Unpopular Wrestling Opinions


Getting Noticed By Management
We all have them. We catch crap for them on these forums from time to time. Here's your chance to voice them in a thread designed to be a place where you can see just how crazy everyone else's opinions are.

Here's mine:

Chris Jericho does not need to return anytime soon.

I respect Jericho immensely and I love him as an in ring performer and on the mic. Even though I would like to see him return someday, I don't think it's as necessary as everyone thinks it is right now. He's doing other projects and we barely have even gotten to chance to really miss him. Other stars are stepping up and developing in his absence and really shining. Before, he was out a few years and he was sorely missed by the time his return came around. Many new stars were rising as well during the time he was away and out of the main event picture. The same thing is happening now as well. I constantly hear people on these forums saying how he NEEDS to return. I'm here to voice my crazy opinion that he is NOT missed storyline wise, wrestling or even fan base wise... yet. I like a Jericho that is clearly it in because he WANTS to be in the ring. It's quite obvious he doesn't want to be back yet or else he would have been already. Let him do his music, dancing, writing and spending time with his family. He's the best at what he does and he will still be that way upon his return later on.

What's your crazy, unpopular opinion?
I like this thread!! Everything i've said is unpopular :p

However i have an image on my mind, i really do, and that has to be the insanest idea ever!!!!

David Otunga as the WWE Champion :worship:

Let me try to put my image in your heads!!
The guy has muscles, he do look a lot like a brawler Cena type!!
What i see, is the guy standing in the corner, and showing everybody that he is the WWE Champion, putting the tittle up his head!!!
Is background entrance with a golden video type of thing and firecases in the 3 other corners, yellow (same color as ADR) and blowing up in the air, then looking like rain!

Boo me XD, but I DO SEE that image
Here's my unpopular wrestling idea:
Christian Should not be added to the title match at Wrestlemania between Edge and Alberto Del Rio.
Don't get me wrong, I am excited about Christian coming back to WWE, and yes I think he possibly deserves a title shot at some point. And yes, a feud between him and Edge or even having them rejoin excites me a great deal. But here's the thing, even though Christian has being attacking Del Rio non-stop as of late, there is one burning question that should be answered. And that is "What has Christian actually done to deserve a spot in the main event?" Edge is in the main event because he's the champion. Del Rio is in the main event because he won the Royal Rumble. But what has Christian done to gain a spot in the main event? Nothing. He came back from a long injury and attacked Del Rio at Elimination Chamber. That is it! If Del Rio were the champ I could maybe see an argument. But as it stands there is no real reason for Christian to be in the title match at Wrestlemania.
John Cena is not a poor wrestler and has not gotten old.

I'm sure I'll catch heck for that one considering some of the opinions here, but I honestly think he's right where he needs to be, and is a very good talent. He has a moveset, sure, but who didn't in his position? Plus, you can't tell me he's not athletic enough or talented enough to pull off other moves. He simply doesn't have to.

And his energy in a match is still exceptional. The amount of emotion he puts into his matches shows you that he is still as passionate and dedicated as always. It's that attitude that makes me never tire of seeing a Cena program.

The other opinion I have is that Miz has become a highly successful and believable heel champ.

People knock his mic skills because he's not "Rock" (sigh) and he's not as polished of a wrestler as Bret Hart or Mr. Perfect (with the way people talk, those are the standards they are holding him to) but I actually enjoy Miz' mic skills and he does tend to talk a bit more instead of throwing out "poontang pie", "jabroni", "electrifying" "millions", etc. every two freakin' seconds.

Miz can also go in the ring. Maybe he's not as polished as veterans such as Angle and HBK but come on, he's still young enough to keep improving. And his work is not horrible by any means anyway.

Two opinions that seem to go against the common perceptions of these two individuals. The other "against the grain" opinion is that Orton sucks, but my post has been too long already.
My unpopular wrestling opinion? Finlay should have been more succesful. Now i really do not know if my thought is unpopular or not because I have never addressed this before. I thought that Finlay was one heck of a wrestler and he could have been the World Heavyweight champion or atleast the ECW champion. Even a few more United states title reigns would have been good enough. Heck, even some big wins over Batista and the Undertaker would have been good enough! Finlay could have been a King Of The Ring winner or he could have won his fued with Rey Mysterio. I just thought that Finlay was very very good in the ring and that he is extremely underrated.

Another opinion of mine, Jamie Noble was highly underrated.

