Wade Barrett

When Wade Barret came on the scene I said to myself, future WWE/World Champ right there. He had one of the best storylines with Cena ever, if not the best. He showed that he can run with the big boys. Then, when sent to Smackdown, he was still relivent but not the same as on RAW.

Barrett has a nice program going right now, but I am sure that after its done he will be staying right where he is. Im not a big fan of his, but I do feel that he should be up with guys like Christian and Sheamus. What do you guys think? When do you think he will rise, and how do you see him doing it?

My first idea is a good long program with either Sheamus or Orton. Although both men are involved in other programs, it is something that can be built to. Drag it out until Mania. I dont think a title match for Barret would work though, not yet. I think that working with one of those two would be a a good stepping stone for him.

The second is the less likely. Turn him face, and put him against Mark Henry. Don't make him a face, just because of placing him with Henry though. Make it a slow transition. A battle royal winner, gets #1 contendership. Henry goes over Barrett, but in the process Barrett gains the respect of the fans and becomes face. He then challenges for the title after Mania, and wins.

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