Wade Barrett is NOT over

Blast me all you want but I agree with the topic creator. Barrett is not over and I can't believe none of you really got the point he's trying to make. Sure Wade may get booed but he is still not over. The Nexus is, the guys that John Cena is facing are. But if you were to split the Nexus and stop the feud tomorrow you would see that Wade isn't truly over just yet.

So you're telling me the chorus of boos for Barrett on Monday night when he opened the show before the rest of Nexus came out with him didn't prove he was over? How about the fact that he could barely get his promo out because the crowd wouldn't stop booing him? The guy fucking runs Nexus.

You are acting like an idiot. It doesn't matter where Barrett goes after this. The fact remains that Barrett is over along with Nexus. Spin it all you want. Nexus is over but Barrett isn't. He is still in Nexus, so he is still over. God what the fuck is wrong with people? It's not that complicated and I don't know why I'm getting so worked up. Barrett is over whether any of you people like it. Whether it's due to Cena or Nexus, it doesn't fucking matter, Wade fucking Barrett is still over and getting major heat. His feud after Cena will show more of what is in store for him, but right now he is fucking over. Get it through your fucking heads!
Blast me all you want but I agree with the topic creator. Barrett is not over and I can't believe none of you really got the point he's trying to make. Sure Wade may get booed but he is still not over. The Nexus is, the guys that John Cena is facing are. But if you were to split the Nexus and stop the feud tomorrow you would see that Wade isn't truly over just yet.

In case you didn't notice, Wade Barrett IS Nexus. You remove Wade Barrett, Nexus falls apart. Much like Evolution and Triple H, everything Nexus does benefits Barrett. Barrett is the only one going for the WWE Title. Out of everyone in Nexus, Wade Barrett is the only one that's over. If Nexus was to suddenly split, Barrett would still be in the main event, Harris, Gabriel, and McGillicutty would probably be midcard, and Slater and Otunga would either be jobbing, sent back to FCW, or future endeavored. And why would Barrett still be over? He made Cena's life a living hell, and more importantly, he got Cena fired. Did you not hear how loud the boos were? He was getting "HBK in Montreal" heat! Like it or not, Wade Barrett is the top heel.

To reiterate, Wade Barrett IS Nexus.
but i will limit it to some current guys MVP, Muhammad Hassan, Umaga all guys who feuded with big names all guys who had huge heat if u dont believe me go watch the shows and see the crowd reactions, all guys that faded to the mid card once the big names where gone to not carry them.

Muhammad Hassan didn't "fade" into the mid card, he went out because some people at UPN were scared of some bad publicity from people who oviously didn't even watch the show to begin with. He was scheduled to face Batista for the WHC at SummerSlam until UPN told WWE that they didn't want the Hassan character to ever appear on their network again, and he went out facing the Undertaker... Call that what you want, but it's not "fading out"
The OP and his supporters are demonstrating some of the queerest logic I have seen in a long time. The argument seems to be as follows:

- Wade Barrett is extremely hated by the audience right now, to the point where he finds it difficult to even cut a promo without being completely drowned out by the immense heel heat he invariably recieves
- The REASON he gets such a huge response from the crowd, is that he was recently put in a storyline with John Cena (the most popular wrestler in the world), played the antagonist, and did a very, very good job. As a result, the fans absolutely hate him.
- But, if you took his feud with Cena and totally erased it from history, and made it so that Barrett had never had the chance to get over by working his storyline with Cena, Barrett wouldnt be over.
- Therefor, it is all an illusion and Wade Barrett is not actually over at all.

I'm being generous calling it "queer logic", of course. There is no logic. Everyone who is over, has benefited from being in a well-booked story that fans care about, and from getting the rub from a more popular wrestler. By that same token, guys have been put in feuds with main event wrestlers and not gotten anywhere near the kind of response that Wade Barrett is getting. It's not a matter of being a Barrett fanboy or anything else; he is over, that is an objective fact.
So if I'm reading into this dude's argument literally, he is basically saying if a guy doesn't get over magically out of nowhere, then he is not trult over. The guy has only been here for less than a year. Look how long Orton was there. Look how long Cena was there. It took quite a while for those dudes to get the reactions Barrett is getting now.

