Vote To Legalize Marijuana!/SAFERchoice/info!/norml?fref=ts time has finally come for marijuana to finally be legalized and put an end to the prohibition.

We have a chance to vote to legalize marijuana just like alcohol in 3 states Oregon, Colorado,and Washington. Anyone who lives in those 3 states get out an vote YES to make a difference to make the world a better place. Unfortunately for me I don't live in any of those states, but if we are able to get marijuana legalized in those 3 states than that will be a big step to making it legal in every state.

For way too long too many innocent people have been arrested for doing nothing but having a plant. To legalize marijuana will better for the entire country. Prisons will empty up so we can stop wasting tax payers money. We can working on producing more hemp made materials. There is so much good that can come out of legalizing marijuana. The marijuana plant realeses a carbon dioxide that is good for the environment. We can use it to run our cars so we can stop depending so much on foreign oil.

If we legalized it we can start making more hemp goods there is a lot that we can make from hemp, in fact we can make over 20,000 different things from it. It is also the most strongest and durable type of fiber. Hemp oil can be used to cure cancer ask Tommy Chong. After he was diagnosed with prostate cancer the only medicine that he took was hemp oil and now he is 99% free. Paper was originly made from hemp and it is a more stronger and longer lasting paper. We can make cloths, just about everything here is a list of some of the many things you make from hemp in one of my sources.

# 1 : In 1941 Henry Ford built a car made almost entirely out of hemp and this hemp plastic as it was called was 12 times lighter than steel and 10 times stronger. It was virtually indestructable, but that's not all, THE CARS MOTOR RAN COMPLETELY ON HEMP SEED OIL. There goes most of the oil industry!

# 2 : George Washington as well as many other founders grew hemp and they made alcohol from it. Looks like Mccains wife wouldn't have been a trust fund baby if we had hemp making our alcohol. Say goodbye to Budweiser and John Mccains wealth!

# 3 : You can build homes and building materials from hemp, it is the strongest fiber known to man even very small stems are very hard to break. We would not have to kill so many trees that provide oxygen to our plantet. There goes the lumber industry!

# 4 : You can make paper from hemp, did you know the constitution was written on hemp paper and this is the reason it has lasted over 200 years? again hurts the lumber industry!

# 5 : You can make various lotions and skin creams and sun tan oil from hemp seed oil!

# 6 : You can make clothes from hemp and these clothes are so strong it is almost impossible to tear them!

# 7 : You can make rope from hemp and the rope is the strongest rope known to man that is made from hemp fiber!

# 8 : You can make canvas from hemp, in fact the ships used in battle in the early used hemp canvas and rope to secure and power their ships, the most famous were the cribber ships. The canvas would also make the strongest tents know to man.

How can marijuana be illegal? What about tobacco alcohol and prescription pills? Since there existence over a million people died from them. Close to 450,000 people die from smoking each year. Almost 100,000 people die from alcohol each year yet the beer commercial will be the most talked about commercial come Super Bowl Sunday. The media has you all controlled. How many people died from marijuana? ZERO. Zero people died from marijuana in the thousands and thousands of years that it has been around. So that is the one they make illegal the natural plant that hasn't killed anyone. Our society really needs to start thinking about this and wake up. The prohibition of alcohol was a failure and the ban of marijuana has been a even bigger failure. Any crime or problem due to marijuana is related to it being illegal.

Medical marijuana safes the lives of so many people for medical uses. People that suffer who suffer from terrible pain and illnesses smoke marijuana to make their life better. For a lot of them it is the only medicine that works for them. Why? Because it is a natural plant. That still doesn't stop the DEA from ruining peoples lives leaving them without that medicine when they raid marijuana dispensaries. Here is a clip of Mitt Romney telling a dieing man in a wheel chair that he will lock up him and his doctors for smoking pot.

and this is the man that wants to run or country?
With him in office more innocent people will be locked up.

Botttom line marijuana is illegal because of greed. Here is a video that tells you why

Here is a video of how the government said marijuana kills brain cells

They suffocated monkeys my putting a gas mask on there face that pumped the same amount of weed in 63 joints within 5 minutes for over 3 months. The only thing that kills brain cells is when you listen to the government.

We need to make a change when you go out to vote in the next few days Vote YES to legalize marijuana.

I highly recommend that you sacrifice an a hour and forty four minutes and eleven seconds out of your day and watch The Union the Business Behind Getting High. This is by far the best marijuana documentary. This documentary will open your eyes and realized all the good that one plant can do.

