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Venting out Vince Rage (spoilers ahoy)


Do I have everybody's attention now
ince, you fucking ******, no wonder your stock has dropped more than the god damn economy. Because of shit like this, y'know I could handle Orton ucking up the nexus, burying Dibiase, Rhodes and Kofi. Hell, I could even take Orton burying Barrett and kill all his momentum. I could forgive his promos and laugh softly and feel sorry for your failing movie studio which is selling DVD's in wall mart next to The Matrix.

I could forgive the fact that you tried ever so hard to bring your company back into the Media's good graces only to be humiliated and ridiculed by almost every single main stream person with a god damn brain. A 12 year old could figure this shit out Vince. Its not a conspiracy anymore. You're hanging by a thread you fucking moron, XFL failed, so did your senate run and so did your studio. You're damn lucky the Rock said "I'll fight" because if not we'd have to endure through John Cena vs Orton "I vipe vindows cause I can't fucking wrestle" and Mania 34 would be held in a local school arena. And I'm a fan of Cena.

You're pathetic attempts to separate yourself from Pro Wrestling is also laughable because quite frankly it has shown that this company so badly wants to be mainstream but can't. You're like that little skinny kid that wants the lollipop but can't have it. You know why? Cause UFC does.

UFC's kicking your ass vince. Sleep at night and pump iron with that shit eating away in your brain you dim witted buffoon. You're getting a million buys at Mania? UFC just sold out Air Canada Center in record time. Your stock has dropped 55% since 1999 and UFC is climbing higher and higher. You know why? Cause they don't do stupid shit like this.

When Brock Left, Dana White didn't blow his balls out and give the title back to Randy Couture (oh and by the way...this IS entertainment, unlike yours which is a complete and utter stupidity that 8 year olds fall for). He left Velázquez run with it (not like he had a choice, but you get my point).

This is why you're PPV buy rates are fucking up, this is why you're constantly wondering "what am I doing wrong?" you're a fucking moron that can't see past T-shirt sales you dumass. You're not a business man, remember that. You're a fucking wrestling promoter and a damn good one. Stick to it and stop giving us this bullshit.

Vince, I own some stock in your company and thank the fucking' god when I saw the rise of UFC I bought some of that too. Wait till the next Shareholders meeting Vince. I'm gonna make sure you cry like a bitch, you no good, paranoid, steroid junkie, old fart.

Yo Paul, retire his ass already. He's clearly lost his mind on how to build superstars like he used to.

Yeah and I don't care if people say "Oh he's a genius he knows what he's doing."

Yeah, in the wrestling world. Business wise, he's a fuck up in almost everything except wrestling.

Your stock has dropped considerably. That smart Vinnie?
Your getting you ass kicked in PPV buys That smart too Vinnie?
If Dana White moved to Monday Night, you'd lose half your audience? Wanna bet? Cause UFC's bigger than your ass and if you keep this shit up they'll buy you out like you did with WCW.

One of the main reasons UFC is popular is because they said "This is a show for fighers" they don't try to mask who they are you dumbfuck, neither do they try to tone down violence because some ******* had too many concussions and killed his kids.

As a WWE fan, I'm pissed the fuck off.

I know now how the TNA fans feel like. I feel for you.

...Not really.
It's in the cage, so I don't think it does, but this is a dick move on the OP's part. You know, not EVERYONE in the cage reads spoilers.
Vince McMahon has made Billions of Dollars off the sports entertainment industry, I'm pretty sure he has a better idea how to run his company than you, unless of course you have happened to have made a fortune running your own sports entertainment company as well, which I kinda doubt
Vince McMahon has made Billions of Dollars off the sports entertainment industry, I'm pretty sure he has a better idea how to run his company than you, unless of course you have happened to have made a fortune running your own sports entertainment company as well, which I kinda doubt

Please stop calling it sports entertainment, its fucking wrestling and as I said, he's good at what he does. Real good. Here's the thing though: He fucks up everywhere else. Today, he fucked up with building talent.

Also, appeal to authority.

