Who is REALLY better? Hulk Hogan or Steve Austin

The more I think about it, the more this is Hogan in a runaway. Austin was indeed great and is the second greatest star of all time, but look at what he had around him. He feuded with Rock, HHH, Taker, Kane, Foley and McMahon. With a lineup of talent like that how could he not have skyrocketed? Hogan on the other hand had guys like Orndorff, Bundy, Boss Man, and OMG. He had some others that were great like Savage and Piper, but for the most part he had little to work with. Hogan got over based on the fact that he was so likeable and connected so easily with the audience. Even when he debuted back in 1984 he was insanely over. Austin got over incredibly too, but he had a lot more help to get there.
The more I think about it, the more this is Hogan in a runaway. Austin was indeed great and is the second greatest star of all time, but look at what he had around him. He feuded with Rock, HHH, Taker, Kane, Foley and McMahon. With a lineup of talent like that how could he not have skyrocketed? Hogan on the other hand had guys like Orndorff, Bundy, Boss Man, and OMG. He had some others that were great like Savage and Piper, but for the most part he had little to work with. Hogan got over based on the fact that he was so likeable and connected so easily with the audience. Even when he debuted back in 1984 he was insanely over. Austin got over incredibly too, but he had a lot more help to get there.

I think this is a very biased post and shows the generation gap. The fact you think Rock, HHH, Taker, Kane, Foley, etc are bigger stars then Hogan's opponents and all those he had to work with during his era is a bit flawed. At the time of Hogan, Roddy Piper was as big of a star as any of those you named with Austin. Piper was the top heel, and he helped to revolutionize wrestling during his day, so to say Piper didn't hugely impact and help Hogan in the beginning is ridiculous to me. Hogan also worked with Andre the Giant, Ted Dibiase, Randy Savage, all of which are easily on par at the time (if not bigger) then those you mentioned with Austin. Your perspective is a bit skewered, for Hogan had just as much big name opponents as Austin did. You're overstating Hogan's abilities, as if he did everything on his own and didn't get helped by all those who put him over and helped to make him through feuds.. while you're downplaying Austin's impact and what he did by sheer talent and ability. At the end of the day its all about money.. buyrates, ratings, and merchandise, because neither would've gotten where they were without the influence of those they fed off of and the feuds they were made through.
First of all if you looked, I said that Piper and Savage were great and seperated them from the other group. So let's say that since Piper was the top heel and Savage was the only person anywhere near Hogan's level at the time that we'll substitute them for McMahon and Rock. That leaves Taker, Kane, Foley and HHH being compared to Orndorff, Bundy, Boss Man and OMG. We have four men that will likely be in the WWE HOF one day against two overweight men that accomplished nothing in their careers, Boss Man who never even had more than a passing look at the main event, and Orndorff who's biggest claim to fame is losing in the main event of the first Wrestlemania. Austin had all these people to work with and have great feuds and rivalries against. He traded the title with all of them and each of them had feud after feud with him. Hogan was thrown in with random people and asked to make the company great which is exactly what he did.

Hogan was pushed down people's throats harder than anyone in history and the people couldn't get enough of him. When anyone is that popular for that long, they're doing something incredibly right.
First of all if you looked, I said that Piper and Savage were great and seperated them from the other group. So let's say that since Piper was the top heel and Savage was the only person anywhere near Hogan's level at the time that we'll substitute them for McMahon and Rock. That leaves Taker, Kane, Foley and HHH being compared to Orndorff, Bundy, Boss Man and OMG. We have four men that will likely be in the WWE HOF one day against two overweight men that accomplished nothing in their careers, Boss Man who never even had more than a passing look at the main event, and Orndorff who's biggest claim to fame is losing in the main event of the first Wrestlemania. Austin had all these people to work with and have great feuds and rivalries against. He traded the title with all of them and each of them had feud after feud with him. Hogan was thrown in with random people and asked to make the company great which is exactly what he did.

Hogan was pushed down people's throats harder than anyone in history and the people couldn't get enough of him. When anyone is that popular for that long, they're doing something incredibly right.

