

Pre-Show Stalwart
My apologies to anyone who reads this, just need to vent a little bit and have nowhere else to do it.


wife an I are expecting our first in october, again realize that this is stupid place to do this but i am stuck at work and screaming out loud would be frowned upon and I am fucking stuck here.

5 years ago she had to have her aortic valve replace. SHE WAS FUCKING 23 YEARS OLD!!!!.

this is a procedure that is common in people 60+ not 20 somethings.

anyway the sugery went horribly wrong a 4 hour surgery went 17 instead and she had to to be moved to Detroit for a possible heart transplant.

She spent the next 19 days in the hospital 13 of which were in a medically induced coma with a machine that was pumping her blood in an out of her body. I could see it. Makes wrestling blood seem a little pathetic when you have seen something like that. She made it through. They were able to get her off of the machine and she didn't need to have a transplant.

Worst fucking nightmare of my life.

she has been in great health since then.

We decided to have a kid.

Great im stoked believe me.

about a month an a half ago she develops a cough. Not a simple little thing a fucking hacking until you puke kind of cough. reading online and hearing from a few doctors led us to believe its sometimes common. Well it got a little worse, neither one of us have slept much in the past week. So she has to go see a lung specialist who today tells us that her fucking valve could be leaking again. This is 5 months after the cardiologist told us she was in great health and could handle this.

I wanna fucking scream, I wanna break shit I wanna vomit I wanna fucking drink.

great day tommorow she gets to go in for an echo. an then prolly a wait after that. Her fucking cardiologist is on vacation.

Sorry to spew all this out, I apologize if you wasted your time reading this you people don't know me and I don't know you.
Just going out of my fucking mind.
All I can say is I hope everything is OK tomorrow and beyond, Dude.

Best of luck and my thoughts are with you.
Damn :(.

I'm sorry to hear that your wife and you have gone through so much. I seriously wish you both all the best through those troubling times and I hope you get to be proud parents when it's all said and done.

Rant as much as you want, but you still have my thoughts with you both.
Damn man, all I can do is send you my best wishes and hopes, brother. Really sorry, man, really am. If you ever want someone to talk about it with, I'm always open in my PM box mate. I'll send my prayers, buddy. It ain't much, but I hope this all turns well, man
Everything happens for a reason. Nobody wants to say it but if something does happen just remember that it is all part of God's plan. Good luck and my prayers are with you and your wife.
I won't be naïve and say "everything'll work out" and "don't you worry". What I will say is continue doing what you're doing, i.e. talk to those around you (here and IRL) to release the frustration --heck, the fact that this is all anonymous may actually be better. Also, get mad here, get sad here, etc., but I say this from first hand experience and with all do respect, do what you can to show absolute love and care for everyone around you every second you are able to be with them, rather than waste your precious time with them upset or angry at the world. God forbid anything bad happens you'll want every moment you remember to be positive and contain the least regret possible. My thoughts and prayer will be with you and your family.
its sucks i feel bad for ya just hang in there.
I know where i have hard times in my life i always watching this scene from rocky so i hope this helps. I don't know if it well but i try.
the line the really helps me is ...
it aint about how hard ..its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
so just keeping moving forward .
Hey bro, you know I like you, best advice I can give is try to keep your head up and keep on with your life as much as possible, if you think about it too much you will go insane. A buddy of mine is in a coma right now, to cope I just keep going about my business everyday and pray for him when I get home and talk to his girlfriend when I can. It's the only way I know how to deal with it. Sorry man, like I said, keep your head up.

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