Hulk Hogan On Working With Steve Austin One More Time

Check out Ultimate Warrior's latest in the war of words with Hulk Hogan. Funny stuff.

Bottom line is Austin and Hogan both took wrestling to another level in their prime. The difference between the two are vast though at the same time. Hogan was pushed down peoples throat early in his career so hard in fact people started to fall in love with his character. Austin worked his way through the ranks. Spent a lot of time on the lower card and held mid card championships in a few different promotions. He was a seasoned guy by the time he was put in the main event. Now days people don't have many good things to say about Hulk Hogan. He has burned a lot of bridges throughout his career. While people (wrestles) seem to have nothing but praise for Austin and what he has done for wrestling. Hogan is promoting a failing product while Austin is promoting a successful product. Bottom line is, Hogan wants what Austin has all across the board.
Move along people nothing to see here, Just hogan to try and get us to talk about him .. just move along.

Plus IF!! this match was to happen sure it be hogans final match ... 2 Months later Hogan is back in the ring against some other guy in his "final" Match
Sorry Brian, I meant to elaborate more on that idea about how this affects Impact Wrestling, it's just that all the marks had to chime in with stupid BS first. However, is what Hogan said "good for TNA"? or not. Well, I think Hogan is just saying how he feels about who his best opponent right now would be, however I think he's staying put in TNA and just giving a hypothetical and nothing more. I can't say for sure that Hogan is going to be leaving TNA just because of what he said.

But if he was committed to Impact Wrestling like he should be then his "best opponent" SHOULD be a TNA guy. Hogan SHOULD have said AJ Styles, or Matt Morgan or Abyss or maybe hmm.. let me think the guy who they just gave the ball, Ken Anderson TNA's World Champion...

If Hulk Hogan continues to think that WWE is better than TNA how is he going to make the company grow?? Hogan you're an idiot.
But if he was committed to Impact Wrestling like he should be then his "best opponent" SHOULD be a TNA guy. Hogan SHOULD have said AJ Styles, or Matt Morgan or Abyss or maybe hmm.. let me think the guy who they just gave the ball, Ken Anderson TNA's World Champion...

If Hulk Hogan continues to think that WWE is better than TNA how is he going to make the company grow?? Hogan you're an idiot.

Sounds like someone is drawing just a bit too much into what Hogan said. Who really gives a flying you know what if he mentioned a WWE guy, oh shame on Hogan for doing such a thing.

Again, I think you're putting wayyyy too much into what you read on that ESPN interview. Bottom line is Hulk Hogan is Hulk Hogan period, much like Steve Austin is Steve Austin...both men earned their right to say whatever they want to say on the industry that they both had their hand in redefining. And also this is the 2010s, it's not like the yesteryear of wrestling where you could never mention other wrestlers from bygone eras. I mean by your logic should we then criticize Steve Austin anytime he tweeted that he was watching TNA? Seriously.

I don't think it needs to be said any simpler than that.
Check out Ultimate Warrior's latest in the war of words with Hulk Hogan. Funny stuff.

Yeah, we're talking about the same guy who legally changed his name to Warrior, right? And this is also the same guy who allegedly failed drug tests in WWF and backed out of his contract with Vince McMahon in 1996. I don't know how much of that is true or just hype on WWE's part to bury Warrior, but just the same I hardly found Warrior to be all that credible of a source of information.

Bottom line is Austin and Hogan both took wrestling to another level in their prime. The difference between the two are vast though at the same time.

Oh I am going to love to pick this farcical post apart...oh yes I will.

Hogan was pushed down peoples throat early in his career so hard in fact people started to fall in love with his character.

I guess you never heard of the territory system then have you? Say what you will about Hulk Hogan but that guy wasn't a World Champion over night, it took almost an entire decade for that to happen. Hogan fan or not, if you know your wrestling, you'll know that the business was not handed to Hogan, he had to pay his dues like everyone else. To say that he was forced down his throats is ludicrous, you're talking about an individual that was a top draw in AWA, WWF and WCW. Hogan had a track record sorry and he drew the people. Had he merely been Vince McMahon's pet project his WCW debut would have been a big bust and the nWo never would have happened or if it had it would not have had the impact it did. (Sorry a Hitman fan I am, but him as the third man would have had nowhere near the effect that Hogan had.)

Austin worked his way through the ranks. Spent a lot of time on the lower card and held mid card championships in a few different promotions. He was a seasoned guy by the time he was put in the main event. Now days people don't have many good things to say about Hulk Hogan.