Random people? Just like Austin was given a long standing storyline with Vince McMahon and constantly made to overcome the obstacles stacked against him, constantly made to rise above.. Hulk Hogan was given monster after monster, opponents who were made to look like serious threats and unstoppable challenges that Hogan was forced to overcome, therefore putting the people behind him all the more. Maybe you should go back and research how those characters you claim to be nobody's were actually portrayed back then before you make hollow claims. On top of that, Roddy Piper and Savage were huge, yes... but Andre the Giant was as big if not FAR bigger a name then anyone of those you put against Austin during his time. Andre the Giant was a huge name during that time. Ted Dibiase was one of the best heels at that time and if it wasn't for Hulkamania would've easily been world champion, he was by far on the same level as any HHH or Foley of the modern era. And Kane? Since when was Kane a huge name and since when has he been a huge draw?
As for Kane, maybe you should go back and look at some of the stuff that happened in the 90s when he and Taker were quite dominant. Kane wasn't the broken down excuse for a worker that he is now as his knees were still able to move.

Now as for the rest of this, if you call beating up random jobbers and the rockers unstoppable, then yes those people were unstoppable. Name one big match that any of those "big threads" to Hogan ever won. Hogan was put over them because he was all that people wanted to see. When he beat Andre at Wrestlemania Three it was so big that there was no real opponent for him to face the next year, hence the tournament. Hogan was put against big guys like Killer Khan, Studd, Gang and Bundy because of how they looked. None of those guys ever did anything of note, at least not when they were built up to face Hogan. He did the same thing over and over again yet was great enough to get the fans into it every single time.

Let's add in another aspect of Hogan: his heel days. When he turned heel, it ushered in a new era of wrestling that still hasn't been matched to this day. To be able to completely change characters like that is something that almost no one else has ever been able to successfully do. Not only did Hogan do it but he did it to perfection. Austin was indeed great and is the second biggest star of all time, but it's a distant second.
You don't judge them based on some relative view of the word "better". It's pro wrestling (Despite what Vince what's us to believe or call it), and in pro wrestling, there are certain conditions to being great. Are you a great draw? A great worker? Charisma? Mic work?

Both Austin and Hogan were huge draws. THE biggest. Austin is the bigger of the two. Period. For the years that Austin was on top, he consistently out-drew Hogan in his comparable years. Hogan was on top longer (Sort of. The last 4-5 we were tired of him, Vince wasn't), but for the comparable years, Austin is clearly the bigger draw.

Ring work? I mean...really? Do I have to point this out? Have you SEEN a Hogan match? Austin wasn't the greatest worker of all time, no doubt, but he was very good much of the time. We were lucky to get a "good" out of Hogan when he was young and SHOULD have been good.

Charisma? Both had tons and tons of it. I'd even give the edge to Hogan on this one. But only slightly.

Mic work? Again, both were good. Hogan in a very cartoonish, super hero'y 80's kinda way, but good. He made you WANT to root for him (I successfully resisted such urges even as a youngster. And they call Dwayne the Rock. Hmph). Austin was good as well, in a 90's "I'm a bad***, screw you, and you, and of COURSE you" kind of way. Austin was genuinely good on the mic though. Better than Hogan.

Yes, Austin had some great talent surrounding him when he was on top, providing him with better matches. But let's not pretend Hogan was just goin' it alone. They brought in everybody from Mr. T to Cyndi Lauper to shove this guy into the pop culture of the 80's.

And as far as having great workers around him as crutches, last time I checked, guys with the names Henning, Savage, Steamboat, and Dibiase weren't considered lightweights in the "work department". And for the record, don't throw Ordorff in there with those other guys. Orndorff was an exceptional worker.

And let's not forget that when Hogan had his second big run in the NWO, it was Austin's drawing power that brought Hogan's to heel. He out-drew Hogan when he couldn't have been more on top, and had an entire factions worth of over-talent to back him up. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly (And it does), Hogan wasn't even the second biggest draw in the business (Behind Austin) for the two prime NWO years, 97-98.

Sting was.

