BREAKS BOTH OF HIS ARMS WITH A DOUBLE KIMURA AND RAINS HEAVY BOXING DOWN PUNCHES ON THE SKULL OF VINCE!!! VINCE IS NOT BREATHING AS THE E.N.D. CONTINUES THE ASSAULT!!!! "This is G**damn shoot..." - JR says and the COMMENTATORS JUMP IN THE RING AND GETS DAMN NEAR KILLED!!! The arena lights goes out out and we can hear police saying that they had the place surrounded over the loud speaker and for the fans to evacuate the premises. 5000 tells Corbin to grab a hostage and he does and the fan squirms. He tells Tygo to bring in their other hostage (Renee Young.) And the rest of The E.N.D. pulls out guns. Corbin threatens to blow Renee's brain off if any officer came any closer and we have a shoot off between The E.N.D. and police as USA Network cuts off the feed to the show.

BREAKING NEWS: USA NETWORK CANCELS NEXT WEEK'S EDITION OF RAMPAGE Officials at USA Network are apparently not thrilled with recent happenings on Rampage. The police stand off was said to be the final straw. Network officials are considering canceling Rampage altogether. Storylines causing the problem is the "Silas Young Hates Black People" angle, the angle of Curt Hawkings not liking "f*ggots" angle, and some of the stuff with The E.N.D. being too violent and the terrible profanity. USA is heavily considering dropping their deal with the World Championship Wrestling Federation. The network was also considering this after news broke of Chris Benoit's Double Murder/Suicide. But now discussions are even more serious. More details as they come in.



















Nick Paglino February 05,2017


The internal feeling backstage is with this being the "Reality" era, the WCWF wanted to bring in something that fits that. With everything going on with the "Black Lives Matter." The WCWF wanted to use that as a launching pad for an African Americans career.

Original plans called for Big E. or Jay Lethal to eventually be managed by Xavier Woods into defeating Silas Young at Rock Bottom. When Lethal went down with his injury,plans changed to Big E. However, WCWF scrapped the feud early due to Big E not feeling, "comfortable" continuing the story. Plans changed to Booker T, until USA Network started complaining about the angle being too, "controversial." The character is ultimately being scrapped due to Silas Young, not feeling, "comfortable" playing the character. The main reason, Bully was brought back was as a well to slowly dissolve the story. Michael Bennett and others was brought it causing it to be a big mess.

Speaking of the storyline, at one point in the story there was a hint that Big E and Maria had a sextape out. However, that was never true. Despite that, a real life sextape between Maria (who is real life married to Michael Bennett) and Kenny King has leaked online and has been buzzing the internet. Kenny King and Maria Kanellis has been placed under suspension over the course of the next 30 days.

WCWF Friday Night WAR! RESULTS (2/11/17)(Kane and Shinsuke Nakamura Returns, Bálor vs. Hero II for IC Title, Nakamura vs. Hardy,Rock Accepts Sting's Challenge!,Chaos Before Elimination Chamber)


(WCWF ID/ Video Package of Miz and Truth winning tag titles at Royal Rumble)

Backstage Segment:
Shane McMahon is with Miz and Truth and says that he asked them there because he was just reviewing the footage from Royal Rumble and noticed that Gallows foot was under the ropes. Truth ask what was that supposed to mean. Shane says that what it meant was they are not the Tag Champs (fans boo.) He says that Gallows and Anderson are still the champs. He says what he's gonna do is allow them to face the champs tonight for the Tag Team Championships if they do the right thing and give him back the belts. Miz ask what happens if they don't. He say that he would fire them and sue them for every penny and see to it that they never had any opportunity at any Championship in any promotion ever again. Truth says because they knew they could beat Gallows and Anderson and that they would that they would give them back the titles. Miz says tonight they would officially becomes the champs. Shane thanks them and says he respects them for doing the right thing. Truth says, "whatever" and walks away.

