[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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showtyme27 said:
You guys are horribly bashing on Jeff Hardy, I do believe Jeff is a little overrated but he's still a incredible talent and enjoyible to watch in the ring, i'm also going to say this again WWE's roster is far superior to TNA's roster even through WWE mis-uses most of it's talent they still have the best roster in wrestling, one more thing everybody keeps talking about how great AJ Styles is but to me he's just as overrated as Jeff Hardy They both are limited on the mic but they are increduble ahtletes and entertaining to watch in the ring, as far as people in WWE measuring up to the X-Division there are so many superstars on the WWE roster that would be incredible in that division let's not get to far out of hand most of TNA's roster would be low card jobbers because of the fact they can't get it done on the mic, you TNA marks are fooling yourselves into believeing TNA has the superiour roster/show when that's just not true WWE don't need to worry about TNA until they start getting at least a 2.0 rating every week even the great Paul Heyman and his rabid ECW fans couldn't achive that, I think you guys are seeing more than what is actually there TNA can't compete with WWE right now they are severly outmatched.
Jeff Hardy is a one-spot wonder who eeks to the finish of nearly every match that doesn't involve him falling off of something or depending on his tag team skills, which are good because he only works okay in spurts. He's a bona fide botcher. I definitely agree that there are many athletes on the WWE rosters that could mix it up in the X-division (hell, the current Smackdown tag champs were on it). My issue is that they are almost never allowed to work in that capacity, when you know damn well that they could. If a lack of mic skills were all it took to demote someone from a top WWE spot all of the time, than Batista should be wrestling in the openers. On paper, the WWE ROSTERS are definitely superior because they typically have a greater wealth of talent spread across three brands to compare with TNA's one sole roster. However, that one is generally utilized in a better fashion, for my money (typically on the PPVs, as the tv broadcasts have been less geared around wrestling as of late). I've never doubted that WWE has the talent to demolish anyone, but that talent is spread thinly and misused so it functions to negate the talent contained therein.
wow rated r superstar316 u may be the dumbist person in the worl tna is the shit i also watch tna but u no itz not about pyro and music and how many ppl go itz about heart and passion and the love for wrestling thatz what tna has not wwe
im gonna go with Rated R on this because chosen is scared that WWE is already bigger than TNA and when TNA gets big WWE will be bigger again.

Chosen < Rated R
jefferson411 said:
Furthermore, this is why a guy like Benoit isn't winning titles, he has no charisma. Everyone knows he is most likely the most talented wrestler on the WWE roster, but he doesn't win the title. Not because WWE hates him but becuase to make it anywhere you need promo skills. TNA fans ignore this and jump on WWE for not pushing good wrestlers, but there is more to wrestling than just wrestling, something TNA is learning right now apparently from the way they are getting more and more gimmicky (Bikini matches?).

Bikini matches will be the death of TNA. Hopefully they realise in time and kill the idea. And you don't need stupid shit like that to get a good wrestling show. Sure you need storylines, but not dumb crap like this. Heyman and Bischoff understood this and did a great job of producing a compelling television show. WCW during 1996 through to early 1998 and ECW for the most part were always great products. They took wrestling seriously and presented a violent, adult, energetic show while keeping away from shock-value bullshit like Bikini contests.

Which brings me to another point, these things don't even shock anymore. We used to see Sable with her titties on live TV and we were shocked coz it was so taboo. This had never happened in wrestling, or even live TV. Now?? Its just another weekly occurence. And to be fully honest it makes me sleepy. I cannot tell you how many times I have fallen asleep watching a fkn in-ring Diva contest. And this is in no way an exaggeration, I swear on my life I have fallen asleep. Its just soooo fkn boring.

Honestly, I dont even find the shit sexy. Ive seen it all before. And unlike most of you guys it would seem, I dont get a hard-on just off seeing a girl prancing around like a crippled ****** in her underwear. If I want to watch porn, I'll just watch PORN!! I mean fuck, its not like the porn industry is in a dyer state and films are in short supply. Last i checked business was good. Unfortunately you can't say the same about the WWE.