Having Kozlov go face and tag with Santino was a bad decision

Personally I don't believe Kozlov has the look of a nice genuine superstar. Yes it brought popularity for both superstars to the table but it made the tag division look even worse.
The Miz is NOT overrated.

Now I see where people are coming from when they say that he's not all that talented. But think about it, name one other wrestler that can be involved with John Cena AND The Rock and not only not get lost in the shuffle, but look stronger and better every week. This guy is on a meteoric rise whether you like him or not. No he's no Bret Hart or Chris Benoit in the ring, but honestly in today's WWE who is? This guy is a hard worker, and he will continue to get better and better, much like Austin, Rock, HBK, Hart, pretty much anyone who's made an impact in the WWE over the past 20 years has. Nobody comes in and is great, it takes time and most importantly dedication. Miz has that dedication just like John Cena did/does. You may not respect him or like him now but eventually you will because he will be the next big thing in the WWE. Mark my words.
Hey itssoeasy....

can you explain your Mark Henry and Kurt Angle opinions? I'm wondering if there actually is a good argument for either of those?

One of the most underrated qualities in a big man is their ability to sell and show vulnerability. I think the most overstated myth about big men is that they need to be unstoppable monsters, when that really couldn't be further from the truth. They need to be vulnerable, yet dangerous. Henry balances both with some really great high-end set stuff that seems like it could blow a guy to pieces while having soft knees and is easy to out maneuver. Just don't get hit.

And, with Mark Henry, he's got FREAKISH athletecism. Forget about just his strength. He's deceptively quick for his size. While he's obviously not Evan Bourne quick, watch how fast he gets up off the mat. Watch how he's NEVER out of position. He can catch and correct things gone awry relatively well. In terms of pure strength, it ain't just a gimmick. Guy's got the most core strength of any guy on the roster.

His pacing is immaculate. In fact, I'd maybe to say he might be one of the better guys on the roster in this area. For a guy who gets knocked for having plodding matches, his offense sure is explosive. He's got the best big splash in the biz, an awesome military press, is probably more fun as a baby face bully than anyone and his mocking & taunting spots are always enjoyable. His strikes are phenominal and he gives his opponents some great, yet really safe, stuff to bump off of.

He's pretty versatile in that he's as good a face as he is a heel. You can use him in tags, mid card squashes (whether it's him or someone else) and he's been fun in his limited use in the main event. He's a great utility guy to have. His bumping, for a big man, is off the charts.

I don't get the sense in not liking him because he's not AJ Styles. :suspic:
The Attitude Era wasn't nearly as great as the IWC makes it out to be.

If I've seen one post that tries to depict the Attitude Era as a paragon of what professional wrestling should be then I've seen a thousand. A lot of what happened in the Attitude Era was fun and it was different, but there was also a LOT of pure crap that made it onto WWE television during that time. Every match wasn't an all time classic to be remembered through the ages, every feud wasn't this clash of titans that had the entire audience captivated and every promo wasn't pure gold that set standards for what mic work was supposed to be. In truth, very little about the Attitude Era was as great as some internet fans. The Attitude Era was a fad, an enjoyable fad overall, but a fad all the same whose greatness has been exaggerated to an extraordinary degree.
I think This is a great thread and well done to the OP.

Now for my Unpopular Opinion

The WWE will be better off when HHH and Undertaker retire

Now at first glance this does seem like a completely stupid thing to say. But think about it there will be more room at the top for the younger guys to come through and it will actually force the company to try and make new stars. Plus it will also give them more time on shows to focus on the younger guys.
Give me 5 good Mark Henry matches

Well, I can't give you 5 good Mark Henry match becuase mostly all of his matches are good.

Oh, and Kurt Angle.

I used to like the guy around 2001-2002 and even trhough much of 2003-2006, but once you go back in time and put a critical eye to his matches even in the WWE, they don't hold up well - at least the post-2002 stuff. Dude even found a way to have a bad match with Eddie Guererro when Guererro was at his peak. He was an insanely great guy to carry, but that's pretty much it. Anything he's ever been green-lighted to do on his own has ended up a bomb. Once he arrived in TNA, he became ridiculously exposed.