(WAR! Intro Video)

Finn Bálor's music hits and he makes his way out to the ring and says wasnt leaving the ring until it was official. Finn Bálor vs. The Undertaker at Rock Bottom III. "Sorry about your damn luck..4 Life" (Bullet Club music kicks in.) James Storm says that if anybody was gonna face The Undertaker at Rock Bottom and and had the ability to end the streak it would be him. He says that Finn thinks because he can turn into a demon that he is one. He says Finn's best chance of beating Undertaker or anyone was when he was brainwashed by BJ Whitmer. He says that now Finn doesn't have a chance and that he needed to back off. SHINSUKE NAKAMURA'S MUSIC HITS AND HE'S BACK!!! He says that if anyone was facing Undertaker it was him. He says, "besides I'm the one that drove Finn to become the demon." Jeff Hardy's music hits and he says "Finn, you turned your back on BJ Whitmer. But under BJ's leadership, I will be the one. He says that nobody in the ring had a chance to beat Undertaker. Because none of them had been in the ring with him except him. He says that he knew what it took to beat Undertaker. Because unlike the rest of them He's actually done it before. (Pyro Explodes) KANE IS BACK!!!! Kane says "Except me Jeff, The sole purpose why I came into this business was to take my brother out for what he did to me and I've always gotten close but never succeeded.. Shane McMahon interrupts and says he was just going to give the match to Finn...Until he attacked him last week. He says he wouldn't suspend him because he honestly blames Undertaker for that. He says however that it would be an Elimination Chamber match with all 6 of those names to determine Taker's Rock Bottom opponent. Announces entrants for other Elimination Chamber as first reported by WCWF.com to be Styles, Zayn,Joe, Strowman,Lesnar,and Cesaro. He announces a confrontation for later tonight between the 6. As for the other men in the ring. Nakamura would face Jeff Hardy,Kane would face James Storm,and Finn Bálor would get his IC Title rematch against Chris Hero right now as Shane's music plays as we cut to commercial.

(IC Title) Chris Hero vs. Finn Bálor- When we come back this match is already in progress and Bálor has Hero in a Rear Naked Choke trying to choke him out. As fans wheel Hero on as he rolls over and stands up and runs backwards into the corner and starts back elbowing Finn and gets out of it. Hero stumbles a bit as he was moving forward and as he's doing that the lights starts flickering and the heartbeat sound begins and the lights goes out. When they come back on, the arena is crimson red and The Demon's music is playing and THE DEMON IS BEATING THE CR-A-APP OUT OF HERO AND CONTINUES THE ATTACK (PYRO EXPLODES) Kane's music hits and he makes his way down and gets face to face with The Demon. Shane's music hits and he ask the fans if they wanted to see "The Demon Versus The Demon King." The fans starts chanting "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Shane says "THEN IF OFFICIAL!! THAT MATCH WILL...NEVER HAPPEN!!!" Shane walks away to boos and KANE AND THE DEMON STARTS GOING AT IT!! Security runs out to separate them and the two starts destroying security and The Demon walks away. James Storm's music hits and he smirks in The Demon's face and the two gets to brawling before the two are pulled apart and The Demon yells demonically, "This isn't over!!"

Kane vs. James Storm- These two legends went at it for 13 minutes. The finish saw Kane go for a Chokeslam but the lights went out. When they came back on, Kane was unconscious with his mask off and his face in a bloody heap. James Storm went to capitalize with a Last Call before the lights goes out and becomes Crimson Red as The Demon's music plays the same thing happens to him but this time THE DEMON IS BEATING BOTH WITH HIS BAT!!! The Demon is lifted in the air and crawls through a hole at the top of the arena.

Backstage Segment: Bobby Roode is walking backstage looking for Jay Briscoe pissed off and Shane says he wasn't here. Roode yells at Shane and calls him a f(bleep)ing liar. He tells Shane that the last time somebody of authority tried to get in his way, he dropped his ass at Rock Bottom I. Shane ask if he was threatening him. Roode goes to say something else but gets AMBUSHED BY BRISCOE!!! Briscoe hits Roode with a Jay-Driller on the hard floor. Briscoe says that he would take care of Roode at Elimination Chamber. Shane books the match.

Sasha Banks music hits and she makes her way out and says that she is tired of Paige accusing her of attacking her when she didn't. She says that Paige was the one to attack her weeks ago, but she has yet to retaliate. She says that Paige even said that she was gonna attack her for clout. She says that at Elimination Chamber, Paige would find out that you don't play kid games with the boss. PAIGE AMBUSHES SASHA!!! "I TOLD YOU NOT TO F(SILENCED) WITH ME!!! THIS IS MY HOUSE YOU LITTLE BRAT!!" PAIGE WITH RAMP-PAIGE TO SASHA!!! "You just had to find out the hard way. That's why you attacked me because words I said as a compliment. I NEVER ATTACKED YOU!!! YOU ATTACKED ME!! and tonight...I retaliated!" (Drops mic.)

