Victory Road Aftermath and Review Thread

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Seriously, my mind is completely blown right now. The PPV started out very good. We had ok to good matches in the beginning, then a very good X-Divison and Tag Title match. An OK match from AJ and Matt. And then...

...we get a #1 Contenders match with no winner...

...and a 30 second main event.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS COMPANY?! Has everyone in charge there lost their fucking mind? Are you TRYING to piss people off to the point where they won't pay money for your product?

I'm not sure what infuriates me more: the fact that the #1 Contenders match (WHICH PEOPLE PAID TO SEE) was used as a ploy to get people to watch Impact on Thursday (FOR FREE)... or the fact that they took what could actually be a money-making feud (Sting vs Jeff Hardy, two guys with similar looks and gimmicks that have a generational crossover of fans who WANT to see these two guys fight), and piss it away in 30 seconds.


I give up. Seriously. I give up on this fucking company. I hope it goes under, and the talent finds work with Vince or somewhere in the indies. Anything is better than this shit. This is beyond fixing. This company is completely and royally FUCKED.
That has to have been a botched main event, something was up there. And a 1h46m PPV? I thought they were meant to be 3 hours but then i've not watched in forever :p
That has to have been a botched main event, something was up there. And a 1h46m PPV? I thought they were meant to be 3 hours but then i've not watched in forever :p

On the PWTorch, recap page the site owner posted this:

WINNER: Sting at 1:28 to retain the TNA Title. The word from backstage at the PPV is that Hardy was in no condition to perform. TNA needs to step up and start holding people accountable. They're playing with fire continuing to play games with the likes of Jeff Hardy, who obviously has health issues that need to be addressed. If they're not going to give him the help he needs, then cut ties with him rather than continuing to put him on TV. Someone in TNA management needs to step up and do something before something worse than a 90-second main event title match on PPV happens.
Everything about that PPV was brutal. The timing in the knockouts and ultimate x match were pretty bad. Hernandez and Morgan was also kinda brutal. Then it was time for the Main Events...RVD vs Anderson was fine..until it went to count out. And then Sting vs Hardy ends in 2 minutes...this is the WORST PPV I have ever seen..(Yes..worse than December to Dismember). People say it on these forums all the time and I am one of the biggest haters of it, but TNA definitely lost me as a fan tonight. It's a shame. A company with so much talent and potential just simply does not get it.

Good Luck with TNA guys. I hope they figure it out sooner than later.
Rumor is Hardy to jail. VOP and cops were there for why the fuck did they not come up w/ something quick like a 3way w/ rvd an anderson..or bring back Abyss (Angel?)...basically TNA just wasted a year building around a guy who couldn't keep clean long enough to wrestle a main event - JOKE ...done w/ this company
None of the matches were that great. AJ vs Hardy was almost good, but Hardy did way too much rest holds, and that match just became a joke thanks to Fatt Hardy. I prasie AJ's talent though. The Ultimate X match had a lot of spots, otherwise it was obvious, and Robbie E. did nothing at all, LITERALLY. The tag team match was okay. The other matches sucked. The main event was a joke, TNA really screwed up there. PPV buyers deserve their hard earned money back, this PPV was stupid. I'm glad I watch it for free, and yet I still feel robbed.
ive been done with tna when they took the belt off rvd for no reason and gave it to hardy. ill be done with tna until hogan n his bich leave.
To quote Tazz during the recap of tonight's PPV, when it came time to recall the main event, "Now don't blink"!! My buddy and I are like "where's my twenty bucks?" each. I have seen main events this short, but then someone from the back changes it and we get a new match. This was so pitiful that Sting himself told the crowd on his way to the back, "I know, I feel the same way". We expected since there was no number one contender, that they would restart with Sting, Mr. Anderson, and RVD in a three way dance. This was one of the worst PPV's in history. Ultimate X match was a "who cared who won" match, Tommy Dreamer actually winning was a shock, Hernandez pulling an Eddie Guerrero was funny; but the Matt (Mickey Rourke look alike) Hardy match with AJ was dragged out...not to mention the no number one and the main event.

I have actually been tame when it comes to PPV's but this one I had to speak up. Guys, if you want to compete with WWE, get your heads out of your butts, and give the people a show. During the closing, the audience in Orlando was looking like, is this it? The whole PPV could have been an Impact show.
Obviously Jaymiine hasnt seen many Pay-Per Views, I have seen hundreds and I have to say while most of the show was solid with three really good matches Jeff Hardy really dropped the ball and Sting looked pissed at the end about it.

Sting, Bischoff, and Hogan have worked together a long time at several different points and with Sting as Champion I can't see him letting this go without having at least a long talk with them about the state of the company with Jeff Hardy.

Everything pointed to Hardy kicking out of that move but he obviously was barely able to get down to the ring. With word coming in that Hardy shouldn't have even been in the ring I think TNA should be thankful that Sting ended it early, rather than letting Hardy kill himself and Sting.

Sting may not have liked it, Management may not have liked it, Hardy may not have liked it, and the fans may not have liked it, but if Sting went off the cuff he made the right call.