Clearly a biased statement from a kid who simply doesn't like Barrett.
RD_21 said:
Blast me all you want but I agree with the topic creator. Barrett is not over and I can't believe none of you really got the point he's trying to make. Sure Wade may get booed but he is still not over. The Nexus is, the guys that John Cena is facing are. But if you were to split the Nexus and stop the feud tomorrow you would see that Wade isn't truly over just yet.

So you're telling me the chorus of boos for Barrett on Monday night when he opened the show before the rest of Nexus came out with him didn't prove he was over? How about the fact that he could barely get his promo out because the crowd wouldn't stop booing him? The guy fucking runs Nexus.

You are acting like an idiot. It doesn't matter where Barrett goes after this. The fact remains that Barrett is over along with Nexus. Spin it all you want. Nexus is over but Barrett isn't. He is still in Nexus, so he is still over. God what the fuck is wrong with people? It's not that complicated and I don't know why I'm getting so worked up. Barrett is over whether any of you people like it. Whether it's due to Cena or Nexus, it doesn't fucking matter, Wade fucking Barrett is still over and getting major heat. His feud after Cena will show more of what is in store for him, but right now he is fucking over. Get it through your fucking heads!

I think what the OP and others mean is that once Nexus runs its course and Cena moves onto a new feud will Barrett be over in a mid-uppermid card role on his own? Barrett is over now in this niche but will it carry over? It certainly does matter where Barrett goes after this. There is no way that Barrett is so established that no matter who he wrestles the feud will be over. Wade Barrett the mastermind is over but as an individual it is questionable. Basically, what they mean is that Wade Barrett is not as established as people make him out to be. I think that is borderline obvious. Notice the difference between where Sheamus was and where Sheamus is now. That is what they are talking about. A good feud can elevate you but if it is followed up with something not on the same level (borderline impossible to do in Barrett's case) then the character tends to descend some again. If they went to say Barrett-Otunga I guarantee you would start to notice what they are talking about.
It is a two-way process. This storyline wouldn't be what it is right now. Cena wouldn't looked genuinely threatened and have been able to deliver the promo he did the other night on raw if barrett did not pose a legitamite threat to cena, and no matter how good the group was, barrett wouldn't look like a threat to cena if he wasn't a believably hateable and meniacle guy.

I can't prove this to you without examples of what I mean. Austin looked posed a serious threat to the safety of mr mcmahon and that is why that story was so believable. Goldberg looked like a serious threat to evolution and that's why HHH eliminated him. Sting looked like a serious threat to NWO thats why they treated him that way. Without a brain like wade barrett's at the helm of nexus, they would have no direction and would have been gone ages ago. Now of course, I don't believe wade barrett IS genius but he has done a good enough job convincing people that he looks the part now.

It is very difficult to say what will happen to wade post-nexus. All you can say is he will be around. You don't get elevated to the height of being the centerpiece of the world's foremost wrestling show and dissapear into obscurity afterwards, especially if you have done a good a job as he has. Only problem I see is that he fulfills exactly the same role of sheamus, bit of a powerhouse who violently and cleverly manipulates their opponents and wins matches that way, only problem being I think as a single's guy sheamus is better but wade barrett comes accross as I've said as a clever guy so that may be where they differ and how wade flourishes to earn his spot on raw.

I think after nexus, wade is going to carry over a hell of a lot of heat, which will die down after a while but he will still be a very chris jericho type superstar, belittles the audience and gets a good amount of heat always. I really don't know how I can explain it but I just know barrett is over, partly because unlike guys like the Miz, there is barely a single person trying to convince us he wont be all he has promised to be with his recent run, in the future. I guess seen as he is still in nexus, there is no fair way to make an assessment because he hasn't stood on his own two legs yet, but when he does, I'd say he'll be standing just as tall without the supports.
I have to say I disagree. Of course you could place any top heel against Cena and he would get over, but no rookie could get as over as Barrett did. Put anybody in the Nexus against Cena and you wont get the results you've gotten with Barrett. Hes not only well on the mic but well in the ring as well. He has the look and has easily convinced everyone that hes a force to be reckoned with. Barrett can continue without Cena, because with the strongest force holding him back now gone, he can focus on the WWE Championship.
So you're telling me the chorus of boos for Barrett on Monday night when he opened the show before the rest of Nexus came out with him didn't prove he was over? How about the fact that he could barely get his promo out because the crowd wouldn't stop booing him? The guy fucking runs Nexus.

