Wasted Pushes Going into Mania


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok so after tonight its safe to say that the WWE has arguably taken the 3 most pushed stars from this year and completly buried them for Wrestlemania

those being John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, and Wade Barrett these 3 guys have all been uppermidcard/main event status all have been in world title matches, all have feuded with mainevent caliber talent.

And Now we are going to see a mixed tag match with John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler sharing the Mania stage with trish status and a bunch of females that cannot wrestler, and we will see wade barrett in a possible four on four match.

My question is in recent memory can you think of any superstars that have been pushed this heavy only to get shafted for the biggest show of the year?

How would you book Morrison, Ziggler, and Barrett?

Do you think anyone else is being held back on the Mania card ?

Despite having superstars that have good in ring talent, and have been getting pushed do you think NOT HAVING MITB is showing that WWE creative cannot handle booking multiple storylines with the current talent?
Your point is valid, but I think it's just the way things worked out. The company launched their effort to make these guys into main eventers many months ago, in the hope they'd be ready to headline by Wrestlemania. Unfortunately, the reaction to Morrison, Ziggler and Barrett didn't amount to enough to feature them at the biggest show of the year.

The only way to know if a guy is a superstar-in-the-making is to give him the push and see what happens.

In the case of Jack Swagger, it didn't happen.

In the case of Sheamus, it did happen.

In the case of Drew McIntyre, the jury is still out.

But the three wrestlers you mention simply didn't measure up to main event status, though they may make it some day.

This is why WWE is using star power from the past to build the gate for this year's Wrestlemania. They aren't going to admit it, but the company is probably disappointed the home-grown talent isn't ready yet......but after all, this is Wrestlemania, not a house show in a high school gym.
The only way to know if a guy is a superstar-in-the-making is to give him the push and see what happens.

But the three wrestlers you mention simply didn't measure up to main event status, though they may make it some day.

Not every guy that wrestles at wrestlemania is a "superstar" or "main event" stauts thats the point of mania is to create stars give them a chance to shine when EVERYONE is watching HBK went from a under card at WM8 to a mid carder in a IC ranks for WM9 and WM10 stealing the show. To the WHC picture for WM 11 and WM 12.

at WM10 Owen Hart did not measure up to mainevent status but still was on the card add had a great showing against bret winning clean

The Ringmaster later to be known as stone cold steve austin damn sure was not mainevent status at that point, yet was on the card.

The only "mainevent status" guys on the WWE roster are Cena,Orton,Taker/HHH, Edge with orton,cena,edge being used to help elevate other stars into ME caliber stars, after that its pretty even throughout so to put the guys right below the main event status in mixed tag and a 4 vs 4 instead of giving them a 1 on 1 match at mania to showcase their talents like they have beeing doing since Wrestlemania started all the way up till Money in the Bank was created
I'm going for the long shot, and it is long, but instead of the Snooki segment with John Morrison they should have had Ziggler and Morrison in a match, brawl after the match, than have Vickie Guerrero come out (Of course Guerrero would have won her match way earlier in the night), and then say "I talked to the Anonymous Raw GM, and you, John Morrison, will face my boyfriend, Dolph Ziggler, in a match, the winner will get a WWE title shot in the near future." They both sorta got shuffled out of the Main Event spotlight and this is a good test for them
I agree, Barrett is probbaly the best in the WWE right now. His mic skills outshine everyone else in the company. He should be in a headlining match and probably should have won the Royal Rumble.. after the booking he received all year and since WWE went with a heel victory, it should have been Barrett, it's what he has been leading to ever since the first night Nexus was unleashed....

I'm happy though that Del Rio is in the spotlight, he is a great talent, but it could be a little early for him, he has a great future ahead of him, but due to Smackdown's roster being so bare he had to move into that spot.

Getting back to the original three, Morrison vs. Ziggler is a great solution to both these guys and their heavy pushes throughout the year. They are both very crisp in the ring and have great chemistry. Adding the star power of Trish Stratus and the heat magnet Vickie Guerrero will work IMO. I'm sure we'll see more Ziggles and JOMO than the divas anyway. And well Trish is still gorgeous...

But Big Show is one of WWE big game players so the Corre ves his team is still not too bad. Hopefully Barrett gets the win!
These guys are all upper mid-carders and need a little while yet. Del Rio and The Miz are both new main event gambles at WM 27. By WM28 the likes of Barrett etc may get thier chance further up the card.