Overall I give the PPV 3 of 5 Stars, down for Hardy completely dropping the ball and the double count out of RVD/Anderson.
the aftermath huh ? Well i mean what is the aftermath really ? I mean how more minor leagues can you look after even allowing this guy to come to the ring ? They couldnt tell Hardy was high and send anyone else out there ? How do you come back from this epic fail ?

Fortune turned on Immortal right ? So why isnt A.J in the main event, why did we just witness a 50 year old who can barely go wrestle a drug addict for 90 seconds instead ? Its painfully baffling how poorly booked this promotion is and it has talent !!!!! Theres some decent matches but this company was dare i day booked better when it was just Russo, before the, quote JR "that company killing bastard" got there lol
Obviously Jaymiine hasnt seen many Pay-Per Views, I have seen hundreds and I have to say while most of the show was solid with three really good matches Jeff Hardy really dropped the ball and Sting looked pissed at the end about it.

Sting, Bischoff, and Hogan have worked together a long time at several different points and with Sting as Champion I can't see him letting this go without having at least a long talk with them about the state of the company with Jeff Hardy.

Everything pointed to Hardy kicking out of that move but he obviously was barely able to get down to the ring. With word coming in that Hardy shouldn't have even been in the ring I think TNA should be thankful that Sting ended it early, rather than letting Hardy kill himself and Sting.

Sting may not have liked it, Management may not have liked it, Hardy may not have liked it, and the fans may not have liked it, but if Sting went off the cuff he made the right call.

Overall I give the PPV 3 of 5 Stars, down for Hardy completely dropping the ball and the double count out of RVD/Anderson.

You're giving a PPV that has a 1 minute main event 3 out of 5 stars???

What the hell do they have to do to get a failing grade from you? Have the main event consist of two guys playing Go Fish?

Simply put: If your guy cannot perform, you re-book the damn match. You change it up so that you don't have fans who spent good money on a PPV wondering why on earth they should ever buy a TNA show again.

3 out of 5? This isn't even a matter of giving the show a ranking. It isn't even a 0 out of 5. From every conceivable standpoint, TNA screwed up so fucking bad that I can't figure out where they should go from here.

A shitty show is one thing, but to not even put in an effort to even have a main event match is not shitty. It's down right ludicrous.
Talk about a double kick in the nuts. First a double count out in the #1 contenders match which on a PPV is a big no no. Then a 30 sec. main event. When I saw Hardy stumbling his way to the ring, I just thought it was him being in character. Then when Sting hit the death drop and 1,2,3, I was like What The Fuck??? Where's my money back? Was this an episode of Playmakers? You don't send guys out drugged up, or drunk off their ass. I'm surprised Sting even went out for the match. I'll shit my pants if Hardy isn't fired after tonight.
You know something was up with the way Sting mouthed the words "I agree" when the fans were chanting "Bull****"

The PPV wasn't entirelly that bad....the X Division and the Tag matches were pretty solid and Anderson/RVD was good until the finish (although even with that finish you can explain it next Impact and set up for Lockdown)...but there's no explanation for this, If they knew Hardy was in no condition to compete,,,why not move the match UP on the card like to start off the that finish and then have Sting come back in the main event against the winner of the #1 contender match...or make it a 3 way dance.
You're giving a PPV that has a 1 minute main event 3 out of 5 stars???

What the hell do they have to do to get a failing grade from you? Have the main event consist of two guys playing Go Fish?

Simply put: If your guy cannot perform, you re-book the damn match. You change it up so that you don't have fans who spent good money on a PPV wondering why on earth they should ever buy a TNA show again.

3 out of 5? This isn't even a matter of giving the show a ranking. It isn't even a 0 out of 5. From every conceivable standpoint, TNA screwed up so fucking bad that I can't figure out where they should go from here.

A shitty show is one thing, but to not even put in an effort to even have a main event match is not shitty. It's down right ludicrous.

I agree, 3 out of 5 is ludicrous. Your undercard can be great, and TNA's wasn't but you mainly sell PPVs based on your main matches, ie. RVD vs. Mr. Anderson and Sting vs. Jeff Hardy. You really drive these type of matches home. RVD vs Mr. Anderson go to a Count Out, on a PPV? If they wanted to continue the feud they could do it around the title, not from a #1 Contenders point. And Sting vs. Jeff Hardy, well that's a traversty. Imagine that happened as hugely hyped WWE PPV Main Events which people have obviously paid for. Rock - Austin, 30 seconds. Lesnar - Angle, 30 seconds, Undertaker - Michaels, etc.

If TNA really meant business, they would fire Jeff Hardy. He is the big face of your company, having gone from the World Champion of the biggest company in the world to being the World Champion of the second biggest company in the world. He is riddled with problems. The company has had to fucking juggle its schedule and Championship reigns around Jeff because of his court schedule. If its true he is stoned at the event and 'can barely move' than you have fucked your PPV. Here's what they should do/should have done.

