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Was Hogan/HBK The Last Dream Match We Will See For A VERY Long Time?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Now before some people feel the need to mention the upcoming Hogan/Flair match, I will remind you that both of them are up there in age, and not what they used to be in the ring. While I'm happy to know that Hogan and Flair are going against each other, I'm not expecting these two to put on a classic.

That brings me to the topic at hand. Anyone remember Hogan/HBK from Summerslam '05? It was a dream match that saw the Icon HBK go against the legend Hulk Hogan. While the match wasn't the greatest ever, it deliverd. Shawn and Hogan put on a pretty good match, and towards the end, Hogan actually made you believe he might lose.

Ever since then, there really hasn't been a match that's had that "dream match" feel to it. AJ/Sting at BFG this year was nice to see, but it wasn't a dream match. I also remember Flair wrestling Stone Cold on Raw some years back, but it was to random to be considered a dream match.

Austin/Hogan,Rock/Cena, these are matches that will most likely never happen. So are there any dream matches left that can actually happen?Will we have to wait another 10, 15, or possibly even 20 years to see one?

Hogan and Vince seem more pissed off at each other than ever, so I don't see Hogan coming back to WWE. Pretty much every top wrestler in WWE has faced each other in the past five or seven years, so there's nothing left there. By the time there's another dream match, I think I'll either be dead or retired.
When talking about dream matches, you really have to enter Mark-dom, because a dream match is one that you want to see because it will transport you back into the magical world of wrestling when you just see two heroes clash.

My number one dream match will always be Hogan - Austin, I'm so happy I saw The Rock vs Hogan, but I'd love to see the alternate.

As for 'Dream' matches that could take place nowadays, I will admit I'm slightly excited about the prospect of AJ Styles vs Hulk Hogan, and thats not really a dream match, and after that, the closest I can get to is Undertaker vs Cena, and then we're in Big Match territory, not dream match.

Dream matches I'd like to/wish I could see:

Brock Lesnar vs Batista: I think they've built up Batista to be a big enough 'threat' to Brock, and it would be good to see if the two could be the match Lesnar/Goldberg should have been.

AJ Styles vs Shelton Benjamin: Surely the IWC's wet dream?

Shawn Michaels vs The Rock: Always wish this one had happened.

Shawn Micheals vs Eddie Guerrero: Am absolutely gutted this could never happen. Definately would have been something spectacular.

He who shall not be ment-oit vs John Morrison: Not a dream match, but a) I wanted to use the name joke, and b) it would have been good.
Yes. It will be the last one we see for a long, LONG time. Right now, many of the older wrestlers can still go and their matches have been done over and over. Cena and Undertaker's not exactly a dream match, but it pits the two most over superstars in the last 10-15 years against each other. That could work. Or HBK v/s Morrison once Morrison is pushed to the moon.

Other 'dream matches' that I wish could take place include Lesnar/Swagger, Hulk Hogan v/s John Cena, HBK/Styles, Danielson/Cena. All of those matches would be great, but as far as the dream match where past meets present, we won't see a match like that for a long time.
It all comes down to opinion. Different people have different dream matches. Some people had Sting vs Angle as a dream match, some people had Sting vs Foley as a dream match, some people had Jericho vs Undertaker as a dream match. Hell, fans of indy wrestling probably had Angle vs McGuiness as a dream match. It all comes down to what people consider a "Dream Match".

But let's take the "traditional" dream matches. Sting vs Undertaker, Hart vs Angle and such. In that way, I don't think we will see a dream match for a while. In WWE we've seen almost every combination of match available. We've seen Orton vs Edge and Cena vs Hardy. Albeit, not while those guys were in their prime, but we've still seen those matches. Same as TNA. And by the time WWE takes over TNA, any wrestler who we want to see in a dream match with a WWE guy will probably be retired and vice versa. We won't see Sting vs Undertaker, Kane vs Abyss or HBK vs AJ cause one or both of the guys in those matches will be retired by the time WWE takes over TNA.