You reach a stature of a kickass business man if you're a success in all of your ventures so far. His biggest success was WWE. Tell me one more success he has anywhere else except in the professional wrestling industry?
WWE just lost me as a viewer. First Pitbull, now Christian has a lousy reign. Fuck you, Vince.

Please stop calling it sports entertainment, its fucking wrestling

Umm, athletes entertaining fans by putting on a show, seems like sports entertainment is a pretty fitting title, the fact that "fans" get so bothered by what it's called actually makes me laugh

he's good at what he does. Real good. Here's the thing though: He fucks up everywhere else. Today, he fucked up with building talent.

What he does is build talent, co you kinda are contradicting yourself their buddy

You reach a stature of a kickass business man if you're a success in all of your ventures so far. His biggest success was WWE. Tell me one more success he has anywhere else except in the professional wrestling industry?
WTF does this have to do with anything I said, I said he was good at what he does, he's been succeeding as the owner of WWE for almost 30 yrs., as I said before the man knows how to run a sports entertainment company better than some so called "fan", who is really nothing more than just a disgruntled asshole on a wrestling forum pissing and moaning cause Vince decided to do something that you as a "fan" don't like

I tell you what, if you think you can do a better job, than go out acquire your own company and then build it up until you've become a household name and your company is worth Billions of dollars, than you can tell Vince McMahon he's an idiot and has no idea what he's fucking doing
Wow, dude. I mean, people can be pissed, but seriously, wait and see what they're going to do with Orton and Christian before you start going on about the shareholders, or whatever Sid-like tactic you guys are using.
Wow, dude. I mean, people can be pissed, but seriously, wait and see what they're going to do with Orton and Christian before you start going on about the shareholders, or whatever Sid-like tactic you guys are using.

Not to mention you should prolly watch the match before making a judgment on it, also likely they have a re-match at the PPV
When Brock Left, Dana White didn't blow his balls out and give the title back to Randy Couture (oh and by the way...this IS entertainment, unlike yours which is a complete and utter stupidity that 8 year olds fall for). He left Velázquez run with it (not like he had a choice, but you get my point).

This is how you show you're an idoit. Brock was suffering from an intestinal disorder, he didn't leave. He also showed back up as the champ and then left as the champ. Cain beat him for that title, Dana didn't let him run with it. You are a moron.

If Dana White moved to Monday Night, you'd lose half your audience? Wanna bet? Cause UFC's bigger than your ass and if you keep this shit up they'll buy you out like you did with WCW.

If Dana moved the only viable option to monday nights, Tuf. He would still be squashed by Vinces piss poor ratings.


•"The Ultimate Fighter 13" episode No. 1: 1.5 million viewers
•"The Ultimate Fighter 12" episode No. 2: 1.2 million viewers
•"The Ultimate Fighter 12" episode No. 3: 1.3 million viewers
•"The Ultimate Fighter 12" episode No. 4: 1.3 million viewers
•"The Ultimate Fighter 12" episode No. 5: 1.5 million viewers

The fight repeats don't draw anything close to that many viewers. Also how the fuck do you expect Ufc to buy and run Wwe? They have Pride ownerships, and Wec and Strikeforce fighters under their banner. No dude, just no. The next time you want to take potshots at Wwe using your vast "mma/ufc" knowledge, do some fucking reading.:shrug:

One of the main reasons UFC is popular is because they said "This is a show for fighers" they don't try to mask who they are you dumbfuck, neither do they try to tone down violence because some ******* had too many concussions and killed his kids.

Annnnnnnnd you're a dumbass, that is the first time I have seen this argument? They are pg because of Chris? Maybe, but I'm pretty sure Vince just wanted to sell more gear to the kids. Your rant was terrible... that will be all.
Umm, athletes entertaining fans by putting on a show, seems like sports entertainment is a pretty fitting title.