Hogan has to learn to live with something he's never had to before in his career.

He's second.
I agree Stoppa. Well said. Maybe it's a generational thing but Austin just seems cooler to me. I did just watch some Hogan promos on YouTube though, and it is remarkably hard to hate on the man. In about four minutes worth of video he mentioned:
- Being the strongest force in the universe
- Bodyslamming Andre so hard the "fault line breaks off"
- Donald Trump and all the other Hulkamaniacs subsequently falling into the ocean and Hogan rescuing them by apparently having them all cling to his massive back as he swims
- "Thank God Trump is a Hulkamaniac, he'll know to let go of his materialistic possessions!"
- "Spiritually, dude, I just had to make sure that I was reassured."
- Going back to California to apparently ride a motorcycle into the ocean
- "I looked up to my God, and as all your little mythological gods ran for cover..."
- The advice God gives the Hulk: "Hulkster you were born to rule. Hulkamania will live forever."

That shit was pretty funny.

Then again, it's pretty late.
In every aspect of it..Steve Austin is way...way.....waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy better than Hogan who IMO remains one of the most overated superstars ever in history of sports entertainment.

Draws-Hogan is a huge drawer. But Austin was a huge drawer back in the most delicate days of the WWE.

Ring work:-Yeah, as if a debate is needed here. Hogan can`t wrestler... seriously tons of superstars who remained midcarders during their whole careers were way better than him. The list of top Austin matches is long..how about the list of top Hogan match(es)?

Charisma:- Hogan has a lot of that but Austin is the winner here...he really lived his character.

Mic work:-Some may say Hogan here. If anybody has some old wwf tapes back in 2001 with Austin as a heel. Just sit down and enjoy...he was brilliant..winner again.

Had the Rock stayed in wrestling, he would have surpassed what Austin did. Without a doubt.
I doubt it. By the end, The Rock had difficulties in keeping the fans 100% after him...it`s a fact. Austin was a phenomenon...let`s face it, he literally saved the company in its most difficult days.
I doubt it. By the end, The Rock had difficulties in keeping the fans 100% after him...it`s a fact. Austin was a phenomenon...let`s face it, he literally saved the company in its most difficult days.

Austin was getting stale and the WWE was actually doing fine without him with The Rock at the helm. Between Survivor Series 99 and Unforgiven 00 when Austin was out injured Raw was drawing their highest ratings ever consistently drawing mid 6's ratings and even a few 7s and only twice had sub 6 ratings. When Austin came back in August of 00 Raw never drew a 6 again. Obviously Im not saying the WWE was better off without Austin at that time and Im not saying that the reason the ratings were higher was because Austin was out Im just saying that they did fine without him because of The Rock and the other guys they had and those ratings proved it. Also I know there are more to things than TV ratings but that seems to be the biggest measuring stick to people when it comes to drawing. In my eyes I dont think there was any question that The Rock would have surpassed Austin in terms o popularity if he hadnt already by this time.
I preferred watching Austin..by a long shot. So I'm not going to say Hogan's better than him, despite many arguing against that. Hogan was a character I never got into..Austin was one you were into or you weren't a wrestling fan. Reading this now, I see you could say the same about Hogan, meaning I'm basing this solely on my personal view of them, rather than any 'facts' which really aren't my thing.

Many class the attitude era as the best in wrestling history, I disagree, simply because I love the product now, just as much as I did then. However, Austin made that era, and most of the interesting things that happened were down to him - the McMahon/Austin feud was one of the most entertaining I've ever seen.

Once again, noticing I could say the same about Hogan. And I'm not trying to say Hogan was a bad wrestler, as he is arguably the biggest legend in the business, just that I didn't find him entertaining.
Hogan. They are both legends of course, but Hulk Hogan is the WWE, past, present, future. He is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of WWE, and everybody in the world knows him. He is the Tiger Woods, the Wayne Gretzky, the Micheal Jordan the whoever of the WWE. You can argue that Stone Cold was anything, better in the ring, on the mic, but Hulk will always be number one. I don't love the guy but I still think he is the greatest. He made the WWE what it is. Without him, WWE would not be what it is today, and I doubt Stone Cold would even be thought of. You can say that is stupid and unreasonable, but without Hulk Hogan I have no idea if pro wrestling would even survive. So Stone Cold.

