[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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i am totally behind tna after that shitty ass raw this past monday night. aj styles samoa joe kurt angle christopher daniels are way more entertaining than any 4 wrestlers wwe can put out there. i dont know who is counting the days quicker til rvds contract is up, me or him? what a finish to his title match last night! what a joke! mcmahon needs to get his head out of his own ass and start giving pushes to guys who deserve them! tna 4 life!
Aj styles Samoa Joe Kurt angle Christopher Daniels, sting, abyss

all of those are great


Triple H, Shawn Michaels The undertaker, Chris benoit, randy Orton, Edge, CM punk, carlito, Kennedy, Jeff, nitro, even Batista, Shelton, Rvd , sabu,

The list goes ON and ON

Something WWE know more than TNA is balance, both New and old wrestlers.

Possibilities are endless

Shawn Michaels vs. nitro
The undertaker vs. CM punk
Benoit vs. Kennedy
RVD vs. Sabu
Triple H vs. carlito


However someone will argue but WWE is still boring and shit, and i agree, its crap. HOWEVER WWE at its best is the best.
Shawn Michaels vs. nitro
The undertaker vs. CM punk
Benoit vs. Kennedy
RVD vs. Sabu
Triple H vs. carlito
I imagine the possibillities as much as you do...it's the reality that we get, though. And the reality sucks. Even Benoit vs. Kennedy was a yawner, and this is coming from a guy who is a major proponent for each wrestler.
Yea this is all good, but for quick boost, people like The undertaker would bring MILLIONS of fans to TNA (including me), and I think that is the reason they want Hulk Hogan. Balance is the most important thing, personally I would rather have

CM punk and The undertaker than

CM punk and Kennedy

The reason is, very simple I don't believe any wrestler need’s much talent to be one of the best (HOGAN); people can be shaped into anyone they want to be, through experience, etc, right story lines, gimmicks, connection with the fans.

Building a future and keeping the present alive is one and the same thing.
Not necessarily. WCW used the mentality of keeping the present alive (Hogan) whilst simultaneously building toward the future and WWF took advantage of it to stomp them into the floor. Youth is where it's at for longevity and creating a lasting movement. The Undertaker's best performances are well behind him and his gimmick belongs back in 1995, where stuff like that was still viable. I hope that TNA understands that a big name is sometimes that...just a name. I do agree with the last portion of your post regarding natural talent, to a degree. Some performers can benefit from this and get leagues better than they started out as (Warrior...which isn't saying much in the average wrestler's case) or you can see the same $hit from someone five years down the road even after they've been the top dog (Batista/Cena) and have been allowed to run with the ball.
Yea okay you win, but its fact that if The undertaker went to TNA i would watch TNA, and so would many other people. (oh and btw you should really try to get some kinda job with a wrestling promotion, you have everything what it takes :) )
Thanks, man. I'm just a big nerd who happens to remember useless facts about wrestling and other useless pop-culture stuff (comics, movies, music, etc) that nobody usually cares to discuss with me unless I'm on the internet. My wife thinks I'm nuts. As for your point about U.T., I think there would be a shift in popularity in a small fashion, but the big issue is that he's been called the Undertaker for 16 years and I'd bet my life savings that Mark doesn't own the trademark, but rather Uncle Vince does. It'd kind of take the sting out of him leaving. I just hope that they give the Undertaker some worthy opponents in the time he has left.
Tell me, is there any TNA wrestlers who want to come over to the WWE? There is a lot coming over to TNA from the WWE and I was wanting to know if we would see an AJ Styles or Chris Sabin or someone come to Raw or SmackDown anytime soon. Let's see how deep their talent is if they lose some of their big name stars like the WWE has. It would be great to get awesome young talents like CM Punk in the WWE.
There are numerous wrestlers who could probably make it in WWE, but there are also a lot of them that would be underutilized or just plain buried because they don't fit the typical WWE-mold (6' and up, 250 lbs and muscular). TNA's talent roster is typically very loyal and if they did happen to lose some guys, TNA scours the indies to find a large number of their talents, rather than WWE which uses DSW and OVW as a farm system, so it wouldn't really damage TNA like some think.
Rated R your a loser serously man TNA is up and coming big time and if im correct i dont think ECW is going to be staying around very long because its shit WWE dosent have what it takes to take on TNA so fuck off.
Even Ecw is better than Tna yes it is! Ecw has better ratings than 'Tna.
Smackdown is better than TNA and RAW is better as well.
Now will someone tell me that how can TNA compete with WWE when it is not even close to the Ratings that WWE gets?
WWE has a Strong Fan Base and so is WWE a older Company.
It Comes from back in 1953 or something and compare that to the new TNA.
TNA was made in 2002 or something!
WCW did the mistakes as they declared War on WWE very early and now infront of your eyes you can see WCW!
Tna should wait atleast 20 years before they take a big step maybe in 2018 or Something TNA will have a Strong Fan-Base and they will be more cool!
Longevity does not mean anything. WWE has been around since...I think early 60's? Maybe late 50's? I don't remember. TNA, in it's purest form, has been around since...oh...the 30's? Ok, not entirely true, but they were a part of the NWA then branched out. But still. You can't say that a company is better because they have been around longer. Some companies lose their step, and their fan base is dwindling. Don't believe me? Look at their ratings from 3 yeas ago, 4 years, 5 years...9 years. Then look at their ratings now. For a show that used to bring in ratings in the 8's and 9's...its doing pretty poorly.