Барбоса;4181755 said:
Never smoked it, so I don't care.

Just because you don't smoke shouldn't mean that you don't care. You still care for all the people who when they smoke it does great things for them. You should care about getting it legal to produce hemp that can have many benefits from hemp as well.

The guy who made The Union documentary doesn't smoke yet he made a movie that shows how good it really is and how the war on pot is a huge failure

Ron Paul doesn't smoke but he knows all the benefits it has and if he were elected President he have it legalized

I'll be the first to say that pot isn't for everyone but if your not going to do it still care about what it does for people and the good things that it does for our world.
From the list I posted in the previous post

# 6 : You can make clothes from hemp and these clothes are so strong it is almost impossible to tear them!

Hemp shirts are so strong that not even Hulk Hogan can rip them

One more thing

There is no such thing as a gateway drug

That's a crock of shit.

Besides, the last thing we need is your dumbass promoting legalization.

"Hey everyone, if we legalize weed, someday you too can be a bumbling ******!"
Spouting a bunch of conspiracy theories for why it hasn't been legalized is not a good way of getting people to vote for the legalization of weed, if anything this just has the opposite effect.
Wouldnt it make more sense to make alcohol and whatever else the fuck youre talking about illegal, if theyre more harmful, than to make something else legal?

Lets keep the streets full of able minded people!

No problem with hemp though, but if ones attatched to the other, and we can clearly do without, then no biggie.

As for the lumber, beer and whatever guys, what are the chances a marijuana group wouldnt exploit politics as easily? Ever heard of a drug cartell??
You believe killing and burning innocent plants is alright?

By the way:

#1- Also in 1941, World War II was raging across the world, inspiring scientific breakthroughs left and right, which includes industrial production of plastics. While a plastic could be made out of hemp products, plastics could be made out of petroleum products for far less cost and far less land footprint. While plastic is often stronger than steel, it has failed in automobiles repeatedly for the simple reason that at heat, plastic tends to melt. Under normal circumstances, this can be contained, except in an accident. The first trapped family in melting plastic car ruins your concept vehicle.

#2- Great. And later people moved to farming cotton because it was far more profitable. No one makes alcohol from hemp today because we can make it with better products thanks to our international economy. I'd rather have Panamanian rum then someone's backyard hemp brew.

#3- Strongest natural fiber. After the Industrial Age got started, oh, two hundred some years ago, we started making fibers out of different, stronger composite materials. You can build a house out of hemp, sure. You could also use drywall.

#4- Or, you can mass-produce paper cheaply out of wood pulp. I haven't written anything I need to stick around for two hundred years, paper that will last for a couple years at most will work for me.

#5- You can also do that from aloe vera, cotton, or just about anything you can grow out of the ground. Your point?

#6- They also itch like a bastard and are stiff and uncomfortable to wear, which is why no one wears hemp clothing except festival hippies, because they need something to wear for two months straight that can withstand not being washed.

#7- Strongest natural rope. Again, post-Industrial age. We have nylon now. If you really need strong, we have the steel cable. If I was creating a mast for a ship to sail out of Boston Harbor to see the King in London with trade goods from the Colonies, then I would use a hemp rope.

#8- Now, we have carbon-composite ships and the Quonset hut. If we were going south to fight slavery with our muskets, I'd want a hemp tent.

I burn plenty of pot myself, but fuck, you hemp morons are the worst. Hemp isn't some miracle product over-regulated by 'the man', it's just a plant who had economic value a long time ago but has been succeeded by better technologies.

I support decriminalization, because legalization would merely industrialize marijuana production, much like the liquor industry. Raving idiots like you actually make that goal harder, because people get the impression that it's marijuana that might have done whatever happened to your brain. Can you just hide yourself out of sight until we get these things passed?
Marijuana is not a gateway drug.

Here are the reasons why people go on to harder drugs and pot being illegal is one of the main causes of people moving on to other drugs.

Your Drug Dealer
People who buy pot buy it off a drug dealer and most of the time that drug dealers sell other drugs. Your at his place to by some weed when he says "I also got some cocaine" or he offers you heroine or LSD and the huge list of other drugs. I have had people that I buy pot from offer me other stuff but I always turn them down. I tell them I just smoke weed, I don’t even smoke any form of tobacco or drink any type of alcohol. I know about all the damages that it cold cause to ones life. I don’t abuse smoking pot but too much of everything can be bad. Eat too much Mcdonald’s you will get fat, if you smoke too much weed you may get a little sleepy and forgetful. In Amsterdam less people move on to other drugs where marijuana is legal there.