The PPV needs to sell and WWE won't take too many risks at WM or leave to many of the 'Big Dogs/Seat Sellers' out of the spotlight. Smaller PPVs can be used for that. WWE has alot of solid young guys atm and there is just not enough room on the card to have them all in singles matches, WM always has the celeb/legends matches and needs to fit in some quality wrestlers around that. Next year it will be Punk or someone in that situation and the other guys will shuffle around a bit with maybe Barrett taking the place of The Miz etc.

Personally I would rather watch Ziggler vs Morrison rather than Rhodes vs Rey but Rey and Cody wouldn't fit with the angle WWE is going for.

Some guys get the title and get the Main Events, like Kane, or Angle in his early WWE career, but will not be Main Eventing WM that year. Angle had to wait until Austin/Rock moved on and Kane will probably never get the chance. So simerlarly the guys you have mentioned and others have to wait for the big guys to move over and give the best they got until the chance comes along.
These midcard matches going into Mania are aregreious!

John Morrison Vs. Ziggler needs to be a ONE on ONE MATCH! These two should have a nice 12 minute long match, showcasing their great talents. Modern day Shawn Micheals vs Modern Day Mr. Perfect.

Trish & Kelly Kelly vs LayCool would be much exceptional.

Cody Rhodes Vs. Rey Mystero. Cody Rhodes needs a CLEAN win over Mysterio. If I recall Wrestle Mania XIX, Matt Hardy defeated Mysterio clean in a great match. Mysterio doesn't need the win if he's leaving shortly. With Rey's high flying skills and Rhodes great technical skills, we can have a good match.

I feel that Dibiase should be built up as a powerful rich man who can get whatever he wants whenever he wants. He needs a little bit more character. How about a crazed millionaire... similiar to his father.

Dibiase Vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus. Triple Threat U.S Championship.
This works for me because we have the young powerful millionaire, a king who wants to retain his title, and Bryan who's a great wrestler. Daniel Bryan is the Beniot of today.

R-Truth should really get traded to Smackdown, team with JTG.
Evan Bourne would really shine if he was in the Money In the Bank Ladder Match.

TLC 2011 at Wrestlemania 2011!
David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd - Reform Hart Dynasty.
Jimmy & Jey Uso - The Uso's (Wild Samoans 2.0)
Health Slater & Justin Gabriel - The Corre.

I can just imagine tons of crazy spots! Hart Attack onto tables. Jimmy & Jey Uso doing the superfly off of the ladder onto tables. Health Slater & Gabriel the more aggresive out of the teams. WWE should really improve the tag team division, cause this idea really works. Do you know how much people would mark out for this?

Intercontinental Championship:
Christian Vs. Wade Barret
- This works for me because Christian is a popular face, and can carry a title. Barret is an upcoming heel, and this would be a great match for him.

Big Show Vs. Kane
This would be a fun match, maybe a extreme rules match.

Battle Royal # 1 Contender Match for any title:
Kingston Vs Mcyntire Vs Bourne Vs Truth Vs Jack Swagger Vs Reks.

World Heavyweight Title:
Alberto Del Rio Vs. Edge
Good built for this match, I like the chemistry between these two.

Randy Orton Vs CM Punk
The story has been getting better for these two. Very personal fight between these two. Great wrestling skills of CM Punk vs the Viper Randy Orton.

Kevin Nash & Shawn Micheals should make an appearance.

Lawler Vs Micheal Cole.
Stone Cold will be the referee and stunner Cole! Great to see Stone Cold again and see him whip ass on Micheal Cole. JBL should make an appearance and possibily beat down Stone Cold and then see Austin beat the crap outta JBL & Cole.
Jim Ross should call commentary and say "STONEE COLD! STONE COLDDD!"

John Cena Vs. The Miz
This match should be a good match, hope to see a back and forth match here. Miz has really shown some aggression and they should'nt just bury him and take the title away.
This match I don't know what to expect. Can work either way!

Undertaker Vs. Triple HHH
I see the Undertaker winning, but it will be a on your edge kind of match. Each superstar will hit their finishers, I see chokeslams on tables, pedigrees, steel steps. Very vicious match but Undertaker will prevail.
Vince McMahon is doing everything that he possibly can to push WrestleMania to the 1 million buy mark or beyond. Are Wade Barrett, John Morrison & Dolph Ziggler currently at the level in general in which they'd be able to truly contribute to that goal as stars that get top billing at the show? Most likely not. I'm a fan of all three of those guys and I have no doubt that Ziggler & Barrett at least will be huge stars in the WWE in the future.