Just kidding, Hulk Hogan.
Who cares if Meltzer or Keller "critically" liked Austin's matches better than Hogan's?? Austin could wrestle better than Hogan, hell Billy Kidman and the Brooklyn Brawler could "technically" wrestler better than Hogan. But Hogan MADE wrestling, without Hogan today's wrestling is just not the same. Hogan had the personality, he attracted celebrities, sponsors, you name it. Without Hogan, Vince would not have the money he has today to buy out the competition and sustain such a low standard of wrestling entertainment.
What i'll give Austin, although i believe Hogan was more important to wrestling, is that he, not Vince, singlehandedly saved the WWE from the Hogan-led WCW/NWO that almost put Vince and Triple H and company out of business. And Austin did that with Vince's help, to some extent, by creating enough heat by screwing Bret Hart over to get people interested in tuning in to see Vince "get a whoopin" from Stone Cold each week. Hogan made the WWE, Stone Cold saved it, and unfortunately he saved it so that after his angle with Vince was over we would have the kind of wrestling we have today which is really boring and full of good wrestlers who lack entertainment value. Hogan created wrestling, with Vince's help, and wherever he went that was where the wrestling that mattered went, regardless if Hogan could wrestle his way out of a paper bag or not, until Stone Cold's three year run rivaling Vince (which i'll repeat was only as successful as it was because of the manner in which Bret Hart was screwed over and how bad most fans wanted to see Vince beaten up). Vince has Hogan and Austin to thank, Austin has Vince and the Hitman to thank, but Hogan has no one to thank but himself. We must all bow to the god of wrestling. In 100 years time, if wrestling still exists and if Vince and Triple H don't re-write the history books as they have done presently by re-writing Randy Savage out of it, then Hogan will be known for making wrestling the most popular, whereas Austin may only be remembered as sustaining the popularity for the period after Hogan went on to make the WCW/NWO, if he's even remembered at all. And if Triple H continues to have his way, he may be able to erase Hogan, Austin, Savage, and the Hitman from the record completely, and have himself appear to be the most important wrestler of our time.
Even taking in ring into consideration, Hogan is better.

My first reason, he just did it longer. He is the best the business has ever seen.

Second, in-ring ability. In WWE, that's more than a moveset. He could sell like no other, any hit he took, you saw pain, you heard him scream, he was a great seller. On top of that, he had moments that the crowd got so hyped for. Austin had a great in ring style, but no build-up or anticipation to it. Hogan got the crowd more involved, Hulking up, the slam, the boot, the leg drop, all of it. Simple moves, but he did them perfectly. And he made those moves bigger than anyone else could have.

Third, out of the ring, the man did it all. Commercials, movies, appearances, you name it.

But the biggest reason Hogan will probably be remembered is he bridged a gap. Flair, Savage, Rock, HBK, Orton, HHH, Undertaker, Sting, Nash, Goldberg, Andre....it goes on. He's wrestled all of them. The man did it better and longer than anyone else, plain and simple
Austin....Drew more money, got louder pops, sold more tickets, sold more merchandise than anyone. the figures dont lie, even vince said it himself and ric flair said it that austin is the biggest star in the history of the company. hogans charachter was easier to pull off with the whole good guy hero thing, it was easy to know what to say and do to make people cheer for him in that era, just simple stuff not much thought went into little things to make the crowds pop. wheras austins gimmick had more dynamics, no-one could play austins charachter like he could as appose to the good guy hero thing, hello john cena, oh and may i just add this link
which reports that cena's 2008 merchandise sales outdo hogans and rivals austins at his peak. austin also did more for the company in a lesser time than hogan. hogan is a bitter jealous person that cant take being 2nd best, and cant take it that hes lost popularity...people still pop for austin where as hogan gets boos e.g. hall of fame.
i could go on
austin owns hogan...end.of.
Austin....Drew more money, got louder pops, sold more tickets, sold more merchandise than anyone. the figures dont lie, even vince said it himself and ric flair said it that austin is the biggest star in the history of the company. hogans charachter was easier to pull off with the whole good guy hero thing, it was easy to know what to say and do to make people cheer for him in that era, just simple stuff not much thought went into little things to make the crowds pop. wheras austins gimmick had more dynamics, no-one could play austins charachter like he could as appose to the good guy hero thing, hello john cena, oh and may i just add this link
which reports that cena's 2008 merchandise sales outdo hogans and rivals austins at his peak. austin also did more for the company in a lesser time than hogan. hogan is a bitter jealous person that cant take being 2nd best, and cant take it that hes lost popularity...people still pop for austin where as hogan gets boos e.g. hall of fame.
i could go on
austin owns hogan...end.of.

