WCW Region, Chicago Region, First Round: (1) Steve Austin vs. (32) Sabu

Who Wins This Match?

  • Steve Austin

  • Sabu

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And Austin beat all of them. Actually I don't remember Austin vs. Funk but he's beaten the rest. Not to mention Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker, Rock, Foley, etc. Are we really comparing these two guy's resumes? You lose.
Jericho was the first undisputed champion and he beat Austin and The Rock in one night but he lost to Sabu in ECW.
So now Benoit, Jericho, Malenko, Raven, Arn Anderson, Terry Funk, Kurt Angle, etc etc etc are schmucks? Hes wrestled all those men and many many more. Hes wrestled the best and beat many of them too.


Oh yeah that's the match where this happened:

Sabu & Bobby Eaton (w/ Paul E. Dangerously & 911) defeated Terry Funk & Arn Anderson at 19:39 when Funk submitted to Sabu's half crab, moments after Anderson turned on his partner and repeatedly hit Funk across both injured knees with a steel chair after Funk accidentally hit Anderson in the head with the chair; late in the bout, ECW Tag Team Champions Public Enemy interfered and attacked Funk's knee until Anderson made the save

So it took what, five guys to beat Funk and Sabu was one of them? This is more impressive than Austin having Vince hand him a chair which was legal.....how?

So to summarize your arguments:

Austin isn't hardcore enough for Sabu
Austin is going to stand there while Sabu does all this stuff because that Austin is such a lazy boy
Sabu can wrestle submission style (as in a camel clutch), which is a threat to Austin who has tapped I think three or four times ever, to Angle/Benoit/Jericho?
Sabu is going to win because this is a hardcore environment and Austin's experience in a hardcore environment doesn't count for some reason.
Something about Sabu's win/loss record against guys like Hack Myers being more impressive than Austin at shows like Wrestlemania.

To summarize, you're either delusional, Sabu, or just stupid. I can't quite figure out which, but even Sabu would know he'd have no chance here, because Austin isn't going to stand around while Sabu does all this stuff. Why you can't get that through your head is probably due to some head trauma, but I'll leave that to a professional. Austin will win and he'll win huge, but you have given me a hearty chuckle.

One more thing:

Jericho was the first undisputed champion and he beat Austin and The Rock in one night but he lost to Sabu in ECW.

So therefore, Brooklyn Brawler and Earl Hebner over everyone right? They both beat HHH once and HHH has beaten all the greats.
The year Stone Cold was in ECW Sabu was ranked 5 on the PWI rankings compared to Stone Cold who was ranked 43 yer who was better in ECW. To compare ECW to the attitude era is apples and oranges really

And Steve Austin was ranked #1 in 1998 and 1999, #3 in 1997, and #2 in 2001. This whole tournament is comparing apples and oranges. Here's what's going to happen; the poll will open tomorrow and Austin will demolish Sabu. Sabu will get a few votes from the ECW faithful but Austin will move on. I'm done with this debate. It's ridiculous to begin with. Maybe later we can debate who was a better basketball player, Michael Jordan or BJ Armstrong.
Jericho was the first undisputed champion and he beat Austin and The Rock in one night but he lost to Sabu in ECW.

Taz beat Sabu. Triple H beat Taz. Steve Austin has defeated Triple H many times before. Face it, you're trying so hard to come up with every excuse as to why Sabu would go over Austin. Explain to me how if both of them were in their primes, Sabu would defeat Austin? Austin was on top of the WWE during wrestling's biggest boom period, was Sabu ever ECW's top draw?
I didn't know that Stone Cold was in ECW that long oh wait... Sabu would win in ECW against Austin.