Of course, you may think its better, but that is all subjective. Its two different programs (though, yes, they are getting closer in retrospect.) WWE is not about wrestling. It's about the entertainment. THey focus on it. They also focus on wrestlers that have no ability. John Cena, Batista, Lashley (who has the talent, but they won't let him use it), Masters, Orton (over rated). Any match in WWE follows a specific formula, and has just gotton boring to watch. Even the PPV's are bad. Everyone just does some punches, throws their opponent into the ropes, lands one move. Goes back to punching. Punching back and forth for a few minutes. One more actual wrestling move (depending on the wrestler).....more punching. One guy starts gaining momentum with his punching. More punching. Guy loses momentum and in one fell swoop falls victim to the other guys finisher, other guy wins.

BAM! WWE match right there. But, again, if you like it, props to you. A lot of people haven't stopped watching WWE yet because they don't know there is another company. If it weren't for the internet, I would never have known about TNA. Think I watch Spike TV? No...I don't even watch much tv at all. Adult Swim....thats about it. If TNA had the ability to advertise more, they would have higher ratings.

Simple as that. WCW decalred war on WWE, and they were winning. They didn't lose because they declared war. They were winning the majority of the time they were on air. McMahon didn't jsut buy them out because they are the bigger company. Ted Turner was trying to get out of the wrestling business for personal reasons (his divorce) and was trying to sell the company to Eric Bischoff. Eric couldn't come up with all of the funds in time. So, McMahon bought it. Don't act like it was because of on product being vastly superior (though, at the time WWF WAS better than WCW.) McMahon just happened to be at the right place at the right time. Had ole Ted not minded to have to give half ownership to hsi wife in the divorce (the reason he sold) he would have kept the company and it would still be running today.
TNA has a very long way to go, Sting sucks in the ring (anyone who has seen him wrestle in the last 3 ppv's can attest to that)their biggest assets atm are Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and Christian Cage later being the best they got, their storylines aren't consistent at one moment you got 4 tag teams saying their the number 1 contender, fighting matches claiming the winner will fight for the titles and then nothing, no one fights for the title but the same 2 teams that fight over it for 2 months; Raven is a blimp now so he can't do anything, Rhino jobs to everyone but rhoode, so his only asset to the company is taking a beating, they are trying to start a war with WWE which is like a gnat buzzing around a horse, annoying but not a threat; Angle could of started his tenure with TNA with no comments from WWE had he kept his mouth shut and not knock on them but he blew that, if RVD, Sabu, and Mysterio come their what are they gonna do wit em, Sabu was a jobber when he was with them before hand; RVD will help lots but he's no Hogan(RVD can actually wrestle); the X division isn't that innovated enough to compare to the days of Guerrero, Malenko, Mysterio, Ultimo Dragon days of WCW and honestly if they did even make a step towards bein in the same league as WWE it would suck it would be the same skits just different wrestlers, the reason TNA gets chanted is because it isn't the mainstream wrestling program the more they try to be the more it will suck
Rhino is at the stage in his career where he has done what he wants to do. He is just there now to help get people over. Thats the reason why they are putting AJ over him, to get AJ over with people new to the program.