Then you have to look into the past life of the a drug abuser. Most people who move on to dangerous drugs are either missing a mother or a father. A lot of some suffered some type of traumatic event. Some people are just weak minded people who give in to peer pressure easily. Before you go saying that marijuana caused someone to do harder drugs why don't you look into his past get what type of a childhood he he had.

What about tobacco and alcohol? A lot of people try the both of them before they try pot. Does that make tobacco and alcohol a gate way drug? You can say that I love drinking Yoo-Hoo I drink it everyday but I want something that gives more of a buzz then he moves on to alcohol? Does that make Yoo-Hoo a gate way drug?

Saying Yoo-Hoo is a gateway drug is just as dumb as saying marijuana is a gateway drug.
Spouting a bunch of conspiracy theories for why it hasn't been legalized is not a good way of getting people to vote for the legalization of weed, if anything this just has the opposite effect.

What conspiracy theory am I posting? Please tell me I’d really like to know. These are all actual facts. These events have already occurred and have full proof of happening. All am doing is showing the corruption in the war on pot
Marijuana is not a gateway drug.

Here are the reasons why people go on to harder drugs and pot being illegal is one of the main causes of people moving on to other drugs.

Your Drug Dealer
People who buy pot buy it off a drug dealer and most of the time that drug dealers sell other drugs. Your at his place to by some weed when he says "I also got some cocaine" or he offers you heroine or LSD and the huge list of other drugs. I have had people that I buy pot from offer me other stuff but I always turn them down. I tell them I just smoke weed, I don’t even smoke any form of tobacco or drink any type of alcohol. I know about all the damages that it cold cause to ones life. I don’t abuse smoking pot but too much of everything can be bad. Eat too much Mcdonald’s you will get fat, if you smoke too much weed you may get a little sleepy and forgetful. In Amsterdam less people move on to other drugs where marijuana is legal there.

Then you have to look into the past life of the a drug abuser. Most people who move on to dangerous drugs are either missing a mother or a father. A lot of some suffered some type of traumatic event. Some people are just weak minded people who give in to peer pressure easily. Before you go saying that marijuana caused someone to do harder drugs why don't you look into his past get what type of a childhood he he had.

What about tobacco and alcohol? A lot of people try the both of them before they try pot. Does that make tobacco and alcohol a gate way drug? You can say that I love drinking Yoo-Hoo I drink it everyday but I want something that gives more of a buzz then he moves on to alcohol? Does that make Yoo-Hoo a gate way drug?

Saying Yoo-Hoo is a gateway drug is just as dumb as saying marijuana is a gateway drug.

You're only speaking from personal experience. Nothing you have said here is a fact, it's just your opinion. Science shows that you're wrong.

Cigarettes don't get you high. Idiot.

Jesus, man. I'm an everyday user but when I see ******s like you are the ones harping on about this shit, it really makes me want to reevaluate my life.
You believe killing and burning innocent plants is alright?

By the way:

#1- Also in 1941, World War II was raging across the world, inspiring scientific breakthroughs left and right, which includes industrial production of plastics. While a plastic could be made out of hemp products, plastics could be made out of petroleum products for far less cost and far less land footprint. While plastic is often stronger than steel, it has failed in automobiles repeatedly for the simple reason that at heat, plastic tends to melt. Under normal circumstances, this can be contained, except in an accident. The first trapped family in melting plastic car ruins your concept vehicle.

#2- Great. And later people moved to farming cotton because it was far more profitable. No one makes alcohol from hemp today because we can make it with better products thanks to our international economy. I'd rather have Panamanian rum then someone's backyard hemp brew.

#3- Strongest natural fiber. After the Industrial Age got started, oh, two hundred some years ago, we started making fibers out of different, stronger composite materials. You can build a house out of hemp, sure. You could also use drywall.

#4- Or, you can mass-produce paper cheaply out of wood pulp. I haven't written anything I need to stick around for two hundred years, paper that will last for a couple years at most will work for me.

#5- You can also do that from aloe vera, cotton, or just about anything you can grow out of the ground. Your point?

#6- They also itch like a bastard and are stiff and uncomfortable to wear, which is why no one wears hemp clothing except festival hippies, because they need something to wear for two months straight that can withstand not being washed.

