Hogan training for one more match!

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I think you just listed all the reasons why Hogan shouldn't be anywhere near the ring, in any sort of a match. Hogan's well past his sell by date, and is doing fine at what he's doing now, shilling the network. He's also the best promo artist I've ever seen at promoting the one thing he cares about the most, himself.

He might be tough, but he's been out of it for a long time, and medically I don't think they would clear him. The last thing the WWE want is people paying $9.99 a month, to watch Hulk Hogan, arguably one of the best coming into the the ring, only to be stretchered out. Medically and psychically he's just not able to do it. The mind might be willing but his body won't let him.

We all know Hogan shouldn't wrestle, Hogan himself has acknowledged he should stay out of the ring. But that's not the point. As long as he feels he could get through it relatively unscathed what's wrong with him having a tag match of some sort? I would assume Hogan would go only do what he physically knows he could do without serious injury. He got through his match with Sting at BFG and really I think he's pretty much in the same shape now as he was then.

In a tag match he wouldn't have to take many bumps(if any) tag him in once or twice let him "Hulk Up" hit the big boot and let someone else do the finish. Very minimal risk.
We all know Hogan shouldn't wrestle, Hogan himself has acknowledged he should stay out of the ring. But that's not the point. As long as he feels he could get through it relatively unscathed what's wrong with him having a tag match of some sort? I would assume Hogan would go only do what he physically knows he could do without serious injury. He got through his match with Sting at BFG and really I think he's pretty much in the same shape now as he was then.

In a tag match he wouldn't have to take many bumps(if any) tag him in once or twice let him "Hulk Up" hit the big boot and let someone else do the finish. Very minimal risk.

But therein lies the problem, Hogan probably in his own mind does think he can do it. Even although he has said in the past he's done I have no doubt that he has gotten to the point he believes his own hype.

I'm a Hogan fan and have been for years, but I want to remember him as he was, not the way this shitshow would turn out to be. And I honestly don't think he can even lift his leg up high enough to hit the big boot. If he really sat down and thought about it, the risk to his health and his reputation isn't worth it.
personally I think it would be great for the nWo to get back together one more time. nWo vs the Wyatt family and I think the nWo should win while they may be older they're still in better shape except for maybe Scott Hall. Hogan may have a bad back and knees but he is still stronger than 90 percent of the roster. Hogan at 60 still made the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin look small by comparison if you noticed at WrestleMania 30
personally I think it would be great for the nWo to get back together one more time. nWo vs the Wyatt family and I think the nWo should win while they may be older they're still in better shape except for maybe Scott Hall. Hogan may have a bad back and knees but he is still stronger than 90 percent of the roster. Hogan at 60 still made the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin look small by comparison if you noticed at WrestleMania 30

That angle would've been great if it were in 2002 when Hall, Nash and Hogan could've at least gotten physical..

But as for this angle happening now in 2014/2015, just let it go..It would be atrocious to watch..Scott Hall has admitted that he has a pacemaker and Hall also has a fake hip..Nash has had at least 20 knee surgeries and Hogan has more bionic body parts than the 6 million $ man..Let's tally up Hogan's bionic parts-2 fake knees, 2 fake hips, a battery in his fucking back..Yea..

Hence my point about your idea for a Wyatts/nWo angle-Would've been great IF this were 2002 where Hall, Hogan and Nash could've all at least been able to go through an angle with the Wyatts without embarrassing themselves..
But therein lies the problem, Hogan probably in his own mind does think he can do it. Even although he has said in the past he's done I have no doubt that he has gotten to the point he believes his own hype.

I'm a Hogan fan and have been for years, but I want to remember him as he was, not the way this shitshow would turn out to be. And I honestly don't think he can even lift his leg up high enough to hit the big boot. If he really sat down and thought about it, the risk to his health and his reputation isn't worth it.

Where lies the problem? I think Hogan knows what he physically can do/take. It's not like he'd take bumps or do a leg drop, if WWE determines that he can't take any offense at all then tag him in have him "Hulk Up" attempt the big boot, tag out. No harm no foul. At worst he messes up the big boot. I'm a huge Hogan fan and think he deserves one match with the company he helped put on the map. Also for better or worse I want to see him have one more match.

I'm not sure why everyone is so against it? Hogan's physical risk? With the scenario I just laid out that pretty much takes care of that. No one is going to be forced to watch it.
Well the Hulkamaniac in me would LOVE to see Hogan wrestle a final match if he were healthy enough.

However I seem to recall saying this 5 years ago when his relationship with TNA was announced.

Would Hogan even be physically able to wrestle a full competitive match?

I've never been a Cena fan, but seeing the two greatest stars from each era might be a great spectacle if not great wrestling.

It's a shame Hogan/Austin or Austin/Punk never happened, but Cena/Hogan would be the only other option I guess...
Alot of educated posters on here have pointed out that Hulk Hogan's matches 10 years ago in WWF/E were "bad" by hogan standards. TNA wasn't much better.

I say give Hogan a chance. He is saying in interviews that for like the last 8 years or so he's really been in terrible pain and couldn't train the way he wanted to. I'd rather take a wait and see approach on him. If he's pain free and his back really is as good as he said, then it is likely that Hulk will look good in there against the right guy. Hogan was never known for his speed and agility so i'm saying that if he is pain free and in shape, he can come in, do all of the hulk hogan spots and the big power moves, and put on a decent match.