You are acting like an idiot. It doesn't matter where Barrett goes after this. The fact remains that Barrett is over along with Nexus. Spin it all you want. Nexus is over but Barrett isn't. He is still in Nexus, so he is still over. God what the fuck is wrong with people? It's not that complicated and I don't know why I'm getting so worked up. Barrett is over whether any of you people like it. Whether it's due to Cena or Nexus, it doesn't fucking matter, Wade fucking Barrett is still over and getting major heat. His feud after Cena will show more of what is in store for him, but right now he is fucking over. Get it through your fucking heads!

Ok, just for you I will spin it in another way just to show you my point.

Hurricane faced the Rock during a month and he was over BIG TIME, what happen when he stopped facing the Rock?

Shelton Benjamin was over HUGE when he beat HHH for 3 straight weeks, what happen to him after?

So can you really say that someone is really... REALLY... REEAAAAAALLLYYY??? (to quote The Miz) over when you know it's because of his storyline and opponent.

He is hot for the moment.
I can agree with you saying he is over FOR NOW!

But I wanted to show you that you all misread what the op said and you even misread my post, he ISNT' OVER in the big picture just yet. He is over because Cena is, he is over because the Nexus is. Sure he is Nexus I am not dumb and I know he is getting booed like a mad man, I am not deaf, but I know for sure, well let's say 90% sure, that once this particular feud and storyline is down people will not care.

Want an example, think about another feud with Wade that could really get him over and not for the smark only. Him vs Orton? Couldn't care less... Him vs Mysterio? Morrison? Edge? HHH? Sheamus? MVP? Big Show? Undertaker?

Barrett is over because Cena is the top guy but take Barett on his own and vs another superstar and you would mostly hear a pin drop in the arena no matter how you want to spin it.
I think what the OP and others mean is that once Nexus runs its course and Cena moves onto a new feud will Barrett be over in a mid-uppermid card role on his own? Barrett is over now in this niche but will it carry over? It certainly does matter where Barrett goes after this. There is no way that Barrett is so established that no matter who he wrestles the feud will be over. Wade Barrett the mastermind is over but as an individual it is questionable. Basically, what they mean is that Wade Barrett is not as established as people make him out to be. I think that is borderline obvious. Notice the difference between where Sheamus was and where Sheamus is now. That is what they are talking about. A good feud can elevate you but if it is followed up with something not on the same level (borderline impossible to do in Barrett's case) then the character tends to descend some again. If they went to say Barrett-Otunga I guarantee you would start to notice what they are talking about.

Did you not read the last sentence in my post? Of course you didn't. I said his next feud will show what he has in store for us. Christ. But as of right now it doesn't fucking matter!

Ok, just for you I will spin it in another way just to show you my point.

How kind of you.

Hurricane faced the Rock during a month and he was over BIG TIME, what happen when he stopped facing the Rock?

Actually the Hurricane was quite over anyway. He just didn't have anything to do because he wasn't big enough for the big dogs. Besides he isn't as good as Barrett.

Shelton Benjamin was over HUGE when he beat HHH for 3 straight weeks, what happen to him after?

Lulz. As if Shelton Benjamin amounted to anything as a singles competitor. His best moments were as a tag team and getting kicked in the face by HBK. He isn't as good as Barrett.

So can you really say that someone is really... REALLY... REEAAAAAALLLYYY??? (to quote The Miz) over when you know it's because of his storyline and opponent.

Except your quote of the Miz sucks too. It's a one word question, not just really put into a sentence.

Secondly, yes you can. It's called a rub. Austin got a rub from Bret Hart and took that all the way for another year until he won the WWF Championship. We can't say that Barrett won't be over once he is done. You have to wait for his next feud.

He is hot for the moment.

Ya think?

I can agree with you saying he is over FOR NOW!

Smartest thing you've said this whole time.