Damn I just said I was done but sometimes when I see stupidity I just can't help but respond. I am not judging Steve Austin's 13 year career by the few months he spent in ECW. You are putting WAY too much stock in this being in the ECW region. The match isn't even in the bingo hall. Chicago is more of a WWE town than an ECW town. I can't believe I had to use that lame argument but apparently I have to lower myself to your level to communicate with you.
Explain to me how if both of them were in their primes, Sabu would defeat Austin?
During both of there primes Sabu had more a better win loss record than Austin did. It is an ECW match clearly a match that Sabu is better at than Austin as Austin wrestled a handful of ECW matches and lost most of them. Whereas Sabu won most his ECW matches of the hundreds he was in.
Have I insulted anyone in this thread once? No, I thought we were debating. You guys are under the impression that Sabus opponents just lay there and let him do whatever. That is not the case. You all keep going back to the same lazy cop out insults to make a point. Jesus Christ this is a fucking popularity contest, I thought it was each man in his prime in the given arena/environment/match. Clearly it is not. As no thought will even be given to Sabu because its Stone Cold. Top Draws for ECW: Sabu, Sandman, Raven, Shane Douglas, Tommy Dreamer. Sabus name is as synonymous with ECW as Austins is with WWF/E. I love Austin as much as the next guy, but if you guys wanted him to walk to a fucking three peat just because hes Austin maybeJUST FUCKING MAYBE you shouldn't have seeded him in the ECW Region under ECW rules against Sabu.

Austin wrestled a handful of ECW matches and lost most of them
Correction he wrestled two and lost them both.
Correction he wrestled two and lost them both.
So you are telling that these Austin marks think he would beat Sabu in a setting that he has 100% of his matches in?
Sabu would win an extreme rules match against Austin end of story there is no way Austin would win. Austin is good on the mic entertaining and is a good mat wrestler and brawler. However how many extreme rules matches involve brawling when Sabu is involved his antics would make him the clear cut winner.
One of the biggest reasons Sabotch had so many wins in ECW was because he was a poor guy to book. Heyman mentioned in the Rise and Fall book that Sabu threatened to leave the company when they booked him to lose the title. He also no showed on more than one occasion. They couldn't keep him away for long because he was such a big draw and most ECW fans cared more about the blood and violence, which Sabu brought in bunches, than actual wrestling ability
Don't care it is ECW, Austin is in and out of the ring with a win in less than two minutes. Sabu comes out looking all confident with his chair, goes for the swing, misses, turns into a stunner, austin flips him off drinks beer and leaves.
I see way too much emphasis being placed on the fact this is built as being in the ECW Region.

ECW was a company that excelled on brutal, gruesome, hardcore brawls; but it also exhibited amazing qualities in wrestling. ECW brought a lot of the known technicians to the dance within the United States e.g. Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho and Dean Malenko. So instead of so many people looking at this from the perspective that under ECW rules Sabu would take this being in his most adapted surrounding, maybe give Stone Cold more credit where it is due.

Austin is a much better brawler than Sabu. Sabu is a much better high flyer. Austin is a much better ring technician than Sabu. Sabu is a much tougher competitor; I'm ignoring Austin's nickname here by the way, he may be built as the world's toughest son of a bitch, but Sabu once tore his bicep open and wrapped athletic tape around it so he could complete a match, his threshold for pain is near frightening.

From a weapons and hardcore aspect, Sabu is known for being homicidal, suicidal, genicidal... Steve Austin has been through the wars. How many street fights has Austin won, how many no-disqualification matches has Austin won, how many times have you seen Steve Austin hit somebody with a chair or take things to "the extreme"? Austin is a much more grounded competitor than Sabu and a lot less risque.

I'm giving my vote for Stone Cold Steve Austin. He is a much better wrestler, even in the ECW region than Sabu. The list of names he has beaten in hardcore/extreme environments is a whose who of names, Sabu has beaten some pretty extreme competition but Austin at his best and Sabu at his best, I only see one winner. Extreme rules or not.
Sabu is extreme, we all know that. He is willing to take insane risks and hurt himself in order to take out his opponent. But this opponent just happens to be the 2x winner of this tournament, the toughest S.O.B on the planet, and arguably one of the best of all time...Stone Cold Steve Austin.

This would be bloody, this would be violent but Stone Cold is too smart to allow Sabu to gain too much of an advantage. He wouldn't allow this to become a barbed wire filled match. He would take alot of punishment, dish out alot and Sabu would eventually make a stupid mistake, such as putting himself through a table while Austin moved out of the way. Then, Austin would flip the bird and hit the Stunner for a hard fought win.

Winner: Steve Austin


:lmao: :lmao:

I'm sorry, hold on, I need to catch my breath.


I cannot believe I'm reading through some of this thread and there are people here who actually think Sabu would beat Stone Cold Steve Austin. You guys did watch wrestling in the late 90s, didn't you?