No denying that Stone Cold has done a lot of great things in his career, I remember him (not sure how old you are but I've watched wrestling since I was shitting my I definitely remember Steve Austin as a great talent before all you marks ever did) as a multi time WCW United States and World Television Champion in addition to his World Tag Team Title days with Brian Pillman. I even remember him going back to the USWA where he was wrestling the Undertaker (under the name The Punisher). Austin surely earned his stripes and redefined the World Wrestling Federation in the 1990s and there's no denying that. It just sounds like you're an internet sheep who is joining in on the anti-Hogan sentiment and using the rumors you hear as your basis to NOT like the Hulkster. Fine if you don't like the man, but his business credentials and his personal character should remain separate in such discussions like we're having now. Because for as great as Stone Cold Steve Austin is, his record is not without blemish either.

He has burned a lot of bridges throughout his career. While people (wrestles - I think you meant wrestlers) seem to have nothing but praise for Austin and what he has done for wrestling.

Are we talking about the same Stone Cold Steve Austin that walked out of the WWF/E TWICE...remember that not once but TWICE. I mean it could have been a work who knows, I can't say for sure, just like you can't say for sure that you know everything that you've heard about Hogan to be fact either. But let us suppose for a minute that we are going to use backstage rumor as a rationale for comparing these two then let us do just that.

After all, I wouldn't want to think that such a knowledgeable wrestling fan like yourself would want to use a double standard now, would you? Yes I know it's been said that Hulk Hogan has left the company because of creative disagreements time and again. Bash At The Beach 2000 was horrible, a stupid angle no doubt. But then let us fast forward to Hogan's return to WWF/E. He dropped a loss to Brock Lesnar en route to Lesnar's win over The Rock at SummerSlam. Now if I remember right, the rumor mill said that Austin did not want to job to because he thought it would be a hotshotted angle. That it should have only been a PPV match.

Well I say boo hoo to the marks that would rather have seen Austin and Lesnar on PPV. For those that don't want to spend 60 bucks every month on PPV events, a match like that would have been a great gesture to the fans that watched RAW and SmackDown. There would have been nothing wrong with a Lesnar vs Austin match on a free show with Lesnar going over to build his star. (Granted it turned out that he wasn't to last but at the time no one was thinking that.)

Also let us not forget that by this time Austin's momentum was nowhere near what it was in the late 90s, that neck surgery in 99 that kept him out for over a year, well that was a career changer folks let's just admit that. Austin was still popular no doubt and he still contributed greatly to the product. But during this time guys like Kurt Angle, Triple H and The Rock stepped up big time and the WWF was VERY HEALTHY even without SCSA. In other words, if the rumors are true, Austin was asked to put a new rising star over and he got upset and went home.

And yes I know Hogan's done the same thing according to rumor but just like 2002 he took a pinfall loss before going off TV. In 2003, Big Show pinned him in a six man tag when he was Mr. America and then Vince fires him on air. And yes I know Hogan's other forays back to WWE saw him going over on HBK and Randy Orton respectively, but hey if it bothered Vince all that much, he'd have told Hogan to lose. Period.

Sounds like both of them have done some things to piss Vince off. Also if character assassination is your game, let us not forget that Steve Austin has also gone to court over beating not one but two significant others. So don't let the hype fool you, but Mr. Austin is far from Mr. Perfect no pun intended.

Hogan is promoting a failing product while Austin is promoting a successful product. Bottom line is, Hogan wants what Austin has all across the board.

So it's wrong for Hogan to want to get behind something that's an alternative to WWE? Again, the Carter Family as I have said in the past have done a better job at running a wrestling company than Vince McMahon ever could with running a football league and he couldn't even do that with NBC's help, could you imagine what the XFL would have been like if it was all Vince? HA! So yeah maybe Impact Wrestling isn't setting the wrestling world ablaze, but for a company that has lasted almost a decade, that's pretty impressive in the post Monday Night War Era. If you really want to criticize failed alternatives to WWF/E then check out World Wrestling All Stars and the XWF (Jimmy Hart's project). It's funny how people never bother to focus on some of the positive things about TNA/Impact Wrestling. Again I am not praising them in the creative sense necessarily, but business wise you can't dispute that they have done better than the aforementioned organizations that shit the bed rather quickly.

All the power to Steve Austin for continuing his career as a Tough Enough host, that's all well and good. But just because Hogan chose not to play Vince's game and give up valuable intellectual property like his ring name and merchandising rights that's Hogan's prerogative. I am not going to question the way a man wants to earn his living.