And BTW, anyone know when Shelton's contract is up? Coz I think we have another strong contender for a TNA jump on our hands!!! Has anyone watched him recently, he looks like he's about to dive off a cliff. You can tell this shit is just not panning out for him the way he had hoped for. My money says he is pissed and will be on his way out along with Rob. RVD is done with the WWE - I am certain of it. With Heyman gone, he has no reason to be there. Did anyone else read the report from the PPV. Rob's wife apparently started half the TNA chants herself. If this doesn't say something...??
qualit quality quality..ratings basically show who is watching what...when wwe has higher ratings that clearly means more are tuning in to watch wwe than peopel watching tna....now when u r talkin bout watchin good wrestling tna has some good wrestling matche as far as performance with the x division but overall there wrestlers dnt kno how to cut promos and act as well as people in wwe do...and the majority of the world does not only want to c wrestling they want to c it mixed up..which is y the attitude era was the greatest cuz it was wrestliing mixed up with a soap opera type of move..THIS IS WHY WWE HAS HIGHER RATINS THEN ONLY WRESTLING SHOW TNA...we can start to clearly c russo is tryin to change that up a bit which i think is good for tna but they r still far from gettin anywhere
I'd much rather see a show with too much good quality wrestling (if there is such a thing) than see a show with storylines on constantly that the shittiest soap opera in the world wouldn't dare feature. At least they're doing something right with this Umaga vs Cena stuff. IMHO it's much better than Angle vs Joe. Or is it the other way round? Hmmm.
I'd much rather see a show with too much good quality wrestling (if there is such a thing) than see a show with storylines on constantly that the shittiest soap opera in the world wouldn't dare feature. At least they're doing something right with this Umaga vs Cena stuff. IMHO it's much better than Angle vs Joe. Or is it the other way round? Hmmm.

Both are good, TNA has obviously got better wrestling, especially with the X division, and with Joe and Angle in the heavyweights. But WWE has a pretty good heavyweight division too : Smackdown has Booker, Benoit and Finlay and Raw has Edge, Triple H and Shawn Michaels (who is a "heavyweight"). I mean overall WWE do have more, but they also have more on-air time.

The "soap opera" stuff is pretty entertaining I might add. Nothing better than to see some good old DX skits or a program like Cena vs. Edge or Rock vs. Austin or Hogan vs. HBK or...

OK Cena vs. Umaga = crap I'm ok with you on that point. Umaga = crap --> Cena = crappy matches except if he's with someone really good he can elevate his game to a wayyy higher level (Edge, Jericho, RVD), but he does cut good promos, and could do something good with Estrada I think.
good gravy my intelligence has been sapped.

i should sue this board and all of you on it for the few minutes of my life I've just lost.
wow, i liked how you backed up your opinions. I understand if you wanna watch the same show week after week but damn dude, keep it to yourself.

BOT, Jeff Hardy is the most overated wrestler of 2006 i beleive. Everyone thought he like died or something when he was in TNA. Then he comes back and hes the most loved thing in the world. In TNA, he was also ridicolously overated and even more untalented. Hes just this short guy that does some crazy spots occasionaly. TNA already had way more hardcore wrestling in Abyss who is def a lot better then the washed up Hardy imo.

Wasn't he like that in TNA. The Charismatic enigma is from TNA right. So I don't understand why the WWE push is soo taboo and the TNA push was okay. Help me. I am not a TNA hater, I just not a fan of WWE bashing either this is why I ask.
theres really no argument as to which organization is better..its clearly WWE...the ratings show it..the audience shows it...the arenas they travel to show it..everything they do shows it..that is from a business stand point and that is all that matters...not who can wrestler better...clearly there is a reason for wwe being ontop and tna having kurt angle and still not bein shit

I don;t know if it that simple. Who better Michael Jackson or Prince. To me personally it is Michael Jackson. But some say prince despite Michael is one of the biggest selling acts of all time. Sometimes it comes down to quality.
Benoit has no charisma? Bullshit to the Nth degree. Charisma doesn't just involve kiping cheap pops from an audience and using catch-phrases to get over. He was so over going into Wrestlemania 20 that it was beyond apparent the fans worshipped him, seeing as he helped carry the best match of that entire card (a 40 minute clinic, no less). He's never needed the gimmickry as he's been more over than most of main-eventers in any company since 1997. Hey, if the WWE's current strategy of promos over wrestling is so ingenious, why have the ratings taken a nosedive in the last few years? The WWF had a great recipe that worked like a charm, as wrestling was pushed as much as the gimmickry. They disregarded that and left the most important ingredient out of the mix...and here we are. $hit wrestling and a live soap opera as the backbone of the product? No thanks.