It's not until the next next generation of main eventers come into the WWE. I don't mean guys like Morrison, Miz, Kofi and Swagger, because we'll see all those guys feud with the current main eventers like Orton and Cena. I mean the generation after the next gen of main eventers. Because dream matches that have the Old vs New story have always features wrestlers 2 generations of main eventers apart;
Hogan vs The Rock, HBK vs Angle, Cena vs The Rock etc...

So yeah, there's no dream matches coming from a very long time. Unless, of course, Rock comes out of retirement soon. Lulz.
Given the status of many "superstars", mostly being either retired, dead or with different companies, there really are very few viable "Dream Matches" left in the business. Infact if we're talking about matches that have never been done, I can't think of any.
Ignoring that stipulation, The Undertaker Vs Cena is probably the only "Dream Match" left. It has happened before but that was a different time for both men. Other than that, what's left? Pretty much nothing unless you start trading from different companies and even then... Styles/HBK? Sting/Taker? Hogan Vs... erm... nope, I've nothing for him. The list of truly big names is becoming smaller all the time.
Yes. It will be the last one we see for a long, LONG time.

I need to know what you're smoking, and how much it costs. Quickly.

The next dream match, which we're already getting hints at, is Jericho v. Undertaker. The match alone would be better than 90% of what WWE produces these days. Add in the promos, and possible storylines, and you have a classic.

Beyond that, there's some dream matches left like AJ Styles v. Hernandez (from a TNA perspective), and Christian v. Edge. Both of those matches could main event basically any PPV, and would draw big numbers for their companies. Not to mention the collective orgasm the IWC would have.
I need to know what you're smoking, and how much it costs. Quickly.

The next dream match, which we're already getting hints at, is Jericho v. Undertaker. The match alone would be better than 90% of what WWE produces these days. Add in the promos, and possible storylines, and you have a classic.

Beyond that, there's some dream matches left like AJ Styles v. Hernandez (from a TNA perspective), and Christian v. Edge. Both of those matches could main event basically any PPV, and would draw big numbers for their companies. Not to mention the collective orgasm the IWC would have.

Problem though is that Jericho and Undertaker fought last week on Smackdown and they billed that is the first ever matchup so if they do meet again, it won't have that same feeling. Christian and Edge have fought plenty of times and you can say that they were both midcarders at the time, but they still fought. If they saved the first time Jericho/Undertaker for Mania, it would be special. Now they may be doing it for a while even leading up to Mania.
No lie, I really think this is a terrific thread idea. Well done.

Anyway, I disagree with NSL. I doubt we're going to see another "dream match" for a long time. You have to start by defining "dream match," so I'll offer you my definition:

A dream match is a one-on-one contest, with or without a stipulation, that takes place between two top stars from two different eras, or two top stars from the same era from two different companies.

That's how I look at it. Shawn was a leader of the WWE in the pre-attitude era and a bit during the era itself. Hogan was the original leader of the WWF starting in the 80's, and then led WCW in the 90's at the same time the attitude era began. It made sense. Dream match up.

We have to scroll through who the leaders of the eras have been and assess what the chances are of them ever wrestling again.

Hogan- now in TNA, after a messy divorce and expensive legal proceedings, he'll do what he has to to keep a positive image and make some money.

Angle- a sub-leader of the post attitude era, Angle also helped lead a short and quickly dissapating TNA charge. He's also already fought damn near everybody.

Undertaker- with his Wrestlemania streak in tact, he's an obvious choice for another 2-3 years.

Jericho- never led an era, but a consistant performer throughout.

Austin- neck injuries and a seeming desire to never return hamper this from ever happening again.

Rock- are we supposed to call him 'Dwayne' now?

Sting- the wild card. Led WCW in 3 different decades, and then helped lead TNA.

Triple H- lead heel during the attitude era, already faced everyone who's main evented in WWE over the last 15 years.

Foley- only a draw in hardcore matches anymore, and even that doesn't generate interest anymore.