And even without being a WWE performer still, Hogan still gets the benefits of working for Impact Wrestling while having his likeness in projects like the WWE game WWE All Stars. Not a bad deal if I'd say so myself.

Basically what I take from your post are the unfounded tendencies of some armchair expert smark. Oh please correct me if I am wrong.

My issue with Hogan is that he seems to be very self-serving these days. In his sit-down with "The Voice" he pretty much threw Randy Savage under the bus which I saw as pretty classless. Yes, he was asked about his relationship with Savage, but he should have taken the high road. He didn't. He talked about how long after he's gone that "Hulkamania" will still be around. Maybe so. But really Terry? Did you REALLY need to brag about it?

Look, there's no quetion that Hogan has played a HUGE role in where wrestling grew to and where it remains today. But he certainly wasn't alone in that growth.

My issue with Hogan is that he seems to be very self-serving these days. In his sit-down with "The Voice" he pretty much threw Randy Savage under the bus which I saw as pretty classless. Yes, he was asked about his relationship with Savage, but he should have taken the high road. He didn't. He talked about how long after he's gone that "Hulkamania" will still be around. Maybe so. But really Terry? Did you REALLY need to brag about it?

Look, there's no quetion that Hogan has played a HUGE role in where wrestling grew to and where it remains today. But he certainly wasn't alone in that growth.

Brian, I am with you on several points...but I take into consideration what wrestling and other entertainment avenues really are and that's sensational in nature. And Hulk Hogan can't be the only one blamed for grandiose or controversial statements.

I heard the stuff he said about Randy Savage, but to be honest what he said about Randy and Liz's relationship is the same that others in the business have said. Now do I agree with what he said about Macho Man's reign as champion? Not really, Hogan had a great run from 83-93 with or without the strap in WWF, however Randy Savage was integral to that I and I am sure others loved about the WWF as well. I mean this interview pre-dated Randy Savage's death, and since then I have not heard Hogan say anything else about the issue other than their personal problems they had with one another. Not to completely defend Hogan either though but I do look at how many times the WWF went back to him as the top guy though and not to inflate his ego per se, but I think that says something about Hogan's status in wrestling.

Personally would I have liked to see other people continue their runs with the strap after Hogan lost it or would I have liked to see others get the top title again, you damn bet. Rick Rude, Roddy Piper, Mr. Perfect are three examples of wrestlers I wanted to have the title at some point during that period. Rude and Perfect had good runs in other organizations as World Champions but something about them as WWF World Champions would have been awesome!

He did put Macho Man over as his best opponent though and I think given the past those two had, Hogan could have REALLY ripped into Macho Man. You do remember Macho Man's Rap Album solely named after Hogan..."Be A Man". Granted I take all this stuff in stride as entertainment, but Macho Man has never been ashamed to say what was on his mind in regards to Hulk Hogan.

Just the same, I do agree with you there were other guys that caught my attention just as much as Hulk Hogan ever did, he might be one of my top favorites, but it's like I say to other fans Hulk Hogan might have made me a wrestling fan as a kid but it was other performers like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and Curt Hennig that kept me on as a fan.

However, I still feel that sometimes objectivity doesn't always come about in discussions related to Hulk Hogan. I know I am risking being labeled a Hogan mark for this, but I'll gladly defend points that regard Hogan in positive, neutral and negative lights.

In this case, I think we have to remember that Hulk Hogan isn't the only one to point a finger at in this business.
Sounds like someone is drawing just a bit too much into what Hogan said. Who really gives a flying you know what if he mentioned a WWE guy, oh shame on Hogan for doing such a thing.

Again, I think you're putting wayyyy too much into what you read on that ESPN interview. Bottom line is Hulk Hogan is Hulk Hogan period, much like Steve Austin is Steve Austin...both men earned their right to say whatever they want to say on the industry that they both had their hand in redefining. And also this is the 2010s, it's not like the yesteryear of wrestling where you could never mention other wrestlers from bygone eras. I mean by your logic should we then criticize Steve Austin anytime he tweeted that he was watching TNA? Seriously.

I don't think it needs to be said any simpler than that.

First of all Steve Austin has tweeted about TNA? Really? If it's true I'm shocked.

But to the point of the matter is Hulk Hogan was basically brought into TNA at very big expense for mainly one reason, to up the profile of the company. To let wrestling fans know that another promotion exists out there and it's called TNA or Impact Wrestling.