Because no one has the Charisma and chemsity of The Rock, Steve Austin, Hardys Dudleys and Edge and Christian. Cena is lame in comparison. Think about this. The lack of Wrestling skills the rock had, he made you tune in just to hear his wise cracks. Stone cold could carried a match and the rock could sell a beating. But is was the charisma and chemistry in my opionon.
Because no one has the Charisma and chemsity of The Rock, Steve Austin, Hardys Dudleys and Edge and Christian. Cena is lame in comparison. Think about this. The lack of Wrestling skills the rock had, he made you tune in just to hear his wise cracks. Stone cold could carried a match and the rock could sell a beating. But is was the charisma and chemistry in my opionon.
The lack of wrestling skills The Rock had? Are you on prescription pharmeceuticals? For a man of his size he was quicker than greased lightning, agile as it gets, explosive, strong, greatly skilled at pacing matches, and was so graceful it was almost unnerving. His offensive moves were also crisp and timed like they were written down in a wrestling bible somewhere. He's like a genetically engineered wrestling dynamo. Rock had numerous matches with other guys that he carried. Hell, he was so good he turned an elbow drop into a finisher...and it got over. Rock's entertainment ability was just the icing on an already wonderfully decorated cake. Stone Cold never carried anything with regards to those two. They were both credible and talented performers who had amazing chemistry. Just like Bret Hart and Bulldog, or Sting and Vader. These guys were destined and almost designed to fight each other in legendary encounters.
Wasn't he like that in TNA. The Charismatic enigma is from TNA right. So I don't understand why the WWE push is soo taboo and the TNA push was okay. Help me. I am not a TNA hater, I just not a fan of WWE bashing either this is why I ask.
Some people are blind to it. I've been a Hardy detractor for a long time and was actually really pissed he got the main event at the first BFG instead of a number of other people I felt were more qualified. TNA even saw his weakness and booked it as a ladder match so he had something to jump off of. I think Hardy had potential, but he never worked it to fruition. That's why his TNA push died almost overnight in terms of crowd response and as a result they saddled him in all of the hardcore matches being cannon fodder for guys like Abyss.
The lack of wrestling skills The Rock had? Are you on prescription pharmeceuticals? For a man of his size he was quicker than greased lightning, agile as it gets, explosive, strong, greatly skilled at pacing matches, and was so graceful it was almost unnerving. His offensive moves were also crisp and timed like they were written down in a wrestling bible somewhere. He's like a genetically engineered wrestling dynamo. Rock had numerous matches with other guys that he carried. Hell, he was so good he turned an elbow drop into a finisher...and it got over. Rock's entertainment ability was just the icing on an already wonderfully decorated cake. Stone Cold never carried anything with regards to those two. They were both credible and talented performers who had amazing chemistry. Just like Bret Hart and Bulldog, or Sting and Vader. These guys were destined and almost designed to fight each other in legendary encounters.