Really if there was Internet sales in he 80's would we be having this convo. Name the top 10 biggets momenys in Wrestlemania Hogans in 8 of the. Name the biggest match Mania of each decade Hoagns in all them. Hogans the greates Face and Heel character of All Time. Vince knows this but Hogan hurt his pride he he almost put him out of business. Hogan didn't get boo's @ the HOF and last year at Raw when he showed up the crowd popped out of the building. 13.7 rating who did that answer that.
As far as wrestling talent is concerned, there is no question that Steve Austin is the better wrestler.

As far as the bigger draw ... that really is debatable, because there are so many different variables between the two time periods.

1) The Internet did not exist in the Hogan Era- that affects promoting shows, selling merchandise, and stimulating interest with the product. Austin had the advantage. Hogan did not.

2) Cable Television- A significant part of the country did not have cable/satellite television during Hogan's prime. That is why Hogan produced bigger PPV buyrates than Austin ... since not nearly as many people had cable back then as they did during Austin's time. I even lived in a nice neighborhood in a suburb that wasn't exactly off the "beaten path" ... I didn't even get cable in my development until around 1994. At that point, Hogan had left the WWE. Again, Austin had the advantage.

3) Programming Content- Austin participated in the Bad Boys of Television Era ... that being the Attitude Era. Thanks to that type of programming, Austin was able to curse, give middle fingers, and pull a gun on his boss ... all to the cheers of the crowd. Hogan wasn't. Austin had the advantage of edgy programming. Hogan did not.

Austin had the bigger, shorter term run ... but Hogan had a much, much greater run.

Also, Hogan transformed the wrestling business as the key face during the end of the territory days into the start of WWE going National. Austin simply transformed the WWE, not the wrestling business as a whole.

Hogan also was the one that became bigger than the wrestling business. Even people who don't follow wrestling know who Hulk Hogan is. The same can not be said for Steve Austin. That is a major feather in Hogan's cap, since he actually became bigger than the business itself.

As far as people claiming that Austin got louder and longer pops ... I don't know what videos you are watching. When I compare Hogan's pops to Austin's, Hogan will 9/10 times get the bigger pop.

Let's take a look at a show where they were even on the same card. Wrestlemania 18. Whoever says that Austin got the bigger Face pop in his match with Hall, as opposed to Hogan's match with Rock is flat-out lying. Hogan not only out-popped Austin for his entrance, but the energy level in his match was off the chart, compared to Austin's.

Let's also take a look at the Hall of Fame. I timed the ovations each received. Austin got a 3 minute ovation, before it began winding down. Hogan actually got a 6 minute standing ovation from the fans. Austin even had the advantage of it being a larger crowd AND in his home state, compared to the Mania 21 Hall of Fame, which was in a much smaller venue.

Austin is the better all-around wrestler.

Hogan is the better showman, who has more mainstream familiarity.

I think a lot of people who speak on Austin's behalf simply grew up in Austin's Era, and did not actually live through the Hogan Era to experience it. Quite frankly, I don't think these people are as qualified to speak on Hogan's time, as much as those of us who lived through Both Eras, that can compare the two from our own experiences, with our own eyes.