But I wanted to show you that you all misread what the op said and you even misread my post, he ISNT' OVER in the big picture just yet. He is over because Cena is, he is over because the Nexus is. Sure he is Nexus I am not dumb and I know he is getting booed like a mad man, I am not deaf, but I know for sure, well let's say 90% sure, that once this particular feud and storyline is down people will not care.

We didn't misread him. He jumped the gun because his Cena feud will go on for another 2-3 months. Can you tell me right now what will happen then? The way you all are saying he isn't over makes it seem like you can see the future.

How do you know he isn't over in the big picture just yet? He gets booed everywhere he goes, had trouble making a promo because of them. Oh but that's right now, not in the future where you can see him just coming out to silence. My mistake.

Want an example, think about another feud with Wade that could really get him over and not for the smark only. Him vs Orton? Couldn't care less... Him vs Mysterio? Morrison? Edge? HHH? Sheamus? MVP? Big Show? Undertaker?

Except Mysterio is currently feuding with Del Rio. Morrison with Sheamus, Edge with Kane, Triple H is out and will return for Sheamus, MVP sucks, Big Show is decent but too big for Barrett to do anything, Taker is out.

Barrett could feud with anyone and if the storyline goes right he can still be over. But that's just like any young star. Good storyline gets you over more, bad doesn't.

Barrett is over because Cena is the top guy but take Barett on his own and vs another superstar and you would mostly hear a pin drop in the arena no matter how you want to spin it.

It doesn't matter if Barrett is over because of Cena. It really doesn't. Why can't any of you just get it through your thick skulls?

All of you that say that Wade Barrett isn't over "in the big picture" have all jumped the gun. He is still feuding with Cena, and probably will be until WrestleMania. He is over whether you want to say it or not. The "big picture" is a bullshit reason that nobody knows for sure yet, and you just want to use it to justify your shitty reasoning. Well guess what, it doesn't work that way. You nor anybody else knows the "bigger picture" and that is why only the people who say he isn't over in that regard is because they are grasping at straws. Make this thread again in the middle of his next feud, but until then Wade Barrett is over, case fucking closed.
Did you not read the last sentence in my post? Of course you didn't. I said his next feud will show what he has in store for us. Christ. But as of right now it doesn't fucking matter!

How kind of you.

Actually the Hurricane was quite over anyway. He just didn't have anything to do because he wasn't big enough for the big dogs. Besides he isn't as good as Barrett.

Lulz. As if Shelton Benjamin amounted to anything as a singles competitor. His best moments were as a tag team and getting kicked in the face by HBK. He isn't as good as Barrett.

Except your quote of the Miz sucks too. It's a one word question, not just really put into a sentence.

Secondly, yes you can. It's called a rub. Austin got a rub from Bret Hart and took that all the way for another year until he won the WWF Championship. We can't say that Barrett won't be over once he is done. You have to wait for his next feud.

Ya think?

Smartest thing you've said this whole time.

We didn't misread him. He jumped the gun because his Cena feud will go on for another 2-3 months. Can you tell me right now what will happen then? The way you all are saying he isn't over makes it seem like you can see the future.

How do you know he isn't over in the big picture just yet? He gets booed everywhere he goes, had trouble making a promo because of them. Oh but that's right now, not in the future where you can see him just coming out to silence. My mistake.

Except Mysterio is currently feuding with Del Rio. Morrison with Sheamus, Edge with Kane, Triple H is out and will return for Sheamus, MVP sucks, Big Show is decent but too big for Barrett to do anything, Taker is out.

Barrett could feud with anyone and if the storyline goes right he can still be over. But that's just like any young star. Good storyline gets you over more, bad doesn't.

It doesn't matter if Barrett is over because of Cena. It really doesn't. Why can't any of you just get it through your thick skulls?

All of you that say that Wade Barrett isn't over "in the big picture" have all jumped the gun. He is still feuding with Cena, and probably will be until WrestleMania. He is over whether you want to say it or not. The "big picture" is a bullshit reason that nobody knows for sure yet, and you just want to use it to justify your shitty reasoning. Well guess what, it doesn't work that way. You nor anybody else knows the "bigger picture" and that is why only the people who say he isn't over in that regard is because they are grasping at straws. Make this thread again in the middle of his next feud, but until then Wade Barrett is over, case fucking closed.