Edge- multiple time world champion, promos make any feud at least a little interesting.

Hart- disdain for WWE, a concussion, and a stroke make this the longest of the long shots.

Ultimate Warrior- cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

Flair- is there anyone left he hasn't faced / bladed for?


Now let's look at possible pairings:

1. Undertaker vs Sting. Undertaker vs Sting would be one of the biggest and most important matches in history, because it would pit Vince's franchise guy against the one guy who never worked for Vince.

2. Michaels vs Sting. See above.

3. Hogan vs Austin. The two biggest draws in wrestling history would also draw the most PPV buys in history if WWE could get these guys on Wrestlemania. If TNA makes the match happen, it legitimizes them, though there's no way they could PR it like Vince could. It'd be like Hogan vs Flair happening in WCW instead of at Wrestlemania 8.

4. Rock vs Sting. Wow, just wow. Never happening, but imagine the charisma in the ring...

5. Hart vs Angle. Hart is probably the only major guy Angle's never faced. If these two fantastic technicians (and arguably best pure wrestlers of the last two full decades) got together, it'd be a clinic.

6. Sting vs Edge. Similar styles in a lot of ways.

7. Sting vs Cena. Okay, Sting vs ANYBODY, but Jim Ross often compared John "Prototype" Cena to Sting when Cena was in OVW.

8. Sting vs HHH. I'm just gonna stop now.

9. Hart vs Michaels. No way it'd be done right. No way it'd work. No way it'd happen. But it's a mark's wet dream. THE REMATCH. I say hold one in San Antonio and one in Montreal, and then break the tie with a Wrestlemania match at MSG.

You get my point, right? One of the following things will have to occur in order for us to get a "dream match" in the next 10 years:

Sting will have to agree to work for Vince.
Austin, Hart, and/or Rock would have to return to the ring.
Hogan would have to wrestle once more for Vince, or Austin or someone else would have to go to TNA.

You see? It's just not that likely, and I don't see McMahon vs Piper at Wrestlemania being a massive draw the way Hogan / McMahon, Hogan / Michaels, or Hogan / Rock were.
I feel like half a man now...Thanks Boss :icon_neutral:

I agree with your point on what a dream match is, and I think it more than qualifies for Jericho v. Taker. Sure Vince fucked it up, but it's happening, and hopefully the pay-off we get is worthy of being dubbed a dream match.

As for all the other ones you listed...You're right, they won't happen. Sting will never step foot in a WWE ring, and I doubt TNA has the resources to pull a Stone Cold or Rock out of retirement. It'd be huge, but it won't happen, and wouldn't be nearly the same as if it happened 11-12 years ago.
As of right now, The Undertaker vs. John Cena is being tossed around by creative for WrestleMania 26. Now, I'd have to consider this something of a dream match overall because, if you think about it, Cena is really the only threat to The Streak that's left in the WWE. Some have questioned what the point was with Taker giving Cena the Tombstone on Raw but it was as clear as day to me. When I saw it, I instinctively knew that creative was starting things off for Taker/Cena at WM.

Plans can always change of course, particularly when it comes to WrestleMania, but there's nobody in the WWE right now that looks to have a legitimate chance of ending Taker's streak. If WWE goes forward with it, it could be a great match.
I know what your getting at, but I disagree Hogan vs HBK looked good on paper but it was shit because Hogan's ego got in the way because he couldn't loss or let Shawn be a face and as a result Shawn badly over-sold on the other hand, 'Taker vs HBK had it all.
Mr.Wrestlemania vs The Streak and it was an epic. I was disappointed HBK didn't win but I understood why, Shawn ended Ric's career last 'Mania and if The Streak was ever to be beaten 'Taker would retire I think but if anyone should beat The Streak it should be a fellow Legend any why it looked good on paper to and it was in both man's home state

P.S #1 Post:lmao::blush::)
I guess my main problem with this is that I never thought of Hogan and Michaels as a "Dream Match." It was cool but I didn't really care. The answer to this question, though, is yes. Bret Hart vs. VINCE McMAHON!!! It's going to happen, and while it will be no technical dreamboat, it will be great to actually see this. It's been twelve years in the making. Wrestlemania 26, I hope.
Was Hogan VS HBK the last "dream match" we will see for a long time? I don't think so because in the end it comes down to the definition of what dream matches are, which could honestly be a different definition for every fan. IC25 had a really good definition, and here is my own.