And as far as their biggest assets being Kurt, Joe, and Cage...what abuot Daniels? Styles? Sabin? Shelley? These guys are over with the crowd, and over with the current fans of TNA. Why would it seemingly take a long time for them to be over with new fans?
Even Ecw is better than Tna yes it is! Ecw has better ratings than 'Tna.
Smackdown is better than TNA and RAW is better as well.
Now will someone tell me that how can TNA compete with WWE when it is not even close to the Ratings that WWE gets?
WWE has a Strong Fan Base and so is WWE a older Company.
It Comes from back in 1953 or something and compare that to the new TNA.
TNA was made in 2002 or something!
WCW did the mistakes as they declared War on WWE very early and now infront of your eyes you can see WCW!
Tna should wait atleast 20 years before they take a big step maybe in 2018 or Something TNA will have a Strong Fan-Base and they will be more cool!

Lets get the story of the whole tenure of these branches with actual facts

WWE formerly WWF formerly a branch of the NWA
WCW formerly a branch of the NWA
TNA currently a branch of the NWA

WWE and WCW were branches of the NWA until they got enough popularity and then they split which is what TNA will do once they get enough popularity

And as far as WCW attackin WWE too early they did not do that they hit them at the best moment the problem was bad story telling ended them while WWE had great skits with great actors when WCW was doing the same thing you saw last month done 10 times over or just somethin lame done with lousy wrestlers, When Benoit, Malenko, and Geurerro went to WWE, WCW was over
Rhino is at the stage in his career where he has done what he wants to do. He is just there now to help get people over. Thats the reason why they are putting AJ over him, to get AJ over with people new to the program.

And as far as their biggest assets being Kurt, Joe, and Cage...what abuot Daniels? Styles? Sabin? Shelley? These guys are over with the crowd, and over with the current fans of TNA. Why would it seemingly take a long time for them to be over with new fans?

A.J. Styles i see as a great performer and great mic skills but one i see better that they need to push to the top is Petey Williams, although Chris Sabin looks like someones Dad tryin to be a wrestler just doesn't impress me, Alex Shelley is a good heel, and christopher Daniels just bores me to watch
Petey is a great in ring performer. Sabin and Daniels have more skills than just about anyone in the WWE. Not to mention they also have Homicide, Hernandez, Abyss (best big guy in the business), Senshi, Ron Killings, and (even though he is never used, much to my dismay) "Primetime" Elix Skipper. Thats a hell of a lot more entertaining than the roster from the WWE.

The thing that gets me is people who constantly say stuff like "Full of WWE rejects. THey have stupid gimicks like shark boy. Their storylines are stupid." Shit like that. You know what? WWE is full of WCW rejects. WWE is FULL of stupid gimmicks (Eugene, MVP, King Booker, Umaga, Kevin Thorne, Highlanders, Viscera, Cade & Murdoc, Boogeyman, Jimmy Wang Yang, Vito, Miz) That's only a small portion of the list, and the gimmicks are ridiculous. And I'm not saying these guys suck. I can pick out at leas....three guys there that are great wrestlers that the WWE does NOT know how to market.

And as far as the stupid storylines go....Katie Vick? Chavo's whole storyline? Boogeyman...again! MVP's terrible makeup job on his burns? In fact, the whole story with Kane and MVP?

