Video Games Tourney hype thread

I think IF theres another tourney franchises will be capped. There's not been any go getter in this tournament.
I didn't want to seem like I was shitting on your hard work earlier, Lee, so I'll ask this question now that the tournament is well under way: how the hell did Bio-shock not make the final cut?
Hey, Delibird would occasionally have shit for you if you caught the damn thing and Marikarp evolves into a very loyal Gyradros, Lee. haha

And I am not name dropping people, but I hate that line of "Man, this is gonna be tough" or something to the same effect. Of course it is going to be tough this late in the tournament, Captain Obvious. :glare:
Tonightish, I'm writing a WZCW RP unless one of my esteemed colleagues wish to do it (and work out the fixtures for round 3).
All regions are posted and up for voting. Super Mario Bros vs Chrono Trigger doesn't have a poll yet, but it will be fixed shortly.
I've never agreed and disagreed with someone's post more than your last one. That was to SOM.
Someone vote on Uncharted 2 vs. Shadow. My vote for shadow has tied up the scores, and vote for shadow.
how in the hell is Mario 64 losing to Majora's Mask? MM is simply Ocarina of Time 2 graphically, with a neat little story. Mario 64 revolutionized Console gaming more-so then any other game since NES, and was perfect.
Since when are graphics used to decide the winner of a game?
You've never played either SM64 or MM and call yourself a gamer?

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