Hogan has a big ego brother, i doubt he would try and come back to WWE in a big match situation if he couldn't wrestle. And i think deep down Hulk knows that his "matches" in TNA were anything but...
Where lies the problem? I think Hogan knows what he physically can do/take. It's not like he'd take bumps or do a leg drop, if WWE determines that he can't take any offense at all then tag him in have him "Hulk Up" attempt the big boot, tag out. No harm no foul. At worst he messes up the big boot. I'm a huge Hogan fan and think he deserves one match with the company he helped put on the map. Also for better or worse I want to see him have one more match.

I'm not sure why everyone is so against it? Hogan's physical risk? With the scenario I just laid out that pretty much takes care of that. No one is going to be forced to watch it.

Hogan might know what he physically can or cannot do... when he's being honest with himself.

Hogan's also the type of guy that can easily convince himself that he can still handle more than he's capable of anymore.

I've got to ask though. As a Hogan fan... why would you even want to remember him from the type of match you're describing? A match where he ineffectively sits off to the side, only to come in, do a couple nostalgia spots and then prance around like the conquering hero that still has it?

He already got a great send off from the company... in 2002 when he was approaching his 50th birthday. He got that amazing Wrestlemania match with the Rock. Then they put the Undisputed title on him and actually made him the #1 guy in the company again. Only for a month because even at that point, he was having a hard time working, but still... what better way to thank the guy who's back you built the company on, then to give him a final run like that? They even gave him a tag team title run during that time.

Now we're at the 'one more match' part a dozen years later... and physically the guy simply cannot handle it without it being some type of pity show that you describe. I'm a big Bret Hart fan as you can probably tell by my banner. When he came back to the WWE, I was nervous for him personally because of his physical condition... but with that match at WM against McMahon, I at least felt that Vince had become a good enough performer that he could carry the match and protect Bret. And he did. It was a terrible match, but it was doable, and worked for what it was supposed to be. If Bret had left it at that, that would have been fine. He didn't though. How many times has that guy... another guy who cannot take any type of bump... stepped back into the ring since that 'one last match'? Every time it's happened, I've hated it, and I wish that Bret wouldn't do it again, because I don't want the side show of him standing on an apron, waiting to come in and give a sharpshooter, to cloud my memories of his career.

That's the feeling you'll get with another Hogan match... and you don't want it.
Hogan just doesn't want to let go, he's had many days in the sun long after his prime. He's like a heavyweight boxer who continues long after they should have i.e. Holyfield.

Hogan as a GM/Director on screen doesn't really sell, I think it's best if he's an ambassador for WWE and let him do commercial business for them because with the finances being hit WWE could do with all the help they can get.
I have zero interest in watching Hogan wrestle any match whatsoever. I have seen some older matches of his on the Network and have seen some of his bigger matches on VHS (remember those?). But a match at his age and with a body that could fall apart if the wind blew in the wrong direction is just a horrible idea. Hogan is just trying to keep himself relevant because he doesn't want to step out of the spotlight. So we get to talk about Hogan here because he wants us to. Hogan is best in his role as ambassador.
Hogan might know what he physically can or cannot do... when he's being honest with himself.

Hogan's also the type of guy that can easily convince himself that he can still handle more than he's capable of anymore.

I've got to ask though. As a Hogan fan... why would you even want to remember him from the type of match you're describing? A match where he ineffectively sits off to the side, only to come in, do a couple nostalgia spots and then prance around like the conquering hero that still has it?

He already got a great send off from the company... in 2002 when he was approaching his 50th birthday. He got that amazing Wrestlemania match with the Rock. Then they put the Undisputed title on him and actually made him the #1 guy in the company again. Only for a month because even at that point, he was having a hard time working, but still... what better way to thank the guy who's back you built the company on, then to give him a final run like that? They even gave him a tag team title run during that time.

Now we're at the 'one more match' part a dozen years later... and physically the guy simply cannot handle it without it being some type of pity show that you describe. I'm a big Bret Hart fan as you can probably tell by my banner. When he came back to the WWE, I was nervous for him personally because of his physical condition... but with that match at WM against McMahon, I at least felt that Vince had become a good enough performer that he could carry the match and protect Bret. And he did. It was a terrible match, but it was doable, and worked for what it was supposed to be. If Bret had left it at that, that would have been fine. He didn't though. How many times has that guy... another guy who cannot take any type of bump... stepped back into the ring since that 'one last match'? Every time it's happened, I've hated it, and I wish that Bret wouldn't do it again, because I don't want the side show of him standing on an apron, waiting to come in and give a sharpshooter, to cloud my memories of his career.

That's the feeling you'll get with another Hogan match... and you don't want it.

I want to see Hogan wrestle one more time for the nostalgia of it. He can still blow the roof off an arena just by simply "Hulking Up" Take a look at his match with Sting in TNA. Also I truly believe he deserves it. He deserves one more match for the company that he carried on his back for a long time. I also truly believe that one more match will be his last match. I understand what you're saying with Bret Hart, but I highly doubt that one last match for Hogan would turn into several matches like it did for Bret. Though wrestling has taught me to never say never.

Nostalgia might seem like a silly reason but hell Vince is practically banking on it with the WWE Network. I dig your banner, I wish I had one, of Hulk Hogan of course.

Hogan deserves to have his last in match in WWE, not TNA.

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