Or how about just the fact that they have Batista, Cena, and Lashley as their champions? That right there speaks LOADS about how far the WWE has fallen...
Alright. Lets be an arrogant jackass and completely not read what I just wrote. Douchebag...
Senshi has no personality at all he tries to be this badass but he just isn't putting it over well, Abyss(Big Boss Man/Mankind Ripoff) isn't the best big guy in the biz Ron Killings is nothing more than another John Cena who by the way wants out of his TNA contract to go to WWE, as far as bad gimmicks TNA was using the USA vs Canada thing that died out in the early to mid 90's in the WWE, thank god they finally killed it, not to mention VKM, (how petty can you be) Daniels and Sabin have nothing in skills compared to the Greatest Ric Flair, RVD, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mestrio Jr., Chris Benoit, C.M. Punk, and as far as big men no one is better then Taker, Kane, and the Big Show and lets not forget that if it wasn't for the WWE rejects that now work their TNA wouldn't even exist, i.e. Jeff Jarret, Christian Cage, Rhino, Raven, Kurt Angle, VKM, Dudleys, jeff hardy who is now back with WWE, and a much better performer then Sabin and Daniels, not to mention most skits done in TNA were done by WWE 10 years ago, in every aspect WWE is better than TNA, i not knockin TNA it's still a decent program but it's no where in comparrsion to the WWE product or the quality of wrestlers
Quality of wrestlers? Taker and kane are ok big guys...Taker can wrestle when he needs to, Kane is generic in his moveset but can carry a match. Abyss can actually wrestle. Killings is nothing more than John Cena...EXCEPT HE CAN WRESTLE!!! Daniels and Sabin have nothing in skills compared to those guys? While, yes, those guys are great, I would put both Daniels and Sabin right up there with them. And Hardy being better? Please! Hardy is nothing more than a spot fest. He has zero wrestling ability. Saying he is a btter performer than Sabin and Daniels is like saying Wal-Mart is on par with Tiffany's and Macy's.
Senshi has no personality at all he tries to be this badass but he just isn't putting it over well, Abyss(Big Boss Man/Mankind Ripoff) isn't the best big guy in the biz Ron Killings is nothing more than another John Cena who by the way wants out of his TNA contract to go to WWE, as far as bad gimmicks TNA was using the USA vs Canada thing that died out in the early to mid 90's in the WWE, thank god they finally killed it, not to mention VKM, (how petty can you be) Daniels and Sabin have nothing in skills compared to the Greatest Ric Flair, RVD, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mestrio Jr., Chris Benoit, C.M. Punk, and as far as big men no one is better then Taker, Kane, and the Big Show and lets not forget that if it wasn't for the WWE rejects that now work their TNA wouldn't even exist, i.e. Jeff Jarret, Christian Cage, Rhino, Raven, Kurt Angle, VKM, Dudleys, jeff hardy who is now back with WWE, and a much better performer then Sabin and Daniels, not to mention most skits done in TNA were done by WWE 10 years ago, in every aspect WWE is better than TNA, i not knockin TNA it's still a decent program but it's no where in comparrsion to the WWE product or the quality of wrestlers
Senshi is not about personality. You've missed the point of his entire game by a long shot because it flew WAY over your head. He's about workrate and being a shooter's shooter. He's not about "WWE-style" bull$hit gimmickry and phony storyline work. He's about wrestling. Period.

Abyss, many would say, IS the best big man in the business. He can sell, move with a purpose (unlike Kane and Undertaker's slow asses), and can work with nearly anyone and make it look good. The next time Kane is able to do that, I'll be able to look out my living room window and watch a pig shoot through the sky.

Killings is a Cena ripoff? Where the hell have you been? He was doing the hip-hop schtick when John Cena was languishing in UPW as the f**king "Prototype." Difference between the two, aside from skin color, is that Cena can't work his way out of a wet grocery bag, and Killings spanks his ass in the in-ring department...hands down.

The USA/Canada angle was used in the late 90's, slick. Try 1997 to be exact, and from where it stands the racial angles in TNA have been pulling in a hell of a lot more genuine heat than any of the garbage on Monday, Tuesday, or Friday nights that WWE $hits out. VKM is funny because it makes fun of the horse$hit that WWE has stooped to. HHH was awesome this last year when he flushed a half decade worth of character development down the $hitter by reviving a dead gimmick that should've stayed dead.

Not to rain on your "kiss all WWE talent's ass" parade, but Flair hasn't been remotely worth his money since 1990 and you can take that to the bank. He should've stayed retired long before the turn of the millenium and he keeps dragging his legend through the mud each week. RVD is a shell of his former self and couldn't recapture his legit ECW glory if his life depended on it. HBK works at half speed and has an eighth of the creativity and skill he used to display. HHH is a solid performer, but he's definitely spent too much time juicing and hitting the gym to understand that he's going to be crippled if he keeps dicking around. Misterio Jr. is another watered-down product of WWE creative that is a worse shell of his former self than RVD and HBK combined. He used to break barriers in terms of wrestling creativity and I loved it at ONS when the fans gave him a shellacking for doing his predictable WWE bull$hit instead of earning his money like he used to. Benoit and Punk are great, but are being wasted and are also be used only to a small fraction of their abilities. Ranting and raving about how great they are isn't really going to change the fact that they'll both probably just be wasted like RVD until their talent deteriorates until they're basically done. Taker and Kane should've retired five years ago (and I'm being very nice). Kane moves about as fast as Mae West and Undertaker's gimmick only strikes a chord with those people who have I.Q.'s that are equivalent to their shoe size. Big Show needs to stick to things he's best (wrestling definitely not being one of them) like buffets and pie-eating contests as he's also a boring, immobile waste of airtime. I bet you're going to tell me that Khali is the future of wrestling, right?