Less than 2 years ago, people were walking upto Kurt Angle or Kevin Nash at airports and ask them why they don't wrestle anymore or when are they coming back to wrestling.... this was a shock to these guys as of course they've been headlining TNA for that time... which means people still don't know about TNA.

Hulk Hogan's job was to make this happen. Has it.. I don't know, i don't live in the U.S., however when he goes on radio shows he should be constantly taling about TNA and no one else. I work in marketing and P.R. and Hogan at every turn should be always pointing whatever interviewer's leading questions back to TNA. A question about who he wishes to face whether it be true or not has to be a TNA guy.Who is the best wrestler in the world right now, once again a TNA guy, and so on and so forth. He must always be leading them back to TNA and what time they are on and what upcoming ppv is coming up... that's his job and he continually fails at it. He constantly is putting himself over (ie. does he wear a Hulkamania bandana or a TNA one?) He talsk about Hulkamania.. where does one attribute that to WWE or TNA? Exactly...

Him wanting to tie up with Austin knownw throughout the World as a WWE guy, is an insult to his locker room, his sponsors and his employers...
First of all Steve Austin has tweeted about TNA? Really? If it's true I'm shocked.

Steve Austin Tweets About TNA....nuff said just click the link.

There ya go, albeit it's from last year, but Austin has mentioned TNA before, boo to the freaking hoo that he would mention another wrestling organization. Pity, isn't it?

But to the point of the matter is Hulk Hogan was basically brought into TNA at very big expense for mainly one reason, to up the profile of the company. To let wrestling fans know that another promotion exists out there and it's called TNA or Impact Wrestling.

I read the interview, Hogan mentioned TNA/Impact Wrestling, I think that got the job done, just because he decided to mention Steve Austin as a dream opponent, I don't see the need to be all up in arms. Obviously it's something that strikes a chord with you, I'm really sorry to hear that by the by.

Less than 2 years ago, people were walking upto Kurt Angle or Kevin Nash at airports and ask them why they don't wrestle anymore or when are they coming back to wrestling.... this was a shock to these guys as of course they've been headlining TNA for that time... which means people still don't know about TNA.

Again, TNA has been taking baby steps in getting more exposure to be sure, with the talent they have you'd think that would not be the case. You'd think right off the bat they should be a worldwide brand. Easier said than done the fact they've lasted a decade long in the post Monday Night War era is pretty god damn admirable.

I implore you to google World Wrestling All Stars and Jimmy Hart's XWF and see how long those projects lasted. Impact Wrestling even with Hulk Hogan (who mind you is pushing 60 years of age is not in the position to do for TNA what he did for WCW) is making progress, but no one ever wants to see the bigger picture on that one.

Hulk Hogan's job was to make this happen. Has it.. I don't know, i don't live in the U.S., however when he goes on radio shows he should be constantly taling about TNA and no one else.

Again, I am playing the who gives a flying fuck card on this comment, Hogan has made his mentions of Impact Wrestling he has spoken at length the rebranding of the company, he has gone on Twitter and hyped up storylines and time slots for the show. I think he's covering that base well enough.

I work in marketing and P.R. and Hogan at every turn should be always pointing whatever interviewer's leading questions back to TNA. A question about who he wishes to face whether it be true or not has to be a TNA guy.Who is the best wrestler in the world right now, once again a TNA guy, and so on and so forth.

Well, Mr. Publicist go and pound on Impact Wrestling's door and ask for a job as Hogan's personal assistant and tell him to do just that then. Otherwise all I am hearing is just more boohooing about trivial nonsense.

He must always be leading them back to TNA and what time they are on and what upcoming ppv is coming up... that's his job and he continually fails at it. He constantly is putting himself over (ie. does he wear a Hulkamania bandana or a TNA one?) He talsk about Hulkamania.. where does one attribute that to WWE or TNA? Exactly...

Again, if he wants to wear his Hogan colors that's his prerogative, I don't recall him being silent about Impact Wrestling at all, again it sounds like you are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, good chap. And to me it just sounds like you're complaining for the sake of complaining.

Him wanting to tie up with Austin knownw throughout the World as a WWE guy, is an insult to his locker room, his sponsors and his employers...