First off man, let me tell you the same thing that I have a problem with VKM for doing. chill on the personal insults. I remember you saying that on earlier post man. Just because my opinion differs from yours does not mean that on medication. It just my opinion. I do not think the Rock had great wrestling skills, and even the rock said so. He had great energy, true, but not great wrestling skill. That just my opinion. Second of all to put Bret and Bulldog, in the same category in a insult to me. Hart is the best and next to HBK in my opinion and they were greatness. The Rock and Stone cold was basiclly attiude in my opinion rather than skills. Just my opinion though.
The rock did his moves better than most wrestlers did those moves. That's wrestling "skill" "MAN".
First off man, let me tell you the same thing that I have a problem with VKM for doing. chill on the personal insults. I remember you saying that on earlier post man. Just because my opinion differs from yours does not mean that on medication. It just my opinion. I do not think the Rock had great wrestling skills, and even the rock said so. He had great energy, true, but not great wrestling skill. That just my opinion. Second of all to put Bret and Bulldog, in the same category in a insult to me. Hart is the best and next to HBK in my opinion and they were greatness. The Rock and Stone cold was basiclly attiude in my opinion rather than skills. Just my opinion though.
I see where you're coming from I suppose. If you're talking strictly in terms of Michael's high-flying, frenetic style and Hart's catch-as-catch-can smashmouth style, than The Rock is definitely not tops in those categories. However, for a fairly big heavyweight he was amazing. He wasn't technical in many instances, but he could tell a story in the ring like it was nobody's business. I guess it's all in what you like, I suppose.
I know me and Kasey hardly agree on anything but I have to back him up this time The Rock has put on some of the most entertaining matches ever in the WWE, now don't get me wrong he wasn't as skilled as Hart or Michaels but he could get it done in the ring better than most, as far as Austin people don't remember that Austin is incredible in the ring I would go as far as to say he was as skilled as Bret,Shawn,or any other wrestler you can think of, the problem is the WWE played down his techinical talents and got him over as a brawler but he still managed to have great matches, now back to Jeff Haredy for a second I still don't think he's as bad as everybodys been saying but I will say that I think Matt is the more talented Hardy and deserves a title regin I never could understand why Matt always played second fiddle to Jeff he's better in the ring and more talented on the mic, one last thing about the Hardys you got to admitt Jeff has been loooking alot better in the ring lately,and one last thing to Kasey you never did comment on my qustion to you about mic skills we didn't get a chance to finish our debate on that if you go back to page 44 and read my post you will see what I mean.
I know me and Kasey hardly agree on anything but I have to back him up this time The Rock has put on some of the most entertaining matches ever in the WWE, now don't get me wrong he wasn't as skilled as Hart or Michaels but he could get it done in the ring better than most, as far as Austin people don't remember that Austin is incredible in the ring I would go as far as to say he was as skilled as Bret,Shawn,or any other wrestler you can think of, the problem is the WWE played down his techinical talents and got him over as a brawler but he still managed to have great matches, now back to Jeff Haredy for a second I still don't think he's as bad as everybodys been saying but I will say that I think Matt is the more talented Hardy and deserves a title regin I never could understand why Matt always played second fiddle to Jeff he's better in the ring and more talented on the mic, one last thing about the Hardys you got to admitt Jeff has been loooking alot better in the ring lately,and one last thing to Kasey you never did comment on my qustion to you about mic skills we didn't get a chance to finish our debate on that if you go back to page 44 and read my post you will see what I mean.

Stone cold is. I remember vack when he was the ringmaster he was just as technically sound. And I'll give Kasey credit, that he rock could tell a great story in the ring. But I just think he got more over on likabilty than on actual in ring skill. People like the rock so it was easy to cheer and scream louder with the three snap punches and spit to the hand and therefore, but of the rock.

I think Matt is better than Jeff, but I think Jeff has a better look. I think Jeff look is more contemporary than Matts with crazy dues and the crazy stunts. I think a hardcore championship would be better for Jeff than the I-C. but since there is not one, I gues the IC fine. I think that whole Edge Lita, thing also hurt him alot.
Stone cold is. I remember vack when he was the ringmaster he was just as technically sound. And I'll give Kasey credit, that he rock could tell a great story in the ring. But I just think he got more over on likabilty than on actual in ring skill. People like the rock so it was easy to cheer and scream louder with the three snap punches and spit to the hand and therefore, but of the rock.

I think Matt is better than Jeff, but I think Jeff has a better look. I think Jeff look is more contemporary than Matts with crazy dues and the crazy stunts. I think a hardcore championship would be better for Jeff than the I-C. but since there is not one, I gues the IC fine. I think that whole Edge Lita, thing also hurt him alot.