1. Make the shit of the unnecessary Count out into a Triple Threat, Sting vs. RVD vs. Mr. Anderson. It won't be great but its three faces and it'll get you buy.
2. Fire Jeff Hardy the next day (of course, assuming he is at fault).
3. Introduce a better health policy in TNA because there is way too much freedom and whilst freedom is a good thing, its fucking up the reigns and scheduling of this company.
I watched and have to say that main event blew donkey nuts! How do you know one of guys in your main event is high as a kite and not come up with something else. How hard is it!? Sting beats hardy like a school girl then "The Network" calls bischoff and says that wasn't good enough. Sting can go another round. since there is no number one contender RVD and Anderson and Sting for the title right now. Have it go for 15 20 minutes and end it. Wow! Look at me, I am smarter then the ass clowns who work for that company.
I am someone who puts a lot of stock into both the Tag Team Matches (Love Tag Wrestling), the womens division (ditto), and what show the Mid Card puts on. The top two matches get the most build but they are not the entire Pay-Per View.

I'm not going to sit around and wait for the last two matches if I am bored with the rest of the card, I'll go to bed first. So yes, because of those factors I give it a 3/5, just like if those final two matches stole the show and I forced by butt to watch a terrible first two hours it would get a 3/5.
I am someone who puts a lot of stock into both the Tag Team Matches (Love Tag Wrestling), the womens division (ditto), and what show the Mid Card puts on. The top two matches get the most build but they are not the entire Pay-Per View.

I'm not going to sit around and wait for the last two matches if I am bored with the rest of the card, I'll go to bed first. So yes, because of those factors I give it a 3/5, just like if those final two matches stole the show and I forced by butt to watch a terrible first two hours it would get a 3/5.

Dude, that main event was terrible. You don't send your fans home like that man. A mid-card match ending like that, I can see. But your Main event, the match that is selling the show, that's not cool.

Upsets in boxing happen where you are like, "Damn, why did I buy this?! That was a terrible fight." Not in pro wrestling dude. Not when you write out how the match goes. A main event should never end that quickly. If that was the case you have Hardy and Sting go on and then do Anderson vs. RVD last. So for that reason alone this show gets no higher then a 1 out of 5. And if you think otherwise, you're higher than Jeff Hardy.
Dude, that main event was terrible. You don't send your fans home like that man. A mid-card match ending like that, I can see. But your Main event, the match that is selling the show, that's not cool.

Upsets in boxing happen where you are like, "Damn, why did I buy this?! That was a terrible fight." Not in pro wrestling dude. Not when you write out how the match goes. A main event should never end that quickly. If that was the case you have Hardy and Sting go on and then do Anderson vs. RVD last. So for that reason alone this show gets no higher then a 1 out of 5. And if you think otherwise, you're higher than Jeff Hardy.

I said the ME was terrible in my first post. No argument there. However this has gone by so fast I can see how you missed it.
I will say this, AJ, Kaz and Beer Money had the best showings of the night! The KOs match was just okay. Bully Ray vs Dreamer was stupid and why this wasn't Pope vs Joe at the PPV I will never know! The X-division match was alright but not as good as it should have been. Anderson vs RVD started out okay, maybe even good and then they messed that up. Double count! WHY?
Then the main event! This horrible main event is laided at the feet at creative and Jeff hardy! If you are going to have Hardy not be able to perform or even lose quickly then either make Anderson v. RVD match longer/re-start the match or have Anderson beat the crap out of Hardy in back. At least it would tell a story. Or just throw Hardy out of the match and make it a 3-way for the title. Sting was put in a bad position here and should have been given an opponent or opponents at 100%. But, no! That could not happen!

Either get rid of Jeff Hardy or get him help.
Wow, there are really no words to explain this PPV. If the reports of Jeff Hardy being unable to perform are true, then TNA needs to cut him loose ASAP. Stunts like this are promotion-killers.

Throw in the double count-out for the #1 contender match and this show doesn't even deserve a 1 out 5.
It sucked plain and simple, I feel sorry for anyone who bought it. Only good match was the match I looked forward to which was the 4 way X-Division match, and AJ Styles vs Matt Hardy but of course the powers that be screwed me and the stream I was on kept lagging so I ended up missing the singles match -___- TNA once again kept me uninterested, well Wrestlemania, cant wait :)

on a side not I found it funny in the chatroom on the stream I was in someone said "Hey where is everyone" cuz no one was chatting so I said, "well theres only 500 TNA fans alive, 499 oh which are in that arena do the math :)"
Hardy is a POS first we have aj who is a god (and should be going for the title anyways) carry fatt hardy and make that match decent, then a double countout in a number 1 contender match? doesnt there have to be a winner there wtf? then that main event where hardy is too blown up to go more than a minute, if the speculation is true then thank you sting for stopping it and getting that bum out of there, maybe tna will gget good again without him, it used to be awesome, now it sucks, hardy was too high to perform and sting, who has seen it all had to end a match that quickly because of that piece of trash? FIRE HARDY...omg, im done ill give it a -343433 out of 10 because that was such shit

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