WCWF Results

Grade the World Championship Wrestling Federation

  • A - Awesome!!!

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • B - Pretty Good actually

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • C - Average

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D - Your trying but could be better

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • F - Terrible worse than WWE

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • - I was just coming to post a jackass vote

    Votes: 4 26.7%

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WCWF Monday Night Rampage Results (9/19/16)(Stone Cold Steve Austin Returns,Wyatt Sets His Next Targets. Reigns,Michaels and Triple H confronts Ambrose,and more)


(WCWF Ident)
(Rampage Intro and Pyro)

Dean Ambrose music hits and he makes his return to a massive pop. The fans chant "AMBBBROOOSEEE!" After moments of being silent and standing with a pissed off look in his face. Ambrose says that the last time he was in this ring the fans chanting that he sucks,and for Roman Reigns to beat his ass. He says but he's not tripping off that. He says he moved on. He says but he hasn't moved on from his WCWF Championship. He says he's done playing by WCWF rules. He says he was booked to lose a match just to gurantee that Triple H defeats Roman Reigns at Survivor Series for the World Title. He says that so while Ric was thinking Triple H was Team Ric. He was Team Using Him. He says and to Roman Reigns. He says Roman earned his respect at The Bash. He says he took a good bump but he came back. He says and even though he respects Reigns. He can't stand Roman for the simple fact he is the champ and he wants to be the champ. Reigns interrupts and he says he would let the Dirty Deeds go this time because he already broke the poor guys ribs,back and neck. He jokes and says "As a matter of fact,are you even cleared?" Ambrose tells Reigns that's real cute and that he's cleared. Reigns says for him to just know if he pulls that stunt again it would be his ass and throws the Mic and gets in his face. Ambrose says "I'll get back to you on that." And says that now back to what he was saying before he was rudely interrupted he was bout to say he's done playing by the rules and he's making his own rules and he says he's taking a title shot. He says Triple H lost to Shawn Michaels last night and that now he's declaring his self the #1 Contender for the WCWF Title and he wants that title shot at Survivor Series. Triple H music interrupts and he comes yelling down the ramp "Who the hell do you think you are Ambrose? You cost Me that match last night. And now I'm gonna end your pathetic career. Something he (points at Roman) failed to do." (Drops Mic) Triple H starts heading to the ring and security runs out to hold him back. HBK's music hits and he tells them to take Hunter to the back. Shawn gets in the ring and tells Ambrose he almost forgot to thank him for that Dirty Deeds last night... SWEET CHIN MUSIC to Ambrose. Reigns laughs and Shawn tells him to wipe that smirk off his face. He says that his time as GM is up at Survivor Series and he's gunning for that title and whether it be Ambrose, Triple H or Roman Reigns he has a Superkick with their name on it. Ambrose crawls to the corner trying to catch his breath. Shawn says as for Survivor Series you will face the winner of Rampage In India's #1 Contender Match and that would be between Ambrose and Triple H in just two weeks. Shawn drops the Mic and leaves as his music plays. Reigns stares HBK down the ramp and holds his title up and DIRTY DEEDS!!! AMBROSE PLANTS REIGNS!!! Ambrose takes the Champship and leaves with it as his music plays. We cut to commercial.

Backstage Segment: Roman Reigns is looking for Ambrose with his title destroying the show. Shawn approaches and tells Roman they're taking care of it but he needs to leave. Reigns tells Shawn he ain't going nowhere until he gets his championship back and tells him and that little stunt he pulled tonight. He says he'd kick his ass if they ever went one on one. Shawn tells Reigns to leave now. Reigns tells him to make him. Triple H ambushes Reigns and starts attacking him. And throws him through the door to a locker room and start beating the hell out of him in there. Reigns starts to fight back and security splits it up and escorts both man out of the arena. Triple H is screaming the whole time that he had somebody for his ass. Reigns is screaming for him to come at him. We see Ambrose peaking through the Interview curtain with the title eating a burger as the fans pop/laugh.

"Break The Walls Down.." Chris Jericho's music hits and we have ourselves a US TV Title Match. Raven's rematch!

(WCWF United States Television Championship) Chris Jericho vs. Raven
- The two lock up and Jericho gets the better of Raven,Raven reverses and pushes Jericho to the ropes. Jericho hits the rope and Raven drops to the canvas. And Jericho jumps over him. Raven gets up and Jericho leapfrogs over him and hit the ropes again and Raven with a massive dropkick for 2. Raven picks Jericho up and throws him in the corner and Raven runs at him and Jericho gets out of the way and hits a corner Enzeguri. Jericho follows it up with a Moonsault and a Codebreaker and 1-3-3!!! After the match, Neville plants Jericho with The A-Factor and hits the Red Arrow. He picks up the championship and does the title taunt as his music begins to play,and the announcers tells us that they're just getting word (graphic appears on screen) that Jericho will defend against Adrian Neville at Rampage in India in 2 weeks time!

Commentary: William Regal: "What a message sent by Adrian Neville. Jericho watch out because at one blink of the eye, Neville could become the new champ in 2 weeks!!! Jim Ross: "Well switching gears,last night in what started as a a very physical Tag Title Match ended in a very unfortunate and tragic way. (Replay of Enzo hitting his head.) In this industry,a lot of stuff are scripted. But sometimes things get very real,as it did last night. An update to Enzo Amore's situation. Enzo has woken up and is now talking. The doctors and telling us he should be cleared before the TLC Pay Per View and with that being said whichever team is the WCWF Tag Team Championships,will face Enzo & Cass for the championships. Which brings us to our next match. Were about to find out, who will challenge American Alpha for those Championships at Rampage In India. Its a number one contenders match and it's The New Age Outlaws vs. The Hart Dynasty vs. The Lost Souls (Strowman/Rowan) and that Match is next!!

(#1 Contenders For Tag Titles on Rampage In India) The New Age Outlaws vs. The Hart Dynasty Vs. The Lost Souls (Strowman/Rowan)- 16 minute match that saw The New Age Outlaws win after a Fameasser to Erick Rowan. Post Match, (Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt hits Erick Rowan with Sister Abragail and throws him to Braun Strowman who chokes him out. Wyatt says there's no room for the weak in his family and Strowman drags him up the ramp and leaves with Bray. (Wyatt Scare)

Commentary team: The team says that Bray Wyatt is a man come unglued and is now focused. The team hype that tonight it's the return of "Stone Cold Steve Austin" and takes us back to the announcement at The Bottom Line.

(Bottom Line footage of Shane McMahon invading and Michaels announcing that Team Rampage accept and the team. Graphic for the SSeries Tag Match.)

(Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt with Braun Strowman holding a laid out Erick Rowan says that Luke Harper tried his hand against his creator and he fell flat. He says Luke Harper is dead and well never ever see him again. He says and now it's time they lay Erick Rowan to rest. He tells Braun to handle that. Braun outs Rowan in on a cremation table and pushes him in the fire ad the announcers are all "dear God!" Camera shows shocked audience members. He says now that that's taking care of he has someone else looming in his pathway. He says just like Luke that man thinks he can bite the hand that feeds him and just don't know when to stay down. Bray says and just like Luke Harper and just like Erick Rowan he will make sure he crumbles... "ashes to ashes,dust to dust" and screams "RUN!!!" (Wyatt Scare)
WCWF Monday Night Rampage Results (9/19/16)(Stone Cold Steve Austin Returns,Wyatt Sets His Next Targets. Reigns,Michaels and Triple H confronts Ambrose,and more)


(WCWF Ident)
(Rampage Intro and Pyro)

Dean Ambrose music hits and he makes his return to a massive pop. The fans chant "AMBBBROOOSEEE!" After moments of being silent and standing with a pissed off look in his face. Ambrose says that the last time he was in this ring the fans chanting that he sucks,and for Roman Reigns to beat his ass. He says but he's not tripping off that. He says he moved on. He says but he hasn't moved on from his WCWF Championship. He says he's done playing by WCWF rules. He says he was booked to lose a match just to gurantee that Triple H defeats Roman Reigns at Survivor Series for the World Title. He says that so while Ric was thinking Triple H was Team Ric. He was Team Using Him. He says and to Roman Reigns. He says Roman earned his respect at The Bash. He says he took a good bump but he came back. He says and even though he respects Reigns. He can't stand Roman for the simple fact he is the champ and he wants to be the champ. Reigns interrupts and he says he would let the Dirty Deeds go this time because he already broke the poor guys ribs,back and neck. He jokes and says "As a matter of fact,are you even cleared?" Ambrose tells Reigns that's real cute and that he's cleared. Reigns says for him to just know if he pulls that stunt again it would be his ass and throws the Mic and gets in his face. Ambrose says "I'll get back to you on that." And says that now back to what he was saying before he was rudely interrupted he was bout to say he's done playing by the rules and he's making his own rules and he says he's taking a title shot. He says Triple H lost to Shawn Michaels last night and that now he's declaring his self the #1 Contender for the WCWF Title and he wants that title shot at Survivor Series. Triple H music interrupts and he comes yelling down the ramp "Who the hell do you think you are Ambrose? You cost Me that match last night. And now I'm gonna end your pathetic career. Something he (points at Roman) failed to do." (Drops Mic) Triple H starts heading to the ring and security runs out to hold him back. HBK's music hits and he tells them to take Hunter to the back. Shawn gets in the ring and tells Ambrose he almost forgot to thank him for that Dirty Deeds last night... SWEET CHIN MUSIC to Ambrose. Reigns laughs and Shawn tells him to wipe that smirk off his face. He says that his time as GM is up at Survivor Series and he's gunning for that title and whether it be Ambrose, Triple H or Roman Reigns he has a Superkick with their name on it. Ambrose crawls to the corner trying to catch his breath. Shawn says as for Survivor Series you will face the winner of Rampage In India's #1 Contender Match and that would be between Ambrose and Triple H in just two weeks. Shawn drops the Mic and leaves as his music plays. Reigns stares HBK down the ramp and holds his title up and DIRTY DEEDS!!! AMBROSE PLANTS REIGNS!!! Ambrose takes the Champship and leaves with it as his music plays. We cut to commercial.

Backstage Segment: Roman Reigns is looking for Ambrose with his title destroying the show. Shawn approaches and tells Roman they're taking care of it but he needs to leave. Reigns tells Shawn he ain't going nowhere until he gets his championship back and tells him and that little stunt he pulled tonight. He says he'd kick his ass if they ever went one on one. Shawn tells Reigns to leave now. Reigns tells him to make him. Triple H ambushes Reigns and starts attacking him. And throws him through the door to a locker room and start beating the hell out of him in there. Reigns starts to fight back and security splits it up and escorts both man out of the arena. Triple H is screaming the whole time that he had somebody for his ass. Reigns is screaming for him to come at him. We see Ambrose peaking through the Interview curtain with the title eating a burger as the fans pop/laugh.

"Break The Walls Down.." Chris Jericho's music hits and we have ourselves a US TV Title Match. Raven's rematch!

(WCWF United States Television Championship) Chris Jericho vs. Raven
- The two lock up and Jericho gets the better of Raven,Raven reverses and pushes Jericho to the ropes. Jericho hits the rope and Raven drops to the canvas. And Jericho jumps over him. Raven gets up and Jericho leapfrogs over him and hit the ropes again and Raven with a massive dropkick for 2. Raven picks Jericho up and throws him in the corner and Raven runs at him and Jericho gets out of the way and hits a corner Enzeguri. Jericho follows it up with a Moonsault and a Codebreaker and 1-3-3!!! After the match, Neville plants Jericho with The A-Factor and hits the Red Arrow. He picks up the championship and does the title taunt as his music begins to play,and the announcers tells us that they're just getting word (graphic appears on screen) that Jericho will defend against Adrian Neville at Rampage in India in 2 weeks time!

Commentary: William Regal: "What a message sent by Adrian Neville. Jericho watch out because at one blink of the eye, Neville could become the new champ in 2 weeks!!! Jim Ross: "Well switching gears,last night in what started as a a very physical Tag Title Match ended in a very unfortunate and tragic way. (Replay of Enzo hitting his head.) In this industry,a lot of stuff are scripted. But sometimes things get very real,as it did last night. An update to Enzo Amore's situation. Enzo has woken up and is now talking. The doctors and telling us he should be cleared before the TLC Pay Per View and with that being said whichever team is the WCWF Tag Team Championships,will face Enzo & Cass for the championships. Which brings us to our next match. Were about to find out, who will challenge American Alpha for those Championships at Rampage In India. Its a number one contenders match and it's The New Age Outlaws vs. The Hart Dynasty vs. The Lost Souls (Strowman/Rowan) and that Match is next!!

(#1 Contenders For Tag Titles on Rampage In India) The New Age Outlaws vs. The Hart Dynasty Vs. The Lost Souls (Strowman/Rowan)- 16 minute match that saw The New Age Outlaws win after a Fameasser to Erick Rowan. Post Match, (Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt hits Erick Rowan with Sister Abragail and throws him to Braun Strowman who chokes him out. Wyatt says there's no room for the weak in his family and Strowman drags him up the ramp and leaves with Bray. (Wyatt Scare)

Commentary team: The team says that Bray Wyatt is a man come unglued and is now focused. The team hype that tonight it's the return of "Stone Cold Steve Austin" and takes us back to the announcement at The Bottom Line.

