Wade Barrett Suffers Dislocated Elbow

Green Bay Wisconsin

Dark Match Winner
Just wanted to get in before Justin Labar said he had another 'Exclusive"

Wade Barrett suffered an injury to his left arm during the 10-Man Battle Royal on Monday’s Raw SuperShow. After being taken to a nearby medical facility for further evaluation he was diagnosed with a dislocated elbow.

The injury occurred following Barrett and R-Truth’s elimination from the match. As Truth and Barrett recovered from their eliminations on the outside, Big Show tossed Dolph Ziggler on top of them from the ring. The three WWE Superstars were knocked backwards and Barrett landed awkwardly on his arm.

Ziggler was also hurt when his shoulder and arm hit the broadcast table during the match. He was examined backstage and is said to be fine.

Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth were also hurt during the bout and received medical attention backstage. Rhodes hurt his elbow and right leg. Kingston appeared shaken up but was not seriously injured. R-Truth was assisted to the backstage area following the match.

Source: F4WOnline
There was a domino effect with this match and it really had me worried for their safety and for Mania. Honestly, I was distracted with the way Ziggler landed on the table. Didn't see the injury to Wade's arm but I saw him yelling the way his arm was, I knew it was bad. Usually with a kayfabe injury, they'll have the camera on them to sell it but you saw the confusion on everyones face. Jericho is a class act for goin over to Chioda after the match asking what happened. Also, don't know if anyone noticed but I think Kofi was supposed to land on the steps and continue in the match except it looks like he lost his footing and may have hurt his ankle. Glad everyones ok. Feel bad for Barrett for missing Mania. He was on fire. Hopefully, he'll come back in the same position
There was a domino effect with this match and it really had me worried for their safety and for Mania. Honestly, I was distracted with the way Ziggler landed on the table. Didn't see the injury to Wade's arm but I saw him yelling the way his arm was, I knew it was bad. Usually with a kayfabe injury, they'll have the camera on them to sell it but you saw the confusion on everyones face. Jericho is a class act for goin over to Chioda after the match asking what happened. Also, don't know if anyone noticed but I think Kofi was supposed to land on the steps and continue in the match except it looks like he lost his footing and may have hurt his ankle. Glad everyones ok. Feel bad for Barrett for missing Mania. He was on fire. Hopefully, he'll come back in the same position

For me, I noticed Wade first. I saw him land and him in pain and I knew it was bad. Ziggler? I didn't pay much attention to because he oversells things like crazy. lol. Figured the same thing.
For me, I noticed Wade first. I saw him land and him in pain and I knew it was bad. Ziggler? I didn't pay much attention to because he oversells things like crazy. lol. Figured the same thing.

You could tell because big show threw him too far, he had to put up his arm to protect his head and it all just looked very unplanned if you catch my drift.
It's terrible... cos Wade was no doubt gonna win MITB at Mania... BUT this could work for him long term... I am guessing it's a 3 month recovery, so he comes back in time to build for Summerslam. He could even come back as a face. Takes out Show, then onto the title...

Props to Jericho, that was a lesson to guys on how to respect your co-workers.
i've hyperextended my right elbow really really bad twice when i wrestled in high school and that was awful. i couldn't imagine what wade's injury feels like. it looked pretty bad as soon as he hit the floor. i saw his arm laying there and i immediatly grabbed my elbow and i was like "aaaaaaaaah! that's gotta hurt!"

it's a damn shame he'll miss mania now. i only hope he can pick up right where he left off when he returns.
Ya don't scream out "FUCK!!!" on a PG show for nothing. At first I thought Dolph was the one who was seriously hurt, that landing face first onto the announce table looked like it hurt like a bitch. I hope he gets well soon I mean the guy has to become the first English champion!
This is going to be a good thing for Wade Barrett.

He really didn't have a hot program going into WrestleMania. He was running hot with his fued with Orton, but then came up short at the Royal Rumble, then Elimination Chamber, with no clear WM opponent.

So he will take time, heal up. Then he will benefit from this injury, when he returns. Because as we all know, fans (including myself) always enjoy a returning wrestler when he returns. If written correctly, he can have a nice return as a face.

Then he should have some steam to run with. Fans always seem to have a lil more respect for a wrestler who returns from a an injury, ESPECIALLY when they see it happen live and its gruesome... we all now feel like we are part of it, thus apart of Wade.
As I said in another thread, I didn't even recognize Wade Barrett. What I did notice was the phenomenal selling by Dolph Ziggler when he landed on the table. That is, until I saw the replay of him not actually hitting the table; great work there. I never noticed R-Truth or any of the other guys having any real problems, just thought they were selling the effects of the dangerous Battle Royal. As for Wade, an injury always sucks right around this time on the WWE Calendar. But it's probably for the best...
This is going to be a good thing for Wade Barrett.