I'd have to agree with you there the Edge Lita thing did hurt him a bit but when you watched a Smackdown! with Matt Hardy on it he was one of the guys that is very over with the fans but for some reason Vince doesn't see him as a star, I also liked him much better as his V1 heel character he was very entertaining at that time, I'd have to agree with you again The Rock got over with his smooth interview and mic skills he wasn't the most talented guy on the roster wrestling skill wise but he was the most entertaining, I know people aren't going to like me saying this but The Rock and Cena are simmler in character and wrestling skill level, don't get me wrong The Rock put on better matches but Cena is still young in his career, what I mean is Cena is incredible on the mic and just good in the ring and some of the time just good isn't enough for us fans although I happen to like Cena.
showtyme27 said:
so your telling me that all the great mic work by HHH, Chris Jericho, Christain, The Rock, Stone Cold, Mick Foley, and many more are fed lines? don't get me wrong the writers may come up with the base subject but the wrestlers personality and skill on the mic puts the promo over which means they know what they basicly have to say but they improvise, don't you thing if they could stick a ear piece on Batista and get him over on the mic like The Rock they would I mean lets get real being great on the mic is a skill otherwise every wrestler would be great on the mic you either got or you don't that's just the way it is,
Sorry I didn't reply to your stuff earlier. I skimmed by it on accident. While I do concede that some guys definitely have more in the charisma department and natural talent, the amount of scripting and pre-formulated mic work these days is apparent. Watching the old promos from 1997 and back is a solid example of how much pre-fed structure the wrestlers are given in present times. This is because there were times when wrestlers couldn't get over with their own mic work, but instead needed everything to be ultra-rehearsed. Gangrel being the biggest example as his mic work was the most under-confident, hackneyed garbage that WWF programming had ever seen. His entire push was squashed like a bug because of this and Edge/Christian were removed from his stable. Also, note the amount of cliches that were typically used by wrestlers in the old days that are almost non-existent in current mic work because the writers structure everything. The biggest one was when wrestlers would utter the phrase "sick and tired." They'd use it constantly and would never have the serious or logical stylings that mic work has these days because it was never as refined a process as it is today. You can see the difference in the mic work preparation between TNA and WWE very easily. TNA allows the wrestlers to be in control of most everything that they say, which usually gives for less creative promos that are just not up to the spit-shined WWE quality. Even though I don't usually like the WWE promos, they are better in that respect to me. I'll say that there is natural talent in line delivery, and I won't argue that, but the amount of pre-prepared lines is astronomically larger today than it was in years past.
I've often stated that I feel like the production quality of TNA is holding TNA back, and last night while watching the re-broadcast of iMPACT! i discovered another one of the quality issues with TNA programming. I was watching the segment where Kurt and Joe talked about there history and match and stuff, and the camera could not sit still. It was like some guy with ADD had either been the one recording it or editing it. The camera constantly swung back and forth, zoomed in and zoomed out, it was rather annoying. Does anyone feel like this adds to the product, or cheapens it? I feel like it cheapens it because a high schooler could do that. I am in high school and that is what our media program looks like. They can't come up with something really cool so they constantly move the camera one way or another, resulting in a feeling of sickness. It most reminded me of an episode of Home Improvement (if anyone watches that) where the dad lets his high school son edit a video for his tv show, and it comes back looking much like the Angle/Joe segment did.