I can testify to both Eras, but I am not qualified to attest to Bruno Sammartino's Era, as I did not live through that one ... nor am I going to pretend I am qualified to do so. Perhaps those that did not live through the Hogan Era can also show the same humility and not try to talk about something they didn't even live through, to begin with.
As far as wrestling talent is concerned, there is no question that Steve Austin is the better wrestler.

As far as the bigger draw ... that really is debatable, because there are so many different variables between the two time periods.

1) The Internet did not exist in the Hogan Era- that affects promoting shows, selling merchandise, and stimulating interest with the product. Austin had the advantage. Hogan did not.

2) Cable Television- A significant part of the country did not have cable/satellite television during Hogan's prime. That is why Hogan produced bigger PPV buyrates than Austin ... since not nearly as many people had cable back then as they did during Austin's time. I even lived in a nice neighborhood in a suburb that wasn't exactly off the "beaten path" ... I didn't even get cable in my development until around 1994. At that point, Hogan had left the WWE. Again, Austin had the advantage.

3) Programming Content- Austin participated in the Bad Boys of Television Era ... that being the Attitude Era. Thanks to that type of programming, Austin was able to curse, give middle fingers, and pull a gun on his boss ... all to the cheers of the crowd. Hogan wasn't. Austin had the advantage of edgy programming. Hogan did not.

Austin had the bigger, shorter term run ... but Hogan had a much, much greater run.

Also, Hogan transformed the wrestling business as the key face during the end of the territory days into the start of WWE going National. Austin simply transformed the WWE, not the wrestling business as a whole.

Hogan also was the one that became bigger than the wrestling business. Even people who don't follow wrestling know who Hulk Hogan is. The same can not be said for Steve Austin. That is a major feather in Hogan's cap, since he actually became bigger than the business itself.

As far as people claiming that Austin got louder and longer pops ... I don't know what videos you are watching. When I compare Hogan's pops to Austin's, Hogan will 9/10 times get the bigger pop.

Let's take a look at a show where they were even on the same card. Wrestlemania 18. Whoever says that Austin got the bigger Face pop in his match with Hall, as opposed to Hogan's match with Rock is flat-out lying. Hogan not only out-popped Austin for his entrance, but the energy level in his match was off the chart, compared to Austin's.

Let's also take a look at the Hall of Fame. I timed the ovations each received. Austin got a 3 minute ovation, before it began winding down. Hogan actually got a 6 minute standing ovation from the fans. Austin even had the advantage of it being a larger crowd AND in his home state, compared to the Mania 21 Hall of Fame, which was in a much smaller venue.

Austin is the better all-around wrestler.

Hogan is the better showman, who has more mainstream familiarity.

I think a lot of people who speak on Austin's behalf simply grew up in Austin's Era, and did not actually live through the Hogan Era to experience it. Quite frankly, I don't think these people are as qualified to speak on Hogan's time, as much as those of us who lived through Both Eras, that can compare the two from our own experiences, with our own eyes.

I can testify to both Eras, but I am not qualified to attest to Bruno Sammartino's Era, as I did not live through that one ... nor am I going to pretend I am qualified to do so. Perhaps those that did not live through the Hogan Era can also show the same humility and not try to talk about something they didn't even live through, to begin with.

Nobody is going to like your post you used actual common not blanant hate. Like you I lived thru both eras. There was nothing like the Hulkamania era and I'm a avid Austin 3:16 guy but bye 2001 wrestling was boring and I stop watching for 5 years and its still boring honestly I never felt that way with Hogan as the top guy. Hogan had whole crowds crying when he lost I don't want to hear about kids 90% of the arenas are adults Austin never had that effect.
Nobody is going to like your post you used actual common not blanant hate. Like you I lived thru both eras. There was nothing like the Hulkamania era and I'm a avid Austin 3:16 guy but bye 2001 wrestling was boring and I stop watching for 5 years and its still boring honestly I never felt that way with Hogan as the top guy. Hogan had whole crowds crying when he lost I don't want to hear about kids 90% of the arenas are adults Austin never had that effect.

Nobody under the age of 23 should be lecturing any of us about "how much over a performer Austin was compared to Hogan".