He really didn't have a hot program going into WrestleMania. He was running hot with his fued with Orton, but then came up short at the Royal Rumble, then Elimination Chamber, with no clear WM opponent.
I agree with this. While I would never wish an injury on any WWE Superstar, Barrett being injured right before Wrestlemania seems to give him an excuse of sorts not to be on the card. I wasn't that hopeful that Barrett would be participating at Wrestlemania. With the loss at the Elimination Chamber, it seemed unlikely. It looked as if he had no 'Mania opponent so it looked as if he was either going to be put in a throw away match or the Money in the Bank. This way, he can heal up, return and gain some momentum - hopefully making a great challenger for Sheamus' newly won World Heavyweight Championship.
As I said in another thread, I didn't even recognize Wade Barrett. What I did notice was the phenomenal selling by Dolph Ziggler when he landed on the table. That is, until I saw the replay of him not actually hitting the table; great work there. I never noticed R-Truth or any of the other guys having any real problems, just thought they were selling the effects of the dangerous Battle Royal. As for Wade, an injury always sucks right around this time on the WWE Calendar. But it's probably for the best...

i agree with this. I hate it when any superstar gets injured poor wade barrett but coming off the orton feud then coming up short in the RR and the EC wade had no clear direction. If the rumors were or are true that MITB is going to consist of former champions that puts wade out of the picture. This sucks wade was IMO going to turn the corner and really pick up the Barrett barage!! But again injuries suck but this can be good for the long term. Have Wade maybe if his elbow allows it do a run in on the Main event scene at WM cost Sheamus the title and sheamus and wade can feud when wade is healthy!
One question to ask is "Who is to blame for Wade Barrett's injury"

Big Show- Did he throw Ziggler too high / too far for Barrett and R-Truth to catch him?

Ziggler- Was Ziggler trying position himself to make the sell look spectactular? Did he try to dart himself, to hit the annoucer table to make it look good, causing R-Truth to not be able to break up the momentum?

R-Truth- Did he whiff on the catch, and did little to stop the velocity of Ziggler?

Barrett- Did he do something wrong?

Nobody's fault / Combination of the 4?

I think it's a combination of things. I think the Big Show did throw him a lil high, and Ziggler did twist his body making it difficult for R-Truth to catch him better. And R-Truth definitely could have done more.

I don't think its Barrett's fault, in fact, kudos go to Barrett for doing his best to make sure Ziggler didn't get injured.
As I said in another thread, I didn't even recognize Wade Barrett. What I did notice was the phenomenal selling by Dolph Ziggler when he landed on the table.

And Barrett injured himself making sure that was just a bump and great selling. Watch the footage carefully. Truth does nothing because he's knocked over by Dolph's legs, Barrett's injured arm gives out almost immediately, and Barrett keeps hold with the other and turns him into the table where Ziggler was able to (painfully) land where he did. It would be a sucky bump, but better than being thrown hard into an ungimmicked table which would have happened otherwise.

That is, until I saw the replay of him not actually hitting the table; great work there. I never noticed R-Truth or any of the other guys having any real problems, just thought they were selling the effects of the dangerous Battle Royal. As for Wade, an injury always sucks right around this time on the WWE Calendar. But it's probably for the best...

In no way is this injury for the best. Wrestlemania is the biggest payday of the year. To miss out on that is a big blow to the wallet. I doubt Wade gives a shit that he didn't have a programme going into 'Mania as long as he was on the card, because he's smart enough to realise that as long as he's on the card he's getting paid for it.

I agree with this. While I would never wish an injury on any WWE Superstar, Barrett being injured right before Wrestlemania seems to give him an excuse of sorts not to be on the card.

And with 40 days from tonight's SD to 'Mania there would have been plenty of excuses to put him on the card.

I wasn't that hopeful that Barrett would be participating at Wrestlemania. With the loss at the Elimination Chamber, it seemed unlikely. It looked as if he had no 'Mania opponent so it looked as if he was either going to be put in a throw away match or the Money in the Bank.

And think, who else is likely to be in MITB and win? If Barrett was in the match he'd have been the favorite and, ya know have the payday to prove it.

This way, he can heal up, return and gain some momentum - hopefully making a great challenger for Sheamus' newly won World Heavyweight Championship.

He'd have no motivation to go after Sheamus after his return. Big Show, sure but god knows I don't want to see that again.

One question to ask is "Who is to blame for Wade Barrett's injury"

Big Show- Did he throw Ziggler too high / too far for Barrett and R-Truth to catch him?

the height and distance relate to the same problem. Show threw Dolph way harder than he needed to. He does, in fairness desere most of the blame.

Ziggler- Was Ziggler trying position himself to make the sell look spectactular? Did he try to dart himself, to hit the annoucer table to make it look good, causing R-Truth to not be able to break up the momentum?

Nobody wants to bump into the announce table when it's not gimmicked. And the way he landed was entirely down to the catch. Dolph's trajectory was out of his control. He deserves as much blame as the bullet used to commit murder. None at all.

R-Truth- Did he whiff on the catch, and did little to stop the velocity of Ziggler?

Yes, but he was also in a terrible position to do anything. He was knocked aside by Dolph, in no small part because of how hard Dolph was thrown. Could he have done more, theoretically yes but in practice he was taken out by Dolph's height and momentum. Not much blame lies here.