(Bottom Line footage of Shane McMahon invading and Michaels announcing that Team Rampage accept and the team. Graphic for the SSeries Tag Match.)

(Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt with Braun Strowman holding a laid out Erick Rowan says that Luke Harper tried his hand against his creator and he fell flat. He says Luke Harper is dead and well never ever see him again. He says and now it's time they lay Erick Rowan to rest. He tells Braun to handle that. Braun outs Rowan in on a cremation table and pushes him in the fire ad the announcers are all "dear God!" Camera shows shocked audience members. He says now that that's taking care of he has someone else looming in his pathway. He says just like Luke that man thinks he can bite the hand that feeds him and just don't know when to stay down. Bray says and just like Luke Harper and just like Erick Rowan he will make sure he crumbles... "ashes to ashes,dust to dust" and screams "RUN!!!" (Wyatt Scare)

Ric Flair's music hits and he makes his way out. Flair says that last night he lost fair and square. He thanks the fans for the experience and tells them he wrestled his last match. The fans chant "No!" He says last time he said that,it was because he was forced out. He says now he's leaving on his own terms. He calls Reigns a talented young man and tells him there's the torch and to keep it warm. He says he beat the man,so therefore he is the man. He says his only focus now is watching his daughter Charlotte become the legend they allowed him to be. He thanks the fans one last time and blows them a kiss as his music plays and the fans chant "Thank You Ric..(AGAIN!)"

Christopher Daniels,Wade Barrett vs. Frankie Kazarian,Jamie Noble- Kazarian got to pick his partner and he picked Cruiserweight Division Icon Jamie Noble. Daniels and Barrett win in 10 minutes.

Dean Ambrose vs. Alberto Del Rio- Ambrose wins with a Quick Dirty Deeds after 4 minutes and dares Roman Reigns to come take his championship. Roman makes his way down to the ring ready to explode on Ambrose and SPEAR TO REIGNS FROM BATISTA OUT OF NOWHERE!! Ambrose looks as if he doesn't know what's going on and PEDIGREE FROM TRIPLE H TO DEAN AMBROSE OUT OF NOWHERE!!! and Triple H drops Reigns with one as well. Batista grabs the championship and puts it on Triple H and Triple H poses with the title to end segment as the fans boo.

Stone Cold Returns(Glass Breaks) and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin' s music hits and he makes his return as we head to our final break. When we come back his music is still playing and stops as loud "Austin" chants runs through the arena. "If you're ready for Survivor Series give me a hell yeah!" (Fans Screams Hell Yeah!) "Oh hell yeah!" He says the last time he was in this ring he was put on his ass and he admits defeat. He says that for a long time he lost his focus and lost direction and had to take a second to take a walk away. He said on that walk he remembered he promised the fans he would never walk out on them again. He says so he's back and more focused than ever before. He says his next move is simple. He says he whoop a couple of ass,stomp a couple of mudholes,and drink a lot of beers. He says first on the Survivor Series team he wants to introduce is Christopher Daniels. Daniels makes his entrance. Daniels goes to shake Austin's hand and gets flipped off. He tells Daniels that in all seriousness, he's watched him all the way back from his days in TNA and Ring Of Honor. He says that he even remembers him being that "jabroni" in the WWF. He says he paid his dues and earned respect. He says Daniels is one of the best in-ring performers he has ever seen. He says that is why he personally vouched for him to be on this team. He says and that's because he knows Christopher Daniels is greatness and that he wants greatness on his team. He introduces the next member of the team,Wade Barrett. Austin says that the two doesn't like each other and don't see eye to eye. But he calls Barrett talented and says WWE dropped the ball on him and WCWF picked it up and almost dropped it as well and says but he picked it up for a reason. He says he's whipped a lot of ass and had a lot of ass whoopings. He says and that he's never took a beating the way he did when he faced Wade. He says don't get him wrong. If they squared off again he would open up a big fat can of whoop ass on Wade Barrett and laughs. Barrett says he sees what Austin is trying to do. He says he's trying to play koonbiah and kiss up because he knows that he's gonna fail and he needs Daniels and Barrett to win at Survivor Series. Daniels says Barrett is right and he almost fail for it. He says they should just drop Austin where he stands. Shawn Michaels music hits and he makes his way out running with his ring gear on. Fans chant "HBK" as it looks like we're about to get a fight. HBK grabs a Mic and tells them to hold on because that's not what's gonna happen. Shawn says come Survivor Series he's once again just a performer and he says that he... is gonna be on Team Rampage and that if Daniels and Barrett tried to screw over this team they would be screwed out of their contracts as his final decision as General Manager. He says but if they want to fight, then they could fight. Austin starts throwing rights at Barrett and stomping a mudhole and Shawn on Daniels. (Gong) Undertaker makes his way out as everybody pauses. Undertaker gets in the ring and says that if they didn't get along at Survivor Series,that he would see to it that they wouldn't last long after Survivor Series. He says if they failed he would single handedly make sure that this team...Rest In Peace!! Barrett and Daniels goes after Undertaker and gets Double Chokedslammed,Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Music to The Deadman,Austin stuns HBK and says now that they all got that out their system at Survivor Series this team better Rampage and that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so. Austin's music plays and he does the four corner pose as his music plays.








WCWF Friday Night WAR! Results (9/30/16)(Women's Championship Ascension,Sami Zayn vs. The Miz,Cage Of Death Contract Signing)



Friday Night WAR! Intro Video gets interrupted by...
Kevin Steen and Edge are brawling in the back. Refs separate the two and Steen goes right back after Edge and the refs pull him off. Steen says at No Mercy, there won't be nobody to pull him off.

Sami Zayn vs. The Miz
- Sami Zayn defeats Miz with the Helluva Kick and Blue Thunder Bomb. After the match, Truth attacks Zayn, and Christian makes the save.

Women's Championship Ascension- Stephanie McMahon says that what the fans are witnessing is history. She says that this is bot just a Women's Revolution. But it's a Women's Evolution. She says that Sunday Night the Women are in one of the three main events. She says that now it's time for the Women's Title Ascension. She brings out first former TNA Knockouts Champion and current WCWF Women's Heavyweight Champion Kharma. Stephanie says as Shawn Michaels said about the Cruiserweights on Rampage weight labels are demeaning. She introduces WCWF Women's Knockout Champrion. She introduces Becky Lynch,Beth Phoenix,Natalya,and Charlotte Flair one by one. She calls them the "Past,Present,and Future" of this industry. She says Kharma,Natalya and Beth are icons in this industry. She says that Sasha,Becky,and Charlotte are the next generation of this industry. She says Women's Wrestling for so long has been underappreciated. She says now Women takes back. Natalya tells Stephanie she's only in her early 30s not and that she isn't an old lady. She says anyway to the point that she would take and become the very first Undisputed Women's World Championship. Beth says that she likes Natalya more than anybody in this ring and that's why she's gonna tell her as her friend to walk away or she's gonna get hurt with everybody else in this ring. Kharma injects "Who?" Sasha ask them if this is really what we're gonna do? She says the Evolution of Women's Wrestling and y'all arguing like "Diva's." Charlotte says somebody tell Snoop Dogg's niece that she doesn't matter. Sasha says for somebody to tell Ric Flair's daughter that she's the champ...Becky yells "ENOUGH! Listen up you two entitled brats, and you three cavewomen. None of the five are you are grabbing that title. Because I am! She says while y'all focus on who's old,who's fat,and who's related to who,I'm gonna be steady winning championships." Becky drops the Mic and Stephanie says that's enough and ask Sasha and Kharma for their titles. Kharma says "hold up, who is this little skinny white bitch calling fat." Becky says she's talking to her and the two get face to face. Stephanie screams for them to calm down but they don't. Stephanie screams for them to chill or get her mad and that's not what they want to do. Kharma slaps Becky up and every one starts brawling. Stephanie calls security to deal with it. Security split everybody up in separate spots. The Women are all trynna catch their breath as security escorts him out the arena.

BJ Whitmer /w/ The Darkness def. James Ellsworth Afterwards, BJ tells Finn to bring out The Demon King.

(Sitdown Interview with Bobby Roode and James Storm about Match at No Mercy)

Karl Anderson vs. Matt Jackson
- Anderson over with Stun Gun in 8 minutes

Backstage Interview : Cactus Jack talks historic contact signing. Tells Michael Cole that no matter what Cactus Jack would still be standing

Backstage Interview:Briscoe gives Mean Gene no comment because he's headed to the ring

Cage Of Death Contract Signing-
Cage Of Death is surrounding the ring. Cage Of Death is surrounding the ring.. Briscoe says that he's been inside Cage Of Death and has survived Cage Of Death and that's what gives him an advantage Sunday. He says that his next move is his best move as he ends the old miserable life of Mick Foley. Cactus Jack interrupts and says that he's a Hardcore Legend and the one thing he's hasn't done is step into the Cage of Death until now. He says "Yeah I've had a pretty miserable life." He says "But I always overcome. No matter what I been through I CONQUER AND I'M STILL STANDING GODDAMMIT!!! AND SUNDAY AT NO MERCY THE RESULT IS THE SAME...MICK FOLEY OVERCOMES IT ALL!!!" Cactus Jack signs the contract. Jay Briscoe signs and Cactus Jack plants him with a Double Arm DDT! to end the show!!









Bill Pritchard
October 1st,2016

According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer, WCWF has strongly considering having Roman Reigns take on John Cena for the WCWF Championship.

Apparently, Cena's leaving the WCWF was all part of a storyline to get us to this feud. There are also rumblings that WCWF wants to do some sort of "Icon vs. Icon" Match between The Rock and Sting. According to Meltzer, if that is the case then we will see that feud begin very soon. As for the WCWF World Championship,the WCWF are looking to have either Brock Lesnar vs. Kevin Steen,The Rock vs. Sting,Brock Lesnar vs. AJ Styles,or Kevin Steen vs. AJ Styles as the four possible options for that. The Undertaker is currently rumored to face and defend his 24-0 Undefeated Grand Stage Streak against none other than..WAR! Superstar Finn Bálor. No word on whether it would involve a brand split or a heel turn off either.

WCWF Top Officials also have big plans for Finn Bálor,Adrian Neville,AJ Styles,Cesaro,and a number of others for Rock Bottom III. There's also been talk of a Shield reunion off the build to Rock Bottom III. There's talk of having Ambrose and Rollins challenge for either the WCWF or World Tag Team Championships. That would of course mean one of the other switching brands. As of now, there's no word on whether Roman Reigns will be a apart of that reunion or not.

No Mercy Kickoff Show On USA Network

(Falls Count Anywhere Match) The Conspiracy Theory vs. Sami Zayn and Christian-

Sami Zayn made his way out first,followed by Christian Cage. The two argued the whole time before The Conspiracy Theory jumps them from behind and the ref starts the match. Miz on Sami,Truth on Christian. Miz throws Sami in the corner and Truth throws Christian in that same corner. Miz runs up and Sami gets out of the way and Christian does the baseball slide through ropes,kick to the face corner move. Miz falls down into the corner. Truth runs at Christian and punches him off the apron and Truth gets a Helluva Kick to the back of the skull. Sami throws him over the top rope. Sami runs at Miz and gets clotheslined. Meanwhile, outside of the ring Christian bangs Truths head on the ring post. Miz picks up Sami and goes for a Snap DDT,but Sami pushes him off and SAMI FLIES ONTO CHRISTIAN AND TRUTH WITH A SOMMERSAULT PLANCHA !!!!! NOW MIZ OFF THE TOP ROPE WITH A DIVING CLOTHESLINE TO SAMI ZAYN!!! All four man are down! Christian and Truth gets up and starts trading punches. Christian tries to Suplex Truth who starts trying to struggle out of it. The Miz runs and kicks Christian in the gut and DOUBLE SUPLEX OVER THE BARRICADE!! Miz and Truth jumps Christian up the arena stairs through the crowd. Sami Zayn gets up and runs up those stairs and TRUTH AND MIZ THROWS CHRISTIAN DOWN THE STAIRS AT SAMI ZAYN KNOCKING ZAYN BACK DOWN THE STAIRS AS WELL!!! Truth and Miz head back down the stairs and drags Sami up the stairs by his legs,making him hit the back of his head on every stair. The two throws him through the entrance door,where we see a lot of fans from the overflow. The two throws Sami at those fans and bangs his head on the ground causing his mouth to bust open and his teeth to chip out. Footage cut to the arena of Christian getting up and just sitting in the crowd and drinking pop,as the announcers wonder what the hell is he doing. Camera cut backstage and Miz and Truth throws Sami Zayn into the kitchen and Truth says he got this. Truth hits the Downard Spiral making Zayn hit his chin on the steel board (kitchen term.) He sets him on there and starts punching him and then Miz starts as well as Truth lights up a cigarette. Footage cut to Christian taking his time climbing the arena stairs. Camera cuts back backstage and Truth puts hits cigarette out on Sami Zayn and Miz hit a him in the head with a Frying Pan. Truth and Miz lifts Zayn up and brings him forward a sink. Truth drowns Sami in the sink water as camera shows Christian walking up the hallway limping. Sami starts to fight back against Miz and Truth knocking both down with punches. Sami throws Miz accross the board and hits him with a baking sheet. Truth clobbers him and throws him in the freezer and locks it and pushes it over, CHRISTIAN OUT OF NOWHERE WITH THE KILLSWITCH ON TRUTH AND 1-2-3!!!! Christian celebrates and forgets Sami in the freezer.

