Video Games Tourney hype thread

Lee disappoints me.

MM shouldn't have beaten M64. The arguments weren't better. And how in the FUCK is MM beating Mario 1? Fuck, Mario 1 CREATED modern video gaming.

Stop Daggering and say why they weren't better, else it just seems like they weren't better for you

I wish I could suibscribe to certain games in the tournament, I forget to check for new polls
Stop Daggering and say why they weren't better, else it just seems like they weren't better for you
Fair enough. Since I can't quote them or post in the thread (it's closed), I'll just mention the poster and say what's on my mind.

Milenko (Gaping Anus) voted MM because he found it easier.

Serious Jones had his post ripped apart by SalvIsWin, who proved virtually all his points wrong. to say that Mario is "just a game" while MM isn't is fucking stupid. MM is just as much "just a game" as Mario. It's just about saving the princess (ironically just like Mario, which came out years earlier. The characters are not fleshed out, etc.

Blade spent 4 paragraphs telling us how Mario is amazing, then votes for MM because "They don't evoke the mixture of emotions that MM evoke." Of course one of the emotions he brings up is "The joy of helping those two young lovers come together." Really, man? What the fuck do you call Mario and Peach?

Doc had a great post. However, sorry, MM is still just a game. You have a controller in your hands, and make a character do stuff. Whatever emotions you encounter don't make the game better, they make it a different experience. Games aren't movies, the emotion isn't the important point, the gameplay is.

Mozz had a ok post, but most of it was fluff. Too bad in M64, while you do play the same each world 6 times, you really don't, as each star is a different quest with different objectives, and in some cases the world itself is different. Then he insults our intelligence by just saying that MM is different without saying why (hint, it isn't). Then he complains about the story. Fuck that shit. Mario is a good game because it doesn't NEED a story to be good. And making a game without a complex story is MUCH more creative, as you need to use creative gameplay elements in order to make it interesting, as supposed to just making a good story.

Zelda was good because of the story, Mario was good because the gameplay.

And again, MM was built off a different game (whatever you say, it was, it looks exactly like OoT). Mario was completely original, older, better graphics, and better gameplay.
Stop Daggering and say why they weren't better, else it just seems like they weren't better for you

I wish I could suibscribe to certain games in the tournament, I forget to check for new polls

Daggering...greatest term coined on here since word fort. Seriously, he makes SavageTaker look like the poster boy for analytical writing.
Serious Jones had his post ripped apart by SalvIsWin, who proved virtually all his points wrong. to say that Mario is "just a game" while MM isn't is fucking stupid. MM is just as much "just a game" as Mario. It's just about saving the princess (ironically just like Mario, which came out years earlier. The characters are not fleshed out, etc.

MM is the one game that ISN'T about saving a princess, you're trying to make sure the fucking moon isn't gonna fall on Termina and kill everyone with DAT FACE

Zelda shows up in like two flashbacks at the beginning of the game

You have a controller in your hands, and make a character do stuff. Whatever emotions you encounter don't make the game better, they make it a different experience. Games aren't movies, the emotion isn't the important point, the gameplay is.

For that era, I wholeheartedly agree with you for games that don't involve morality gameplay, but nowadays I'd say that's kind of wrong as with graphics as they are now, the level of human emotion the game itself can express is more than enough to have your emotions change your gaming experience

I don't know if you played GTA4 (It was based in NYC so I'm guessing yes) but you can't tell me you didn't sympathize with Dwayne
Serious Jones had his post ripped apart by SalvIsWin, who proved virtually all his points wrong. to say that Mario is "just a game" while MM isn't is fucking stupid. MM is just as much "just a game" as Mario. It's just about saving the princess (ironically just like Mario, which came out years earlier. The characters are not fleshed out, etc.

Blade spent 4 paragraphs telling us how Mario is amazing, then votes for MM because "They don't evoke the mixture of emotions that MM evoke." Of course one of the emotions he brings up is "The joy of helping those two young lovers come together." Really, man? What the fuck do you call Mario and Peach?

Doc had a great post. However, sorry, MM is still just a game. You have a controller in your hands, and make a character do stuff. Whatever emotions you encounter don't make the game better, they make it a different experience. Games aren't movies, the emotion isn't the important point, the gameplay is.

Mozz had a ok post, but most of it was fluff. Too bad in M64, while you do play the same each world 6 times, you really don't, as each star is a different quest with different objectives, and in some cases the world itself is different. Then he insults our intelligence by just saying that MM is different without saying why (hint, it isn't). Then he complains about the story. Fuck that shit. Mario is a good game because it doesn't NEED a story to be good. And making a game without a complex story is MUCH more creative, as you need to use creative gameplay elements in order to make it interesting, as supposed to just making a good story.


please tell me more of this very interesting and cool story
Dagger's posts are beginning to really annoy me in the tourney. Apparently beign forced to kill yoru father is not as emotional as watching a loved one die.
1) Guess I missed where Paper Mario made it's leave. :(

2) Gawd. FF7 is NOT the best game ever.

3) The only interesting matchups involve Nintendo. Take that people who are butt hurt over the fact that they make mostly "kiddie" games.
I'm not backing a game to win, just voting on a round to round basis. That being said my fav game of all time is still in the tourney.
I'm pulling for Majora's Mask because it's the best game ever.

Though I really am trying to vote round-to-round.
Oh look, here come the anti-FFVII votes. 19 for Snake Eater so far when it hadn't got past 14 in previous rounds against deeply inferior competition.
Oh look, here come the anti-FFVII votes. 19 for Snake Eater so far when it hadn't got past 14 in previous rounds against deeply inferior competition.

You can blame Dagger for that.

Before Dagger's post it was 15-6. Just sayin.
Everything about the game was brilliant. It deserves to go onto the next round more than Metal Gear 3 because it's the better game by a very large margin.


No, I understand why it's not spam, I'm more asking why there isn't a rule against that. He didn't even mention MGS outside of name in his whole post

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