Hogan's tenure in WWE began winding down in early 1992, and one could argue was wrapped up in April at Wrestlemania 8. That was the show where he stopped performing full time. He didn't return until Mania 9 ... then did King of the Ring, and that was it for him.

So in giving people the benefit of the doubt, let's say they began watching in early 1992 and caught the very tail end of the Hogan Era ... I think 6 would be an appropriate age to begin to remotely understand how over Hogan was. Therefore, if one was 6 years old in 1992, that would make them 23 today.

So unless you are 23, and more so 24 years of age or older, then you didn't really live through the Hogan Era to understand it, nor are really as qualified to attest to it. However, those who are older than 23, such as myself, can speak to both Eras, as we lived through both of them to compare them.

I attended many shows with Hogan on the card in the Hogan Era. And I attended many more shows with Austin on the card, in the Attitude Era. Each has their own strengths, and Austin had a lot more advantages in technology than what Hogan did.

But make no mistake about it, as stated, Austin is the better wrestler, but Hogan did to move the wrestling business forward with Vince, than what Austin did for just WWE. Hogan became bigger than the wrestling business itself, to the point where non-wrestling fans know who the man is. Austin is only known to fans of wrestling, and is not a household name.
Nobody under the age of 23 should be lecturing any of us about "how much over a performer Austin was compared to Hogan".

Hogan's tenure in WWE began winding down in early 1992, and one could argue was wrapped up in April at Wrestlemania 8. That was the show where he stopped performing full time. He didn't return until Mania 9 ... then did King of the Ring, and that was it for him.

So in giving people the benefit of the doubt, let's say they began watching in early 1992 and caught the very tail end of the Hogan Era ... I think 6 would be an appropriate age to begin to remotely understand how over Hogan was. Therefore, if one was 6 years old in 1992, that would make them 23 today.

So unless you are 23, and more so 24 years of age or older, then you didn't really live through the Hogan Era to understand it, nor are really as qualified to attest to it. However, those who are older than 23, such as myself, can speak to both Eras, as we lived through both of them to compare them.

I attended many shows with Hogan on the card in the Hogan Era. And I attended many more shows with Austin on the card, in the Attitude Era. Each has their own strengths, and Austin had a lot more advantages in technology than what Hogan did.

But make no mistake about it, as stated, Austin is the better wrestler, but Hogan did to move the wrestling business forward with Vince, than what Austin did for just WWE. Hogan became bigger than the wrestling business itself, to the point where non-wrestling fans know who the man is. Austin is only known to fans of wrestling, and is not a household name.

That sad part is Vince wil say Austin sold more merchandise well yeah he had Internet sales; Vince knows Hogan is the biggets guy to ever walk those halls but because Hogan almost had him homeless there will always be a grudge there and he will never give him the proper respect that is due.
That sad part is Vince wil say Austin sold more merchandise well yeah he had Internet sales; Vince knows Hogan is the biggets guy to ever walk those halls but because Hogan almost had him homeless there will always be a grudge there and he will never give him the proper respect that is due.

I think Vince also holds a grudge for what he perceives as Hogan's greed. And that is a big reason why smarks don't like him, among other reasons such as holding talent down.

Of course the other reason I touched base on is that I think we are dealing with a lot of people under the age of 23 and 24, that really don't know what they're talking about either ... lecturing us how Austin got better reactions and what not. Shit, when most of these guys started just tuning in to wrestling, Hogan was a Heel on Nitro. That wasn't Hogan's Prime Run in WWE. They just didn't live through the Hogan Era in WWE. They can voice their opinions all they want ... but nothing says it is going to be as informed an opinion as it would be if it came from people over the age of 24, who lived through Both Eras with both Austin AND Hogan in their Primes, so a true comparison can be made.

Austin had the shorter run, but achieved greater revenues. He also had the advantage of technology on his side (Internet), the huge expansion and availability of cable as compared to the 80's, inflation of prices for events and merchandise, and an edgier product to fall back on to help get over.