WCWF No Mercy Results (New Women's Champ,Legends Return,Life Or Death Match,Cactus Jack Electrocuted, First Blood Match)

(All Out War No Escape Match) (World Tag Team Championships) Bullet Club (Gallows and Anderson) vs. The Young Bucks[/U]- The Young Bucks are out first and the announcers put them over as "THE Team" in the WCWF. They talk about their decorated careers from TNA,ROH,NJPW,and now here in the WCWF. Announcers say that they're just one legendary title run away from being listed in the same category as legendary teams such as Edge & Christian,The Road Warriors,The Wild Samoans,The Fabulous Freebirds,The Dudley Boyz,and their Rock Bottom II Opponents The Hardy Boyz. Gallows and Anderson makes they're way out and they hype their careers going all the way back to Gallows start as Imposter Kane. They begin to list their accomplishments but these teams don't wanna wait. They begin beating the holy hell of each other. "Here Comes The Money.." Shane McMahon makes his way through the entrance set that's in the crowd and tells both teams to let Tony do his job or this match would take place and Gallows and Anderson would be stripped of the titles. The teams stop long enough for Chimel to do the introductions. As soon as the bell rings both teams go right back after each other. Gallows kicks Nick inside out with a Big Boot. Matt Superkicks him but he's still standing and Karl Anderson hits a quick Stun Gun out of nowhere. Anderson for the cover and kickout at 2. Gallows and Anderson throws Nick out of the ring and double team him. They double Irish Whip him at the Steel Cage link coming out of the barricade. The two do it again and Gallows puts him in his shoulders and Anderson kicks his skull into the cage. Matt hits Anderson in the face with a steel chair. Gallows goes for a Big Boot but Matt ducks it and throws the chair at his face and Superkicks him in the face. Matt helps up Nick who collapses back down to the ground and Matt grabs some tables from under the ring. Matt then grabs some barb wire and wraps it around the table and pours gasoline on it and lights it on fire. Matt goes right back after Anderson who Low Blows him. Gallows puts him on his shoulders and MAGIC KILLER THROUGH THE FLAMING BARBED WIRE TABLE!!! Mauro: "STICK A FORK IN MATT BECAUSE HE'S WELL DONE!!!" Nick Jackson attempts a Superkicks but Anderson ducks and Gallows catches him in Powerbomb position and Powerbombs him on the Steel Steps. Gallows punches up the entrance ramp. Gallows bashes his head on the Steel Cage link blocking the entrance. Nick fires back with chops to the chest. But Gallows knees him in the gut and Jacknife Powerbombs him through the Steel Cage Wall and now the entrance way is exposed as Gallows beats a bloody Nick Jackson to the back of the arena. Meanwhile in the arena, Anderson is wrapping Barb Wire around the bloody face of Matt and hits him in the head with a 2x4. Anderson brings out a car battery and hooks it up to the Barb Wire and electrocutes Matt Jackson. Footage cut to Luke Gallows busting a glass table top over the head of Nick Jackson and head back through the curtain. Back in ringside, Anderson finishes Matt off with the Stun Gun for the 1-2-3!! GALLOWS AND ANDERSON RETAIN!!! After the Match, the two cut a promo daring anybody to step up to them and said that there isn't a team alive that could beat them. "Booyaka Booyaka! 619!..." OMG REY MYSTERIO IS BACK!!!! Karl Anderson laughs and tells everybody to give it up for the legendary Rey Mysterio, who must be lost. Because they asked for a "tag team," not "retired Luchador". Rey says there's only a few things wrong with that because he's not retired and he has a partner. Thunderous Eddie chants runs thought the arena. "Viva..La Raza..We'll Lie and Cheat,and Steal!!" EDDIE GUERRERO IS BACK!!! Eddie and Mysterio hits the ring and challenges the two to a Tag Title Match at Survivor Series. Gallows and Anderson accepts and promises to retire their old border hopping asses for good drops the Mic and is about to leave but Gallows goes back to attempt a Big Boot at Mysterio who slides out of the way and kicks him at the ropes. Guerreo Hurricana's Anderson and Rey hits a Double 619 on both. Mysterio with West Coast Pop on Anderson. Eddie with the Frog Spalsh on Gallows. And the two legends celebrates to end the segment. The commentators put over the growing field for the stacked Survivor Series PPV. And we can now confirm it will be WAR! vs. Rampage at the big PPV. Later tonight Shane McMahon will announce the WAR! Team Captain

(Video Package for Bálor/Whitmer Life Or Death Match)
(Life Or Death Match) Finn Bálor vs. BJ Whitmer- The match starts out with Whitmer on his knees putting a baseball bat in front of him,daring Bálor to take his head off with it but instead Bálor Dropkicks him in the head. Whitmer gets back to his feet and Bálor drops down with a Pele Kick to Whitmer sending Whitmer into the rope. Bálor with the STO Neckbreaker to Whitmer,who rolls out of the ring and grabs a ringside Mic and ask Bálor if that's all he had. He calls Bálor a joke. He says no wonder he's going to be nothing but a Mid-Carder for life. He says since he won't play ball. Then he would just take him out of his misery. Out comes Prince Adam, and Vampiro. They three jump Finn and makes him eat the steal turnpost. Whitmer and his crew get in the ring and he says he's just waiting on the ref to tell him what he already knows and that is that he won. The lights in the arena starts acting up before going pure crimson red and stays red. Finn Balors music hits and never stops and Bálor now in Demon King red and black facepaint and the wig on comes through a hole in the ring with red and black Sledgehammer and starts beating the crap out of everybody in the ring with it. He bashes Adam's Skull with it,then Vampiro,he looks at BJ Whitmer,who runs out of the ring. Bálor notices Adam getting up and he takes the Sledgehammer and beats his face senseless with it. He then takes it to Vampiro's skull knocking him over the top rope and unconscious. Bálor gets out of the ring and bashes Vampiros head into the Steel Turnpost until referees run in and tackles him down. Bálor starts attacking refs as well. Bálor goes right back to his opponent BJ Whitmer who screams "You win, you win,you passed the test." Bálor throws the Sledgehammer down and grabs the Baseball Bat. Whitmer tries to plead with Finn to put the bat down FINN TAKES THE BAT TO THE SKULL OF WHITMER!! Finn takes the Sledgehammer and holds the stick part and bashes the hammer into the skull of the unconscious Whitmer and continues to demolish him with it. The ref slides in and checks his palse and screams "HE DOESN'T HAVE A PALSE!! THIS ONES OVER!!(Ding Ding Ding) Finn wins! BUT FINN IS NOT DONE!! FINN HITS THE REF ON THE TOP OF THE HEAD BRUTALLY WITH THE SLEDGEHAMMER AND GOES RIGHT BACK TO BJ!!! The Locker Room clears but stops in fear. As Finn flys (lifted) up to the ceiling. Finn crawls the top of the arena ceiling and the lights power out.

Lights come back on and camera's are on the announcers. Who are basically like "Talk about snapped! This is bad for the Friday Night WAR! Roster!"

James Storm vs. Bobby Roode
- (13 Mins.)
Match filled with "boring," "same ol shit," and "We Want Cena" chants. Wasn't really a bad match. Fans just didn't want to see it. Anyways Roode wins with a back and forth contest with Roode Bomb.

Coming up next it's the Main Event of the first half and it's for the Intercontinental Championship...

(Edge/Steen First Blood Video Package.)
(First Blood Match) (Intercontinental Championship) Edge vs. Kevin Steen- Steen is out first, followed by Edge. The two start a brawling almost immediately and Edge knocks Steen over the top rope and dares him to get back in the ring. The ref backs Edge up and tells him to calm down. Edge yells he's calm. Steen gets back in the ring and Chimel does the introductions. When the bell starts Steen knees Edge in the gut and starts hammering away before throwing him the corner. Steen goes for a Cannonball but Edge gets out of the way. Edge with Edgeucution on Steen and starts mounting him with punches. Steen rolls Edge over and and starts punching him in the face. Steen snatches Edge up and hard Irish Whips him out of the ring. Steen hits the rope and flys out for a Sommersault Plancha but Edge gets out of the way and hits him with a Steel Chair on his way down. Edge takes the Chair to the face of Steen and screams "Bleed you son of a bitch." Edge throws the chair down and pulls out a knife. Edge goes to stab Steen in the forhead who dodges out the way and looks stunned. Steen runs backstage and Edge follows with knife screams "Where the hell do you think you're going?" When Edge gets back there he looks for Steen until Steen from behind hits him with a Supply box in the back of the head and beats his face with it. But still no blood. Steen picks Edge up and bangs his head on the wall until Edge elbows him in the gut and starts punching him in the face. Edge attempts an Irish Whip, but Steen counters and Irish Whips him through the Interview Curtain. Steen wraps the curtain around Edge's face and punches him repeatedly. Steen pulls the curtain up to check for blood but nothing. Steen sets up for a Package Pilrdriver but Edge Back Body Drops him on the concrete ground as Steen screams in pain. Edge grabs Steen and bangs his head through a TV and breaking it. Steen's face is red. But still no blood. Edge ties a belt around his neck and starts punching him in the face again. Steen cannot breathe so the ref stops Edge and says this isn't a Life or Death Match. Edge says it is now. Edge leaves. Steen gets to his feet and Edge tries to run him over with a car but he jumps out of the way. Steen runs back into the arena and Edge follows in the car at an intense speed. Steen slides in the ring and Edge crashes into the ring. Steen snatches Edge out of the ring and Pop Up Powerbombs him on the hood of the car. Steen starts to beat the hell out of Edge on the car. Edge kicks him away and makes him knock down the ref. Edge goes after Steen and he Superkicks and hits him with Knucks, busting Edge wide open. Steen tries to recover the ref and Edge cleans his face up with a towell while both are distracted. Edge with a Spear to Steen through the announce table. Edge blades Steen's head and blood gushes out of his forehead. (Ding Ding Ding) YOUR WINNER AND STILL CHAMPION EDGE!!! Edge celebrates and gets the hell up out of there,

(WCWF Halftime Report)
(Survivor Series Promo featuring The Rock, Brock Lesnar,Roman Reigns, Triple H,Sasha Banks,Charlotte,The Undertaker,Stone Cold,Jay Briscoe,and AJ Styles

"Here Comes The Money..." Shane McMahon makes his entrance and he makes his way to the ring. He ask how is everybody enjoying the show and the fans pop. He says there is no better place than Toronto to announce the Team Captain of the WAR! Team. He says he needs somebody who's ready to rage war. He needs somebody who knows this business like the back of their hands. AJ Styles music interrupts and he makes his way to the ring. Styles is pissed about not being on the card. Shane goes to continue and calls the person on the picture a legend. Styles interrupts and yells forget that legend. You're talking to The Phenomenonal One. He wants to know why he wasn't on the card. Shane hands him a Black shirt with the WAR! Logo on it. Styles throws it and says he doesn't want his stupid shirt he wants to be on the card at Survivor Series. Shane tells him to calm down because he is on the card. "Because that legend I was referring to was you, AJ." Shane lifts up the cover off the photo and it's a picture of AJ Styles with the WAR! Logo on it. Shane leaves the ring as his music plays and Styles just looks on confused. Styles picks up the shirt and looks at it and puts it on as his music plays to end the segment.

The commentators talks about how AJ must feel like a jackass. Commentators talk about how huge of an event Survivor Series will be. They inform us that Friday we will find out more details on Charlotte's opponent at the big event. They also can confirm that Gallows and Anderson will indeed defend against Latino Heat (Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero at the PPV. But in the Main Event. In a match 15 Years in the making. Its Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock II in a No Holds Barred Match and it will be for the World Championship let's show you that all came together.

(Rock vs. Brock Promo)
Tweet from The Rock (@The Rock)-
Were just weeks away from The Rock kicking @BrockLesnar 's ass and becoming The People's Champ once more. But i'll tell you that to your face.

Lesnar response:
@TheRock I'll see you in the street don't @ Me.

Its official! On the November 4th Edition of Friday Night War WCWF World Champion Brock Lesnar and The Rock returns and will be Face-To-Face. Same ring,same arena,at the same time.

Backstage Segment
: Christian takes all the credit for win earlier tonight and yells at Sami for almost costing them the match with his foolishness. Sami yells at Christian for sleeping the whole match. Christian says that since Sami wanted to act like a child,he would treat him like one. Sami argues with him and the two argue heading out the arena doors.

Coming up next, it's Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Wrestling Icon The Big Show. Nakamura has something to prove here. Our broadcast colleague, Mean Gene Oakland is standing by with The Big Show. Mean Gene introduces his guest Wrestling Legend, The Big Show. Mean Gene says that Show technically isn't under contract and he's working per appearances. He ask Show will he sign with the WCWF if he wins and if he loses what's next for Paul Wright? Show ask him does he really believe he's gonna lose to a little twerp like Nakamura. Show says once he wins he will sign with the WCWF but on the Rampage brand. He says the WAR! Brand is full of scrubs. He says if he somehow, someway he lose to Nakamura,he'll retire.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. The Big Show
- Big Show goes right after Nakamura who dodges his punches with kicks to the legs. Nakamura with an Enziguri to the big man. Show stumbles to a knee but doesn't fall completely, Nakamura goes for a Pump Kick but Show hits a KO Style punch to the right leg of Nakamura mid-kick. Nakamura is down and holding his leg. Show walks on it. Show grabs the leg and puts pressure on it as Nakamura screams in pain. Show yells that he would never beat him. Show picks up Nakamura Body Slams him on the canvas. Big Show leaves the ring and grabs a Steel Chair and the refs reminds us because it's No Mercy that anything goes. Show swings the chair at Nakamura's leg. Nakamura kicks Shows leg and gets out of the way. Show comes forward Nakamura and gets a Hurricana. Nakamura gets up and slams his injured foot down on the mat and is good. Nakamura with a Dropkick to Show's head. Nakamura with a Pump Kick to the skull of Show,followed by a 450 Splash and pins him for the win. 1-2-3
Immediately afterwards Bobby Roode attacks Nakamura with a Roode Bomb.