Please jettison the hyperbole, it's grown quite tiresome from the very first word you've typed on this thread. Again it was a hypothetical and not a certainty. And let's be honest the real dream match is Hulk Hogan vs Steve Austin that's the one that a wrestling fan no matter whether you are an Impact Wrestling or WWE fan or both (heaven forbid you forego brand loyalty so you can love it all and not be so picky as to only choose one brand) that's the one people always expect to hear from Hogan. And hey if that's how he honestly feels so be it. Obviously I don't see either leaving their current spots in their respective organizations, it just sounds like you're making it sound as if it is harmful that Hogan says his dream opponent would be Austin. Again, there's no guarantee Hogan will ever wrestle again if what they say about his health is true, and who knows it might be true after all since he has not wrestled since March of 2010.

And as far as what Hogan really said in the interview, how much of it did you actually read or are you just buying all the other bullshit smarkdom on this forum?

Hulk Hogan ESPN Interview

Hogan mentioned Matt Morgan as a guy for the future with a potential in the business. Do I think Hogan could have gone more at length with his interview, more likely than not, but he still mentioned Impact Wrestling and it's not like the interviewer sounded shocked to hear that Hogan was working elsewhere. Hogan went and mentioned the competition *gasp* and now you got a bunch of marks bitching like they always do when they get sand in their clit over something Hogan said. The fact that you have to throw the word "insult" to describe Hogan's statements is laughable and ludicrous.

Since you have the PR credentials why not go and tell TNA yourself? After all, it's not going to do much just touting such skills on this forum. Is it?
Why does anyone care about what Hulk Hogan has to say? He has always been about himself. Regardless of what his job is or who he has worked for. I mean threads like this are a waste of time. We all know how Hogan is. It won't change.

Should he be shoving TNA down peoples throats? Yes. Does he? No. It is not mine or anyone's job to decide how to deal with that.

So how about we just stick to trashing the product and not things that are a waste of time.
Why does anyone care about what Hulk Hogan has to say? He has always been about himself. Regardless of what his job is or who he has worked for. I mean threads like this are a waste of time. We all know how Hogan is. It won't change.

Should he be shoving TNA down peoples throats? Yes. Does he? No. It is not mine or anyone's job to decide how to deal with that.

So how about we just stick to trashing the product and not things that are a waste of time.

I don't think the thread itself was a bad idea man, Brian in Austin just wanted to see what people thought of Hogan's statements. Despite how I disagree with what some of the people said on this thread, I thought that some people contributed good points to it.

It's just when you get some of the stupid ass smarks wanting to go into character assassination mode that's when the thread started falling to shit. It's definitely not Brian In Austin's fault that you have so many ******s who act like they have a VIP pass to every occurrence that's happened in the pro wrestling business. Again the thread was not intended to even get into such subject matter.

All Brian wanted to know was what people thought of Hogan talking about Austin as his one "big last match" which again is a hypothetical and no more than that. Hogan said Austin and to be honest it really is the match that would be THE match. However, I think it's likely that Hogan realizes that won't happen regardless of what either man's contractual status is in the future. Both have had debilitating medical problems that would prevent such a thing, I think. Considering the span of time that neither have wrestled,I would say the aforementioned health problems of both are pretty legit in the way of making wrestling again very unlikely.

Like I said to another poster on here, we are not in the yesteryear of wrestling anymore where mentioning another company or another wrestler from another company is taboo. Again people on this thread are just making it out to be so. But it really isn't.

While Hogan's discussion about TNA was somewhat lacking my view, considering that the nature of the interview was geared with more emphasis on his upcoming video game the fact that TNA got a mention at all is still a good thing. Again let us not forget that most of these media outlets that interview these entertainers have their own guidelines for discussing issues the fact ESPN allowed Hogan to even mention Impact at all is something that fans of the product should be grateful for in the first place.
Steve Austin Tweets About TNA....nuff said just click the link.

There ya go, albeit it's from last year, but Austin has mentioned TNA before, boo to the freaking hoo that he would mention another wrestling organization. Pity, isn't it?

I read the interview, Hogan mentioned TNA/Impact Wrestling, I think that got the job done, just because he decided to mention Steve Austin as a dream opponent, I don't see the need to be all up in arms. Obviously it's something that strikes a chord with you, I'm really sorry to hear that by the by.

Again, TNA has been taking baby steps in getting more exposure to be sure, with the talent they have you'd think that would not be the case. You'd think right off the bat they should be a worldwide brand. Easier said than done the fact they've lasted a decade long in the post Monday Night War era is pretty god damn admirable.

I implore you to google World Wrestling All Stars and Jimmy Hart's XWF and see how long those projects lasted. Impact Wrestling even with Hulk Hogan (who mind you is pushing 60 years of age is not in the position to do for TNA what he did for WCW) is making progress, but no one ever wants to see the bigger picture on that one.