Sabu is one of the worst workers to ever become famous. Doing stupid stunts to nearly kill yourself is not pro wrestling, it's just stupid stunts any psycho can do. Steve Austin was a REAL pro wrestler, and one of the best ever. Sabu was a joke. Austin was better in EVERY aspect of pro wrestling than Sabu. Hell, Austin even beat the hell out of his wife in a drunken rage one night, so he's probably more hardcore than Sabu as well!

As far as this taking place in ECW, with ECW Rules...give me a break. Even before his prime, Austin went toe to toe in what amounted to an "ECW Rules" match with Bret Hart, who is sure as hell a better wrestler than Sabu could ever dream of being. Austin beat the hell out of Rock at WM 17 with the chair, so we know he can wield the weapons. Austin beat Mick Foley in what amounted to an ECW Rules match, and Foley is far and away a better worker than Sabu. Austin beat Undertaker in a Buried Alive match.

I could go on and on, but basically, anyone who is seriously voting for Sabu has no respect for pro wrestling. I don't care where it was contested, if both men are in their primes, Austin wins this in a walk.
As much as I like Sabu, there is no way in hell he can defeat Steve Austin. He's lucky that it's ECW because anywhere else he would be defeated easily. Even on Sabu's best day, he doesn't hold a candle to Austin. Austin was a better wrestler, more charismatic, better promo guy and means more to the business than Sabu ever has.

People keep saying how tough Sabu is, but he lost to fucking Justin Credible, JUSTIN CREDIBLE! In Austin's prime he would never have took a defeat to someone as shit as Credible. I could see this being a violent match with mant botches on Sabu's part, but in the end a Stunner would give Austin the win.
A guy that was not even the top guy in ECW (for a lengthy period of time) against one of the top wrestlers of all time. It's THAT SIMPLE.

The ECW environment won't affect Austin much as he has been in many extreme matches himself. Also, swinging chairs and slamming people through tables is not that difficult. The most damage that Sabu could do is break Austin's neck. Wait, he's been in that predicament and still won.

Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin.
As others have astutely pointed out, Austin isn't exactly a stranger to hardcore matches, and is a MUCH better wrestler than Sabu ever was. Sabu is nothing more than a hardcore version of a spot monkey. The hardcore bullshit only helped to mask the fact that he had very pedestrian wrestling ability. No way in hell Sabu would beat Steve Austin, ECW rules or not.
1. This is the ECW region, but this match isn't being held in Philadelphia.

2. Extreme Rules isn't an advantage for Sabu. Nothing in this match should be considered a positive for Sabu. Austin is without a doubt the most ruthless "top guy" of all time. A brawl like this benefits Austin, it wouldn't hurt him.

3. It's Steve Austin. In kayfabe, that means as much as it does when you take into consideration his amount of real-life success. No way does he lose in the first round to Sabu.

It's Austin. Seriously people... get with it.
I love how people think that ECW rules and WWF/E hardcore are the same thing, they are not. I also love how ECW and ECW rules mean nothing because its against Austin. But it being WCW means everything to Nash. The same people that will tell you ECW or not Sabu loses will you tell you that there is no fucking way Nash loses in WCW. That is bullshit logic. It seems to me that there is no need for this tournament to be 64 people deep. Apparently if you are not old school or established by the WWF/E then nothing matters if you face one of them. So tell me if ECW wasn't wrestling, was such a joke, and couldn't hold a candle to the attitude era and such then why did they even get a region? Why not the TNA or ROH region?
I love how people think that ECW rules and WWF/E hardcore are the same thing, they are not. I also love how ECW and ECW rules mean nothing because its against Austin. But it being WCW means everything to Nash. The same people that will tell you ECW or not Sabu loses will you tell you that there is no fucking way Nash loses in WCW. That is bullshit logic. It seems to me that there is no need for this tournament to be 64 people deep. Apparently if you are not old school or established by the WWF/E then nothing matters if you face one of them. So tell me if ECW wasn't wrestling, was such a joke, and couldn't hold a candle to the attitude era and such then why did they even get a region? Why not the TNA or ROH region?

You're logic would be valid if Sabu wasn't shit. How even got into tournament is a miracle onto itself.