(Extreme Violence Warning)
(Cage Of Death Match) Jay Briscoe vs. Cactus Jack- Jay Briscoe is out first,followed by Cactus Jack with Barbie. When the match starts, Jack swings Barbie at Briscoe. Briscoe dodges it and dropkicks Cactus Jack in the back of the head
Jay notices Barbie and picks it up and starts beating the crap out of Mick with it in the back of the head. The back of Mick's skull is dripping with blood and picks him up and throws him through a glass door and grabs a light stick and bust it over the head of Cactus Jack and plants him with a DDT. He yells that he's gonna kill him tonight. Jay grabs some Barb Wire and wraps it around the head of Cactus Jack and takes Barbie to the skull of Mick Foley and the commentators are pleading for the ref to just stop the match. Jay Briscoe picks him and and Cactus Jack starts punching him in the gut and Briscoe kicks him low and grabs some lighter fluid and pours it all over Foley and lights him on fire for the second straight Pay Per View. Briscoe watches as Jack burns and just laughs as Cactus Jack screams in pain. Briscoe gets mad at him screaming too loud and bust a glass window over his head. Jay Briscoe gets out a bag of thumb tacks and pours them all over the floor and DDT's Cactus Jack in them. Jack starts screaming in pain and Jay Briscoe says what did he tell him about that shit. He picks him up and Irish Whips him into the Barb Wire covered turnpost and tells him to quit being a little bitch. Jack out the corner gets a Side Slam. Briscoe grabs a Mic and ask the fans if this is what they wanted. He says tonight they're gonna watch a legend die. He calls his self "The New Legend Killer." He pulls a sheet off of something in the corner and it's an electric chair and the announcers are all "you gotta be kidding Me." Jerry says he watched enough and takes off his head set as the fans cheer. Lawler gets in the ring as the crowd explodes with "Jerry!" Chants. Jerry tries to reason with Briscoe. Briscoe throws a punch at Lawler and Lawler catches it and decks him. Lawler showboats with the crowd and Briscoe ambushes him from behind and starts beating his ass. Jay says he's gonna make him have another heart attack and wraps electric cords around the body of Jerry and turns around to a Double Arm DDT. Cactus Jack collapse and medics come down to check on him. Briscoe slowly gets up and pushes medics and says he would end all of this. Jay Briscoe puts Cactus Jack in the chair and Mauro and Kevin Kelley: "NOOOOOOOOOO!!! JAY DON'T!!!" AND BRISCOE ELECTROCUTES CACTUS JACK!!! Mauro: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,THATS NOT PART OF THE SCRIPT!!" Kevin: "PRO WRESTLING JUST GOT REAL!!!" The refs stops the match and Shane McMahon runs to the ring with medics to check on Jack and tells Briscoe to get the hell out of here. Briscoe thinks about assaulting Shane and just leaves and screams "This Isn't Over!"

(Elimination Chamber) (Women's Championship Unification Match) Sasha Banks vs. Kharma vs. Becky Lynch vs. Natalya vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Beth Phoenix- First two Women in the ring are of course the Champions. The announcers put over their show stealer from The Bottom Line Pay Per View. It starts with a tie up and Kharma throws Sasha out of the ring like a rag doll. Kharma goes out of the ring and picks her up by her hair and Sasha starts elbowing her in the stomach but Kharma eats it and headbutts her and rams her face onto the pod of Beth Phoniex and yells "I want you b***h!" Beth yells for her to bring it and Kharma throws Sasha and starts talking trash to Beth. Sasha from behind with a Sleeper Hold and Kharma flips her over her shoulders by her head. Kharma grabs her by her hair and flings her at the Chamber wall continuously (like Nia did Alicia.) She then picks her up and Spinebusters her on the ground. First 90 Seconds is up and here comes Becky Lynch. Becky goes right after Kharma but gets Gorilla Press Slammed onto Sasha. Kharma looks at Beth, who is still talking stuff in the pod and she picks up Becky Lynch and throws her THROUGH THE POD of Beth Phoniex!!! Kharma runs in the pod and starts beating the holy crap out of Beth and hits her with a Kong Bomb. Sasha Banks with a Zigzag to Kharma out of nowhere takes her down. The 90 seconds is up and its Beth Phoniex, who is already in the match due to Kharma. All the women in the ring are down. And Becky and Sasha gets up slowly and have a little staredown and starts beating the hell out of each other. They both stop and notice Kharma getting up and they both go after Kharma. Both try to Double Vertical Suplex her but it's not budging. Beth Phoniex runs over and helps and the three Women Suplex's Kharma. Becky and Sasha then turns on Beth and jumps her. Sasha with the Backstabber and Bank Statement. Becky with the Dis-ARMher and Beth taps out. 90 Seconds is up and it's Charlotte's,who's pod happens to be stuck. Becky and Sasha goes right after her but the ref tells them they're not allowed until they figure out what's going on with the pod. Both argue with the ref until Sasha turns on Becky with the Backstabber and Bank Statement. Kharma runs over and breaks it up. Kharma waits for both women to get up before double clotheslining both. 90 Seconds is up and Natalya runs at Kharma and starts elbowing her in the skull. They start to take toll until Kharma headbutts her and Chokeslams her to the canvas. Kharma with the cover and 1-2-NOOO!!! Natalya kicks out at two and a half. Kharma gets mad and grabs her up by her legs and hits three Non-Release Powerbombs and a fourth one over the top rope on the steel ground Natalya shreaks in pain. Becky Lynch runs up and jumps on Kharma's back and starts punching her in the head. Sasha Banks runs up and DDT's Kharma. Becky with a Sidekick to the temple of Sasha. Becky lifts Kharma off the ground and hits a German Suplex and the announcers are all "You gotta be friggin kidding Me, that's a 300 pound Woman!!" Becky puts her in the STF,but Natalya grabs her for the Sharpshooter and Becky reverses that with an STF on her. Sasha hits a Throwback on Becky for two. Kharma hits a Sidewalk Slam/Spinebuster on Sasha for the cover and 1-2-Noooo! Mauro put this over as what Women's Wrestling should be. Corey says that the days of women being pinned after Stink Faces are long gone at this point. All the women are down and Charlotte runs in the ring and puts Natalya in a Figure Eight and she taps out Commentators are going wild "WAIT JUST A MINUTE,HER CHAMBER WAS NEVER STUCK!! SHADES OF HER FATHER RIC!! CHARLOTTE IS PLAYING DIRTY!!" Charlotte climbs the Chamber and dives onto a now standing Becky,Kharma,and Sasha with a Moonsault. Fans chant "This is Awesome!" Charlotte puts her arm on Becky to capitalize for the 1-2-3!!! Now it's down to Kharma,Sasha,and Charlotte. Charlotte helps up Sasha and tells her to help her take out Kharma. But Sasha slaps her in the face and the two starts trading blows. Kharma runs at both and Charlotte gets out of the way and KHARMA SPEARS SASHA THROUGH THE MIDDLE ROPE!!! Charlotte gets on top of the pod and hits a 450 Splash on Sasha and 1-2-3!!! Sasha Banks has been eliminated! Its down to Kharma and Charlotte Flair!!! Charlotte picks Kharma up and starts punching her in the face but Kharma eats them and just gets mad and makes the Kong face. Charlotte tries to run but gets snatched down to the canvas by her hair! Kharma bangs her head on the steel ground and throws her in the ring by her hair. Kharma gets back in the ring and Clotheslines Charlotte in the corner. She goes for another and Charlotte rakes the eyes and his a Natural Selection. Charlotte puts her in the Figure Eight and Kharma fades. (Ding Ding Ding) Your WINNER AND NEW UNDISPUTED WCWF WOMENS WORLD CHAMPIONN...CHARLOTTTTEEE FLAIIIRRRRR!!!!! Charlotte celebrates with the title. Pyro explodes and confetti begans raining down to end the PPV.








[WCWF] Monday Night Rampage Results (10/3/16) (Survivor Series Match,Evolution vs. The Shield,Highlight Reel)

(Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match) Team Rampage vs. Nexus- (23 Minutes) Rampage gets a clean sweep. Order of elimination:
-Daniels eliminates Hawkings; Following a Fallen Angel
-Undertaker eliminates Slater; Following a Double Chokeslam
-Shawn Michaels eliminates Gabriel;Following a Double Chokeslam from Undertaker and Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michaels.
-Austin eliminates Otunga;Following Bullhammer + Stunner combo
-Undertaker eliminates Young ;Following Bullhammer from Barrett,Stunner from Austin,Sweet Chin Music from HBK,Fallen Angel from Daniels,and a Tombstone Piledriver with pin from Undertaker. Afterwards, the whole team look at each other in disbelief at how well they worked together. Austin ask Shawn if he's on the same page to give him a hell yeah. Shawn replies, "Hell yeah Steve." Austin ask Daniels who also replies, "Hell Yeah." Austin then ask Undertaker who replies with "Hell Yeaahhhhhh!" Austin then ask Wade Barrett, "Wade,all differences aside are you on the same page as us?" The fans chant for Barrett and Barrett puts the Mic to his mouth and then down and is about to leave the ring but turns around and says "OHHH HELLL YEAHHH!!!" The fans chant "Yes!" as Stone Cold's music hits. He says hold on cut the music. He says they next week,it's time to step it up a notch. He says next week their gonna call out Team WAR! live he tells them to bring the calgary and he's bringing the Stunners. Austin's music hits again and he gets cans for everybody and the Team Rampage members toast and drink their beers. Well coming up next. Its The New Age Outlaws' Road Dogg vs. American Alpha's Chad Gable and that's next.

Chad Gable vs. Road Dogg- Road Dogg wins with the handful of tights after 8 minutes. Road Dogg leaves up the ramp with Billy running. Gable gets on the Mic and says "So you tell Me,The New Age Outlaws,the legendary New Age Outlaws, one of the greatest teams ever! has to cheat against little ol Me." Jordan says they really lost it and mess well not show up Monday. Billy says as they said they are legends,which means they paid their dues and says that they've played them game of cat and mouse before. Road Dogg says the difference is this isn't your ordinary cat and mouse. He says this is Tom and Jerry and that these mouses would outsmart those loud cats and would take the cheese in the end.

Backstage Segment
: Triple H backstage is watching with Sean Waltman and he says his poor boys has lost it. He says "a Tom and Jerry reference though?" Batista walks in the room and ask what did Triple H want. Triple H says he knows exactly what he wants and ask what was last week about. Batista says it's about that title. He says it isn't personal it's business. He says that Hunter knew all the way back in 2014 when he re-signed with the WWE that "The Animal" wanted to the champion again. He says and now there isn't nobody and he means nobody. Not Reigns,Not Ambrose, and Not You (Triple H) are gonna stop Me from winning and keeping that belt..as long as I damn well please,so...DEAL WITH IT!

(Jeff Hardy is coming for Edge and the IC Title)

"Break the walls down..." Chris Jericho makes his entrance and it's time for the Highlight Reel as we head to commercial break.

Chris Jericho Highlight Reel with Adrian Neville- Jericho is in the ring go big "Y2J" chants. Jericho tells the fans to "quiet,quiet,quiet,quiet,quiet,
quiet,quiet...I SAID QUIET YOU STUPID IDIOTS!!! The fans boo and he says that he'll wait and they boo more. He ask the fans.."WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Adrian Neville interrupts and Jericho yells at him and ask him who the hell he thought he was. He said this is Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel,therefore he tells his guest when to come out here. Neville says "Enough Jericho! You disrespect these fans and you take me lightly!" Neville says that would be his mistake. Jericho said "My mistake? My mistake is letting a little twerp like you even be consirded for a shot at the prestigious United States Championship! This title has been held by legends and it's being held by the Greatest of all time right now baybay! I've busted my ass since this company opened its doors to hold that! I came up short to my opponent on multiple occasions but I still didn't GIVE UP DAMMIT!!! You had a championship and you let Shawn Michaels just throw it in the trash! You're an embarrassment, you're a disgrace,as a matter of fact. Just get the hell out of my ring. Jericho pushes Neville and ask him what is he waiting for. Jericho pushes Neville's face and Neville snaps and punches Jericho and starts beating the hell out of him. Neville dropkicks Jericho out of the ring and flys onto him and keeps attacking until refs pull him off. Neville screams "Who's the embarrassment now!!?" Fired up Neville and this is the Adrian Neville he'll need to be next week in order to win the championship!!