In the last few year's, his matches are almost entirely the same. He might be the most formulaic wrestler in the industry today, which isn't really the problem. It's the fact that his formula fucking sucks - especially for his own character. The match usually begins with about five minutes of mat work that goes absolutely nowhere. Unless his opponent is really at home on the mat, most of this time is spent fast-forwarding through holds or limb work that's got zero focus. None of it is used later on, and instead the mat work - instead of being a meaningful part of the match, ends up just being just one, big, long obligatory spot (you 'have' to have opening matwork for a match to be good). In his bigger matches, he almost always lets his opponent 'out work' him on the mat, which makes it look ******ed that this guy's supposedly the best wrestler on the planet - yet whenever he's on the mat with a decent opponent - he's getting tooled on.

Whichever direction it takes means little though, because right around six minutes into his matches it just dissolve into spot trading. We see Angle Slams getting kicked out of, we see ridiculously long ankle lock spots and other silliness. If we're lucky, we'll get an over-the-top spill to the outside where whatever is done out there doesn't mean anything, either. There's no 'build', no nothing. We go from the engine shuddering in gear one, to blowing out the transmission in gear five one second later.

I'd get into Angle's ankle lock stuff in his big matches if he didn't treat every match like it was a big match. AJ Styles, Sting, Joe, Wolfe, Anderson, RVD, Jeff Hardy and Matt Morgan have all had big ankle lock spots since last year. What's even more hillarious is that few people ever actually tap to the hold or get pinned by an angle slam. Nope. Instead they all get rolled up. It just makes you wonder why he didn't try to do that in the first place.

So in sum, I don't know if today - i'd say Kurt Angle was ever good - nevermind 'greatest in the world'. At his best, he was 'enjoyable', but his best matches usually feature him in a match with someone who's significantly better than he is. I don't know if he's got one, single match that i could point to and call a 'good Kurt Angle match', because I don't think he's ever had one. Sure, it's harsh - but IMO, his being 'great' is probably the biggest lie ever propogated by the IWC. In fact, they (including myself once upon a time) really got worked into thinking that because he was 'a real wrestler', that he was somehow good at pro wrestling. He's serviceable on some levels, but he's never been 'good'. I don't think he's even close to 'below average' nowadays, either. I just dont' think he's very good.
Randy Orton Sucks
He is the singly most boring superstar there is. His promos put me to sleep, he cannot sell to save his life, and he is a 2 trick pony, Brutally bad cutter type, and a punt. He is no where near SCSA, because SCSA had mic skills and presence, and Orton brings boredom. He is yet to have a promo that sets him apart. He was more interesting when he was ne and wrestling Brock Lesner and getting squashed because he at least had a semblance of personality.
Come on bro!!!! Mark Henry is really good!!! He's Bret Hart in a fat suit!! Give me one good Mark Henry match at least... but I'm sure you can't because this wasn't really your opinion. You just wanted to join the bad opinion party
Come on bro!!!! Mark Henry is really good!!! He's Bret Hart in a fat suit!! Give me one good Mark Henry match at least... but I'm sure you can't because this wasn't really your opinion. You just wanted to join the bad opinion party

He's a exceptionally good bumper, seller, and athlete. Sure, he's not Bret Hart or Kevin Steen, but he's one of the best big men today.

Well, to be honest before I never really though very high of him. But the last few month's of actually watching the guy's in ring skill's I can tell you, he's good.

And "Bret Hart in a fat suit"? Where did you get that idea? I never said he was a great in ring technician. Wait? Did you actually read my post?
Edit: This is not WWE. Didn't see it at the time. Sorry.

Bully Ray would make an awesome TNA World Champion

I know most think it is a bad idea; but it seems Bully Ray is getting the JBL push. I did not give a damn about him just a mere few months ago; but he grew on me. The character grew on me. He plays it so damn well and entertains me. I never thought of Bubba Ray Dudley as World Championship material but why not try something new? TNA is pulling a WCW. I'm an Anderson mark, so he's good. I like A.J. Styles; but damnit I want new champions and new maineventers in TNA. WWE has a youth movement and pushes new guys to the main event. TNA just lives off of past world champions. Which is why Anderson's was so refreshing- he'd never been champ. But Bubba would be more than just a new champ, he plays his heel role extremely well.
I love this topic! I gave lots of rep to people on this board for their awesome opinions. I guess here's my unpopular opinion...