Barrett- Did he do something wrong?

No, he did something right. He caught Dolph, and did all he could to make sure the bump he took was as safe as he could make it with an arm that was buggered almost immediately after impact. He could have got off scot free, but he didn't because he tried to prevent someone else getting hurt by Show's throw.
This is the main reason there shouldn't have been another Over The Top Battle Royal.

I thought Kingston fucked up his knee when he came down on the steps after being tossed by Jericho.

Barrett's arm looked limp and busted after that botched spot from Show.

If any of the superstars in last nights battle royal suffered a serious injury, the middle card and up and comers in the WWE would have been fucked.

I'm wondering if they'll scrap the MITB match at this at WM to give these guys more time to heel up from this recent string of botches.
The "4th Wall" was definitely broken, right after Barrett hit the ground. Legit pain and swearing. I felt bad for him as soon as it happened. This guy is a solid WWE hand and his future is bright. Even King said he thought Barrett had broken his arm (saying "I'm serious") because he wanted people in the back watching to know, and to keep Cole aware of what had happened.

Jericho, once again, proved why the WWE needs him around. Besides being a safe worker, he was legit concerned about his fellow performer. I respect the hell out of that!

I agree with a lot of people that Barrett will come back stronger. When legit injuries like what happened last night occur, and kayfabe is broken, you almost have to bring him back as a face. This happened with Edge once not too long ago. However, he works really well as a heel, so change him a few weeks or a month or so after he returns (happened with Edge). They most certainly will put him back in the title chase once he is healthy.

I would love to see Barrett with the belt when he comes back. I hope he gets better quick and better than ever.
There seemed to be a lot of injuries happening during that match. Barret's arm, Ziggler's crashing to the table, and Kofi tripping on the steps. I'm not really sure who's fault it is.
They are now quoting "6-8 weeks" so there is an outside shot for Mania. Wade will be on the card and get some kind of pay off, even if its a Tag Match or manager role. I could actually see him in Jericho's corner during the Title match, turning on him and Jericho/Barrett being the feud that gets him over.
This is one of those things like Punk, he'll still be around cutting promos to keep himself relevant and I feel like he should. I like hearing hiim on the mic. Don't care much for his theme, but I can deal with his presence.
It's terrible... cos Wade was no doubt gonna win MITB at Mania... BUT this could work for him long term... I am guessing it's a 3 month recovery, so he comes back in time to build for Summerslam. He could even come back as a face. Takes out Show, then onto the title...

Props to Jericho, that was a lesson to guys on how to respect your co-workers.

I thought the rumored MITB was suppose to be former world champs which Wade is not.

Secondly I felt Wade's push was poorly executed. He failed to win / or do anything substantial at the last 3 PPV's. Losing at TLC, lasting less than 5 minutes in the Rumble, and not even make it to the last 3 in the Chamber. Just pathetic :disappointed:
Am I the only one who see's this as a godsend for Wade Barrett? I think its fair to say that he has solidifyed himself as a upper midcard wrestler and that he was riding the rim on a true main eventer. If they do it right when he returns he could walk in and destroy anyone in his path. Start with big show to really put him over. Have him go over in a couple of feuds, then push him strait to the WWE Championship. This injury could be what he needed to further evolve his character and prepare to become a main player in the WWE for years to come. Even though he will be off TV, I believe we wont forget his name and when we hear it again well be looking at the face of a new era.
In no way is this injury for the best. Wrestlemania is the biggest payday of the year. To miss out on that is a big blow to the wallet. I doubt Wade gives a shit that he didn't have a programme going into 'Mania as long as he was on the card, because he's smart enough to realise that as long as he's on the card he's getting paid for it.
But you don't know if it's for the best until he returns from injury. History shows us that a Superstar can gain ton of momentum just by returning from an injury. Wade Barrett doesn't need Money in the Bank to launch himself into the main event. He can get by on his own merits. With Sheamus as World Champion, you can pretty much guarantee he'll run into Wade Barrett sooner or later especially given their history together. I'd certainly rather win my first Championship by defeating someone in a nice match rather than cashing in the briefcase. You don't know if the injury is for the best until he returns to action. I’m sure the Wrestlemania payday is a lot less than that of feuding with the top Superstar on Smackdown for half the year. Give it time, you’ll see.
He'd have no motivation to go after Sheamus after his return. Big Show, sure but god knows I don't want to see that again.
Why not? Their feud with one another didn't exactly have the biggest pay off. There’s still a story to be rehashed if necessary.
One question to ask is "Who is to blame for Wade Barrett's injury"

Quite obviously the table. I can see Randy Orton vs. the Announce Table in a 3 Stages of Hell match being the main event on Smackdown for the next few weeks as punishment.

In all seriousness though, it sucks to see him put out at such a crucial stage in the year, but 6-8 weeks isn't that long at all, and with a bit of luck and Lancashire grit, Wade might make an appearance at 'Mania in some capacity.

If not, then he certainly deserves to be in line for a shot at the WHC when he returns. Not to win it, not yet, but certainly prove himself as a contender.

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