I'd very much prefer that it was Ziggler vs. Morrison one on one. However, why is it that people just assume that this match is going to be some horrible debacle? You could look at this as a possible show of confidence Vince has in JoMo & Ziggler. He's stacked this match with people that are great inside the ring to protect Snooki. Snooki will give the WWE that mainstream media attention that Vince wants for Mania and this match and Ziggler & Morrison will be guys that will be carrying the match. It'll make Vince happy, which is good for JoMo & Ziggler. Think about it, if Vince wanted this to be some sort of comedic skit match or waste of time, he'd have probably done something like teaming Snooki with Santino & Koslov rather than 2 of the overall best in-ring workers on the roster.

As for Wade Barrett...well it's a little complicated right now. I NEVER read spoilers but there are articles all over the web that give away, even without reading them, something very interesting happening to Barrett this week on SD!. It could leave his overall place at WM up in the air at this point.
This whole card sucks and IMHO was botched from the start...

Cena and Orton switch the feud with Nexus/CM Punk & Miz no reason given.

HHH takes out Seamus in a minute which was an angle built months in advance then calls out the Undertaker. Undertaker beat you at WM17. Time to move on... Why couldn't Marty Jannetty show up and face the Undertaker.

CM Punk & Nexus stop feuding with the Corre.

Dibiase is ignored and buried.

Two annoucers get Mania Matches (Lawler is understandable) but Cole shouldnt be wrestling.

The guy you've been hyping the last few weeks Sin Cara should at the least get a debut match at Mania. Give him a squash against Chavo.

My rebooking of WM27...

MIKE MIZIAN w/ Alex Riley (c) VS. RANDY ORTON - Orton wins.

EDGE (c) VS. DEL RIO - Del Rio wins

UNDERTAKER VS. CENA - Undertaker wins

IC Championship
CM PUNK w NEXUS vs. WADE BARRETT (c) w/The CORRE - Double DQ... But Wade is injured by Mason Ryan.


DANIEL BRYAN (c) vs. TED DIBIASE - Dibiase gets the Win

JERRY LAWLER vs. JACK SWAGGER w/ Michael Cole (if Lawler wins he gets 5 minutes with Cole). - Lawler wins and beats up Cole for a minute before Cole runs off.

TAG TEAM CHALLANGE for the title
The Corre (c) vs. Tyson Kidd & DH Smith - Canadian Bulldogs vs. Marrella & Kozlov vs. The Big Show & Big Sexy vs. Uso's vs. Tito & Primo Colon

The Canadian Bulldogs win the belt

Rey Mistero vs. Cody Rhodes - Cody gets W.

Number 1 Contender Ladder Match for the Main Event of MiTB.
Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Drew MacIntyre vs. Evan Borne - Dolph gets the W and starts feuding with Cena.

Fatal 4 Way Elimination Bout for the Cruiserweight & Lightweight Championships
XPAC(c) vs. CHAVO vs. Hornswoggle(c) vs. Sin Cara - Sin Cara wins the belts.

Womens Title Match & Battle Royal - Natty wins the Battle Royal beats Eve for the title and gets destroyed by Awsome Kong.

Mens Battle Royal - for a IC or US title shot. - David Otunga gets the Win with the help from a celebrity sitting in the front row.
This whole card sucks and IMHO was botched from the start...

Actually, anyone with half a brain could see that this is a really solid card with a lot of potential, but I suppose I set my expectations high for the posters on this website.

Cena and Orton switch the feud with Nexus/CM Punk & Miz no reason given.

Actually, there were plenty of reasons given. 1) CM Punk wanted revenge on Orton for Unforgive 08. 2) Miz felt threatened by Cena so he eliminated Cena from the Rumble in order to prevent Cena from getting a title shot. 3) Randy Orton and Miz had been feuding for months, ever since Miz got the belt, and it was getting very old.

HHH takes out Seamus in a minute which was an angle built months in advance then calls out the Undertaker. Undertaker beat you at WM17. Time to move on... Why couldn't Marty Jannetty show up and face the Undertaker.

You might want to check you timeline son, Triple H and Undertaker had their staredown the night after Elimination Chamber, 2-21-11. Triple H beat down Sheamus the following week. Triple H and Sheamus fought at Wrestlemania last year, and it is not a big enough rivalry to repeat. They are not Stone Cold and The Rock.

CM Punk & Nexus stop feuding with the Corre.

Nexus feuded with The Corre? Oh, you mean that tiny little skirmish they had before Royal Rumble? That hardly counts as a feud, more just a way to hype up the fans for the Royal Rumble.

Dibiase is ignored and buried.

Two annoucers get Mania Matches (Lawler is understandable) but Cole shouldnt be wrestling.

This is where you start becoming DEAD wrong. Lawler vs. Cole is going to be one of the most anticipated matches at Wrestlemania, and it actually has the best build. There's not a WWE fan in the world that doesn't want to see Cole get his teeth punched in, and the prospect of seeing Cole get Stunned by Stone Cold is enough to get anybody excited.

