The 2012 PWI 500 - FULL LIST


Here's my question, how the fuck is Chris Jericho at 29!? They literally don't say one truly positive thing about him, and admit that he was only around for less than half the judging period, lost all his PPV matches, and was even suspended at one point.

They'll say fantastic things about TNA guys or independent guys, and WWE Superstars with awful years and awful bios will be ranked higher. I guess the high profile of the WWE spotlight makes you better... I don't totally deny that either, I'm just saying a guy like RVD has arguably done just as much, if not more than Jericho in the last calendar year, put on great matches, and is still 8 positions behind. :shrug:
How the Great Khali is above 300 other wrestlers is beyond me

And why is Dean Ambrose down in the 250's? I thought he was meant to be good....
US title win propelled him to that position, I imagine. Not to mention a couple wins as a team with Ziggler and several wins on Superstars. Shouldn't be that high, but he should be in or around the top 150.

Totally forgot about the US title win, which shows how much it means these days.

You are right though, that's probably what got him so high.
And why is Dean Ambrose down in the 250's? I thought he was meant to be good....
I do NOT understand the hype behind Dean Ambrose. I have to listen to LaBar talk about him all the time, and it's driving me insane. He's got some talent in the ring, but he still hasn't learned to make anybody else look good. He no-sells a lot of offense, and much like Roderick Strong used to, tries to play it into his gimmick. NOBODY wants to work with a guy like that... I don't like him on the mic, and if it were up to me I'd push Seth Rollins or Kassius Ohno over him any day of the week.
I do NOT understand the hype behind Dean Ambrose. I have to listen to LaBar talk about him all the time, and it's driving me insane. He's got some talent in the ring, but he still hasn't learned to make anybody else look good. He no-sells a lot of offense, and much like Roderick Strong used to, tries to play it into his gimmick. NOBODY wants to work with a guy like that... I don't like him on the mic, and if it were up to me I'd push Seth Rollins or Kassius Ohno over him any day of the week.

Hmmm, interesting. I do like what I have seen of Ambrose to be honest, and I love his mic work.

Wondering why he hasn't debuted yet, perhaps it has something to do with the no selling of offence? I am hoping to see him soon.
Hmmm, interesting. I do like what I have seen of Ambrose to be honest, and I love his mic work.

Wondering why he hasn't debuted yet, perhaps it has something to do with the no selling of offence? I am hoping to see him soon.

Oh, don't take that as fact or insider info or anything. I know jack shit about Ambrose or his fate in the WWE. I'm just talking on what I've seen from him so far in the old FCW. And I know it's just not easy to work with a guy who doesn't sell a lot in the ring; but again he's disappeared off the face of the earth, so I don't know if that's changed. Last I saw of him was that big, epic confrontation with Seth Rollins that everyone said was supposed to be fantastic. I watched it, was alright. Mid-card ROH-level match. Rollins out-performed Ambrose in my opinion.

I'm not sure where Dean Ambrose is. I would have thought they'd bring him into the new NXT series, but I think that's pretty much faded completely into being a developmental show. Speaking of people completely disappearing from FCW/NXT...where the fuck is Husky Wyatt? They repackaged him with that kickass gimmick, he showed up and utterly creeped me out (and impressed me) and then...vanished. It's been at least a month, and that kind of pisses me off because I thought they really had something unique with him.
He is injured HGR, and Dean Ambrose >> Seth Rollins only by the fact that Rollins mic skills are very similar to John Morrison's, there's no way I would like to see that guy on the main roster just doing some flips and when we needed a promo he would just kill the thing.
how in the heel did shemus end up above Kevin Steen and Austin Aries and how did the Great Khali even get on the list.

He did win the World Championship at WrestleMania. And he did inadvertently help turn Daniel Bryan into a legit Supertar in 18 seconds. THey also take into account win/loss records, and he wins. All...the...time. If they only took the record into account, the man would be higher up than John Cena.
the further and further down you go on the list you get some of the more esoteric things. Down near 500 you get a father and a son on the list at the same time.
Jado at 233 and Gedo at 249? Seriously underrated. One of the best Japanese tag teams out there.

EDIT: Does Ash Walker go by a new ring name or did he just not make it this year? He was 493 in 2011. I was curious because he's one of the talents in my area, though we aren't in the same indy company...
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD someone tell me that Bazooka Joe made the list!?! Future all Of Famer that guy!

Also, where are the likes of Jonny Storm or Jody Fleisch, do they not wrestle any more?

And finally, I can't be bothered looking again but did PAC make the list? Surely he must have
Jack Swagger over El Terrible? WHAT?
I'll find more reasons to be angry as I progress my detailed reading.
As for my favorites...
Jericho- #29. Meh, I honestly would put him lower. Only good thing I've gotten out of him was his putting Ziggles over.
Cody Rhodes- #23. A very nice job. Question Kane being over him though.
Eddie Edwards- #18. Reasonable, although Kevin Steen should be over him, or at least be just under him.
Matt Morgan- #50. Doesn't deserve it- losing hope in Morgan cementing himself as main-event material.
More rants coming soon.

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