Braun Strowman def. Raww Dawg in 25 seconds with a Sitout Chokebomb

Backstage Segment: Renee Young introduces her guest..Roman Reigns!!! She says "Roman,next week you defend against "The Animal" Batista. Batista is a former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion, defeating the likes of Triple H,John Cena,and Randy Orton to name a few to get that title. What makes you think you can beat him to retain the WCWF Championship?" Roman replies "Look Renee, do I look like Randy Orton? Nah, because I beat Randy Orton's ass. Do I look like Triple H? Nah,we're gonna have our date and I'm gonna beat his ass. And do I look like John Cena? Nah,but if John Cena was here (looks into the camera) I would beat his ass too." He says he respects Batista he really does. He says he doesn't like Batista and this beef has been going since back in the WWE. He says for Batista to bring his ass and he'll bring the fight!

(Jay Lethal is coming for the IC) Title

Jay Lethal vs. Kazarian- Lethal over with Lethal Injection. Hardy runs in and hits him with a Twist of Fate immediately afterwards.

(Wyatt Scare) Bray Wyatt sings the chorus of "until I see you again"

(Kazarian is coming for Edge and the IC Title)

Evolution vs. The Shield- Both Ambrose and Reigns trying to one up each other and hard tags. Batista and Triple H argued the whole match and at the end Triple H hard tagged Batista 1 times too many and Batista snatched him in the ring and planted him with a Batista Bomb. Reigns Spears Batsita and goes for the cover but Dean Ambrose snatches him off and plants him with Dirty Deeds. Batista rolls over and pins Roman Reigns and 1-2-3!!! Batista has pinned the champ. The announcers put over that if that happened next Monday there would be a new champ. "Make sure you tune in as Monday Night Rampage heads to India,Jericho vs. Neville for the. United States Television Championship, Team Rampage calls out Team WAR!,Dean Ambrose vs. Triple H to crown the #1Contender for the WCWF Championship at Survivor Series,The Queen of the Ring tournament, and Roman Reigns vs. Batista for the WCWF Championship!! Make sure you tune in next week live!!!!
[WCWF] FRIDAY NIGHT WAR! RESULTS (10/7/16) (Stone Cold Invades,AJ Styles Confronts Team WAR!,Mysterio/Guerrero vs. Zayn/Christian,Edge Turning Heel?,Red Eyed Wolves Reunion)

Backstage Segment: Sami Zayn and Christian confront Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero and Sami says he respects them but they shouldn't be facing Gallows and Anderson at Survivor Series and that they should. Christian tells Zayn to stay in a child's place because he isn't raising him up to disrespect adults. Christian repeats what Sami already said. Rey says they called out any team. We re-signed back in April and waited long enough. He says if they wanted the opportunity...they could've just made their way out there like they did. Rey says they wasn't even near the curtain. Sami goes to speak but Christian yells at him "Dammit, Sami. How many times do I have to tell you about a child's place., he tells him to just take his ass on. Shane McMahon walks up and makes a #1 Contenders Match for later.

(WAR! Intro Video and Pyro)

Finn Bálor's music hits and he walks to the ring with no regular entrance he looks disappointed as he gets in the ring. He says that he won his match a No Mercy as the fans pops. He ask "but at what cost?" He says in Life or Death rules you have to take a life,all to win a match. He says that he shouldn't have accepted the..(Bálor pauses and looks like some things going through his mind) Bálor (in a distorted voice) says that he did the right thing and laughs demonically! He says BJ was right being evil is fun and the only way of survival and that it was time for him to embrace that inner demon because last night for the first time in his career he actually felt good. SETH ROLLINS MUSIC HITS AND THE FANS COME UNGLUED!!! THE MAN IS BACK!!! He says "I was gonna wait to make my return later tonight but I was listening in the back now I wanna know...What the hell did you just say?" He tells him to snap out of it. He says can't he see BJ has him under a trance. He says that he watched him from NJPW on up. He says he seen him be both good and bad..but never evil. He says he was the one that brought him into the WCWF as Prince Devitt because he saw the talent. He says and you never back down from a challenge. He says AJ Styles took over their stable and renamed it his faction. The one that was originally his (Finn's) to begin with. He says that while the rest of them moved on,Finn fought to prove a point,even if he had to be villinized to do so. He says if he want to war over a stable. Then he shouldn't give up on a war over his soul. Seth snaps his fingers and tells Finn to snap out it. The Conspiracy Theory's music hits (AKA What's Up Instrumental) and they interrupt. Truth raps "Finn wassup with you,killing people, man that ain't cool, (Miz and Truth continuously saying "Y'all Suck!" and ends it with "Finn and Seth y'all Suck!") Seth wassup with you,standing in this ring looking like a goof. (Miz and Truth continuously saying "Y'all Suck!" and ends it with "Finn and Seth y'all Suck!")" The two get in the ring and Finn and Seth looks at each other and starts beating the crap out of them and throws them out of the ring. Seth says "Ayy Finn,you wanna blow off some steam..How about The Red Eyed Wolves reunite for one night and kick their ass" Finn in normal voice says he's in as we head to commercial.

The Red Eyed Wolves (Finn Bálor,Seth Rollins) vs. The Conspiracy Theory (Miz and Truth) - When we come back Truth is dominating Seth as the fans chant "Lets Go Rollins!" Rollins throws Truth into the ropes and Dropkicks him out of it. Miz runs at Rollins and he throws him out of the ring on the opposite side. Rollins hits the ropes and Sommersault Plancha on Truth. Bálor runs over and hits an enziguri on Miz,Rollins takes Miz out with a Sommersault Plancha. (AJ Styles watching backstage. Shane McMahon walks up and watches the match with him) Seth Rollins gets back in the ring and Truth gets back in and goes for a Downward Spiral but Seth stiff necks it making Truth fall and attempts a Pedigree (Backstage: AJ says he wants them on Team AJ! and walks away Shane yells that it's Team WAR!) Truth with the Downward Spiral and 1..2..Lights go out in the arena. Heart beat sound goes through the arena as the arena goes crimson red with black line graphics and the screen starts shaking with rumbling noise in the background going all over the screen,the lights goes completely out and Finn Balor's music hits and when they come back on (crimson red) THE DEMON KING IS IN THE RING WITH A BASEBALL BAT AND DESTROYS THE CONSPIRACY THEORY WITH IT AND BASHES TRUTH'S SKULL IN WITH IT!!! He swings it at Miz, who gets out of the way and tries to escape,which pisses Bálor off. Lights goes out and when they come back on (crimson red) Bálor has a rope around Miz neck and is choking him on the announce table as Miz is seemingly dying. Seth runs over and stops Finn before he could kill The Miz. He tries to calm him down and gets beat down too. Finn throws Seth at the ringpost and crawls in the ring. AJ Styles music hits and from the ramp he welcomes Finn and Seth to Team WAR! He ask Finn,where is Seth? He looks over and sees Seth bleeding out and Miz & Truth destroyed as well and just backs away slowly and drops the mic.

(#1 Contenders Match) Christian Cage,Sami Zayn vs. Latino Heat (Rey Mysterio,Eddie Guerrero) Christian kept disrespecting Sami Zayn like he was his kid, until he snapped and decked him with a punch and walked out. Rey Mysterio would kick Christian into position for a 619 and as soon as he ran to the ropes Luke Gallows blast him with a Big Boot for the DQ,Karl Anderson snatches Eddie down and throws him at the barricade. Anderson and Gallows beat up Mysterio and Guerrero through the crowd. Jay Briscoe slides in the ring from behind and starts attacking Christian and beating the living hell out of him. Jay and calls his self the New Legend Killer. Briscoe goes to get some electrical cords and Sami Zayn's music hits and he runs back out to save Christian and Briscoe backs off and screams that it wasn't over. JERRY LAWLER RUNS UP FROM BEHIND WITH A STEEL CHAIR TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD OF BRISCOE!! Briscoes head is bleeding. Jerry continues the assault and refs pulls him back as he keeps trying to kick him. Bells keep ringing for more security and refs. Kevin Kelley: "He's supposed to be here at commentary" Corey Graves: "He's pissed,Briscoe not only attacked him but threatened his life." Kevin: "Somebody get some damn control here! Fans we have to take a quick commercial break! Don't go nowhere! "

Charlotte Flair's music hits and she makes her way out with her new WCWF Women's World Championship!

Charlotte Celebration: Charlotte thanks everyone who believed in her. She says "not that it mattered, because I was gonna win anyways because it's in my blood!! And because I'm just genetically superior and there isn't a woman alive who could beat me for this title..." Stephanie McMahon's music hits and she interrupts and the fans explode and chant "Stephanie!" Charlotte says that it was just like a McMahon to book themselves in title matches." Stephanie's slaps the shit out of Charlotte. "Let's get something straight you little bitch,don't you ever mention my mother(bleeping) family ever again!! Now listening here if I wanted that belt,it would be sitting on my Billion Dollar Shoulders right now!!" She says maybe one day Charlotte. Stephanie starts talking calm and collective and says that anyways she was out here to inform her that she would find out her next challenger, Monday night when Rampage goes to India! She says in the very first Queen Of The Ring Tournament!!! She tells her to hold that title close because she never know who might take it. Charlotte looks scared and backs out of the ring slowly as Stephanie laughs maniacally.

Backstage Segment: Styles says he doesn't know if he wants to team with Finn after that. Shane says that's what they need on the team and AJ would have to deal with it. AJ says "OK Batista,I just goes to show Shane McMahon doesn't like AJ Styles." Shane says he doesn't dislike AJ Styles and he thought they were friends. He says to prove he doesn't dislike AJ, he would be fighting by his side on Team WAR! at Survivor Series. The fans chant "Yes!" AJ says "OK,well partner. Stone Cold Steve Austin challenged our team to show up in India. And I got the tickets. Shane tells AJ, "They would absolutely not." Edge walks up and ask Shane to defend his title against a Ramapge Wrestler at Survivor Series. Shane agrees and AJ gets mad and walks away.

"You think you know Me!.." Edge's music hits and he makes his entrance.

Edge vs. Shinsuke Nakamura- Edge went for a lock up but brushes Nakamaura off and walks down the ramp and takes a Countout. Bobby Roode attacks Nakamura from behind and grabs a Mic. He says that Bobby Roode isn't gonna wait around for opportunity like guys like Nakamura,Kenny OMEGA,and James Storm. He says he takes it and he takes it his way. The Roode Way! Drops the Mic and leaves

(The Man Comes Around Video Promo)

(Rock and Brock returns and will be face to face of the next edition of Friday Night WAR! That show will take place November 4th.

AJ Styles music hits and the fans sing along with his theme song. AJ thanks the fans for singing his theme song. He ask the fans if they believed in AJ Styles. The fans yell "Yes!" AJ says that he believes in him. He says he doesn't think WAR! General Manager Shane McMahon does. He says every since Shane McMahon came to the WCWF,he has made a point to dog AJ Styles. He says it started over on Rampage. He says that's the reason he left Rampage. He says that AJ switched for WAR! and Shane followed and is doing the same bullshit. He says that Shane made him the WAR! Team Captain only because he didn't want AJ Styles complaining at another Pay Per View. He says Shane doesn't believe in him,he never believed in him and Shane doesn't believe Team WAR! has a chance. He says Shane put his self on Team WAR! just to hide his dislike...(Shane's music hits and he interrupts. ) Shane tells AJ, "You know I can hear you right?" AJ says that he's well aware and that his wasn't talking in secret. Shane tells AJ, then to next time call him out and talk to his face like a man. AJ says "I'll tell you to your face that ol Shane went soft. I'll tell you to your face that ol Shane is a joke. And I'll tell you to your face that you don't like Me,and at this point. I don't like you. And I'll tell you to your face that Me and Team WAR! are going to India...With or without you." Shane replies, "Oh yeah, you and what army." Finn Balor's music hits and Finn comes out as normal Finn. AJ and Shane looks a bit worried. Finn says "first off I wanna apologize to Seth Rollins. That's not me,I was under mind control. And now onto you Shane and AJ. AJ as much as I cannot stand you. As much as I hate your freaking guts. Rest assure. You have one man on your army for sure...and his next is Finn Bálor. And Finn Bálor is gluing to India with AJ Styles. Seth Rollins music hits. Seth says "This time Finn,I'll let it slide. But if you ever put your hands on Me again. You're gonna find out why they call Me..The Man." He says "Anyways Shane,I agree with AJ...you have gon soft. You have become a reall bitch. You went from taking crazy bumps to being a man who backs down from a challenge. Stone Cold Steve Austin called us out. I guess we're just gonna pussy out because your hatred for AJ." Shane gets in Seth's face and tells him if he ever calls him a bitch again it would be "You and Me." And I don't hate AJ. I just don't think it's wise to join into Austin's mind games. AJ tells Shane if OK if he's scared. Shane says "I'm not scared nor have I ever been in my life. I'm a McMahon dammit! We can't go because we're playing smart...besides we don't even have a 5th Member." AJ says see again that's where Shane is wrong. He says he had to get a prize fighter to challenge the prize fighting Wade Barrett. Kevin Steen's music hits and the fans come unglued. Steen gets in the ring and the fans chant "Kill Steen Kill!" Steen starts pointing at members of the crowd saying "I don't like you,I don't like you,I don't like you,and I don't like any of you. So you you all can actually stop cheering me." He says "I look at the team and only person I don't hate is AJ Styles. Which is why I accepted to be on this team. Survivor Series is the official start to The Kevin Steen Show. Its gonna be a long ride. In the short term. We need to work as a team and as a team we will defeat Team Rampage at Survivor Series. (Gets in Shane's face) And as a team...we're going to India!!" Shane ask the fans if they wanna see Team WAR! go to Rampage in India and they chant "Yes!" He says the Monday Night were gonna Rampage...in India and drops the Mic as his music plays. STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN WITH A STUNNER OUT OF NOWHERE TO SHANE MCMAHON!!! Austin slides out of the ring and leaves to the crowd as the rest of Team WAR! chase him. Austin stops at the top of the stairs and drink a beer as the members stop of the barricade as his music plays and he drinks a beer to end the show.



