Venting #4 or this stupid god damn fucking cunt should be hit by a train story.


Pre-Show Stalwart
So as some of you may know my wife has been in the hospital for the better part of the last month with some pretty serious health issues and just gave birth to our baby daughter a week ago and has to have open heart surgery in about a week an a half to replace two of the valves in her heart.

Well this story isn't about her, it about her nasty useless ****e of a sister who if she were burning to death I wouldn't piss on to extinguish the flames.

Like I was saying, to introduce this nasty pile of steaming dog shit I have to give you a little bit of the back story. 5 years ago the wife had valve replacement surgery which went horribly wrong 4 hours in the OR turned into 17 and an ambulance ride to Detroit for possible heart transplant. Her useless pig of a sister didn't come to see her once. Not a single fucking time. Not the day of her initial surgery, and not during the 17 day stay in Detroit where for 10 days she was on a life support machine that pumped the blood in an out her body and her waste of a sister didn't come to see her NOT ONE FUCKING GOD DAMN TIME!!!. She could have died and the bitch could have cared fucking less. I have hated her ever since.

Fast forward to now and again the wife is back in the hospital again facing open heart surgery. My nieces are both in Michigan, my idiot of a father in law decided it would be a good idea to bring them here from Pennsylvania because they always bring the girls here in the summer. He does this while my wife is in the hospital, we weren't sure what was going to happen yet, but this moron brings them here. Fine whatever don't be there for your daughter whatever. Not gonna go into that. The mans an idiot.

So today I get an idea to bring her useless nasty ****e of a sister here for a few days, because the wife is pretty uncomfortable ok she is miserable she was confined to a bed for almost five days an needless to say the stress is getting to her. So I think why not fly her bitch of a sister here on a one way trip let her see her sister and then have the moron father in law drive them all back to PA.

I run it by my wife's mother who has been staying with us in Detroit, and she informs me that she had offered to give that fucking bitch the money to drive back to Michigan to see her sister and do you know what that steaming pile of crap, that useless glob of spit that puddle of stale urine had to say...


I have never wished ill on any person in my life but I seriously hope that bad things happen to this rotten cunt because in my opinion she is not human anymore. She is dead to me, and I swear that I will never say another fucking word to this cunt in my life.

Whats that you say, "maybe she doesn't have time"?

This pile of vomit works part time in a fabric store and her hulking slob of a husband (which she had to search out for on the internet) does not work, and this rotten cunt doesn't have the fucking time I hope she catches something and I hope she suffers. Her first husband who by all accounts was a real waste of flesh, beat her. Now I can't help but sit here and think maybe ok fuck maybe the bitch deserved it.

How in the hell can you do that to your flesh and blood? My wife has always loved her sister and calls her every couple of weeks to talk about what's going on and to find out about her nieces.

I hope she burns. To go back to my earlier statement, if she were burning to death I would have to flip a coin to decided whether or not to spray her with some lighter fluid and giggle or whittle out a pointy stick and roast a marshmallow.
She does sound like an ABSOLUTE bitch, but isn't it rather hypocritical to wish upon her the same thing your wife is living with? That's just as evil as she's being.
She does sound like an ABSOLUTE bitch, but isn't it rather hypocritical to wish upon her the same thing your wife is living with? That's just as evil as she's being.

I am fine with being a hypocrite.

I would be a hypocrite sitting next to my wife who would be there for her ****e of a sister in the hospital.
One of the few times peeing in her butt is not the apropriate soulution to a problem....... i guess the best thing is to completely seperate her from your family and forget about her, hopefully the wife will agree. Then pee in someones butt.
One of the few times peeing in her butt is not the apropriate soulution to a problem....... i guess the best thing is to completely seperate her from your family and forget about her, hopefully the wife will agree. Then pee in someones butt.

I was gonna say that I was hoping for a speedy recovery for his wife, then he can pee in her butt... Nobody should ever have to go through something like that, and to not have the support from her family (at least one member of it) is sad.

Someone should pee in the sister-in-law's butt without permission, and with diseases. That would be adequate revenge, right?
That sister lady needs a good rape, and a swift kick in the ass.

And believe it or not, I will keep you in my thoughts. Best of wishes for you and your family in these times of distress, my friend.
I was gonna say that I was hoping for a speedy recovery for his wife, then he can pee in her butt... Nobody should ever have to go through something like that, and to not have the support from her family (at least one member of it) is sad.

Someone should pee in the sister-in-law's butt without permission, and with diseases. That would be adequate revenge, right?

I would like to piss in her damn eye.
That sister lady needs a good rape, and a swift kick in the ass.

And believe it or not, I will keep you in my thoughts. Best of wishes for you and your family in these times of distress, my friend.

I believe it man, yer aces Angel and a damn good poster.

Not to joke about rape its a horrific thing, but if she were to be raped, the rapist would be traumatized by it and need counceling afterword. This woman has no redeeming qualities, weight at least 350 and is the lazest cunt on the planet. I feel sorry for my older niece its a wonder how she has remained as good a person has she has living in that environment. My other niece is going to turn out to be a real piece of shit, she is just like her worthless father.
I believe it man, yer aces Angel and a damn good poster.

Not to joke about rape its a horrific thing, but if she were to be raped, the rapist would be traumatized by it and need counceling afterword. This woman has no redeeming qualities, weight at least 350 and is the lazest cunt on the planet. I feel sorry for my older niece its a wonder how she has remained as good a person has she has living in that environment. My other niece is going to turn out to be a real piece of shit, she is just like her worthless father.

I'm available for the rape, pm me for special services and price plans that i offer.

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