#7- Strongest natural rope. Again, post-Industrial age. We have nylon now. If you really need strong, we have the steel cable. If I was creating a mast for a ship to sail out of Boston Harbor to see the King in London with trade goods from the Colonies, then I would use a hemp rope.

#8- Now, we have carbon-composite ships and the Quonset hut. If we were going south to fight slavery with our muskets, I'd want a hemp tent.

I burn plenty of pot myself, but fuck, you hemp morons are the worst. Hemp isn't some miracle product over-regulated by 'the man', it's just a plant who had economic value a long time ago but has been succeeded by better technologies.

I support decriminalization, because legalization would merely industrialize marijuana production, much like the liquor industry. Raving idiots like you actually make that goal harder, because people get the impression that it's marijuana that might have done whatever happened to your brain. Can you just hide yourself out of sight until we get these things passed?

Making paper from trees is terrible we chop down trees that are home to many different animals and destroy forests. Hemp is a plant that plants every season. The wood pulp causes plenty of pollution when the hemp plant releases a carbon dioxide that is good for the environment.

There is a big difference between rope an steel cable so they shouldn't really be compared.

Just because we have aloe vera and other things for lotions why not use hemp too?

Using Hemp for plastic also causes less pollution too.

We can also make a huge variety of foods from hemp

We can also make plenty of medicines from hemp oil. That help cure all types of illnesses just ask Tommy Chong. These are medicines that are way better then most of the stuff that you will get behind a counter at a pharmacy
If your a drug dealer the last thing you want is for Weed to be Legal.

I don't deal drugs but if it were legal I'd go to the store and buy it. Just like when you run out of beer you go to the liquor store.

Which to make pot legal would be far less violence. There still be people that deal it illegally but these days there is a black market for just about every product. There just be way less dealers on the streets.

Making marijuana legal would also have less gang violence
You're only speaking from personal experience. Nothing you have said here is a fact, it's just your opinion. Science shows that you're wrong.

Cigarettes don't get you high. Idiot.

Jesus, man. I'm an everyday user but when I see ******s like you are the ones harping on about this shit, it really makes me want to reevaluate my life.[/QUOTE

That isn't a opinion there is a lot more that leads a person to doing drugs other than marijuana you can't blame somebody meth addiction on the fact who smoked pot before the meth. I also don’t like to consider marijuana as drug, it is a natural plants. Drugs are things that cause harm to your body and life.

Cigarettes don't get you high but they are very addicting and way worse than marijuana and also a lot of heavy drug users also smoke cigarettes.

Science shows nothing about marijuana being a gateway drug. Marijuana being illegal shows way more proof of people leading on to gateway drugs.

and maybe you should reevaluate your life I think that you need to.
Making paper from trees is terrible we chop down trees that are home to many different animals and destroy forests. Hemp is a plant that plants every season. The wood pulp causes plenty of pollution when the hemp plant releases a carbon dioxide that is good for the environment.
Hemp is a high energy crop which depletes the soil, requiring large amounts of fertilizer each season, which ends up downstream and eventually into the Gulf of Mexico, which is why there's a giant dead patch there, Mr. I Want To Be An Environmentalist. Everything has consequences. Wood pulp is far cheaper to obtain and use than hemp is, hence, why we use wood pulp.
There is a big difference between rope an steel cable so they shouldn't really be compared.
How about the nylon rope example?
Just because we have aloe vera and other things for lotions why not use hemp too?
Because they are better products, available cheaper.
Using Hemp for plastic also causes less pollution too.
Because turning hemp from a plant into a plastic requires smiley wish work and absolutely no caustic chemicals. *nod*
We can also make a huge variety of foods from hemp
They suck.
We can also make plenty of medicines from hemp oil. That help cure all types of illnesses just ask Tommy Chong. These are medicines that are way better then most of the stuff that you will get behind a counter at a pharmacy
Yeah. You take your hemp oil, I'll take a Percoset, and you tell me who feels better. I'll take a doctor's advice for medicine over Tommy Fucking Chong, thank you very much.

This kind of shit is why you're in here and staying in here, no one gives a shit about this Junior Ranger going for his Conspiracy Theory merit badge stuff. No one wants to be preached at by you about how they should change their lives, because no one here thinks you're in any condition to be offering positive advice.

I talk to you, I want to eat a steak with a cop and stop smoking pot.
I'm totally indifferent to this campaign. It probably should be legal, but I have more pressing issues to worry about.

This though:

The marijuana plant realeses a carbon dioxide that is good for the environment.

Is some grade A bullshit. Totally fucking meaningless.

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