Again, I am playing the who gives a flying fuck card on this comment, Hogan has made his mentions of Impact Wrestling he has spoken at length the rebranding of the company, he has gone on Twitter and hyped up storylines and time slots for the show. I think he's covering that base well enough.

Well, Mr. Publicist go and pound on Impact Wrestling's door and ask for a job as Hogan's personal assistant and tell him to do just that then. Otherwise all I am hearing is just more boohooing about trivial nonsense.

Again, if he wants to wear his Hogan colors that's his prerogative, I don't recall him being silent about Impact Wrestling at all, again it sounds like you are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, good chap. And to me it just sounds like you're complaining for the sake of complaining.

Please jettison the hyperbole, it's grown quite tiresome from the very first word you've typed on this thread. Again it was a hypothetical and not a certainty. And let's be honest the real dream match is Hulk Hogan vs Steve Austin that's the one that a wrestling fan no matter whether you are an Impact Wrestling or WWE fan or both (heaven forbid you forego brand loyalty so you can love it all and not be so picky as to only choose one brand) that's the one people always expect to hear from Hogan. And hey if that's how he honestly feels so be it. Obviously I don't see either leaving their current spots in their respective organizations, it just sounds like you're making it sound as if it is harmful that Hogan says his dream opponent would be Austin. Again, there's no guarantee Hogan will ever wrestle again if what they say about his health is true, and who knows it might be true after all since he has not wrestled since March of 2010.

And as far as what Hogan really said in the interview, how much of it did you actually read or are you just buying all the other bullshit smarkdom on this forum?

Hulk Hogan ESPN Interview

Hogan mentioned Matt Morgan as a guy for the future with a potential in the business. Do I think Hogan could have gone more at length with his interview, more likely than not, but he still mentioned Impact Wrestling and it's not like the interviewer sounded shocked to hear that Hogan was working elsewhere. Hogan went and mentioned the competition *gasp* and now you got a bunch of marks bitching like they always do when they get sand in their clit over something Hogan said. The fact that you have to throw the word "insult" to describe Hogan's statements is laughable and ludicrous.

Since you have the PR credentials why not go and tell TNA yourself? After all, it's not going to do much just touting such skills on this forum. Is it?

Dude let me just say your being very hostile about all this and quite rude considering this is a discussion. I'm wasn't touting anything, only the fact that Hogan should watch what he says and should not bite the hand that feeds him.

the fact ESPN allowed Hogan to even mention Impact at all is something that fans of the product should be grateful for in the first place.

And this statement really does drive home (if it is true) that Hogan probably isn't doing his job if he isn't even allowed to mention the comapny he is trying to promote. Impact Wrestling by your opinion is so shit that the fans should be grateful with the scraps it gets from Hogan.

Austin hates Hogan and has refused to do "business" with him. Hogan knows this, so I'm not sure as to why he would bring it up. As for it being THE match. How can two men who's bodies are almost completely broken down be THE match? I don't think many people would want to see the mess that would be, especially as Hogan can hardly walk anymore.
Dude let me just say your being very hostile about all this and quite rude considering this is a discussion. I'm wasn't touting anything, only the fact that Hogan should watch what he says and should not bite the hand that feeds him.

Well, to be honest I'll tell you something there GrandSword, I reserve that right to be hostile and rude, because I've for years been sick of seeing certain segments of the Internet Wrestling Community act as if they are the judge, jury and executioner on how those in the wrestling world do their business.

It's so convenient for any one of us fans to talk about how this interview went or that interview went and claim that we really know what the intent was of what the individual was saying in said interview. Bottom line is this, wrestling's all a work man, even when the television gets turned off or a supposed out of character interview occurs. A user on this forum named Rayne has made that point quite well in the past.

Now I know I have my own moments where I might tend to mark out myself on certain discussions and points, however I am going to be the last person to JUDGE any wrestler even the ones I dislike on the nature of their statements. Including this ESPN interview that Hogan did.

And this statement really does drive home (if it is true) that Hogan probably isn't doing his job if he isn't even allowed to mention the comapny he is trying to promote. Impact Wrestling by your opinion is so shit that the fans should be grateful with the scraps it gets from Hogan.