Batista's 2005 music hits and he's out first to huge pop from the crowd! .. Roman Reigns makes his way out for the biggest pop of the night! Howard Finkel does the introductions for our Championship Match! Finkel: "The following content is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Worrlldd Chammppionship Wrestling Federation..Championssshipp!!!!!!... Introducing first the challenger from Washington, DC,weighing in at 291 pounds...THE ANIMMALL..BAATTTISSSSTTA" Reigns is out next. Finkel: "And his opponent from Pensacola,Flordia.....
weighing in at 265 lbs..HE IS YOUR REIGNING DEFENDING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPPIONN "The SAMOAN BADASS....ROM-MMANNN!!!!!!! REEEIGGGNNNSSS!!!" (Ding Ding Ding) The two stand off as the fans chant "Roman Make It Reign!"

(WCWF Championship) Roman Reigns vs Batista- Batista picks Reigns up off bat and slams him in the corner and starts shoulder thrusting him in the corner. Roman starts punching Batista with rights and headbutts and gets kneed in the gut. Batista with the Irish Whip to Reigns,who explodes out of the corner with a flying clothesline,he follows it up with a Running Big Boot when Batista gets back to his feet. Roman picks Batista up and Batista plants Roman with a Spinebuster for 2. Batista picks Roman Reigns up and whips him in the corner and runs at him and Reigns gets out of the way and Batista turns around to a standing Dropkick from Reigns that sends Batista in "619 position." Reigns sees him in position and runs out of the ring and goes for the Drive-by but Batista counters with a Super Stiff Clothesline. Batista heads to the top rope inside the ring and the announcers put over that it's not like The Animal. Batista goes for a Double Axe Handle outside of the ring from the top rope and Roman runs full speed and blast him with a SPEAARRR!!! BATISTA IS BROKEN IN HALF!! Roman checks in the ring and back out and set's it up and Batista gets up and Reigns runs and picks him up and EXPLODING SPEAR THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!! THE TABLE ABSOLUTELY EXPLODES!! The fans chant "HOLY SHIT" in their language and both man are unconscious as the ref finally restarts the count. 1..2..3.. Roman and Batista slowly get up and starts punching each other and Batista with a Batista Bomb and runs back in the ring 6..7..8..9..Roman beats the count! Batista starts stomping on his head and sets him up for a Batista Bomb and Reigns counters with a Massive DDT. Reigns picks him up by the legs with one arm and hits him with 3 non release single arm PowerBombs for 2. Roman punches his fist on the ground and hits Batista with the Superman Punch,which makes the big man woozy. Reigns kicks him in the gut and hits The Empire Strikes Back and follows it up with The People's Elbow. Roman: "OOOOHHWWAHHH!!!!" Fans come unglued and chant "SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!" and Roman blast him with a Spear!! And 1..2..3!!! (DING DING DING) ROMAN RETAINS!!!! Roman Reigns retain! Roman celebrates and Shawn Michaels music hits to a mega pop and "HBK" chants and he reminds him that in two more months he wants that title. Roman smirks at him and pushes him out of his way and leaves the ring as we head to commercial break.

(Translator is translating words on Titantron screen.)
Team Rampage Calls Out Team WAR!-HBK already in the ring. He says that as the General Manager, it's up to him to put a stop to chaos and rampage. He says but this show is called MONDAY NIGHT RAMPAGE DAMMIT!!! He says "SO LETS RAMPAGE!!!" "Here Comes The Money!!!" WAR! General Manager Shane McMahon makes his way out to the ring. Shane says that he wasn't convinced on coming here tonight. But one man changed his mind on that and that's..Seth Rollins!!! Shawn Michaels said he watched WAR! and Shane was being a scared little bitch and it was actually AJ Styles that begged him to show up. He says he respects that. Shane says that he isn't scared and if HBK calls him a bitch again, he would show him one. He says and he did say AJ Styles. The two argue over,who Shane said and AJ Styles music hits. AJ says he's gonna let Shane's ignorance slide. He says because while Shawn came out here for to create Rampage, he came out here for WAR! He says that and one day they're gonna have that little dream clash we was supposed to have months ago that never happened. But that's if Shawn leaves here tonight! Kevin Steen and Seth Rollins jumps the barricade. Finn Balor's music hits and he comes up the ramp. (Gong) The Undertaker,Stone Cold Steve Austin,Wade Barrett, and Christopher Daniels are in the ring side-by-side with Shawn Michaels center ring. Kevin swings at Undertaker and chaos ensures!!! We have our selves a brawl. Undertaker is attacking Steen in the corner,Stone Cold is beating up Shane McMahon,Shawn Michaels and AJ Styles are going at it,Seth Rollins and Christopher Daniels are going at it,Barrett and Bálor are going at it. Undertaker flips Steen over the top rope.Stone Cold Stunner to Shane O Mac knocks him out of the ring. Undertaker Chokeslams AJ Styles onto him, Team Rampage jumps Bálor and Rollins and throws them out of the ring as well. Undertaker flies out onto Team WAR! Heart beat sound as the arena goes crimson red with black line graphics going all over the screen,the lights goes completely out and Finn Balor's music hits and when they come back on (crimson red) THE DEMON KING IS IN THE RING WITH A BASEBALL BAT AND DESTROYS TEAM RAMPAGE WITH IT!!! Bálor looks like he is getting a headache and crawls out of the ring and up the ramp really fast like a spider. Lights come back on and the camera shows both teams laid out Team WAR! on the outside of the ring and Team Rampage inside of it. Commentators are trying to figure out what the hell. We just witnessed as we head to break.

Backstage Segment: Jonathan Coachman request a word with The Demon King who is on the ground in crawl position. Bálor jumps on him and starts seemingly eating his face off. We hear Coachman screaming for help as the camera pans away.

Stephanie McMahon's Office: She tells the girls to go out there and tear the house down for the Queen Of The Ring tournament she says that their would be 3 matches. Sasha says that it's only 5 of them back there. Stephanie says to let her finish and she reveals the bracket to be...

Kharma vs. Beth Phoenix
Sasha Banks vs. Natalya
Becky ask who her opponent is and Stephanie says as part of giving Women a chance to shine. She's facing newest WCWF signee and former World Champion...PAIGE!!!! She says and Becky's match with Paige would be taking place right now!!! Paige's music hits and she makes her debut to a huge pop!!! Becky Lynch is out next!!!

(Queen Of The Ring Tournament )
Becky Lynch vs. Paige-
The two lock up and Paige takes control of Becky in the corner and the ref pulls her off. Paige goes at Becky again and gets a Headlock Takeover. Becky puts her knee in Paige's back and holds her arm screaming for her to tap as the fans clap Paige back into it. Paige starts back kicking Becky in the face and gets out of it. Paige hits a Northern Lights Suplex with a pin for 2. Paige grabs Becky by her hair and starts headbutting her. Paige picks Becky up and Becky with a quick roll up and 1-2-3!!! BECKY WINS!!! Becky's going to the Triple Threat Match! Post Match- Paige ambushes Becky from behind, bangs her head on the ground and screams "This is my house now" and hits the Ram-Paige on Becky. The fans boo as Paige walks down the ramp as her music plays.

(WCWF Tag Team Championships) American Alpha vs. The New Age Outlaws- American Alpha retains after 13 minutes. Following the match,Road Dogg says they was the better team tonight. He says but what about if they go one more round at Survivor Series. Chad Gable says when it comes to a challenge,that they was always "Ready,Willing,and,Gable" Jason Jordan says that in other words they accept.

(Queen Of The Ring Tournament)
Sasha Banks vs. Natalya- Natalya slaps Sasha off rip and gets taken down with punches. Natalya flips her and starts punching her. Natalya starts stomping her and puts her in the abdominal stretch. Natalya grabs Sasha Banks vagina and screams "This is a fat cat..I LIKE CATS!! I LIKE CATS!!" Joey Styles says that our President Elect sure as hell would be proud. Sasha flips her with a Single Arm Takeover and slaps the shit out of Natalya and ask her what the hell was wrong with her. Natalya runs up and attempts a clothesline and Sasha ducks and hits a Backstabber and follows it up with the Bank Statement and Natalya taps and Sasha Banks will now join Becky Lynch in the Triple Threat Match.

(WCWF United States Television Championship) Chris Jericho vs. Adrian Neville- Adrian Neville wins by count out after a 12 minute match.

(Queen Of The Ring Tournament )
Kharma vs. Beth Phoenix -Kharma and Beth stare each other down for a minute before Beth kicks Kharma and starts punching her which doesn't phase her so Beth hits the ropes and attempts a Clothesline,that doesn't budge her she tries another one and gets a Running Powerslam. Kharma finishes her off with a Kong Bomb and 1..2..3!!! Kharma is going go the Triple Threat Match!!!

(Winner Faces Edge At Survivor Series) Jeff Hardy vs. Jay Lethal vs. Frankie Kazarian- Great match with lots of high flying action. Hardy over following a Twist Of Fate and Swanptom Bomb on Kazarian for the pin and win after taking Lethal out the equation. "You think you know me" immediately after the match, Edge's music hits and he sneaks up and Spears Hardy from behind and security escorts him out.

(Queen Of The Ring Finals) (Winner Faces Charlotte Flair At Survivor Series) Sasha Banks vs. Kharma vs. Becky Lynch-
15 Minutes. Becky and Sasha pretty much double teamed Kharma and took her by putting her through both announce tables. In the end, Becky had Sasha in the Dis-Arm-Her and PAIGE OUT OF NOWHERE PLANTS BECKY IN THE HEAD WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!! Paige hits her with Monday Night RamPaige and slides out of there. Sasha rolls over and pins Becky Lynch and SASHA IS GOING TO SURVIVOR SERIES!!! ITS OFFICIAL SASHA BANKS VS. CHARLOTTE FLAIR...NO HOLDS BARRED FOR THE WOMENS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP AT SURVIVOR SERIES!!! Charlotte poses with her title on the ramp

(#1 Contenders Match) Dean Ambrose vs. Triple H -
Ambrose is out first to a mega pop to a mega pop for our Main Event. Finkel: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is to determine the #1 Contender for World Championship Wrestling Federation..Champipnssshipp. Introducing first,from Cincinnati, Ohio., weighing in at 235 Lbs...DEANNNN AMBBBROOOSSSSSEEEEEE!!!!!" Triple H is out next. Finkel: "and the opponent from Greenwich,Connecticut.....
weighing in at 256 lbs.."The Game....TRIPLE H!!!!!!!" (Ding Ding Ding) The two stand off as the fans chant "AMMMBR-BROOOSSEE,AMMMBR-ROOOSSEE!!!" Ambrose smirks in Triple H's face and gets decked in the face for it. Triple H is in control. Triple H knees Ambrose in the gut and Irish whips him at the ropes and waits for him to slingshot back but Ambrose stops his self on of the ropes. Triple H runs at Ambrose, who throws him out of the ring. Ambrose hits the ropes and suicide dives over the top rope at The Game. Ambrose gets on the apron and waits for Triple H to get up before jumping off the apron with a Missle Dropkick to The Game. Ambrose riles up the crowd as we take our final break in the broadcast.