If this were Rob Van Dam instead of Sabu, I would be very tempted to vote otherwise. But Sabu vs Stone Cold? This is a no brainer; and anyone with even half a brain can clearly see that in no situation would Sabu be booked over Austin.
Definitely SCSA.
The Texas Rattlesnake would arrive, raise hell on Sabu's ass, and leave.
And he has this Texas boy in his support corner.
Never was a big fan of Sabu, to be honest... but I do credit him for his ECW run.
But it isn't enough, according to Austin 3:16.
BigDaddyAwesome said:
I love how people think that ECW rules and WWF/E hardcore are the same thing, they are not. I also love how ECW and ECW rules mean nothing because its against Austin. But it being WCW means everything to Nash. The same people that will tell you ECW or not Sabu loses will you tell you that there is no fucking way Nash loses in WCW. That is bullshit logic. It seems to me that there is no need for this tournament to be 64 people deep. Apparently if you are not old school or established by the WWF/E then nothing matters if you face one of them. So tell me if ECW wasn't wrestling, was such a joke, and couldn't hold a candle to the attitude era and such then why did they even get a region? Why not the TNA or ROH region?

They are totally different situations.

Why Kevin Nash in WCW argument works:
Kevin Nash had a fairly unique situation in WCW, due to the enormous popularity of the nWo and due to almost unprecedented creative control that he was given in his contract. Further, given the way WCW booked people, someone the size of Jeff Hardy would never have been taken seriously as a World Heavyweight contender. Nash won 14 Singles and Tag titles while in WCW, the most Hardy could have hoped for using WCW logic would be a few Cruiserweight titles and maybe a US title run or two. WCW would have completely shit on Jeff Hardy, just like they did Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Benoit and every other small to mid sized wrestler. If you wanted to compete for the WCW World title, you had to be a bigger guy. In any other region, Kevin Nash would not have nearly as big of an advantage. But for him, WCW is his home court, and while he was there, he was arguably one of the most important members of the entire roster.

Why Sabu in ECW doesn't work:
Unlike Jeff Hardy, Stone Cold Steve Austin is not at a size disadvantage at all. Sabu did not enjoy the same creative control Nash did in WCW. He did not enjoy the same amount of success that Nash did in WCW. The disparity in rules between WCW, WWE and ECW do not give Sabu the advantage over Steve Austin because Steve Austin is perfectly capable of doing just about everything that would separate them. Sabu was a high flyer...but high flyers are in every promotion, and Austin has pretty much beaten every high flyer he faced. So, Sabu's high flying style is not an advantage for him. So what is left? The ECW style itself. Chairs, tables, blood, violence. These are all things that Stone Cold Steve Austin has experience with. Not to the same extent that Sabu has, but he has more than enough to led someone to believe that Austin would have fit right in. Austin would have been able to what Sandman did, what Tommy Dreamer, Shane Douglas and Raven did too. Would anyone argue that Austin wouldn't be superior to any of them, regardless of match style? That he wouldn't be better than Mike Awesome or Steve Corino? Justin Credible?

Steve Austin in ECW >>>>>>>>>> Jeff Hardy in WCW, and that's why your logic is a complete fail.
I actually agree with Nash WCW argument, but how it doesn't apply here fucking baffles me. Sabu almost NEVER lost any match of any significance in ECW. Sabu was the biggest draw ECW ever had and he didn't even need the strap to do it. It didn't matter if he was first match mid match main event. IT DID NOT MATTER. He was their biggest draw. Stone Cold wanted NO part of that "Violent Crap" That's why he NEVER had any intention of staying, because he didn't want to play that game with the likes of Sabu, RVD, etc, etc. The if it was RVD argument is one I don't understand as much of his style was inspired by... Whats that guys name... Oh yeah his buddy SABU.
I actually agree with Nash WCW argument, but how it doesn't apply here fucking baffles me. Sabu almost NEVER lost any match of any significance in ECW. Sabu was the biggest draw ECW ever had and he didn't even need the strap to do it.

I would think RVD was the biggest draw ECW ever had. There was a reason why he held the TV Title for two years.

It didn't matter if he was first match mid match main event. IT DID NOT MATTER. He was their biggest draw.


Stone Cold wanted NO part of that "Violent Crap" That's why he NEVER had any intention of staying, because he didn't want to play that game with the likes of Sabu, RVD, etc, etc.

Or maybe he wanted to achieve bigger and better things which he did.

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