Bret Hart was completely overrated

After everything went down in 97, fans were saying how horrible it was that the WWE screwed Bret. While what all went down will never be known, one thing that is completely apparent is the fans love for Bret got ridiculously high. Bret was a great wrestler but terrible on the mic. The time that he was champion and feuding with guys like Diesel, Sid, and the Undertaker for the title was a down time for wrestling. The fact was Bret couldnt draw. He was boring as hell as a wrestler and a champion. After the 97 "screwjob" he got incredibly popular because fans bought his sob story in "Wrestling with shadows." He was a hype and was overrated. I know fans hate to hear that but he simply was overrated.
Now I know this won't make much sense, but since this is a thread about unpopular wrestling opinions I'll go ahead and say it anyway. I think it would be awesome if Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison jump ship to TNA. They can make it a hostile take over angle were Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison appear on a live edition of impact Out of nowhere from the crowd. They jump the railing and start to destroy everything! They grab a mic and say they are taking over TNA ! During the same timeline people are anticipating the long over due return of Jeff Hardy and they wanna see where he stands. Turns out that he is still a heel and has joined forces with Ziggler and Morrison to destroy TNA! :lmao:
Jim Ross was overrated. Screaming "By God what a match" at a Steve Blackman vs. Godfather nearfall at the same pitch, intonation and volume as Stone Cold vs. the Rock at Wrestlemania does not make you the greatest announcer ever.

Without a doubt he was one of the best. Very enthusiastic, sold storylines as well as wrestling maneuvers, but sometimes I just wanted him to turn it down a notch.

My personal favorite announce tandem was Gorrilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura. I'd pick those two any day over JR and King. The commentary just seemed more akin to a legitimate sports event than an over the top shockfest like Attitude Era Raw was, and gave matches more of that "big fight feel."
Bret screwed Bret

Yup. It doesn't matter how long he stayed or how devoted he was. He wanted to go over their top superstar at the time, and then leave for better money. How selfish and self-centered do you have to be to value your own image infront of your fans over the company you claim to be devoted to? It was a pathetic, hypocritical judgment by Bret, and I do believe that the Montreal Screwjob needed to happen.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Bret when I first got into wrestling when I was young, but wow Bret. I know people always said that Vince and Shawn should apologise to Bret over the Screwjob, when really, Bret should have apologised to them for being so egotistical. You've got to learn to take a fall for the greater good, and Bret threw away all the respect he earned by putting his own desires ahead of the entire livelihood of the WWF.
here is a few


I would have loved to of seen the whole Nexus angle continuing longer with a large team. Maybe the whole team could have started later to give the guys some time in a WWE ring. They terrorize Cena until The Rock returns as the "man behind the curtain". The WWE has already established Rock can't stand any of the current talent. That is why he has formulated this team and funded them.

Of course after WM he leaves and then you introduce CM as the "new savior" of Nexus.
Now I know this won't make much sense, but since this is a thread about unpopular wrestling opinions I'll go ahead and say it anyway. I think it would be awesome if Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison jump ship to TNA. They can make it a hostile take over angle were Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison appear on a live edition of impact Out of nowhere from the crowd. They jump the railing and start to destroy everything! They grab a mic and say they are taking over TNA ! During the same timeline people are anticipating the long over due return of Jeff Hardy and they wanna see where he stands. Turns out that he is still a heel and has joined forces with Ziggler and Morrison to destroy TNA! :lmao:

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I know this is a thread for unpopular opinions, but why would you want Ziggler and Morrison to ruin their careers by going to that sinking ship. You're quite mad.

My unpopular opinion, like another poster said, is that Orton's Viper gimmick is complete shit. Sure, it's fun to see him RKO people out of nowhere, but he can do that as the Legend Killer again or at least debut a new gimmick where he can actually show some personality again.
Ric Flair is NOT a household name.

Amongst us, those who will debate very trivial matters, Ric Flair holds an iconic status. He was a legendary performer. He drew great houses in his heyday. And in the Mid-Atlantic region, he's a God.

The keywords of that last statement are: in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Woo! is played at hockey games, though! It sure is, in the home arena of the Carolina Panthers. The Carolinas will probably always be known as "Flair Country" or even better yet, "Crockett Country", but when you stretch outside of that area and put TNA on a TV screen, it'll become, "Who's that fat guy with the weird backboobs?"

(Seriously, wtf is up with Flair's back?)
Bret screwed Bret

Yup. It doesn't matter how long he stayed or how devoted he was. He wanted to go over their top superstar at the time, and then leave for better money. How selfish and self-centered do you have to be to value your own image infront of your fans over the company you claim to be devoted to? It was a pathetic, hypocritical judgment by Bret, and I do believe that the Montreal Screwjob needed to happen.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Bret when I first got into wrestling when I was young, but wow Bret. I know people always said that Vince and Shawn should apologise to Bret over the Screwjob, when really, Bret should have apologised to them for being so egotistical. You've got to learn to take a fall for the greater good, and Bret threw away all the respect he earned by putting his own desires ahead of the entire livelihood of the WWF.