I know the sheer majority of my posts (not that anyone keeps up with them) are negative about TNA, but I feel the need to say that I do enjoy watching TNA i just critique them very hard because I want to see them succeed but I see a lot of problems with what they are doing that probably need to be fixed if they hope to catch WWE, cause the product theyre selling right now will not catch up, it needs some treaking, and one of them is the production quality I mentioned just before.
To Kasey: I think your giving the WWE creative team way too much credit, while I also believe that some (not all) of the WWE promo's are pre-written and practiced but that's not a bad thing, look at the result of most of their promo's they're very entertaining and good compaired to TNA's sloppy and sad promo's I think their is only five men in that company that can give a proper promo Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jerrett, Christopher Daniels, and Christain Cage, and three of them were in the WWE first, I truly think that the superstar makes the promo otherwise being good on the mic wouldn't be a speical skill every superstar would be incredible on the mic, now while I may admit the basic consept is given to the wrestler I truly believe they come up with the way it is worded and the style, Chris Jericho in WCW was incredible on the mic and he carried that style to WWE and steped it up, if it was all writtwen for them then wrestlers wouldn't be able to take their famous catchphases and style to a different company look at Christain he's basicly playing the same character in TNA as when he was in WWE do you truly think if the WWE writers wrote all his promo's he would still be able to use them in TNA? I mean come on even you have to admit the wrestlers have more to do with the promo's they deliver than the writers.
To Jefferson411: I totally agree with you I think I said this in one of my earlier post the production has a lot to do with TNA getting better, the production and qulitiy of their show is really bad, TNA is making the same mistakes as the WWE and new ones silly storylines, bad booking, sad production, too many title changes, not enough TV time for the X division, and so much more TNA just needs to get better because at this point i'd have to say that ECW is a better show than TNA Impact, again I love wrestling and love all the wrestling I can see on TV but I just got to tell it like I see it.
To Kasey: I think your giving the WWE creative team way too much credit, while I also believe that some (not all) of the WWE promo's are pre-written and practiced but that's not a bad thing, look at the result of most of their promo's they're very entertaining and good compaired to TNA's sloppy and sad promo's I think their is only five men in that company that can give a proper promo Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jerrett, Christopher Daniels, and Christain Cage, and three of them were in the WWE first, I truly think that the superstar makes the promo otherwise being good on the mic wouldn't be a speical skill every superstar would be incredible on the mic, now while I may admit the basic consept is given to the wrestler I truly believe they come up with the way it is worded and the style, Chris Jericho in WCW was incredible on the mic and he carried that style to WWE and steped it up, if it was all writtwen for them then wrestlers wouldn't be able to take their famous catchphases and style to a different company look at Christain he's basicly playing the same character in TNA as when he was in WWE do you truly think if the WWE writers wrote all his promo's he would still be able to use them in TNA? I mean come on even you have to admit the wrestlers have more to do with the promo's they deliver than the writers.
You're right in that some are better than others, but all I've been trying to communicate is the amount of scripting that WWE writers have fed to their talent in recent years. It used to be that the wrestlers would determine the vast majority of what was said beforehand. Most of what is determined these days isn't by the wrestlers. You pointed out one good example in Jericho. His WCW mic work was funny because he took major ribs at Bill Goldberg by referring to his "green" nature in the ring by referring to him as Greenberg. Even though he was a midcard guy at that point, he wasn't even booked into a serious program with Goldberg and referring to someone as "green" is very much a smark term. That wouldn't be the case with the current creative regime in place in WWE. This is not me taking anything away from Mr. Irvine as his Jericho persona is one of the funniest and most creative of the last twenty years, in my opinion. They'd have a hundred different things for Jericho to say that wouldn't touch anywhere near that kind of hidden smartass humor if he was written these days. This is how the creative team wrote his mic work so that he'd never get the best of Cena...which wouldn't be hard for a guy like Jericho to do, as he can fly on the mic. Christian's character in WWE only reached the level of confidence and non-chicanery that he has right now toward the end of his WWE tenure when his own "impromptu" mic work got him booted from Raw over to Smackdown because the audience was turning on Cena. Especially with the "Marky Mark" comments he'd make really lit up the audience. It was a fine example of someone going against the grain and establishing their own character and getting over all the while ignoring what the writing team is trying to do with another less qualified individual. Remember, these days T-shirt sales are very important, and they weren't banking on Christian, but instead on "The Marine" himself.
lol haha this crap is funny pple are going at it on here back and forth u guys take it to heart huh??? if u pple were TRUE WRESTLING FANS u would like both companys like i do i watch WWE n TNA every monday , tuesday , thrusday n friday nights no matter who has better ratings whos show was better or who talked about who or w/e the case is! cause 1 day im sure ur going to see lots of guys go from TNA to WWE n WWE to TNA over the years to come so lets say JOE goes to WWE and UNDERTAKER goes to TNA are u going to stop watching that company just because he went to another company? so why not just watch and like both shows? =)
What will happen to their X division and their stars. I mean most of the WWE stars are Heavyweight and if they are signing RVD, Hulk Hogan, Chris Beniot, Kurt Angle, Sandman, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, and so forth, what is that gonna do to their other talents. Do you think TNA would become a rerun of 1990's Raw like WCW nitro became a rerun of the 1980's and early 90's WWE. Just some thoughts to discuss.
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