Pre-Recorded Video: AJ Styles says the WCWF and more specifically Shane O' Mac has tried everything in their power to keep AJ Styles away from greatness. He says that every time they've failed. He says the WCWF tried to bury AJ Styles, because he brought the edge to the company. He says that he still BOUNCED BACK! He says that they threw everything and everybody in his way..from Demons,to Deadman,to Rattlesnakes, and he still BOUNCED BACK! He says Shane tried to ensure that he wouldn't be in the Royal Rumble Match and not only did he bounce back, but he won the entire thing. He says that Elimination Chamber would be no different. He says "Monsters will fall, Underdogs wouldn't leave the underground, Samoans would become just another Joe, Swiss Superman's wouldn't be so super, and Beast will be slayed. At Elimination Chamber, The Phenomenal Era truly begins."

Pre-Recorded Video
: Sami Zayn says that he's been overlooked his whole career and that he's been underappreciated his whole career. He says that changes Sunday night. He says Sunday at Elimination Chamber that the underdog would rise from the Underground and win and go on to get revenge on Kevin Steen and leave Rock Bottom as the World Heavyweight Champion.

Shinsuke Nakamura's music hits and he's in action...NEXT!!!

When we come back the lights goes out and "Another me is what their will never be..."

Jeff Hardy's makes his way out with The Darkness (Broken Matt, BJ Whitmer) behind him.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Jeff Hardy
- This was an INSANE match!! Better than their clash at King Of The Ring. Hardy went over with the Twist Of Fate and after BJ cut a promo telling Nakamura, they had an open spot in The Darkness and it's his for the taking. He says he sees Nakamura's wild side and if he takes it. He can be a big star. He says if he didn't believe him to just ask The Demon King and to ask Jeff Hardy. Hardy's music plays "and well coming up next...Are you ready for this? The Rock will respond to Sting's Rock Bottom challenge. It's LIVE and it's NEXTTT!!!

"If YA SME-Ell..What The Rock..Is Cooking.." The Rock's music hits and he makes his way out. Rock says "Finally The Rock has come back to..(fans continue to boo)..To..Pittsburgh!!" Fans begin booing. Rock says the electricity of this crowd is something else right now. Fans chant for Sting. The Rock says, "About Sting. The Rock is gonna make it short and to the point. The Rock wants to know if he accepts the challenge..If he's actually gonna show up at Rock Bottom or are is Sting gonna be the same coward little bitch, that no showed the Royal Rumble Match. Sting let The Rock talk directly to you. These people cheer you, and they chant your name because they love Sting and they wanna see Sting vs. The Rock. Sting you asked for the match but keeps managing to continue dodging The Rock. So The Rock tells ya what. You want Rock Bottom,you got it. At Rock Bottom, everyone cheering The Rock, everyone booing The Rock are gonna see The Rock open up a big fat can of whoop ass on a certain Icon..."If YA SME-ELL.."(Sting's music hits) (lights goes out. Pre-recorded message from Sting in a distorted voice says "Congratulations Rock, you just signed the death certificate to your own career. At Rock Bottom, not only will I show up. At Rock Bottom, The Rock will be no more and Dwayne Johnson will never wanna show his face again." Sting's music hits "Na-na-na-na-noo... Not again. The Rock is tired of the vignettes and mind games. Sting anything you gotta say to The Rock, you can say to The Rock's face. Sting's crow goes off and the tron reads, "Next Week." The Rock says that he's done playing games and that if Sting didn't find The Rock next week, that The Rock would find him." Rock says his catchphrase and his music plays to end the segment.

Graphic shows that our Tag Title Match is next!

Gallows and Anderson are out first with their Championships back in possession.

(World Tag Team Championships) The Miz,R-Truth vs. Bullet Club (Gallows,Anderson)-
Great Tag Team action that sees Bullet Club retain following a Magic Killer on The Miz. Anderson pins Miz to retain. After the match, Gallows and Anderson continues the assault and the lights goes out. When they come back on, Broken Matt and Prince Adam are in the ring and starts beating the hell out of the champs and kicks them out of the ring. Miz gets up and gets a Broken Twist of Fate. Adam lifts Truth in Brainbuster position and Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Truth.

Pre-Recorded Video: Cesaro says he shouldn't even have to be in this to get the rematch he is owed. He says that at Elimination Chamber, he would victimize everyone in that ring and his main target is Brock Lesnar. He says that Lesnar cost him over 6 months of his career and he wouldn't stopped until he conquered Brock Lesnar.

Pre-Recorded Video: Brock Lesnar says he that he didn't give two shits about who doesn't like him. He says he was gonna f(bleep)k up Cesaro and everybody else in that ring. He says at Rock Bottom that Kevin Steen's ass was his.