Again, ESPN was the one that approached him with the interview and they got their business they want to discuss with him, he mentioned Impact Wrestling and if I sound blunt and adversarial on the point then so be it. A lot of people on these forums act as if Hogan can just write his own ticket on what he can talk about in interviews with the press like ESPN, well if such was the case, then it would be him interviewing ESPN and not the other way around. Fact is he gave his current organization the attention and mentioned how he wanted to see Matt Morgan get elevated. Again, he is the one being interviewed and not the one doing the interviewing.

Austin hates Hogan and has refused to do "business" with him. Hogan knows this, so I'm not sure as to why he would bring it up. As for it being THE match. How can two men who's bodies are almost completely broken down be THE match? I don't think many people would want to see the mess that would be, especially as Hogan can hardly walk anymore.

Just because I said that Hogan vs Austin is THE match doesn't mean I think it will happen. It's much like over the years how people said Tyson vs Ali is the DREAM match. Keyword dream, Austin and Hogan has been touted as that before. As far as Austin "hating" Hogan, you don't even have a REAL clue how true that is. Maybe there have been professional disagreements at one time or another after all the rumor was it was supposed to be Hogan and Austin at WM X8 but Austin didn't want to work with Hogan supposedly due to Hogan's "ego". But it's funny how Hogan chose to lose to Rock, obviously Hogan didn't mind dropping a match to someone at that event. I'd say Austin's chance of walking out of a WM match with Hogan as the loser at that time were looking pretty good if he had done Rock the favor after all. And again Austin as I mentioned left the WWF/E a couple times because of "business reasons". If all that they say is true and this is a big IF, who would Austin really be to talk, and what argument do the marks really have that Austin is any better than Hogan? Plus you saying that Austin "hates" Hogan..let's just put it this way, people in the entertainment and the wrestling business will say whatever they can to get attention. I just advise you to not take it in stone especially since I doubt you have Austin or Hogan's numbers on your rolodex to confirm how much these two really hate each other. Internet dirt sheets and interviews don't always count as actual evidence to make the bold determination that you're presenting here about Steve Austin's true feelings towards the Hulkster. Especially in a business that is so rooted in misdirecting and keeping people second guessing on to what's fact and what's fiction.

So no, I never EVER said that I want to see Austin vs Hogan, I mentioned that ad nauseum in my original reply to Brian In Austin's topic here. I am just saying that is the DREAM match of pro wrestling. But like most DREAM matches they typically stay that way and like I said "Hogan vs Austin", that ship has ailed.

Again I know for a fact I am not in the wrestling business and I am assuming that maybe you aren't as well. Here's a tip don't buy into all the internet bullshit about this guy hating this guy or this guy hating that guy. After all, remember wrestling is a work and in this modern day internet age, I've a good mind that the illusion is only continuing.

Bottom line is this, there are several reasons why Hogan vs Austin hasn't happened and likely never will but there was no crime in Hogan mentioning how a match with him and the man who was arguably the WWF's savior in the late 90s would not be the way to go out in your career. Again it was a hypothetical and nothing more. Plain and simple.
Brian, I am with you on several points...but I take into consideration what wrestling and other entertainment avenues really are and that's sensational in nature. And Hulk Hogan can't be the only one blamed for grandiose or controversial statements.

I heard the stuff he said about Randy Savage, but to be honest what he said about Randy and Liz's relationship is the same that others in the business have said. Now do I agree with what he said about Macho Man's reign as champion? Not really, Hogan had a great run from 83-93 with or without the strap in WWF, however Randy Savage was integral to that I and I am sure others loved about the WWF as well. I mean this interview pre-dated Randy Savage's death, and since then I have not heard Hogan say anything else about the issue other than their personal problems they had with one another. Not to completely defend Hogan either though but I do look at how many times the WWF went back to him as the top guy though and not to inflate his ego per se, but I think that says something about Hogan's status in wrestling.

Personally would I have liked to see other people continue their runs with the strap after Hogan lost it or would I have liked to see others get the top title again, you damn bet. Rick Rude, Roddy Piper, Mr. Perfect are three examples of wrestlers I wanted to have the title at some point during that period. Rude and Perfect had good runs in other organizations as World Champions but something about them as WWF World Champions would have been awesome!

He did put Macho Man over as his best opponent though and I think given the past those two had, Hogan could have REALLY ripped into Macho Man. You do remember Macho Man's Rap Album solely named after Hogan..."Be A Man". Granted I take all this stuff in stride as entertainment, but Macho Man has never been ashamed to say what was on his mind in regards to Hulk Hogan.