A "dream match" is a match between two wrestlers that are either the two best in that federation, the best from two separate federations, the two best from the same era, the two best from different eras, or simply just that particular fan's two favorite wrestlers.

Due to how I define what a "dream match" is, many more possibilities open up. Here are some examples of matches that could possibly happen one day, that I myself would consider a dream match based on my own definition.

Two of the best in the same federation
Cena VS Taker

The best from two separate federations
Cena VS Styles

Two best from the same era
Taker VS HBK

The two best from different eras
Cena VS The Rock (I know, highly unlikely. There is always that small chance it could happen, and this could be a dream match for many.)

That particular fan's two favorites
Cena VS Orton (it already happened, but the Iron Man match was a dream match for me.)

There are several other examples that could be said, I only said one for each. So, it comes down to what your own definition of a "dream match" is. Some may agree with mine, some may disagree. A few people may think we will never see another dream match while others might think there are plenty left that can still happen. What's so great is that we are entitled to our own opinions, and if a particular match is one that you as a fan would do nearly anything to see, then that's a dream match. I'm sure most of us have at least one match like that left that we'd still like to see.
Sting vs. Undertaker, HBK vs. Sting, HBK vs. The Rock, etc. There are a few left but Sting's probably too old to have the impact he once did (and I'm a Sting fan).

HBK vs Bret Hart would be huge if marketed right and Bret got himself into great ring shape.

HBK was mocking Hogan's horrible move set by over-selling and pretty much carried that match. It was 2nd place for Match of the Year.

I don't put the name "Cena" in the category for "Dream Match" very often, but Cena vs. Rock would be huge.
Hogan/HBK was not a dream match. The build up was horrible and the ending was horrible bcause Hogan had no right winning that match. Although it was one of the few times I've enjoyed a Hogan match, so I guess that's a plus point.

I'd love to see Cena vs. The Rock, simply for the promos. Cena, when he first started, reminded me of The Rock with his 'cheeky' promos, so I would love to see that Cena against The Rock in his prime. It'd be a true fan classic.
I think that we will see some more dream matchs maybe not in 1 year but maybe 2 or 3.Dream matchs never stop because legends are made every week,day,month,year.

So yeah we will see more.


Hogan/HBK was not a dream match. The build up was horrible and the ending was horrible bcause Hogan had no right winning that match.

People love to say this, but never back it up. Shawn was already hella over. There was no reason for Shawn to go over, other then the IWC's hatred of Hogan. Randy ORton fans may have a complaint, but there was no reason that Shawn HAD to go over Hogan.
People love to say this, but never back it up. Shawn was already hella over. There was no reason for Shawn to go over, other then the IWC's hatred of Hogan. Randy ORton fans may have a complaint, but there was no reason that Shawn HAD to go over Hogan.

Maybe so, but I just see absolutely no point in a win for Hogan, regardless of the opinions of the 'IWC' (Which completely doesn't exist, by the way). While Shawn did not need the win, and no one will argue otherwise, it'd have 'helped' him more than it helped Hogan. I mean, what I said was Hogan had no right winning it - no one has ever refuted that point, he simply did win. I'd have assumed someone who was going to be regularly wrestling in your company would have been given the win, but that's just me.
Both HBK and Hogan could of won. The originality of the storyline was HBK wins the first match and Hogan the second match. So both was gonna get a win on each other. But Hogan did not want that I heard so we got the actual ending to the storyline. Its ashame cause HBK beating Hogan would of been awesome and make HBK even more of a legend.
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