Pre-Recorded Video
: Braun Strowman says he wasn't here to talk for their ammusemnt. He says at Elimination Chamber, he would kill everybody in his path.

Broadcast team hypes Elimination Chamber and coming up next it's the final #1 Contender Elimination Chamber Match Confrontation. Shane McMahon's music hits and he's out first, as we take our final commercial.

#1 Contender For World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Confrontation
- When we come back, Shane is in the ring and before he can say anything he is cut off by the music of "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles. AJ says he wanted to be out there so he could here every last piece of bullshit that comes out of Shane's mouth. Shane says, "Well I was about to put you over as talented. But I guess that's bullshit too?" AJ says, that was probably the only true thing that ever came out of the mouth of a McMahon. He says that every since he's been in the WCWF, that he's been lied too. He says that the WCWF has been out to bury him every since he brought a gun on TV to further a storyline. He says that yet, The E.N.D. are having police stand offs on the other brand. He goes on to say he guessed that was all good though. He says that it pisses him off that he's been busting his ass of in this company since literally almost Day 1 and that guys like The Rock gets more opportunities than him. He says he takes digs at Punk for walking out, but he now he truly understands why. He says Punk is a guy with mic skills,wrestling ability,and loved the business. A guy who was at one point supposed to be the face of this company and he split because of management. He says after he beats Kevin Steen for the World Heavyweight Championship at Rock Bottom, that he might just split as well. Sami Zayn's music interrupts AJ. Fans chant "AJ STYLES/SAMI ZAYN!" Sami ask if AJ's really gonna come out here and bitch about his feel entitlement and poor booking. He says this is the same guy who beat The Undertaker at The Bash, was destroying everybody that stood with Bullet Club and won the Royal Rumble from the #1 spot. He says that he is so sick of the "AJ Styles Underdog Story." He says that AJ wasn't Daniel Bryan and it's about time this company stops ripping off a storyline straight out of WrestleMania XXX and give a guy the ball that busted his ass and never got anything for it and never complained. He says AJ Styles has been Champion all over the world. He says that he would've been a WWE Champion too if he ever signed with them. He says that he his self has been nothing more than a Mid-Carder, that could literally out work any of the Main Eventers or Part-Timers on this roster. He says that Sunday night that people would quit overlooking Sami Zayn. He says that come Rock Bottom, he would no longer be, "The Underdog From The Underground." He says that he would be, "The Face of the WCWF." Samoa Joe's music hits and he says that every since he came to the WCWF he's been treated as a jabroni. He says that he could physically kill anybody on the roster of he wanted to. He says by he's a team player and always has been. He says that if they told him to lay down he did it. He says that stops now. He says that he is a destroyer and it's time he destroys. Cesaro cuts the 3 off and says that he's known all 3 of them in that ring since Ring Of Honor and that he's beaten all 3. He says his first night on the job here in the WCWF was beating AJ Styles. He says he was the first ever World Heavyweight Champion here in the WCWF. He says that he beat two legends in Daniel Bryan and Kurt Angle to get there, only to have it taken away by Brock Lesnar, who decided to "shoot" his way to the title and legitimately injure him in the process. He says that he wanted Brock. Braun Strowman cuts him he off instead and says that he wasn't getting Brock and that he was getting him. He says he's the only true monster, beast, and destroyer in this conversation. He says he dares somebody to step up and get knocked the f(censor)k out. Brock Lesnar's music cuts him off and Brock stared down Strowman from the ramp before making a B Line for the ring as everybody jumps Strowman. Strowman throws everybody off of him and continues waiting for Brock. Everybody starts jumping him again and he throws them all off again and Brock Lesnar F5's Braun out of nowhere. Cesaro runs up at Brock and starts Uppercutting him in the corner and Brock goes for an F5 on him but Cesaro jumps behind him and pushes him into a Pele Kick from AJ. Lesnar stumbles before snatching up AJ and F5's him over the top rope. Cesaro runs back at Lesnar and gets a German Suplex from Brock. Zayn gets one as well. Now Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar are face to face for a huge pop from the crowd. The two starts going to blows and Joe gets Brock in a Rare Naked Chokehold and chokes him out. Cesaro runs up and gets a Urnage from Samoa Joe. Sami with a Blue Thunder Bomb to Joe. He notices Strowman and runs at hits him with a Split-Leg Somersault Plancha. KEVIN STEEN OUT OF NOWHERE THROWS ZAYN INTO THE STEPS!!! Steen with a Powerbomb to Sami Zayn on the Steel Steps. The champ stands tall to end the show

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