(Commercial Break)

When we come back, Ambrose is jabbing Triple H in the ring corner and chopping him. Ambrose runs to the other corner and runs back at Triple H,who sidesteps and bangs his head into the turnbuckle. Ambrose back elbows Triple H in the forehead. And starts throwing punches. Triple H knees him in the gut and throws him into the ropes and hits a Spinebuster for 2. Triple H picks Ambrose up and hits a Northern Lights Suplex with pin for only 2. Triple H picks Ambrose up and throws him out of the ring and removes everything off the repaired announce table and PEDIGREE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! Triple H throws Ambrose at the Steel Steps and then back in the ring. Triple H argues with a kid that yells he sucks. Triple H acts like he's about to backhand him and AMBROSE FLYS WITH A DIVING ELBOW!! Ambrose throws Triple H in the ring and covers him for 2. Ambrose picks him up and starts jabbing him with lefts. Ambrose swings a Haymaker with the right but Triple H ducks and hits a Neckbreaker for 2. Triple H picks Ambrose up and Irish Whips him but Ambrose rebounds with a Rebound Clothesline for 2. Ambrose sets Triple H up for Dirty Deeds (Wyatt Scare) Lights Out. (Wyatt Scare) Lights back on and Wyatt hits Sister Abragail on Dean Ambrose. (Wyatt Scare) Commentators and fans are going nuts. Announcers are trynna figure out why Bray Wyatt would help Triple H. Triple H looks on stunned and covers Ambrose and 1-2-3!! (Crowd pops) Triple H is going to Survivor Series and it's now official..Roman Reigns vs. Triple H for the WCWF Championship, for the first time ever in a No Holds Barred Match at Survivor Series in our brand Main Event!! Roman Reigns music hits and he gets in the ring and raises the title in Triple H's face and tells him to this is the closets he's getting to the title. Roman's music never stops. The show ends with Roman holding the title. We'll see you back here October 31st when Monday Night Rampage Returns LIVE!!!
WCWF Monday Night Rampage Results (10/3/16) (Ambrose confronts Wyatt,Reigns attacks Triple H,Jericho vs. Neville for the United States Championship,Silas Young Debuts in controversial fashion,Charlotte addresses Sasha Banks)


Dean Ambrose's music hits and he makes his way out to kick us off. Ambrose says "cut the music and to the chase..BRAY WYATT get your ass out here. Ambrose waits as fans chant "AMMB-BROSE..AMMB-BROSE!!!" (Wyatt Scare) the crowds go insane with the pop. (Wyatt Scare) lights back on and Bray is not there but a lamb mask is in front of Ambrose and the rocking chair is sitting empty and shaking by his self. (Static on the tron) and Bray appears. Bray says that if Ambrose wants him to come find him. He says that Ambrose would find the answers in the chair. (Wyatt Scare out) Ambrose walks over to the chair hesitantly and rocks it and a trap door releases and AMBROSE FALLS THROUGH THE GROUND! Screaming... "AWWWWWWWWwwwwww!!!!" (Camera cuts to the dark hole in that Ambrose fell into and a spotlight shows on him. A TV turns on and Bray Wyatt appears on it and tells Ambrose that he needs to learn when to stay down because he can't win every fight. He says of Ambrose find a his way out,he can find him and find out this isn't a fight he can win. (Wyatt Scare) Announcers are in disbelief. Michael Cole: "Well Ladies and Gentleman, I'm Michael Cole sitting in for Good Old JR Jim Ross,who's feeling a bit under the weather. And earlier today,this happened....

(Footage of Triple H brutally attacking Roman Reigns earlier today,when he got out of his car and Pedigreeing him on the concrete ground. Roman Reigns being stretchered out due to a broken nose) Joey Styles: "Well later tonight,Triple H Speaks LIVE tonight.." Michael Cole: "But coming up next..Its the rematch from India. Its Jericho,Its Neville,Its for the United States Championship, and it's Next!!"

(WCWF United States Television Championship) Chris Jericho vs. Adrian Neville-As soon as the bell rings,Jericho looks like he's ready to lock up and then waves Neville off and leaves out of the ring and walks down the ramp. Neville ask for a Mic. Neville says "Its OK if you're afraid Chris." Jericho turns back around and heads back forward the ring and just walks back away as the count reaches 10 as the fans boo Jericho out of the building. Neville gets mad and heads out of the ring and runs backstage.

Camera cuts to Ambrose with trying to find his way out and he finds a flash light and uses it screaming for Wyatt looking for him.

Braun Strowman def. Lester Holding in 3 minutes with the Sitout Chokebomb,followed by the One Armed Tombstone Piledriver

The New Age Outlaws vs. Slater,Gabriel- The New Age Outlaws win in 15 minutes. Post Match, Renee Young approaches for a backstage interview. Renee ask them what are their thoughts regarding their match at Survivor Series and calls it their final opportunity. Road Dogg says they've been traveling the world for 15 years. They wasn't mean to go nowhere. They was jobbers,who made a team work to make a dream work and they became brothers. Billy says and with his brother,he traveled the world,and became legends. He says this is all they've got. Road Dogg says and if he have to bury American Alpha to get back on top, then we will. He says it's either that High Way or the Highway for The New Age Outlaws. Because if they lose...they're done!!

Backstage Segment: Big Cass updates us on the status of Enzo Amore; Alberto Del Rio makes a joke about Enzo being injured. Big Cass snatches him up and says "You,Me..In this ring tonight!"

Jay Lethal vs. Kenny King- What started out as a very entertaining bout between two of the best in the world, turned psycho quick as Silas Young made his debuts,jumping the barricade with a shotgun and walking around ringside with the shot gun and starts shooting at the two and gets tackled by security as he screams he doesn't want them here. The two look at each other wondering what the hell is going on. The two go back to having their match and Lethal wins after Lethal Injection and heads backstage as we head to break.

When we come back, Lethal is looking for Silas screaming "Caleb!!" And asking people if they seen Silas Young. He goes to the parking lot and sees him smoking weed with the police and Lethal tries to figure out why he did it. The police tells Lethal he needs to calm down. Lethal says that he is calm. He wants to know what the hell is going on. The police tells Lethal to hold his gun and gives it to him and tells him to get his shot back at Silas and makes Lethal point the gun at him and screams "TAKE HIM DOWN!!" The officers jumps Lethal and beats him with police sticks and one puts his knee in his head and arrest him. The officer ask Silas if he wants to press charges. Silas says "Yeah get his ass out outta here!!!" Officers throw him into the police car and one drives away. Silas and the officers celebrate as we see Kenny King peaking around the corner looking like "Smh" and thinks about going in there before just leaving the arena with his head down in his ring gear. Joey and Michael refer to the scene as sickening. Coming up next Charlotte calls out Queen Of The Ring...Sasha Banks!!

Charlotte Flair's music hits and she makes her way out and says that at No Mercy she became the very first ever Women's World Champion and every since then she has been disrespected by these people and by people like Stephanie McMahon. She says that Sasha may have won a tournament. She says but only queen in this division is the one with the golden crown on the golden belt,and that's...Charlotte Flair!! She says everything she has to say,she would say to Sasha's face and calls her out. Charlotte tells Sasha that she would out an end to this little "push" of Sasha Banks. She says these people don't declare who the champs are going to be. She said if it was up to the people, that there would probably be a no chin jobber holding a world championship. She says that at Survivor Series,nobody would be able to save her. Not Kharma,Not Stephanie,and Not Uncle Snoop. She says that Sasha Banks would be brought back into reality at Survivor Series. Sasha ask Charlotte if she thinks she's afraid of her and Charlotte says she should be. Sasha slaps her and says that shows just how scared she is of her. She says that the people cheer for her because she deserves go be champion. She adds "I BUSTED MY ASS TO GET HERE!! YOU GOT HERE OFF OF BEING RIC FLAIR'S DAUGHTER AND THEN SOME!!" She says that Charlotte wants to talk about who's gonna save her, but she isn't the one that needs saved. She says she's gonna make Charlotte wish that she had her dad Ric there,because she's gonna show her, exactly? what she showed Ronda Rousey..and that's that there isn't a fight that she couldn't win. Charlotte says "..until now" and drops the Mic and leaves down the ramp as her music plays.

Backstage: Triple H is taping his wrist in his T-Shirt and Jeans. His long hair is completely back. Shawn Michaels approaches. He tells him that he would have to fine him for his attack on Roman. He tells Shawn to leave. Shawn says he was going to tell Triple H the same thing. He says it's unsafe with Reigns out there. Triple H says Roman is in the hospital and that he wouldn't show anyways because he's a little bitch. Shawn just gives him that "Alright" face and walks away as Triple H talks shit.

Big Cass def. Alberto Del Rio
with the Big Boot in 10 minutes. "BRAUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!" Braun Strowman makes his way out and stares Cass down. And tells Cass to hit him. Cass begins throwing punches and kicks and hits the ropes for a Big Boot and gets a Massive Clothesline from Strowman!!! Strowman choked out Big Cass and Enzo

"(Guitar Strings) Its time to play The Game.." Triple H music hits and he's out next!!!

When we come back, Triple H is in the ring as his music continues to play. Triple H says that he's never had a real issue with Roman Reigns until now. He says all the way back a few years ago. He says his whole M.O. has been to make stars out of guy's like him and Daniel Bryan. He says and Daniel Bryan took that and made a legendary moment,that will one day make him a Hall of Famer. He says that Roman Reigns is a different story because he doesn't have half the talent of a Daniel Bryan. He says these people cheer him just because he's the right guy,in the wrong place,in the wrong era. He says Roman would've been the man in the Golden Era,because that was the only era that Triple H wasn't in. He says had Reigns had been in the Attitude Era, that he would've scrapped him faster than he use to do his big cousin The Rock. He says if this was the Ruthless Aggression Era, he would've buried Roman Reigns. He says in any era that Triple H is in that Roman Reigns would be his bitch. He calls Roman Reigns a clown. He says Roman called Dean Ambrose a disgrace. He says but at least Dean Ambrose has balls and can take an asswhooping and come back. He says that Roman Reigns is laying in a hospital bed because he's too weak to survive. He says at Survivor Series,that him and Reigns would finally have their war,they would finally play their little game of thrones,and that he would finally show Roman Reigns who the real King Of Kings is and that he would show Roman Reigns that he is too weak to win a battle against him He says it's No Holds Barred,so he could do whatever he wants. He goes to continue but Reigns music cuts him off and the fans come unglued. Roman takes his T-Shirt off and makes his way up the ramp with just black jeans left on and stops on the apron after Triple H pulls out a Sledgehammer. Roman slides in the ring and Triple H comes running and REIGNS SPEARS THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!!! Knocking Triple H from one side of the ring to the other. Reigns gets out of the ring and snatches him out of the ring by his legs and throws him over the announce table and throws it out the way and starts beating the crap out of Triple H. Triple H starts fighting back and Reigns flips him over the barricade. Security runs out to try and get Reigns from entering the crowd. And Reigns starts throwing security all over the place and Triple H hits Reigns with knucks and starts walking up the stairs and Reigns gets pissed and punch the barricade and jumps it and runs up the stairs at Triple H. Triple H turns around and notices and Reigns blast Triple H with a SPEAR ON THE STAIRS!!! Reigns drags Triple H up the stairs by his hair and security runs through the crowd and tackles Reigns,who screams "Imma see your punk ass bitch! This ain't over bitch!" Triple H is recovering as refs hold him up. Reigns screams for him to come at him and Reigns breaks through security and SPEARS HIM AGAIN!!! Reigns tells the security to hand him his title (which he has with him.) Reigns poses with his title in the crowd as his music plays to end the show!!!

WCWF.com Update: Not shown on TV, Kenny King gets Lethal out by showing the people at the PD what really happened with footage.








WCWF Friday Night WAR! (11/4/16) (Rock and Brock brawl,AJ Styles Confronts Team WAR!,Becky Lynch confronts Paige,Rey Mysterio in action,Rollins vs. Steen,Styles vs. Balor)

"IF Ya Sme-Ell!.What The Rock..is Cooking!!" The Rock makes his entrance for his return to WAR! and gets a mega pop from the crowd. Fans chant "Rocky!" as he soaks it all in. Rock says "Finally The Rock..has come back to Miami..and Finally The Rock has come back to Friday Night WAR! He says in this year alone he fought a "Champ," slaughtered an "Animal," got rid of a "Punk,"and now he's about to conqueror a "Beast" and become an 11 time Heavyweight Champion of the world. "Ladies and Gentlemen,my name is Paul Heyman and I stand before you the advocate for the man who at Survivor Series,will conquer The Rock...AGAIN!" Heyman gets in the ring and says "Its funny when you think about it. My client's career has come full circle. He started out conquering you for the World Championship and he's going to do it again!" (Heyman laughs.) Heyman says that at Survivor Series...14 years later. History would repeat itself. The Rock says "Why am I sitting here talking to The Beast's bitch...When I could be talking to The Beast..right now." Rock drops the Mic and motions for Lesnar and Heyman says that his client wasn't here and that he wouldn't be getting a fight tonight. Brock Lesnar's music cuts Heyman off to a huge pop from the crowd. Lesnar jumps on the ramp and walks down before running down the ramp and into the ring. Rock starts Laying the SmackDown on Brock who ducks the haymaker and slams Rock in the corner and starts slamming his shoulders into The Rock's midsection. Rock starts to fight back with right hands but Brock drops Rock with a German and clotheslined him over the top rope and runs out of the ring over to him and Spears him and starts punching him in the face with rights and elbows,Rock flips him and starts punching him as the locker room clears to separate them to separate barricades. Brock runs up and goes after Rock and with a high knee and starts attacking as wrestlers grab him back and Rock runs up and starts punching Lesnar. Wrestlers pull Rock,who runs up again and gets F5'ed through the announce table. Lesnar tells them to get the hell out of hospital way. Lesnar grabs his championship and leaves down the ramp and stares back and leaves as his music plays. Announced team puts over that all of this carnage tonight shows us..that Survivor Series would not be pretty.

Jay Briscoe vs. Christian- Briscoe beats Christian in 7 minutes. Sami Zayn watched on commentary. Sami didn't speak at all and didn't even bother to help Christian as Briscoe beats him up some more after the match. Jerry "The King" Lawler's music hits and he attacks Briscoe from behind with the Steel Chair again. Jerry gets on the Mic and says "Everybody else may be too pussy to stand up to Jay Briscoe. But I'm not everybody else. You wanted to make fun of my heart attack (hits him with the chair again as he starts to move.) Sit your ass still, you tried to attempt to kill Me. Well now I'm going to beat you until you can't move." (Starts beating Briscoe with the chair.) Refs pulls him off and say he's had enough as we head to commercial.