Hogan just had the longer run and did more to move the business forward in transitioning from the Territory Days to taking WWE to great heights when Vince went National. He became a pop culture icon, familiar to even those who don't even watch wrestling. One could actually argue that without someone like Hogan that could pull off that character to the degree Bollea was able to do so, there may not have been a platform as great as WWE at the time for Steve Austin to excel to.

Hogan did more to move the business forward than Austin did.

And going back to smark fans, a lot of them resent Hogan for his greed, as I touched based on. I can separate these types of gripes the Internet has with Hogan, from Hogan's actual accomplishments. The man is a businessman, no doubt about it. Given what he did for wrestling, the man just wants to be paid what he feels his name is worth. If Vince doesn't want to pay Hogan that, then so be it. No hard feelings. They just won't do business. Nobody should be upset at Hogan for just trying to achieve what he feels his name is worth, given his accomplishments to the business.

And I still maintain that Hogan would likely still outpop Austin in 4 out of 7 major markets to this day, if they were to face each other. We already know what Toronto would do. New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Washington D.C.? Hmmmmm.


Let me take a stab at those markets, as well, while I am on the topic. If I had to guess, it would be:

New York- Hogan
Los Angeles- Hogan
Philadelphia- Hogan
Chicago- Austin
Houston- Austin
Washington DC- Austin

This really would have been a dream match of epic proportions.
I think an important argument is that Hogan was a massive draw when WWF pretty much had a monopoly on mainstream wrestling, whereas Austin was a massive draw when people could have been tuning into watch Nash,Goldberg, Sting and HOGAN instead.
I'm from DC I think Hogan would take that market; but DHA NWA was still big in 80's I know becuase I've always watched both WCW/NWA and the WWF. If WCW had proper booking do you think Austin impact is the same the Attitude Era was in a full year before they took the lead over WCW so its not like it was instant success and by 2001 it was boring and honestly the Rock is more house than Stone Cold. I will say Hogan needs to be paid his worth.
if i remember rightly while rock was giving his speech at HOF 2008 and he mentioned hogan, the crowd boo'd
It's like compairing apples to oranges. Yes Hogan was the man in the 1980's and he had great competition with the likes of Savage and Giant and Warrior but who else? King Kong Bundy? Ahahahaha. I know there were a few more but when you talk about wrestling it has to be SCSA. He had more than 2 moves and could work a great match and SELL with anyone. Hogan was THE top draw when wrestling had very few top draws. Austin would never have stayed the long of a draw had he stayed healthy because the business is much more competitive today. And didnt Vince say Austin merchindice was the most sold merchindice ever? Didnt Lord McMahon call Austin the biggest draw ever? Had Hogan been able to be on tv every Monday night in the 1980's and had 12 ppv's his product wouldnt have lasted as long as it did. I personally think Austin was a better person to watch but then again I saw him on tv all the time and didnt have to wait around to see him on ppv 3-4 times a year.

It's like compairing the Green Bay Packers winning several titles when there were less teams around to the Dallas Cowboys who instead of playing against 12 teams they played against 30.

And whoever said Hogan made a million a week must not have read the the same divorce article I read that said Hogan only had $30 million in assets. Where did all his money go from the 1980's? Up his nose?
I'm from DC I think Hogan would take that market; but DHA NWA was still big in 80's I know becuase I've always watched both WCW/NWA and the WWF. If WCW had proper booking do you think Austin impact is the same the Attitude Era was in a full year before they took the lead over WCW so its not like it was instant success and by 2001 it was boring and honestly the Rock is more house than Stone Cold. I will say Hogan needs to be paid his worth.

I'm actually from the Baltimore area and have attended many an event in DC. I'm not sure about Hogan taking DC, as I was less than impressed with his ovation at SummerSlam in 2005. It was okay, but I was expecting something more.

I was at Mania earlier that year in LA when he did the spot with Eugene, Hassan, and Davairi, and that absolutely put the DC ovation for the actual Hogan match to shame.

Compared to Austin's prior ovations in DC ... I think Austin may have the advantage in this city.

But make no mistake about it, Hogan would unquestionably win in a contest of who could outpop the other in a majority of cities.

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