Only about half of the guys you mentioned in your TNA run-off were even developed by the WWF/E. The rest were made famous elsewhere (ECW or WCW to be exact). Jeff Hardy better than Sabin and Daniels? What are you smoking and why aren't you sharing with the rest of us? I'd honestly like to know what would make anyone think Hardy is more than a burnt-out spot monkey who can't pace a match, botches moves, gets stuck frequently, and has the ring psychology of a primate, because it must be some strong stuff. Hardy is like a white New Jack, but without the kickass rap song playing in the background during the matches. He's famous for falling of of stuff. Wow. There is a reason TNA didn't give Hardy the strap or even a decent push. He ain't worth it. He and his brother had all the phsyical tools, but never learned how to procure them. That's why they function best as a tag team and always will.

Your state of denial is amazing. TNA is far from perfect...but it's damn sure leagues ahead of WWE in the workrate and entertainment aspects because it doesn't treat the fans like ******s and it lets wrestler's wrestle...not their goddamn gimmicks.
I only started watching TNA about 6 months ago and what a breath of fresh is it! Don't get me wrong, i still tune into RAW every Monday night, but if I had to pick I would definately pick TNA. When it comes to wrestling I live for ECW and I think TNA today is very similar to what ECW was in the 90's. TNA is taking guys that Vince either didn't want or didn't know how to use and making them into stars. I am not sure where some of you guys are getting this "WWE reject" bullshit from. Christian, Rhino, Angle (and I hate him), etc. are finally get a chance to shine. Remember that in the 90's Shane Douglas and Raven were "WWE rejects" and ECW made them 2 of the biggest names in wrestling.
Is it me or is this it for tna? not paying for konnans surgery? hotel rooms not being paid for? this doesent look good i know im about to be bashed but bg james threatened to quit already and other superstars are hatin and becoming jelous of WWE superstars in my view things do not look good, your thoughts?
getting a chance to shine Angle has won the heavyweight gold how many times in WWE, as for TNA being gimmick free please wth you think LAX is a gimmick, Abyss gimmick, Sting gimmick, Jarret Gimmick, Serotonin Gimmick, Austin Star Gimmick, Senshi gimmick, Samoa Joe Gimmick, they are all doin gimmicks, VKM gimmick, the list goes on and on as for flair not bein able to still produce you obviosly haven't been watchin any of his matches, C.M. Punk not being pushed properly the bloody guy hasn't lost a match and is their star blossomin in ECW just because their not gonna be ******ed and give him a title after 1 month unlike TNA doesn't mean he's not being pushed, a dead gimmick well for a dead gimmick it sure as hell selling a lot of merch and fans love it, as for him throwin years of character development down the drain the guy has never been a complete heel he has always gone back and forth, and TNA was gonna make Jeff Hardy champion the only reason they didn't was cus he was strung out on drugs all the time, and showing up late to tapings, bitch bitch bitch all ya can do about WWE thinking TNA is the holy land when all its is WWE and if it does start to get popular you will all hate it cus they will do the same shit WWE and pretty much already have been doin, look at the dumb jackass shit they were doin, Eric Young in a bikini Contest, (holy shit another gimmick) so bitch as you must about WWE and worship your watered down brandy but one day your gonna wake up and relalize its the same shit different actors, as for me i am gonna enjoy all the brands and my sifter of V.S.O.P.
I never said they didn't have gimmicks. I said their gimmicks weren't as bad. I also said that everyone says TNA is full of bad gimmicks, but no one says anything bad about WWE's gimmicks. Yes, they are gimmicks, and TNA has done some stuff that hasn't been good. The jackass stuff was stupid. The bikini contest was stupid (but better than anything the WWE has done in the same caliber). I haven't liked everything they have done...but it is still the better product IN MY EYES! Again, this is all subjective...
WWE is getting predictble. You can tell whats going to happen before it does. I,m a WWE fanbut I am tired o the same old stories. The WWE is turning me into a TNA Fan, because the TNA have better wrestling matches. I think Tna will compete wth the WWE sooner than ya,ll think!
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