Just the same, I do agree with you there were other guys that caught my attention just as much as Hulk Hogan ever did, he might be one of my top favorites, but it's like I say to other fans Hulk Hogan might have made me a wrestling fan as a kid but it was other performers like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and Curt Hennig that kept me on as a fan.

However, I still feel that sometimes objectivity doesn't always come about in discussions related to Hulk Hogan. I know I am risking being labeled a Hogan mark for this, but I'll gladly defend points that regard Hogan in positive, neutral and negative lights.

In this case, I think we have to remember that Hulk Hogan isn't the only one to point a finger at in this business.


There's no question that I too was once a big fan of Hulk Hogan and to some degree still am. He's one of the reasons I watch TNA. But I'd like to explain a bit further about his comments regarding MM Randy Savage. What I was meaning to say was that whether or not the stories of his control and jealousy over Miss Elizabeth are true, Hogan had an opportunity to say more positive things about Savage than he did. Now I'll give him credit because later in the interview he named Savage as his favorite to work with and he did speak highly of his work ethic. I just thought that the personal stuff should have remained private. But I think for Hogan, because he had his show, he actually doesn't understand that not everyone wants their dirty laundry aired in public.

Heck even Hogan admitted that at times he uses his persona to his own advantage when he's out in public.

Now I'll go even further and say that when he was a face in WWE and was "The Hulkster" I was a huge fan. When he went to WCW I thought his Hollywood Hogan gimmick was gold! I couldn't wait to tune in and see what he and the NWO would do next and I loved the Sting v. NWO angle and when Goldberg destroyed Hogan. So I also give HH credit for essentially jobbing to Goldberg to drop the title and to keep the undefeated streak alive.
Well, I'll break this pinch fight that's going on right now by saying this.

I love Hulk. Always did, always will. I love the character, good or bad, in WWE, WCW or TNA, I love his attitude and I love his legacy. As a person, I think he's a piece of shit. At least that's my impression. I'd like to think that he got wiser with age, but age is just a number in the end. Unlike a lot of the moron wrestling fans, I don't dislike wrestlers because of their personal lives and personalities. As a wrestling fan, I adore Hulk Hogan THE CHARACTER. I think he's awesome, always has been, and I do want to see him lace them red and yellow boots once again if he's sure he won't break that stack 'o dimes he calls a spine in the process, of course. As a person and an individual, if all the crap I've heard about him is true, then I think he's a dick milker. Plain and simple. And I'm at least considering believing the rumors because I did watch an interview of his, a recent one, where he whipped his chopper right next to his daughter. It's kind of a hint, you know. You never saw Gandhi motorboat Mother Teresa, did you? Didn't think so.

Now, as far as Hogan saying he wants to work with Austin, here are my two cents. If this ever came to be I would be extremely surprised, because all due respect, Hulkster, I highly doubt that Austin would want to wrestle one of his very very very last matches against you. And in TNA nontheless. Crazier things have happened, but I doubt that when Stone Cold thinks of who he wants to wrestle, he thinks of you.

That being said, if it ever happens I'll be sure to be glued to the screen. But I doubt it won't. It's a good thing that Hogan brought Austin's name, though. Usually you always hear wrestlers wanting to work with Flair, Rock, HBK or The Mountie.
I, by no mean's respect Hulk Hogan at all. The man has said very shitty thing's as of late and is one of the reason's why I don't watch TNA anymore.

But, I will have a take on this. Since Hogan has come to TNA hes promised to "raise the bar," and become bigger than the WWE. Well, obviously that failed, but I really don't think Hogan is really all that into about TNA. I think if he succeeded he would be more involved, but he's got a busy life and I don't think TNA's his top priority.

He's got so much other stuff to do that I think TNA is more of a side project that he's not 100 percent commited to. He's got his stage show to do in a few week's and he makes appearances in other promotion's. He usually never name drop's or promotes TNA on any special appearance or guest spot. He seem's like a guy who's just using TNA right now becuase it's something to do, but he's not fully into it like Bischoff is.

And, the quote about his wanting to fight Stone Cold, well that's way past the time. If it was WM 18, yeah, but now after Hogan's 8 back sugeries, I would be surprised to see Hogan take a bump. There's also Austin who said that he's happy being retired and be able to live his life injure free and risk free. If anything I can see Austin only having a match with a young star (CM Punk?) to put him over. The time of Hogan/Austin has passed a decade ago.

It also goes to show you people about what I said before, if Vince McMahon called Hogan up tommorrow to return to WWE, he'd do it in a heartbeat. I just think TNA is more of a series of projects instead of a thing he is fully and emotionally into.

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