I agree 100%

Bret thought to himself that he was bigger than the company. He though the WWE Championship was like winning the Super Bowl, but in hindsight it was just a prop to elevate a guy.

He did'nt want to lose his fake Title in his hometown. Bret was leaving to get paid more money somewhere else, he definately could'nt keep the belt. Because holy hell, imagine if Bret retained and didn't wanna give the belt back to Vince, and tossed it in a trashcan on Nitro. ALL the history with the WWE Title. Hogan, Svage, Warrior, Andre, Michaels, Undertaker, all thrown in the garbage. And we all knew Bret would've done it (if it meant anything to do against Shawm Michaels.)

Yes, I've alway's said it, Bret screwed Bret. Vince did the right thing for the business, Bret cared about himself. Who was right on Survivor Series 1997? Take a guess.
Goldberg is given a bad rap.

I get it fellas, he's no Bret Hart or Kurt Angle. He didn't sell, didn't put people over BLAH BLAH BLAH.
But you have to see things from his point of view.
This dude never planned to be a professional wrestler. He never had a mind for this business.


He's playing football, get's injured. He gets picked up by WCW. He gets trained in the POWER PLANT. Fault #1. Blame the Power Plant for Goldberg's stiffness. Additionally, they didn't train him properly in the way the business works (how putting people over/getting people over works, for example). Remember, this is the company that trained Big Show, who later had to go to WWE developmental to get trained properly before returning to WWF/E.

He's pushed to the moon... no no, he's pushed to friggin' Pluto. Remember, he didn't get the undefeated streak because he refused to put people over, the streak was WCW creative's idea. So again, no mind for the business, no knowledge of the business, PUSH OF A LIFE TIME.

Side note, everyone often says "His streak isn't impressive, most of those wins were against nobodies". Uh... well it's kinda impossible to get a streak going without beating guys outside the main event. I mean if he only beat main event material, he would've fought the same handful of guys over and over and over until "173-0". That couldn't have worked.

Anyway, it's so damned easy to sit here and judge him, but I would love to see how any of you would handle a situation like this. You're pulled aside from your profession, you become rich off your ass by being made out to be unstoppable even though you don't really know anything about it. Could you really blame him for being protective of his character? Possibly even refusing to put people over?

On top of that, he was the BIGGEST DRAW of the HIGHEST DRAWING COMPANY for almost 2 years. Considering who he was up against, that's saying something! Not only was he in a company with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair, he was against competition like Stone Cold and The Rock for ratings. In-ring skills aside, that is a HUGE accomplishment.

Speaking of in-ring skills, they weren't THAT bad. Yes he was stiff, but to say his only moves were "Spear and Jackhammer" is really unfair. He incorporated a lot of martial arts and amateur wrestling style moves in his set. Check out his match with DDP, that was an awesome match, a guy his size does a standing backflip for the love of Mike. Credit DDP all you want for that match, you can't deny Goldberg's ability, especially considering his training and experience. Compared to many today, he was quite technical. Remember, by the time he starting getting big in WCW, he only had 2 or 3 years TOPS of experience. That's INSANE by today's standards! My only problem with his stiffness is his injuring of others. Everyone blames Goldberg for Hart retiring, blame the WCW Power Plant.
Here is mine I have a few

CM Punk Ruined the Nexus
Think about it early on the nexus was the most dominating force the WWE have ever seen they made cena look like a total jobber but now don't get me wrong I'm a big fan of Punk but as soon as he lead the nexus it was only beneficial to him it honestly got boring seeing cm punk calling the new nexus to help him every monday night it got so predictable and now I just can't wait to see the nexus go away for good is going to be a huge relief for me

The Attitude Era Was Overrated
I hate how most people are so anti PG honestly what was so good about the attitude era the rock austin feud? the constant use of blood? really the attitude era contained some of the worst parts of wrestling history some of the most disgusting storylines there was no storytelling in matches it was only blood it was just unnecessary I feel the PG era is actually good for the wwe even though the attitude era wasn't all bad but I think people just have made the attitude era seem like the be all end all but it isn't

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