Look dude how about your threath people that have an OPINION different than you with respect? I don't hold the truth and you sure don't as well. We are all here to speak about at things we love and know about and it's called wrestling.

I can see something from another point of view than yours without being dumb or ignorant and I don't consider you dumb for having an opinion different than me but the way you resort to insult all the time to get your point across kind of annoy me to be honest.

I want to point me in any of my post where I said that Barret wasn't how for now. I also want to point me in any of my point were I said that Barrett wasn't deserving. I also want you yo point to me were I said that Barrett was shit or bad on the mic or had no skill?

I am not taking anything away from Barrett right now I am just saying that is storyline and feud are making him look more over than he may be after the story has run it's course.

We are basically saying the same thing just playing on word differently and that's where I said that people who attack the op and now me may have miss. Sure we can't predict the future but look at Sheamus who was red hot when he was feuding with Orton, Cena and HHH. He has a story that isn't as strong now so we can't know for sure just yet and that's all I am saying.

And please stop putting me in the "All of you" basket, I am just me and answer me to answer to me and not to take your anger out on all the ignorant you may have confront on those boards :)
Look dude how about your threath people that have an OPINION different than you with respect? I don't hold the truth and you sure don't as well. We are all here to speak about at things we love and know about and it's called wrestling.

See that's the thing. I'll discuss things when people don't act stupid. I'll call people stupid when they act stupid. Saying that Barrett isn't over= stupid because he is in fact over. Again, the "big picture" is just a guess. People right now legitimately don't like Barrett. He can probably take that a long way if given the chance.

I can see something from another point of view than yours without being dumb or ignorant and I don't consider you dumb for having an opinion different than me but the way you resort to insult all the time to get your point across kind of annoy me to be honest.

So be it man. I'm sorry for being a dick but seriously, the OP was stupid for making this thread. It's an asinine statement.

I want to point me in any of my post where I said that Barret wasn't how for now. I also want to point me in any of my point were I said that Barrett wasn't deserving. I also want you yo point to me were I said that Barrett was shit or bad on the mic or had no skill?

Except that I never said any of those things to you.

I am not taking anything away from Barrett right now I am just saying that is storyline and feud are making him look more over than he may be after the story has run it's course.

More over, over? Okay dude, come on! Now that's just changing the argument. If his heat dies a little then so be it. I don't expect him to come out to a raucous amount of boos every night after he is done with Cena. I expect him to be booed a lot though. That is still over. The OP is basically saying that once this storyline is done that Barrett won't get anything. We'll get crickets. Ain't gonna happen. The guy is British for crying out loud. He will be great at getting heat in the US. Just watch.

We are basically saying the same thing just playing on word differently and that's where I said that people who attack the op and now me may have miss. Sure we can't predict the future but look at Sheamus who was red hot when he was feuding with Orton, Cena and HHH. He has a story that isn't as strong now so we can't know for sure just yet and that's all I am saying.

Are you saying Sheamus isn't over now? That's what it seems like you're saying to me.
I don't really think it's changing the argument as my point from the beginning was to not judge the op too quick and that, to me at least, he may had something because Barrett may (notice may) slow down when his story is done and that the angle he's involve in, without taking anything away from Wade, is golden and it may make him look more over than he truly is. The op isn't right but we can't say he is 100% wrong either and that was my point.

The 2nd part about asking you to point where I was taking the merit away from Barrett was because the type of answer I was getting was making it seems like people were convinced I was diminishing his impact in the role he was given which was clearly not my intention.

And finally Idon't mean that Sheamus isn't over but he isn't over has huge as he was and it may just be me but I don't see him over in a way that he will make his opponent main eventer since for the moment Sheamus is as over as his opponents are if that makes any sense and Ihope Iwas able to get it across this time. If not Iwill try to explain it better tomorrow when I am not on my shitty virtual keyboard on my PS3.
Wade Barrett IS over
He gets more heat than anyone else on RAW

Barrett is going to be the cornerstone of the WWE very soon he has "it" and I'm glad they are waiting to put the strap on him

that's the difference between him, and a pseudo top guy like Shame-us.....Barrett doesn't need to be force fed the WWE title to get fans to care about him, and that means he's Over

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