A title that Vince came up with. Those people who dip themselves in Oil and go out and throw each other can be dubbed "superstars" "champions" "actors" Vince can dub his company a soap opera company. The moves they do and the manner they do it in is professional wrestling.

the fact that "fans" get so bothered by what it's called actually makes me laugh

It was in a cage. A rant. Usually, I'm a supporter of the WWE, yesterday I was pissed off. Its like when you find out your team lost two days later after i won the big one. You can't really blame the team when the sport is fake.

What he does is build talent, co you kinda are contradicting yourself their buddy

Tell me one good talent Vince has made since Cena, Orton and the Miz. I really wouldn't mind a 2-3 month reign since you want oily boy Randy to be the face of Smackdown but c'mon? two days?

WTF does this have to do with anything I said, I said he was good at what he does, he's been succeeding as the owner of WWE for almost 30 yrs.,

As I said, he's good at what he does, which is wrestling. He's been trying to expand and has failed miserably at it. Calling himself a business man is then redundant. He's a wrestling promoter.

as I said before the man knows how to run a sports entertainment company better than some so called "fan", who is really nothing more than just a disgruntled asshole on a wrestling forum pissing and moaning cause Vince decided to do something that you as a "fan" don't like

Appeal to authority.
What a fan can't question how Vinny runs his company cause he made billions of dollars off of it. By this logic, TNA critics should probably shut up and every single Bush critic should silence themselves because they're not the president.

I tell you what, if you think you can do a better job, than go out acquire your own company and then build it up until you've become a household name and your company is worth Billions of dollars, than you can tell Vince McMahon he's an idiot and has no idea what he's fucking doing

Household name?
I don't need to tell Vince how he's doing. His stock drop says it for me.
This is how you show you're an idoit. Brock was suffering from an intestinal disorder, he didn't leave. He also showed back up as the champ and then left as the champ. Cain beat him for that title, Dana didn't let him run with it. You are a moron.

I know he didn't retire. He'll probably be back and you misunderstood my point (I guess my rage got the better of me there, Dana wasn't a good example). Putting a belt on a new guy is a risk, but as a sports promoter its a risk one should take. And I did mention that he didn't have a choice in the matter in a bracket.

If Dana moved the only viable option to monday nights, Tuf. He would still be squashed by Vinces piss poor ratings.


•"The Ultimate Fighter 13" episode No. 1: 1.5 million viewers
•"The Ultimate Fighter 12" episode No. 2: 1.2 million viewers
•"The Ultimate Fighter 12" episode No. 3: 1.3 million viewers
•"The Ultimate Fighter 12" episode No. 4: 1.3 million viewers
•"The Ultimate Fighter 12" episode No. 5: 1.5 million viewers

I'll give you that. Yet Vince gets destroyed with PPV buys with UFC. My point was that Vince can suck his own dick about being the best there is all day yet he isn't because today, wrestling is no longer viewed as cool but simply childish.

In conclusion, if he wants to recover from a stock plummet he needs new direction.

Also how the fuck do you expect Ufc to buy and run Wwe? They have Pride ownerships, and Wec and Strikeforce fighters under their banner.

...Cage Rage? I know WWE's not gonna go out of business but this thread was mainly venting out my anger. UFC's not gonna buy anything, I know that. Its not they need it anyway.

Annnnnnnnd you're a dumbass, that is the first time I have seen this argument? They are pg because of Chris? Maybe, but I'm pretty sure Vince just wanted to sell more gear to the kids.

I know it wasn't, but it was taken into consideration wasn't it? Bad publicity is something WWE tries to run away from but we got a sport much more vicious then pro wrestling now, yet they have a better following. I'm not bashing the PG rating but Vince's phobia of bad publicity does not make sense. Especially if he's offering a sport in which no one gets hurt (relatively) as opposed to a sport in which one fight can practically take you out for months.

Your rant was terrible... that will be all.

Of course it was. I wasn't making a convincing argument to all of you and join my rant and create an IWC revolution. This was me, venting out Vince rage in the cage because I can't go to Connecticut and do it in his face.
If Vince knows how to promote wrestling, as is claimed, then this venting is contradictory.

I mean, you're saying he knows how to do it and screwing it up at the same time.

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