The guy you've been hyping the last few weeks Sin Cara should at the least get a debut match at Mania. Give him a squash against Chavo.

No. Horrible idea. When was the last time a superstar debuted at Wrestlemania? Wrestlemania is about endings, not beginnings.

My rebooking of WM27...

MIKE MIZIAN w/ Alex Riley (c) VS. RANDY ORTON - Orton wins.

Saw it at TLC, saw it at Royal Rumble, saw it on RAW. No thank you.

UNDERTAKER VS. CENA - Undertaker wins

Why waste Cena's ability to create an amazing feud by putting him in a match with The Undertaker? The reason they put Triple in this match is because both men had been gone for so long that it was too late to build any other feud for them.

IC Championship
CM PUNK w NEXUS vs. WADE BARRETT (c) w/The CORRE - Double DQ... But Wade is injured by Mason Ryan.

CM Punk is way above the midcard belts, and Wade Barrett only got the belt last week. This is a terrible idea for a match and waste of The Corre's heat.


Saw it last year, it was underwhelming. Seeing it again, no thanks.

DANIEL BRYAN (c) vs. TED DIBIASE - Dibiase gets the Win

Daniel Bryan has already proven he can beat the piss out of DiBiase and has demolished him every time they've faced. Hell, DiBiase hasn't done anything positive with his career since he started dragging Maryse to the ring with him. Why are you giving DiBiase a match at WrestleMania? Seriously, I want to know.

JERRY LAWLER vs. JACK SWAGGER w/ Michael Cole (if Lawler wins he gets 5 minutes with Cole). - Lawler wins and beats up Cole for a minute before Cole runs off.

People don't want to see Lawler beat up Jack Swagger, they want to see him beat up Cole. Why make this stupid 5 minute stipulation when having him in an actual match with Cole is so much easier?

TAG TEAM CHALLANGE for the title
The Corre (c) vs. Tyson Kidd & DH Smith - Canadian Bulldogs vs. Marrella & Kozlov vs. The Big Show & Big Sexy vs. Uso's vs. Tito & Primo Colon

So you reunite the Hart Dynasty (not the Canadian Bulldogs, the Hart Dynasty), assume Kevin Nash wants to wrestle, and call up a guy who has never been seen on WWE before? Were you dropped at birth?

Fact of the matter is, this year's WrestleMania card is actually pretty great, though I will admit that some of the matches lack the proper build. That said, I can't think of too many things I'd change on the card, and I'm nearly piss my pants levels of excited for this PPV.

The Canadian Bulldogs win the belt

Rey Mistero vs. Cody Rhodes - Cody gets W.

Number 1 Contender Ladder Match for the Main Event of MiTB.
Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Drew MacIntyre vs. Evan Borne - Dolph gets the W and starts feuding with Cena.

Fatal 4 Way Elimination Bout for the Cruiserweight & Lightweight Championships
XPAC(c) vs. CHAVO vs. Hornswoggle(c) vs. Sin Cara - Sin Cara wins the belts.

Womens Title Match & Battle Royal - Natty wins the Battle Royal beats Eve for the title and gets destroyed by Awsome Kong.

Mens Battle Royal - for a IC or US title shot. - David Otunga gets the Win with the help from a celebrity sitting in the front row.[/QUOTE]
Morrison vs. Ziggler... a Wrestlemania #1 Contender's match for the WWE Title and BAM... you have just launched the next generation's beginning 3 icons... Miz, Morrison, Ziggler. A full of himself technician, an amazing high flyer, and a well... you really can't go wrong with Ziggler, hes just floating around right now, he needs to latch on to a specialty, and stick to it. But no....

Morrison and Ziggler are stuck in a MIXED TAG MATCH, which has an obvious ending with Snooki and Stratus in it.

Then you have the Miz who is going to lose the WWE title to SuperCena. And my prediction is that he will fall back down with JoMo and Ziggles.

Best case scenario?
Ziggler screws Morrison and wins at WM, then breaks up with Vicky, and turns face. The night after, Morrison gets pissed, turns heel and goes back to his good mic skills and moves to Smackdown.

Meanwhile, the Miz loses at Wrestlemania. He drops down to the upper-midcard with the other two. And chases the WWE title and reclaims it.

At MITB, Ziggler wins one briefcase, Morrison wins the other. Months go by, neither superstar cashes in. Finally, Ziggler cashes in on Miz and wins the title. Seconds later Morrison cashes in on Ziggler, and wins the belt. This would launch one of WWE's best threesomes ever.

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