AJ Styles music hits and the fans sing along with his theme song "they don't want none.."
AJ Styles says that it was unacceptable for them to have taken a beaten Monday. He says that Finn Bálor saved their asses. He says but they couldn't take no more L's. He said they would go back to Rampage before Survivor Series and change that. He blames it on the disbelief from Shane McMahon and says that he also blames it on the fact that Him and Finn didn't like each other and that Seth and Kevin didn't either. He says for them to get it out of their system's tonight in singles matches. Bálor promises to eliminate AJ. Seth says he doesn't have a problem with Big Kev. Steen says that he has a problem with Seth and would beat it out of him right now.

Kevin Steen vs. Seth Rollins
-Great back and forth action in this 21 minute match that saw Seth go over with the Curb Stomp

Becky Lynch's music hits and she says in India has defeated Paige and was attacked by her. She says that she hasn't let it go and won't let it go. She says she's coming out here with two challenges. She says the first one is a singles match right now and the second one is for Survivor Series. Becky challenges Paige and a team of her choosing to a 4-on-4 Survivor Series Match with the winning team fighting in a Fatal 4 Way to become #1 Contender for the Women's World Championship Paige masks her entrance and says that Becky doesn't deserve to fight her not now or at Survivor Series...so her answer is now. Stephanie McMahon's music cuts him off and she says unfortunately for them they don't book matches...She does. She says but fortunately for Becky she likes the idea and books it.

Becky Lynch vs. Paige- Paige defeats Becky with the Ram-Paige clean in 12 minutes and accepts her little challenge for Survivor Series. She says that she already has a team. She just wanted to wheel Becky in to get her win back.

Backstage Segment: Shane McMahon arrives and ask Stephanie how the show has been going. Stephanie says it's been pretty fine except Jerry Lawler attacking Jay Briscoe. She says he's an announcer, he can't be assaulting wrestlers. Shane says after what Briscoe did to him at No Mercy,he signed Lawler to a wrestlers deal and to a match with Jay Briscoe at Survivor Series. She also says he needs to do something about AJ Styles before she does.

Rey Mysterio /w/ Eddie Guerrero vs. Luke Gallows
- 13 minute match that saw Rey Mysterio go over with the 619 and diving headbutt.

Edge walks down a dark street as its snowing and says that at Survivor Series,he would retain by any means necessary. He says that he didn't care about the fans anymore. He says only thing he cared about was winning. He says and he would be damned if he let a Hardy take his championship or win for that matter. Edge walks past Matt Hardy sitting on the side of a dark and snowy sidewalk in front of a bar trying to get change and laughs at him and walks away. A man in a leather trenchcoat with hood on approaches Matt and hands him his card and walks away.

AJ Styles vs. Finn Bálor-Styles is out first as the fans sing along with his theme music. Finn Bálor is out next and we have our selves a Rock Bottom rematch. "Here comes the money..." Shane McMahon made his way out and interrupted the match. Finn starts to get a headache in the ring corner. Shane with a Mic says that he's getting real sick of AJ's bull and that there wouldn't be a main event match tonight. He says there would be a main event fight and starts attacking AJ Styles and we have ourselves a brawl. Shane knocks AJ out of the ring and AJ drags Shane under the ring ropes out of the ring and starts beating him up. Rollins and Steen runs out to break it up and tells them to wait until after Survivor Series. (Heartbeat sound) lights start a blinking between pitch black to crimson red and Finn Balor's music hits and he comes from under the ring and attacks everybody. Finn stands tall as WAR! comes to a dramatic end.
WCWF Monday Night Rampage (11/7/16)(Reigns calls out Triple H,Barrett and Undertaker team up,Silas Young goes on racist rant,Ambrose escapes,Austin and Daniels team up)


Roman Reigns music hits and he makes his entrance. Reigns says that unlike some people when he comes to the ring he has a point. He says this beef with Triple H has been going long enough. He says that it's not because Triple H wanted to help Roman Reigns. He said it was because Triple H was threatened by him. He says he let it all go until Triple H came to the WCWF on the mess and tried to take his title. He said now him and Triple H has a problem. He says Triple H attacked him when he pulled up at the arena and he sent him to the hospital. He says but he never checked in because truth be told Triple H hits like a bitch. He said he came back to the arena and he whooped Triple H's ass all over the arena and says that Triple H went to hide behind his computer screen and be a Twitter thug and say that caught him off guard. He says he doesn't do business like that. He says so tonight he wants to see Triple H's reaction when he whoops his ass face to face. He says he's challenging Triple H to a fight later tonight! He says that's if Triple H had the balls to show up (basically mocking what Triple H said to him last week.) Roman drops the Mic as his music plays.

(Wyatt Scare) Ambrose is still trapped seemingly in a soward and and is looking like he hasn't ate or bathed (Wyatt Scare) Wyatt pops up on a video screen saying that Ambrose wasn't gonna find him. He says Ambrose is gonna learn to stay down.

(Wyatt Scare Out)
(Gong) Undertaker's music hits,followed by Wade Barrett's and the two make their entrance side-by-side.

The Undertaker,Wade Barrett vs. Slater,Gabriel- Barrett and Taker over after Barrett's Bullhammer,gets followed up with Taker's Tombstone Piledriver for the 1-2-3!!! Taker and Barrett look at each other and Taker nods his head in approval and pats his back. "Alright Alright, hate to break up this little bonding session but we got 2 weeks until Survivor Series and that any great team would need to able to be ruthless as shit. " He says while "The Deadman" takes souls and digs holes. He says that they need nobody to be buried alive. Austin says that what they need is The Undertaker to channel his "RUTHLESS..AGRESSION!"

(Footage of what happened last week with Young/Lethal;Footage of Kenny King getting Jay out of jail and recorded footage of what really took place.)

Backstage Segment: Jay Lethal: "Silas I've known you for years and have never Known you to be a racist! But if you want to say idiotic stuff out of your mouth,shoot shotguns,and have your police buddies attack and arrest me,then DON'T think this is over. Tonight, I make an example out of Silas Young and show him and the world..that Black Lives Matter!!

Backstage Interview: Johnathan Coachman introduces his guest..Silas Young. Silas ask "What is this?" Coachman said an interview. Silas ask "Who you talking to you (censored) ******?!" Silas Young starts attacking Coachman and and beating the holy crap out of him. He screams "Black Lives Don't Matter...and Tonight I'm gonna show Jay Lethal..and the world that."

Silas Young vs. Jay Lethal-
Silas Young completely dominates and wins by choking Lethal out with his bare hands. He continues to choke him and Kenny King's music hits and he makes the save. Silas screams down the ramp that this isn't over and that he would bury the two monkey's in his backyard.

(Jeff Hardy and the Creatures are coming for Edge)

(Wyatt Scare) Ambrose escapes the hole in the ground and is in the woods. Ambrose begins searching around the woods for Wyatt with a flashlight and screams "Game Over Bray!! Where are you,you sick son of a bitch." Bray jumps him from behind and starts beating Ambrose up. Ambrose flips him and starts punching the hell out of him and Braun Strowman from behind grabs Ambrose up and chokes him out. Wyatt says that at Survivor Series,Ambrose would learn why staying down isn't always a bad thing and laughs. (Wyatt Scare Out)

(Glass Shatters) "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's music hits and Him and Christopher Daniels make their entrance as we head to our next match. Curt Hawkings and Darren Young make their way out to David Otunga and Michael McGuillicuty's old theme song.

Stone Cold,Christopher Daniels vs. Hawkings, Darren Young- Austin and Daniels win in 11 minutes following a Stone Cold Stunner to Darren Young. Post Match,Young is trying to apologize and Hawkings beat the cra-app out him and calls him a "Stupid ******!"

Backstage Interview: Renee Young introduces her guest Sasha Banks. She says Charlotte has been on a roll since her debut and she ask how she plans on defeating her at Survivor Series. Sasha says this isn't her first rodeo. She says that she's beaten Ronda Rousey and she made Kharma tap. She says that Charlotte wasn't real competition and she would show her who the queen and the boss really is. Charlotte attacks Sasha from behind and bangs her into the wall. She says Sasha would learn about running her damn mouth to a Flair.

Jason Jordan /w/ Chad Gable vs. Billy Gunn /w/ Road Dogg-
Jason Jordan defeats Billy Gunn in 8 minutes with the Olympic Slam. Road Dogg acted like he wanted to get in the ring and Chad Gable got on the apron and Road Dogg second guessed it and grabbed Billy out of the ring.

Roman Reigns music hits and he says he gave Triple H all night to show up for a fight. He says this is the last segment of the show so he's done waiting. He tells Triple H to get his ass out here now. Roman waits for Triple H,but Shawn Michaels music cuts him off. Shawn sends security in the ring and gets in the ring and says "Look Roman Reigns,we're not doing none of that!" He tells Reigns that he was going to referee his match with Triple H. He says the match may be No Holds Barred,but he was gonna make sure they didn't literally kill each other. Roman pushes through security and SPEARRRR TO SHAWN MICHAELS!!! THE CROWD GOES INSANE!!! AND TRIPLE H FROM BEHIND WITH THE PEDIGREE TO ROMAN REIGNS!!!! Triple H holds the WCWF Championship in the air as his music plays to end the show!












WCWF Friday Night WAR! (11/11/16) (Styles vs. Balor,Mr.McMahon Returns,Jeff Hardy Invades WAR!,Lita Returns,Jerry Lawler vs. Christian)
As soon as the broadcast starts,Finn Bálor music is playing and he's in the ring ready for action. Styles makes his entrance next and it's..

AJ Styles vs. Finn Bálor- Styles goes right after Finn with forearms to the temple and Finn pushes AJ off and hits an Enzuguri. (Seth Rollins music cuts them off) Seth runs in the ring ready to fight Finn. Seth and Finn fight to the back. "Here comes the money..." Shane McMahon runs to the ring,ready to fight AJ Styles and here we go again. Camera cuts to Kevin Steen,who's just eating a piece of pumpkin pie with a cup of milk watching and says this is better than Jerry Springer. Finn and Seth's fight spill forward him and he breaks it up. Kevin said that if they didn't get it together,they would lose at Survivor Series. He says and if they lose, they would see a very angry Kevin Steen. Camera cuts to ringside and security has AJ and Shane split up. AJ has a busted lip,Shane has a black eye. "No Chance..."Mr.McMahon makes his way out and tells them to stop. He reiterates "I said stop goddammitt!!!" He says that at the Tables Ladders and Chairs Pay Per View that the two would have a match. He says but for now,they need to stick to the same page. He says he has special investment into the WAR! Brand and he's not gonna let it crash and burn. He tells them to fight (Camera shows Finn,Seth,and Steen watching backstage) like their careers on the line..because they are. He says if they couldn't win then...THEY'RE FIRRRREEDDD!!! Rollins looks at Finn and the two shake hands and agree to let it go. Finn says he told Seth,he can't control his actions right now. The two walk away and Steen continues eating his pie and says "Ohh how gay!!!"

Becky Lynch's music hits and announcers inform us that she would face a member of Team Paige when we got back.

Becky Lynch vs.??- Becky waits and we hear the music of...VICTORIA!!! 12 minute match. Becky had the legend in the Dis-Arm-Her and BETH PHOENIX and Paige attacks Becky to cause the DQ. Kharma's music hits and she makes the save. All 3 women begin to jump her and "...(beat cues in) and...RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKENN.." LITA'S BACK AND SHE HELPS BECKY AND KHARMA CLEAR THE RING!!! Both teams are still one member short.

Backstage Interview:
Mean Gene ask what's up with Shane. Shane says that AJ Styles likes to push people's buttons. He says that AJ is right he doesn't like him and thinks he is an overrated piece of country fried chickenshit. He says that at TLC he would beat some respect into AJ Styles.

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Christian- Lawler over with the Piledriver in 15 minutes. Briscoe attacks Lawler afterwards and chokes him out with a Barb Wire rope. Christian gets up and pushes him and gets beat up too. Sami Zayn makes the save and Christian looks on with the "you've earned my respect" look on his face and nods and leaves the ring as we cut to commercial break.

(Rock/Brock:No Holds Barred Survivor Series Promo)

Backstage Segment:
Team Becky promises a win at Survivor Series. Becky says that next week, Lita would show Victoria who the REAL legend is.

"You think you know Me.." Mauro Ranallo: "Well speaking of legends, here comes our WCWF Intercontinental Champion..WWE Hall Of Famer Edge!!" Edge makes his entrance and grabs a Mic. Edge says that everybody is still talking about the controversial way he defeated Kevin Steen at No Mercy. Edge says he is an Ultimate Opportunist that's what he does. He calls the fans a bunch of ******s. The fans boo and Edge says they could all go to hell. He says that he was better than the fans and that he was better than Jeff Hardy and he would prove what he's been proving for over 20 years and that is,there's no Hardy on the planet that could beat Edge. Edge says that if Jeff Hardy was here right now that he would be in his ass right now. Edge is getting mega heat and he tells the fans to shut up when a Hall Of Famer is in the ring talking. The fans start cheering and he says that's right cheer hi...JEFF HARDY WITH A TWIST OF FATE FROM BEHIND OUT OF NOWHERE!!! The fans chant for "HARDY!" Jeff Hardy heads up top and hits a Swampton Bomb and Jeff Hardy stands tall with Edge's Intercontinental Championship to end the show!!!












I'll be all caught up Monday. Stay tuned for tomorrow's updates including the final shows before Survivor Series.





Nick Paglino October 20th,2016

Report: WCWF reportedly bringing some controversial stuff to the WCWF soon.

According to my *****, Dave Meltzer the WCWF will be making shit controversial.

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