WCW Region, Third Round, First Blood Match: (1) Steve Austin vs. (9) Ted DiBiase

Who Wins This Match?

  • Steve Austin

  • Ted DiBiase

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So basically, even though he has a horrible record in this kind of match, is going against a very sneaky heel known to use brass knuckles and tons of other resources to win his matches, and this match even favors the heel Dibiase, people are just going to vote Austin because it's Austin? That makes sense.:rolleyes:

Way to show how Stupiditarded the masses can actually be.

Tell me then, which Dibiase, in which era, in which territory would go over Austin?

Better yet, lets tape a blade in his fist and call him Bruiser Biase before Brody's ghost comes at me with two broken feet, and have him go up against Austin in a First Blood Match.

Now name your Ted. AWA? UWF? WWF?
Ba-Bomb has a good point. It seems to me there is no way Austin can lose. Its only the third round and Austin wins because hes Austin argument has been made more then once in each round. As is everyone else, I too am a huge Austin mark but if I hear the Austin wins because hes Austin argument one more time my fucking eyes are going to pop out of my skull, these arguments should have more depth than that. Unless we just jump to the finals which have to be either Austin v Rock or Austin v Hogan with this kind of logic.
A match that involves sheer brutality? A match where Austin's mean streak could run wild? Listen, Ted DiBiase Sr. is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time and I can't find a legitimate reason for him to go over here. If Austin brings 1/3 of the rage that he brought to matches like Austin/Bret at WM13 or Austin/Jake Roberts KOTR, DiBiase is a goner and will bleed in no time.

Austin wins.
The thing about first blood matches is that you DON'T need to be a brawler to win. All you have to do is make your opponent bleed. A simple well placed punch to the mouth would do it. Is Ted DiBiase capable of punching Stone Cold in the mouth to give him a bloody lip or knock a tooth out? Absolutely. Who defines what "significant" blood is? The referee. It's completely subjective standard, some refs would ring the bell with a bloody lip, some would wait until there was Ric Flair blading on top of his head levels of blood. There is no consistent standard. Also, we all know that Ted DiBiase has a thing for trying to buy off referees (or switch them with their twin brother)...

I am not saying that Ted DiBiase would win this match...but the "Austin would win just because he is Austin" arguments are ludicrous. Austin bled a lot, whether through blading or legit cuts to his head, arms, etc. It is not ridiculous in the slightest to think that DiBiase could make him bleed. Conversely, it's not ridiculous that Austin could make Ted DiBiase bleed either. I am not making a case for DiBiase to win, just trying to provide some realism into the discussion. When one well placed punch could cause your opponent to bleed "significantly", the match is a toss up.
I agree that Austin is a bad ass and that is what a first blood match is all about, but shouldn't we also keep in mind (to my knowledge) Austin only ever won one first blood match and he led bled all over the place in that one. Austin is probally the all time best face ever, but this match favors the heel. Not saying either man should lose this one but either could.
This match would fit Austin much better than Dibiase, it just suits his character much better.

The only real thing Dibiase has in his favor is Virgil. In such a match you know Virgil would be there to interrupt pretty much anything before Austin drew the blood and this could give Dibiase the opening to get in a quick chair shot and win the match.

Even so my guess is Dibiase would miss and bust Virgil up himself (that poor bastard always took a beating) and Austin would finish Dibiase off, making him bleed. Dibiase bleeds, Virgil bleeds, Austin wins.
It sucks that Ted didnt get a better stipulation, as it stands this is a beatdown. Virgil means nothing to the equation, maybe if Ted had The Ringmaster help him he might have a chance.
People are showing a real lack of understanding of wrestling booking and history. This match is almost always won by the heel. Ted rarely, if ever, bled in his prime "MIllion Dollar Man" gimmick. He would use Virgil to open Austin up while getting his ass whooped the whole time. Ted should win in an upset that would lead to Austin flipping out, Stunning everyone, and drinking beer...but still losing.

Vote DiBiase. Even though you won't.
Since Austin is rightfully kicking ass in the voting I don’t really need to address to the Dibiase supporters but I will anyway. Let me take the common arguments I’m seeing one at a time.

Austin’s losing record in first blood matches: This may be a valid argument but please remind me. I only recall Austin being in two first blood matches. He beat Undertaker and lost to Kane. That’s not a losing record but I fully admit I may be forgetting something. So Austin beat one of the all time greats in Undertaker so I think he could handle Dibiase. If Dibiase were to protect himself with a leather mask and have the extra motivation of trying to avoid being set on fire he’d have a better chance but I don’t see Dibiase going over Austin in a big match.

Dibiase rarely bleeds while Austin frequently bleeds: A result of the era in which they competed. While Dibiase was in his prime in the WWF there was a rule against bleeding. In the attitude era blood was very common. If these guys competed in each other’s eras the results would have been reversed.

The heel is booked to win this kind of match: That would be a fine argument if the heel was on approximately equal level as the face but in this case Austin is far ahead of Dibiase. I love Dibiase as much as anybody but he does not deserve to go over one of the most successful and popular stars of all time this early in a tournament.
Tell me then, which Dibiase, in which era, in which territory would go over Austin?

Better yet, lets tape a blade in his fist and call him Bruiser Biase before Brody's ghost comes at me with two broken feet, and have him go up against Austin in a First Blood Match.

Now name your Ted. AWA? UWF? WWF?

Oh gee, I don't know. Maybe the only place he was ever "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase? Who'd of thunk that?

I have no idea why you're mentioning Bruiser Brody, he is completely insignificant to this match.

It's not like it's some stretch for Austin to win here, but it's not a 90 something to 11 type of affair, and Dibiase stands as good of a chance of winning as Austin does due to the stipulation, and being one of the best heel characters ever. If this was virtually any other type of match I would say the margin of victory is accurate, but not in this one, not with a guy like Dibiase. He may never have been "The Superstar of a Generation" like SCSA, but he was a TOP heel for years in the golden years of the Hogan era and a bit beyond. In his time he was a main event guy just like Austin, he just never got to the absolute top. He didn't need to be anyways, no one else was "The Million Dollar Man" he was a one of a kind, he even had his own belt for God sake, and a servant. I knew he was a bad guy as a kid but I didn't care, I hated him, but I loved him at the same time. I see no reason Dibiase COULDN'T go over, but I get it, as to why he won't here. It is a shame though, you know this right? That could have been one of the best upsets ever in the history of the tournament.

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